Comments posted by Karure


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+1 1. Karure commented 12 years ago on video no animal was hurt during this video :D

#11. yes, I agree that Woody Allen is a good comedian, but it doesn't make this kind of hehaviour right. I don't think it's correct to force an animal to fight, especially out of his normal inhabitat.
The people in Jackass are human with free will. Not like this kangaroo.
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-5 2. Karure commented 14 years ago on video SeaPort "lanslide"

why is it called a "lanslide" when it is clearly a lanslide?
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-1 3. Karure commented 14 years ago on video Lucky Guy

His suicide mission failed
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+4 4. Karure commented 14 years ago on video Hong Kong Architect

#(removed comment), in England a bathroom is where you have a bath and a toilet is where you pee
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+6 5. Karure commented 14 years ago on video Dogs vs police car

I wonder if they drove over the dogs after the clip ended :'(
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+1 6. Karure commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

#1 I lolled when he sayd it wouldn't make a difference