Comments posted by Krilon


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+8 1. Krilon commented 16 years ago on video Real-life Spiderman?

Lol at #(removed comment), Wtf kind of Comment is that? You sad or something? ;p
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0 2. Krilon commented 16 years ago on video VW Golf GTI: Dream

Makes me want to go get one as well, and there are very few adverts that has made we want their product. Good Job
Picture of Krilon3 achievements

+1 3. Krilon commented 16 years ago on video Shipwrecked

Haha brilliant!
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+7 4. Krilon commented 16 years ago on video World of World of Warcraft

Haha! So stupid it's almost funny 8-)
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+5 5. Krilon commented 17 years ago on video Japanese toilet training

Jesus fucking christ this is messed up!
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0 6. Krilon commented 17 years ago on video How to survive a zombie attack

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+6 7. Krilon commented 17 years ago on video Cut throat make-up - Video

That's just awesome.. :D
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0 8. Krilon commented 17 years ago on video The lobby scene - Bollywood style

Fucking Pathetic :P
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+2 9. Krilon commented 17 years ago on video Iraqi wedding: fire a mortar

Got Milk?
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+7 10. Krilon commented 17 years ago on video Optical illusion: dragon

It's quite easy to break the Illusion, Just Focus on the Right ear.

But, Impressive indeed :)