Comments posted by Kulgash


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0 1. Kulgash commented 8 years ago on video China's 1st security & service robot

-They're just robots Morty, it's ok to shoot them, they're robots!

-They're not robots Rick!

-It's a figure of speech Morty, they're bureaucrats, I don't respect them! Just keep shooting Morty, you've no idea what prison is like here!
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+5 2. Kulgash commented 9 years ago on video Goats in a tree

Wrong description, this is actually a Goattree, where the goats are being grown like oranges. >:)
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+9 3. Kulgash commented 9 years ago on video Food Additives Explained

#1 It's an extract from "Bang Goes the Theory", Season 7 episode 5
With little to no trouble I found the whole episode on a stream site nearby ;) check out videobull(dot)to
You're welcome! :D

On the video itself, those were not the worst additives put in processed food, remember that some country have far lower health and safety rules regarding the food industrie... :S
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+5 4. Kulgash commented 9 years ago on video SABRE Engine

Wiki mention : "As of July 2013, the United Kingdom has earmarked £60 million for the development of a full-scale prototype of the SABRE engine, citing the viability of its core technologies based on testing performed by the ESA."

#4 If that's a hoax it's a pricey one :x
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+9 5. Kulgash commented 9 years ago on video Guys Stop Douchebags From Driving on The Sidewalk

#7 look at 1:17 sticker says: I don't care for anyone else, I drive where I please
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+20 6. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Kid tries to make sparkling wine with a carbonating machine

Nice work kid, your mama will be so proud :x
Kid: But mom, I got a lot of viewers on Youtube with this!
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+10 7. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Train hits an 18-wheeler

Mer Rouge Police Chief Mitch Stephens said about 50 houses were evacuated for about two hours due to concerns that a tank car of pressurized argon gas might explode. Another tank of argon, an inert gas used to fill light bulbs and in arc welding, leaked until it was empty, he said.

Stephens said the trailer got stuck on the tracks crossing Highway 165, but trucker Daniel Shackleford, of Freedom, Missouri, was unhurt.
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+7 8. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Why Britain uses separate hot and cold taps

Meanwhile, 780 million people on earth don't even have access to clean water supply at all. :'(
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+1 9. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video NASA | The Difference Between CMEs and Solar Flares

Love the Sun's videos NASA has been putting online these past years... So beautiful and powerful!
#2 You're welcome! ;)
#4 Northern and Southern Lights are caused by the charged particles ejected from the Sun hitting our magnetic field. 8-)
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+6 10. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Raw: NASA Captures Solar Flare

I think this is the original vid from NASA channel
Some solar flares travel over 900 miles/sec and release staggering amounts of plasma and radiation. The field of view seen here (00:35) is about five Earth's wide and about seven and a half Earth's tall. :O
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+15 11. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video 103mph RC Car

Speed don't kill, suddenly stopping however...
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0 12. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Japanese people love virtual singers

If you thought this was crazy, you know nothing about Japanese musical culture... Babymetal is much more... Let's say "surprising" than this ;)
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+1 13. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Narcisse Snake Dens

That's an amazing place to learn more about snakes and wildlife in general we have here in Canada, yet it's the first time I hear about it... Shame on me :'(
#5 That might be true about snakes in most part of the world, but I've never heard about that many dangerous snakes that survive canadian winters ;) Turns out there is only four: 8-)
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+6 14. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Ambulance intervention in Ljubljana, Slovenia during rush hour

I love how almost everyone just drive into ditches and try so hard to get out of the way... I'd love to drive one of those someday ;)
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+8 15. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality - CGP Grey

Even though it oversimplify the issue of Net Neutrality, I think this video will make some people want to search for more information about it.
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+26 16. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Amazing Billiard Trick Shots 2014 By Florian Kohler

Very beautiful! <3

The trickshots were nice too I guess... >:)
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+7 17. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video These Dancers With Down Syndrome Will Make You 'Happy'

I've been watching the 24hrs clip for quite a while now these last days, guess I'm Happy for now :D
<3 <3
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+48 18. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

That guy got an excellent reaction in front of the dogs, standing his ground, showing dominance yet not threatening them. Cesar would be proud.
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+10 19. Kulgash commented 10 years ago on video Shimi: Dancing speaker dock

Cute, but it doesn't sound so good :S
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+7 20. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video Sperm Whale Explodes

#(removed comment), #10 What part of 'this one died from natural causes' don't you get? Local Faroe's authorities had to dispose of the whale's body somehow after it beached itself...
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+34 21. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video Sperm Whale Explodes

I'm so glad I can't smell how awful it was through my computer >:)

Also glad it's Sperm Whale Explosion and not Whale Sperm Explosion...
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+9 22. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video "What's the Internet?" (1994)

Internet: The source (and solution) to all of your problems. Or is that beer? ;)
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+1 23. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video Some nice chemistry: Gold, Sulfur, Vanadium and Cerium

Why do chemists call Helium, Curium and Baryum the 'Medical Elements'?
Because if you can't Heali'em or Cure'em, you Bury'em! :x
Credits to Riot for this joke:
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+3 24. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video From the makers of Gymkhana

Not sure where you can buy one of those mean machines, but the website has all the specs if you want to make your own! ;)
Now, where do I get the money for this...
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+8 25. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video Acoustophoretic Waltz

Pretty cool and the music is awesome for this! <3 Chemistry in zero-G
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+1 26. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop at 130,000 fps

You're welcome Sustagen... Go check out his youtube channel for more interesting videos about all kind of stuff 8-)
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+47 27. Kulgash commented 11 years ago on video Incredible overtake at bathurst Lotus trophy

Pro-driver are so impressive! 99% of regular people would crash during that race... I know I would :x
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+2 28. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Day from a dashcam

1:55 This used to happen to me every time I washed my car... I don't wash it anymore; problem solved! >:)
Here you go kaleemyork: Flo Rida feat. Ke$ha - You Spin My Head Right Round
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+13 29. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Growth of Wal-Mart

Boring and outdated to say the least... I wonder how this got accepted...
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+6 30. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Maybe the most creative use of 3D printing you may have ever seen.

Dear Santa, will you be kind enough to get me one of those 3D printers instead of those coal lumps you usually get me? I haven't been that bad this year! >:)
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+19 31. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Amazing to see just how many great vids have been posted here in the first five years!
I've been here for over 4 years now and still come here everyday for my dose :D
Let's wish the next five years will see this community grow even bigger and better, long live SnotR! <3
PS On another note, please make sure you're not subject to epilepsy before watching this >:)
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+6 32. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Longest Alpine Coaster (Imst) - no brakes!

Now that's a fun way to get down when there's no snow! :D
#1 Same place, less fun:
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+9 33. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Shark Riders - Introducing GoPro's New Dive Housing

Err... I meant 1:48
And I agree #2... Viva SnotR-HD (maybe coming soon ?)
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+11 34. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Shark Riders - Introducing GoPro's New Dive Housing

Beautiful camera, beautiful place to dive and most of all, beautiful diver there at 3:48 :D <3
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+4 35. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video SUPER MoonWalking

Funny and fast way to go :D
Haters gonna hate >:)
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+10 36. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Fixing An Old Engine Stop Motion

This motor rebuilding could have taken less time if he didn't take pictures every step along the way, but would be less impressive. Great job :D
#2 Happened to me twice at least. >:)
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+1 37. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Heavy Metal Christmas Lights

Nice song, good timing for all the lights, but what a waste of energy putting all this up for only a few weeks.
I don't think it's the same house as the two other links up there, just saying...
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0 38. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Weird Water Experiment!

Cool, but not that amazing... Leidenfrost effect is quite simple in fact... Here's some better examples of how cool it is : 8-) <3 Mythbuster style
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+3 39. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video What Is Squashing

Funny how he squeals like a pig >:)
#16 Assisted suicide maybe? After all, he asked and paid for it... :S
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+1 40. Kulgash commented 12 years ago on video Rabbit Turtle Story

Not so amazing, get to the point already...
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+2 41. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Make Your Own Doritos

Only 42 ingredients (amongst wich Unicorn's Tears is not btw) to make Doritos? I thought it was harder to make! >:)
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+8 42. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Seagull riding in front of a race car

Introducing new HD first-person race camera : Seagull, film like a Boss! :x
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+1 43. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Trike racing

Looks like a lot of fun getting down that hill on these! :D
#3 and #5 Trolling much or just stupid? Metallic or Organometallic coumpound (like brake pads) have much lower grip on rough surface like this than rubber, thus less braking power/less control... Thicker/denser rubber under their shoes is the solution (I'm thinking about a piece of heavy truck tire >:) )
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0 44. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Internet is made of cats !

Nice vid, but the idea has already been taken in an episode of Dr Who a few years ago... Some guy was claiming to be the 'owner of the internet'. (Season 1, Episode 6: Dalek) 8-)
#16 To avoid having to answer dumbs/trolls, just put it in 'Comedy' category :x
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+2 45. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Mountain Climber

Great skills and awesome filming too ;)
#18 Most sponsors for those professionnal climbers sell climbing/trekking/camping stuff thus having their big logo all over the place makes good advertising for their brand 8-)
#24 Helmet is meant to protect you against falling rocks and stuff like that... Ofc if he fall it won't help :x
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+4 46. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Lion takes a nap

#9 is right... Shanta is a lioness according to the people working with her at Cedar Cove Park ;)
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+1 47. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Homemade pulse laser gun

Nice little laser, but I want the one from #17 linked article:
The Navy’s FEL is the most powerful beam in the world (500 kilovolts), able to cut through 20 feet of solid steel every second.

Think that’s impressive? If the Navy reaches its ultimate goal — one megawatt of laser power — the weapon will be able to burn through 2,000 feet of steel per second. :O
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+4 48. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Rear View Girls

Here you go #15 ;)
And to #11, after seeing this^ I don't think it took a month to edit! >:)
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+4 49. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Cuddling With A Cheetah

Open question: Who would you like to be if you were there?
A) The girl, for the thrill of having a playful cheetah in you arms!
B) The cheetah, to be all over that girl!
C) The guy holding the camera, assuming he's that girl boyfriend!
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0 50. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Drug Commercial

Yeah! Another great parody by Jon Lajoie (comon Sizzlik, it's written in the end ;) )
If you want to find more of his awesome vids, just go to his Youtube channel, most are there :D
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+5 51. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson: Are we alone in the universe

We're in fact more special as a specie then we would like to be... We're the only ones that can destroy so many species, then proceed to destroy ourselves... :x :S
Considering how long the Earth has been able to bear Life, compared to recorded Human history, I'm ready to bet we're not even the first 'Intelligent' lifeform on this planet... And hopefully not the last... Then again, Life is an eternal cycle and it will come back under another form somehow! ;)
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+4 52. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Blizzard Time-Lapse

#8 The original vid has been compressed some more for short-attention span people who can't even watch a 40s time-lapse :x ;)
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+3 53. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Googles Dark Side
Nice repost... Thanks though, for once it was entertaining seeing it again... ;)
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+5 54. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video A new day, a new life

#9 Right on... Though Alyson looked much hotter when she was playing Willow Rosenberg ;)
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+39 55. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Explaining Canada to Americans

I posted this vid in hope our american friends will stop thinking of us as just a bunch of lumberjackers or living in the wood in a tent. ;)
Glad to see it didn't take that long to get posted! Thanks! :D
#1 Fier d'être québécois! :P
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+8 56. Kulgash commented 13 years ago on video Get off the brakes

On sheet ice or gravel, it is possible to lock multiple wheels at once, making ABS useless, because it relies on comparing all four wheels, and detecting individual wheels skidding. I think all drivers should learn threshold braking and avoid ABS. (Wikipedia: 8-) )

Living in a place where we're used to icy/snowy roads, this makes me laugh SO HARD! :D :x :D
Most Americans have never seen snow (well, central/southern parts at least) so I can't really say they're stupid... Just inexperienced... (Read: ICED NOOBS! :x )
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+25 57. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video The loneliest animal on the planet

As the last member of his specie, maybe cloning a female out of his DNA may be the only option... 8-)
Even if it's illegal and barely possible... Better chances anyway than trying to find another one... :S :'(
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+4 58. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Laser Eye Surgery

Me before 2001 8-)
Me now :D
Thanks to science and more advanced tools to work, surgeon gave me back a normal sight!!
And for those of you who find that gross or disgusting, I can assure you that you feel no pain at all during the operation. The stinging/itching sensation remains for only a few days and his comparable to having dust in your eyes... Not so bad to get rid of those awful glasses :D :D
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0 59. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Strong Attraction

Good choice! (Divorce cost > Repair cost... Even on a Toyota!) ;)
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+3 60. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Pigeons Hunters

#7 is probably right about the pigeons being killed and I don't think anybody living in a pigeon-infested city will cry for them
#10 yeah right ... have them scream and smell like crap while burning in the middle of the street, with tourists or kids around... Sounds more like a zeroBrain idea :S
But I guess you meant to be funny... ;)
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0 61. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video R2D2 and C3PO Find Currys and PC World

Sharply filmed commercial with classic characters: Not always as good as you expected :S
#9 got trolled >:)
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0 62. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Dinner for RR

Mythbusters proved it FAKE time and time again in one episode... The only way they figured out it could be made was by putting a fine layer of transparent plastic between the silk tablecloth and the stuff over it 8-)

Still awesome to watch! :D
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+1 63. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video How to make iced tea... like a boss!

Nice skill to attract customers to his stand!
Probably took years to master it :O :D

@ rutz Why radioactive waste? Nobody would buy that glowy green goo... :S
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+7 64. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Space shuttle rocket booster test

Wow, noisy indeed!
1:39 Best way to say it :D :D
#12 You're right! Main engine uses only liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as fuel, the solid rocket boosters burn aluminium as main fuel, used because it has a reasonable specific energy density of about 31.0MJ/kg, but having a high volumetric energy density, as well as being difficult to accidentally ignite. 8-)
(Wiki can be your friend too, if the article is well referenced ;) )
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-16 65. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Hockey puck hits Breaks Camera

Bad luck or attempted murder on the cameraman here? >:)
(Who knows what else that cameraman could have been filming earlier! ;) >:))
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+4 66. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Skydiving in a car

Reminds me that scene in 'Heavy Metal' where the car fall down from a space shuttle >:) (check it out!)
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+1 67. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Lance Burton sleight of hand

Very impressive performance! Even after watching closely 3 times I can't figure out where the 3 candles came from at 1:40 :O
#18 Good one! >:) But you should mention when a video is NSFW, not everybody watch vids at home...
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+53 68. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Devils Pool

Amazing spot bring the ladies! :D
Better than any spa you could ever buy >:)
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+19 69. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculous Drumming Skills

I can barely imagine how annoying it would sound listening to his stick beat without the music (The Black Dahlia Murder - What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse) >:)
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+2 70. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video The biggest company you've never heard of.

Never heard of Serco before... Kind of a creepy company name too :S
#4 this vid was probably made by the same people who made that Google vid ;)
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+20 71. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Cat pushes dog too far

Curiosity would kill the cat if only that dog was bigger ;) >:)
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+13 72. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Watching The Sun Shoot Solar Flares

#6 is right about Earth being protected by a strong magnetic field, but this solar flare was really intense and our magnetic field would have been useless against such a huge coronal mass ejection
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-3 73. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Scuba Cat

Next step is scuba horse-racing >:)
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+8 74. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Pool Jump Attempt

#2 That's not at all what he said in french, but that was an hilarious caption you made up >:) >:)
He noticed how slippery the board was at 0:01 but still tried for reverse-dive...
Failure is always an option ;) >:)
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+1 75. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Why would you do this?

#23 ...then multiply by speed to get force of impact (F=m*a) 8-) >:)
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0 76. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Strange Japanese Sea Creatures

Amazing images! So true about how technologies will help us discover strange new worlds! ;)
#4 More like 300-millions years to me, before even dinosaurs existed (and they were extinct over 65millions years ago...) >:)
See: (Somewhere between Carboniferous and Permian Periods 8-) )
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0 77. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video bionic legs

Great piece of equipment, must cost too much for a pair for his wife 3:12 >:)
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+56 78. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Awsome Dog Skills

Lower maintenance cost than having a wife and she'll never talk back at you! >:)
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+4 79. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Bridal boot camp

Training them to ''keep the barracks or wherever they are being housed, keeping that clean''
Nice wife skills to train indeed! ;) >:)
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+21 80. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Hero donates 200 kidneys

Everytime I tune in ONN it make me smile... Evily! :D >:)
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+9 81. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Future mechanic

#2 is right about mechanics becoming obsoletes, next time you go to BMW to get your car fixed they'll give you a choice: Either 100$/hour to fix it or rent these goggles for 25$/hour and do it yourself genius! >:) :P
#4 You achievements whore! >:)
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+6 82. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Massive 2 Airbag Explosion In a Clothes Dryer

Quite a nice explosion indeed! >:)
And before you get all scared of the airbags in your cars, just think about the fact that these bags can only expand a certains size, wich is calculated for each car there designed for...
Obviously that dryer was way too small for 2 airbags to expand, wich caused the explosion 8-)
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+6 83. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Prehistoric Frilled Shark

After seeing this freaky shark, I decided to check a couple random vid to wash it off my eyes and stumble upon this one:
Go watch it if you're feeling down, it will make you smile :D
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+7 84. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Meeting the parents

I want Bitty too... But from Jen!!! >:) :D
1:34 Best comment from the mom >:)
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+12 85. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Foot 2010 - Put it where you want it (Rémi GAILLARD)

Rémi rulez! Great control over his ball(s?) :D >:)
#3 you probably meant to translate his famous quote 'C'est en faisant n'importe quoi, que l'on devient n'importe qui!' in wich case it should be 'It's by doing anything that you become anyone!' 8-)
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+30 86. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Remember Modems?

Funny how I used to make some of the same faces when I first hit the internet on old 58k modem and a 386core >:)
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+18 87. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Make a weird ball

Nice, now I'll have something useless to make out of that gallon of honey I bought! >:)
#3 Hope your friends don't have snotr account :P
#(removed comment) Any liquid will do the trick really... Mechanic of the fluid 101 8-)
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+1 88. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Quick thinking adult saves playing kid from fall.

wow... great! I got my comment removed for calling this kid ''dumb'' and yet, people rate up comments about how you sould let him fall down next time!? mod fail? :S
#24 I bet that the guy who catches this kid was his father, who just realized he lost sight from his son for waayyy too long... parenting fail :|
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+30 89. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Little Dog robot

Really nice to see how they implemented the Boston Dynamics ''Big Dog'' project! ;) 8-)
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+7 90. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Car wash FAIL

How stupid can you be and STILL get a driver's license? New depth reached with that guy! >:)
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+6 91. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Cool solution to clean up oil disaster

Scale this up a couple millions times or so ... Could work if hay doesn't sink once filled with salt water and oil
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+6 92. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Insidious Worm Makes Unauthorized Purchases When Computer User Is Drunk

Always loved most ONN vids for those 'other news' featured down like the real news channel have, makes it more realist! ;)

1:15 I knew something was fishy about Tom Hanks >:)
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-3 93. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Ultimate Protection Cat

Cat 1 - BS 0 ... I Love the comments left by whoever edited this vid, probably right about what's going on inside this cat's head! :D >:)
#15 Agree... Most cats are more of the ''lazy-type'' :'(
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+2 94. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Ultimate Protection Cat

Cat 1 - BS 0 ... I Love the comments left by whoever edited this vid, probably right about what's going on inside this cat's head! :D >:)
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+11 95. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Spectacular Footage From Above The Icelandic Volcano Crater

Very nice footage, amazing to see so much energy released so fast and for so long ...
Wish we can harness volcanoes power someday ;) Along with hydro electric, wind and solar power, we'll be flowing with electrical power forever (without fossil fuel)! 8-) ;)
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+11 96. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Instant HOT ICE

Well... Nice vid and yes it's very cool to watch...

My job requires me to have a college degree in chemistry and I have been working with substances far more dangerous than Sodium Acetate... Nevertheless, #5 is right in saying that you have to be careful not to put dust in the air while mixing it because it can irritate throat and get your eyes itchy (See section 3 and 4 from for more details) 8-)
To #(removed comment) You must mean ''reversible'' because as soon as the pad is put in boiling water the ''icy'' crystallisation go back to liquid and is ready for use again once cooled ;)
To #6 Solubility for Sodium Acetate is 76g/100ml water @0C(32F), but as said in the vid, in boiling water you have to pour more and more , slowly stirring until no more powder dissolves, then pour liquid in another container to cool... 8-) ;)

Please put glove if you try at home and vent properly cause it smells like vineager when you do it! Have fun!! 8-) >:)
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0 97. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Movies are made to be seen

Funny video... But again, you have to know what Napoleon looked like! ;)
#8 BEST joke in Ireland? :S I hope you are wrong...
#12 Well said... but technically speaking, English and French originated from a common Latin amd Greek root(Spanish, Italian and many modern languages too btw) 8-)
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0 98. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video FCC Song

One of the best song from Family Guy :D >:)
#1 How to not escape you mean :P
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+1 99. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video No Fries

Quite funny.. but simple minded as that is only in cartoons... wich is poorly animated and childish... neh... :|
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+4 100. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video McD's

Wooah... that was so evil >:)
Very funny but I doubt McDonalds ever really aproved of that commercial... They're more into overfeeding/slaugthering buisness than just making fishbaits imo >:) >:)
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+1 101. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Danny Macaskill

Respect the skill when you see it! :D
Seen 2 guys once doing those kind of trick in a bike exposition a couple years ago... Inside is not as spectacular :|
#13 Prove it ! >:) >:)
#18 Good point! :D
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+13 102. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Don`t try this at home

#2 Never seen it coming? You truly think those Darwin Nominees (No you say? Well they should be!) had no clue it was going to get someone injured? :O >:)

Clearly did that on purpose... Probably drunk... Or very high! >:)
Got what he deserves to be so stupid >:)
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+1 103. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video First time in a vegetarian restaurant

:(|) ::(|) For the way her facial expression changes when he start chewing ... :| :S :O

Not sure about the taste (unlike #21 I never tried ;) ) but the way most flower get grown with fertilizers and insecticides ... Plus the fact that most plants got a really bitter taste when raw... I wouldn't recommend trying it! 8-)
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-3 104. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video A big tv ...

Nice way to send a message, a bit old, yet pretty good advertising concept... ;) :P
Got to agree with #5 her ass seems to grow larger as TV gets bigger lol! >:) :D
Still not that 'Awesome', should be put in 'Commercial' category imo... ( I'll edit this post when done ;) O:) )
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+1 105. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Lion Hugs woman

#36 After seeing a lot of documentary about people saving animals like her, it turns around a bit for these animals who don't get to feed themselves anymore and cannot be released in the wild... 8-) Cages are for their own protection too, they're still wild animals and can still hurt people... And get killed for that :'(

On the vid now, very moving, great to see that even a lion can be tamed by being nice to it and show affection afterward!
:D :D

Going back to work now... Great new layer btw! :(|) :(|) ::(|) /5 monkeys head for it!
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+11 106. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Michelle's Tongue Tricks

Woot! Never kissed a girl who can do that, but I'd like to try anytime! >:)

Oh btw, just for the records, I'm proud to be the 103rd person to rate #3's comment ! >:) :D
And #20, I think you're right... #3Paul1968 is getting a golden link for that comment! LoL :D
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+1 107. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Machine creates aluminium helmet

Good vid to show how those modern helmets are made :)
#17 Ya, looks like it... but since you can recycle over 98,5% of the Aluminium by melting back the chips... 8-) Not a lot of waste for a helmet that will save a live someday O:) ;)
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+2 108. Kulgash commented 14 years ago on video Best Rugby Hits

Got to agree with #1 after seeing this vid... ;)
Makes me think about a nice canadian punk/rock group called Simple Plan ... First album they recorded could have been used to describe rugby :
''No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls!''
>:) >:),_No_Helmets...Just_Balls
Edit: ^^Copy&Paste in browser^^,
(snotr site can't link it properly... apparently! :S )
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+4 109. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Honest Spam

Ya, so what if they were ''all in on it and were planning to give it to that charity from the start.'' ? Still is a great Christmas gift for a charity work #6

Think you're rigth #4 >:)
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0 110. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Ladies, you better rely on yourself...

You're right #1 but still... I don't really see how this commercial rely to insurances at all ! :S
Got to admit she's got confidence looking at every men dressed like that! :D >:)
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+1 111. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Heckler vs. Comedian Joe Klocek

Nice nice... got pawned as he deserved! >:)

But I have to disagree with #2... Carlin DID much better imo >:)
Epic reverse-pshychology :D
(Got to warn for foul language, but... You know Georges Carlin)
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+1 112. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video The difference between Viruses, Trojans & Worms

Agreed with #6, Instead of Symantec stuff, you better look into a more efficient AV... Like 'ESET NOD 32' to filter what's getting in... And maybe 'Malawarebytes' and 'SpyBot Search and Destroy' or 'XSoftSpy' to get rid of crappy little baddies ;) 8-)
Nice Commercial anyway, still instructive for those out there who are still clueless about internet safety >:)
Lol at 1:57 ! Porn from your mom?!? :D
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+4 113. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Dare-Vils Parkour

Not so much have to do in the 'Awesome' category , even tho i can see why, seeing kids doing sports, you could have put it here >:)
But even as kid I couldn't do most of those tricks so eh... Thumbs up to those for training and having fun outside rather than passing days over their videogames... Or worse... :D ;)
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+9 114. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Shady optical illusion

In the same idea as #5, that's also why we see people from another country as being ''different'' from us... because there's a border! ;) >:)
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+9 115. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Taco Town

OMG! It looks awesome! I'd order that! ;)
But opposed to #1 I'd take mine with a small Greek salad cause I have to watch my waistline >:)
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+6 116. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Triple backflip on skates

Awesome trick!
I Agree with #1 he totally hacked gravity!! :D
In your face Newton! >:)

Still, I wonder how many faceplant were involved in the making-of this vid! >:) >:)
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+2 117. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video 100 years of special effects

Nicely done video, very representative of what have been improved in special effects and CGI in the last century... I'm wondering about what will be next?

#2 I agree about the fact that older movies could have been more represented, like Schwarzenneger's first movie 'Hercules in New York' (1971) when he get's ligthning bolt fired at him then fall down to earth... :D
Also add 'À La Conquête Du Pôle' in 1915, based upon Jules Verne's “The Adventures Of Captain Hatteras” and Willis O'brien genious for 'The Lost World' in 1925! What a shame that the maker of this vid didn't put those in :'(

I also have to agree with #8 about green screen not being special effects, it's CGI but... How dumb can you be to say 'Special effects(...)is not special effects.'? >:)
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+5 118. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video Italian chewing gum

Nice commercial, wish most would be that funny!
Very clever guy, loved the face his girl made after he made that bubble! LMFAO! :D
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+4 119. Kulgash commented 15 years ago on video 10 drugs not to take while driving

Good one! I was just wondering how it would feel to get high on the 'Highway to Hell' LoL! :D >:)

alle zusammen translate to english to something like : all together! 8-)
Basically, that's how you'll end up doing so many drugs while driving!
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+1 120. Kulgash commented 16 years ago on video World's largest shotgun

@ #11
This kind of blackpowdered gun is used for duckhunting, where you tie down the gun to the boat and actually aim by moving the boat... 8-)

Can get you 12 to 15 ducks at a time if you get close enough! >:)
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+1 121. Kulgash commented 16 years ago on video Skeleton pizza man

@ #15 8-)
Thanks for answering about what they say, but even without understanding a word of what that guy said, it was SOoo Funny!!
Specially the guy at 1:05 and the homeless guy at the end! >:) >:)
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+5 122. Kulgash commented 16 years ago on video Women in cars

OMG, this is so funny to watch, even if they were not all womens, they obviously don't know how to handle a car >:)
The accelerator of the truck at 2:55 seems to be stucked tho...
Funniest part is at 1:03 when that stupid NOOB gets owned by the gas-pump hose ROFL!! :D
Nice ownage compil, you made my day start good ;)
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+2 123. Kulgash commented 16 years ago on video Japanese toilet training

Oh dear... Those japs guys really know how to mess up their kids... >:) How could such a commercial get on tv in the first place? That was bad... and wrong... and very bad too!
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+4 124. Kulgash commented 16 years ago on video Flexible furniture

Oh, comon, quit complaining! He did this out of cardboard and plywood sheets, give it a chance! Might he had it done with lightweight thermoplastic and aluminium side panel it would have look terrific and not so risky for fire (#(removed comment))
Seems like a good/funny idea to me if you ain't got space to put real furniture and get visitors now and then ;)
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+2 125. Kulgash commented 16 years ago on video Top 20 Olympic gymnastic fails

OMG, seeing this just make me so happy to NOT be doing gymnastic! >:)
But you sure got to feel sorry for those athletes, they work for so much years before failing like that in front of millions... Still got ma a freaking good laugh :D