Comments posted by Kurisusan


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+26 1. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Holland's Got Talent

Is it me, or does dutch seem like people are speaking backwards? What a weird language, but the people there are lovely though!
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+4 2. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Freeloader in Russia

maybe thats just a really good real-life-like toys that hang from the backside of cars.
Like the woody toys from toy story.
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+12 3. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Growing Bolder

You don't stop playing because you are "old". You are old because you stop playing.
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+5 4. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Young

#7 why would you expect anyone to understand norwegian?

and why would you guys expect everyone to be beautiful just because they are in a videoclip/project.
This is how humans look like. Everyone different, everyone beautiful in their own way!
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+1 5. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Candles

how could anyone light something that beautiful up?
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0 6. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Damien Walters vs. The AirTrick Mat

If the future turns out anything like The Matrix, I am totally downloading the program to do all those jumps! :P
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+1 7. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Fully playable Tetris on a pumpkin

Give the stick to an Asian, he will beat the world record of Tetris on a pumpkin!
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+1 8. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video The Grid, CERN's Global Supercomputer

Video is long, had to jump a couple of minutes and I still didn't feel any smarter :S
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+4 9. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video This guy has figured what life is about in this crazy modern world

If you figure out what you want to do with your life, DO IT.

Great respect for this man.
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+11 10. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Train-horn on a small electric car

as a fellow norwegian I feel its my obligation to inform you, that these guys, are the guys behind the "what does the fox say" song that hit big a couple weeks ago.

My job is done.

Btw the name of the show is Ylvis.
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-5 11. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Eating a 45 year old US military candy ration

So... his poop was supposed to be 45 year old? :D
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+6 12. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Kitty sits on hedgehog

There is only one name to call a hedgehog, Sonic!
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+3 13. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Kayaking Down a Drainage Ditch

Seems like incredible fun and equally dangerous.
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+24 14. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Perfectly synchronized gears on high-speed servos

The world would be a much more boring place without the japanese!!
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+37 15. Kurisusan commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

Man, I havent been to this site for over a year. Come back to this deep video with so many truths...
Almost forgot how awesome Snotr is. Good to be back!
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+41 16. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Bridgestone Karma

Well, there is at least one Bieber that is good for something....
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0 17. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Trouble with SIRI

I laughed so hard. he should have tried Woruku. like japanese say it :D
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+3 18. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video MMA Punch Out!

well, at least the asian's wig didnt fall off :D
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+5 19. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Waterfall of fire

Give that to a stupid 17 year old and a camera, then put it on Snotr!
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0 20. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Slow Motion Compilation

Buy a mac :D

No im kidding, its probably your internet.

Everything in slo mo is so majestic, I wish I had a slowmotion camera :D
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+1 21. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Dont Stop Me Now

Deaf people can finally listen to music!!!
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+1 22. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Deaf Metal commercial

First time I was in Sweden I thought about the same thing. Why would they say Hi when im leaving? Swedish are weird :D

this commercial is still airing btw
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0 23. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Levi's commercial

#6 your life is your life, and I dont mean to mind your business.
But if you write something like that on an open site, then i think you have your own answer.
Life´s goal is being happy, and if your not happy then do something about it.
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-1 24. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Storm Origins - Concrete Circus Freerun Film

Where is the option of watching this in HD/HQ? I cant find the button...
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0 25. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Bottle Rocket

I wouldnt have a smile on my face if I had just did that...
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+3 26. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Playground Fail Compilation

One would think people watching all those videos with a scooter/motorbike would learn NOT to imitate... and there they are... still doing it.
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+22 27. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Frankie the cat in mourning

Thats just a sensitive cat that cant catch mice...
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+3 28. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Skill of Germany coach Loew and the reaction of Brazil coach Mano Menezes

nice one mr #4
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+6 29. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Best Of A Normal Day

#8 explain how that is reversed? you cant, because it isnt. It would defeat the purpose of this video.
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+6 30. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video how to draw an anatomic face in 2.5 minutes

Now I know why when i draw faces, the eyes are to far away from each other... gotta make those circles first...
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+5 31. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video recycling a bottle...

The reason why nobody else did it, is because 99% of those people were working for that add...
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+14 32. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video The Soda Prank

I dont know whats more annoying, that guy taking 10 minutes of everybody's time with a prank, or the intelligence of those 2 girls.
If I was the guy behind that car I would probably be pissed, and hungry...
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-6 33. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Classic Sony Walkman

#6 thats what you get from watching that video? A woman wearing enough clothes to hide her nipples?
What´s funny about particularly music technology, is that we are jumping back to the use of vinyls. classic old "anal"ogic sound. I hope we wont jump back to cassettes. It was a pain to rewind everytime we wanted to use it.
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+5 34. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Toddlers Play On Big Guitars

Proof that asian (chinese,japanese or korean) kids are more skillful than other kids.
Although I guess this is just a result of their parents pushing them and treating them like circus freaks... that, unfortunately is what its wrong with this video.
I just hope this was the kid´s idea.
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+8 35. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Turtle Break Dance

does this mean, he was enjoying the feeling from the brush or was just ticklish?
I didnt even know their shell had nerves. I just learned a new thing : )
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+8 36. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Russian fake motorcycle

Is it me, or half of the russian videos, show grown up acting like 11 year olds?
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+6 37. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Piano Backwards?

ok Im a little impressed, just because he plays better backwards than i will ever play in my entire life.
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+3 38. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Highwire Fishing - Human Planet

then he suddenly remembers.... crap i forgot my wallet on the other side ...
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+1 39. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Modern Warfare 2 LIVE ACTION

Congratulations to the team who did this. Amazing work. Looks like a real movie.
Btw Im a fan of both MW and MW2 ( black ops is crap)
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+23 40. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Monkeys vs Trunks

I bet the monkeys were upset when they found out they did that to the wrong person...
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0 41. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Waste Management of Xbox..

He is now my favorite russian guy!
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0 42. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Kid Trying To Make A Living

My head is about to explode from the screwiness.
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-1 43. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video asdfmovie2

My head is about to explode from randomness.
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+2 44. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Cobra vs. Mongoose

My head is about to explode from the dangerousness.
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0 45. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Fire Illusion

My head is about to explode from the fantasticalness.
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-15 46. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Ferrofluid Sculpture Morpho Towers

my head is about to explode from AWESOMENESS!
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+14 47. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Chelles Battle Pro 2011 OFFICIAL RECAP

I would be happy if I could do ONE of those moves : (
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+6 48. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular Landing Gear Solution

#9 and not just that, he was speaking a very strange kind of portuguese.
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-3 49. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Doggy workout with owner

if they managed to teach the dog to do that, i imagine what other things they have trained the dog to do... :S
wacky japanese...
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+8 50. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Hereafter

if anyone is wondering what happened to the guy with the head inside the gator :

he survived with a few marks, the reason why the gator closed its jaw is because a drop of sweat fell from is forehead into the gators "mouth".

I just saw the video now so I guess i might just reply on the last video posted : P

BTW I gotta watch that movie :D
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+8 51. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Mad aligator

he survived with a few marks, the reason why the gator closed its jaw is because a drop of sweat fell from is forehead into the gators "mouth".
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-4 52. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Motorsport accidents

RIP for all of those who died :S
death as become an internet entertainment
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+11 53. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Boat Vs. Crane

Steel type is week against water type..
"Pokemon reference :P"
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+6 54. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Tandem Snowmobile Backflip

#7 just press play and pause many times... you eventually hit a slowmotion effect ;)
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0 55. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video World's most powerful telephoto lens

look at the size of that thing, in a couple of years we can put it inside our pocket
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-9 56. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Giant Drunk Puppet In Ireland

if I would see one of those on the street I would stop drinking immediately .
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+3 57. Kurisusan commented 13 years ago on video Rugby Answer Interview Fail

this is probably one of the FUNNIEST videos Ive seen these past few months.
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-10 58. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Houston Metro Rail

I would expect this in India, but in USa what the hell man. Who was the genius who thought that up?
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+3 59. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video The Giggle Loop

this is actually a fact, almost happened to me once.
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+4 60. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Massive Multi-Car Go-Kart Pileup

no mario kart jokes?
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+4 61. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Japanese Fire Extinguisher

Japanese firefighters nano robots!
Its about time!.
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+62 62. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Horse in a car

that wasnt a horse... that was his mother in law.
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+5 63. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Chin Chilli Day

better than my excuse.
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+5 64. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video One Armed Handstand Pushups

now we know how chuck norris does his pushups.
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+7 65. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Man In Wheelchair Thwarts Store Robber!

who said this was in Usa?
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+3 66. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video The WTF Octapus

I would love to have one as a pet. He would be my trustworthy sidekick.
Octoman! Transform!
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+1 67. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Sleeping Puppy Dreaming

Its in Japan dont worry ; )
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0 68. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Muay Thai Fail

I hope somebody tries the same thing on his neck, maybe it would break easier :)
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+4 69. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Astronomical Clock in Prague

Does it come in wrist watch form?
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-3 70. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Psycho Skater

I wonder how he would skate without being under the influence of drugs...

Didnt know Jesus could skate. Cool.
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-5 71. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Wrong Turn

Portuguese have never been known for being good drivers... I would know since Ive lived there.

I dont know how many accidents I have seen in my young life.
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+4 72. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Gameshow People

what does he say in the end? and what does she answer?
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0 73. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video who's afraid of a big bad wolf?

u guys keep making fun of him like you are all so very tough. What Would You Do? keep looking at the pretty wolfs? I THINK NOT
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0 74. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Collapse in Cañasgordas (Colombia)

They speak spanish in colombia idiot.
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+7 75. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video All Blacks Tricks & Skill at Training

the last one should have been grabbed with his ass, now that would be a little more impressive.
Its a viral add, so why not? :D
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+4 76. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video The Indonesian Mimic Octopus

Ive always said that octopusses are ALIENS.
Why wont anyone believe me?
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+4 77. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Moments

@Kronephon thanks for the info ; )
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+6 78. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Moments

when I saw all those names in portuguese I started to wonder who posted the video :D

Im norwegian but I grew up in Portugal : )

great clip
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+3 79. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Tree Man...

this looks like a POWER!
He can probably talk to other trees and manipulate wood.

ok kidding aside.
I hope somebody can help him soon.
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+25 80. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Water Bottle Jetpack

it went higher than I had expected.
Now lets see cola with mentos!
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0 81. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Drunk guy tries to escape police office

"I swear to God this worked yesterday!"
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+2 82. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video A Normal Day

why are they sleeping in separate beds?
are they mad at each other?
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+9 83. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Crocodile DUMB Dee

I was hoping that this video was going to show the fight.
Or should I say "dinner".

Im sad now : (
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+5 84. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Hawaiian Caterpillar

think about if this was a tree, and it did it to people.

reminds me more of an alien then a caterpillar.
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+77 85. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Heckler owned by comedian

Nice comeback.
Really important to be good on your feet if you are going to be a comedian.
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+7 86. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video What happens when crude oil spills into the sea?

his hair would save the oil problem in a few minutes.
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+6 87. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Ultimate Base Jump

how this guy is still alive is beyond my mind.

and I thought bungee was kind of scary :D
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+9 88. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Bed Bugs

i wonder if the bite itches afterwards...
if it doesnt then I dont mind.

because mosquitoes are a bitch. The only insect I really feel pleasure killing.
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+3 89. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Shotgun Enthusiast Don't Need No Teeth

put a smile on my face!
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+29 90. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Taïg Khris - Mega Jump from Eiffel Tower

This is a Fail in my eyes.
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+8 91. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video kitten

people who dont like cats are strange.
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0 92. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Mike walks across United States of America

Inspiring Video.
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+24 93. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Cute dreaming kitten

makes u want to have a kitten.
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-1 94. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video The best "Come on down" ever on The Price is Right.

Probably the first time she ever won something...
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+4 95. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Adidas StarWars

And of course thats beckham.
Didnt u get the conversation? Or did you think he was a singer?
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+7 96. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Real life version of Minority Report's user interface.

we would be riding horses if it wasnt for engineers and technology.

We owe all these geniouses , our cars, ours mobile phones, our tvs, planes, and even our microwaves.

I cant wait to see what happens in the next 10 years.
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+21 97. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Remember Modems?

internet RULES.
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+47 99. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video The History of the World in 75 Seconds

i could have done a better video with Powerpoint.
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+5 100. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Boy gets a special Pokemon card

he says blastoise. it was a rare card... worth 200 bucks or so.
yeah.. im from this generation... not proud of it.
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0 101. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Cute Things...

very random indeed.
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+6 102. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Scooter Vs Garage Door

K.O! Garage... Wins!

Rooounnndd 2 ... Fight!
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+13 103. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Who needs a steering wheel?

They are laughing now...but I would like to see 3 more minutes of that video.
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+8 104. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Accro

i opened my lightbulb...

didnt see any small men inside : (
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+7 105. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Animal attack

ninja attack!
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+36 106. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video When its too cold to fly...

you can even hear it whistle his way out.

probably going home to his wife.

yes, his wife is in tha kitchen.
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+2 107. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video General Larry Platt - Pants On The Ground!

i hope he gets a contract : D
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+19 108. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Stonehenge

most lovable transvestite ever.
love his work.
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+22 109. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Transformer

yeah, I had to get a new computer and a new window when that happened to me .
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+1 110. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Serving Guinness

he did not die, but I hope you do.
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+24 111. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Man Tasered After Truck Crash

he ran because he stole some cheetos, watch his jacket closely.
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-14 112. Kurisusan commented 14 years ago on video Knee pad sliding

to bad this isnt one of those accident videos...

would have been better
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+2 113. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Goats destroyed club

goats deserve some fun too, they just came a little to early : D
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-3 114. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Rocket fuel plant blows-up

I had a dream like that once.

didnt know it really happened :S
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-3 115. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The unbelievable Hummer

#5 well... the car is polluting the world, so they are killing these cute birds.
think about that.
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+1 116. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 'Photobombing' a news report

Ive lived in Portugal :D
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-1 117. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 'Photobombing' a news report

Emplastro, Im from norway and even I know that dude.

Long time I heard about him though, I hope he is ok.

Big fan of Emplastro. His face always brings a smile to my face.

13# Porto é uma vila.
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+9 118. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Stupid Criminals

Everybody saying that these people dont deserve this, probably would take the car too.

Criminals deserve to be punished. You wouldnt be saying the exact same stupid thing if your car were stolen by those two crazy *ladies*
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+2 119. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The Invisible artist.

gray fox!!
metal gear!!
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+2 120. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Breast Education: 1950's Sex Ed Parody

i at least, found this video delightfull.

I love every clip that makes fun of the 50s ( or 60s)
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+6 121. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The Burj Dubai - Fly-By

i like your nick name #9

vou te lamber o pipi

translation: i am going to lick your "female genitalia"

what would your mother say about that?
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+33 122. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Ok..

I just lost 40 IQ points after watching this...
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+2 124. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Not everyone is a lumberjack

JerryD tried to sound like a smart ass, but just sounded like an idiot.

Svensker er dumme

: D
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0 125. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Norwegian Military Drill Team

Im a proud norwegian : D

Using time in tricks, thats norway alright : )
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+12 126. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video String Puppet Dance

that puppet dances better than most people.

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+23 127. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The Longest Way

that is one of the coolest things ive seen in a few days : D

except that stupid sphere... inside out my ass...
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+5 128. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video SNL Digital Short - On The Ground

thats whats funny. He should rhyme. BUT HE IS AGAISNT THE SYSTEM.
(throws the pc to the ground!)
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+4 129. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video A very loyal dog

Most of the people who comment here are americans.
Every comments regarding the american system gets negative ratings.

Open your eyes, your "greatest" country isnt that great.

have any of you watched Sicko?

and before u people start thinking im english or french Im not, Im norwegian, so I am pretty neutral comparing to other contries.

I love america, but your system SUCKS BALLS.
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+3 130. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Car crash

that just made my poop go up my butt.
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+48 131. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Kid Teaches Shirtless Bully a Lesson

Bully throws the first punch, kid dodges, dodges again, and turns on Berserk mode. Kicks his ass. Awesome. That must have felt really nice for the kid.

I loved every second of that fight. Put a smile on my face.
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-4 132. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Crash safety test: 1959 vs 2009

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+4 133. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Modern Warfare 2 Trailer

Everybody should quit their jobs and play modern warfare 2.

There would be less war in real life.
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+4 134. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Fighter jet compilation

how much does one of these cost again?
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+2 135. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Street performer

that guy most have some crazy sex moves.

but I think it would scare most girls.

The body is not supposed to bend that way, not mine at least.
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+7 136. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Kazakhs singing Tupac

6 comments and none of them are worth shit.

nobody got something nice to say about the video?

Maybe im just tired but u all sounded like racists.
-yes I need some sleep, Im cranky.

I on the other hand thought this video was moving, showing a totally different culture singing a well known and respected song by Tupac. None of them were good singers, but they just sung a song in english, you try to do that in their languages.

Show some respect for other cultures ppl. please.
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+22 137. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Band Saw Magic

no blood?

Im not sure if Im happy or sad.

Mad skills, and the music was very catchy : )
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+5 138. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video President Obama calls Kanye West a jackass

Obama seems like an honest person.
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-3 139. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Beyoncé giving her moment away

yeah she totally forgot to give her final thanks to Beyonce.
That was a very nice gesture from Beyonce, respect.
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+3 140. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Puppy can't roll back over

dreadfully adorable.
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+2 141. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video John Cleese - How to Irritate People

i wish pilots would joke around like that in real life : D
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-3 142. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Crime Deterrent Phone

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+8 143. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Italian chewing gum

not italian. spanish
still funny though.

They cut the part where he swallows the condom.
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+12 144. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 8-bit trip

Every little bit of it was AWESOME.

Loved the music too :D
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+2 145. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Shots 'r' us

Comments with no hate whatsoever.
Thats very nice for a change.
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+4 146. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Harrier Extremely Low Flyby

where do I get one of those babies?
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+7 147. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Easy way to get her

ok I will be the first to say it.


Ok now u may continue.
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+1 148. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Insane boat acceleration

imagine all the fishies being hit by that motor.

Oh the humanity.

: D
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+10 149. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Biggest man on earth?

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+26 150. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 100 years of special effects


Matrix was a much bigger breakthrough in Movie special effects.

They could have used a little bit more comparison with older movies.

Like the first king kong and the last one.
And with the star war movies.

Forgetting this small detail, I loved the clip.

; )
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+12 151. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Shots 'r' us


4minutes of neat shots.

perhaps 4 hours of bad shots.
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+5 152. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Magic wedding proposal

I think 2# thought he was writing in another blog or site.

Im sorry OnetimeX, this is not a porn site, we would appreciate if you kept your dirty comments elsewhere.

Regarding the video: that is actually a very smart move for a proposal, I just hope she didnt say yes because of the situation, and I hope she still said yes the day after.

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+21 153. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Triple backflip on skates

im not usually impressed with rollerblade related things, but I will admit that was kick ass.

triple backflip and he did not loose any teeth.
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+8 154. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Linux baby rocker

Im sorry to tell you Jimmy, but your dad is a Nerd.

: D
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+4 155. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Who needs a fishing pole!

at the least we know the dog would survive just find on its own in the wild.

That dog got some skills, wish I could do the same, now that would be interesting.
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+9 156. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Google Opt-Out village

laugh now.
We wont be laughing in a few years.
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+4 157. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Weirdest. Laugh. Ever.

looks like the buzzer, every time somebody answers wrong.
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+47 158. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Violin Robot

but still, it plays better than you.
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+5 159. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Wacky bowling

ninja bowling.

only in Japan.
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+7 160. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Running 100m in 9.58 seconds

he got a cool name.

Bolt. I wonder why :P
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+8 161. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Fails

thats why dave chappelle says he doesnt like to drink around white people.
White people do some fucked up things to their buddies when they are sleeping.

this was funny as hell. :D
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+5 162. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 10 drugs not to take while driving

educationally and funny.
Now I know that I shouldnt take drugs while driving.

Thanks Snotr :D
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+2 163. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Hey Alan, Alan, Alan...

Clever and smart.

Loved it.

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+6 164. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 500 horsepower quad

nothing wrong with being gay.

some people never grew up, and have never passed that age of 12 when its fun to call other kids gay to tease them.

Somewhere, somehow, their internal clock stopped and they still think there is something terribly wrong with being gay.

Im straight, but I know gay men and women, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Well,a little wrong if I have to watch 2 guys making out.

No problem with 2 girls making out though : )

Calling french people gay, for speaking french is even more stupid. But hey, there are a lot of stupid people in this world.
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+9 165. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video 500 horsepower quad

its the batmobile!
I dont know what the hell you guys are talking about.
Just because its a french guy doing this does not mean its bad.

Im not french, Im norwegian.

Im very impressed with this homemade batmobile.

You guys are just jealous.
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+4 166. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video A short compilation of mob pranks, courtesy of the Japanese

he says "abunai".
"Be aware" or "be careful" or "dangerous".
Im not even sure anymore = P
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+18 167. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video I wish I knew this guy in real life....

dont matter how many times I watch this clip, It always make me laugh.

Old but Great.
: D

"regh regh regh regh*"
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-6 168. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Steel frame building demolish

The twin towers were rigged at the bottom with explosives.

The planes were just a "distraction".

Watch zeitgeist, they explain a lot.
Terrorists my ass.

Awesome video bytheway.
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+1 169. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Hammertime

I felt like dancing the hammer right now...
wait a minute...
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+2 170. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Horse beating pikey makes my day

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+6 171. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Monkey man

thats not monkey man.

thats spiderman.
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+6 172. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Durex Ad

old but watchable.
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+15 173. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video How to turn around a bus on a bridge

if the driver was a woman, this would have different comments : D
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+8 174. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Lego Arcade

lol, its true.

This clip just brought a smile to mah face : )

Pacman was the winner for me
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+6 175. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The PEN Story

there are people out there with A LOT OF FREE TIME.

: D
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+4 176. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Tattoo Fight

Simple and funny, just the way I like it :D
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+7 177. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Don't get hurt Healthcare

This is just not supposed to be funny, its supposed to be a critic against the (american I presume) Healthcare system.

When I saw the michael moore movie "sicko" I understood how happy I should be by living in Norway, which is one of the best countries to live in.

I still want to live in the US a few years : )
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+7 178. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Parkour Kids!

I dont know why people are bashing this video.

Parkour has gotten really famous this last 4 years and these guys made a funny video about it.

If u guys did not laugh at the explosive landing then u guys have lost your sense of humor.
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+1 179. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video RC freestyle

ive never seen a dancing plane before.

Next time he should put the camera on the plane : )
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+1 180. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Progress is beautiful

You choose if u either want to watch this clip or not.

If you dont like commercials dont open this video and open another one.
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+2 181. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video New/Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer!

looks like a real video.

Dunno if its a mutant poop or not, but I hope so.
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+3 182. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The Musical Genius - Derek Paravicini


Brought a smile to my face.
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+2 183. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video How NOT to catch Mexicans

that cop must have had a hard time when the others saw that video.

If that had happened to someone I know, I would kid him around for the rest of his life.

:D who would know mexicans were so good at running?
Go mexiCANS!
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+2 184. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Thai(boxing) commercial

That was funny in many different levels.

I would probably to the same.

The last part was hilarious. Multiple hits to the face, but the ding-dings are OKAY!
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+7 185. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Armored bulldozer takes on town.

this was one of the coolest/scariest things I have ever seen in my life.

That is one angry man. Wonder how long it took to build.
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0 186. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Backflip

5# professional wrestling is an act.
This on the other hand looks like real brawling.

Thats why its impressive... its not staged.
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+3 187. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Why email was invented

Honey! Why dont we have electricity? Didnt we pay the bills?

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+3 188. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Cigarette trick

gotta admit that was pretty damn cool.
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+2 189. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Vomiting babies

nothing like a little bit of puke for breakfast.

Them babies sure know how to pull a fast one.
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+2 190. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

54 comments... not bad...

I mean 55.

What happened to the old days when there were only 8 comments per video?
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+5 191. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Don't Be Dirty Quiz

i remember the old days in Snotr when there were only 4 or 5 comments per video.

Those days are forever gone.
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+5 192. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

IF this was staged, he wouldnt have shoved the remote up his ass. If it was fake, he would do this for fun, and would probably know that this would come out on the internet.

And everybody knows that kids this age are very sensitive to gay jokes.

I vote True video. Which makes it more special and scarier.
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+9 193. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Jurrassic Hey!

oh see? They just wanted to play!

And people say dinos are scary...
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+16 194. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

see kids? Dont play Wow! you will try to stick a remote up your ass later.

Dont say I didnt warn you.
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+2 195. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Saturday afternoon at Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo

#12 black and white = suits.

Welcome to japan.
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+2 196. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Street drummer

Im going to start practicing at home with frying pans glasses and wooden spoons.
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+5 197. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Ninja skillz

I love his ninja camouflage suit...

But seriously, I´ve practiced Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu) a few years ago, and I noticed that he actually practices Ninjutsu... he is just not very good at it.

Finger push ups and rolling over a log are just basic warm-ups.

I would like to say : keep up!, but I think he should stick to video games.
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+27 198. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Ninja skillz

What is the difference between an asian ninja, and a western ninja?
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+22 199. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Hi Stefanie

to bad we cant do this in real life...
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+3 200. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Speeding, no one thinks big of you

Im sending this to a few people I know.
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+5 201. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video The Keyboard Cat

I would rather watch a cow poop than watching this to the end.
So yeah, I agree #3.

No offense to cows.
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0 202. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Awesome kite surfing skills

first time I see someone "known" with the same name as me, although Leander is my last name.
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0 203. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Free kicks tricks

this was way better than I was expecting!
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+8 204. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Little giants versus a real one

for those who are wondering.
Gambare mean " do your best".
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0 205. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Little Man

#9 Danish sounds more like german, norwegian is a little smoother and more melodic.

I know because Im norwegian, and I still think Danish is not a "pretty" language : D sounds to much like german : P
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+4 206. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Hammer time

0.53 look at that old man go! ahaha!
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+1 207. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Chess Game

Question is... how much does it cost?
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+3 208. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video BeatBoxer

one word to describe it all . Awesome.
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+10 209. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Bike trap

dont bother putting some signs right there so no one else falls.
Just keep complaining to the camera man.
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+2 210. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video New Zealand: 100% ours

gotta admit, I was a tad afraid this might be a real add.
Good to know its just a show... or is it?
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0 211. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Paper Towels

im not sure if I have enjoyed this as much as I would have liked too.
Im a little neutral on this one : )
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+35 212. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Do you get the message NOW?

not expecting that one for sure.
they should do a program just to send out messages like that.
Good or bad.
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+4 213. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Pygmy Jerboa

a cute freak of nature.
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+2 214. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Great American Football catch

gonna be one of those stories, he is going to tell EVERYONE, EVERYDAY, for the rest of HIS LIFE.
Still a great catch though.
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+19 215. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video I can't believe it's not cocaine!

it can easily be an app, but I would rather see a hot girl doing what that guy just did
: )
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+5 216. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Dog plays basketball

dog plays better than the old man : D
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+15 217. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Audi R8 commercial

cool, smart commercial = )
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+5 218. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Idiot dancing in room

that guy has it all!
Dont take drugs kids.
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+10 219. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Jump fail

Im afraid Ive enjoyed this a little to much
am I a bad person?
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+7 220. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Micheal Vick Experience

wouldn´t it be cool if this was for real?
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+19 221. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Hidden camera prank

i bet their girlfriends were happy to watch that.
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+3 222. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Old couple playing piano

that more usual in Usa, in other countries, people have to show respect to the elder, so the family takes care of them.

You wont see many "places" like that in, say... Japan, or India.
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+4 223. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Blues around the world

sometimes u feel that there is still hope.
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+3 224. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Ronald Jenkees

simply awesome.
keep it up.
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+13 225. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Pring My Ride - Customise Your Bike Using A Pringles Pipe

Not Snotr standard.
Its a no for me. sorry.
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0 226. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Flying instructor gives demo at indoor skydiving

anyone know the name of the song?

I want it :)
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+2 227. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Awesome slowmotion (1000fps) camera shots

more slow mo girls plz : )
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+6 228. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Millionaire

ive already watched this, but that doesnt mean I cant watch it again, and maybe again.

I wanna do that to if I participate on Who wants to be a millionaire.
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+28 229. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Dog loves granny

i like when the granny pretends she is fighting back.
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+17 230. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Smart Bird

who says other animals cant use tools?
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+9 231. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Gas Pump Prank

totally awesome.
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+1 232. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

16# anyone would escape from the police with a bike, if they were running.

can u outrun a bike ?

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+3 233. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Funniest Monty Python scene ever

it was ok, but that wasnt the funniest ever.
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+10 234. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago on video Human Touch

yeah my aunt got one of those, but one of the Japanese wouldnt stop putting his hands where he shouldnt.

She bought American after that.
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0 235. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video Football is cruel

gotta love football(soccer).
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+5 236. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video James Bond - Visa commercial

Classic asian fun!
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0 237. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video Good morning!

Its funny about sounds in different languages, firetruck sirene in portuguese is " Tinoni, Tinoni"
and in norwegian is " Babu babu".

Rooster in portugues would be " Cocorococo"
: D
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+5 238. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video Water drop falling in sand

you can clearly see its not water, a drop of water is not Perfectly round.
Like a ball, for example, a metal ball : D
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0 239. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video The Sling Shot Man

this is so freaking awesome.
I wish I could do this.
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+5 240. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video Tow me away? I'll tow you!

Ohh so thats how its done in Asia ( Im guessing China)
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+15 241. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video Kid transports bricks

And now ladies and gentlemen.
Kid with bricks on a monocycle!!
That would show ASia how its done.
: )
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+4 242. Kurisusan commented 16 years ago on video Motorbike on autopilot

There are people who just wont give up.
Inspiring I must say :)