Comments posted by LaoMa


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+31 1. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Street Sweeper

#3 Actually this time it's "In Communist China" :D Those things are surprisingly common in China's poorer cities.
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+30 2. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Tailgater gets instant karma

Why downvote #1? At least in my country, you can even get a fine for driving on the left lane for no reason.
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+25 3. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Drugs at Work 2: Chirstmas

I found this rather boring. It was kinda like watching your friends get more and more drunk when you're the designated driver. They remember the night as having a blast, while you just saw them as a bunch of retarded apes :(|)
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+23 4. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Kara by Quantic Dream

Wow! Just... wow! :O
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+23 5. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Backing up fail

She managed to get the car so stuck that even his husband had trouble getting it out :D
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+23 6. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Dont leave your pet in a parked car

(i) For those who don't live in the 1700's
116 F = 46 C
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+21 7. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Psychological harassment at work

What an asshole, the cameraman :P
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+16 8. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Runway Model Fails

Guess this is what happens when somebody farts in the audience. The wind, you know... :D
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+16 9. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Old vs. New

This ad might be banned here because it mocks another company's product.
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+15 10. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Rolling S.U.V.

That's no SUV. An SUV is a car that looks like a hybrid of an off-roader and a city car, but is completely useless in both environments. >:)
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+15 11. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Fake beggar bust.

In China, there was this old couple begging very close to where I lived. The man usually just lying motionless on the ground and the woman begged. Every evening they both walked away, changed their clothes nearby, and went to a restaurant to have some supper. Then they took off in a rather new VW Passat.
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+15 12. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Return of the Cicadas

That's one extreme bug. 17 year lifespan and almost 100 dB mating call :P
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+15 13. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

Love how the punk screams like a little girl at 1:45 when things don't go his way. >:)
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+13 14. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video The European Union Explained

This video quite well demonstrates all that is wrong with the EU. No country has to actually follow the rules if they don't want to :P
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+13 15. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video iDrop

#1, iPhones and iPads have excellent usability. Nevertheless, I can't understand those Apple fanatics either. I'm perfectly happy with an older version, as the software is still up to speed for years to come.
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+12 16. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video ENTER PYONGYANG

3 million people living in a city that looks like it was built for 10 million.
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+12 17. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Another Shocking Footage of the Tianjin explosion

It was an illegal storage for dangerous materials, that exploded. The biggest blast was measured to be equivalent to 21 tonnes of TNT, and was actually felt as far as 350 km away.

The CEO of the company survived with injuries, but I'm pretty sure that he'll be facing death penalty for his actions, together with the corrupted officials who knew about the warehouse. Official death toll is (at the time of writing) 112, but the real number is most likely much higher. The government doesn't usually publish estimations and they tend to make the figures smaller to make incidents look a little less bad.

There were several fire stations fighting the inferno at the time of exlosion. The warehouse employees didn't warn them to not use water, effectively causing the initial blast. Most of the firemen were 18-20-year-old kids, without proper gear or training, as firefighter duties were part of their military service. Many if not most of the firemen never returned. There aren't many professional firemen in China, as it is basically a deathwish. Corrupted managers use the budget for their own benefit and leave the staff short-handed.
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+11 18. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Mountain bike backflip over a 72-foot gap

Balls of steel :O
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+10 19. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Making of Iron Man helmet

Very impressive :)
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+10 20. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Chinese Farmer Builds His Own Bionic Arms

Fishing explosive? :x
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+10 21. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Ted Talk - Edward Snowden

In most countries exposing illegal actions of a bureau would be considered such a service to your homeland, that the penalty for not respecting a secrecy agreement would be minimal.
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+10 22. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Circle Illusion

Not an illusion - just some geometric trickery
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+10 23. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Streetbike wreck sends both bikers rolling on the street

Good that they all had proper protective gear... oh wait... >:)
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+10 24. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video Never accelerate more than you can handle

Doing more than 150 on a 30 zone, he got what he deserved.
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+9 25. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Chinese build record breaking bridge

The Chinese sure know how to build on an epic scale :O
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+9 26. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video How the Tesla Model S is made

I so wish I had the money to buy one. Model S is such an engineering marvel of its kind :'(
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+9 27. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video 4-Way Stop Vs. Roundabout

Roundabouts are also much safer for pedestrians and cyclists (i)
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+9 28. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video World War II in Europe: Day by Day change in Map

Although Sweden remained neutral, there were almost 10 000 Swedish volunteers fighting on the Finnish front. <3

If you wonder how Finland managed to defend herself against a superior enemy, one must know that USSR didn't want to use local troops because they feared the men would not fight. Just imagine the poor unexperienced guys from more or less temperate climates, far far away, entering the freezing cold (-30C) forests, following leaders that were accustomed to fighting on open ground.
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+8 29. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video The Reason Why You Need A Dash Camera (2)

I'd just call the cops and not tell him about the camera >:)
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+8 30. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video $5 Bluetooth Car Hack

Now all I need is a car that still has a cassette player. Even my crappy 1989 Japanese sedan had only CD... :P
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+8 31. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Real-Time Facial Motion Capture

Very impressive tech :)
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+8 32. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Chinese toungtwisters..

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+8 33. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video What I learned from President Obama

Why do the Americans always say their president is the "most powerful person in the world"? It's actually very important that his power is constrained by law. Just look at Russia's homeboy, Vlad Putin, who can do whatever he wants at the expense of his people. :P
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+7 34. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video 10 Useless Human Body Parts

#5: Well, if you listened to the show, not all the reasons exist anymore...

I really could use the third eyelid though :D
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+7 35. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

Comparing million year old rough estimations on modern time accurate temperature readings is as far fetched as it sounds... It's like saying 2(+/- 2) is less than 3. Not to mention how we are still far below the average temperature of last few million years. Equally as unproven is implying that man made CO2 has a major role in climate change. After all, our emissions are about 0.1% of the total and there's a limit how much CO2 can block of the Sun's spectrum.

I'm not saying the climate change isn't happening. I'm just annoyed by the media mumbo-jumbo explanations that hardly make sense, but are presented as THE truth.

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+7 36. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Subaru WRX STI vs. Stick Bomb

Now do that in full-scale! :(|)
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+7 37. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video That "oh sh*t! " moment

Whether the mama bear appeared, or not, remains a mystery :x
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+7 38. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video How Fast Do Burgers Age?

So, basically, they just proved that different fungi live in different places, and that not all burgers contain the same amount of water? >:)
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+7 39. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video The Dress

When I look at the picture at home, it's white and gold. At work, it's clearly blue and black. Damn you, brain! :S
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+7 40. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video History of japan

If only the videos shown in history class were like this :D
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+6 41. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video New Yorker rides into obstacles in bike lanes to prove a point.

The biker made a good point, but why on Earth doesn't he wear a helmet? Seriously, I think riding without a helmet in my 200 000 people hometown is suicidal. It's a cheap life insurance.
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+6 42. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Canada Runs for US President

"illiterate immigrants invading our Southern borders to steal our jobs"

Well played, sir. Well played... :D
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+6 43. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video The Milk Industry from a Doctor's point of view

#5: "Lactose intolerance died out? Ah, yes. Only 75 % of us have it. Very smart point."

In Northern Europe, only 5% of the people are lactose intolerant. Historically, the people who didn't crap their pants each time they had milk, also didn't die of starvation during winters...
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+6 44. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison

Here in Finland, only very dangerous people are put to real prison. Most of the convicts reside in an open prison, where they are given the possibility to educate themselves and even have minimum salary jobs. even more, the prisoners are allowed to have short vacations, when they can send time outside the facility. Also, one's criminal record is your personal secret, by law, so having one doesn't stop you from getting a job. Of course there are some exceptions, like jobs where you work with children, where you have to provide your criminal record when applying.

In the US 50% of the released inmates end up back in prison. In Finland the same number is 30%, while in Norway, where the justice system is even more forgiving, only 20% of the ex-convicts go back. I'm just wondering, when are the Americans going to admit that the system has failed, and rethink the strategy...
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+6 45. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video The Mysterious Floating Orb

Category: Weird (Al) :D
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+6 46. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - Game of Trains

Brave guys. Must be tiresome to live in a city full of assholes.
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+5 47. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video This is Europe

I'm always waiting when all those Ghostrider etc. pricks run out of luck. They drive like brainless monkeys, and all it takes is a single car that doesn't see them coming, and next someone will be scraping their asses off the asphalt with a shovel.

As the saying goes; a smart man doesn't even run into situations a skilled man might survive.
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+5 48. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Dyslexia font

#4, I think you're right! The font seems to be very easy to read even when scaled down. And as far as I know, I'm not dyslexic.
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+5 49. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Astronaut Chris Hadfield Plays Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage's Space Game on the ISS

#4: They get 15 sunrises a day up there, so I guess it doesn't really matter what time you wake up or go to sleep :)
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+5 50. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Fallout Over Europe - Chernobyl Disaster

Fortunately the USSR gave us heads up... Oh wait, no they didn't :(

After all these years, mushrooms are still radioactive in Finland because of the fallout. Some shrooms have radiation levels as high as 5000 Bq/kg, whereas the EU defined safety limit for Cesium-137 radiation in food is 600 Bq/kg. Boiling reduces the radiation dramatically and not all species and areas are as badly contaminated. In other words, one would have to eat ridiculous amounts of mushroom salads etc. to get any health issues. Still, a grim reminder of the scale of the incident.
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+4 51. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video GreenPeace - Inspiring Action

I just can't figure out why Greenpeace doesn't support nuclear power. Really makes no sense, as it is the most environmentally friendly form of energy production on the planet.

Also, why do they think that bio-diesel development is something even more sinister than burning oil is? Palm oil is just a temporary solution, but little does Greenpeace care.

Just saying...
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+4 52. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Delicious Natural Bottled Water

Where I'm standing, we recycle nearly all the bottles several times. And who buys bottled water in the 1st world countries anyway? Tap water is way cleaner and cheaper too...
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+4 53. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Dog welcomes Soldier home

#6: No-one thinks a purring cat is worth filming. A dog going insane is much more interesting.
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+4 54. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Angry Woman vs Bike

Attempted manslaughter is a serious crime. Kicking a car isn't.
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+4 55. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Truck driver falls asleep

A Russian co-worker of mine used to drive trucks in his country. He told that the older drivers took vodka before going on the road. Perhaps the driver here just run out of vodka and started to feel sleepy :P
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+4 56. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Road Rage

#8: I think the bystanders were just trying to stop the fight. The two guys in the car started the whole thing, so no surprise they were both assholes.
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+4 57. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Geiger counter going off the charts in an antique shop

That's enough to cause serious radiation poisoning or even cancer in the long run :S
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+4 58. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

#9: "The difference with the current warming trend is that it's a lot more dramatic than previous change rates."

My point kinda was, that you can't make assumptions like that with the data we have. We can only say for certain, that within a period of couple hundred years, the temperature has been rising pretty fast. At larger time scale we have to compare mean averages, so the current spike doesn't even show. Mixing the two time scales is where this video, and many others, go wrong.
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+4 59. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Reconstruction

#9: The point was, that the driver is speeding. People in many countries tend to drive 5-10 km/h over the speed limit. Sure it doesn't look like much of a difference on the speedometer, but there's a huge impact on pedestrian safety.
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+4 60. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Mercedes 2014 S Class

80k euros is enough to buy a 30-50m2 apartment in my city. And that would be a profitable investment, whereas the Merc will only lose value by time. ..
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+4 61. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Are Hong Kong & Macau Countries?

Interestingly enough, I can enter HK and Macau without a visa, but my Chinese wife can't. Even more, that visa is not issued onto a regular passport, but a separate special administrative region (blue) passport. On the other hand, I need to fill in entry and exit cards at every border, whereas my wife can skip this formality altogether :D
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+4 62. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video World's Worst Maintained Railroad

Doesn't look very maintained to me... :P
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+4 63. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Joe Rogan: Do What You Love, Because Society Is A Trap And Work Is Meaningless

Well, if I just did what I love, it would be an insane financial risk for my family. I certainly might make a living doing it, but most likely our quality of living would be much lower. Working for the machine pays my bills and feeds my children, so I still choose that over my passion :S
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+4 64. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video How to Become Gluten Intolerant

After gluten-free diet became a trend, the prices of these special foods have come down quite a bit. Great news for the people with actual celiac disease, like my sister :)
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+4 65. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video American Vs Swedish Recruitment Ads

#5: The thing is that Nordic people really aren't that patriotic. Having an ad similar to the US's would just make all kinds of dumbass crazy people join the ranks while leaving the good and smart people out.

I think it's a good ad - the soldiers are not going to be invading a country, but helping and protecting civilians. It's a good thing if you want to do it despite the obvious risks.
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+4 66. LaoMa commented 7 years ago on video Weird stuff that women carry in their handbags

I can tell you one thing that's never there - her cellphone! After hours of searching around the house it will magically appear inside the bag though :x
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+4 67. LaoMa commented 7 years ago on video Railroad thermite welding

#3, the gap is a very old-fashioned solution. Welded track is attached to the base so well that heat expansion only changes the thickness of the beams - not length. Smoother ride and I reckon less track repairs too.
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+3 68. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Northern Lights

I live in Finland, and I'd love to go visit Lapland, but strangely enough it is more expensive than flying to Southern Europe for a vacation. :P
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+3 69. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video There are a**holes & good guys!

This kind of behavior is one reason why East-Europeans are not very popular abroad. Thumbs up for the guy who actually stopped to help.
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+3 70. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video No, I said stop stop stop

#9 No it wasn't. You can clearly see the cable was attached to the rear bumper. The actual tow mount points are further in below the car.
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+3 71. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Aurora borealis, northern tip of Norway.

Only seen aurora once in my lifetime. They also made a rattling electric noise.
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+3 72. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Parking free

#5: If he didn't, he probably wouldn't be able to exit the facility later on. All the gates would just display him "No record of entry" error. Been there, done that :P
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+3 73. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video How a turbocharger is made

It's amazing what a modern turbo can do. A decent sized diesel truck (lorry) can have enough power to operate normally even with a mere 2-liter engine. This enables pretty impressive fuel savings. I guess the downside is that having two turbos makes an engine more unreliable, and obviously more expensive to build or repair.
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+3 74. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Out of his truck like a boss, pure luck.

#1, #8, #10: The driver side (left) of the truck is still in one peace, so wearing a seat-belt would have just kept him in the car without any real injuries.

As the title says, this is pure luck. Often when flown out of the car, the driver gets run over by his/her own vehicle and dies.
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+3 75. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video TED: Learn to read Chinese ...

Unfortunately she's teaching the traditional characters. The vast majority of Chinese haven't used them for more than 60 years now...
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+3 76. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Slow Motion of an AK-47 Underwater

Seeing an AK brings back memories of cleaning my service rifle for hours and hours. Forget to do the daily maintenance and the whole thing rusts inside :P
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+3 77. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Proton-M Rocket Failure

They don't have an abort button? The rocket was just allowed to hit the ground in a random spot.
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+3 78. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Fails 1st half 2013

13:20 I love how casual they both are :D
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+3 79. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video People in one of the happiest countries on earth

"One of the happiest countries"

108th happiest (of 156) [UN World Happiness Report 2010-2012]

At least they're really optimistic :D
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+3 80. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Speed test comparison between all iPhones ever made

This is exactly why I just bought a 4S. Buying the latest iPhone is just waste of money...
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+3 81. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video New and imaginative way of navigating terrain from NASA

#2 "What was wrong with wheels?"

Traditional vehicles are heavy and landing them in one piece is very difficult. Just look how ridiculously complex landing the Mars-rovers was:
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+3 82. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Russians Vs Speed Bumper

Seriously, 20 km/h in a place like that?
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+3 83. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Korean girls taste American snacks

I love (rice) vinegar, but the Salt 'n vinegar Lays are just plain awful :P
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+3 84. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Linear Shinkansen, 603 km per hour achieved

Why is everyone's using an analog camera? :D
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+3 85. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video How to park your Porsche In Vancouver Ron Edgar

#3 Some teenager stole his/her mom's Porsche, crashed it into a parked car, and then drove back home to park it... Like this :x
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+3 86. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video American Vs Swedish Recruitment Ads

#19: Can't argue with that.

I was thinking more about the kind of patriotism you see in US, China etc. A lot of people think their country is the best in the world and will get really offended if you present any kind of criticism. The vast majority of people in Northern Europe don't really give a rats ass about those matters. Sure, we love our countries and especially our way of living, as #8 pointed out, but we are way less passionate about it.
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+2 87. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia 2

I was pretty much scared shitless the whole time I lived in China because the traffic is really like this all the time. It's like no-one understands how easily a person can die, even though local road deaths were on the news every day. Also, nobody uses a seatbelt and they even tend to remove the back-seat safety belts from taxis :S
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+2 88. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Go Beyond Oil

#6 might be right about the numbers, but he's clearly missing the point. Australia has a population equal to the one of Beijing. And Beijing population is only about 2% of China as a country. The amount of power needed is just astronomical.
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+2 89. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video September Fail Compilation

No shortage of idiots on this planet :D
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+2 90. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video RNA interference

We sure are a complex blob of micro-organisms. I wonder if our components are somewhat sentient beings too? :O
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+2 91. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

#8: Ritchie was awarded for his work many years ago. It just happens that he did little to nothing of interest afterwards. Jobs was, not only a celebrity, but also a CEO of a hugely successful company whose products touch our everyday lives. Media seldom cares about scientists, but they sure love celebrities.

By the way, C-language just happened to become the de-facto standard. It could have been any other language too. Maybe this world would be a better place if Pascal was the most common language. Who knows...

Unix on the other hand is even the base for Apple operating systems. There's no denying it's importance, but Ritchie was only one member in a team of experts developing it.
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+2 92. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Two handed drawing

Now those are some awesome multitasking skills!
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+2 93. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Sleeping humpback whales

#6: My thoughts exactly. Perhaps they only take short power naps :D
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+2 94. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

#8: Alternative energy sources have existed for some time, but the problem is not so much the greed but the fact that they don't produce a constant stream of energy. This renders them pretty much useless compared to combustion or fission power.

Fortunately this is about to change. Scientists have recently developed large capacity all-liquid batteries that can handle electricity at large scale. When they hit the market, we are going to see much more renewable energy applications and hopefully get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels.
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+2 95. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video How to build a Jet Engine - with Lego

Actually, they didn't show HOW TO make it, like the man at the beginning promised. Instead it was all about them doing it >:)
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+2 96. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Fun with ultracapacitors

#12, #13: Actually, there are some hybrid buses that use this technology.

However, capacitors can't hold their potential nearly as long as batteries can. Therefore they're pretty useless when it comes to electric cars.
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+2 97. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Nintendo's line of consoles

They missed the Virtual Boy too (1995) 8-)
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+2 98. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video How a sword was made in the Bronze Age

#1: Thank you captain obvious. The Katana was, after all, invented about 4000 years after the bronze sword ;)
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+2 99. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video AK-47 Underwater at 27,450 frames per second

10# I can't understand why people always use the version without a shoulder stock. The rifle itself is accurate up to 300 meters.
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+2 100. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video What It's Like To Drop 150,000 Feet Straight Down

#2: How do you explain the 6,5 billion people elsewhere who managed to start using SI system during the last 100 years? US is almost literally the last place on Earth not using international standard units.
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+2 101. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Why glasses are so expensive

My glasses cost 300 euros. At least that's still cheaper than an iPad here...
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+2 102. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video How Evolution Works

Evolution is everywhere. Even if you think a car, there is a lot of stuff in it that are not a result of intelligent design. For example the layout of the controls: In the beginning there was no standard of any kind, but because specific car manufacturers succeeded better than others, most of the alternatives died out. Eventually we ended up with the de-facto layout of today.

Evolution of organisms is no different. We can argue if "God" made the original spark of life, but there is no denying that we are what we are because of millions of years of evolution.
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+2 103. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Dodgy electrical wiring, or modern day genius!?

#3, #8: I guess you're used to deadly wiring in your country?

In Western Europe, Nordics, US etc. connections like that are illegal for a good reason.
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+2 104. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video American Fotoplayer

Would be even better if he didn't use plates all the time :(|)
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+2 105. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video English motorcyclist almost runs over a pedestrian

#1: I do ride a bike. I have for more than 10 years now. The safest place on road is in middle of a LANE. That's where cars see you from their mirrors. Driving like that is not only very selfish, but also a good way to get hit by a car changing lanes.

Just saying... But what do I know. I'm obviously a retard.
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+2 106. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Mass Incarceration in the US

#9: "You wouldn't be so caring about prisoners if one of them killed a member of your family"

You can go to jail for stealing food in the US. It's naive to think everyone locked up is a murderer.
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+2 107. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Charting culture

Isn't 600 BC a bit late starting point? Egypt, China etc. had pretty civilized, and relatively well documented, culture already in 2000 BC...
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+2 108. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Biker Goes Airborne

#5: Not to mention keeping their distance. Even the guy wearing the camera was waaay too close to the bike in front of him. Something as simple as a dog passing the road might have resulted in an big pile of crying motorists.
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+2 109. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Land Rover diesel vs Dodge 3500 diesel tug-o-war

I think they're comparing apples and oranges here. An off-roader versus a small truck meant for bumpy roads.
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+2 110. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Harley crash

Locking the rear is normal in an emertency stop, even if you use the front brake. Anyway, proper braking would have stopped the bike well before the car.
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+2 111. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video China Uncensored - China's One Child Policy

#2: People in rural areas are allowed to have more than one child, if the first one is a girl. This is because the government found that they were systematically killing, or selling, newborn girls. Basically lesser of two evils.

In the cities, if your parents both didn't have any siblings, you are allowed to have two children now. Previously there was not excuse for having a second child of any sex. Unless you could afford the fines, of course.

To actually have a child in China, you need to apply for a permit, and they do make some extensive health checks for that. Normal people don't get involuntarily sterilized after birth, but one-child-policy offenders might.

Forced menstruation checks are totally illegal, but they might be happening somewhere - after all this is China we're talking about. Rural areas tend to have cowboy local authorities doing whatever they want with no regard to laws, human rights or public health.

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+2 112. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video We are (apparently) here to stay

#7: I think you're right onto point with the history lesson. Guns have been widely available in the US for such a long time, there's no easy way out anymore.

More than trying to ban guns the US should really concentrate on fixing the corrections system. Hard punishments tend to make criminals more violent and has statistically had little success at lowering crime rates.
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+2 114. LaoMa commented 7 years ago on video Time-lapse: Earie thick smog rolls into Beijng

#2, oh they do, but there's little Beijing city can do about pollution coming from neighbouring cities. It was a bad idea to relocate all factories out of the city in 2008, as they lost control over them.

#3 Northern China is actually mostly building nuclear and wind power
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+1 115. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Don't Text While Driving

#21: "And btw, the first girl got killed because she was texting AND didn't put her seat belt on."

My thoughts exactly. No way she would have flown out of the car if she had buckled up.

On a side note, many people die as they get run over by their own cars in an accident. Just because they didn't care to use a seatbelt. So much unnecessary suffering... :(
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+1 116. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Astronomer's Paradise

#6: It looks like they used long exposure time. You wouldn't be able to see all the pretty colors with naked eye, but the images are by no means photoshopped. They just show a little more than our limited night vision can.
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+1 117. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Evolution of the moon

#1, indeed. Recent evidence even imply there were originally two moons that collided to form the one that orbits us today.
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+1 118. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video A Different Kind of Boss

#8: That sure is a strange trend. Here in Finland big companies, like Finnair, give huge bonuses to CEOs that have failed miserably too. And this while they demand employees to work extra hours for no salary, or sack them altogether! This recent crap completely defies logic... And it's happening in more and more companies :S
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+1 119. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Texting and driving test

#7: Really? Always thought you were smarter with these things and we Finns just copied your good proven laws. Using a mobile phone without a hands-free device while driving is illegal in Finland. Unfortunately there are many who don't obey the law. You can easily spot them, as they tend to drive like drunks. No signals, sudden correcting moves, very slow acceleration, etc.
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+1 120. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter crashes, very lucky pilot

#15: Indeed. Piston engines are pretty much obsolete these days. At least in aviation.
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+1 121. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Stupid Porsche Driver

What kind of a monster of a vehicle were those intersections designed for? We don't even have parking lots that large here :D
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+1 122. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video A Liberal Prison System - Bastoy Island, in the fjord of Oslo, Norway

#13: Well that has worked great, hasn't it? In every country where the punishments are always severe, crime rates are high and stay there. Here in Nordic countries most criminals get education in prison and become good law abiding citizens. The government gives the inmates a second chance and they do their best to make it count. In that sense, our prisons are more like hospitals for curing the dumb.
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+1 123. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Smoking Kid

#12: Here in Finland we have the same taxes for smokes as you do (about 80%).

It has been calculated that one smoking worker causes Finland about 28 000 eur losses annually (in sick leaves, decreased working performance, public heathcare, etc.).

You'd have to buy a storehouse full of cigs to make up for that.
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+1 124. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Another Road Maniac on the Loose

#13: Ambulances (and police cars for that matter) always have their warning lights on in Far East countries. There is no way to know if they actually are in a rush.

I hope the crazy driver goes to jail for what he did. Fleeing an accident scene is a very serious crime, at least here in Finland. Surely he'll have to pay large compensations for the victims too.
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+1 125. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Dr. Michio Kaku America Has A Secret Weapon

#4: Hasn't happened in the Nordics and we're definitely not communists here. Then again, we're not capitalists either.

By the way, I've read a number of theses from MIT during my student years, and they're generally really horrible compared to theses written by European students. We would fail even exercises with those papers, yet some people have got their university degree with them. Sure, the American MSc only compares to European BSc in knowledge, but regardless the US clearly has quite a lot of catching up to do when it comes to education. If nothing changes, the day will come when all the brain work is done somewhere else and Americans will be just providing the assembly lines...
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+1 126. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video The fastest F1 pit-stop EVER!!!!

There it comes... Aaaand you missed it :D
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+1 127. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Everything is a Remix

Fortunately the whole ACTA thing was scrapped in Europe. It would have basically made everyone a criminal, until proven otherwise. Another fortunate thing is that our patent system is not as broken as the American one is. Patent trolls have hard time registering anything too generic here, as they only get laughed out of the office...
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+1 128. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Playground in Africa

#12: "Kids". In Africa they'd have like three children at that age, and no time to play merry-go-round (of death) :D
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+1 129. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Unbelievable Wingsuit Cave Flight!

Holy shit how fast he passed the opening! :O
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+1 130. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Map of Europe - 1000 A.D. to present day

#19, #22, Hungary really was there in 1000 AD, where this video starts. After all, they did their conquests somewhere around 900 AD.
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+1 131. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Greyp G12 - Future Bike

6000 smackaroos! I could get a new 300 cc motorcycle for that price. Or a second hand one and a premium MTB :D
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+1 132. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video New Motorcycle Helmet With A Twist

#11, I guess you don't drive a sportsbike? My supersport's mirrors are terrible. Better just turn my head and look what's going on behind me.
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+1 133. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video 4-year-old with an IQ of 140

140 with std deviation of...?
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+1 134. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Car vs. cyclist

Mixing bikes and cars is ok when you're in a city center (~30 km/h). These roads should have separate bikeways.
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+1 135. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison

#10: China has death penalty for drug trafficking, but it has not stopped drugs being imported. It has only made catching the criminals very dangerous, as the drug traffickers always fight to death.
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+1 136. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video Gigantic Explosion at Chinese Chemical Plant

Not quite sure what the guy says, but he starts with a very clear and loud "F**k!" :D
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+1 137. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video This Tree Cutting Machine Is Monstrous

#5: That's not how the market really works. Demand stays pretty much the same all the time and the only real variable is cost. Harvesters cut the costs dramatically in developed countries. Instead of 20 lumberjacks, you only need one tech-savvy one.
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+1 138. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video GoPro captures moment motorcyclist collides with truck.

#4: Yeah, never a good idea to brake when already turning. Might be just the camera, but it kinda seems that the guy doesn't even know how to countersteer.
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+1 139. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video I'm HIV positive, do you dare to touch me?

That was a lot of hugs <3

Normally we Finns don't feel comfortable being near to strangers. Just check this pic of a bus stop:
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+1 140. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video New Osprey Suppressor Makes Gun Insanely Quiet

#2: I guess that gives you some kind of idea, but modern recording devices do tend to hide the true sound of guns. I've used a 7.62 assault rifle myself and it's incredibly loud - so loud that I actually had to wear both earbuds and hearing protectors at the same time. On video it sounds just like that pistol :P
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+1 141. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

#9, #10: Summer night, people are walking/biking back home from bars and parties. They could have killed people. Risking yourself is one thing, but putting others in harms way is just being a major asshole, and not cool at all.
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0 142. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video GreenPeace - Inspiring Action

#7: Sure the waste is a problem, but it is produced in relatively small quantities and stored in radiation-proof containers. Exposure would require someone to physically go inside the cave and open the containers. Even then the radiation on the surface would be within normal levels.

Nuclear waste can also be recycled. I'm pretty sure that our children will learn how to deplete the fuel much further than we currently do.
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0 143. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Russia Car Crash Compilation 4

If you're planning on saving some money and driving to Russia... Don't! Just take the train/plane :D
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0 144. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video What Happens When You Drop a Slinky

#7 kind of said this already, but to hopefully make it clear for everyone, here goes:

Both ends have a tension caused force vector towards the center point of the coil equal to the gravitational force. We can know this because the lower part is stationary and the Slinky is symmetrical. When the top is released the bottom still has the same forces in effect as it had before. The top however now lacks one force - the hand - and thus starts moving. Because the coil is so soft, the new downward force vector doesn't transfer to the bottom until they pretty much collide.

A more rigid coil would most likely start moving at the bottom too, as the kinetic energy of the falling top would partially transfer to the bottom part. A completely rigid object would (obviously) have both its ends moving instantly.

Basic kinetics in action. 8-)
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0 145. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter Crashes During Top Gear Korea

There's a Korean version of Top Gear?!? Oh, yeah the crash... :D
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0 146. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video The $8Billion IPOD

#13: Obviously there's no such thing as a free lunch. I just meant that the taxes eventually return back to you in a way or another.

PS. You sir, are the idiot, if you don't know that the best countries in the world also happen to have the highest tax-rates. That's no communism. Just common sense.
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0 147. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video How It Feels To Sell Instagram For A Billion Dollars

#2: Not allowed to sell the shares for 10 years? Are you sure they actually agreed to that? It does sounds like a rather crappy deal, unless FB is going to give out some serious dividend every year.
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0 148. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Girl Swallowed Up by the Sidewalk

Beijing just had a similar accident. Unfortunately the woman fell into boiling water and died :S
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0 149. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Meet the Autobahn - The german Highway

1 500 - 2 000 USD? In Finland driver's license costs 1 500 - 2 000 EUR. Still cheaper than Norway though :P
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0 150. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video In Russia Police Obeys You

Another amazing thing is that Russia now has real police! I had no idea they shut down the militia in 2011. Good for them :)
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0 151. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Line judge drops the ball

#2, #3: So that's where baby tennis balls come from :D
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0 152. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video The Invisible Bicycle Helmet

#19: Head injuries mostly occur in city when a cyclist gets run over by a car. Even at slow speeds hitting your head on the car or the pavement can be fatal.

Anyway, I think I'm going to stay with the traditional helmet. It only costs 20 euros and provides the same level of protection. I personally like wearing cycling gloves too - had my share of road rash as a kid :x
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0 153. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video nVidia - Project Logan

#6: Also, there's something unnatural about the eyes. I guess they don't move with the skin as much as they should :)
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0 154. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Fracking explained

Not mentioned in the video: 98 - 99.5% of the fracking fluid is sand (i)
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0 155. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Man wakes from coma speaking Mandarin

He might haven't been as fluent in Mandarin before the coma, but obviously he already knew a lot. While sleeping, the brain does a lot of optimization, so I guess a week of coma was well enough to get the language sorted out in his mind.
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0 156. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Other side of the Moon

The dark side of the Moon is not only full of craters, but also made of different material than the side facing us. I guess the difference in mass of the sides has eventually resulted in stopping the spin and always facing the same direction in relation to Earth. And where did the different halves come from, you ask? There are some theories of Earth originally having two satellites and even the Moon having collided with Earth. Pretty interesting stuff 8-)
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0 157. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Art of Katana

I just love watching a master of ancient techniques doing his thing <3
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0 158. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Tie Fighter

#3: That goes without saying :)

Guess I was the only one here who played the X-Wing and TIE-fighter games back in the day :(|)
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0 159. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Concrete Absorbs Gallons of Water

#9: Even so, concrete wouldn't last a winter under the beating of studded tires or snow chains.
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0 160. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work

#1, #10: It might be relatively easy to implement the rules, but the issue is that they would have to be extremely specific as they basically override the actual AI. Probably would be safer if we didn't hardcode any rules at all, and just treated the AI as a child, teaching it ethics and giving it 20 years to fully understand everything it has learned.
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0 161. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video This Tree Cutting Machine Is Monstrous

#8: I totally agree with the HOW part, but it has more to do with sustainability than market behaviour or the techical solutions. For example Finland is a major player in the lumber and paper industries but our deforestation rate is less than 0.02% per annum and steadily slowing down even further. Basically all lumber harvesting is done using these machines nowadays.
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0 162. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video Blue Origin Launches reused rocket and lands it again!

#3, #5: The two aren't really competing with each other, at least yet. Falcon is designed to leave Earth, while the New Shepard is a lower orbit rocket.
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0 163. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video The History of the EU with David Mitchell

#4: The claims about cucumber, vacuum cleaner, jam, horse meat etc. directives are simply not true. Media has either misunderstood them, or just made things up to have a funny story to sell. Even those "un-elected nomarks" have been chosen by the people who actually care enough to vote in the euro-parliament elections.

It might sound a bit counter intuitive, but water alone does not prevent dehyrdration. You need sodium too. EU does not allow lies or half-truths in advertising, and that's a good thing.

I'm not saying that EU doesn't have its issues, but "daily fail" and pals feed you a lot of BS.
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0 164. LaoMa commented 7 years ago on video Policeman stop traffic with car to guide elderly walker

#1 In China the roof lights should be always on anyway. Perhaps he was off-duty
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0 165. LaoMa commented 6 years ago on video Selfish Driver Refuses to Move for Rescue 1 Because They Were “Waiting for a Spot”

#3 As the news article said, they hope that giving her a fine will stop other a-holes from harassing them on the job. Of course they could have just called the police, but probably had better things to do at the time
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-1 166. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Machine drills square holes in metal.

#12: If this video is Chinese, why is it in Japanese? Chinese written language has no curly characters. The Japanese however use traditional Chinese characters alongside with their own alphabet.
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-1 167. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video The $8Billion IPOD

#3: At least taxes don't end up only in the corporate bosses' deep pockets. The good thing about taxes is that we all benefit from them. They give us free roads, free schools and universities, free healthcare and even free money if we lose our jobs or get handicapped. In civilized countries anyway...
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-1 168. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video U.S. Navy railgun makes public debut

#6, if you don't count weapons as being a waste of human effort, a railgun is cheaper per shot than a traditional cannon. A big deal for a normal country, but for a military show-off like the US, the price has never been an issue. Tax payers have deep pockets ;)
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-1 169. LaoMa commented 8 years ago on video Olympics of 2016 in Rio

#2, #5 said, that's not really socialism, is it? Sounds more like corrupt and dysfunctional capitalism to me.

For example, the Nordic countries are truly socialistic. Companies have very limited power and the government provides high quality healthcare, education and even basic income for everyone. Almost the exact opposite of what Brazil has been heading for lately.
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-2 170. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

#4: Only special ops learn telekinesis ;)
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-2 171. LaoMa commented 10 years ago on video Longsword Fighting Techniques also known as Realistic Historical Sword Fighting

#9: "European knights were clad in a rather heavy suit of armour"

A knight's full armor weighted only around 20-25 kg. That's actually a little less than the full samurai armor. Also, it's quite obvious, that slashing swords would have been completely useless against metal-armored target. I think the odds would have been strongly in favor of the European knight.

Weapons aside, one shouldn't underestimate the lack of experience either. The Japanese were isolated for a long time, making them very specialized at killing Japanese. As cool as the samurai are, they would have had hard time beating anyone outside their own country.
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-2 172. LaoMa commented 9 years ago on video Tie Fighter

Not to be a critic, but why did a TIE-fighter have a shield-indicator on its HUD at 1:43? :D
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-3 173. LaoMa commented 13 years ago on video Did You Know?

Very old stats. US was the #1 in broadband penetration in like 1999 or something. Now it's #25 - lagging behind most of the Europe and Far East.

Also, did you know that nowadays China has the most Internet users in the world too ;)
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-3 174. LaoMa commented 11 years ago on video Full-Auto Gauss Gun

#3: No worries, 40 m/s is hardly enough to even puncture skin.
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-4 175. LaoMa commented 12 years ago on video Sushi Conveyor in Japan

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to do that without asking for everyone's permission first...