Comments posted by LightAng3l


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+1 1. LightAng3l commented 4 years ago on video Russia's first postal drone takes its maiden flight - and crashes straight into a wall.

It tried to deliver the package through the window, but sadly missed....
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+2 2. LightAng3l commented 6 years ago on video Passengers Freak Out as Plane Skids Off Runway

I would have needed new pants
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0 3. LightAng3l commented 6 years ago on video Aspirin Journey through the body - 3D Animation

At 2:42 made me close the video. "If drugs are not administered orally, eg. intravenously or buccally, then they can bypass the small intestine"

Buccally = orally (synonyms)

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+2 4. LightAng3l commented 7 years ago on video Top 10 Places You Won't Believe The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Sequence Appears

I just threw an apple against the wall I made about 5 golden ratios. This comment can also fit inside a pi matrix.
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+3 5. LightAng3l commented 7 years ago on video The new Volvo XC60 Roll Over crash test

#17 That's not how physics works mate. Look at rally car rolls and you will see that regardless of speed the car rolls sideways. That's because the car changes it's angle after hitting the ground with it's roof and turns to the side. Momentum is preserved. I have not seen a car roll diagonally combining forward and sideway motion.

In movies they use half a ramp to roll the car at high speeds and the car twists in the air, lands and starts rolling sideways if the stund driver does it well, if not, the car will twist and land on the roof, no roll.
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+1 6. LightAng3l commented 7 years ago on video This Magic Trick Will Leave You Stunned!

This Site Never Had Clickbait Titles! :(
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+5 7. LightAng3l commented 7 years ago on video Feisty Snake Slithers into Internet Cafe

Is it wrong that I laughed so hard?
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0 8. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Meteor falling in Khakassia, Russia

I feel lucky since I actually witnessed one :)
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+3 9. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Futuristic straddling bus allows cars running underneath

This is not new or invented by the company mentioned in this video, The concept has been around for many years. I remember seeing this bus concept on the Discovery Chanel when I was a child.
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+3 10. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Female meteorologist forced to cover up – WHILE ON AIR

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+8 11. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video What It's Really Like to Fight for the ISIS

The worst part is that they die for an imaginary god. All religion should be discarded. When will mankind ever be free of this mental disease known as religion?
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+14 12. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Will it work?

People will have vertical eyes in the future
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+3 13. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video You've got to be nuts obstacle on the maze!

That was not vertical, but impressive nevertheless.
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+3 14. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Assault Breacher Vehicle | Deadliest Tech

I never hurt anyone, ever.... but put me face to face with an ISIS indoctrinated religious fanatic and I will blow his head clean off his shoulders. They are not humans, they don't deserve brain power wasted on them.
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+4 15. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video White student at San Francisco State University hassled because of his dreads

I would have punched that bitch in the eye.
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+1 16. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video This Is What Happens When Two Power Lines Touch

Ahhhh... vertical video, we meet again. The idiocy of this generation.
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+6 18. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in 1980 before common sense was invented

You only need to look at it to realize it's gonna go down.
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+5 19. LightAng3l commented 8 years ago on video Why this weapon not shoot?

Soldier: Sir... my gun won't shoot.
Instructor: Soldier you are out of ammo.
Soldier: I know sir, but my gun still won't shoot.
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+4 20. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Hey Siri, do the math rap

I think that was the guy that answered the phone when I had Internet issues.
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+14 21. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Michigan

#4 Not everyone is a hero. He decided to not risk his life and you can't blame him.

a) You can get killed yourself for nothing
b) If you flag down traffic up the road, you just create another collision pile in another location, genius
c) At least he filmed it, he could have not..... or worst, it could be a vertical video.
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+15 22. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Veterans recount the first time they killed someone

Why would you cut an mix the stories like that? You are not Quentin Tarantino!
The editing took away most of the impact that the stories had... horrible decision.
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-2 23. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity

So much bullshit..... Light has nothing to do with time... and time is an abstract construct, not a real thing. Einstein is turning in his grave :(
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+3 24. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Real Mjolnir (Electromagnet, Fingerprint Scanner)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Arthur C. Clarke
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+3 25. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video NASA's Ingenious Hedgehog Explorer

Imagine if a cube landed on Earth and started moving around. We would sh*t our pants.
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+7 26. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Massive Fireball from Space Witnessed in Thailand

#1 We have the technology to detect a meteor about 2 seconds before it hits us.
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+3 27. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video 10 Signs China's Military Is Weaker Than You Think

Reading some of the comments makes me laugh.... "The US did not win the Iraq war" always gets to me.... Did Iraq win? Was it a draw? .. no... Iraq was crushed, the poor state of the country today does not reflect the winner of the war... the US clearly won, because if invading the capital and removing the person in power is losing in your book... you live in a weird world.

Like #3 said "America fought against Afghanistan and Irak and could not even win them" What do you mean did not win?? What is considered a "win" in your logic? Did you expect a cup? An award ceremony? They defeated Iraq's army and seized the capital.... They had zero losses on home territory (excluding the WTC which happened before war was declared) ... I don't get it... and people are agreeing with you? Ok then.... America lost Iraq won.... in another universe.
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+2 28. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Dutch Driver tries to jump drawbridge - and fails

He tried to stop...
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+2 29. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Limo vs Train

#10 you must have failed physics class ...
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+24 30. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Huge Fireball Caused By Explosion at a Chemical Plant

Each generation is dumber than the last with these vertical videos.
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+14 31. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Rocket, Thailand Style

I believe this video was uploaded before... still cool though :)
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0 32. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in the Far East

Why was there a jump cut?
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+2 33. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video How Restaurants Trick You With "Fake" Steak

If that's his idea of a cooked stake I'm just gonna puke.
When he cut it it was RAW MEAT! Only 1 millimeter was cooked, like an outside shell, the inside looked like it was still alive.
Why not bite a chunk out of a pig and be done with it?
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+3 34. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Air-show accident

Ooo porcaaa miseriaaa !
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+6 35. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Heavy equipment operator turns crazy

Why in the new player autostarting? Not cool ...
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+3 36. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video People Experience -220°F (-140°C) For The First Time

Bet their nipples got really hard.
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+3 37. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Revolutionizing the way to make boxes and drawers

Or just cut out a 90 degree triangle profile instead of that shape.... it's been done for years.
I think the design in the video is stronger though, which may be an advantage.
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+14 38. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Six-seat van carries 51 workers in China’s Guiyang

#5 They wouldn't fit.
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+3 39. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Is This Standard Procedure For Knee Surgery?

Doctor: "You are going to feel a little sore in your leg"
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-8 40. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Star Wars: Modern Lightsaber Battle

Star Wars fans are really sensitive about small changes.... seems like they are all 12 year old entitled brats, even though the movies are very old..... makes no sense.
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+4 41. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Food factory

Ok #8 you do that.
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+2 42. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Introducing "Spot" for 2015

Top marks #12 for completely missing the point.
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+26 43. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Whoopi Goldberg: If you hit a man don't be surprised if he hits you back

Hahaha... so many pissed off women... "you can't hit us" ... "you are not allowed to, even if we hit you" , "it's the law" (it's not the law)...
I would punch their god damn teeth out if they punched me. I don't care about physical strength and the law also doesn't.

That being said, I was slapped by a girl, got in heated arguments with girls... lost my shit, and seen red, but I never, once hit a girl in my life.

I would though, depends on the circumstances and a shitload of feelings at any given moment.
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+1 44. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Illegal Columbian Gold Mine Collapses

Just like ants...
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+5 45. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Just dancing in the street... what could possibly go wrong?

#4 and #8
1. The video is listed in "Accidents" How did you not see that coming?
2. From the Snotr FAQ: "we try to keep this website family-safe but there might be some adult jokes or accidents wich are not suitable for kids. We try to mark that videos with a warning." KEYWORD: try
3. There is no gore or clear deaths in the video just people getting hit, which can be seen in 40% of Snotr videos.
4. Grow up.
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+5 46. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Russian Road Rage Extreme Fights

Animals.... they can't even throw a decent punch.
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-1 47. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video House explosion caught on dashcam

And that's why you don't build your house with twigs.
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+5 48. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Military Ray Gun • ADS Electromagnetic Radiation Weapon

Complaining about the weapons the US military has is not reasonable in my opinion... because I prefer that the US has them instead of corrupt murdering states like NK, Russia or Syria.
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-2 49. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video A mysterious explosion in Donetsk

That's not how a nuke looks like... also... knowing russians I wouldn't rule out that they will using nukes.
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-1 50. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Bitcoin mine in Northeast China - Turnover of $1.5million worth of Bitcoins per month

Imagine you had ALL the money in the world and put it in a bank. They can't return more, because there will never be more... right? WRONG!

Pffff... your logic is broken.
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-2 51. LightAng3l commented 9 years ago on video Dashcam footage of Mariupol being shelled on 24th January 2015

I wish Russia would just fall apart and disappear. Just let the civilized world be... imperialist KGB pigs.
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-1 52. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video On Ice Projection: Leafs vs. Hurricanes

Yes it does support consoles, but only in 720p/30FPS
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0 53. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Dog "Saves" his owner

"Cats don't do this" Snakes also don't... your point is?
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+4 54. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Gympie-Gympie plant

#1 I eat the plant you just linked to... the food made from it is delicious!
However, I would not get close to the one in the video, two different plants pal.
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+24 55. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video A book collection nobody will ever read

The first acts where very well structured but the ending was a little predictable.

8/10 - Would read again.
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+1 56. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video A Firework Lands Inside an Apartment

Kids will go ballistic really easy. They will act like that even if a tiny firecracker blows next to them if the parent starts panicking.
This is very exaggerated!
"Almost Kills a Family" .... yeah right, I bet no one was even injured. Just kids panicking.
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+1 57. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video I'm sure my fuel cap was on this side

You have the video file...why film off screen?
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+3 58. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Best News Bloopers 2014

12:06 Catches the ball... drops the child. Love how he tried to use his leg to stop the kid from hitting the ground. :D
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+11 59. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Disassembling a Rolex

If my life depended on putting it back together I would be dead.
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+25 60. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video What the UNITED STATES thinks of EUROPE

Awesomely true :D
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+1 61. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video How to Get to Mars

Hey.. I am from the future. People on Mars are having a tough time finding the remains of this rover! Collectors would pay high dollar if we can get it. Could you kindly confirm its last known location?
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+25 62. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Really cool wood cutting machine

How about a tree planting machine?
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-10 63. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Tailgater gets instant karma

She showed the speedometer, she was within legal speed limit! All you people complaining she was blocking the looser behind her need to learn some traffic rules! If you are on the left lane and you are at the speed limit they can s*** your d*** !
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+1 64. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video What Is The Dark Web?

There is no such thing as untraceable.
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-10 65. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Little girl narrowly escapes death

Russians.... scum of the earth.
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+3 66. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Building Demolition

#12 you don't know that, maybe pieces of burning debris hit tower 7, it was chaos and panic, there was no rational person on site to record thing as they actually happend, Years later we still piece together the events from video footage. So unless you are God and I missed the memo, you can't prove that what you are saying is wright, I also can't, but that's fine since I am not a tin foil hat wearing paranoid.
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-3 67. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video You've been doing it wrong the whole time!

There are way better ways than waiting like an idiot for the egg to soak....are you that Fing lazy that you have to wait for the egg to soak so you can peal it 4 seconds faster than you would if you just fing peel it when it cools down a little?

Plus if you break the shell wrong you and up with many white pieces that way...and are actually harder to get off the egg.

PS: In my country it is illegal to sell eggs if they are not encapsulated in a glass ampule.
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+11 68. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Worlds fastest firing gun

I think this was on here before.... nevertheless, super slow motion is needed...
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+5 69. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video New barrier to stop vehicles trying to ram into buildings

#15 ... yes, plant trees... and in 30-40 short years your building will be safe.
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+5 70. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Beautiful Chemical Reactions

Let's cook!
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+13 71. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Town's old water tower dropped for salvage

That should take care of that gopher... :S
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+1 72. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video 5 Secret Doomsday Letters

#4 I actually have a gaming PC, I'm a 27 year old IT guy. And I am also smart enough to know we can't possibly be the only intelligent civilization in the universe. So yeah, glad we have nukes, I just hate that we use them on our own kind.
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+2 73. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video 5 Secret Doomsday Letters

I would not really call the nuclear bomb an abuse of technology... I will however condemn the use of such device on fellow human beings! If we get invaded by aliens on the other hand I would be happy to have nuclear capability.
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-3 74. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Idiot driver almost kills everyone in his car

3 huge mistakes:

1. If he would have stayed to the right the oncoming truck would have avoided him. Very dangerous but still...
2. After he veered to the left he should have STAYED to the left, not turn right back on to the road... loosing control.
3. He should have waited for a bigger opening or for the other two cars to pass firs, rather than overtaking all of them.
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0 75. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Vaccum cleaning isn't easy ...

#5 I did not know that... lol.
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+1 76. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video How A Used Bottle Becomes A New Bottle

#3 don't forget they are more resistant to shocks :)
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+4 77. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Never steal from this guy

"She's pregnant!" .... so :| it's not like it's a f**king hard thing to do.. what does that have to do with stealing? Moronic women.
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+1 78. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Kintsugi: The Art of Embracing Damage

Interesting concept :) Though I wouldn't drop my phone and have the cracks repaired. :S
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+3 79. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Humans Need Not Apply

There is one thing they will never have... and that's imagination.
Humans have talent and skill, and they can imagine something and invent it. Robots are just very good "monkey see monkey do" type of thing. They learn, yes, but they can't invent.

Also, #1, minorities always have large number of children, think of gypsy families, or Mexican families, or think of Somalia, or Ethiopia. You always see thous poor people surrounded by 12 children, on the other hand rich people have mostly, one kid, that they spoil with a Ferrari that he crashes while snorting cocaine and dies.
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+7 80. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Duck whisperer

Translation: "The world will know that free ducks stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed."
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+2 81. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Robin Williams Tribute

Mi childhood is slowly crumbling away.... :'(
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+9 82. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Ultimate Close Call Compilation

Antoniooo !!!
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+9 83. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Finland - Russia Ice-hockey final was a total referee-fiasco

Well... it's no surprise really, there should be a picture of Russia in the dictionary under "corruption".
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-3 84. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Cyclist rides through South Downs National Park rave

#6 I feel sorry for you.
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+5 85. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Dog food vending machine for stray dogs.

#7 Dogs helped mankind feed itself in early times... and now people like you treat our best friends with indifference and throwing rocks at them. You are disgusting!

By the way... no song can make your comment less stupid.
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0 86. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Misconceptions About the Universe

You can thumb down #4 all you like, but he/she is right. Most of the stuff presented in this video is certainly not science. These are just theories and presumptions, unprovable at this point in time.
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0 87. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Burning pollen

I used to like that stuff as a kid. They say it's good luck to catch one when it's in the air.... they also say black cats are bad yeah.
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+1 88. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Shampoo Prank

#3 I wish ;)
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-2 89. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video What every young "cowboy"wanted.....

#5 You mean one of thous countries where sane people live?
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+3 90. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Shampoo Prank

I did that once >:)
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+4 91. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Why the moon landings could never have been faked

There are so many stupid people on this planet... it's no surprise some of them came together and called the moon landings fake.
I couldn't be happier knowing that I am smart and intelligent enough to not believe such moronic conspiracies.

You can believe the moon landings were faked, but you would be wrong. They happened.

No doubt that in 50 years these morons will flood the Internet with posts about WWII being faked, and that Hitler was an actor and the battles where staged and other demented crap.
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+1 92. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Is Watch Dogs Possible?

I wouldn't mind if a drone with a camera followed me each day.... I really don't mind other people wasting their time watching me do average things.
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+2 93. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video I-90 Rock Blasting 2013

#4 turn it into what? dust?
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+1 94. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Smart Birds Open Doors

I'm not saying animals are not intelligent, I know they are, but this seems like chance. They just fly around the sensor and the door happens to open. Birds fly near the ceiling in an enclosed space... as it happens that's where the sensor is located.

Maybe they will learn that if they fly near the door long enough it will open, but that's something else.
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+5 95. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video A Brazilian Family With Twelve Fingers

What is the 6th finger called?
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+3 96. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Low Speed Chase in Oregon

I think I can. I think I can!
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+1 97. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Colorado Mudslide Flash flood US Highway 24

Oh my gawd... shouldn't you move a little to the right there... oh my gawd?
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+17 98. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Why Women Are Stripey

Can we also have a video that scientifically explains why women are always wrong?
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+2 99. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video How An Argentine Celebrates A Goal

This made my day :)
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+3 100. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video $330,000 watch that has all the planets rotating at there exact pace

Galileo Galilei would be proud.
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+7 101. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video World War II in 7 Minutes

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
John F. Kennedy
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-2 102. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Mind the gap

Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you: they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am or why I say this. Sit down and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard.
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+4 103. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Citizenship Test

#4 I would cut your head of with a rusty chainsaw if I can become a US citizen. :P
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+4 104. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Idiot vs Trash Bin

You know what I love the most? ..... His glasses fly off.
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+5 105. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Please Use This Song

Can I use this song in my upcoming video game?
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+3 106. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Crossfit Fails Compilation

#1 She should turn off your TV and give you a copy of Dark Souls 1 if she loves you.
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0 107. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Vi Hart breaks down the Net Neutrality

R.I.P. Net Neutrality :'(
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0 108. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Black Racer snake having a seizure

Poor snake :'(

PS: The person that was filming could have saved the snake.... d**k
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+2 109. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video The Moons of Mars Explained -- Phobos & Deimos

#2 My poor Kerbals ended up at the north pole instead of the Moon, with the Moon calling out to them from the horizon :'(
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+8 110. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Just doing a 360 during a drift....

You have a point #2 ... I put Red Bull on the side of my car and now I do a barrel-roll each time I park my car.
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+2 111. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Cat vs Dog

Can we have #(removed comment) comment deleted? He is clearly a moron.
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+4 112. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Un-pickable lock with an amazing design

The next version will have a code that will be stored on a server below a mountain, and the code will change through a satellite system every 10 seconds.

I would like to buy one of these though, it's clever :D
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+1 113. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video NASA spotted a square "hole" in the Sun

Damn it Marvin, I told you to remove that square shaped dust particle off the telescope's lens...
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+9 114. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Where 26 asteroids recently hit Earth since 2000

200 light years away, next to a "Don't shoot the developing planets" sign, two redneck aliens are loading another rock into their intergalactic slingshot, "A little to the left Bob".
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+4 115. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Shooting 2500 Yards, 1.43 miles or 2.3km

#1 Wouldn't the bullet start to wobble also because it looses its axial rotation speed?
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+14 116. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Cutting up a tree

The neighbor popping up at the last second to see what's so funny over there :)
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+5 117. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video How to make Hip Hop Hits

So many little difference.
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+1 119. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video 25 Scary Bridges

I have crossed my share of narrow wooden bridges that sway in the wind... most notable was one where I gently tapped the guardrail with my foot, and it fell off (the guardrail, not the foot), the girl behind me started screaming >:)
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+3 120. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Fighter jet pilot tells his story of ejecting at supersonic speed

What caused him to lose control of his jet?
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+4 121. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Laziness finds a way

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

- Bill Gates
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+8 122. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Vlad the Astrophysicist

This is our "Pssss", so better make the most out of it.
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0 123. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Mass Incarceration in the US

You wouldn't be so caring about prisoners if one of them killed a member of your family, you would want that individual to rot in there.

Stop being hypocritical, unless you are willing to NOT put someone that did something bad to you behind bars... yeah... that's what I thought.

I bet that the person that made this video would have had different views if his child was molested by one of thous that are now behind bars, he would no be so forgiving as he seemed.

Don't show this to victim's families.
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+17 124. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Cat is very happy to see his owner after being 3 days alone

That's not true #4 My cats get happy too when I come home, and there is a difference between the way they sound when they want food and when they are happy.
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+1 125. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Eating Junk Food at the Gym

Haven't laughed so hard in a very long time... :D
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+11 126. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video The story behind "the most viewed image in the world" the Windows XP wallpaper

Hipsters happened, now everything has to be flat and abstract.
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+8 127. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Reporter falls in the river

why not jump in after her? I would ;)
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+1 128. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video What Makes the Cracking Sound?

There was this one little kid that cracked his fingers all day, and his mom was angry at him and when she heard him she would have an argument with him and tell him to stop because it's bad for him.

The years passed and the kid became a doctor and he cracked his fingers each and every day as often as he could. After many, many years when he was old he went and had his hands examined to see the damage, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with his joints... at which point he said: "Mother, you where wrong!"

His mother was not alive anymore, but he did win the argument.

I'm to lazy too look it up and find his name, but it's true.
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+12 129. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Interrupter gear or machine gun synchronizer

#2 Do you mean for shooting the children walking in front of the TV? Then yes, it can.
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+5 130. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Every single project meeting as an engineer

So many years taken off my life because of people like this... I'm talking about graphic design, but the point is still valid.
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+6 131. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Click, Baby, Click!

#2 some people like to have a collection of movies, songs, games, etc.
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0 132. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Banana : the new wired phone 2014

Yes... but does it send text messages?
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+10 133. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video The Next Generation of Wind Power

Looks vulnerable.
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+2 134. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Kids Stuck In Stuff

Natural selection doing it's job.
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+25 135. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Homemade pendulum rolling ball clock

Imagine sleeping in the same room with it.
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+1 136. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Way of a Warrant

Good for you #7 Now there's no way they're gonna find that heroine you got from Afghanistan.
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+2 137. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video This drone can steal what's on your phone

The next version of the drone will be able to physically take your phone and bring it to the operator. It will also have an optional ice-cream compartment and a cup holder.
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-1 138. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video New Oculus Facebook Rift gameplay footage!

#2 I don't.
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+6 139. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video A 40 year old woman, born deaf, hears for the first time.

They obviously read lips at first, even though they can hear...

PS: If I had superman's legs for an avatar he would be complete.
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+5 140. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Way of a Warrant

Google can then use the dolls to ask the child where he was touched while they where taking these "necessary" steps in narrowing the scope.
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+2 141. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video TACO BELL

There are people out there with that name.. is this news to them?
I want a Big Tasty now... good job.
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+8 142. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video The unboxing video to end all unboxing videos

I watch unboxing videos for collector's edition video games, because I want to see what's in the box (since images from the publisher are biased) and because I,m curious on how the artbook looks and stuff.
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+8 143. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Light speed visualized with minecraft

This video explains the speed of light as well as a toaster explains friction.
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-8 144. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Firearm myths about knock-down power

Is it just me or is this video broken? 0:00 length and no progress bar...
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-8 145. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Baltimore radio show host provides possible Malaysian Flight 370 possibilities in 1 min.

Yeah #6 I'm sure the media ran a story where the plane was captured by an UFO.... or remember the story on CNN where they said that an earthquake caused it to crash? No? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
This a$$hole is making it up and he's a moron. He wouldn't be doing it if it where an American plane because the families would sue his a$$ out of existence, but since it's a foreign plane it's ok to be a douchebag and make fun right?
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+4 146. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Longest Rally in Badminton History (Men's Singles)

Was that out? I don't know the rules... :S
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+13 147. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

I was in that same situation, I stood my ground and the dogs gave up.
However it depends on the type of dogs, farm or sheep dogs are different from stray dogs... and if you come face to face with guard dogs... you can stand your ground but you won't be standing much more.
I love dogs :)
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+10 148. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Anti-Gravity Wheel?

#4 he said 19 not 90.
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+38 149. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Why you shouldn't turn off the light at night

When it gets close... punch it in the face, drag it out of the house and go back to sleep.
Assuming you did not die from a heart attack.
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+3 150. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Volcano eruption drone shooting with GoPro

Volcanoes are just misunderstood :(
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-4 151. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Electric Vehicle Technology

#5 ... Why don't you upvote me to see ho many I have? Come on.... I know you want to :)
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-1 152. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Desert breath!

When I say the title I thought they where digging for water.
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+11 153. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Nice redneck idea ...

#2 if it's not covered in rust it's not redneck.
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+8 154. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Impact in 10,9,8 .....

At least he got the shoot... I hope.
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+9 155. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Subaru WRX STI vs. Stick Bomb

If the title was 100% accurate there wouldn't be much left of the Subaru.
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+5 156. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Michio Kaku: This is Your Brain on a Laser Beam

Sorry to burst your immortal bubble but this will never be possible.
Because if you manage to somehow make a PERFECT duplicate of yourself, PERFECT to the very last molecule and synapse connection, PERFECT in every possible way, literally IDENTICAL, it would still be it's own entity, it will act like you, talk like you, it will BE YOU, but another you.
You will be able to talk about the same memories you have with yourself and he will know your most darkest secrets because they are his most darkest secrets, but there are still going to be two different consciousnesses (damn word), identical, but different, which is a paradox.
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+1 157. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Bates 9000

#13 you did not just compare the 1080p videos on Youtube with 1080p videos on Blu-ray? I must be reading it wrong, because I can't believe that anyone thinks they are the same quality!
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+1 158. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Apotek

That was awesome, but if there is anything I would critique is the fact that the hair was waving too violently relative to the train's speed, other than that, as I said, AWESOME!
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+17 159. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Algae Lamp

I'll invest if you promise to stop taping my screen for no good reason!!
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+10 160. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Space/Time

Time is not real, it is an abstract construct, created by man, that makes it easier for us to interact.

This video is wrong. There is only ONE now. Past and future are not real, they are also concepts.
Einstein also realized this, as the video tells us at the very end.

Plus time does not slow down in moving objects as much as Michio Kaku would like you to believe. He used a beam of light to calculate this and in moving objects the clocks where running slower not because time was slower, they ran slower because the light had a greater distance to travel between the mirrors, since they where moving away from the beam.

I wish people will stop spreading misconceptions like this, Einstein is rolling in his grave.
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+7 161. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Cat trying to apologize

Dog: He feeds me, he pets me, he plays with me... he must be God
Cat: He feeds me, he pets me, he plays with me... I must be God

I own cats and dogs, and I love them all :D
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+6 162. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Blink and you'll miss it?

#8 Where I was working I made £1230 per year. So there's that...
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0 163. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Raw, unedited, silent footage of the bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, 1945.

Well... If I where to chose how to die.... I would chose a nuke.
BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN! :O Swoooossshhhh and I'm just an atomic shadow.
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+12 164. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Parking ticket prank

#2 Their parking was expired... weren't you listening? He gave them money to pay for parking... which had expired, obviously. I can't stress that enough :D

And #4 ... your avatar creeps me out dude. :S it's thous tiny beady eyes.
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+4 165. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video African aircraft test flight

Well that's $5804.00 well spent...
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+8 166. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Shifting an 18 Speed Transmission

#3 but then you wouldn't see the buttons...
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-1 167. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Super Bowl Commercial

My head hurts thinking about the low IQ levels of some Americans... (mind you I said SOME)
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+7 168. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video A very close call.....

What the hell are you doing indeed >:)
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+2 169. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Two deer fight and get stuck together...

I'm sorry #3 are you trying to make me feel bad about 66 people when animal populations are being obliterated all over the world?
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+13 170. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video What's The Brightest Thing In the Universe?

The distance between galaxies would make an intergalactic war impossible.
"Sir! I am reporting the enemy has moved it's Dreadnaughts to sector 5... 2 billion years ago."
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+3 171. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Collapsing a floor by filling a room with water!

#12 Never talk to me about German prefabricated houses, because Germans can make their houses out of paper if they wanted to since their seismic activity is almost nonexistent.
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+36 172. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Collapsing a floor by filling a room with water!

In Europe most modern houses are made with reinforced concrete, this will never happen.
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+17 173. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Handicap International against antipersonal mines

#2 In 9 out of 10 cases the country that plants the mines is the country the mines are planted in. Because land mines are area-denial weapons, designed to be used against invading forces.
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+11 174. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Red Bull Stratos

"Gopro cameras initializing..." So you went full-cheese there didn't you video?
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+13 175. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Security kid

#1 You do realize the guy was about to take the kid hostage don't you? He is clearly reaching for him before the kid reacts.

Better go for the gun than get taken hostage I say.
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+6 176. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Game Of Thrones Real Castle

#4 Photoshop is for image manipulation, Blender is for 3d modeling.
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+1 177. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Wood Trick

Please, STRONGLY consider changing to the metric system...
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+1 178. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Knock Knock

That's why you should always use Semtex. Just a little C4 knocking at your door.
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+15 179. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Walk around

My heart nearly gave out... I am terrified of heights (especially on man made structures).
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+3 180. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Piroefekti

Don't worry #10 the Romanian gypsies are giving them stiff competition.
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+6 181. LightAng3l commented 10 years ago on video Zero Visibility

If the distance required for you to come to a complete stop is larger than the distance you can actually see, you are looking for trouble.
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+17 182. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Asteroid Discovery From 1980 - 2010

Jump to 2:50 and watch it in fullscreen, focus on the yellow dot in the middle and after the video ends, for a brief moment, it will appear that the whole thing is spinning backwards.
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+8 183. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Missing life trying to record it

Your phone does not make you miss life... in fact it keeps your friends one call away. The real life killer is facebook and other crappy social media networks.
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+5 184. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Where do ships go to die?

#2 of course not... I understood what the video wanted to get across. I was just pointing out the stupid.
#5 And that's why Latvia will never be civilized.
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+6 185. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Where do ships go to die?

"Allah saved you" ... yeah, I'm sure that's what happened. :x
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+6 186. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Rocket belt

Back when men where men and not tied up to a million cables by the insurance companies.
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+2 187. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video About organ printing

There is no stopping alcoholics that can afford a new liver now.
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-4 188. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Mammoth Icebreaker

They should make a nuclear powered bulldozer to cut through the rain forest because... reasons.
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-17 189. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Best fails of 2013 | TNL

Wasn't this here before?

Also #1 What's so special about 13:37?
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-2 190. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Problem with Time & Timezones

#2 You need studies for that? LOL I figured it out when I was 8.
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-2 191. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Adaptive thermal camouflage for vehicle

Yes... don't invest in war tech, let the indoctrinated religious fanatics have their way.
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+5 192. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Accident at a Russian steel plant

Just throw a moist rag on it an it will put itself out.
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+1 193. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video New and imaginative way of navigating terrain from NASA

Use them to clear landmines.
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-5 194. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video A Marijuana Arrest

Of course all the kids loved him... he was giving them pot. :x

Seriously now, if he was really smoking a cigarette that's sad.

Also, you should come to Romania, you commit a crime in 2014 and get convicted in late 2066.
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+8 195. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Tank loading gone bad

#2 If you want peace, prepare for war.
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+7 196. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Life Size Lego Car Powered by Air

How does it run on air?

Never knew there where so many lego blocks in my country.... the price of LEGO over here is huge! It would have been cheaper to buy a real car.
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+7 197. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Daft Punk "Get Lucky"

#1 Damn right there's no comment... :O
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-1 198. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video A clever little cube

Wonder how a hypercubli would look like.
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-3 199. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Appalling abuse of donated canned goods by San Francisco citizens

Americans throwing away tons of food... nothing new here...
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+10 200. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video One of the biggest, and most reckless hits in hockey

Well... to be fair in most sports there is a risk of getting hurt, but this was totally uncalled for. The attacker showed poor sportsmanship and lack of class if you ask me.
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+3 201. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Stalingrad VFX HD reel

#7 you have no idea what you are talking about.... that volumetric smoke FX and combustion FX CANNOT be rendered in realtime by any video card GPU in the world.

What you are seeing here is rendered by dozens of powerful computers and it probably takes them tens of seconds to render a single frame. There is no way you can achieve this at 30/60 FPS on a single device anytime soon.
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+2 202. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video That ain't no patch of grass...

Is it just me or do you guys also have the urge to stick your hand in there too?
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+6 203. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Airport's security officer saves a baby in an amazing catch

#6 it's not even against nature... most mothers protect their offspring in the animal world. You can't just assume that a child will learn from this... you can't just cut Billy's hand with a knife so that he learns knifes are dangerous...

Also I'm sure the kid will fall many, many times in his life and learn that falling is bad... that was not a once in a lifetime turning point in his life...
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+13 204. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Airport's security officer saves a baby in an amazing catch

Yeah #(removed comment) I'm sure a baby's soft head hitting the marble like floor is a totally natural and character building...

If you are the guy saying: "Oh look little Susi is gonna get hit by a freight train.... that will teach her!" I'm sure there was no security guy to catch you when you needed it.
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+2 205. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How attached are cats to their owners?

First of all... stop dangling stuff in front of the cat, and second of all my dog would have played with the stranger for hours, he is very social.

PS: I do have cats and dogs.
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+4 206. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Russian Crane Fail

#2 That's like telling a sports channel "Can we agree to either stick to showing goals as soon as they happen OR as top goals of the week".
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0 207. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Smartphones and Sustainability

I say we stop everything we're doing and go back to living in caves.
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+25 208. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Epic Don't Drink and Drive Prank

And next time when he wakes up in a real hospital he'll be like: "Not falling for this again!" :x
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+4 209. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Discovery With Magnets

If you hold it in the air and towards the ground... would it levitate???
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-1 210. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Yo-Yo Tricks In Zero Gravity

There is another trick... when the yo-yo accidentally hits the jettison pods button and ejects the crew into Earth's atmosphere... I call that "the crash and burn".
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+3 211. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women

I agree this is bad, but the other extreme of getting to look like a hippo is also bad...
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+17 212. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Last minutes in the columbia spaceship

The price we pay for reaching the stars.
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+2 213. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Net Gun

Good thing they are "resuable" :P
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+4 214. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Gravity Visualized

Gravity visualized with the help of gravity.
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+4 215. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Shredding Computer Parts

#4 Actually a bullet to the head would be faster, not to mention more humane than shredding a person to death.
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+4 216. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How to peel an entire head of garlic in about 10 seconds

I rather peed 10 million garlic heads than one single onion :'(
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+1 217. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Tank fires directly at a cameraman

I want to watch it at real-time speed...
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-3 218. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation October 2013 | TNL

people getting hurt, no problem, I laugh, but when animals get hurt it's not funny. First fail compilation I thumbed down.
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+4 219. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 50 Cal ricochet knocks off earmuffs

I like how the ground turns white when he fires, because of the shockwave lifting up dust.
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+7 220. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Hong Kong's bamboo scaffolding

I would have died of heart failure :S
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+8 221. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Stammering teen finds his voice

#2 Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
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+4 222. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How we conquered the deadly smallpox virus

Don't be sad #3 we still have our nukes.
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+2 223. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video In the Kitchen Fails Compilation

I almost pissed myself laughing at 3:16
Not really sure if because the way it happened or because it shut her up. :x
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+3 224. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Card Appears in Panties and Bras

totally not staged...
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+3 225. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Morphing Magic Table Surface

Now all you need to do is make a bed out of it and you too can try to seal Wolverine's powers :)
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+3 226. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Picking Up Girls In A Fat Suit

#1 It's teeth and yes... they are too white.
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+5 227. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Electrical fireball passing by in Montreal

I was sleeping, and suddenly there was this bright light in my room. It made this strange noise and there where some human like silhouettes I think... they wanted to probe me....
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+23 228. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Funny Big Game Fishing

Rich fat bastard killing a beautiful animal just because he can.
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+11 229. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Like a glove

#8 Unless it was intentional.
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+7 230. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Things change quickly during sailing competition

#4 A pirate crew.. obviously.
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+25 231. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Canyon of Fire on the Sun

I can't put into words how happy I am that i live in a time when seeing this is actually possible!
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+4 232. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Guy builds his own submarine …from a kayak

Now if he could only attach jet propulsion to it and launch himself from below the water line, he will have the world's first ballistic sub.
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+10 233. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How Many Countries Are There?

There is of little importance the number of countries there are, all you need to know is that there is ONE Earth... so don't fuck it up and we're all good.
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+3 234. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Boat Fails Compilation 2013

#3 I heard they where shooting a scene for a movie.
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+5 235. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Pilot ejects from aircraft spinning out of control

#5 Maybe there is a chance of the plane disintegrating falling at an awkward angle through thick atmosphere. Also you may not be able to eject if the plane is upside down. Why take that chance?
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+6 236. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video One of the strangest ghost goals in football

#10 Wouldn't he be bowing down to peer pressure if he did what you say and change it back?
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+4 237. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Bizarre knockout

Is the soundtrack from the NES Rambo game? O.O
That brought back some ancient memories.
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0 238. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video A clever way to open a bag of snacks

You can always rip the bag from the front and peel it open all the way down and achieve basically the same thing. Sure it wouldn't be that bowl shaped but still...
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+14 239. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Faking a knife throw on film

So you're saying I need a fried... that might be tricky...
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+3 240. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Kitchen is a safer place for you, sweetheart!

#6 Yeah me too...
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+4 241. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Evolution of Walter White

#2 Thanks for warning that one guy that hasn't seen this yet. :D
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0 242. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Evolution of Walter White

Tread lightly Snotr... tread lightly.
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-2 243. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video New Discovery about the Fabric of Space-Time

#6 Are you one of the people being interviewed in this video?

That would explain your IQ.
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+12 244. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel does it again

Sheep... mindless drones trying to look smart and have an opinion in front of the camera. :x
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-4 245. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How To Disable An AK-47.

How about the bullet in the chamber?
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-7 246. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How a CPU is made

Then some jackass will overclock and break it...
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+26 247. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Girls shopping for drink, nothing much to see here...

Cleanup on aisle 5
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-1 248. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Toy Car does 329 KPH

I want to see the guy holding on to the pole... sorry until I see how he manages to turn at that speed I call this fake.

Just so you know this is sarcasm...
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+4 249. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Brave Neighbor Saves Man From 5th Floor Fire in NYC

The guy in the red shirt had options if he was on his own... he could have jumped toward the fire escape and try to grab on. May have fallen but it was a legitimate chance.

Kudos to the neighbor though!
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-1 250. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 42 Consecutive Handsprings

#17 I don't like any religion because it's holding us back as a species... They burned scientists for saying the earth was round and they are the biggest mafia in the world! They profit off people's fear of death.

"Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness" is what I hear, but killing of "infidels" and violence is what I see... If you come to my country and say you don't believe in God I'll buy you a beer, but if I go to an Arab state and say I don't believe in Allah I get stoned to death... so much for "peace, mercy, and forgiveness"...

Also the priests drive their Audi A6 cars while telling others to give the church money and support it, because God will help them.

I swear if I had a button that will kill all priests, destroy all churches and wipe ALL religion from the face of the Earth I would press the shit out of it!

PS: I am not an atheist. I am an agnostic. I really don't care if there is a god or not.
PPS: You seem like a very nice person though. I like you :)
PPPS: I know TaxCollector is never happy... live with it. it's easier.
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-2 251. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 42 Consecutive Handsprings

#12 I agree with you that individual opinion and choices are important and are being made in life, but as much as I don't like agreeing with #11 I find myself having to.. religion is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind... EVER!

On a different note... why are we talking about these issues on a video where a girl flips 42 times?

Oh and #3... please stop embarrassing yourself. There is no skill in American sport. Just take a look at NASCAR... the only skill you need is pushing the gas pedal and slightly keeping your hands to the left... true talent right there...
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+4 252. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Balloon?

I don't want to bash the video... but if I film my cat right now (my cat is sleeping and almost fallen of the couch) it would make more sense :)

I like cats though so as I said... not gonna bash.
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-5 253. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Eating a 45 year old US military candy ration

A world in which that "food" is all there is left to eat is not a world I want to live in anymore... zombie apocalypse or not.
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+7 254. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Train-horn on a small electric car

#3 Did you tick the box to show your name as uploader?
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+1 255. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Carrie in the Coffee Shop

I liked the book.
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+1 256. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

#17 I realized how non-existence feels like since I was 6. But the sun will burn out in about 5 billion years. considering what we achieved in the last 2000 we might be far away in 5 billion...
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+5 257. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

joeman There is no answer to that yet... and no... God is not a valid answer. :P
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-4 258. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Kayaking Down a Drainage Ditch

Am I the only one who is wondering what happens to wild animals that fall into this canal?
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+11 259. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How to survive a Lightning Strike

Also, if you have to run to safety but there is tall grass on the field, remember to run backwards so that the tall grass won't cut your knees. Seriously...

Unless the storm sneaks up on you and you have to run really fast, in which case run forest! RUN! and tend to your knees later...
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+4 260. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

I did not miss the point Acorn

Culture is just a concept, it's nothing tangible and cannot be measured so there can't be a lack of it, without humans there is no culture, because culture is just a construct of our society, it's not found in nature by itself.

"living unaware and without a care"... Isn't that the point? To make life threat free?

Of course we live without directions since we don't know the purpose of life...

We are capable of destroying this world, yes, but don't be fooled Acorn nature can do that much better than us. Meteorites, earthquakes, supernovas things that make our destructive power look like a joke. And you seem to forget that WE are a force of nature too... WE are created by nature, thus our destructive power is nature's power.

Think about it. Nature creates hurricane, hurricane destroys city so that means nature destroys city. So why does "nature creates man, man destroys city" not the same?

Humans are just one of natures many destructive forces, just because we have free will does not cancel that fact!

EDIT: The video says "the riches we produce are ephemeral". Well... the most powerful thing in the universe, a star, will die out in about 6 billion years, even that does not last forever... so how can our banana flavored sherbet compete?
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0 261. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

I have to disagree... very few points in this video make sense.

There is a comparison being made that is not valid. The video seems to be under the impression that our cars, homes and food where invented as is today. No my friend there where a lot of innovations we made to the car since Ford made the first one, also to our homes since the cave, and to our food.

Saying you are pleased with what you have is saying you don't want progress. We do waste a lot there is no denying that, we could be a lot better, but we can't make the ultimate version of anything in the first go... we iterate and thus we waste but move forward.

This video has made me a sad and now I'm mad because it did... it uses cheap tactics to get to you.

You can do much more than just watch TV as it's implied here. you can skydive, swim, climb, have one of millions of hobbies... sorry I strongly disagree with the points made here...
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0 262. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Nuclear reactor starting up

Brighter than the sun !
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+7 263. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

#14 Fighting the good fight! Maintaining that good old american freedom to bash another driver's head in for a minor incident...
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+1 264. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How Does A Gas Nozzle Know When To Shut Off?

I always thought there was a little elf inside the nozzle that signaled the dwarfs in the underground gas mine to stop pumping.... huh, go figure.
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+1 265. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Person falls on to tracks

#12 Well nice job yourself for generalizing Europeans as ignorant for some random guy's comments... doesn't fell right does it?
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-2 266. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Speed test comparison between all iPhones ever made

I like how he had to write the names on top of each phone...because if you mix them around, not even God can help you figure out which is which. They are basically the same.
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+5 267. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video When Lithuanian soldiers are bored

#2 Yeah...that was the only thing giving it away...
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0 268. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Person falls on to tracks

#9 At least we "close minded Europeans" don't vote against supplying weapons to countries that commit atrocities, like the US did. And we don't let our kids play with assault rifles and take them to school for "shoot and tell".
Nice avatar by the way...
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-1 269. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Do you recognize that voice?

There's not that big of a pause between E and A... sorry.
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+2 270. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Good man saving wolf

The wolf was scared so it was obvious he would run into the woods, rather than jump the fence and attack 3 adults, and without it's pack...
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+3 271. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Explosion

How could they have not expected the shockwave?
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+5 272. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Bill Gates admits control-alt-delete was a mistake, blames IBM

#2 What's a MAC?
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+16 273. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Motorized surfboard that can go 55km/h

She is the ultimate ride alright... IT! IT is the ultimate ride! Damn it :x
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+13 274. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Box

Awesome! Wish I could play with it! (That's what she said... I know)
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+46 275. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Polar Pen

Great! another cool thing I'll never have... :(
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+17 276. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video A Pilots last landing at Schiphol in the Netherlands

The camera's record speed messes with the instrument's refresh rate. It looks like a disco in the cockpit :D

I love how he turns on the wipers when he goes through the water, such professionalism! RESPECT!
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+2 277. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Random Acts Of Somethingness

I used to have really long hair... I was stupid like that... :x
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+6 278. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Liquid lenses

Tripods will never be obsolete!
Unless they invent quantum levitation... in which case they wold be..
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+2 279. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Patrick Kane shows the definition of stickhandling

I don't know about the whole video, might be real... but hitting the camera is fake as all hell! I'll bet my left nut on it!
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+11 280. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Why phone buttons are laid out the way they are

#5 You missed the most important part of rotary phones! Slamming the phone on someone who pisses you off! You can't do that with a touchscreen :(
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+17 281. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Why phone buttons are laid out the way they are

#3 you're lvl 50... you're a Snotrphile !
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0 282. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Why phone buttons are laid out the way they are

The design 7% of people chose makes more sense to me than the one 8% chose... the 1 should never be any plase other than top left.

The one 55% of people chose is the one I would have chosen too, regardless of the fact I never saw a phone before.
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+14 283. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Kinetic Sand?

My mind melted like that sand :S
Also... I think the text turns to sand a bit too fast... i couldn't read some of it. I am an average reader...
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-6 284. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Costa Concordia salvage timelapse

Don't drink and drive... but if you do, do it with your eyes closed it's much more fun!
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+10 285. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The world's most powerful photographs

The one with the three ladies got to me the most... their life long friend was gone :'(

Also the one with the dog at the grave also got to me...
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0 286. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The impulse to help

Is that Hawkeye Pierce from MASH? (Alan Alda)
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+3 287. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Greenland's Mega Canyon

The way things are going with climate change... we will see the canyon without radar soon enough...
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+4 288. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Water trapped in double glazed window of a (moving) bus

I love that you can actually measure the acceleration force of the bus by how much the angle of the water changes :)
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+9 289. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Brain Divided

After Credits Scene:

Abort ! Abort !
She is not letting go of my leg...
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+1 290. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Is this guy a seal?

This video was here before.. I even remember my comment.. like it was yesterday.
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-4 291. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Best dock line handler ever

Out of 6 comments only 1 is about her skill... :S
I think you can learn that in a day though... and with time you gain muscle memory and that, how they say, is that.
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-9 292. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Soldier homecoming surprise

It's not always the fault or the will of the government... some things have to be done. I would go to war if I could.
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-3 293. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How to park your car in a full lot

A friend of mine works there... he said they where having a sale on meat products and the driver wanted to get some bacon before they ran out.

Also, he hit a Lada, so 20$ should cover that.
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+14 294. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The origins and many uses of iridium.

#1 In case scientists get locked up in the lab and they need to survive until Monday, they use their hair as tinder to light a fire oso they don't get cold.
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0 295. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Innovation of Loneliness

That's why I didn't bother creating a facebook page...
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0 296. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Michio Kaku: Why Batteries Are Primitive

#8 Shhhh... don't tell the sheep. Or you'll end up like #4.
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-1 297. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Porn is different from sex in real life

Actually most of them are "quite a lot" :O
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0 298. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Possibly worst taekwondo martial arts demo ever

#4 His profile suggests Netherlands.
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+31 299. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Best Overtake Ever?

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little "extra".
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-1 300. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video nVidia - Project Logan

That's all good and well for a single head... but lets throw in the gameworld and the physics simulation and let's see how Ira looks then...
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+3 301. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Jaw Dropping Video from INSIDE The Milan

#4 Never mind the cows, good thing there where no sharks like in the movie Sharknado.
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+11 302. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Australia has some really long freight trucks.....

Just wait till we achieve quantum levitation.
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+23 303. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Cliff collapses at a beach in France

I admit, it was me.
I got my hand stuck in a crack and I was not willing to wait around for 127 hours so I pushed.
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+1 304. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The three coolest things built by bugs

#1 Considering that nature made us to begin with... yeah... yeah it is!
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+3 305. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Rush hour in the Chinese subway

Stop making so many babies!
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0 306. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Experience Autism

I just want to know who is the sad bastard that rated the video down... There is nothing worst than being trapped inside your own body.
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+1 307. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Reconstruction

I'm sure this was on Snotr before... but I'm to lazy too look for it.
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+18 308. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Richie Parker: Drive

Truly amazing!

PS: I tried to type the comment with my feet, I gave up and used my hands. I have nothing but RESPECT for this guy!
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+16 309. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Little girl and her carpenter bee pet

The video is about a little girl and her pet bee... Why are you people so grumpy? It's like you skipped over your childhood... I feel sad for some of you.

I remember playing with bees, good days.
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+3 310. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Gas tanks explosion in Russia

Every time I see a truck filled with these gas tanks I wonder.... what if it caught fire?
Well, that answers that.
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+3 311. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Carolina Reaper Pepper

#5 I weigh 213 scorpions.

Also I should buy 18 scorpions worth of potatoes.

PS: In case you did not know (I didn't) The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is a pepper.
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+3 312. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Baked In A Buttery Flakey Crust

I said it right... something must be wrong with me :(
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+4 313. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video How to deliver sand to the 4th floor

#2 The bottom of the bucket might fail...
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+3 314. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Duck's first waddle after getting a 3D printed foot

You know what I love about humans? They try to improve the life of other animals...
Do you know what I hate about humans? They destroy the habitat and kill other animals...

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+16 315. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Guy buys a 100 year old saloon piano and makes magic happen

#1 It will definitely not work with the XboxOne... once the servers go down it's just an expensive brick.
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+17 316. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Karl Sims - Evolved Virtual Creatures, Evolution Simulation, 1994

No, no, no... this is all wrong. Life did not "evolve"... there is a man in the sky that did all this... THERE IS A MAN IN THE SKY I TELL YOU! :S
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+1 317. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Money On Mind


You can't possibly live on planet earth and not know this fact...
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0 318. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video A Mythbusters episode you'll never see.

After Killer ate the first mouse... the second mouse that was left was already a dead mouse walking, since his cellmate was fed and ready.
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+49 319. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Unknown Force Changing Cloud's Shape

Damn it! I thought I fixed that glitch...

with obj_volumetric_cloud
if point_distance(x,y,250,800) < 500
upward_wind_force = 0.2
collision_check = false

There... enjoy the Matrix once again.
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+9 320. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video What displays may be like 10 years from now.

motion controls are getting a bigger pain in the ass with each passing day..
I love how technology is always evolving... but this seems to be done just too look cool in front of a PC... not that practical ....yet.

Regardless... the magnetic levitation part was really awesome!
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+4 321. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Car Crash and Close Call Compilation

Last night an airbag saved my life
Last night an airbag saved my life from a broken nose...
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0 322. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Why so many dashcams in russia?

If the commenter on Youtube can't figure out on his own why they are so many dash cams in Russia... there is no point explaining it to him... he has the IQ of a potato...
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+24 323. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Trying a horror game on the Oculus Rift

#2 Most likely interactive pr0n ...
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+3 324. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Google X, Heard Of It?

That computer knows how my cat looks :O
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+7 325. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Irish National Road Racing

Within Temptation - Radioactive (Imagine Dragons Cover)
In case you can't find it.
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+2 326. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Steepest Race in Europe.. this is intense.

What do you need to enter the competition? Other than a fit body....
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+5 327. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Guy gets his bike back from thief by tricking him

You can buy 20 of my bikes with that one :S
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+4 328. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Craziest Train Ride Ever in Cambodia

It's a holiday in Cambodia :P
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+7 329. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Dog helps owner during floods

Can't wait to go see my dog tomorrow :D
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+1 330. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Hanging from hands over nothing

I am afraid of heights... and I have a sprained wrist. So I couldn't do it because of my mental state and my physical state... :'(
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+25 331. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Black bears are just cute and cuddly

If you are looking for the world's most vicious killer you don't need to tune in to National Geographic... All you need to do is look in the mirror.
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+18 332. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The Lucky ones

#3 Look at the lower left corner of the windshield...
1:38 THE DOG LIVES! Hallelujah! O:)
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+23 333. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Animal Defenses

#2 "It goes hard when you play with it."

You sure it was a sea cucumber? :S
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+43 334. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Very fast typer

#2 It's actually called muscle memory.
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+19 335. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Man card revoked (Skydive)

The ping glasses suit him well :P
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+19 336. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Russian soldier has a bullet stuck in his forehead


1. How did the bullet end up stuck in his head to begin with? :S


2. It would have cost an arm and a leg to get that removed in a western hospital... so just use pliers... why not? At least they used betadine.
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+3 337. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The cat funny talks with birds

That's exactly what my black cat does :O Good thing I saw this video, because I was starting to think my cat was crazy...
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-1 338. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Amazing cup trick

#7 I guess we'll never know... Muhahahahah >:)
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+32 339. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 2 guys go through a labor simulation

Men have to go through the psychological pain of being with a pregnant woman for 9 month... so it all evens out in the end. :)
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+16 340. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Amazing cup trick

#2 He did not upload the vid... he just commented and wants recognition for that... sad.
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-2 341. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Guy tries a virtual reality roller coaster while standing up

I could handle it... no problem. :P
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0 342. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Zeno's Paradox

But ... you cant go half the distance because you would have to go half of half of distance...and half of that :S

It applies even to the first centimeter... you have to go 5 mm...then 2.5, etc.
If that was true we could never all!

I think there is a distance, a very small one, on a sub-atomic level that is actually the smallest possible distance atoms can travel.
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+54 343. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Underwater Bubble Room

#1 I wonder how long does it take, until someone farts in there...
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+1 344. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video April Fail compilation 2013 | TNL

#6 I think it was a brake test to measure stopping distance or something... ant it broke :D
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-5 345. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video RoboBee

If they can pollinate flowers, make honey and sting you... we don't need bees anymore. :D
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-1 346. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video This guy is a phenomenomon

I never in my life had a problem with aluminum... or phenomenon.
On the other hand I have troubles with words that have many "R" and "L" letters...
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+2 347. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Freight train with 17 wagons containing chemicals derailed

Where did this happen?
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+1 348. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Microsoft IllumiRoom

It's not that cool..I can assure you.
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0 349. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Cockroaches : The Most Perfect Organism Ever

The problem is they know where you live... hell... they live where you live...
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-3 350. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Cargo Plane Crash

Nice angle! Really gonna help the investigation team figure out what happened.
Before people start complaining I'm insensitive for appreciating the good filming angle... 126 people died while you where watching the video... 312 where born...
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+2 351. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Heavy Lifting Helicopters

The first helicopter is a Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
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+9 352. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 7 year old steals car to escape church

I wish every kid would run away from the church... worst mafia ever.
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+23 353. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video One Shot

He's much to proud of that than he should be...
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+7 354. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Strong wind in the Netherlands

There was a perfectly good pole to hold on too... (that's what she said)
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+29 356. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Chris Hadfield demonstrates what happens when you ring out a washcloth in space

I hope their electronic components are 100% waterproof :S
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+1 357. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Stage Fright - So Real It's Scary

I actually have an LG 27" IPS :P
Not the one in the add, obviously... i would have to sell my house.
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+7 358. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Ninja Cat Fail

Most people jump back up and act like nothing happened when they take a spill... why would cats be any different? :)
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+21 359. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Forensic artist draw how women see themselves vs how others see them

I'm actually ugly...I have papers to prove it! :x
Also it's kind of sad that people only care about how others see them.
Think about it they got happy because some random stranger described them prettier than they thought they where, and that made them happy? What?
Shows how much people seek the approval of others... also low self esteem.
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+10 360. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop at 130,000 fps

Cat with helmet ftw !
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+4 361. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Concrete pillar is subjected to load until failure

That's how diamonds are born.
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+31 362. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Motorized surfboard

Less physical activity and polluting the ocean more than it already is... what a wonderful invention!
(Sarcasm-o-meter goes off the chart)
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+1 363. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Solving three cubes while juggling them

It's not with it!
Disclaimer: reverse video or prearranged cubes are still possible.
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+6 364. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Unibrow Discrimination

Sad times we live in...
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+5 365. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Epic drunk failure at the lake

Seriously?... Can you possibly be more redneck than that?
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0 366. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Awesome Pool Skills

The sharp angles at which he shoots at are because the room is way too small... I don't even know how he got the table in there to begin with.
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+2 367. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Electric fence...

The flash is not real... only the snow is real...and the car.
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+2 368. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Defense Distributed's Cody Wilson Explains the Printed Firearm

Ban violent movies, and violent video games, and the ban violent music...while your at it ban your mother too! Whatever it takes just don't ban your precious guns!
In South Korea people listen to music and watch violent movies and play video games more than anywhere else in the world, do you know how many school shootings they had? ZERO! Because guns are banned!
Damn hicks!
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+6 369. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Unbelievable Stunts

The onw when the 3 footballs (handeggs) are caught is fake, it's from a commercial.
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+4 370. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Steve Martin: The Great Flydini

Awesome :D
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+2 371. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Friendship Test

I don't need to test my friend's loyalty ... I know they'll come because they did it before :S
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+9 372. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Hard to sleep with this next to me...

What's so disgusting #4? We are also animals and we sleep in beds...
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+4 373. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video WORST CONDITIONS for a Corner Kick

The match should have been stopped...
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+3 374. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Overconsumption

Well... yes, but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself, Do you want to eat or not?
Also I don't approve of eating like a damn hippo, like the 3 blobs at the end are doing!...
I gained some extra Kg for eating to much pizza and drinking soda, but I exercise 4 days a week and run whenever I can. I'll never eat that much junk...
Live healthy and don't be a fu**ing glutton!
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+1 375. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Burning stuff with 2000ºF solar power using a Fresnel lens from a old TV

#2 Unless it was in a Michael Bay movie, the gasoline can would have not exploded.
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+30 376. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Caught a spambot in action in Singapore

Waste of paper
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-4 377. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Wealth distribution in US

Wish I was a CEO...
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+5 378. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Solar flare loop

#9 I was thinking about that too...
They showed the Earth at scale... and judging by the speed of the plasma streams compared to the Earth's diameter I would say the plasma travels at about 1/3 the speed of light.
If this is real-time. :S
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+8 379. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Solar flare loop

I'm happy I live in an age where seeing these things is actually possible...
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+13 380. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video There are good guys on Russian roads too

Why did that guy get beaten up and had hes car turned over at 1:46 ?
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0 381. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 3D doodler

Some more useless crap can be created with this thing that will end up in land fills al over the world! Can't wait!
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+16 382. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Japan develops a new method of demolishing buildings-by shrinking it

#3 being weird is an objective thing... If everyone would walk around with a potato duct taped to their leg, wouldn't it be weird if you didn't?
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+21 383. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video WW2 sniper gets to make some shots

#2 It's not about the monetary value, it's all about the symbolic value.
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+16 384. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Head-on collision and a massive engine explosion.

Driving that extra 5km/h (or it's equivalent in mph) to get there 2 minutes earlier can end up not getting you there at all...
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+16 385. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Absolutely incredible reflexes from the yellow shirt

The pilot must have had the veteran perk activated so that the "eject" feature would be available to him... and the yellow jacket had the "reflex" perk...
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+31 386. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Testing Out The New R/C Copter

Why don't you test it in the jungle? Makes as much sense as testing it surrounded by trees...
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+5 387. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The fastest robot of the world

I wouldn't want to accidentally put my head, or any other part of my body in the path of that thing...
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+46 388. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Thought about buying a Roomba, then I saw this

Throw the rug? Are you insane? Can't you just use...I don't know... WATER!
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+8 389. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Neil Harbisson Is A Cyborg Who Hears More Of The World Than We See

I want the tungsten arm blades please!
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+6 390. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Helicopter Crash Caught On Camera While filming Top Gear Korea

Why are the people running away, possibly in the path of falling debris, instead of ducking behind the HUGE METAL VAN? :S
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+3 391. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Men throwing rocks with the other hand

I tried throwing rocks and tennis balls with my left hand ever since i was a kid... It just doesn't work. :S
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+7 392. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Canadians film their own plane crash.

Actually this is not that rare... the behavior I mean. Only the USA's citizens will sue your ass off for a little scratch or a "traumatic" experience... you know, an experience other than sitting on your fat ass is considered traumatic over there.

So yeah... no reason to be amazed people are polite and calm.
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+1 393. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The centrifuge brain project

I realized it was fake when I saw the Spherothon... Also I'm used to seeing CGI... I can spot CGI a mile away. :D
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+7 394. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Crashes That Changed Nascar

no amount of crashes will change nascar... they will always turn left.
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+2 395. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

Next try a 100MT Device and we can all start looking for off-world colonies to move to.
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+10 396. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video High school robotics team help a kitten walk again...adorable...

I wonder who those sad bastards that down-voted this video are.
At least these kids are doing something to help the animals. This should be encouraged!
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+36 397. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Quickest ambulance response time

This is not in the USA... I know this because the guy would have crawled away rather than be taken to the hospital and pay 30.000$ for some tests and the ambulance ride.
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+5 398. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video The New Luckiest Guy in the World

If pedestrians where to be using the cross-walk at that time... there would have been quite a mess left to clean up :S
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0 399. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Just defying gravity, that's all

#7 I'm standing in front of a 27" screen ... I'm still sad :(
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+3 400. LightAng3l commented 11 years ago on video Bill Gates jumps over a desk chair like a boss

All geeks I know can jump high... :S
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+5 401. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Ultimate Segway Fails Comp

Can't you just... use your feet? :|
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+27 402. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Russian "flying tank" T-90

#5 You can have the suspension if I can have the cannon....
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0 403. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fish geyser

With all the over-fishing we do they decided to surrender.
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+9 404. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Tin foil is Cat repellent...

It got spooked :)
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+5 405. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Town abandoned overnight in Northern BC, Canada

Yeah right... coincidence that molybdenum prices went up... aha.
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+17 406. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Flaw in the Enigma Code.

I find it awesome that you can encrypt a text today with the use of free software, and it would be so much more secure than the Enigma Code... Funny times we live in.
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+26 407. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Close call

Both at fault. Car 1 for not giving priority and car 2 for speeding.
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0 408. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fiat Money there someone here who did not know this already? :S
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0 409. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How To Wash Your Cat

Dude...srsly... my cat hates to take a batch but I manage to give it one waaaaay easier than this idiot...
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+16 410. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Chinese 30 story building in 15 days

#5 As a romanian I have nothing to say since the church in my neighbourhood was started when I was a child in 1994 and I am drawing the roof schematics for it today...
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+27 411. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank

He should have said: "Give me my brownie!" in a demonic voice! >:)
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+3 412. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How small is a nanometer?

#4 and #5 .. it looked more like an optic nerve to me...
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+5 413. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Acoustic levitation

Technology... The gods of ancient time... :P
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-2 414. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Laser gun noises from frozen lake

How do you know what noise a laser gun makes? Have you fired one? :S
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+8 415. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Walking On The Edge

I don't get why so many people get crazy after seeing a little cleavage ... when they clearly have internet access and thus, pr0n access... srsly.
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+2 416. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Luckiest people

98% involved some kind of vehicle.
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+5 417. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Earth Year

Ah, time... that imaginary and completely fictional concept man invented for his benefit and nothing more, and now wants to travel through it.
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+1 418. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Man vs Subway

The point of transportation is to get there the lazy way, not necessarily the fastest...
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+6 419. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Watch this before you choose to be an electrical engineer

Dude... don't try to fix any 220V or 380V wall sockets/outlets.
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+5 420. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Epic car fail(s)

Well #5 in Romania they also make you equip your car with winter tires in the winter. I guess it's more a question if you live in Europe or not. :D
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+15 421. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Steve Jobs Gets Interrupted by Audience Member

I luvs my Android :*
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+5 422. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Incredible Illusions & Science!

You forgot to add the annoying subscribe button over every video.
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+5 423. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Harbin ice and snow world

"It will look real nice when it's done"
"Hmmm nice location"
"I build for China"
"We will live in prosperity"
"Building the Chinese empire"

If you get these references you are awesome :)
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0 424. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Mexican drug cartel kidnapping

There's a state called Chihuahua???
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+9 425. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fake injury FAIL

Ok he deserved it... BUT!!! What if someone has chest pains or diabetes or something and collapses for real on the road.... YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RUN HIM OVER!

The driver may have not seen him on the road... but that's no excuse for not noticing him going down, talking on the phone perhaps?
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-2 426. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video What happens to boiling water at -41C

So your the jerk that threw boiling water on me when I got home! You bastard!
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+17 427. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Mr road rage found

A little late with the video but thanks for the followup!

Merry Christmas!
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+5 428. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Amazing 3D illusions on paper

#3 The candle has no reason to move with the paper... as it provides a pivot point for the paper to rotate to, using friction. 8-)
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+10 429. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video In Soviet Russia...

GPS: At the next cliff turn right.
*car smashes into the ground*
GPS: You have arrived!
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+7 430. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Terrified driver chased by road rage ''lunatic"

That's why Billy the bat is under the seat at all times... ;)
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+1 431. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Base 12

In the real world, smart people use centimeters and kilograms, not inches and pounds :P You just add a 0 at the end with a metric system ... what is simpler than that? :S
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+4 432. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review

"All the cool things we can do if we are united"
-Lightang3l 2012
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+12 433. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video VX Nerve Gas

It's either deadly or not... It can't be "more" deadly! :S
Also the best nerve agent is the T-virus.

Am I the only one that finds it funny how the country that has the largest supply of VX (enough to kill the entire planet) is the country that is paranoid about it? :'(
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+7 434. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Overview Effect

#4 you should be ashamed of yourself!
Let me answer your questions:
1. We stayed away because there is nothing there. What's the point of sending people there over and over?
2. They stopped using the Apollo space ships because they did not need them to go such a little distance (to the ISS, lower orbit and satellites). You would,t use a Boeing 747 to get across the street would you?
3. See for myself what? That people are getting dumber and dumber each day? Not recognizing the achievements of the people before us? I suggest you watch them again without the conspiracy goggles!
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+9 435. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Hydraulic Fracturing is not a health hazard?

Our society is not efficient at all... I will give you an example, it may be flawed, but it's my opinion:

1. Create drilling equipment, transport it and assemble it on site.
2. Drill for oil.
3. Transport brute oil.
4. Process oil.
5. Transport processed oil.
6. Build a factory and equipment for creating plastic compounds.
7. Create plastic.
8. Transport plastic.
9. Build a factory and equipment for creating plastic bottles.
10. Transport plastic bottles.
11. Fill plastic bottles with water.
12. Distribute water bottles to the market.
13. Drink water and dispose of plastic bottle.
14. Transport empty plastic bottle to recycling or landfill.

All that... for a sip of water... VERY EFFICIENT!

NOTE: I did not include the oil consumed in transportation or the electricity consumed in fabrication.
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+16 436. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cop Trolls Slow Driver in the Fast Lane

For all the people complaining about tailgating by the cops:

Yes it is illegal BUT if you read the traffic code you can find a paragraph that clearly states you are NOT allowed to slam on the brakes for no reason.

In a normal situation it's hard to prove it was for no reason since the other driver can say a dog jumped in front of the car, but the police car has a video camera... so if he did brake hard for no reason he would be at fault not the cops, whether you like it or not.
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+16 437. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The World's First Precision Guided Firearm

Weapons technology... allowing the average guy to assassinate the president since 1865...
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+33 438. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Strong winds.

Well... that blows... :D
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+7 439. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Look at my hands...

Look at my hand, my hand is amazing, give it a lick... mmmmm tastes just like raisins.
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-7 440. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video A tour of the ISS orbital laboratory

What's the point of weight lifting if everything in space is weightless? :S

On a different note... I don't think that little toilet would have been a match for the ferocious explosive diarrhea I had three weeks ago...

On another different note... skirts could be fun up there ;).

Om yet another different note... I would hit my head against some of thous protruding metal parts so often...
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+3 441. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The real origin of franchise

Also... when eating a hamburger at McDonald's think about the gyms that make money so that you can lose the weight you gain, they are franchises too damn it ! >:)
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+4 442. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Russian whoopsie

#6 Why not? Adrenaline is one a hell of a strength potion.
Though... it is possible it was staged...
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+3 443. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Anamorphic Illusions!

@ BiMezo Dude you missed the point completely... the real objects where replaced with cutouts and you can't tell, just like an illusionist replaces the card you chose... of course it's fake, it's a damn illusion it's supposed to be like that.

#12 Yes... I'm afraid you where the only one :)
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+9 444. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Free Kick Fail

Whatever #12... it's just the most popular sport in the world....

Go watch NFL where they talk about what they are going to do for 5 minutes and play the game for 5 seconds... rinse and repeat.
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+4 445. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cat Special Forces

Watching the video when my cat decides to leap off my desk on to the wardrobe... :S
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+4 446. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Free Kick Fail

#8 Football is awesome because it's hard to score... and when it happens it's an emotional event. A goal has weight... You wouldn't understand it... ;)
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-2 447. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Free Kick Fail

He could have prevented the opponent from getting the ball if he extended his leg... or a slide tackle would have worked just as well, if not better.
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+5 448. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Big brother helping sister

#8 I have no religious/political agenda.... I don't care about any of that.

I was just saying that as time goes on the innocence we are born with is faded away by indoctrination.

How is this not about children?

Also if you want to know my logic works: I saw this video and I also saw an interview on CNN with a mother of 2 syrian boys, one of them was a rebel and the other one was a soldier... and they where fighting against eachother tearing the mother's heart apart... they where not born like that... religion and politics made them do it. Do you have another explanation?

Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to any ethnicity or religion, I was just stating my point of view about children helping eachother... until they don't.

If my opinion offends you I would be happy to have both my comments removed by a moderator... no harm done.
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+12 449. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Elevator prank

#9 I bet you're from the US, in the rest of the world we lough it off... tell the story to our friends and just get over it ... not sue everyone like a douchebag!

However I don't know if this is a viral or not... might be...
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+5 450. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Big brother helping sister

You know what I love about children? They don't believe in God or discriminate when they are born....too bad we hammer religion and hate into their heads.... :(
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+16 451. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video A good chase

#10 not initially anyway >:)
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+2 452. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Jamie Sadlowski Destroys Golf Simulator

How much does that cost to fix? "If" it can be fixed?
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+13 453. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Dumb Ways To Die

Well...the only guaranteed things in life are death and taxes...
It's sad that the video is getting negative votes... surely we can do something to change that... it's not bad at all. ;)
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+11 454. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Low cost solution to landmine clearance

What if there is no wind?

I also don't agree with people declaring it a failure... because if you had a choice of walking through a minefield, before or after some of these... I bet you would go after...

It may not be perfect but you have to take what you get if you are at the point of entering a mine field.

NOTE: I consider minefields to be mankind's 56th worst invention.
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+4 455. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Big Bang Theory FLASHMOB

I love how Sheldon is just sitting there watching...forever alone :D
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+5 456. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Gary Greenberg: The beautiful nano details of our world

I never heard the worlds "lava" and "moon" in the same sentence before... awesome! :D
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+3 457. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How they handle Black Friday in Japan.

I'm pretty sure there was police involved...or some kind of crowd control authority... they couldn't have done that on their own....
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+7 458. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Impressive bicycle goal by Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

#6 Ohhh you don't like football...well then I guess we should tear down all the stadiums and dismantle all the teams... We apologize sir, the world revolves around you and what you like so we are sorry.

Also, if it's not too much to ask... consider that people get excited about stuff you find boring... like if you survive a car crash... you would be elated and full of joy... while others wouldn't give a rat's ass.

But why am I explaining the concept of relative joys and preferences to you? I have a perfectly good wall I can teach faster...
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+3 459. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fly Vs Blast Wave and Other High Speed Fun

I don't get it #7 :(
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+5 460. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 10 Common Science Myths

#3 glass is actually a a type of liquid:

"The molecules of glasses do not crystallize. The movement of the glass molecules slows as temperature cools, but they never lock into crystal patterns. Instead, they jumble up and gradually become glassier, or more viscous. No one understands exactly why."

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+24 461. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fastest workers compilation

It's called muscle memory, and you screw up a long time before it decides to be your friend.
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+21 462. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video La Luna

Imagination... mankind's most powerful weapon.
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+14 463. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Go Viral

That's how this video did it... it's a viral within a viral... virception :S
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+21 464. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 10 Strongest Materials Known To Man

I want a top 10 video of the strongest materials unknown to man :D
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+7 465. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Woman driver gets her just desserts

#7 It's not entrapment at all... it's just a stakeout.
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+8 466. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Air Refueling Close Call

I think it was more of "both planes caught a pocket of air and climbed at the same time" than "pilot reaction".

You have to be psychic and know in advance to be able to react that fast... though I'm sure the skill of the pilot played a big role in avoiding an accident.
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+21 467. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Sky Diver Dodges Death Double Malfunction

What happened to the other guy?
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+1 468. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Michio Kaku: How to travel to other stars, so unimaginably far away.

Why? What is the point of spreading thous robots?... they are not humans...
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+18 469. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Various animals playing dead.

That's better than some actors I saw :x
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0 470. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Pharmacist sprays robber in face with pepper spray...

Client: Sir... I don't know how to open this medicine box...
Pharmacist: The instructions are inside.
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0 471. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Life turned around by a blanket

839 $ a moth ... that's what he gets and he can barely make it?
I'm sorry my salary is 152$ a month... I have a hard time identifying with him :(

Anyway... the story is beautiful and he deserves the money :)
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+18 472. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Superbowl surprise for father

That was awesome ! :D
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+9 473. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Flame Gulping Engine

#7 How this made you understand how classic trains work is beyond me, seeing as it has nothing to do with steam power :S
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+28 474. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The TOUGHEST Bridge In The World

I am 99% sure this was on Snotr before... I might be mistaken though.

Also it's not that the bridge is tough, it's the that the cars are flimsy.

Relatively thin metal against tons of cold hard concrete... what did you think was gonna happen?
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+5 475. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation October 2012 || TNL

7:29 Did ho knock himself out and turned into a bee ? :S

Also 12:27 The dogs finally caught and ate him >:)
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+2 476. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Gustav Hoegen's Animatronics

What movie is that at 5:45 ?
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+17 477. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Why Do We Use Lights When Driving At Night?

#6 the road in the video was also illuminated... but it was impossible to see the motorcycle unless you replay the video and deliberately look for it.. but you can't do that in real life.
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+6 478. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Russian Plane Takeoff

That mud could potentially freeze on the plane... not very good.
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+5 479. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Ultimate Nutshots Compilation

I crossed my legs shortly after clicking play... :S
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+2 480. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The value of simple ideas...

Funny you should mention that #1... seeing as it's all relative.
300 years from now people will say: "If you want to find the Higgs boson, you're going to need more than a 128 core processor and a bineural tungsten implant"

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+35 481. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Please Move The Deer Crossing Sign

She has a car I don't
She has a house I don't
She has a good job I don't
She can afford a lot of things I can't
She has an IQ of 65 I have 125

She is from America, I'm not...
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-20 482. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Jeff Dunham blooper

The most untalented comedian out there... insults and toilet humor. That's all he knows. The true definition of mediocrity right here.
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+3 483. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How to Park your car at night.. :)

I almost busted my gut laughing at the idiot taking pictures with the iPad! LOL! :S
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+6 484. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Tough Guy

"what the hell am I doing here?" I loled so hard!
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+6 485. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Hexaflexagon Safety Guide

I love this video! It's so funny and well put together :D
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-6 487. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Casino Black Jack Scam

I did #3 ... they are fake... thumb me down all you want. Entertainment for the masses..

THE POLICE WILL NOT BE OK WITH THEM ENTERING PEOPLES HOUSES! As they sometimes do... for no reason whatsoever...

I don't want them in my house regardless of a show or not. I will sue the hell out of them!
They violate peoples homes in 3-4 episodes... that is illegal and a television show is no excuse, and no defense in court.

Sorry... fake!
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-9 488. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Casino Black Jack Scam

The fake hustlers ...
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+6 489. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cheating in Middle School

shhh... ferme la bouche, ferme la bouche. :D
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+5 490. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Amazing mind reader reveals his 'gift'

#9 I love "Unknown" too! I hear they have great beer.
Yep #11 You expect logic in facebookers? HA...ahaha... hahahahahaha.....
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+11 491. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Subliminal messages ! :S
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+11 492. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video TED: Tristram Stuart - The global food waste scandal

You should look at the trash cans in a Mcdonalds... Some people take one small bite and leave the burger on the table. Then it gets thrown away.
My local supermarket throw away more food each day than I will ever see in my life.

On the other hand.. THAT'S HOW THE ECONOMY WORKS! There was a time when there was too much milk on the market, and it became so cheap that farmers made next to nothing selling it... so many farmers started dumping milk in the field, tons and tons of milk wasted, just to decrease the supply, so that the price goes up.

So... if you want to stop wasting... work on a better economic system. Till' then supermarkets will be happy selling 1 apple for every 4 they throw away. They just make more money that way. :(
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+2 493. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Pass Out Drive Through Prank

The subtitle at 0:35 made me laugh so much!
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+13 494. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Mudskipper

#2 Evolution did not stop for them at step 2... that's just where they are at this time. Not all things started at the same time.
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+1 495. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How Hot Can It Get?

Just come in my room in the middle of summer... you will learn the true meaning of heat... The Sahara will seem freezing cold after that.
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+2 496. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Pass Out Drive Through Prank

Why can't they subtitle what the woman says at 0:11? Seems clear to me.. "Oh my God, he just passed out!"
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+24 497. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Waiting for an iPhone 5...for no reason

Wait... what? She has a boyfriend? :x I'm really selling myself short...
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+2 498. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Severed Head Prank

#10 I have a 3 minute video that's about 800Mb... wanna see it? 50Mb is nothing!
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+5 499. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video French Chef treats meal

#6 I don't know what videos you've been watching, but Russia, USA, and China are way ahead of the pack in comments...
PS: You obviously care, since you took the time to comment about it...
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+21 500. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Out of his truck like a boss, pure luck.

#6 His observation is not correct! You can clearly see the windscreen fly off after the crash... it drags along the ground toward the camera at 0:15. It stays in one piece because it's laminated. There would be no shattering.
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+6 501. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Toy Train in Space

Actually #2 and #6 I think (this is my opinion) that the time it takes for the balloon to ascend is much too short for jet streams to carry it very far.

Let's say the fastest jet stream travels at 400Km/h... that would put the balloon 400Km away in an hour... Now the balloon reaches it's popping point in under an hour so it can't possibly travel to China... unless it get's snagged by a plane or something.

Now on the other hand... if the balloon is heavy enough, and ascends really slow, let's say it will pop in 10 hours, it may very well end up 3000km away... but why would you make it heavy if you want the camera back? :S
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+10 502. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Pull up ! Pull up!

I don't know about you guys but the videos are loading fine for me... it took seconds to fully buffer the video, way faster than watching it.... so....

TESTED: 12 seconds to fully buffer this video:
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+43 503. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Chameleon washing his hands

He's actually trying to climb the water :D Nice!
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+5 504. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Unprofessionalism

Well... he could be hurt. A boulder to the backbone can cripple you.
But I doubt he was hurt, and "helping" him can result in more severe trauma if you don't know what you are doing.
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0 505. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cat doesn't like glasses

Hideous glasses... but if you can see well with them... I guess it does not matter how they look like.... but still.
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+24 506. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Insane drive harasses cyclists

#4 I had a feeling you where from Romania before I clicked your profile... and the police can do something about it. You can't honk your horn it traffic without a reason... it says so in the traffic code.
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+1 507. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Man vs Woman

#1 The business trip implies that the woman is tied down... or homesick. She misses being home... i don't know how else to say it.

There are many other things not said... I will not mention them, but the video should have lasted for two and a half hours.
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+5 508. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Sitting relaxed cat

The cat is a merchant. He sells star shards and the leaf song spell... oh wait... this is real life :S
I thought I was in a JRPG for a second.
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+4 509. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video First World Problems

I don't live in the 1st world, yet I had ALL these problems... ALL I tell you :'(
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+8 510. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Road Rage

Why did they all gang up on the bike driver?
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+16 511. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The escape of a prisoner ...

Actually the pig looks like it has broken a couple of legs... :(
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+2 512. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Very unwelcome Guest

I was thinking the exact same thing as #12. It's just some cotton floating around. A very powerful effect I might add, but not real.

#6 That's so true!
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+16 513. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Motorcycle On Fire Explodes

1:00 <-- if you are in a hurry. :P
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+9 514. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video iPhone 4s Versus iPhone 5

Consumerism at it's best!
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+2 515. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 250kg WW2 Bomb found in Munich

3000 left underground? If they pop say goodby to your city... :S
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+5 516. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Assassin's Creed LIVE

Nice video! At 0:55 it looks like a guy in toilet paper is running around! :P
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+21 517. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Hazard of the road

Hope she has a donor card.
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+3 518. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Show-off Failed

1. Play the video again.
2. Focus on the guys in the back of the boat.
3. Laugh your a** off!
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-2 519. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Storm in France

The ants in France stay mainly on the ... well.... ok :S
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-4 520. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 3 Seconds Later and This Man Would Be Dead

I highly doubt that would have killed him.
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+6 521. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Tickle Bug Prank

#6 You where never on subject to begin with...

you just corrected someone and spoke of your instincts.
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-2 522. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Tickle Bug Prank

gilezajner if you lose your sense of humor you might as well stop breathing.

PS: english is not everyone's first language you know...
(I always refuse to spell english with a capital "e" because it is RETARDED)
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+3 523. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Optical illusion Waterfall

There where multiple recordings spliced together:

You can see him pouring in the middle portion here. There was a top pour and bottom pour, than the videos where combined..
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+27 524. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Guy tricks all of Times Square into thinking he's someone famous.

Man... look at all thous sluts! :D
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+5 525. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Useful Dog Tricks 3 performed by Jesse

#2 Who do you think is holding the camera?
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+2 526. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Optical illusion Waterfall

It was done with after effects...
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+16 527. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Worst attempt at an insurance scam ever

Even without the camera, there would have been no case for him. He was not on a crosswalk, he was in the middle of the road. No dice.
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+2 528. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Sepaktakraw

I played this soooo much in my childhood...except for the martial art parts...
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+34 529. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Papercraft Robot

Water and fire are it's weaknesses! .... and mild humidity...
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+3 530. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Van explosion

Retarded cameraman always ruin a goon video... why not just hold the damn camera still and film this unique event...and laugh about it later if you want. morons... This is why we can't have good videos.
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-2 531. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Diver plays with lava

#3 or shove a hornet's nest down his pants.
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+5 532. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Lucky guy

Seriously #1? As if he has nothing better to do than drop something behind some random dude...
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-2 533. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Irresponsible...

Cheer up #11! When everything in America will grind to a halt you will have guns to shoot yourselves for water and food.
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+5 534. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Go, get it boy...

#7 is right.
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+2 535. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Footage of Curiosity descent

Well banzemanga, you got your wish.
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+24 536. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Train performance, wait for it...

Nice to see him do something nice for the girl. She will have that t-shirt forever if she is a big fan, and never forget that day!
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+2 537. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Debris chrashes through front windshield

#6 I assumed!

Also I watched the frames with the spinning metallic chunk with a hole in it where a bolt would go.
It may also be part of a truck though...

or did you mean how do I know they are alright?....well... I assumed again. Maybe the passenger seat was empty...also there is nobody screaming or moaning. And they saw it coming, hands would most likely protect the head by the time it hit.
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+34 538. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Debris chrashes through front windshield

#(removed comment),#(removed comment),#(removed comment),#(removed comment),#(removed comment) and #(removed comment) That thing was a piece of the metal guardrail. They are all OK!
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0 539. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Everything is a Remix

I agree the common good should be a priority... but as a person who wrote a book (not a good one, but still a book) I would be pissed if someone stole it and made money of it...

My artwork was also stolen in 2010 and SOLD for a profit... unless something like this happens to you, you don't know how it's like.

I'm also writing a new book and making a video game...can't wait to get ripped off :P The way of the world my friend!
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-2 540. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Big load

#6 Yes (comment too short)
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+14 541. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Games We Play

I thought I was alone :S
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+19 542. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Smelt furnace explosion

Nothing makes you feel more alive than nearly being incinerated by a rain of pure fire.

PS: My Snotr comments are starting to blend into one :S
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+1 543. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Shaolin Monk Plays With Some Chains

Imagine if he accidentally smacked himself over the back of the head with one of thous :S
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+5 544. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How to make a spray bottle that works in any orientation

Only problem with this is that I have to transform form the archaic imperial system to the metric system ...... 1/8 inch ... Jesus Christ!
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+11 545. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Explosion after accident in Russia

Nothing makes you feel more alive than nearly being incinerated by a ball of pure fire.
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+15 546. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Dolphin-man breaches clear of the water

It's always fascinating to see how man is constantly trying to imitate other animals... we have kangaroo bots, dolphin fins, gliders shaped like birds, etc.
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+2 547. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video RC Mini Cooper retrieves discus at Olympics

#7 LOL I just discovered the big bang theory and it's awesome! :D
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+23 548. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Great escape ?

My theory:

Van was going off to its right (probably driver was not paying attention) and when the driver realized he was going into the trees he swerved hard to his left. A combination of centrifugal force and not wearing a seat belt pushed him against the door. For some reason the door opened and he fell...

That's what I think. :S
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+1 549. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Mars lander Curiosity lands on schedule


First of all there are images taken by Curiosity when landing you can find them on the NASA site, second of all recording video with/without sound is easy, sending the file through space is not.

And it will be a pointless waste of resources to do so.

Also there is a good panoramic view on NASA's website in color!
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+1 550. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The God

There is a moral in there somewhere.... :)
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+7 551. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video wheel flow forming-spinning machine

Need more info, show us the final product or explain yourself video!
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+4 552. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video What Color Is A Mirror?

The last black and white clip is from the first ever episode of The Twilight Zone.... I don't know why I know that but I do....
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+22 553. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Vietnamese Batpod

You can see the remains of the last person who drove one at 0:27 :D
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+10 554. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Schrödinger's Cat

It's unanswered because it's stupid... Things happened before humans where around to observe them and things will happen after we are gone.

I can't see little Timmy getting his hair cut in Cleveland, does that mean he never cut his hair? or is someone else observing Timmy getting his hair cut? but that's irrelevant since I'm not observing the person observing Timmy....see... stupid :D
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+5 555. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Columbian Prison Guard

Seriously? They have hand grenades?
In that country you need less prisons and more executions.
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0 556. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video All 135 shuttles launches synched together

Just how I imagined nukes getting launched if they will ever be used. ALL AT ONCE! :S
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+4 557. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Babysitter?

#7 A human baby can shrug off a minor scratch... it's not like it will poke his eyes out... shesh..
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+11 558. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video One heck of an airplane

#(removed comment) Having a hobby does not make you an automatic virgin. What would you know? You probably never had one.
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+2 559. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Dr. Michio Kaku America Has A Secret Weapon

This happens almost everywhere... except communist countries. Don't believe me? look it up. Though I rather have a poor education system than a communist government.
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-7 560. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video That Was Close

#6 I was a passenger in two car crashes... never panicked never hyperventilated. Maybe that's just me :D
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-3 561. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video That Was Close

Why is she hyperventilating? :S
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+1 562. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Upward Lightning!

The scientist in this video is a moron. Lightning does not go up... Lighting is an invisible construct before it connects with something. When it connects the energy released is so great it ionizes the air and the lightning becomes visible from the object's side spreading towards the origin, the cloud.
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+2 563. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation July 2012

Awesome as always :D
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0 564. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Internet Infrastructure (East vs West)

Well I download with 10MB+ per second here in Europe and I see americans complaining all the time on the internet about a 50MB file being too big to download... seriously? I rather have a million wires than think 50MB is too much for my connection, I take that file in 5 seconds or less.
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+7 565. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Metacrylics products Tested at temperatures below minus 70 degree Fahrenheit

Did he just say Europe is a country? :S
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+4 566. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How High Can We Build?

How much do you want to bet the first space elevator will be built for military purposes?
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+18 567. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Paper Speakers

You can print electricity generate solar cells by the kilometer and they decided the speakers where more news worthy??? :O
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+9 568. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Animal - Remi Gaillard

The chicken part was just hilarious! :x Some of them are in bad taste though.
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+3 569. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video BBQ Chip Bandits...Busted

#6 I see your point, but you can take it one step further. If you steel food from blind orphans to feed your children because you are too lazy to work, kind of changes things does it not?

So yeah, the circumstances for the theft are important, but theft is still theft. Someone still gets robbed, regardless if that person is starving or not.
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-2 570. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video BBQ Chip Bandits...Busted

Well... theft is theft, no matter what is stolen.
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+17 571. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 10 signs of alien life?

Stupid blurry, trembling, quivering or tremulous text is messing with my eyes. :S
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+1 572. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video X-Ray Kinder Surprise

that takes the fun out of it...
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0 573. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Ground 0 population 5

"It was just beautiful" - Last words
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-1 574. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 7 billion: how did we get so big so fast?

Well #4... you do know that the number 1 most common sexually transmitted disease is life.
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+10 575. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 7 billion: how did we get so big so fast?

The denser the population the faster a disease can spread... I'm so happy I was born in a time when we still have clean water, air and forests.
I don't think I'm gonna make a child, I'll be too sorry for him.
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+3 576. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cinema's Slaps

I can't believe someone had the idea and the time to make this video. I loved it! :D

I do that in all my pictures! :S
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+18 577. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Oldest Light in the Universe

The Universe is measured in billions of years and I only get to live so little time? Not fair! :'(
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+2 578. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Ham sandwich

Awesome short film! Made my day!


Why would you kill a large animal just because sandwiches don't exist? Well... I guess the invention of the sandwich could have rippled down through history, but come on, it's not the damn wheel! :S
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+10 579. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Swing and Jump

Hit the water kind of hard :S
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+29 580. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Kitten freaks out at sneeze

A month ago it was dead quiet in my house and my cat was chilling... I let one rip and the next thing I know my cat was 3 feet off the ground.

Just saying... it works with other sounds than sneezes :D
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+19 581. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Japanese fountain

Wish my printer ran on water instead of these expensive cartridges...
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+16 582. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life

Snapping your fingers an exact number of time will not only boost your will power, it will also boost your OCD! :D

I loved every minute of this video, nice upload, awesome TED as usual!
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+5 583. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Wig from my own hair prank

He has a lot of friends.... unlike me :'(
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+3 584. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Black market nuke

Bulgaria is my neighbour :x
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0 585. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fireworks at Ultra Low Speed

#4 that's what I was thinking.

The camera is "high-speed" because it records frames at a very high speed so it gets a lot of them... the resulting video is in "slow motion", because more frames = more time to view them.

Camera = high speed
Video = slow motion (or Super Slow Motion)
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+4 586. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video One Unbelievably Lucky Ice Climber

Every breath he takes from that point onward is a gift.
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+3 587. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Graphene: Strongest Material on Earth

Bucky carbon or carbon-carbon is the strongest material in my opinion. But that is extremely hard to produce.
I think this Graphene has huge potential if it's easy to isolate.

And we all know that the military will use it first...
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+35 588. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video T-Mobile Customer service....

#1 My friend is a security guard at a local mall, and he told me he has no right to detain or even touch someone if that person is not a threat to another person... all he can do is call the cops, much like the guard in this video.
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+4 589. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video X Games Los Angeles 2012: Hot Wheels Double Dare Loop

If the suspension was soft they wouldn't have a change going up the loop.

Notice the rigid suspension when the car bounces at the end :)

Awesome! :D
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+33 590. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video New York Subway Trolls Hard

I made a couple of blueprints for staircases and I can tell you that you have to be really strict! ALL steps have to be the EXACT same size, because the human brain automates the walking up stairs process in the first few steps and expects the rest to be the same.

Any anomaly in height (+/-) after the first steps is very dangerous.
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+10 591. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Use Of Punji Traps In The Vietnam War

Correction #7... Punji spikes wouldn't have injured so many people if the yanks had stayed out of Vietnam.
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+26 592. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Tree relocation

#1 Obviously you wouldn't be able to relocate a sequoia but at least the smaller trees get a chance!
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+19 593. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Mysteries Of The Honey Bee

That looks so tasty! I'm gonna get some honey firs thing in the morning!
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+2 594. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation June 2012

#7 I think you should get your eyes checked... I can't see the word "funny" in the title or in the description... If you assume these are ment to be funny that's your problem. It's just as advertised... FAILS!
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-13 595. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Man Climbs Building Frame When Suddenly....

I thought he will fall... ans Spider-Man will swoop in and catch him mid-air :D
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+2 596. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Landing On Mars

Oh... how far we have come from our caves, sticks and stones. It was just yesterday we where hunting wild boar with a flint hammer.

I will be watching this on the 5th, but as hopeful as i am... I have to admit, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Can it even hover in the thin atmosphere?
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+11 597. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Unintentional Flying Tents

Actual footage of an UFT :D
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+9 598. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Pee Prank - Arrested Edition

This is getting boring and stupid....
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+3 599. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Shadows

Trying too hard to be artsy can be your worst enemy.
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+4 600. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Spider Cat

#14 You hate cats and therefore are blind to the true nature of these animals.

Get yourself a dictionary and learn what the word "parasite" means before you use it... it's not good to use words you don't understand.

By your stupid logic: you wipe your ass don't you? what comes out ? shit... next time you shake hands consider that.

Quote: "The enzyme lysozyme is found in many tissues and is known to attack the cell walls of many gram-positive bacteria, aiding in defense against infection."

Your example of getting hit by a car is a stupid extreme. It's like saying : "Penicillin is not working on the guy that got shoot in the head."

Anyway, I'm done explaining basic common knowledge to a close minded person such as you.... you also seem to have an irrational fear of poo.

By the way: Fecal matter is used to grow your food... you better stop eating.
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+2 601. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Spider Cat

#12 You are ignorant.

1. The inside of a human mouth has more bacteria than the bottom of a sewer,
2. When you flush your toilet you get aerosol shit particles on your toothbrush,
3. The parts of the house you touch most often are doorhandles and light switches, cat's are not that tall.
4. The human skin contains a lot of microscopic insects that feed off dead skin and skin secretions.
5. Cats groom themselves every day.
6. I have two cats and none of them walk over their shit, and I never got sick because of them in 14 years.
7. If a cat licks it's wounds they get clean and heal... if a human licks his wound it gets infected...wonder why?
8. Even if your cat is messy, if you feed it and take care of it, there is no reason it's shit should be a biohazard.
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+5 602. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Spider Cat

#5 and #8 cats are very clean creatures. Cleaner than most humans in fact.
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-2 603. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video How to Deal with Noisy Neighbors

The annoying music is my cellphone ringtone... I thought someone was calling me... LOL !!
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+3 604. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video A Liberal Prison System - Bastoy Island, in the fjord of Oslo, Norway

It's more like a time-out than prison
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+5 605. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cat Demands to Be Petted

Not uncommon for a cat to do that, my cat head buts me... no joke. :x
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+8 606. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video O Fortuna Misheard Lyrics

The octopus part blew my mind. :D
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+8 607. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Gas Station Design Fail

I work for a structural design firm, I just draw blueprints, but I saw some stupid building designs over the years, but this has to be in my top 5. What where they thinking?
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+9 608. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

We are using electronic devices that use less and less power, the cars we drive use less fuel than the cars from 20 years ago. In other words we are becoming more and more efficient... but there is a limit.
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+1 609. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Mom Fail of the Day

#14 they did not... they think it's the drivers fault ;)
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+14 610. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Apocalyptic Island Of Waste In The Maldives

What I am about to say is not a solution to the problem... I understand that, but why are we not dumping this in the desert? Seriously I know animals live there too... but if you have to chose desert vs tropical I think it would be obvious you will choose desert...

Than again the french tested nuclear bombs in a tropical paradise...

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0 611. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Best goal ever ?

No offside, valid goal.
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+1 612. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video The Egg Sprinkler Mystery

Archimedes screw has no internal moving parts and it's a far more efficient pump... just saying. Awesome video though :D
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-4 613. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Near Disastrous Semi Truck Fail

Idiot car driver... instead of helping the stupid truck driver, he was more concerned about his damn car...
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+24 614. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video A glitch in a matrix!

Must be from all the saliva your friend left on it... spit sticks.
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+2 615. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Self Balancing Unicycle

#3 I use this as soundtrack in my game :D With Kevin's permission of course.
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+88 616. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video So What's Coke In Korean?

Should I give her my number? I have what she needs! >:)
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+2 617. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Never Use a Lighter at a Gas Station

HA hahahaha ... did not expect that! Damn funny! :D
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+6 618. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Driving Around In A Chinese La-Z-Boy

So...if I have a couch and I get a friend ro ride it with me we can go in the carpool lane! :D Ohhh... wait... we don't have carpool lanes where I live.. Damn it!
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+1 619. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Japanese lunchboxes.

I absolutely love everything about Japan... If a meteor hits France, I would forget about it the next minute, if it hit Russia, I would look for alternatives to natural gas, if it hit the USA I would store all the movies I can... but if it hit Japan...I... I would kill myself!
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+4 620. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Nobody canna' cross it

Simply awesome!
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+37 621. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cabbie Falls Into a Sinkhole

I can't stop laughing ! Help meee... my ribs hurt!!!
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0 622. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Why Science is Cool

Catch one in your mouth ! >:)
Really awesome video.
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+20 623. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Hilarious Experiment On Monkeys

Chill out #(removed comment) they are treated good and cared for, vaccinated and fed, ... it's not like they cut off one of it's arms to see what happened...

Anyway, they react exactly like humans would, envy is a strong emotion.
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+4 624. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video This man is immune to taser

I think one of the electrodes (or whatever they are called) bounced off... so no circuit no pain...
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+9 625. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Bionic Robo Trunk

If we don't stop over-hunting there will be no more creatures to inspire us to do these sort of things...
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+35 626. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Customs control

He popped out thinking : I'm free..... damn it :'(
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+8 627. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Near Perfect Reflection

IT would have been much better if he threw a rock to create ripples in the "sky" :D
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+30 628. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video close call...

At least it was an ambulance... it would have been an instant response to the incident. :S
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+8 629. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Fill mine with Vodka please

You can always drink the bottle beforehand and then just piss in the glass... but still, would you do that on a stadium? The people around you will think you are drinking your own special brew... :S
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-5 630. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Nutshot Compilation

You should have said it was a Jackass compilation, I would have not bothered to click on the video...
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+2 631. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cat opens freezer

Yes.... but can he close the door?
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+57 632. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Landslide

R.I.P. person who did not read the description...
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+4 633. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Ship launch gone wrong...

At least the local fish have a new 5 star hotel.
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-2 634. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Stuck on the Road: Who Would You Help?

Ahhh... Americans... and they still think they are the good guys...
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+11 635. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Honest Trailers: Titanic

Haters gonna hate >:) ... the movie is superb!
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+7 636. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Tow Truck Accident in Norway

Was that one of them fancy chameleon tow trucks that change color? It turned puke green before it keeled over.
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+10 637. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Flying Car - PAL-V

Can't wait for a drunk flyer to smash through my roof...
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+3 638. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cockpit view of a night landing!

Love how the plane turns into a car at the end :)
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+7 639. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video See around corners using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging

They could replace the wall the laser bounces off with a mirror and get a better image with a regular camera, just saying ... still pretty coll ! :D
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+56 640. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video A Different Kind of Boss

I stood watching my keyboard for 5 minutes, not knowing what to comment... all I can think about is thous Wall Street bastards.... :|

This man should be a role-model for other corporations.
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+1 641. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Giant Rubik's Cube Mosaic, ArtPrize 2010, Pete Fecteau

Thank you for not doing the Mona Lisa... that would have been a huge cliché.
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-10 642. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Late Reaction

#3, #4 Stop posting stupid links we know how to use Google too... shocking huh?
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+3 643. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video AH-64 Apache Crash in Afghanistan after Insane Maneuver

The actual moment the helicopter was lost is not when it hit the ground... it was in fact when he tried to take off again, he hit the ground with it's tail and wrecked it, from there on there was nothing more that could have been done. My 2 cents...

PS: I bet some of thous bystanders got a free haircut.
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-18 644. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Connecting on the Internet

The question is: Is your secret so important that it's worth doing math over?
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+10 645. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Too Shy

Wishful thinking in my opinion, life is not that rosy... you WILL get rejected ... a lot.
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+20 646. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Abundance is our future

As long as:

1. A world war does not start.
2. People with power stop stealing from the people without power.
3. A asteroid does not hit us.

We are all good ! :D
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+2 647. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter Crashes During Top Gear Korea

Noooo! Not the helicopter... :'(
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0 648. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Snooker World Open 2012

#6 that's not snooker...
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-2 649. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy puppies

The animals in 1st world countries live like in 3rd world countries, while animals in 3rd world countries live like 1st world countries... what does that say about the people that live in said countries? :|
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-2 650. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Top 100 First World Problems

number 1 problem is the stupid way you edit your video...
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0 651. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Astronomer's Paradise

#10 A Solar system got shoot...
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+4 652. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video hula hoop... well not exactly

I bet he squashed his fingers on more than one occasion :S
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+15 653. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Ready, Set, Go!

He scared the cat at the end ... I know .. I have 3 cats and I know when they run because the get spooked.

That does not make it less hilarious though ! :D
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+7 654. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video WW2 - German Railway guns in action

So much effort wasted on killing other people... We could have gotten to Mars a long time ago if we where as dedicated to exploring our Solar System as we are dedicated to war.
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+8 655. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Anonymous Having Fun During Interview

Why is she not in an Insane Asylum?

All the people she hates make her life possible... God did not make the Internet, man did it... actually... Gad did not make anything... if fact God was made by man too... crazy man, but man nevertheless ;)
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+6 656. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Bottle

Story of my life...
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+67 657. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Cool Racecar Crash Escape

I was expecting an incredible crash escape... as in swerving at the last possible second and avoiding a crash...
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+6 658. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Manhole Explosion

Lucky the cover did not land on the children...
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+10 659. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago on video Bounce... Bounce... Bounce... SPLASH!

Waaaa!!! We conquered the mighty tire!
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+4 660. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video How to get the girl of your dreams

#21 Why are you exaggerating? .... it's more like 87%
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+33 661. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Anchors have a difficulty pronouncing a man's name.

If he does not have any ID on him... he's better off giving a fake name... because nobody will believe his real one.
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+69 662. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video How To Feed the Homeless

The guy that left the food was thinking: "These agents are really deep undercover... they got the smell perfected and they are skinny as hell..."

Anyway... nice to see someone helping the homless... they are people too, like you and me.
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+16 663. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Dog vs Leaves

Dog Thinks: "What's wrong with these people? Can't they get off their chairs and help me find the ball if they want the damn thing so much?"
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+12 664. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video See What Happened to the Man with the Golden Voice

Amazing the way his teeth go from horrible to better than mine.... money makes you look good....
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+32 665. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Flying Beetles

The next time you squish one... remember you are destroying a work of art.
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+16 666. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Parallel parking fail

:'( What I want to know is who put the driver's license in her hand?
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0 667. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Quantum Levitation on a Wipe'Out Track

If this is not CGI I'll cut off one of my balls... That's how much I'm sure this is fake...
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+11 668. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Millionare Fails

The stupidity is simply mind numbing... no wonder the USA shrinks in Neil deGrasse Tyson's video of the world map of science...
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+19 669. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Which country is doing the most science today?

Paper Tiger USA... :x I still like the country... don't like the low IQ of the people there... but still like the country.
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+8 670. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Guiness stout thieve

I assume she has a harness strapped to her hips... she puts the item in the harness and walks away...
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+4 671. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Perfect Man Hug

Pat with your left hand... video shows right hand... :S
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-2 672. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Slippery stairs on russian subway

Ice ice baby...
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+2 673. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Head On Car Crash

Why is it so hard to understand what happened? It's very obvious to me.

Red car was overtaking in a continuous line zone and realized he was not going to make it... so he swerved back in his lane hitting the small white car in it's lane, losing control, and ending up in oncoming traffic where the crash happened. :(

Watch again and you'll see the red car trying to go back in it's lane...
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+2 674. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Brave Kitten!

The poor thing looked frightened. ... and no, I'm not talking about the dog. :P
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-2 675. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Real Silent Hill

Why not just put it out? Flood the damn mine... :|
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0 676. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Smart couple loses a fortune

Was there anyone ... in the whole wide world who did not know the answer to that question... 3 of the 4 options where so obviously wrong... painful :S
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+1 677. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video close shave

They see me jackknifing... they hating...
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+12 678. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Dropping a car

A little to the right please...
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+2 679. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Kawada's Nextage robot: one step closer to replacing humans

Why do they have to look like humans? It creeps me out... Can't they look like spiders? That would be more efficient and .... oohhh... wait...that's much creepier! Scratch that !
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+36 680. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Baby Tiger That's Beating Extinction

Nobody can save his species... humans kill everything. Fat bastards hunting them, thinking they are real men... when in fact every coward can press a trigger.

Nice to see some people are doing something good though...
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+4 681. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Drunk Walking With Style

If I'd known I will fall again, I wouldn't have gotten up in the first place...
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+11 682. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Winter storm near Bergen, Norway makes bridge swing

And that kids is why metal bars are used inside concrete structures :D
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-3 683. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Hero

That is no where near A4 paper size... A4 is much smaller 210mm by 297mm.
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+30 684. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video What happens when two corvettes line up?

#7 I believe it was part of a compilation.
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+3 685. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Clearing minefield in Afghanistan

#1 Nope... the but the air sure did ;)
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+1 686. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Bio Concrete, Concrete That Repairs Itself

What if there is a substance that makes the bacteria run wild... and my neighbor gets it's hands on it :S

Must mount my defenses!
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-2 687. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Fire skating fail

Stinging ...
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+6 688. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The NASA Effect

#3 Thanks, however I got... ahh screw it...
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+1 689. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Green is a really pretty color

I leave you with this info from Wikipedia about Aliens:

Brothers Robert and Dennis Skotak were hired to supervise the visual effects, having previously worked with Cameron on several Roger Corman movies. Two stages were used to construct the colony on LV-426, using miniature models that were on average six feet tall and three feet wide. Filming the miniatures was difficult due to the weather; the wind would blow over the props, although it proved helpful to give the effect of weather on the planet. Cameron used these miniatures and several effects to make scenes look larger than they really were, including rear projection, mirrors, beam splitters, camera splits and foreground miniatures.

The Alien suits were made more flexible and durable than the ones used in Alien, to expand on the creatures' movements and allow them to crawl and jump. Dancers, gymnasts and stunt men were hired to portray the Aliens. The creature's head was changed from the sleek shape used in Alien, as the crew thought that the original shape would crack with the creatures' increased mobility. Ridges were added along the head to increase its durability during movements.

Scenes involving the Alien queen were the most difficult to film, according to production staff. A life-sized mock-up was created by Stan Winston's company in the United States to see how it would operate. Once the testing was complete, the crew working on the queen flew to England and began work creating the final version. Standing at fourteen feet, it was operated using a mixture of puppeteers, control rods, hydraulics, cables, and a crane above to support it. Two puppeteers were inside the suit operating its arms, and sixteen were required to move it. All sequences involving the queen were filmed in-camera with no post-production manipulation.

Reading skill increased +1
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+2 690. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Universe

This is a satire video ...
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+14 691. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Brinicle

#3 The ice is guided by underwater current. That's what I think.
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+2 692. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video GPS, relativity, and nuclear detection

I'm sorry, you can thumb my comment down to the depths of hell, but there are several things in this video that are not true...
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+5 693. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Fire flies in a Jar

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+13 694. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video We Love America

Welcome to the civilized world! Thous 3rd world counties have it all mixed up.. being poor and still kind to each other, even though they have nothing. We got it right... being rich and complete bastards, is the way to go.

PS : I'm not talking about America, this happens in every "developed" part of the world.

PPS : The weather lady was awesome :D >:)
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+21 695. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Mountain Coaster

That's so awesome ! but, how do they get the roller coaster cars back up the mountain? :S
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0 696. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Best Fails Of November 2011 Week 1

2:11 I watched it over and over and over ... I I laughed every single time >:)
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+3 697. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Angry cobra-cat

Can't touch this :D
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0 698. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Cutting open a coconut Hawaii vs Trinidad

She put the lime in the coconut
she drank them both up.
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+17 699. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Big Wave

#3 That's what she said >:)
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+2 700. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Douchebag Bison

Well the wolfs have to eat something :P
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+1 701. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video NEW World Record Longest Headed Goal

OOOHhhhhh ! What a header ! Martin Tyler and Alan Smith wish you all a very nice day.
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+6 702. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Who SCREAMS louder? Azarenka vs Wozniacki

:O She should try playing golf ... the other golfers would get a heart attack if she missed the hole...
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+44 703. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Animatronic Door

Bricks will be shat !
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-7 704. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Bus Barrier Test FAIL

Looks like the buss is trying to catch them for once >:)

Off topic : #(removed comment) Sunt cativa romani pe aici...
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+2 705. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Halloween Illusion Costume

Is that guy being barefoot part of the illusion ?
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+4 706. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video World's Greatest Jumping Dog

He retired back in 1932... he's 84 now...
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+11 707. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Free Rice - Help The Starving

Update : I was right... they do have adds ...
I also donated 2320 Grains today :)
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+19 708. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Free Rice - Help The Starving

That is a very good idea, but life itself has thought me nothing is free... so what's the catch? Do they have adds on the site and use the add revenue to pay for the rice?
It also raises the question : What will they eat the next day? This looks like it's treating the symptoms of poverty, and not the cause of poverty.

That's my 2 cents... I'm gonna play the game now :D
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+6 709. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video First Ever Skateboard Side Flip

#7 Learning english is not mandatory, and nobody is forced to learn it "ya dumb shit" ! He got his point across didn't he? Which is more than I can say for a spelling nazi like you.
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+39 710. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video What a F1 driver sees while racing

Could that steering wheel possibly have any more buttons? :S
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+8 711. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Batman - Getting rid of the bomb

At 2:55 when Batman rises from behind the pipes and puts his hand on Robbin "It's alright Robbin" I almost died laughing... :S
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+2 712. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Optical effects of travelling close to the speed of light

I studied light for so many years only to have my comment buried and #12 to give me a lecture...

#12 you are 75% wrong let me discuss your points:

1. "What happens when you're travelling at light speed is that all the light is traveling towards you from the front and in a decreasing matter from the sides, but not from the absolute rear."

Answer: Nobody ever said you were traveling towards the light source... you may travel off to the side, or you may be traveling away from it, in which case you would see nothing... so your theory about optical bending is invalid...

2. "When standing still light can hit you from every side, but as you are travelling ever faster the light in front of you is nearing faster than the light behind you, thus creating the red-shift seen in the vid."

Answer: This is only true in an omni-lighted environment(the light source is everywhere), which dose not exist in the real world.

3. "Since light is hitting you faster from the front the luminocity increases while it decreases at the back."

Answer: Correct.

4. "In the end, when travelling at light speed is that no light can come up from the rear (since you're moving at the same speed as the particles trying to approach you) and the light coming from the front is essentially hitting you at twice the speed."

Answer: Again... why do you assume the light source is exactly in front of you?

PS: Imagine you are traveling at light speed and your heart pumps blood, some blood would move from the back of your body towards your chest, so the blood cells would essentially be traveling at light speed plus the speed of the blood so in the end, faster than light itself.... wrap your head around that...

Might as well rate this comment down too...since you know best.
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+6 713. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Motocross accident - Big surprise on track

"Big surprise on track" I was expecting a submarine... or Santa :(
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-14 714. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Optical effects of travelling close to the speed of light

The optical bending is caused by camera lenses.... you do not get that in real life... idiots... take this crap down!
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+1 715. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Trouble with SIRI

My phone comes with a contact list... you know... where you have all your contacts and you scroll through it and press the call button when you found the person... or in this case email address...

Sometimes too much technology is bad for us...
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+15 716. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Trying to Fall Asleep

Counting sheep never put me to sleep... but stumping my toe against the wall sure did wake me up a few times :S
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+16 717. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Rocket Launch 35 km (22 mi) above earth

Awesome ! If we invested only a fraction of the effort we spend on making money, and spend it instead on space flight we would have been a long way away by now...
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+14 718. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Waterfall of fire

Hope nobody spills their drink...
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+4 719. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Are you the manager?

remember seeing this 8 years ago... I hate it when someone makes a video copying an older video... original was better too
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+1 720. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Runaway Crane

Idiots... they should have jammed the wood between the tire and body of the crane at 0:27 ... It would have stopped it because there was nowhere to go for the tire... it's like trying to lift yourself off the ground... :S
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0 721. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video World's fastest skip rope

This is not China man... this is Japan man :D
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+3 722. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Man Slams Through a Glass Door

#8 the dark line on the glass is put at eye's level... you would think that is the correct height to put it... but people tend to look down when they walk... so they can see where they step...
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-2 723. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Strange Japanese world guinness record

#2 Your thinking about chinese people.... facepalm
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+2 724. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Most balloons burst simultaneously by arrows

What? No super slow motion? :'(
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+5 725. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video September Fail Compilation

Is it wrong not to feels sorry for the idiots crippling themselves on skateboards?
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-1 726. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Man Catches Foul Ball While On Cell Phone

He he he he :D
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+10 727. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video This is Europe

#21 don't worry... his organs will save others...
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-2 728. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Twisted Reality

#2 I understood everything you said, and I just play with 3D Max as a hobby....
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+19 729. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Snow man scare prank gone wrong

Why would you do that? :| I get "fight or flight" but this is not normal.
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+15 730. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video How fast wildfires can move

Actually #2 the wind is helping... helping it spread :D

Though fires like this are bad for us, they are actually good for the forest, because they clear out the dead foliage,, making room for new vegetation.
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-14 731. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Schwerer Gustav 800mm 1942

I wonder how anyone managed to survive WWII... but have no fear... WWIII is just around the corner, and man... is it ugly. Smaller bombs bigger bangs... :S

Remember blowing one up in Modal of Honor... rail gun Greta ;)
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+11 732. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Johnny Cash Project

Today's music is just a bunch of noise and audio cacophony compered to these classics !
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+8 733. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular Table Tennis point

I love Ping-Pong ! <3
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+22 734. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Biker nearly runs over an otter

#1 The commentators where talking about something that was happening off screen. There are more than one camera at a race. We saw the "active" camera angle, but the incident was not there. After that we cut to the replay of another camera that did caught the incident...

It's not that hard to figure out...
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+4 735. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video John McEnroe abusing the refs

#5 He was also subjective.

This guy is a moron. I don't care what hie did or what he won, he fails as a decent human being. Fair Play is not in his vocabulary.
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-2 736. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 Worst Movie Cliches

Hello Nerd!
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+7 737. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Surfing with a Flare

Yet another way we discovered of polluting our oceans. I'm reading a book right now (gasp!! people still read!) that is about our oceans being irreversibly polluted, I'm 1/5 into the book, but it looks grim...
... so yeah... burn thous toxic flares... your kid will surf on actual fire when he grows up :(
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+1 738. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Foreign Exchange Lottery

That's pretty much how economy works...
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+7 739. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Kid Gets Knocked Off Scooter

#9 After watching it several times you failed to notice the scooter was on the wrong side of the street, crossing a double center line, and forced the car driver to swerve and stop.

They are lucky they got off with a just a punch. :S
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+4 740. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Gaki no tsukai - Banana Game

I LOVE Gaki no Tsukai, I watched all their Batsu Games !!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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+2 741. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video If The Internet Was A Real Place

I was hopping he would get a virus >:)
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+16 742. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Malk

I may be waaaaay off here... but what I got from this video is this:

Normality is how the majority of people see the world. If most people started wearing a red scarf around their left ankle that would become normal, and you would be abnormal if you didn't.

The guy in the video knew it was milk, but the other 2 guys (the majority) used the word malk, thus changing what was considered normal.

Moral : if a sane person is in a room with 9 crazy people... soon there will be 9 normal people in a room with a crazy guy.

I may be reading too much into it.... but hey. I'm gonna put my ankle scarf on and go to bed.... on a rock. :S
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+21 743. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Solar Sinter Project

That first piece would have looked so cool in my aquarium... if I had an aquarium. :(
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0 744. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video ARM Powered LEGO/Nokia 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube Solver

Would have been much cooler if the 10X speed was it's actual, real-time, speed.
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+9 745. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Monster Truck Tug Of War

Waiting for someone to post the link to the "Top Gear - The Marauder" video saying that car would have beaten both of these trucks. :D
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+36 746. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Land Rover "Pathological Liar"

Waiting for someone to post the link to the "Top Gear - The Marauder" video saying they'll feel a lot safer in that. :D
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+1 747. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Chaos at the boxes

If you think about it ... thous bumpers are the least expensive part of the car... besides the windshield whipper that is...

And they don't pay VAT + shipping + handling + installing + taxes + they get it at manufacturing price.

It still cost a lot for you and me though :S
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+9 748. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Indian Dentist

Last time I was at the dentist (3 weeks ago) I sat through a 2 hour extraction. I was at an expensive clinic too. After thous 2 hours of pure pain (3 vials of anesthetic helped a little) I'm not afraid of going to hell anymore... :x
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+3 749. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Effects of a woman in a short skirt ...

#7 It's called a bridge.... thous are not walls, it just looks like that from this perspective... as I said before. Perspective can be a bitch sometimes.
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+2 750. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Cure for leukemia using harmless HIV

The FDA mafia will shut this down in a heartbeat.
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+2 751. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Trim

I hate how all people that see someone with long hair automatically say :"Jesus is back" or "It's Jesus"... like they've seen Jesus before.

Have you shook hands with Jesus #6? Didn't think so... *facepalm*
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+1 752. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Lazy cat

Cats have lots of personality ! :D
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+61 753. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Honesty pays off

And that Timmy is how your mother and I met :D
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+3 754. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Massively Miscalculated Jump!

Ok #16 ... 1/2 of "they" are alive. Chances are the other 1/2 of "they" is in the hospital. :S
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+1 755. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Massively Miscalculated Jump!

When was this filmed?
#14 Look closer, the driver walked away... at 1:35.
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+3 756. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The demise of guys?

boys will be boys...
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+20 757. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video 2000 Watts

A shitty song is shitty at any volume.
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+50 758. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Attempted murder !

#3 If you hate brainless apes and violent creatures you better find a way to change species...

The GK should be banned for life ! Such a bad gesture...
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+4 759. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video BIGGEST EXPLOSIONS

#10 you appear to be right sir.

I blame my fail on the utter stupidity of the imperial system.

I leave you with this quote:

"How high is Mount Everest ? (Pick out the right answer)
29035 feet ?
4863 fathoms ?
9683 yards ?
5.5 miles ?
1761 rods ?
440 chains ?
44 furlongs ?
1.83 leagues ?
48.63 cable's lenghts ?

Hm.. which one should I pick..."
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+16 760. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video BIGGEST EXPLOSIONS

Very cool video ! :D

PS : 2:43 is a true math fail! 100 tons = 100.000 KG, no more no less. 90.700 KG is 90.7 tons. It's not that hard you just add zeros to the number.
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+2 761. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Another Russia Fail Compilation

I bet hospitals in Russia are always full ! :S :x

3:11 made me lift my left hand to shield myself :O It's more effective than that cheap 3D in the latest Final Destination.
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+4 762. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular Meteor Explosion Caught On Tape

#3 It is in fact the Hayabusa :D
it couldn't be a meteor... because it would have hit. :S
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-2 763. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Bmx rope swing

The next day the rope broke and he landed in front of a car.
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-6 764. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Gainer into pool chair

You are the water!
I am the water.
You are the chair!
I thought i was the water... :S
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+15 765. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Before and After Joplin Tornado

#5 I'm sure you planted hundreds of trees ... ;)
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+12 766. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche

Helicopters are probably mankind's greatest invention ! <3
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+77 767. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video 12,000 Year Old Unexplained Structure

Soon they will uncover skyscrapers and realize we are doomed to constantly wipe ourselves out every 20,000 years or so.
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+7 768. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Crazy downhill biking in southern Utah

I bet thous bikes cost as much as a small car... a normal bike would have disintegrated. :S
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-13 769. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Russian spiderman - Sergey Devliashov

Some of thous are real easy to do IF you are in shape. The only hard one is when he transferred from the yellow pipe to the rope.
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+3 770. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Judge appears out of nowhere to depart fight.

I watched it a couple of times and I eventually saw him coming :)
He was masked behind other players and the other referee.
Perspective can be a bitch some times.
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-2 771. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Very accurate rifle

#(removed comment) Things made in America are made by the company that bids the less amount of money. So all your things are made by the lowest bidder and are cheap pieces of crap. My country is not any better at this, but still DON'T BUY AMERICAN.
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+6 772. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video angry cooker

Let us clear some things up here...

1. It is not fake
2. He just got fired
3. That was not his boss... it was the bartender.
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0 773. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Guy falls off building during marriage proposal

I don't think this is real... I also think she would have fainted.
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+26 774. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Smiling

And the church says dogs don't have souls...
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+2 775. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Acrobatic car refueling

#13 Thous old people may be able to see better than you can... That's not a Prius.
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+4 776. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Acrobatic car refueling

That knocked his shoes off... literally :S
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+9 777. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Kids who don't have an Xbox

I was so lucky to grow up without a cell phone or xbox... I will never forget my childhood :D Summer days never ended, we played games all day (not video games) I always had my knees and elbows scrapped. :S

Kids today stay alone in their bedroom tweeting to all their 500 "friends", when in fact they don't have a single friend... going through the best years of their lives in front of a monitor... sad.
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+15 778. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video fire

You'll feel so bad when your "gasless" children will see this video.
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+31 779. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video One lucky squirrel!

#5 and #6 ... If the squirrel is nuts, and the squirrel eats nuts... that means the that squirrels are cannibals :S
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+12 780. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 3

10:36 made my LOL

#2 diarrhea happened
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+10 781. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Most beautiful present in the world ...

He came back from working in China ...seeing how America has a debt so big it can't fit in the box he came out of.
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+36 782. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Balloon of FIRE

You can pinpoint the exact moment that he realized he was screwed :D
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+3 783. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Worlds Strongest Redneck

It would have been faster and better if he had done it right. :|
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+15 784. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video This motorcycle race is the craziest

Yeeey something cool in my country... too bad I can't ride a bike :'(
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+11 785. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Fishtail fail

In that country If you know the word "curva" you know half the language. ;)
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+14 786. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video An unusual crash for two race bikes

Those bikes dance better than I can :'(
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+4 787. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Ice Fishing in Russia

Poor animal :'( delicious though :P
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+49 788. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Jazzie Show: Mugger Surprise

"Come to my place. I'll throw in a charger" Brilliant ! >:)
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+2 789. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Magic Rings Illusion

Mesmerizing.... :S
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+7 790. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Slow motion video of a grenade exploding - inflates like a balloon.

Enjoy your puffer fish, just don't pull it's pin... i mean... fin :D
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+17 791. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Guy Loves Explosions

He's not looking back at the explosion... he must be the hero! :P
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+16 792. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Lake Covered In Volcanic Ashes

The universe has kickass physics ! :)
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+8 793. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Graffiti Fail

#13 Aerosol paint always looks white when you spray it and film in night vision *facepalm*...
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+4 794. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Graffiti Fail

#8 I don't think he was... his friends were sitting there because he was the one with the spray paint and not them.
Anyway how can a trick like this even work? You can't force him to hold it towards his face... unless it was a mind trick. These are not the droids we're looking for. :S
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+6 795. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Graffiti Fail

#6 Indeed... but he wouldn't be cool if he did.
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+2 796. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Mind Your Step

#3 I have a book with that name :P
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+11 797. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Where are you going?

So much unfriendliness... >:) nice.
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+7 798. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Breakdancer Kicks Competition In The Nuts

That was unintentional.
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+37 799. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Angry Man With No Arms Destroys Hotel Lobby

At least he was unarmed...
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+3 800. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Ridiculous traffic intersection in Iran

What's with the woman saying "Oh my God" over and over... is she stuck on repeat?
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+7 801. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Disappearing car prank.

That was awesome :D
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+4 802. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Playground Backflip Fail

Now he knows...
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0 803. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video In soviet russia...

Could this video be running in reverse ? (i)
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+7 804. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Rolling out of a Jeep

Seat belt anyone? No... ok... :S
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+56 805. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video You better don't dance in america...

Ha ha hahahaha ... :D
The war on drugs - LOST
The war on terror - FAKE
The war on dancing - IN PROGRESS

"Dancing confirmed, Dancing is confirmed... Light them up" - A130 drone launches Hellfire missiles on dancers. :S
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0 806. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Violent intervention

Carcela fell to the ground and was knocked out cold before he was taken to a nearby hospital. Fortunately, Carcela seems to be okay, although he did suffer a concussion and lost several teeth. :x
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+6 807. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Man Turns Head 180 Degrees

#4 your logic is flawed... because it will be 360.
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+10 808. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Stealth Dog

#9 What do you mean for nothing? Did you expect the dog to eat the cat? :S That's not how it works...
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+1 809. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Open-sourced blueprints for civilization.

We will outgrow this planet... and we will only have one square meter to stand on. :S
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+7 810. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Extremely Tired Seal

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+3 811. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Kennedy Space Center Employees Assemble For Historic Photo

HA ha ... they look like ants! :D
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+7 812. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video A throne fit for a king....

or you could take a dump behind a bush and be 6400$ richer.
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+2 813. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Giant Lego Machine

#4 I watched videos 200 days in a row .... I feel offended :'(
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+7 814. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Gas station fireball

That's how a firecracker pops in a Michael Bay movie.
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+1 815. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Café allongé

What's so weird about it?
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+7 816. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Nikki Stanley - Skills on fire

Red nunchaku too... I see them bloom, for me and you, and I think to myself what a wonderful girl.
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+4 817. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Hand transplant

I love what modern medicine can achieve, but this is really creeping me out :S
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+5 818. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Greetings from Turkey!

Now everybody say "She sells seashells on the seashore" !

Goble goble goble... :(
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+1 819. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Pale Blue Dot

# 13 did you not see the blue dot ? :S
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+7 820. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video ManaMana

I feel sorry for all the people here to which the message of this video went over their heads.

This is really deep. That man knew he was going to die and went all out, connecting in some way to his killer. The man with the gun was under so much psychological pressure he gave in to the madness just for some extra seconds of mental health.

Killing is hard for both the killer and the victim in this case... both men wanting out of the situation bun there is no hope.

And it was really funny :D
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+15 821. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Back Flip Penalty

That would have backfired really bad if he missed the goal :S
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+15 822. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Flipbook Animation: Sonic the Hedgehog

Very nice ! :)
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-5 823. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Funny Japanese Prank

#1 If they want to mindf*** me they better have a condom because i have a dirty mind >:)
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+16 824. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video How to really erase a CD..

More like destroy than erase :)
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+7 825. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video huge underground explosion

Guess that rock will think twice now before standing in our way! :P
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+5 826. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Hot Dogs

I'm not laughing because the prank is clever or funny, I'm not even laughing because of people's reaction... no... I'm laughing because the people in this video are stupid enough to believe it's actually dog meat in there...
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+86 827. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Impressive Gay Marriage Speech

The only people who are upset about gay people are nascar loving rednecks and the church.

1. Don't get married in the south of the USA.
2. Why would you care about the church thinks? Seriously they think a man lives in the sky :S.

If you have no issue with the above 2 points it's Ok to be gay.

I myself am straight as an arrow... but I believe each individual has the right to their way of long as it does not conflict with another man's way of life. To each his own you might say.
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+5 828. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Herbal Essence Orgasm... for Men

#2 just because something causes pleasure does not mean it will be illegal. I see where you're going with this... drugs or prostitution.

Drugs are because they create a powerful addiction/disease/death and people under the influence hurt others. Prostitution spreads diseases too.

This is harmless so I don't see how it would have been illegal under a democratic regime.
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+17 829. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Good cop / Dumb cop ??

#1 I don't get your comment... are you suggesting they should have let him go because he is a cop? :S
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+3 830. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Who defends the rights of animals?

Wish I was born in a different world... humans are like cancer! In fact I believe we are worst. At least cancer kills the organism... we kill EVERYTHING!
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+6 831. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Six girls you'll date in college

I love places like this ! <3
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+9 832. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Gelatin cubes dropped onto solid surface

1:27 is how a building reacts to a multidirectional earthquake.
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+5 833. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Three Year Old Painter

He better hope this is nothing that fades over time.
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+9 834. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Individuals from Sudan are brought to the USA, cultural differences emerge.

It will soon be over... maybe 1000 at most...

Religion is the biggest hate creator followed be greed...
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+4 835. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video WSB support race crash

That poor guy must have broken at least 5 different bones, but at the end of the video you can hear people laughing ... we humans are heading in a bad direction... sad...
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+43 836. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Kuwait Sand Storm

If this would have happened about 2000-3000 years ago some moron would have started a new religion claiming God turned day into night for whatever reason...
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+4 837. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video President of Czech Republic steals pen

It's just a pen... If I was president I would have stood up and said "I like this pen...I'm taking it and smiled" and everyone would have smiled and it would have been ok. Headlines : "President likes pen" not "President steals pen".

but on the other hand if I was president I would have bought all the pens I wanted... and make green energy the number one know... instead of weapons. This is going in a strange direction... I'll stop now
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+41 838. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Don't freerun

#1 Because they're brain stopped working after the first time they hit the pavement... it's easy afterwords.
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+2 839. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video recycling a bottle...

I would have put the bottle in the trash too... but if everyone jumped like that I would probably take it out again say "I'm sorry please don't hit me" and run!

#14 I bet your brain sparkles from all that brainwashing. :S
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0 840. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video What door ?

Sounds like he got shot with a 50 cal >:)
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+5 841. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Real Battle: L.A

The aliens where like :

"Holy shit they are hostile mofos! Quick inflate and deploy the Intergalactic STAS 5 weather balloon and let's get out of here!"

Army was like :

"The weapons we used where so high tech, they did not recognize a weather balloon as a threat and avoided it"

The government :

"Damn it! I said fly the RX-25 over the desert! Good thing we used the reactive dispersion armor... Go pay off the media"
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+2 842. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Faceplant

What the hell was he thinking? Was he even thinking at all? :S
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+58 843. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Robbie - Worst interview ever

>:) She was going downhill ever since she used the word "soccer".... you know it's gonna only get worst from there... :S
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+4 844. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video China Popcorn

Well he does have 1.3 billion people to feed with popcorn... no sense wasting time.
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+2 845. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Top Gear- The new Lunar Rover

Of course moon mission funding was canceled. Why should we reach for the stars when we can reach for a bag of Star chips on our couch? Lets just use all our work and money and bright people to design more efficient methods of killing each other!

If there are no more space missions and dreams of space exploration...we should go back to our caves... game over. :|
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+1 846. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video A Journey Into A Black Hole

What he wanted to say is spaghettification will kill you.
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+5 847. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video 1950's Commercial for Coca-Cola

Her breasts gave me a nice little lift... just when I needed it >:)
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0 848. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Footballer Sent Off For Tackling A Streaker

#10 Fifa needs to implement hand fouls and simulations....
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+30 849. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Homemade pulse laser gun

It's all fun and games till' someone gets their eye fazed away...
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+18 850. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Dive Fail

And to your left you see the redneck female... it it's natural environment
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+7 851. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Contestant Makes $50,000 Shot

The video said he shot in front of the red line and bla bla bla.... but if it's not fair (as if the distance and size of hole are) why did they all looked at him and not have said : "dude... back it off a little.... you're too close to our giant hole!"

I think he felt so good :D
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+4 852. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Aging Face Transformation

Depressing ...
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+2 853. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Never Ending Line Of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Cars

There are in fact 106-107 cars. I'm too lazy to count for the 17th time...
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-15 854. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Doggy workout with owner

It seems to me that the dog trainer is behind the the dog signals... you can see the dog is not in sync with the guy on screen.

Cute nevertheless :D
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+12 855. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Feeding Time At The Pond

That's what happens if you throw a dollar in a trailer park (ziiiing)
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+16 856. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Amphibious Car

If it went of a cliff and started flying I would have shit my pants! :D
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+25 857. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Firecracker UltraSlo

Remember having those thing explode in my hand... ouch... I was young and stupid... now i'm just stupid :D
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+4 858. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The smallest aquarium in the world

#2 they become cube fish... obviously...
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+6 859. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Angry birds

the game is very overrated...
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+10 860. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Space Shuttle Launch Viewed From an Airplane

Looks more like a nuke :D

Space travel in it's infancy... so much left to do ahead of us... :)
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-3 861. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Ski jumping POV

Never knew Darth Vader was ski jumping....huh.... :S
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+4 862. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Tidying up art

Man... Modern "Art" sure looks like shit! Michelangelo is rolling in his grave... he's doing barrel rolls... I painted squares in the 3rd grade... If this crap is art i'm a brain surgeon...

Good video btw.
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+15 863. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video A house that always faces the sun

And when the first earthquake hits ... it will be a derailed house :S
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+58 864. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Extreme sitting

I think I would have smashed my nuts on the first attempt :S
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+9 865. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Tiburon in a school of fish

At 0:28 I was like "Oh my God a giant bird!"...and then I realized "The fish are really small.." Perspective is such a bitch sometimes :S
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+48 866. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Drunk driver sweeps away everything in its path!

0:13 He went over the speed limit... literally :S
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+8 867. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Top 5 Super Organisms

That was stupid... I mean... the number 1 spot. The same can be said about a horse or a penguin. :|
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+33 868. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Making A Memory Chip

Now if you look to your left you can see the computer factory building humans.
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+3 869. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video FAILs January 2011

The sad thing is .... half of the people in this video have children... and the other half are children :(

On a side note... I laughed my ass of :D
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+44 870. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Andres Cantor

Next he should try golf :D
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+2 871. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Red Red Wine

Clean up on isle 5 !
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+7 872. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Twingo crash

Is this in slow motion? Or where they filming on the moon?
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+10 873. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Epic touchdown turns ugly

I think they need more armor plating on their equipment...
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+7 874. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Pale kid raps fast!

Gotta love the cat ! Cats rule :D
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0 875. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video helicopter crash compilation

I couldn't take this till the end... I love these beautiful machines !
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+3 876. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Johnny Rook in the Falklands

And than we built a petrochemical plant right off the coast ... No more Johnny Rook :'(
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-1 877. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Nascar Miracle

3 reasons I don't like this :

1. It's Nascar
2. it's really old.
3. It's still Nascar
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+35 878. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Robot juggles two ping-pong balls

You do know that everyone (including myself) wants to test it with 3 balls. :D
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+52 879. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Fitness-training

Is that Jamie from Mythbusters ? :D
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+5 880. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Javelin guided missile!

#1 and #8 Call of duty black ops is a piece of crap and a disgrace to the Call of duty name! Modern Warfare 2 was better in every way.

Why is it we can't use the money that go into development of weapons for something else? .... like food...
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+2 881. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Cami Secret. Custom cleavage.

#2 if that's not a good enough reason I don't know what is...
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-2 882. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The Virtual Reality Kit

Too bad 3D hurts your eyes and not everyone can see it...
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+10 883. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video River Turns Green

Nature is messing with the hue and saturation of water...
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+1 884. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Slip And Slide Faceplant

The human body will recover from trauma... it's drugs and alcohol he needs to look out for.
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+2 885. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Military Multifunctional Shovel

Why is there an orange one? In case they need to be camouflaged at a carnival?
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+18 886. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Protection doors made in China

2:44 Here's Johny !!!

#3 it called "The Shining" ... can't wait to read the book. ;)
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+6 887. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video New Year's Eve 2011 in Dubai

Man... if another civilization would have seen this they would have thought we humans are so epic :D
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+4 888. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Bungee Jump (Russian style)

The boys wanted to jump too... but that would have been balls to the wall... literally ....
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-5 889. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Escalador stairs eating

#7 lighten up ! We all need a little pain some times >:) And it looked she was overdue :P

Badouche!!! :S
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+12 890. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation December 2010

Hell yeah! It's about time !
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+11 891. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video What's the real purpose of a bus?

He'll be crying when the oil reserve is gone because the inefficient transport system, and he'll have to walk 300 miles to get the next GTA game.
He's gonna miss the bus then.
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+51 892. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Icey Cables

Tomorrow... some passenger will say:

And there was this big space ship above the train shining a bright light through the windows! I think they wanted to probe us!
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+15 893. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Rally Crash Compilation 2010

Rollcage to the rescue !
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+18 894. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video The McGurk Effect

#5 you should be worried... be deeply worried. There is no known cure and most patients die after diagnosis in anywhere between 1 day and 83 years.
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+22 895. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video A new day, a new life

This is a scene from Disaster Movie... right?
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+44 896. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video Pirates Of The Caribbean - Sungha Jung

I love this song! It makes me want adventure and plundering and GOLD ! Arrrrggg..... :x
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+6 897. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago on video 102 yr old explains English spelling nonsense

Glad my language is written as it is spoken :D ... however i must say.... french is way, way ... way worst than english at this chapter!
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+52 898. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rugby Answer Interview Fail

I wonder if that's the way he talks in every day life.

Do you want fries with that?
Do I want fries? I'll have to think about that... think about it very deeply
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+41 899. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video John Cleese - Soccer vs Football

#(removed comment) you have no idea about what you are talking about....

"There is very little room in soccer for individual achievement." That just proves how clueless you really are.

Lillian Thuram
Roberto Carlos
David Beckham
Oliver Kahn
Lev Yashin
Ronald Koeman
Luis Figo
Alvaro Recoba
Alfredo di Stefano
Raul Gonzalez
Michael Platini
Carlos Alberto Torres
Gerd Müller
Johann Cruyff
Franz Beckenbauer
Diego Maradona
Zinedine Zidane

Just to name a few known ALL AROUND THE WORLD ...

Now to name an american football player known outside America.... aaaa...there is that no..can't think of any.
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+17 900. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video timelapse of swarming monster worms and sea stars

It's so nice to see these beautiful creatures ... right before we destroy them with our pollution. Plastic and oil will soon cover them all... sad... :(
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+18 901. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video One Photo A Day

Awwwww.... I was expecting to see her turn into an old hag :(
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-1 902. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Marching Band Forms Giant Football Player

Why do the hands not move when he's running? :S

The north-koreans would have made the eyelids move.
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-4 903. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Particles

Sorry... not buying this... That's like saying a tree falling in the forest dose not make any sound if there is no one there to hear it...

Also not buying the Kaku time travel theory ... because a 12 year old can disprove it... It is obvious Kaku did not factor in DISTANCE... how can he be called a scientist when he makes such stupid mistakes?

There must be some other explanation. (and no, God is not an explanation)
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-13 904. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Grandmas discover photo booth

Never thought i'd get bored in 1:29 minutes :'(
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+2 905. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Weightlifting Fail

#8 If you said coller bone 90% of people would have oppose to 10% ... :D
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+1 906. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Portable chair

As I watched I had a feeling they would execute someone on that thing ...
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+10 907. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bioluminescent water

#2 they did... I hear "Holly Shit" is the new "Oh my God" :)
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+2 908. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Imagining the Tenth Dimension

I'm sorry but the logic for the 7th dimension is COMPLETELY FLAWED !
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+10 909. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Waterwall Projections

The bird looked so amazing! That must be how it's like to be high :S
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+67 910. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Houston Metro Rail

What the hell are you people talking about? #2 It's not the government's fault texas drivers are blind idiots... I mean how hard can it be to see that HUGE ASS TRAIN coming ?

#3 The guy said in the video : "running red lights" "not looking both ways" Dose that not point to stupid retarded asshole drivers?? :O
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+2 911. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video MMA Fighter Doesn't Feel Well

damn... i was eating... going to get a mop now :(
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+3 912. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Party Science Tricks

#6 your middle knuckle MUST touch the table... and it is almost impossible ;)
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+9 913. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Tasker Vs Senn

#11 no need to swear...
but guess you're one of the "fans". Thanks for proving my point :)
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+4 914. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Snake Juice

So it's not the fact that he was killing baby snakes and putting them in bottles that got the police attention... no... it was the fact that he didn't have a license....

HELLO! What the hell is wrong with people these days??
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+32 915. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Tasker Vs Senn

This is just disgusting! I'm gonna get thumbed down for this... but I DON'T CARE here it goes :

I find this stupid and pathetic! This is not sport! This is crap. I know the rules state they can punch the shit out of each other as long as they don't fall to the ice or use their sticks... it's considered checking or whatever....

They should change this... but they won't. Why not? Well...

People don't watch american football for the why would they? It's 10 minutes of preparation and screaming for 5 seconds of playing... they watch it for the injuries.

Do you think they watch nascar for the skill and ability of the drivers? No...I mean...there just left turns... They watch for the crashes.

So as you can expect... if mindless animals make up the majority of your fans... you must give them violence. So why shouldn't hokey have some form of violence?

That's why they don;t change this stupid rules that contribute NOTHING to the sport.

End rant.
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+4 916. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Police Squad Credits

I just finished watching all 6 episodes :D
#9 i agree... wish there where more ...
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+3 917. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Cop ran over

I like how cops in Asia and Europe catch you and beat you up as oppose to cops in America who shoot you 47 times for reaching for your driver license :S
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0 918. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Literal Assasins Creed Brotherhood trailer

#3 You must have been playing something else.. because this game is awesome ! <3
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+7 919. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video AK-47 Fail

Why are you thumbing down #8 ?? The AK47 really is a dependable gun ...
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+3 920. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Baby wants ...

So... his mom is a cow? :S
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+1 921. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Metropolis II - A Hot Wheel Odyssey

I respect the people who built the ... it had to be really hard! ... but I also find it very boring after the first two minutes... :(
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+4 922. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Swat Team Prank

0:21 Hit the dirt !!
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+3 923. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Chin Chilli Day

#7 I never lost any money in Vegas... in fact I never set foot in Vegas... I was just saying :)
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+35 924. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Chin Chilli Day

My excuse is not going to Vegas at all... I prefer spending 3 days reading a book book than loosing 25000 $ :S
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+3 925. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video A Skate Regeneration

I was more of a roller-blade guy... but I find this awesome nevertheless ! :)
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+8 926. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Piano Falls Off Truck

Is rope that expensive? well... guess they spent all their money on the piano...
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+3 927. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Oscillating Truck

#1 ... Wind...
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+1 928. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The woman you'd love your woman to be like

Just another insecure company advertising with T&A ... sad...
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+1 929. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Fermi discovers giant bubbles in Milky Way

The sad thing is ... we don't have time to understand them... I mean.. WWIII is just around the corner.
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+5 930. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Chinese President In France On State Visit


There were about 100 vehicles with an estimated total of 12000 chinese people hiding under the seats and in the trunk.
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-2 931. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Hey kick the bottle

I remember submitting this months ago... seeing how low it's rated i'm glad they overlooked it :)
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+2 932. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bigfoot Bash 2010

Only Japanese cars ... I guess that's ok. I mean American cars can go fast in a straight line but corner like a cow on ice... and European cars corner really well... to well to drift.
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+32 933. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pimp Your Ride

So much beer and BBQ :O That can't be good for your health... but it sure is delicious :D
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+38 934. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Craftsman Tool Commercial

That's some heavy metal right there :D
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+1 935. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video How To Catch An Owl

The owls are not what they seem to be ...
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+14 936. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Fall down the lotion stairs

I think i'm turning japanese ! :D
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+6 937. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bumblebee Camaro Crash

#10 better get your eyes checked... or get a bigger monitor.
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+30 938. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Take a closer look

Oh nooo !... the mighty zipper defense has been foiled !
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0 939. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Gource

Puddles ! (it's as good as any other answer)
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-2 940. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The ringtone that grows girl boobs...

Yeah... it's called the Placebo effect ...

Why not try to cure cancer instead of making this kind of crap "doctor" ?
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+7 941. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

There was this man who walked into a bar and says to the bartender 10 shots of whiskey.

The bartender asks, "What's the matter?"

The man says, "I found out my brother is gay and marrying my best friend."

The next day the same man comes in and orders 12 shots of whiskey.

The bartenders asks, "What's wrong this time?"

The man says, "I found out that my son is gay."

The next day the same man comes in the bar and orders 15 shots of whiskey.

Then the bartender asks, "Doesn't anyone in your family like women?"

The man looks up and says, "Apparently my wife does."
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+30 942. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pentagon Secrets?

but I heave freedom of speech.... don't I?... Well, don't I???
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+18 943. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The Levytator

Or you could just... i don't know... walk...
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+11 944. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Giant Gippsland Earthworm

I see they found Earthworm Jim...
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+5 945. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Parachuting from 100,000 feet

#4 Maybe... just maybe... some day you will revisit this video and see your comment... and realize just how stupid it really is...
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+10 946. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bleachers Collapse

#(removed comment) You are registered on the site for only two weeks ...

And how is this not interesting? And how is it not family safe? I don't see any prOn or violent behavior.

You should not have viewed the video if you don't like these sort of things... what did you expect from a video called "Bleachers Collapse" ..... butterflies ?
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+28 947. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Stanford Gymnastic

Gotta love the people sitting on their fat ass all day rating this video down. Wish I could do 5% of what they are doing...
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+1 948. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video car almost kills skateboarder

why where they in the middle of a the middle of nowhere... in the middle of the day?
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+14 949. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video optical illusion to slow down drivers

Oh look... a kid in the middle of the road... I bet it's just another one of those illusions... I'll just go over it... OH NO!!! Timmy !! Oh my God...
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+1 950. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculous Drumming Skills

I think he would have hanged himself if he had missed the last note.
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+8 951. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Truck going Down

I wish they used a good camera phone to film this...
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+12 952. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Don't Freerun!

They played too much Mirror's edge ...
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+29 953. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video A warm welcome...

There was this one time girls jumped all over me like that and started hugging and kissing me... and then the alarm clock woke me up :(
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+2 954. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Trucks Vs. Bridge

#9 you just compared the imperial system to minutes and seconds! When in fact you should have compared the imperial system to the metric one... I might believe someone will get confused by this...but NOT by minutes or seconds which are used to determine angles. What dose an angle have to do with distance?
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-1 955. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Trucks Vs. Bridge

#3 Distance is measured in kilometers, meters and centimeters (in the metric system) ... not minutes and seconds...
There are also some more dividers (like hectometers, decameters, millimeters) but we won't go into that.

The metric system :

Also I don't think drivers can make that mistake...because 11 meters is the height of a 3 story building.
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+6 956. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Vocal cords.

Make her sneeze !! I want to see what happens !
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+9 957. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bizarre Effect

There's something on the wing! :S I want to get off !
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0 958. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video A Gymnastic Coach Throws His Team The 1st Place Trophy

She knocked her self out with her own trophy :D
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+17 959. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Cell Phone Reunion

College Humor is the best :D Remember seeing this on IGN.
I love the huge phone :D
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+53 960. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Baby Visibly Turns Over in Mom's Belly

Because of the creepy sound I was expecting the imprint of a hand or a face to appear from under the skin :D
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+9 961. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Woman in Prison

Ha ha ha ! If I wasn't up to my neck in problems this would have definitely made my day!
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+7 962. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video start the future now

#4 How is oil worst than plastic? :O My God you have no clue about the chemical makeup of plastic and the toxins it releases when hit by sunlight and decomposes in the oceans !

The gases oil produce can be absorbed by plants ... plastic can NOT !

I can't believe someone actually gave you a thumb up ...
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+47 963. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Dog giving a little help to a kid

Get down here and learn how to doggy paddle !
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+20 964. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Static Dog

Leave him alone... his girlfriend is a porcupine !
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+25 965. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bird Intelligence: The New Zealand Kea

Wonder what happens if a Kea meets tries to get into a Kia.
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+5 966. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Biker Collides Head-On With Old Man

Where the hell did you learn traffic rules #4. And shockingly enough your comment is rated high! :S What a world we live in...


Jaywalking is an informal term commonly used in North America to refer to illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway. Examples include a pedestrian crossing between intersections (outside a crosswalk, marked or unmarked) without yielding to drivers and starting to cross a crosswalk at a signalized intersection without waiting for a permissive indication to be displayed
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+10 967. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Funny Bloopers

I saw the exact same video a long time ago... and with the exact same out of sync sound :)

Nevertheless I like watching it again :D
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+3 968. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video 3 Strikes and you're a Slave

I don't believe this... I mean...the whole "3 strikes and you're out" stuff.
The statistics may be true...but that is not.

think of prostitution. how many times do they get arrested? how many times do kids get arrested? And dose that mean that if you get your 3rd speeding ticked you go to jail for 25 to life? Get real...
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+6 969. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Haymakers of Tomorrow

Hmmm... none of them seem to throw a decent punch ... so I guess they let them play a little before they cold the security guys :)
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+1 970. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The French Air force saluting the 50 years of cartoon character Astérix

#11 you forgot to mention the fact that all the footage filmed from inside the plane shows them flying in a group (V formation) but when you see the drawing they are all over the place coming from all directions.

Can't believe nobody noticed that...dead giveaway!
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+4 971. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Catching Snapping Turtles by hand

I don't even know what to say to this... really... I... I have nothing! :S
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-1 972. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video 6 Year old football wonder kid

#9 Ohhhh... I never said the kid should quit! Nobody told me to quit... I quit because I never wanted to make a career out of it... I just did it for fun. :)

I guess all I'm trying to say is : There is no I in Team.

He could be the best in the world... but If he is not loved and respected by his teammates he will fail hard. In order to earn their respect he has to respect them back... I didn't quite see that in this video... however... I'm thinking the video was made specifically to showcase his skill and nothing more. For all I know he may be a good team player.
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+3 973. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video 6 Year old football wonder kid

#4 Let's see...

1) Yes... I agree
2) Yeah right... and when he woke up it was morning outside ... and it was all a dream.
3) This video was not shot yesterday... the kid is probably 16+ right now
4) Yes... I also agree with this

I don't know if #1 was that kid that always sucked at sports... but I wasn't. I was in the high school team as well as a junior league. Now however I can't run 1 mile without dropping dead... When I was fit and played football every day I hated all the Maradona wannabes that thought they were the next Hagi.

The kid has good ball control because the ball is as big as a weather balloon compared to his feet. When he grows it will get harder and harder to do those tricks... but what would you know?
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0 974. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Customer deters robber, chasing suspect with his cane

Yes #4 the savagery and inhumanity of americans is not something new. If they can't have it they destroy it... just like cowards.

On the other hand people like the old man in this video deserve our respect!
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+9 975. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Baloon with camera at 24km

I'm always wondering...what if it falls on someone's head?
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+35 976. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video the Corgi Flop

I like how the dog gets stuck in his swimming action when the woman lifts him out of the water :D
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+56 977. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rocket carrying a 45 million dollar military satellite

"We just had an anomaly" ....No... what you had was a catastrophic failure of the entire system.
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+48 978. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Gas-Powered Bus Explodes In Seoul

0:38 Look people that need help... quick run away !!
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+17 979. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Chevrolet 2011

Does it come in black?
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+7 980. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Man Calls 911 For A Ride To A Liquor Store

And they also found a dead hooker in the fridge and he's charged with murder.... and also the riffle that killed Kennedy... and was also wanted in 12 other states for calling 911.
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+8 981. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Lufthansa: fight breaks out on airplane.

Ok...who put a rock in the pillow ?? :S
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-8 982. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video How magnets work.

No...sorry they are wrong! It's not magnetic force that keeps us from walking through walls and solid surfaces. The only thing keeping us from walking through solid stuff is DENSITY!

That ball would have eventually make it's way between the spinning fan blades if it had enough speed (that's why the guy throws it slow)... that would mean if you hit a wall at 3600 mph you would, theoretically, dodge the atoms and go right through... when in reality you would end up human puree.

Density people...that's the real motive.

Density and the application of pressure. X-rays and other radiation can go through solid objects, because of their photons are far less dense... not because they somehow magically dodge the spinning electrons...

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-2 983. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Woman Survives Car Crash in Russia

This just proves once again that drivers don't step on the brake after an accident...

I refer you to my other comment on this issue :
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+3 984. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video "I can't feel my face"

Poor watermelon :( It found it's end smashed into a hundred pieces against her thick skull ...
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0 985. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Worlds First Double Backflip in a Wheelchair

If this becomes a sport or something like that... in 10 years we will see people in chairs that have sick mods added to them doing 10 to 15 flips off huge ramps.
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+12 986. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pacific Sun Cruise liner in very heavy seas

0:46 Head Shot ! :S
She has a story she won't forget now: "I slammed face first into a pillar and than slid across the floor... and a man riding a piano was chasing me :( "
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+4 987. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Kid on bike vs. tree

If you look carefully you can clearly see the tree side-stepping in front of him at the last second.
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+5 988. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video World's largest swimming pool!

Well... someone's gonna pee in it and they'll have to drain the water.
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+3 989. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Engineers turn robot arm into F1 Ferrari simulator.

Why not buy a real F1 car and go on a real track? I bet it's cheaper than the hardware and software used here...
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+8 990. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Worst defender ever!

:D That's all she wrote...
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+3 991. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Chinese traffic accident compilation


Why, after an accident, nobody stops the car?
I mean, after the impact, they just let the car come to a stop an it's on....

I seen this many times right in front of me... two cars hit...and they just keep moving out of inertia until they stop... WHY? Can't the driver brake ??

Two weeks ago two cars collided in front of me and one was coming straight for the car I was in... I found myself yelling at the driver ..brake...Brake! BRAKE GOD DAMN IT !!!!

Why ? why do they forget about the brake? You can see it very well in this video too ! :S
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+4 992. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Huge Hockey Trip Flip

Don't worry #9 ... nobody knows the rules of Hockey
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+3 993. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The mystery hexagon on Saturn.

Hmmm... A graphical glitch... God's GPU must be overheating.
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-1 994. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video New Chinese Bus Concept

I can see someone getting sliced in half if he is in the door when that thing leaves... Or they might have a sensor or something...I don't know...because I CAN'T UNDERSTAND!
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+4 995. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Solar highways

So...what happens in winter when Ice forms on the glass? Do accident rates increase by 300% ?
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+33 996. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Underwater Tornado in Aruba

If these things get any bigger we'll have to protect our underwater cities :D ohh.....wait.....
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+4 997. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Careless Reporter Knocks down Ice Sculpture

Well... aside from the fact the sculpture represented that man's hard work... it was just water :)
If it were made of of glass or cristal he would have been in deep $#!+
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+4 998. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Chicken Nuggets

What are you complaining about ?? IT'S STILL FOOD GOD DAMN IT!!! Some don't even have a piece of bread an you fuss about MEAT??? What kind of people are you??? :O
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+8 999. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Guy walks into traffic...

#(removed comment) ... some of us never visit failblog... I never ONCE accessed that site. I don't even know how it looks like and I don't care!

So consider that before posting ;)
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+22 1000. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Ever seen a real kung fu workout routine?

If I try 2:55 I'm gonna end up in the hospital :S
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+1 1001. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Crashproof motorbike

Forget the bad acting! Can't you people see the protective padding on the rider? It's obviously fake as some pointed out in the comments above :)
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+6 1002. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Brick in a washing machine

Why would you wreck a good washing machine? You could have donated it!

But I do have to admit though... it was really awesome watching it tear itself apart ! :D
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+7 1003. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Shotgunning a beer FAIL

That's why I drink till I get dizzy and then stop... There's no need to do stuff I won't remember.

#1 Go back to youtube ;)
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+9 1004. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Lightning Strikes Truck

#8 I'm 23 ... but I'm high on life right now :D

I knew my comment was going to be seen as stupid .... but if you didn't read the Iliad by Homer... you won't get it :P
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+15 1005. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Lightning Strikes Truck

Zeus : Hey! Hey Apollo!
Apollo : What is it all mighty Zeus?
Zeus : Hey Apollo... bet you 10 years in Hades pits I can hit that truck?
Apollo : What truck? That little white rectangle?
Zeus : Yeah ... Watch!


Zeus : Yeah!!
Apollo : You are such a child...
Zeus : Now about that 10 years in the pits...
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+6 1006. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video What happens when an Engineer plays football?

Shaking the camera to make the video look real just ends up making the video look fake... kind of obvious.

Or I could be wrong and the cameraman has Parkinson's ... but I doubt it.

UPDATE: Plus... why would they be laughing considering somebody might be dead or injured?
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+2 1007. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Watermelon Baby

That's cute :) ... but what happens if he tips over ? :S
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+47 1008. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Karaoke with Jewel

Don't want to be a jerk ... but I honestly never heard of Jewel :(

I like the way she sings though :D
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+17 1009. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video School bus does a wheelie

I guess it took those guys about 3.5 seconds to think : "What would happen if we put a big ass engine in a school bus?"

They'll put a V12 an a lawnmower if you let them... :S
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+6 1010. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Boxing Kangaroo Owns Woman

Is that the kangaroo from Tekken ? :S
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+9 1011. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Carl Sagan: A Universe Not Made For Us

I don't like religion because all of them are made in such a way, that you must blindly obey it. "Everything is yours, paradise is yours, just don't eat from the tree of knowledge" Translation : "Don't start thinking for yourself or you will go to hell"

They burned people for saying the earth was round, and that the sun is in the center of our solar system, and called them heretics, ... and what do you know? Those people where right!

FLAME ON ! >:)
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0 1012. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rugby Referee Knockout

#13 there is no such thing as "Rugby Football" ... It's Rugby or it's football, it can't be both! :D
That thing americans play dressed up like the bomb squad is a butchered form of rugby.
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+3 1013. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Blue Angels

I was expecting to see the Blue Falcon ... and Dynomutt, Dog Wonder.
Wish I could be a pilot... but I don't have 20/20 vision so I can't... :(
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+14 1014. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Vuvuzela Hero

Activate star power!
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+4 1015. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Impossible Fans For Corner Kick

And that's why Turkey will be BANNED from every tournament.
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+9 1016. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Shovel Man

#21 I live in Romania. My apartment is not that small... This could by Romania, but it can also be Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria...etc.
Anyway... the architects had nothing to do with the dictator. He wanted buildings and they made some... nothing more, nothing less.
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+16 1017. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Shovel Man

I did the same thing 3 days ago...but without a shovel...and I got bit :(
The bite is not deep at all, but it bruised like hell... don't mess with mad dogs, unless you really have to...and he really had to ! :)
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+100 1018. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Ad From 1990 for mobile phones

That was the slim version, believe it or not...
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+3 1019. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Trilobite Beetle

One day they're gonna eat us all! :D
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-1 1020. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Monkey cooperation and fairness

Tough luck #5 You should know it takes Snotr 25 years to process one video. :)
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-4 1021. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Latvian girl...

I found a new type of fuel! All I have to BANG! ... Where was i going?
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+4 1022. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Smoke Grenade FAIL

The video was cut at the end... there was a lot of smoke coming out of the hole.
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+2 1023. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Car crash

Side step? No? Ok...
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+3 1024. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bugatti Veyron Supersport

#29 allow me to make your comment more realistic :)

" #27 ..not only costly car...imagine a set of tires costs more then most people earn in one year "

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+35 1025. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Spillway

It reminds me of a cartoon where someone pulled the plug out of the bottom of the lake :)
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+4 1026. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video BP - Brown is the New green

"Are we moving forward? Are we making progress?"
That's the problem. Everyone wants to grow more and more every year. The down side is : With growth comes increased consume...and with that, we depend on growth.
In the eyes of people... If we don't grow we fail. Lack of growth equals failure. That's sad...
We should maintain a decent level and work on increasing efficiency...not grow to overcome lose.
But that's just my way of thinking...
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-4 1027. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Prehistoric Frilled Shark

The stupidity of mankind has no limits. Why did they move one of the last of it's kind?? to observe? God damn brain dead people!
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+92 1028. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Cleavage bird

Is there an upskirt bird ? :D
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-2 1029. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The secret powers of time.

Damn this video took so much time to load ! I can't be waiting for that !

Joking :D ...

I have patience and I wait in line at the post office, though I would have liked it to be faster. I'm not a workaholic... guess that's why I'm poor :( .. ohh no ..wait. It's because I live in a country that's full of people stealing from other people and nothing ever gets done.
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+2 1030. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pothole in Russia

That's nothing. You should come to Romania. You'll need this just to get to the local supermarket :S
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+15 1031. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Amazing recovering

Stop being so thick headed ! Even a surface the size of the monitor you're looking at right now touches the water at that speed it generates so much drag it would be able to take down a 747.

He was lucky the surfaces in contact with the water fell off (right wheel guard) and he was able to correct his flight angle.

#5 and #6 go back to school!
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0 1032. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Snotr gets a mention on RayWilliamJohnson

#36 It was a joke man :)
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-1 1033. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video What happens if you flip a starfish upside down?

Kind of obvious... The ocean is full of currents. I mean that thing would have gone extinct in a heartbeat if it wouldn't even be able to get right side up again.

#6 calm down dude... it's not like he killed it, and how do you know it was sleeping?

#26 the starfish you saw were probably sold as souvenirs, and they where stiff and not flexible because they where dead and out of water.
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-2 1034. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video How to open wine bottle with shoe.

So that's why the french have footprints on their walls... I thought they where walking on the walls. Silly me!
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-2 1035. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video CMA Mental Arithmetic Demo

She has the making of a savant :)
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+4 1036. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Snotr gets a mention on RayWilliamJohnson

#31. The site was supposed to be called but the web designer accidentally spelled it :
The next day he got an email from the owner saying :
"You got the name wrong! It's supposed to be S not R!"
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+1 1037. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Horse race announcer loses his voice.

Oh my God...I can't stop laughing ... I'm gonna get fired if my boss sees me...damn I can't stop. Help me !
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0 1038. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Optical Illusions and understanding vision!

It's because green is a lighter color than reed. The eyes adjust to the green/reed color as light/dark patterns. As in all situations when the eye looks at a light/dark scene it adjusts this way :

Light = less light intake (closed iris, interlaced eyelashes)
Dark = more light intake (dilated pupils, wide opened eyes)

So the eyes adjust to different scenes, and then confronted with an identical scene...let me explain.

When you look at the desert scene, the eyes still expect the light/dark pattern, but instead they get an identical image. It takes a little time for the eyes to adjust so in the meantime you see the left image in a darker tone because the eye was expecting a light tone so it's overloaded. On the other hand the right eye is overcompensating and needs time to adjust so it sees the image with a lighter tone.

Applying this dark-left and light-right pattern to the desert image the one on the left appears redish because the eye expected more light (because of the green), and the desert appears brighter on the right because the eye expected a darker image (because of the red)

When the eye stop over/under compensating the images appear the same.

That's why the desert appeared red where the green was, because it was darker... and darker orange = red.
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+6 1039. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Golf Ball Hitting Steel

Oke. 24 Hours ago I thought this was cool... but now I think it's not real. I have been doing 3D modeling some time ago and this video was very easy to create...about 4 hours of work + rendering time.
I happen to have a golf ball on my desk ... and if this sucker bends and deforms like that I'll hit my knee with it. If you hit it hard enough it will crack !

I don't know what to think anymore...the internet is a mean place :S I'm starting to think my mouse is not real :S
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-10 1040. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video World's Largest Skateboard Disaster

Yeeey ! More useless stuff we can build when others don't have enough wood to put a roof over their heads!
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+6 1041. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Golf Ball Hitting Steel

What happens if that hits the side of your head?
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+6 1042. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rollable OLED screen

This can make people buy newspapers again!
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0 1043. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Lego printer

#10 I uploaded a video once and waited to see if it got approved. 32 days later it showed up on the site uploaded by me.
So I deduced it takes the staff 30-35 days to process the videos.
You might have uploaded the video a few weeks ago... but this guy probably uploaded it a few more weeks ago.
Anyway... the fact is : Snotr moves like a paralyzed snail on Valium when it comes to video processing.
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+4 1044. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Man has marble addiction

Yes #5 ...but life in general has no purpose. Family, money, friends are all social achievements NOT a purpose.
The purpose of one's life is as enigmatic as the size of the universe.
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+1 1045. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video It takes a car prowler just a matter of seconds

Use the sharp end you twat... ;)
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-2 1046. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi Truck Crash on Dallas Tollway

#10, #18 ... look again...even if he drove straight he would have made it. He just veered right just to be sure... you would have done it too.
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+18 1047. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Brand new bike, brand new fail!

Well...that's the end of that...Where did I park my ATV?
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-3 1048. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Goldfish Live In Deep Fat Fryer

What about all the fish crap? It kind of floats >:) Good eating...
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+21 1049. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Track Star Destroys Unsuspecting Woman

Since Gabriela Szabo represented my country I saw this all over the news...
I laugh sure :D...Who wouldn't ?
But she is not a "dumb blonde" ... she was the world champion! She had fantastic endurance and stamina !
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0 1050. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Roger Linn Design: New musical instrument prototype.

What's this?? Sorcery !!! BURN THE WITCH !! :S
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+3 1051. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Remarkable space saving furniture.

So that's your solution for over populating the Earth? Making people live in smaller spaces... not very tempting i must say...
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+1 1052. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Ghost pig

Please post a link with a description... or where to buy one from!
What is it called? Pig illusion toy ???
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+41 1053. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video OUCH!

I wish he died... but he only had a broken leg.
You must think i'm a monster for saying that...but you don't know the poor state my country is in because of this guy and his incompetence :'(
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-10 1054. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Hitler Sings

Even though Hitler is considered by many to be one of the most evil man in recent history... ask your self one thing. Would you have done things differently if you had all that power?
Be honest ...don't lie to yourself...we all want to crush those who oppose us. You can see it today all around the world.

Thank God they didn't have any nukes.

However the future of war is a dark one...and seeing Hitler sing is sad... because it shows that mankind did not learn from it's mistakes because people are trying to make the most horrible war to date seem funny.

I hope they don't made a video of people singing at the Holocaust. Or of Mussolini tap dancing.

Sorry for the long post... enjoy the video. I will rate this video up. Not because I like to see Hitler sing, but because it's well done.
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+7 1055. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Donald Duck - The Spirit Of '43

Quick people pay your TAXES so the factories can make more guns, guns, GUNS !! You have to pay your TAXES so America can invade Iran and other countries ! Pay your TAXES people, but God help you if you get sick... because health care is not a priority. GUNS IS WHAT WE NEED !!!
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0 1056. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video You Can't Trust Science!

If you are poor and alone and sick the church says "God is testing you! Believe in him"

My doctor says "take this pill and go back to work".

I can believe I have food on my plate all I want...but I rather put it there myself than pray for it.

All Gods are made up by humans...the Bible is written by humans ! All stories and fairy tales.

I'm sorry but this has got to stop... The Easter bunny, Santa Claws or Tooth Fairy are for children... and they get over them...why can't you get over God...he is fictive just like the rest

The priest at my church said animals have no soul... I almost spit in his face...and God help me (no pun intended) if people I knew weren't there I would have kicked his holly ass !
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0 1057. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Evolution of war

You forgot about the nukes :|
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-2 1058. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Hail Storm in Oklahoma City

That would have been so awesome if he would just stop shaking the camera !!!
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+2 1059. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video One evil hamster

Why are you guys talking about "the one rolling" or "the other one is going along"? Am I the only one seeing them taking turns and alternating positions ???
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+4 1060. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Cute Golf Juggling Girls

I think it's CGI...but it's cool nevertheless :D
Me like girls :P
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+4 1061. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

Sorry #20... I submit videos when i'm at work. Sometimes I have to hurry up and upload AND do my job at the same time... plus update my deviantART gallery and other forums...I made a mistake...sorry

Maybe a mod can change it to : through

Keep in mind english is not my native language...and it was a typo.
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-1 1062. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Snake Bite Caught On Camera

Holly crap !!! 140.000 $?? What the hell for? I rather cut my hand off or suck the venom out with a rusty pipe while someone pours lemon juice on my deformed hand than pay that much !

Damn... You can buy 3 regular houses in my country with that kind of can buy a super car. WTF??
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+43 1063. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Parliamentary voting in Russia

Politicians are corrupt all around the world. We as a species have a dark future ahead of us, because a powerful few will kill each other, taking the rest of us with them. All they care about is getting rich and fat as others die of starvation... sad...I'll leave this world some day....and I don't regret it. NOTHING works in this world... except war :(
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+76 1064. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Fish or tadpole? Five miles deep.

#1 you think they are tough because you compare them to humans. But think about it.... humans have lungs and the pressure would destroy your ability to get air into them. these fish don't have that problem.
Bats live in darkness and seals live in freezing temperatures.
This fish is a true survivor, but that hardly makes it tough.'s tough compared to a human.

If you where one of those fish and you would have heard about humans you would be like :

-> they can survive out of water
-> live in hot places like Florida
-> they made suits to help them survive in space

Jesus ! those humans are tough mother fuckers!
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0 1065. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video no comment

I can't believe this made it here ... I mean really? This is an every day event...why is it here? why?
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+5 1066. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Crocodile penis eats fish

I don't know about you guys ... but I see a turtle, not a crocodile's penis.
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+52 1067. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

Unfortunately blowing $#|t up is what we humans do best :(
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+4 1068. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Zombie Snails!

It's the hipno-snail !! :S
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+3 1069. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video 3D facade projection

Wish I could have seen it live :(
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+25 1070. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Grandpa dancing

Break a leg grandpa ! :D
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0 1071. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video DJ Cat

#28 Don't you mean reincarnated ?
You play too much WoW
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+2 1072. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Math Failure

#19 Have you been drinking again ? J = Q = K = 10 ...THIS IS BLACKJACK ! (21 if you like)
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0 1073. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Math Failure

:( That's it ... I'm not going to school anymore...if this dumb bimbo can make it ...I'll be rich in no time at all...
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-4 1074. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Americans can't remember when 9/11 happened

Some day God decided the world needs stupidity ... so he made americans...the only people with a double digit IQ that believe Star Wars is based on a true story... sad... real sad.
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-2 1075. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Bike Hero

That was awesome! He can play better with his bike than I can play with my controller... :(
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+32 1076. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pilipinas Got Talent contestant sounding like a horse

Now i'm scared for life :(
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+3 1077. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Starcraft 2 Beta Shit

Yeah Brad you're never going to get it NEVER !!! ohhh what's that? The game will come out and be available for anyone with 60$? My plan is ruined !!! DAMN !!!
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+4 1078. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Apollo 11 slow motion launch

So they did this after or before shooting the moon landing in a studio at area 51?

Just kidding :)

Impressive ... I everything related to space flight and exploration .
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-1 1079. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Where Not To Land did they get the plane down? :S
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-3 1080. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Kim Peek

His middle name is "wikipedia"... :S
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-2 1081. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rubiks Cube Illusion

#5 I said "I figured it out by the end"
As in : before it explained it.

It's kind of like the dragon thingy that keeps watching you :)
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+10 1082. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rubiks Cube Illusion

It fooled my brain at first.... but I figured it out by the end :)
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+32 1083. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video The Long Road Home

Actually #(removed comment) many things can be solved through violence... Let's say a psychopathic criminal has your two kids and wife in a room and he has a knife... Would you blame the police officer for shooting him in the head? Or would you thank him for saving your family?

Sometimes violence is the ONLY answer.

Hell I would have killed her too... and I'm not a violent person... but when someone keeps pushing and pushing and eventually start pushing back..
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+52 1084. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

First of all You would not have a whole hamburger in your stomach... it would have been broken up in smaller pieces AND those smaller pieces would have been chewed to a near paste... making the digestion process more efficient and not as disturbing !

I guess if you figure a way to get a whole hamburger (not chewed) in your stomach this may apply to you! :S
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+13 1085. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Animal Attraction

"Why don't you use your stinger ?" Ha ha ha ! Loved it !

PS : I just submitted a CollegeHumor video too :D Let's see if it gets approved.
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+60 1086. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Piranha bite!

Piranha can't bite through bone. So your finger is quite safe. You will bleed and maybe spend 2 weeks to heal but you won't lose your thumb :)
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-2 1087. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video HEAT 1X booster test

They could have used a can of bug spray and a lighter. The effect would have been the same except on a smaller scale :P
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-1 1088. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Rules of the Road

Fat Pizza :D
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-2 1089. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Boy gets a special Pokemon card

BLASTOISE !!!!! :D :'(
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-1 1090. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Still Face Experiment

#14 i'm not an expert...but I don't have to be an expert to know babies need attention. But just because they need attention dose not make them social interactive.
They don't engage in social interaction...they just laugh and point at random.
If I ignore my cat it starts to make noises and rub his head against my hand...dose that mean my cat engages in social behavior? no... it just means it dose not like to be ignored.
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-3 1091. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Melbourne Hailstorm and Flooding Footage

#22 Global warming will cause a climate change that will lead to an Ice age... but what would you know?
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0 1092. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Still Face Experiment

I don't think it's because of the "still face" ...I think it's because she is COMPLETELY IGNORING HIM ! She could have been laughing her ass off and the child would have still be sad if she was ignoring him.

this is BS.
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+4 1093. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video This'n'That

#4 ... "a bit" is a sever understatement
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+17 1094. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Scooter Vs Garage Door

Couldn't he have ducked ? :S
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+1 1095. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Accident at Pink tv

The guy got up to help her...but the set feel on top of her and he sat back down, probably thinking to himself "Not even God can help you what can I do?"
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-7 1096. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Disappointed cat

So, catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Howwww!

Nab him Jab him Tab him Grab him Catch that pigeon now.

You, Zilly, stop sneaking, it's not worth the chance. For you'll be returned by the seat of your pants. And Clunk, you invent me a thingamabob That catches that pigeon or I lose my job.

So, catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Catch that pigeon Howwww!

Nab him Jab him Tab him Grab him Catch that pigeon now.
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+5 1097. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Musical Tesla Coils

How far we have gotten ... just yesterday we where throwing rocks and now we are making music with electrons.
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+20 1098. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Wheelchair tricks

Wow :O Guess you can't take away someone's way of life... If he wants to do a 360 he's gonna do one :)
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+25 1099. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Mad Brits

The song made me want to watch an old Clint Eastwood film :D Hope Red Dead Redemption will feature songs like this.
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+13 1100. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Curious

#6 you are soooooo wrong dude...
This video is older than my grandmother and it's the first of it's kind... I think it's so old that the actor in it died 10 years ago at the age of 92.

If anything...the brazilian show stole it from here
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+42 1101. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Lion Hugs woman

I want a hug too ! :*
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0 1102. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Cat catches bat out of the air

Time Warp that cat :D
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0 1103. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Christmas Special - Achmed

In my opinion this guy is not funny :| Some of his jokes make me laugh a little...sometimes, but his humor is based on making fun of someone... he makes fun of disabled people, poor people, and people in general...

A good comedian makes you laugh with his sense of humor and the ability to make a situation funny... A good comedian tells a funny story or he puts himself in an ironic situation.... or he uses sarcasm, but what a good comedian dose not do ... is make fun of someone.

So Jeff.... you are a low end comedian.

Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams .. I salute you !
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-4 1104. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Police chase ends in beat-down

#3 ... I don't know if he wanted to hit the officer... I think he was trying to avoid the spiked strip
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+10 1105. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Banterdude and Chat Roulette

The video selection voting system thingy failed big time for this video.

No really now... How did this get past the selection system? :S
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+1 1106. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Winter sports in russia

They are not from Romania #7... because i'm from Romania and I don't understand what the woman is saying. It's from Russia ;)
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-4 1107. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Water Ceiling Prank

#9 ... it looks like your average ass to me :|
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0 1108. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Hamish & Andy

If you do that where I live you get pepper spray in your eyes or a fist in your mouth, because people will think you want to steal their wallet :S
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0 1109. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Ladybug Flight Fail

Really cool video. I loved the frog fail too :D the way...I really hope people start realizing the difference between HD and High Speed.
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-3 1110. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago on video Pee-wee gets an iPad!

What where they smoking ?
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-5 1111. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video How Does This Work?

I love how NONE of the comments are right :P

The secret is in the liquid itself ... there are no other tubes, liquids or a cup inside another.

Good luck with it ;)
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-5 1112. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Transport Canada

They don't care for your life. Trains, buses and boats are all vulnerable to bombs. But you can't hit a government building with a train or a they don't care.
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-2 1113. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Train vs. Tornado

#6 it was not a fuel tanker... it looked like a milk tanker to me :)
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+9 1114. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video The Passenger

#1 you clearly don't know a thing about graphic design and rendering, and most people on Snotr don't, that's why you have a high comment rating.
But let me tell you...what he did in 8 years is impressive ! It's a small time frame for someone working alone with 3D models and meshes and textures. Plus I saw some advanced effects in the video, like caustics, and traced shadows....but what would you know?
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+1 1115. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Tattoo Your Eyes

Dear God...WHY ?!?!? :O
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-5 1116. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Smart-ass spelling bee winner

That's America's champion right there .... no comment. :'(
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-1 1117. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Prank Call Gone HORRIBLY Wrong

I don't think it's real ... and if it is...he is a moron for doing that...and she is one of the stupidest and brain dead woman I have ever heard about. How can she think this is a good idea? What was she thinking??? :S
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+3 1118. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video How to wrap a cat

My cat said he would do it too... but only if there's a chicken wing in it for him :D
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-1 1119. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Body scanner

Ok #34 so you think this is ok ?
Than why are they not using this when you get on a bus or a train ? Are the lives of the people in the plane more important than the lives of the people in the train?
Makes you wonder...
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0 1120. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video 2-wheel driving world record

I noticed it's CGI when it stopped at the red light. It is impossible to balance a car on 2 wheels if the car is not in motion :)

Good video nevertheless
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+1 1121. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Body scanner

If you fly every day or every week ... expect to start melting in about 3 months.
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+4 1122. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Checkerboard optical illusion

Seen this as a child in school 10 years ago and there is nothing fake about it, as suggested in the description :)
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+2 1123. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video More Christmas lights

Marvin is starvin' and he spends his money to show off... :'(
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-5 1124. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Cat Tape Experiments

Not funny...and my cat is smarter than the cat in the video..and I'm sure it's smarter thant this retard who sticks tape on cats.... I guess it turns him on... retard.... :|
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-2 1125. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Extreme christian view of Pokemon

Why ? why ? why ? why??? Because I WANT TO asshole !!!! I like watching Movies ! playing violent games !
I'm 22 and I have a job and I'm a normal guy...girlfriend and all....and I play bloody, violent take your propaganda shit away from me !

I rather buy a kid pokemon than give money to the that You use to buy your kid pokemon.

And I like to think for myself ! Not listen to you....who the hell are you to tell me what to do? You are the demon if you ask me...
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0 1126. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video L.A. Springs a Leak

The boy said : "I want to see them turn it off ... How the **** are they going to do that?" .... Well if only we had invented a valve.... :S The guy's stupidity is overwhelming ...and the girl is so annoying ! Oh my god did you see that oh my god, the water is oh my god, I can't stop saying "oh my god" !
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+21 1127. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Wedding driver fail

Yes #4 the USSnotR :P
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+3 1128. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Wedding driver fail

Haven't I seen this before on Snotr ? :S
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-1 1129. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Tribute

I uploaded videos that were 10 times better and they were rejected ... kind of puts things into perspective :S
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0 1130. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Facebook status: married

:| really?...are you really gonna do that on your wedding day? Ok I'm gonna give you this number here.... doctor Duma ... she may be able to help. :S
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-4 1131. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Worlds Smallest Personal Helicopter

That looks like a gyrocopter to me...not a helicopter
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-5 1132. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Surprised kitty

My cat ....and every other cat for that matter ...does the same thing because she is playing and when you take your hands away she goes into defensive mode :D
My cat looks like a miniature puma....this cat is small and cute :)
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+1 1133. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video You can park anywhere when drunk

#9 I think the oil was already there :)
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-4 1134. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Demolition crane's

The car's frame did not buckle and there was little structural deformation to the car's body suggesting the use of a steel rollcage
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+34 1135. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Little Cute Cat

My cat beats me up if I forget to feed him :S
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-1 1136. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Utah Refinery Explosion

The guy on the left became a fireball....because he was at the point the fire flashed (when fire turns from blue to orange) :(
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-2 1137. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

#14 I was just giving examples it's not my fault you made a connection between surgery and teflon ...
It is more likely to fry an egg than to have life saving surgery don't you think?

and #16
-Super Glue was intended to be a plastic suitable for gun sights
-The canned food in your local supermarket was invented for war
-the ability to mass produce synthetic rubber
-Germans developed alternative fuels like Hydrogen Peroxide
-radio war invented for the military
-use of penicillin to treat wounds and bacterial diseases
-Pepto Bismol, which is still used widely today, was developed during the war as well.

and the list goes on and on and on...

If you ever find yourself in a helicopter being rushed to hospital...remember helicopters were invented for war.
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-5 1138. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

Ok...I would like to say something. War is horrible, war is man's inhumanity to man, war is scary and no one should live that traumatic experience BUT war is good. Why do I say that? Well because almost all of the surgery that saves so many human lives today was first used in time of war. All the terrible injuries soldiers sustained gave birth to all kinds of life saving surgery. In fact i'm sure all the things that were invented in war time...ended up saving more lives then they took.

The next time you fry an egg on your teflon frying pan remember this : Teflon was invented by the military for use in war.

I don't support war...but war is good in the long run. It is sad that we have to evolve using such violent methods.
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-8 1139. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Meteor

The end is coming ! ! !
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+9 1140. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Escort takes-out bike riders

I love people who film stuff and when something interesting happens the show you the floor of their car...or the ground.
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0 1141. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Soccer keeper owned

#(removed comment) the moment a goal is scored is so electric and it sends shock waves around the word ! If it would have been 36 - 59 a goal would have lost all it's power... but you wouldn't know what i'm talking never experienced a goal in the 90th minute

The reason you don't see a lot of goals in one match is because it's so well balanced ! Look at a game between a pro first league team and a division C team and you will see a 11 - 0 score but nobody likes that...because it's unbalanced...but again...what would you know?
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-2 1142. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Soccer keeper owned

#11 there is no such thing as soccer !

football was around before America was even discovered ! And hundreds of years later americans invented a sport they play 95% with their hands ...and for some strange reason decided to call it football. It soon became confusing and then they started calling the ORIGINAL sport of football (the one you actually use your feet to play) soccer.

The least you can do is respect the sport's name considering it has a rich history behind it.

Agreeing with #12 american football players think they are tough but they play the sport in body armor like they work for the bomb squad or something.... and thy spend 10 minutes getting ready to play for 5 seconds...and then spending another 10 minutes getting ready to play another 5 seconds.

Here is a nice little tip for you..make the game fluid ...maybe people in the rest of the world would not fall asleep watching it.
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+9 1143. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Soccer keeper owned

#(removed comment) "soccer is just a ridiculous version of football"
Funny thing to say especially considering "soccer" was invented hundreds of years before your so called football...that you play with your hands...

In Europe FOOTBALL is the biggest thing in sports and you do know a pro football player is worth 8 times more than an american hand...excuse me "football" player.
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+4 1144. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Epic Seesaw Flip

It's an easy fix... just put some vodka on it...
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+7 1145. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video NASA - Launch of STS-129 (Atlantis)

This is incredible! It is a marvel of engineering and seems so primitive.
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0 1146. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Wedding Girl Out Of Control!

Listend to it with my eyes closed :D
UPDATED Translation :

Oh my...
What have you done?
Over here! Over here..
Look at the bride !
Oh my...
Here, some tissues.
This is not possible...
(films the woman with glaces)
She is pissed.
Take the bride ! (I don't know where...probably the doctor)
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+2 1147. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Wedding Girl Out Of Control!

Translation :

Oh my...
Look at the bride !
Oh my...
This is not possible...
(films the woman with glaces)
She is pissed.
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+5 1148. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Wedding Girl Out Of Control!

ok...fair enough...but why did they scramble like the tent was about to explode?
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-1 1149. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Heckler vs. Comedian Joe Klocek

I think the comedian would have gotten the best of me too...but I would have done much better than that guy ...
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-4 1150. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Boat vs Bridge

#7 No...operator on drugs !
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+60 1151. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video She won

Holly mother of god... what was that? I think she reached an ultrasonic dimension of sound.
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-1 1152. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Nahtzee - The n00b effect

THAT was the worst Yahtzee impersonation ever !!!

Here is the original :

YOU ARE A THIEF MY FRIEND !!!!! Plagerism !!!!
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+7 1153. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle accident

The driver tried to avoid him at the last second....but there is not much a man can do on reflex alone...
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0 1154. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Hawaii Chair

Yes...just what I sit in at my desk and feel like there is a 8.2 earthquake on the Richter scale !

By the way I like the description on

"Use it as a chair when not in operation"

Really??? And when it's in operation what do I use it as? A hat?

and #6 ...he says "It's great on my abs" not "ass"
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+16 1155. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Lucky train inspector

I have seen this on another web site...and I'll tell you here what I told them there :

If you believe this crap is real... you don't know physics ..and you don't know it's been 20 years since this kind of video manipulation is possible.

Have a nice day.
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0 1156. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Gas Truck Rescue

Did the explosion trigger that man's insanity ?
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-1 1157. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Armed Tank

#2 It's the fuel and the ammo that's burning like that....not the projectile that hit it...
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+8 1158. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Woodpecker vs Snake

#5 Humans are unpredictable, quick and in some cases deadly too....
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-7 1159. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Mouse VS Cat

What really happened.

Mouse : "Eat me!....Eat me you bastard...I have nothing left to live for!"
Cat : "No way man...I'm full! If I eat one more mouse i'll throw up!"
Mouse: "Eat me man... the pain of loosing my wife and 15 kids is just to much!"
Cat : "I'm telling you I'm full! Come back later... i'll eat you then....or you can see your family in the litter box if you change your mind."

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+1 1160. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Not everyone is a lumberjack

#14 I'll be happy'll be surprised how easy it is to pull the tree in a direction you want. The trick is to tie the rope at a high point, preferably higher than the middle of the tree and pull on it. There is no danger of the tree falling on you because you have plenty of time to sidestep.

There was a 800Kg pipe at a build site and a worker toppled it with one hand because he was pushing at the top of the pipe...

You don't know physics my friend ...mass has nothing to do with it, it's all about leverage and a pivot point.

The +1s you got just show how many people payed attention in physics class.

PS : If the tree is leaning or has many heavy branches on one side...and you want it to go the other should use a tractor as #(removed comment) said.

And if it is a sever lean you have no choice but to stort cutting small pieces and branches...that can take all day.
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-1 1161. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Not everyone is a lumberjack

you could have tied a rope and pull on it in the direction you wanted the tree to fall you know....but guess that's to complicated for the retard with the chainsaw
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0 1162. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video How to ruin $250,000 worth of vodka

I don't think it was Vodka in the boxes... and if it was... I bet 95 % of the bottles are still intact.
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0 1163. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video truck fail compilation

All my good plates where in the FedEx truck at 1:40 :(
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-3 1164. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Jennifer Jones Best Curling Shot!

Why do woman scream in sports? curling??? :S
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-4 1165. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Sony Bravia vs. Playstation 3

#(removed comment) Phillips makes very good TVs !
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0 1166. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Pulling down pants

#1 Why? What if he pulled her pants off? What then? I would have knocked her out.
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-11 1167. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video ABB Robotics - Picking pancakes

Yeeey ! More people loosing their jobs ! And we wonder why we are in this financial crisis.

Robots > no jobs > no money to buy the product the robots make

Think about it: you make your product...and you can't sell it because people don't have money to buy it....because they don't have jobs....because you replaced them with robots... so you can make your product.
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+3 1168. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Golden Age of Video

0:39 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
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+2 1169. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Zlatan Ibrahimovic goal

Everyone except you #7...everyone except you....
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-2 1170. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Road Race Fail

God damn it! Why are you people acting like you never seen a damn cow in the road... they don't have cow crossings you know !
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0 1171. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Hummingbird Helmet

you can tell he was sitting there for quite some time... he was bald when he put the helmet on :D

PS : #9 The helmet also comes with two bricks. You hold one in each hand .... if a woodpecker shows just clap your hands :D.
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0 1172. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Cannibal Shark

#8 5m = 16 feet not 21 :P

21 feet is more than 6m.
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+5 1173. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Honda's U3-X

Now all that's left is for the cameraman to figure out that his holding the widescreen camera wrong.
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+5 1174. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Myrtle Young with her chips

This is shaped like a bear.... this is shaped like a bird...and this one is shaped like a chip :D
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+2 1175. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Things you dont say

#5 what are you trying to say ? who is a loser ? and why? :S
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-1 1176. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Goal Celebration

ref should have blown his whistle like a laser guided missile at 0:11
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-2 1177. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Who Said It?

I like fish sticks! Why do you keep saying i'm a gay fish?

Kanye West or Hitler ?
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+1 1178. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Football fail

God damn it #5 stop calling it soccer ! Do you not see the foot and the ball ?
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+18 1179. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video I Am Canadian! is pronounced "Zed", but americans call a game they play with their hands : more can I say? :'(
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+8 1180. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Vijay Singh hole in one

You'll never see that again !
Yes I will...I have it on video :D
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+1 1181. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Dodge Viper Crash

I bet his blood pressure went up as fast as the hood did :D
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-10 1182. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Fairy Fail really had to dig deep for this video... I think my grandfather saw this in his early 20s
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-2 1183. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Flexible OLED Display

Technology from 5 years ago...
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0 1184. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Kid Stuck in Skate Bowl

Where dose the rain water go when it rains ? :S
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-2 1185. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Bike trick gone wrong

It's not that painful.
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+2 1186. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Stop-Motion Building Animation

I love how creative this is ! The people who did the drawings are really creative !

Imagination is one of man's greatest quality !
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-8 1187. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Pantyhose Tug of War!

How come the fabric doesn't tear ??? :O
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0 1188. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Dear loser...

She is the one that's suffering...not him... because she is still thinking about him and making contact (with this "letter";) :)
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+26 1189. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Love!

So true :)
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-3 1190. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Pedicab operator + taxi driver fight

Really #14? Really? You're actually trying to figure out who started it ? Because that's the most important thing ! (insert sarcasm here)
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-13 1191. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Lanlord & his wife goes crazy on a reporter

I would have gotten my self a big ass gun and waited for the guy to make good on his threats! And if he hits me again BAAAMMMM ! Brains on the sidewalk !
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-1 1192. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Future designer laptop - Rolltop

It looks cool... but in my opinion simple is better ...
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-2 1193. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Falling tree nearly hits car

#3 I'm sure they will get other chances ... You see the men in green shirts? They set that tree up every day ... this was the 14th time this week.
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+1 1194. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video How to turn a sphere inside out...

This is very useful if you're working with fish :)
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+2 1195. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

I saw this some time ago.. and while I was watching it I was like : "This scene is going to be on Snotr sooner or later"
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-11 1196. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video What A Roadside Bomb Looks in Real Life!!

Why was it underground? O.o
Pretty hard to kill someone with that, it just displaced dirt. Even a landmine bursts out to do damage.

Worst case scenario... the car flipped over.
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0 1197. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video High five in New York city

#(removed comment) Considering your time is spend watching videos on the internet I think it's worth about 4$ / year
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+81 1198. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video How to wake up your girlfriend

She reacted just like my girlfriend ...except there was no was just me next to her :(
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0 1199. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video CSI - Best Intro

#10 yes
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+4 1200. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video CSI - Best Intro

I always wanted to see all the things what happens around me at any given moment in time :D
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-2 1201. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Car crash

By the way...the horn you hear is because the driver's head is impaled in the steering wheel >:)
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0 1202. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Car crash

been there...done that... walked away... :P
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0 1203. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Police motor fail

why was that stupid girl laughing in the background? can she do better?
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+5 1204. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Street performer

WHAT !!! HOW DARE YOU SNOTR ?!!!!!! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

When I uploaded this video you had the balls to tell me it was not considered interesting enough to be uploaded ! AND NOW IT"S UPLOADED BY SOMEONE ELSE??? INCREDIBLE !

That's IT !! I'll never bust my ass for this site again!
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-5 1206. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Kanye West - Famous douchebag

I uploaded two videos #8 ...but it seems they were not good enough :S

There was one really cool video I thought would have made it up since it left my friends like this = :O

but hey...
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-6 1207. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video A grande wedding

I saw my dad's car :D
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+9 1208. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video 8-bit trip

it took about 2000 hours if I remember correctly :)
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+30 1209. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Harrier Extremely Low Flyby

#13 It bothers you if something is shown 3 times ? It bothers you if something is shown 3 times ? It bothers you if something is shown 3 times ?
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+6 1210. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

So that's why americans are so FAT ?... they are to lazy to even bend down...
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+5 1211. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video To the edge of space in a spyplane

My fear of heights is gone ! I'm CURED !!!
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+5 1212. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video A bus takes the subway

#5 that's not Japan dude O.O
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+12 1213. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Woman parking a car

#2 I'll take your bet and raise you my left ball... Show me a guy that parks worse!
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+4 1214. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video The story of the stork

hhmmm... should have submitted this last month...but i forgot :(
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+3 1215. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Miss Teen USA 2007

#7 ...and you believe that ??? HA ha ha ha ha...why don't you make a video of yourself ?

Question: 1/5 of Amercicans can't locate the U.S. on a world map? Why do you think this is?

How in the name of God is this hard to understand??
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+14 1216. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Laser pattern sound test

Finnaly ...a laser that my cat can actually catch !
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+3 1217. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Perpetual Motion

#13 What the hell is your problem? What is wrong with Road Trip? What dose that movie have to do with this video ? Why is it a fail by snotr? Did snotr make this video? Why dose it matter if it's in pranks? MAKE SENSE MAN!

And if you are so high and mighty why the f%&k don't you make a better and funny video?
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-3 1218. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Tape measure prank

well...this video is ancient ...and it is staged. How do I know that? Because there are more than 1 videos about this ;)
Have a nice day !
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+3 1219. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Roller Skating

ooohhh...poor blackisotope is mad because he was the nerd in his class ...the ugly kid they all made fun of... and now he is taking his frustration out on an internet page because the video is about cool kids...something he never was and never will be ! Bravo !

BTW: I'm not cool an i'm not a nerd ...i'm average as a social status ...
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-2 1220. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Deepsea something... eeww

I think it's from a TV show where they show someone random clips like this ....and they have to tell if it's real or fake ...
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-2 1221. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Open a banana like a monkey

Holly shit this guy is RETARDED ! I have NEVER ! NEVER ! seen someone try to peal a banana like this retard ! I can't believe a monkey had to teach him... my god !
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+1 1222. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video You Say We Pay

#6 .... WTF man? Can't you tell it's NOT real?
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+4 1223. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Instant Karma

It may be fake or not ...I don't care but let me just say something for the people who say the way his feet move is not natural and it is staged/fake :

STFU ! My friend fell down the stairs EXACTLY the same way ! He hit hes head too (he is ok) and his foot went up into the air just like in this fact it is picture perfect !

I slipped too ...and my feet did the same thing !
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+1 1224. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Bad Liar

#5 ... I believe that was a jump cut ...
scene 1 : put hand in toilet.
go wash your hands 5 times.
scene 2 : put fresh cake in your mouth.
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+1 1225. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Death wish go-kart driving

Too bad they don't have a good camera ... my phone films better than that (no joke)
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+3 1226. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Progress is beautiful

The house looked cooler before ...
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+1 1227. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video New/Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer!

Feed them to the exotic fish :D That's what they are for you know... I can buy one from a shop near me :P
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+10 1228. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video The Musical Genius - Derek Paravicini

Right #1 ...he drew a whole city after flying above it in a helicopter ! AMAZING !
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+2 1229. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Cop sends innocent guy into a coma

If the kid knocked the officer into a coma...I think it would have not been "just a tragic accident" and the kid would have ended up in jail...but the officer is "special" and he has a license to kill... makes me SICK !
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+20 1230. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

That idiot need a punch in his damn nose ! Damn I would have hit his head against a brick wall 75 times and tell him : "You brain just got Katrinad! Yeah...It happened and if you don't shut the f**k up it will happen again!"
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+47 1231. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Effective alarm clock

I can imagine other uses for that bed >:) Where can I buy one :D
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+6 1232. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

most_uniQue you said you were 5 when you started listening to MJ...and 16 years have passed ...that makes you 21...well i'm older than you...

You don't understand that for me...MJ is nothing fact I find him disgusting for what he did... for the skin color thing to the nose job and etc.

I don't see why this video is bad... you can't expect everyone to not say something bad about MJ just because he happens to be your idol.

When he died all the conversations I heard about it were :

- MJ died
- I know.
- Let's eat something.


- Did you hear MJ died?
- Yeah
- Oh...OK.
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+2 1233. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Armored bulldozer takes on town.

#10 I never seen a tank made for a good purpose ...
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+24 1234. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

most_uniQue how did you ever become a moderator when you have such a narrow minded acceptance?
Let my give you an example of opinion and freedom of speech :
You see a painting and you say "This is a piece of shit!"
1. That's your opinion!
2. You have the right to say that!
SO you can conclude that if someone wants to say bad things about MJ, they can! I never cared about that abomination and nobody I know cared...
The point is ...let everyone say there opinion...EVEN IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH IT !
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0 1235. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Vomiting babies

I know babies are cute and all that.. puppies are cute too ...but you don't what to see a video with vomiting puppies do you?
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+1 1236. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Woman parallel parks car

Oh ....god ....
Please never get in the driver seat again !
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-5 1237. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

Yeah....the opening of the door gave it away....he looks like a tasmanian devil ...and then he gently opens the door? please...

It's staged... and #36 ... don't call someone else an idiot...cuz that makes you look like one .
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-5 1238. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Vengeful driver

I guess it was an accident ... He must have put it in reverse by mistake and than pressed the gas ...
Anyway now he has to pay for the repairs on his car AND indirectly for the police car (because that's his tax money too) :)
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+2 1239. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Gymnast Shawn Johnson Put To Sleep At Only 17

#6 you think this is real...GO GET HELP !
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-2 1240. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Micro machine

#1 Don't you mean : For people who have the brains not to do this with real cars ?
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+1 1241. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Reporter being owned

why the hell are you giving #11 thumbs down you jackasses ?
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+3 1242. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Malay Eagle Owl - Kitty

She has a jungle-garden in the back yard ? O.O
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0 1243. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Japanese Slide Trick

#2 ...WHAT ?!?! Explain yourself man... :S
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-3 1244. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Sweet mini pig

Would you like fries with that ? :D
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-4 1245. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

#13 ..maybe english is not his first language don't be an asshole ! ...And think about what you said....people don't have a problem with touching toilet paper ...they have problems touching SHIT COVERED toilet paper unless you wipe your ass wit already used toilet paper...what you said makes no sense own opinion...this has got to be the most useless piece of trash I have ever seen... Are people *cough* americans *cough* that lazy that they can't wipe their ass the normal way? You are all going to be fat fucks in 80 years ! ... or less
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+2 1246. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video World's most craziest and dangerous job

#5 ...actually the bulb would explode ... just saying :)
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+3 1247. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling 2009

#22 We do not speak of catching the cheese in this house young man O.o

It only happened once in 1865 ... but you don't want to know how that ended ...
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+1 1248. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Driving a golden BMW in Russia

What's the point of this? If I paint my car GOLD can I someone upload a video of it on the net?
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+1 1249. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling 2009

I like watching 0:33 over and over and over ...
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+1 1250. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Pimped Lada catches fire

That was so easy to put out :O ...just take your damn shirt off and hit it !!! damn stupid brain dead people !
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+5 1251. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video 1964 modem demo

#7 made my laugh :D ....almost got me fired :S (no pun intended)
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+25 1252. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Do you get the message NOW?

#8 you feel the freedom of speech now don't you >:)
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+4 1253. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Huge Explosion

Let's blow shit up ... It's all we know how to do !
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-15 1254. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Cup stacking kid

impressive ... but begs the question : Why ?

and if i'm not mistaken ... I have seen this before... a long time ago
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-4 1255. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Mouse Trap Fail

I'm concern about the dude who filmed this ... He couldn't have known the trap will not work ... he wanted to film a mouse getting wrecked by a mouse trap :| Sick ...sick bastard !
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+22 1256. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Bowling is sadistic!

#2 I also think it's stupid ...

Not funny, not good, not interesting, not clever ... nothing ...
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+31 1257. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Kangaroo kicks kid into lake

There's nothing like getting kicked in the spinal cord by a kangaroo :D
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-1 1258. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Guy jumps off building, superhero Bubbleboy

I don't usually say FAKE ! ...In fact ... it is rare for me to say FAKE ! ....but this is FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !

Why you ask?

Because :

It was a dummy in the bubble wrap you can see it looks like someone pushed it off the roof ...and the way it hit the ground... second of all the cameraman was shaking the damn camera like he had Parkinson or something ... but in fact...that's what they used as a transition frame between the two videos...the one with the dummy and the one with the guy!

Now...if you film him jumping off the roof ...and getting up with the camera ROCK SOLID ! and one single frame...i'll believe it...until then FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !FAKE !
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+1 1259. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Train horn blasts

well in my country doing this is illegal as far as i know O:)
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+18 1260. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video SIGNS

When I upload it ...nothing
When most_uniQue decides to upload it 2 weeks later... abra-cadaver video shows up :P
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-2 1261. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Duck and Cover

this is the pinnacle of human stupidity ! Ha ha ha ha ha ... I can't imagine anyone wold have believed this crap. It's more like : Duck & burn motherfucker !
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+11 1262. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video How to crush a car

#(removed comment) .... there is no CGI ..those were rockets ! The top speed of a rocket sled is 10.330 Km/h (6.418 Mph)
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+4 1263. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Impossible bowling shot

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+2 1264. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Cat ambush

I would have filmed that at 120 FPS... sure... it's crap resolution....but looks cool in slowmo...and the best part of it is... you can't record sound at 120 FPS ... hysterical chick
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+26 1265. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Clever dog

What's 32 X 178 ... and then go home while the dog gets arthritis in it's left pow ...
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+35 1266. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Burning water

you can fill your car's tank up from you kitchen's tap water? ...lucky bastard
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+5 1267. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Coolest cameleon ever

so many brain dead people thinking this is real ...ha ha ha ha ha ....a cameleon dose not change color if it touches something ...and if it touches it with it's right front leg...the color change dose not start from there ... a cameleon changes color an ALL of it's skin at THE SAME TIME !

and why is he not brown from touching the table ?

damn... too many people with a double digit IQ
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-2 1268. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Cat hates snow!

he likes snowtr too :D
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-2 1269. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Afraid of little spiders ?

what waste of materials??? are you people retarded or what? you throw away bags / bottles / soda cans etc ...and this is a waste? this thing that makes kids smile and appeals to the imagination ?

If you think it's a waste of time or money you are brain dead !
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+9 1270. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Fat cat gets stuck

just help the cat out you retard ! :|
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+6 1272. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video 25 Things I hate about Facebook

hahahaha...true...facebook is terrible ...go outside!!!
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+9 1273. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video World's luckiest deer

the guy is seeing double ....or that's one hell of a ninja deer
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0 1274. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Interesting bridge

I have seen this bridge before ... in that video a woman bent over and the bridge had an erection >:)
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-11 1275. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video The Credit Crisis visualized

this happened because americans are idiots (no offense to the smart few as they are...they are cool)

I just wanted to get back to Europe ASAP after the ocean of fat women I had to get trough just to cross the street...

They are obese ..that's why the crisis started ...they eat to much ...
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+2 1276. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video T-shirt fail

that's a pair of pants
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+6 1277. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Zombie Cat

you could have used another finger :P
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+8 1278. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Super Bowl Ad - Budweiser Bud Light

damn...i'll put my ass on every building if I get a lot of money for it ...who not?
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-2 1279. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Quizcall presenter faints

ddaaaaaaaamn ...girls are so weak LOL fainted today on the bus...she just....fell
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+3 1280. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video News fail

7... he says PLAYEEEER

and it is filmed..not live...
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0 1281. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video China's spacewalk was fake?

China fakes every little thing...Opening ceremony....voice of singers ...even space missions...they are too incompetent so they lie ... My country had no mood missions ...but we don't pretend we did

China space walk is fake PERIOD
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+1 1282. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Kevin Smith protests his own movie

I have this movie :D's cool .... religion is BS !! Lies and mith ...stories and nothing more !!!
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+2 1283. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Imagining the Tenth Dimension

nice...real nice :)
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+1 1284. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago on video Door prank

when I uploaded this some months ago it was rejected :(
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+2 1285. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Folding gun

America....we pity you
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-4 1286. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Police overreaction

this video further proves my theory that american cops are social rejects !
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+3 1287. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Good morning!


(why is there no EDIT button?)
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+2 1288. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Good morning!

Roamnia : Cucurigu

don't mind #8 ...he is an idiot
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+3 1289. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Girl wants a car... real bad

buy it with your own yen BITCH !!!
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+2 1290. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Man falls from tower, but never hits the ground

stupid people complaining in the comments about the animation in this video ... I made some 3D animations in my life... and it's HARD !!!
Unless you can make a better one stop commenting about it
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+1 1291. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Fastest gunman ever?

#4 a gun can shoot much faster than that
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+7 1292. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Water drop falling in sand

It's not water ! it's a metal ball

and #7 the second one that disappears the first frames is actually the reflection of the metal ball on a shiny surface ....and it disappears because the ball goes in the sand ...
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0 1293. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Figure skating fail

Commercial !
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0 1294. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Cat wanders in during live weather forecast

#9 you beat me to it :D :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+15 1295. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Fire truck

#(removed comment) not all of us live on the internet ... some of these vids are new to us
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+2 1296. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Drifting gone wrong

I'm so happy now :D
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0 1297. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Jeff meets a beautiful girl

What's the name of the show...every one talking about how grate the show is...but no one is saying what show this is from :(
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-1 1298. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Parkour in 1930

22 I believe the zipper was invented in China ...not 100% sure
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-5 1299. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Parkour in 1930

Americans should get their heads out of their ass and just live with the fact that they never invented anything ....except junk food ....because they want to set a world record for fatness or something

I don't like the french because of their fag language...and I don't like americans because of their lower than dirt IQ
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0 1300. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Amazing BMW ad from 2001

The description is soooo wrong ....that car is not the world record holder

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+2 1301. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Booze tree

look at the monkeys :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 1302. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Deal or no deal

I wold have taken the 600 000 and never looked back
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-1 1303. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video One in a million chance

#14 the tire did not fall off the car you see in the beginning of the video ;)
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0 1304. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video The stupidest exercise machine you'll ever see

Here is a good idea for you.... loose the damn thing and just run
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+1 1305. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Indian tractor movie

What do you mean fake??? It's a movie !!!

Do you think the curved bullets in WANTED???? damn...some people are retarded

do you believe in Iron Man #18 ?
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+1 1306. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video 5.6kg (12.3 lbs) cat

My cat has 6 KG and he looks so good ... NOT fat at all....he looks like a miniature puma :| ...

can't believe this cat has 5.6 and looks that fat :|
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+2 1307. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

hhmmm at 2:00 the debris escaped the earth's gravity (witch by the way is 9.80665 m / s2)... it can't rain back down...not all of it at least :P
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0 1308. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Rambo destroys a building

By the's not Eastern Europe :| it's Central Europe ... as you can see at 1:07 the building in the background are not Eastern Europe buildings... just the old one we destroyed ;)
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+2 1309. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Rambo destroys a building

#7 you are wrong ... it is from Romania...the person is not related to him...he comments what the idiot is doing

He says : "The sucker almost died ... lucky he got away...I thought it fell on him"
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+5 1310. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Oktapodi

:)) nice
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+3 1311. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

what's the helmet for ??
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+1 1312. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Cat vs printer

Yeh...funny stuff ... did you put it on GT first?? Or did you steal it from there?
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+2 1313. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Jaguar vs. Crocodile

It's a panther ... hhmmm... come to think of it ... what if they called that cartoon The Pink Jaguar instead of the Pink Panther ???
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+7 1314. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Ivan Sutherland's sketchpad

#3 ...stupid? try making one

calling something you can't do stupid..makes you look even more stupid
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+2 1315. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video How to fake out the catcher

Baseball is sooooooo booooring.... the only fun part is when he hits the ball ....witch lasts about 0.00003 of a second :|
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+1 1316. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Interesting animal facts

#4 are joking.....right?
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-1 1317. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Cop accident by police chase

I agree with #3 too ....American cops are cowards ...they always go for the gun ...even if they are against a crippled and retarded child
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0 1318. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Catch and chug

#1 plastic cup
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+1 1319. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video How (not) to impress the crowd

the movie is kind of boring (i'm talking about Never Back Down)
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-2 1320. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video How not to use an escalator

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0 1321. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Window Cleaner Accident

#9 are was not just was terrorists ;)
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+3 1322. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Air rings under the water

Where the hell did he get that much air in his lungs ???? I mean the video is 1:14 the fact that he is blowing air out :|
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0 1323. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Glued Slippers

it's all fun and games until someone looses an ankle
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-2 1324. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Drunk Kitty

That's how ma cat reacted to cat got "stoned" at the vet :D
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+7 1325. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Expanding Table

all the people who posted "first" are RETARDS !!!
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0 1326. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Take a seat

yes smremde ... 1:20 is CG
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0 1327. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Take a seat

NMY ... sensors
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+1 1328. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Petty Thief in Internet Cafe

I have seen this like...10 times now.... I'm starting to think that's how they do business !! :D Guy drops money and then he takes the item....

it may be rude to hand him the money in that part of the world :)
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+4 1329. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Lada commercial

It is not a commercial ... it is a funny campaign by Antena1 (a romanian TV station)
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-5 1330. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Petty Thief in Internet Cafe

Noobeater I would kill him if he stole my phone .... yeh ...I have the iPhone killer ... 120 FPS video recording, 5 MP camera, beautiful touchscreen ... oohh my god !! don't even want to think about it :D 500 $ phone dude... not useless !!
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+1 1331. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Not the Most Graceful Back Flip Video

Wish I was there...too shot the video at 120 FPS and see that in slow motion :D
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-2 1332. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Referee Shows Up Drunk For Soccer Game

He said his back hurt and was taken to the hospital ... his back was OK...but he has WASTED*t faceted
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-2 1333. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield: Bad Company - 'Totally Not' TV Ad

nooitaf .... there are two possibilities ...

1. FPS actually do suck with a gamepad


2. You just suck at playing FPS with a gamepad
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0 1334. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video The costs of war

Petra is right ...the US masterminded 9/11 ... and war is good business...

Watch Zeitgeist documentary ...i guarantee you will be shocked about 9/11 and the central bank
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+1 1335. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield SNAKE EYES!

#9 why is that a waste?
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0 1336. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield sign language

I have this game :D
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0 1337. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Pedal Power

why is my name not next to the movie? :'( "uploaded by..."
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+1 1338. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Mini: This is America

banzemanga in England people drive on the left side of the road ... and in America they drive on the right side of the road..

so ...the cop was from England .... and he was in America ...and he stopped the guy saying that he's driving on the wrong side of the road....witch would be true if they were in England....but they are not....and the driver tells him that they are in America

the police officer thought he was in England because he spotted the Mini ....witch is not in America...but now it is
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0 1339. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video U.S. closes last WW2 internment camp

It's Onion News .... there is a Movie too's called The Onion Movie :D
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+1 1340. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video How to torment telemarketers with one word

That's old stuff... (not the video...the trick)

I did that like 20 times :D
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+10 1341. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Men's and women's brains

ha ha ha :D :D :D sooooper !!! and 100% true :)
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-2 1342. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Awesome prank on telemarketer

it's old
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0 1343. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video The stupidest game ever invented?

this just blows my mind..... i don't get it !...i must be an idiot :( PLEASE someone explain to me why dose it take all that money to build a god damned table and 12-16 god damned balls ??? :O :O :O

PS: I made a ping pong table, a table football game and many more games just FOR FUN !! and it cost me about 80 $ (all of them combined) I can build that bulletball thing in 4 days and with 20$

BUT IT IS FLAWED !!! because the other guy can just put his hand on the table (elbow and all) and block every shot with little effort :(
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+1 1344. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Robot that reassembles itself when kicked apart

so sloooooooooooooooooooooow ..... it will take them all night to find one unit :(|)
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0 1345. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Four kittens playing with a soda box

that's so cute 8-)
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+2 1346. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Police chase with shootout

Requesting permission to set up a spiked strip ! ...Permission denied, you are authorized to use only toothpicks... Copy that....
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+1 1347. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Incredibly accurate archer

Noobeater all arrows are wobbly ...that's how they all fly :D the longer carbon-fiber arrows look like bananas in the air ....thy bend like hell
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+4 1348. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Pointless ownage - revenge on revenge

what a Babe In Total Control of Herself (read the caps)
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+1 1349. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video 'Accurate' lie detector

I can't believe how stupid american cops are :(|) :(|) :(|) how can you buy that shit... how can you buy that many? i know they have the god damned money ...but they have no brain :(|)
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0 1350. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Crazy motorcycle driving

- Dude ...let's go for a ride
- Ok dude...i'll film it
- Are you getting this?
- Yes out for the ... WAAAMMMM .... truck ...
- i'm ok empty head absorbed the impact.
- I have it on tape!
- Totally let's drive with 300 Km/h to the nearest hospital... i think my brain came out my nose ..
- Dude ...chill...that's the sise of a's to big to be your brain
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-2 1351. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Case chase with surprising ending

BombDiggady ..the cameraman was the police officer :D
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+7 1352. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Kanye Hands

+ 1
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+8 1353. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Best DUI test ever

burvis... what do you think????? ;) you can't call it fake because it never intended to be real :D ...
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+10 1354. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Log pwns human

he said : "What am i doing here ?"
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+1 1355. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Female weightlifter gets owned

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+5 1356. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video News presenter vs reporter

idiots... that editor was a s@ithead
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+2 1357. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Chair flip

i think it is in "reverse" :|
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+1 1358. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Sprite - Fashion show

i'll take the one on the left (all 3 if i can) .....and sorry for the comment above ... someone WAS NOT letting me type :D
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0 1359. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Sprite - Fashion show

>:) i-l take tho one one the left (all 3 if i can)
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+2 1360. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Stupid permanent marker ad

clever :)
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+2 1361. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Police chases gone wrong

the Pepcon explosion was a bit extreme :) (it was one of the largest non-nuclear explosions...but still)
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+4 1362. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video How not to pull down a palm tree

that was just RETARDED .... :| is that guy brain dead? and no one noticed the FLAW in his plan???
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+3 1363. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video 120 Seconds of accidents

ha ha ha :D so funny :D

PS: hurts dough...
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+2 1364. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video How not to react to the police

To burvis : STFU that "girl" was acting like a child. If no one takes care of her she will die of hunger >:) ...stupid bitch. ANITAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D :D :D

shy thinks she's a princess or what ? she has an appointment :)))))) priceless !!!
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+2 1365. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Star Wars according to a 3-year old

blow up the Pokeball :))))) ...too much Pokemon for that kid
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+35 1366. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Poor Timo

:D :D :D Meeeedic !!! >:)
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0 1367. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Oops... sorry!

Kaki .... to help you maybe ...they don't do sh*t for me .... i really don't care if they get killed ...

terrorists don't pose a threat to my country ... because we don't invade them!!! ...

and mrbradshaw5 ...chill out man :| I HATE THIS WAR ...ok ... i don't care who wins long as it stops
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-4 1368. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Oops... sorry!

Idiots .... i hope they get killed ... :(
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0 1369. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago on video Working out

I'm sooooo afraid of heights :O :O :O
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0 1370. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Cat with gloves

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0 1371. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Opening a beer bottle with a chain saw

Imagine that ... you have to be mentally retarded or too small to hold a chainsaw to not be able to do that ....boring
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+7 1372. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Home-made laser show

This could have been a nice tutorial ...if it actually made any sense !... I didn't understand anything .... waste of time
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+2 1373. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Planets in scale and size

but do they have water? :D

and water makes us special :)

and dooooohh rjavc can you think the sun is the biggest ? :))))
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+1 1374. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video How to tie a tie

I don't need a tie :| ... ever
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+2 1375. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Hardest game ever?

Sick man !! >:)
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+1 1376. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video ASUS, your best defense against crossbow attacks

Plexiglass anyone? :D
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+1 1377. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video What song is this?

he lost that year of his life :)
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-2 1378. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Traveling through time

We just have to wait until he is old....and than we will see if his younger self comes visiting :D
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+8 1379. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Traveling through time

We just have to wait until he is old....and than we will see if his younger self comes visiting :D
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0 1380. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video 1958 Disney animation predicting the future

why the hell is it all about transportation ? ...did they think moving around is all we do in "the future" ... :|
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+1 1381. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Porsche 977 GT3 race

he will crash soon ...
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+3 1382. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Insane battery hack

acid will burn you like hell if you do that :D
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+5 1383. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video First McDonalds commercial

holly cow .... that's just .... just ... amateur, it's like they had no ideas back then... ti can't recall seeing a stupider clown costume than that :|
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+1 1384. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Pelican eats duck

that can kill the pelican (not pelikan) ...
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+2 1385. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video The archaeologist

LOL :))
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-2 1386. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Wanna get away?

that is so damn funny :D :D :D thing comes to mind... if the white dude was the owner of the TV ... and the black dude wrecked it....will it be labeled as racist? :) (black man dumber than white man)

btw : i'm NOT racist !! i'm just asking ...
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-2 1387. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video US tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car

I hope a guy with an RPG will bust that tank....crew and all .... idiots...
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+5 1388. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video A blonde and a 3rd grade geography question

what a retarded girl :O
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+17 1389. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Effortless

but you have to set it all up again for the next day :)
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-2 1390. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video How to break up a cat fight

That's normal...I have two cats and they do the same's a normal cat thing :D
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-2 1391. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Top 10 most un-sportsman like plays

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+1 1392. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Don't drink from hotel room glasses

Dude...when i was a child I didn't care if i drooped my candy on the floor...I didn't wear a helmet on a bike ... i washed my hands before eating but not all the time... and I'm healthy as an ox ...

If your girlfriend drinks out of the glass ...will you wash the hell out of it before drinking yourself? .... I don't think homeless people go there :D so what's the big deal? why dose everything need to be so god damn clean for you?? LOL

PS : the toilet thing war horrible ....that was bad...
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+7 1393. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Pro Street Romania

I'm from Romania :D ..that guy lives in Ilfov judging by the license plate :|

I live In Ploiesti (the City of Block Gold) near the Capital and we have Mustang GT's ..Dodge Vipers ... name it we got it ..and tuned :D ...that guy lives in a damn village :D must see the cars in the city ...and the girl you see in the video are normal girls... i swear to god you can't find a ugly girl in Romania even if you search 10 years :D
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+7 1394. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video How to destroy a Porsche 911

What the Hell? .. I wanted the car :'(
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+17 1395. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago on video Antarctica Condition 1 Weather

Damn! It must be so cold out there ... Hot Coco anyone ?? :D