Comments posted by LionelMarcus


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+2 1. LionelMarcus commented 13 years ago on video Trippy Sky Phenomenon!!

#11 Sky Below Sea by Swarms
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+5 2. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Easy goal...

Bet this guy isn't going to hear the end of this for a long long time ;x
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+13 3. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Casting by Helium

Ahh helium fun! It's always awesome!!
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-1 4. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Robot Ant

That was weirdly fascinating. Nicely made too. What music is playing in the background btw :P?
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+3 5. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video guy fails jumping over car miserably

Since not mentioned, can I say, Darwin's Award :D?
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+17 6. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Rubber band gatling gun

As if getting one rubber band slung at you isn't enough xP! This I like~!
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+28 7. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Fire in the hole!

Love how the lady just stands there >.> ..
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+1 8. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Phoenix-Fly 2009 - a year of flying in review

Comes close to flying O:) Goal in life.
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0 9. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Pay attention!

Lool! So didn't see that coming.
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+4 10. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video 5-year-old Savannah's Calm Call with 911

Now this is a video well worth the watch with a mix up of comedy and a life saving little girl at the same time.
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+8 11. LionelMarcus commented 14 years ago on video Mystery solved!

Very disturbed :S lol
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+4 12. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Drums in Slow Motion

600 calories burned o_o what a work out lol!
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+1 13. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Narwhals

I must recover myself with badger ._.
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0 14. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Transparent wall

#10, even though #(removed comment) has an ok comment, his big "
P.S. I am a big fan of snotr" takes it to the ground.
Picture of LionelMarcus27 achievements

+1 15. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video L.A. Springs a Leak

Annoying background laughter..
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0 16. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Decent Juggler

OMG i am amazed at his skills!! and the way his hands moves is like he has 3 instead of 2 0_0!!
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-1 17. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Gas Truck Rescue

00:17 lol wot..
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0 18. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video SNL Digital Short - Firelight

Better than twilight imo anyday..
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+7 19. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Cat Betrays His Girlfriend

Really messed up meow's there, orange tabby reminds me of demon cat =.=

But all in all, weird lol.
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+3 20. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Pixar intro parody

just lol @ 1:09
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+1 21. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson fail

I wonder what he was expecting out from that screaming LOL
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+6 22. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video Cat raises rabbit

Adorable. And I love bunnies XD
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-1 23. LionelMarcus commented 15 years ago on video You Don't Mess with the Goose

That goose looked tasty :P
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+1 24. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Thundercat - The Movie

um.. snarf ftw! lol that was a good made non existing trailer indeed, too bad it can't be really non-existing if it really does exist here in our world of snotrs or youtube :P
Picture of LionelMarcus27 achievements

+22 25. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Santa Academy

"Is that real fat? Are these real boobs?" *CHOKE* LOL! win
Picture of LionelMarcus27 achievements

+2 26. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video New Japanese show: stacking food on animals

lol *on* the chimpanzee, well as long as they STACKED it around the chimpanzee that's trying to resist temptations XD
Picture of LionelMarcus27 achievements

+7 27. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Huge bomb detonated underneath lake

That was awesome o_0!
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+3 28. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Things that didn't succeed

lol @ the end
Oh they sure did XD
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+4 29. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Coloreria commercial (2)

#1 lol.. i guess its better to watch and learn first before saying anything >:)
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+21 30. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Quitting is not an option

Awesome, swimming eagles, EPIC! Was amazing to watch XD :D
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0 31. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Cat faceplants

+1 for #9
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+1 32. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Very complex Kung Fu move

Lmao, Pwnt!
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0 33. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Volkswagen Beetle

God damn i loved his special OMG. watching those over and over, and still damned funny XD
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+28 34. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Under water explosion (1958)

Daaamn.. thats one hell of an explosion o_0.. i want to touch it =D
Picture of LionelMarcus27 achievements

+6 35. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Two drunks try to mount horse sculpture


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+4 36. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Sarah Palin pranked

"if one voice can change the world for obama, one viagra can change the world for mccain!"

Owned lol
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+1 37. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video McCain vs Obama dance off

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+1 38. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video How to forget someone that you talked to 5 seconds ago

LOL @ THE LAST ONE! well done lOL! :D
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+1 39. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Internet censorship

ok thats LOL at the chinese internet cops like wth.
ugh.. damn, damned filters. Crazy shit for all i know o.0
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+1 40. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video 100,000 pounds of TNT

the blimps go bye bye. :O
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+3 41. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Animusic - Aqua Harp

#5 - don't watch then.

But this music was great.
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+2 42. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Bottle cork trick

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+2 43. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video How stupid...

Didn't have to see that, ouch..
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+3 44. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Don LaFontaine - The legendary voice has died

Many Respects, and RIP
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+5 45. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video MythBusters draw a Mona Lisa in 80 ms

I want to use that big gun on the fields =x >:) :D
Picture of LionelMarcus27 achievements

+7 46. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Funny (but dangerous) 'mishaps'

1:18 - heh remember that one from tv, the cops were joking away about that chase, call in for back up, drunk guy on lawn mower on the get away haha
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+7 47. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Zoom into Concrete

Damn o.o

What a tour of a concrete o.0. I would like to try that now =D
For an instance, it was like clouds in there deep , well formation hehe
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+8 48. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Not the right time To die...

Used and abused >:)
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+2 49. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Oversized R/C plane

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+2 50. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Lightning in super-slow-motion

<333333 omg that was epic =D
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+3 51. LionelMarcus commented 16 years ago on video Never leave your cell phone unattended

That was brilliant. And all i can say is... OWNED! >:)