Comments posted by MagnoliaMemories


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Picture of MagnoliaMemories9 achievements

0 1. MagnoliaMemories commented 9 years ago on video When love becomes an instinct

Another great post for a video, something we all need to realize and learn about what is real and important in life...No more MSM, that are lies and negative to the mind... :)
Picture of MagnoliaMemories9 achievements

0 2. MagnoliaMemories commented 9 years ago on video Slomo

What a real beautiful and inspiring vibrational video.. :)
Picture of MagnoliaMemories9 achievements

0 3. MagnoliaMemories commented 9 years ago on video What Would You Do With $84,600 Everyday?

#6- Sizzlik, your videos are very much needed as well as your compassion, understanding, caring and love for others. You have a heart that is truly open fully to what God wants and needs from us as humans, one to the other.
Instead too many are caught up in the MSM videos that is full of negative, greed, selflessness and much lies. That is why they are at a lower vibration than you and many others..They need to really watch and understand the message in your videos..
Myself, I admire you and appreciate your efforts and time spent on trying to reach others in a positive manner...God Bless You my friend..Keep up the great job..
Mag <3
Picture of MagnoliaMemories9 achievements

0 4. MagnoliaMemories commented 9 years ago on video What does kindness get you? This.

Very inspiring video with a well needed message for all of us who need to step back and appreciate what we do have not what we do not have.....
Touching and emotional even though the advertisement, at least they used the time on something to reach humanity where we need it....
Picture of MagnoliaMemories9 achievements

0 5. MagnoliaMemories commented 9 years ago on video Homeless Man Gets A Home

This is truly my all time favorite video. What an honorable young man to take his time and compassion and dedicate to such a needed cause... This brings hope back into humanity, and I know there are more individuals like Sizzlik out there...
Thank you for such a descriptive and well documented video on you kindness and compassion for others.
It was truly blessed by the gratitude and realism of emotions from the homeless man who seems to be getting more out of this then a home. He mentioned he had a job, if I heard correctly, which means it has touched him to motivate him to try to change his life with efforts of himself to show his gratitude and love of his new friendship and I hope he continues his journey and truly is blessed with the kindness of others... <3 :)
Picture of MagnoliaMemories9 achievements

0 6. MagnoliaMemories commented 9 years ago on video Stephen's Story

What a selfless and courageous individual. This was very inspiring and can help many who view this video to see what giving even the smallest gift to others can mean and how it can change someone's life and their view on life.
God bless Stephen, you are truly one of Gods Angels and will be remembered for your battle and your compassion...
Mag <3