Comments posted by MajorIdea


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+1 1. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video Making techno music with plastic chickens

I've listened to worse on the radio :D
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+3 2. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

Well I didn't downvote anything because I get different people find different things funny.

Maybe I would laugh if I watched the show.

But I doubt it.
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+8 3. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

Oh wow. I must have died and not noticed.
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+1 4. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video Insight into life on board Solar Impulse 2

I look away for one second and snotr changes its look and theres a host of great videos to watch on the first page.
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-1 5. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video BULLETPROOF GLASS - What will it STOP?

Murica ...
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+2 6. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video Drone footage of drone clearing of the Trollstigen Road in Norway

Why are there so many "trolls" in Norway?
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+20 7. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video Are YOU My Mother?!

Cuteness level: IT'S OVER 9000!!!
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+5 8. MajorIdea commented 8 years ago on video The unseen side of the Russian dashcam videos

Yes! Thank you for this video.
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+3 9. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Darth Trump

Pretty insulting... Darth Vader wasn't nearly as bad as Trump!
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+2 10. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Rocket Landing

Small rocket. Sub orbital. I'll wait for SpaceX to do it before getting excited about landing rockets.
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+4 11. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Understanding Wolves

I love it when videos like this change my understanding of something. Thanks!

Although I'd still be scared if I found myself surrounded by wolves in a forest. But then the same could be said for dogs. After watching this video I'm thinking dogs would be far more likely to attack.
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+5 12. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

#23 Down-voted your post BECAUSE it is the text-book definition of extremist...
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-2 13. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

This is barbaric. Absolutely horrific. I think now is the time for anger, pain, compassion for those we lost. But I find it really hard to hear things like #5 "world wakes up and starts fighting back against extremist mindset"... Its such a messy, complicated world, when I hear things like that its hard not to see a cycle going round and round. I dont know why this happened or who is responsible. I dont know what they believe and what got them to believe it. We must punish those responsible. But to lash out blindly or take this as an excuse to rally for war like iraq after 911, just perpetuates this cycle of violence... but what do I know...
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0 14. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video What Your Handwriting Says About You

What a bunch of BS :|
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+1 15. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Sumer

Reminds me a lot of the movie Snowpiercer... in that it seems to me like a shallow, not terribly well thought-out and generally dumb movie, that because it wins awards or has a high rating in good websites, makes me think I might be the dumb one for not getting it.

... I mean, a pyramid that glows in the desert... a kid that can casually jump off a building... paper books being treated like they are today, in a world with, as far as people know, no more trees... yea, no.
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+1 16. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video The Terrafugia TF-X

Am I the only one who thinks flying cars are a terrible idea?

I don't see the appeal of a mass of personal air traffic flying over our heads generating a ton of visual and audio pollution as well as increasing dramatically the chance of having something fall on our heads.
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+5 17. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Insurance Scammers are Awesome!

The word "awesome" really has zero meaning anymore...
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+17 18. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Sammie Jay

#1"That kind of over the top forced 'soulfulness' has become so cliche that it's painful [for me] to listen to."

There ya go. A subjective sentence goes well with a subjective opinion.

I liked it.
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+4 19. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video People are awesome

3:12 ... I mean that's nice and all, but a bit out of place, no?
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+1 20. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Dream Jump

1:39 was Amazing... except for that guy nearly hitting the building.
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+14 21. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video A Black comedian gives his view of the riots going on now in Baltimore

Why can't we all be more like him? :(
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+2 22. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Revenge on a prankster

#1 AKA rape...
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+1 23. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video AeroMobil aims to launch flying car in 2017

The inherent complexity of 3d roadways in the sky, the added visual and noise pollution, the much greater chance of having stuff falling on your head... no thanks.
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+6 24. MajorIdea commented 9 years ago on video Small car lost the battle with gravity

Less laughing more pushing!
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+2 25. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Most realistic rain seen in games

"Sorry officer, I crashed because I was too distracted looking at my windscreen instead of through it."
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+12 26. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 4

Ok, so this might be down vote material, but I've had this issue for a while now and maybe its stupid, maybe it's just me, but I'm gonna say it anyway:

I appreciate these crash or fail compilation videos. I think they have an entertainment value and they serve as cautionary tales. I can objectively say watching these have made me drive safer at times.

That's great. But am I the only one who has an issue with presenting some of these with titles or subtitles that come across as "Your weekly dose of LOLs"?
Maybe it's the emoticon " :x " maybe its the text, or both. But there's something off about about juxtaposing that message with videos that contain "shocking or disturbing footage", where real people might get hurt real bad (or die).

Is it just me?
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+2 27. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video ORION

I'm not sure if that's a really bad narrator or a really good text-to-speech software...
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+2 28. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Dad narrates students walking and slipping on ice

It's the little things in life... :D
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+6 29. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Bullet-proof Benz SUV gets shot-up

From the tittle I thought he was going to shoot the car, not just the windshield...
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+3 30. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Peel jet car, filmed by Paradise Road at Flame & Thunder '14

Looks like it generates a LOT more noise and heat than actual speed...
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+13 31. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Close call for "Darwin award"


... I don't even...

I can't. I can't.
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-2 32. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video You've been doing it wrong the whole time!

White eggshells? What planet is this on?
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+10 33. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video 15th Century Armor Combat

I suppose a sneak attack is out of the question.
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+9 34. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Fastest street legal car in the world

That was cartoonishly quick! :O
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+7 35. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Greatest Day Of Their Lives

I think I understood three words.
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+9 36. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Woman punishes garbage throwers

I like how she rides along with some ducktape just in case she has to tape a bottle to someone's sidemirror xD
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+1 37. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Patient norwegian police

Cool voice.
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0 38. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Snowboarding with Jet Engines

Reminds me of podracing.
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+23 39. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Never steal from this guy

... What in the world have I just watched?
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+1 40. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video For those not interested in the World Cup

Funny! ... where was this last month?
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0 41. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Brasil vs Germany semifinal game

#4 Imagine if they had scored 11 goals (as they clearly could if they wanted to). Stores would be forced to pay for their costumers to take their stuff xD
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+8 42. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Road rage karma

I always try to think "what if it's not an asshole but someone on an emergency".

What if the back of the car there was a woman going into labor and the husband was trying to get to the hospital.
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0 43. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Only in Russia

And why is this "Only In Russia"?
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+11 44. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video A Brazilian Family With Twelve Fingers

Hey! But they can count with one hand by how many goals they lost to Germany :x
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+1 45. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video A Trampoline in a German Town Square

#2 I see why you'd think that, but nope. It's the guy with the green shirt jumping whilst holding the camera at the end ;)
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-2 46. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Bajau Laut girl

#4 There is no spoon.
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+3 47. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Bajau Laut girl

What a pro. It funny the contrast between this girl and the over-equipped boys.
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+4 48. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video What will i draw?

#1 What the f do you usually watch???

And yea, shes a pretty cool artist. This isnt even close to being one of her best stuff.
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-1 49. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Isle of Mann lap record

Must be pretty annoying living alongside that road. having to mop all the blood and cadavers every time there's a race... :|
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+1 50. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Insane bike messengers in NYC

#1 You'd probably be the one being hit. :x
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+3 51. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Intex Pool Wave

#5 I really liked the video... but I also muted it about 0.3 seconds in.
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+10 52. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video River rescue of an elephant calf

Nice team work. And great footage!
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+7 53. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Kansas Supercells

"Kansas Supercells" ... Great name for a band.
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+10 54. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video England v Peru: victory by 3 goals and a paper plane

This being football I'm surprised the guy didn't throw himself to the ground in a dramatic fashion...
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+7 55. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video 10 Things that can kill you in under an hour

So, i suppose that video was portraying a mass suicide by laughter? What a funny way to go :(|)
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0 56. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Amazing Guitar Player

He's almost as good at playing the guitar as he is bad at picking a spot. :O
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+8 57. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Bachelor bungee

#1 Thank you. That was 3/4 less of a waste of time than it could have been.
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+4 58. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Kevin Richardson playing football with wild lions

I've always thought football could be improved with the addition of wild lions to the field... >:)
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+1 59. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Perfect Texture

You laugh, but when the real version of "The Day After Tomorrow" commes and you're being chased by ravenous wolves let's see who has the endurance and experience to stay off ice patches. :D
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+8 60. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video 3 guys Irish dancing around the world

Where the hell is Matt?
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0 61. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Diver attacked underwater by another diver

Pretty scary to think that if it was me I probably would have darted towards the surface and that seemingly reasonable response might had been the end of me.
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+3 62. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Meet Eleanore

Liked the squirrel. Loved the bird!
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+14 63. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Difference between a fiddle and a violin

That's not just good for a kid. That's excellent by the best standards!
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+1 64. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video 21 year old builds rally car that goes from 0 to 200 km/h in 7 seconds

I've built a spaceship from Lego many times...
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+3 65. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Vi Hart breaks down the Net Neutrality

This may have been the most straightforward and understandable explanation I've seen yet. I'm glad Europe has dealt with the issue decisively. I hope people in the us actually bother to do something more than saying "meh, I hope things work out for the best"
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+7 66. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Looks like we have a new rap god...

I guess that's one way of making your job seem more complicated than just calling out ascending numbers...
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+3 67. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Alton Brown - A daring way to open a Champagne Bottle My expression everytime he assumed I was sniggering...
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+32 68. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Excited Train Guy

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+2 69. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality - CGP Grey

#1 The subject of net neutrality is one of those rare discussions where the other side of the story only exists out of special interests, misinformation or ignorance.

It would be like saying: "Yes, air has always been free but look at the other side of the story - there have never been so many people on earth so if we don't want to run out of air or simply if you want to live in a place with less pollution and better quality air."

It's a stupid analogy that makes no sense, but since ending net neutrality is a stupid proposal that makes no sense I think I'm okay with it. :(|)
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+10 70. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Dart player hits 17 straight perfect darts

I almost feel bad for the other guy.
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+6 71. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Baltimore Landslide

It gets more interesting after 1:10... yikes.
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+11 72. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Sea plane takes off from a truck bed

Cool! I've never seen that before!
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+26 73. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Jian Yang

Nice thumbnail...
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+6 74. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video What's that noise?

Nice acting...
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+6 75. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video The Zimmers

Good on them! Although... There must be something wrong with my ears because that sounded horrible.
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+10 76. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Russians Vs Speed Bumper

At least paint it yellow and add some LEDs!
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+5 77. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Asking people in Newcastle what songs they're listening to

Read the title and thought - "Sure why not, I'll check it out". But this is actually a really interesting window into other people's personalities!
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+11 78. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video I've never wanted a trailer more than right now

I never wanted a trailer nor do I think I'd give much use to one if I had it. But man! I want this!
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+20 79. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Mercedes-Benz

For people with more money than brains. Or taste... I almost thought it was cool, until I noticed that the bit in the beginning of it extending itself was just an effect to show how big it is.
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+6 80. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Only God Forgives VFX Showreel

There goes my appetite... :S
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+4 81. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Fingersnapping the Super Mario theme

... Well, I'm certainly in awe. I'm just not sure about what.
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+8 82. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Space X's Falcon 9 Re-useable Rocket Test Flight

In this test flight, the rocket stopped at 250m

Here it reached 1.000m

PS disregard #(removed comment) Its just one of those "scare" websites.
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+5 83. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Absolutely Brutal VW Golf Mk2 1150HP 16V Turbo

That's mental! You would have thought they would at least choose a stabler car than a small old golf.
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+26 84. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video A Baffling Balloon Behavior

What a cool dad.
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+9 85. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Swarms of tiny robots build things

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+7 86. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Vets Save Lioness Mauled by Buffalo

It hurts to even look at the thumbnail. :|
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0 87. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Fly me to the moon

Am I the only one slightly weirded out by the juxtaposition of that hair and make up and that "whiskey and cigarettes" voice coming from a tiny little 7 year old girl?

Still, brilliant talent. She'll probably have quite a career ahead of her, if she wants to be a singer.
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+12 88. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video 80 Amish pick up and move a house

I wouldn't want to get my fingers stuck beneath A HOUSE.
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+8 89. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Spinning .40 cal. bullet on ice

Not being in the army, police or from a country that casually sells guns in convenience stores, the warning above this video sounds pretty irrelevant to me. O:)
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+25 90. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Incredible Save by Houston FD

Do they seriously make four-story apartment buildings out of twigs? :|
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+24 91. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Dog Wants a Kitty

I love it how the guy voicing the dog appears to mimic it's movement around the room. Quite the attention to detail from such a seemingly low budget video.
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+17 92. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video You think you can whistle?

It's a bit irritating, yes. But nothing compared to him staring STRAIGHT INTO MY SOUL as he does it. 0:49 :S
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+16 93. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video World record attempt goes bad

I bet he's at least a bit dizzy.
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+19 94. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video How not to jump over mud

Well, it's supposedly good for her skin...
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+10 95. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Dust Devil with Tumbleweeds helps spread a grass fire in Colorado

Thanks for the warning. Although I would like to hear what a fiery-tumble-weed-tornado sounds like.
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+5 96. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video "Let it Go" with different Disney/Pixar character voices

Some I wouldn't recognize without the pictures but a lot I would and some even immediately. Not only that he did it in voice, character AND tune. Pretty cool!
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+19 97. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Set up a fake cult for a pizza delivery

If only they didn't start laughing three nanoseconds after he closed the door. Could have left the guy wondering...
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-2 98. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video This pelican takes no shit

I usually never double post (baaaaad thing happen when people double post on snotr, it seems ;) ) but I just wanted to say #5 #6 -- Whilst the song/title doesn't add anything to me and indeed, kinda makes it a bit annoying, I 100% agree that its a subjective matter and I think it's 100% okay (great even)to have that normal level of diversity and not have us all be bound to the same tastes and what not.
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+5 99. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video This pelican takes no shit

#3 My thoughts exactly.
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+2 100. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video The Chilliman

3:22 I see some GIF material there.
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+35 101. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video High School Runner with MS Wins Races Knowing She’ll Collapse at the Finish

Speechless... if that's not a life lesson to us all, I don't know what is. <3
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-12 102. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Impact in 10,9,8 .....

Hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... not. That sucked.
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+1 103. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Storm at the South Coast of Ireland

...needs a bigger storm
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-5 104. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Scotsman teaches a news reporter how to drink scotch

Am I the only one who thought "this crazy man is going to poison that woman!"
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+4 105. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Damien Walters - Human Loop the Loop

Too bad he was happy with the first successful take. It was cool, but it would have been 10x cooler if he made it look easy all the way.
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+3 106. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video CRANE CLIMB 500 ft

Does he think of himself so highly that he believes he can't fail, or so lowly that he doesn't really care if he dies?
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+10 107. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Subaru WRX pulls out cop car stuck in snow

A video of a regular guy helping out some police officers in need of a helping hand is not something wee see everyday and I found it more than interesting enough to be on snort. But that's subjective.
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+5 108. MajorIdea commented 10 years ago on video Tim gets pranked

...And then, he got murdered.
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+2 109. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video 3D printed salsa dancing tarantula

Looks like we found the cure to aracnofobia.
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+7 110. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video New Year 2014

Quick! Aim for the quadcopter!
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+5 111. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Best fails of 2013 | TNL

Some of these look really bad. For instance, did that riot police man accidentally shot himself in the head? :|

Also #4 With close to 15 years here I'm hardly new to the internet and I've never noticed the 1337 thing. Is it something from the 90s?
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0 112. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Ice Festival preparations hot up in Harbin, China

I wonder what would happen if someone touched the ice wall with their tongue as they went down the slide. :x
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+3 113. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video World First Frontflip Bikeflip

Frontflip for style!
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+3 114. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Norwegian anti-ship missile test

That's ok. I prefer my deliveries by drone anyway.
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+6 115. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video My voice doppelgänger!

They do sound pretty much identical, but that doesn't inspire me to be in awe of it. Its kinda interesting. Actually, that should be a new category on Snotr.

Whenever you're in doubt of which category to choose from, instead of the apparent go-to category of Awesome, just choose "Kinda interesting". Most of the time, awesome videos here are really just kinda interesting anyway.
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+30 116. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Accident at a Russian steel plant

Well... At least he didn't stop filming.
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+4 117. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video An intro to Star Citizen, an upcoming space sim

Them games these days... :D
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+4 118. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video This is how you road rage

Favorited! :D
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-3 119. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Here I Am

#1 I'm not really inclined to watch the entirety of this 24m video, so I don't know the details. But it seems pretty clear to me that yes, you can get 20 years for pretty small stuff or even ridiculous stuff. I just read about this kid in texas who nearly got 15 years in jail for ranting of facebook. So yea, don't write dumb threats or something like that if you don't have money or your life is ruined forever.
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+4 120. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The Best News Bloopers of 2013

...Ok... :D
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+8 121. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Dropped into a turbine engine

I wonder if we'd see an increase in engine failures if this video went viral.
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+11 122. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Training of goalkeepers in Slovenia

First shot - "Bah. You numpties, you might as well just kick it."

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+5 123. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A Marijuana Arrest

Having, smoking or selling Marijuana isn't a real issue. At least not greater than tobacco or alcohol. It's not that these absurd policies aren't solutions to non issues, it's just that they're solutions to different ones. The police have incentives to generate arrests and the overall system has incentives from having a massive population behind bars that can work for next to nothing.
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+13 124. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The most original haircut

#3 absolutely nothing!
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+22 125. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What the hell is this guy doing?

#2 I'm afraid it does.
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+9 126. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The Mexico City Building That Eats Smog

So, if after a while that thing, stuck to a hospital, turns black with all the pollution residue we know it works?
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+16 127. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Cook Kid showing us ADHD from his perspective

Every time a little boy smiles, a pharmaceutical company fairy dies.
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0 128. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video POLAR BEAR LOVE: Cute polar bear cubs lovin' up their mamma

#4 I see what you did there :D
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+4 129. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974)

One day, a computer will fit on a spermatozoid's pocket (2013)
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+8 130. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Listening to the Lion King

I can relate :x
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0 131. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Robber chooses the wrong nerd on an iPhone

#11 You know, I used to think I should fight whenever someone tried to rob me. And I've always struggled when someone tried to snatched something from me. Obviously is a case by case basis, but usually I would agree with you.

That is, until two years ago when I was crossing the Austrian alps by myself and wounded my leg. It got pretty bad being all alone for miles of nothing but mountains and I feared for my life.

One of the many thoughts that went through my mind then was actually such an occasion when I got mugged. I remember struggling and thinking how big of an idiot I was for doing so. How much importance I had given to my cellphone in the moment and how little value I gave my life. I just wasn't thinking.

Obviously its a case by case basis, but it someone puts a gun to my head, he can have whatever the f I'm holding.

If you believe I'm a "Sheep tard" for that, well that's your problem. I hope you never have to put your belief into practice.
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+7 132. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Rufio from Hook auditions for 'A Street Car Named Desire.'

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+5 133. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Beans

Never mind the alien on the moon, why was an Italian astronaut doing spying on the Americans? Shouldn't it be the other way around? :P
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+5 134. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision GT -- Making Of

Oh man! :D

Their bs talk. Their gestures. The slowmotion and camera angles!

This has to be one of the most unintentionally hilarious videos I've seen recently!

So, so bad. So so good!
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+16 135. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video That ain't no patch of grass...

Great. I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight :S
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+2 136. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Odds: 1 in 2.7 billion.

Quite interesting. But think I would rather bang my head repeatedly on my desk than watch an entire episode of whatever this is.
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+6 137. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

I just love how the lady in blue is trying to keep a straight face. :D
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+3 138. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Parkour, Cops, and Donuts

If this was a student project - "Well done."

If this was anything else - "Well... that was pretty horrible."
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+6 139. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Girls defy death at Victoria Falls

"On* Devil's Pool"

Since you took nearly half of all words in the video title/description to apologize for your poor english (even though it was pretty much faultless) and asking "please" for a correction, I felt I had to oblige and resort to nitpicking.

Personalty as a more accurate title I'd write "Girls toy with their silly idea of defying death at a perfectly safe and touristy pool of water near a cliff"

An even better title would be "Victoria falls down Victoria Falls", but that would be a very different (and darker) video... :|
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+6 140. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Porsche Panamera Turbo 317km/h on Kosovo highway

I'm at a point where I want to dismiss any and all videos that still use this music as a "look our video is cool too!"
Spoiler deployment was pretty rad, though. Only highlight in a boring egomaniac video, imo.
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+6 141. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A homeless dog living in a trash pile gets rescued, and then does something amazing!

2:29 That expression makes me love humanity. O:)
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+1 142. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Eskil

I find this video fascinating. Not because of the stunt, but rather because I think it would have been both a better video and a better experience to do it normally, which would probably make the video appear less interesting defeating the point of the whole thing. What a fascinating paradox.
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+12 143. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Arena Active Protection Armour in Slow Motion

I know of an even better active protection. It's called "peace". Also known as "Let's stop acting like immature idiots get along and be nice"
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+5 144. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Volcano expedition

#5 Admittedly, describing things is not his forte. I would call it an awesome sight, if we hadn't collectively utterly destroyed the meaning of the word by using it everywhere. But then someone who had never experienced awe (hard/sad to believe) wouldn't have a clue of what I was on about.
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+3 145. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Politicians Fails Compilation

Laughing clinton was more of a win
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+2 146. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation November 2013 by TNL

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+7 147. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Strokkur geyser in Iceland

Someone needs to send a little drone with a camera and go as deep as possible!
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+13 148. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Not very smart

They're Brazilian, it's his birthday, I think that's deodorant and he seemed to be more concerned about whether or not the camera guy was filming than his burnt hair or the woman shouting "Are you insane?".

Pretty dumb.
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+7 149. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Victorian Era footage

Quite possibly one of the most extraordinary videos I've ever seen. More of a window to the past than a video, really.
Its strange how hollywood has shown us images from this era in color, HD, 3D all the bells and whistles, but remembering it feels like so faded and fake compared to the vivid life in this b&w video.
Kinda makes me wish I had a Tardis. :)
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0 150. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Van Damme is still Cool, apparently.

#10 #16 Yea, eat my dust, loser :(|)
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+35 151. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Near miss

#1 No matter how you look at it, that was WAY too close!
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+25 152. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video This man had one chance at the spot light and went balls to the wall

#4 And yet it made my day, all over again. :D
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+45 153. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Insane Motorcycle Emergency Brake

Regardless of good breaks, both seem to be at fault. The guy who overtook the other car either didn't properly check the rear view mirror or misjudged the distance and speed of the bike, and I'm pretty sure mach 2 isn't a safe or legal highway speed.
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+4 154. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Cat scares the living shit out of dog

All this talk about the removed comment got me curious about what it said.

The clip was hilarious, btw. :(|)
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+17 155. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Like a glove

And that's why Smart owners shouldn't be captains. Habits die hard.
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+3 156. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Planes land at ridiculous angles

Go home plane, you're drunk.
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+4 157. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Holland's Got Talent

I don't understand dutch nor do am I familiar how these type of shows work.
But I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the confety and golden card mean "Screw this, show's over. You win!"

Now excuse me as I need to deal with some pesky onion ninjas :'(
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+5 158. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video World's smartest Chihuahua

World's laziest man.
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+5 159. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Cutting a 26,000 lb granite block by hammer and chisel

Love the sound the hammer makes when he just touches the chisel with it before a strike.
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+7 160. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The New CR-V 1.6 Diesel film

Less fuel in for more miles out is an impossibility? And here I thought it was a natural phenomena that came with simple iteration and optimization.

Cool visual add, just turn off the sound so the narrator cant insult your intelligence. 8-)
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+17 162. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Armored Combat League

Brilliant video to be next to Frank's Speech xD
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+6 163. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Speed test comparison between all iPhones ever made

Glad this video is in the right category. I am indeed in awe of the pointlessness of it all.
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+13 164. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A Pilots last landing at Schiphol in the Netherlands

Great video with outstanding music choices.
I bet some passengers were a bit freaked out by the unusual ground procedures, though. :D
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-2 165. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What does it take to kill a Volvo?

I would love to see one of these VS a tesla model s!
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+36 167. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Friday 13th Prank

Pretty sure putting on a mask and threatening people with a real chainsaw falls closer to an attempted murder than a prank... I mean wtf. :|
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-3 168. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Sheep teaches headbutt to bull

#4 You can always bomb them... :P
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+29 169. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video North Cliffs falling into the sea

#3 To the north, I think.
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+16 170. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Smart Car Off-road Capabilities

#5 It looks like it will roll down a mountain pretty well. :x
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+27 171. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Australian National Anthem Fail

I'm imagining someone frantically going online to download the right Anthem and painfully watch the progress bar as it slowly crawls to completion. Or maybe they just went to youtube... :D
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+31 172. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Dropping hot charcoal into liquid oxygen

Everybody's thinking about it so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: COOL HAIR DUDE! :D
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+41 173. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A Surprise Diving Encounter with a Humpback Whale

3:30 You're welcome.
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+3 174. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Mexican volcano, Popocatépetl, explosion

bless you O:)
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+19 175. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Jackie Chan's best story

I freaking love this story!
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0 176. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Chilling 911 Call of a young man with amputated leg asking for help

Heard the first 10seconds: "Jesus Christ! Get out GET OUT :S "
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+15 177. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Puma vs. Sloth

Whatever you do, DO NOT show this to Kristen Bell. :D
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+19 178. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video How to throw a Bachelor Party

Loved it. Personally I don't see the appeal of getting completely wasted for wasted sake and/or seeking the company of other women who make their living having sex with hundreds of losers or taking off their clothes whilst you stare like a brainless dick.
Having fun with your mates, being kids (with the perks that come with being an adult)? Sign me up! :)
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+8 179. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video This happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Ho00ld it...
Hooo0oold it....
Just a bit moooore...
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+12 180. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Laughing Tram Man

This made me happy. :(|)
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+15 181. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Honey Badger ignores it, again and again

That's how I handle drunken idiots at night too.
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+24 182. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Guy Installs Shower to Stop People Peeing In His Alley

But why that corner in particular??
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+23 183. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What exactly is one second ?

Interesting subject for Captain Slow. :D
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+15 184. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Ducklings stuck up on a wall

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0 185. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video April Fail compilation 2013 | TNL

4:03 I hope that moron is alright.
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+6 186. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Renault Sport F1 - Engine Test

My poor ears :(
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+14 187. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video How a sword was made in the Bronze Age

Absolutely love this guy's accent. <3
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+1 188. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Freight train with 17 wagons containing chemicals derailed

Sooooooo... it's gonna be late?
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+4 189. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Triple Volleyball Headshot

Now THAT is on heck of a united team. Share a headshot and shake hands immediately afterwards, presumably saying "I love you man".
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+3 190. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Insane RC helicopter skills

I guess we now know how he moans his law.
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-1 191. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Darpa's latest pant shittingly awesome robot

Color me impressed! 8-)
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+12 192. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Samsung's Transparent Smart Window Demonstration

#4 That would give a new meaning to 'Blue screen of death'.
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+1 193. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Movies vs. Life

Curiously enough, in every single example I found "life" to be a lot more interesting.
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+3 194. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video How do you make intersections safer?


I've always wondered what would be like to take one of those big grid like cities such as new york and turn each intersection into a roundabout. Seems to me like it would make traffic much more fluid.
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+25 195. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Biker cuts sidemirror with portable grinder

Looks like the maniac was itching for an excuse to use his new toy. Kudos to the guy at the end.
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+1 196. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Heavy Lifting Helicopters

Never saw the one in 1:40. Looks like someone got bored of designing the same old system and decided he would make something a bit more interesting. And by interesting I mean - pray neither of the rotors will so much as stutter for a one-thousand of a second least they get out of sync and crash into each other.
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0 197. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Hand-built 14.5 Feet Tall Bike

Seems a bit excessive.
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0 198. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The Fastest Tumbler Ever?

At first, I was rather impressed by the speed but not so much about the height of the final jump.

"Surely that's not something I'd call - insane air"

Then my brain caught on with the fact that it had wrongfully assumed the presence of a trampoline and it resolved to write this final farewell and vacate the cranium of the now painfully incapable men it belonged to in the hopes of inhabiting a super human such as the one portrait in this video.

Farewell. O:)
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+11 199. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video 7 year old steals car to escape church

4# It takes a moron to call someone a moron for calling people morons, you moron... oh.
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+4 200. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Idiots shoot microwave and it almost takes their heads off

I need to go watch one of those "faith in humanity restored" videos now...
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+5 201. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Electric Supercar

#9 Going downhill with a tail wind... for 400 miles? Haha. Actually it was 423 miles with average conditions, but the guy (and his son) averaged 25 miles per hour. xD
They still broke the world record without trying very hard so I'm expecting the 500 mark to be broken soon.
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+16 202. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Electric Supercar

I'd get a Tesla Model S instead.
-0-60 in 4.2 sec
-EPA range of 265 miles (one bloke recently drove 400)
-Sits 5+2 with enough luggage room in the trunk and frunk to compete with a suv.
-Free use of the growing super-charger network (a full charge in an hour using solar energy)for free long distance travel, forever.

Yea. Keep your cool sounding racecar and give me one of those instead. Pleeeease 8-)
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+23 203. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The biggest backflip you will ever see

Unless the title knows more about my life expectancy than I do, I'm pretty sure I'll see a bigger one eventually. :P
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0 204. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Thunder Storm Timelapse

#1 HIGH-FIVE mefromthepast! :D
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-7 205. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video How Big Can a Person Get?

A 15 minute video with a spoiler in the subtitle...
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+3 206. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Jaehoon Lim performing at Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde

Now do that again without that ill fitted jacket with a bunch of poor squished doves in it.
3:00 The antithesis of my reaction.
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+4 207. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Neighbour of the year picks up 17 year old from School in a Lamborghini, then matches and doubles al

I could never own such a car. I'd expect to be mugged and/or killed at every single red light xD
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+2 208. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Yesterday in Russia!

Just glue it back together.
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+1 209. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video If the Moon were replaced with some of our planets

"At the same distance" does not equal "replaced". If anything this video reminds me of just how far the moon actually is from earth.
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+38 210. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video ... and then there are smart guys

Seriously that title is breaking my brain! I cant stop thinking:
"What was he trying to write and how was he trying to write it?! ... and the there are smart guys ... are the smart guys the ducks? the smart thing came from the man but that would be singular. And is there a word missing between the and there? Or is one of them a typo? And what would be before the ellipsis? Oh God make it stop!!"
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0 211. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Somewhere in Canada, someone has raised an army of Saint Bernards

Reminds me when someone spawns a bunch of the same animal in skyrim xD
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+3 212. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Chaotically hypnotizing Sufi dance Zikr in Chechnya

Doing Drum&Bass before it was cool. 8-)
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0 213. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Brutal Self Inflicted Nutshot

Well, I'm not sure that kid's a bad ass, but he sure has a bad ass now.
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+2 214. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Getting out of quicksand is harder than you think.

I fell on some quicksand once... I was quicker. :x
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+1 215. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video SOMETHING

One of those time where the comments are way more entertaining than the actual video... and I've seen better comments (case in point :(|) )
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+44 216. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video I Could Watch This Forever

I think I just found my new screensaver.
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-2 217. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video It's basic human desire to separate an Oreo.

I like seeing how he builds the mechanism. But I wonder if an oreo slingshot justifies this guy being on snotr on the second day in a row. If you like it subscribe to his channel on youtube and let us know when he comes up with something really "Awesome".
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+22 218. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Bunny heart attack

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :'(
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+4 219. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Urban Wingsuit Rio De Janeiro

This video stood out to me for the lack of music. What a nice change.
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+4 220. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Stunt man jumps over speeding Lamborghini

I want to see it from the perspective of that go-pro strapped to his chest!
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-2 221. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video When Drilling for Oil Goes Terribly Wrong

That's what happens when all the advancements and research go into making deeper and deeper wholes to quench our thirst for oil, instead of making the process safer or finding alternatives.
I'll keep this in mind when I hear BP tell us the proposed mega oil rigs in Alaska or whatever are totally not like the old ones in the gulf of mexico...
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+5 222. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The Super Supercapacitor

Forget cellphones! I want a battery pack with these on a Tesla Model S!
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+1 223. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video WORST CONDITIONS for a Corner Kick

Hey look! Someone made football better!
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+4 224. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Goal ?! Goal?! Goal?! Noooo

Ball - u mad? >:)
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+12 225. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Incredible 6,000 lb JDAM Airstrike in Afghanistan

I wonder how many innocent people that "high precision strike" "missed"...
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+7 226. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video So this old man walks by a snake.....

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+5 227. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Japanese skyscrapers swaying in an earthquake

Ahhhh. Look how relaxing that must be. Just gently swaying in the wind. I bet everyone inside is super chill and serene. In fact, I probably take a nap and just be gently rocked by the world. How nice. O:)
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+11 228. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Man vs Windshield WTF

(i) "Windshild Replacement On-The-Go"
Look it up. Its a thing over there. Very convenient.
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+1 229. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Ice Climbing Fall

Dick move mountain, dick move...
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+6 230. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video RC plane sent to edge of space

Very cool. Although why he wouldn't wait for a clear day is beyond me.
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+8 231. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Shitty ways to wake up...

1:35 was pretty twisted :D
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+16 232. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The worlds best Crêpe maker

The weirdest perhaps...
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+15 233. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Incredible Drumline

Cool :)
What! :|
Whaaaaa! :O
Whaaaaaaaat! <3

Pretty much sums up my reaction
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+1 234. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Impressive hammer tricks

#12 Damn. Me too! 3 years too late :D
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+46 235. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Overconsumption

Meanwhile in Africa ...
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+52 236. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A new Ferrari F458 crashes trying to overtake..

Mamma Mia! :x
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0 237. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Burning stuff with 2000ºF solar power using a Fresnel lens from a old TV

Wen I dismantled my old laptop I kept two pieces I thought looked cool. One of them was a layer of the screen and it looked exactly like that!
Maybe I should go out and test it! (famous last words) 8-)
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+2 238. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Sex in video games

Laughed at the tomb raider remembering the awkward controls.
Most others were complete S#@%.
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+3 239. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Luckiest men on earth

Another luckiest man on earth? Or is it the same as in every other "luckiest man on earth" video? Because if so I'd call him the luckiest unlucky man on earth. :P
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+19 240. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Caught a spambot in action in Singapore

Thanks for the warning. I'm currently infiltrated in the headquarters of EvilCorp hiding in a closet and that loud clanking noise would have been the end of me.
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+5 241. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation February 2013 || TNL

The last one is a win!
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+3 242. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Super Robot Dog

#10 That's freaking hilarious :D
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+2 243. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Wealth distribution in US

I have no problem with rich people. I think Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or Elon Musk deserve every penny they have because it comes from adding VALUE to society.

But this...

I guess if anything it goes to show where the stigma against anything that's not capitalism comes from. It exists for a reason and it comes from the same place that says one of our greatest issues today is class warfare and how the bottom 49% are leaches.

I'd say take action but who am I kidding. I mean the Super Bowl is on, then its Hell's Kitchen and look! Another Snotr video just got uploaded. Oh! KITTENS! :D
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+7 244. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Skydiving with an umbrella

I want to see a reinforced version and a guy crazy enough to jump without a parachute. :x
(JK please don't)
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+8 245. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Cuteness Overloaded - The Ultimate Compilation

I you're wondering about the excellent music:
(i) Dexter Britain - The Time To Run
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+44 246. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video 15,000 Volts Travels Through Wood

I thought they were creating this amazing looking wall but instead of showing it they undo-it?
I feel cheated :'(
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+33 247. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video We live in the future.

I thought they were saying "Like a wuss".
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+4 248. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Is it better to walk or run in the rain?

What about walking backwards and running backwards?
Your move internet.
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+44 249. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Chimps Held in Captivity for 30 Years Play in the Sun for the First Time

Cool! That is a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY nicer prison!
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+4 250. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video So Porsche designed a television...

Text-book case of compensating for "something".
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+19 251. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Amazing badminton shot!

That is some serious shuttlecocking! :D
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+28 252. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Act of sportsmanship gives Texas high schooler a shot at glory.

(i) Recipe for peace and prosperity:
1- Sack every single person in politics and high level banking positions and replace them with people like these.

2- Disregard the fact they'd have no experience running governments or large corporations.

3- Enjoy a society that actually makes sense.
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+1 253. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What Google glass will actually be like.

Something tells me wearing your google glasses in the shower might not be the brightest idea...
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+3 254. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A soccer ball that never wears out!

Indestructible ball? Will it survive an RPG?
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0 255. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Solar flare loop

First time where going to youtube to watch a snotr video in 1080p was a bad idea. With so much detail I was looking everywhere except the loop. :D
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+7 256. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Most logical movie fight scene EVER?

Note to self-
1- Pitch a movie like this to hollywood using established characters like Stallone or Schwarzenegger and have it take itself seriously in face of the absurdity.

2- Make that movie.

3- Buy my own island with the money I earned.
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+1 257. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video A first look at Google Glass' UI

I already hate the feeling of wearing regular glasses let alone something thats heavier overall and especially to one side. Let alone the fact that you'll look ridiculous. But I'm okay with that last one because I'm not getting one. :P
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+6 258. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Scuba Diver caught in scary rip current

#6 Well played sir xD
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+5 259. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Daytona crash as filmed from the stands

"Holy Shit Oh My God"

if this was in Canada it would be:

"Sorry 'bout your car, eh"
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0 260. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video WW2 sniper gets to make some shots

I'm not sure how I would feel to be presented with what is for all intents and purposes, the same gun I used to take the life of other human beings.
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+9 261. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Best Bus Stop Ever

I liked that they showed the guy at the end who has to clean their mess. xD
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+3 262. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Guy falls off of ski lift

I believe I can f**CRASH** :S
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0 263. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Head-on collision and a massive engine explosion.

#9 What #10 said and the engine is a comparably tiny thing in the back that doesn't destroy the center of gravity and makes the car lose control and swing like the one in the video.
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+4 264. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Head-on collision and a massive engine explosion.

I hope everyone's fine! :|
I recently saw the new Tesla Model S and since then I can't help but to see "regular cars" as these dinosaurs with gigantic bricks in the front making handling dangerous and in the event of a crash, pushing said bricks into the driver's chest (with a chance for an explosion, apparently)...
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+3 265. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video MY MIND BLEW UP.

#10 Its a 2D screen devoid of depth. Your logic is flawed. :P
**high-fives brain**
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+4 266. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video MY MIND BLEW UP.

I thought it was an interesting effect but I only saw the illusion when he said that I was watching it not going arround in circles but oscillating. At which point I could see it oscillate if I so choose to do so... Good job brain! 8-)
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+24 267. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Sculpting a female face in clay.

On that end shoot I almost expected her eyes to open. :O
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+1 268. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Testing Out The New R/C Copter

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+7 269. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video German Nivea ad - their reactions are priceless!

I'd make a point to never buy their products ever again.
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+1 270. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video First Person Fight Scene with a GoPro

#8 it gets a bit better as they do some fun stuff after the 1m mark. But then the second half of the video is just them going on and on about... something. It doesn't help that the GoPro's audio recording is apocalypticly awful and they still added some music on top. That part Really suck!
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+8 271. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Best bartender in the world

Maybe a performance best left to the circus. You don't want deplete the already short patience of a bunch of ranging alcoholics you're supposed to be serving ;P
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+94 272. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Thought about buying a Roomba, then I saw this

First world problems...
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+1 273. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Creepy Spiders in the sky!

Please take this video down before someone gets the idea of shooting the sequel to Arachnophobia :S :S :S :S :S :S
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+10 274. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Don't Celebrate Too Soon

0:56 It was particularly sweet after watching that orangutan's idea of celebration :(|)
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+25 275. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Red Hot Nickel Ball On Ice

Coming up next: Red Hot Nikel Ball on Steam?
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+6 276. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video This 10 second video made my day.

This made somebody's day? A low standard if I ever heard one.

Maybe the uploader is a sentient lettuce with an internet connection and a insatiable hate for humanity. :P
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+3 277. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What a million dollar backyard pond looks like..

Isn't it?SWWOOOOOSSHSHSHSHSSHSShow much did you charge for this?SWOOSHSHSHSHSSHS
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+18 278. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Canadians film their own plane crash.

Canadian Version:
Eh, looks like we're crashing.


Sorry bout your plane, eh.

RestOfTheWorld Version:

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+39 279. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Man crashes a flash mob

I think the secret behind a good flashmob is not the performance, but the overwhelming number of people. The best ones add people right up until the end and leave the real bystanders wondering just who on earth is in on it to the point of wondering "should I join in?".
90% of this one was just a group performance whilst an audience watched.

Good on that guy for adding some life to what would have been an otherwise boring choreography... why on earth I've gone into such detail on this comment is beyond me. 8-)
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+4 280. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What a disaster this show was

So, when in doubt choose the "Awesome" category?
How about "weird" or "animals" or even "other".
Awesome this ain't.

If the uploader thinks this is Awesome I suggest the moderator to moderate that decision as well.
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+7 281. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Baby boy freaks out over ball machine

There is such a danger as over-stimulation...
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-3 282. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Wow!!

(obviously that was sarcastic and I hope nobody go injured)
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+20 283. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Slap reaction

... I think it might be staged.
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+3 284. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video 'Zebra' escapes a zoo in Japan

I do hope they have at least used real tranquilizers.
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+4 285. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What Would You Do? Homless guy in a bar

#4 Although my room definitely needs dusting, I meant it metaphorically.
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+10 286. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video What Would You Do? Homless guy in a bar

Damn it, so much dust in my room :'(
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+16 287. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

0:42 Are you fucking kidding me??!! :O
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+1 288. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video High school robotics team help a kitten walk again...adorable...

For a moment I imagined a Bionic-Cat and feared for the future of mankind.
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+11 289. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Mario Meets Portal

In case you want to try it yourself:
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+60 290. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video The New Luckiest Guy in the World

I'd imagine the "luckiest guy in the world" to be relaxing in the sun on his private island with his soul-mate after having wont yet another lottery. (i)
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+7 292. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Afraid to fly ? ride a jet !

I sure hope the welding holds, otherwise it will be "mister jet met miss back" :|
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+1 293. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Slalom Skateboarding

Oldest video on the internet :P
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-7 294. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Compilation Of Stunts Gone Wrong

Another fail compilation?! ... Really?
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+2 295. MajorIdea commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile, in Utah

Meanwhile, in broken-coccyx-alley.
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+59 296. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video the greatest "oh crap" moment caught on camera

That was perfect! xD
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+6 297. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Way Too Close...

A stunt? That's closer to a murder attempt.
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+6 298. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Russian "flying tank" T-90

R.I.P. Spine
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+45 299. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013

Holly shit is right! :O
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+19 300. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Pogo Sticking taken to ridiculous levels.

0:41 If he hadn't strapped on his helmet there's a good change he would be a vegetable now.

Those other kids should take note.
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+23 301. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Fiat Money

And what do we do about it? Bend over and take it in the ass.
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+6 302. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Swedish...

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+1 303. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video MOTIVATION 2013

As someone who's been working on a prototype of a game for the past month, often missing meals and sleep in order to submit it tomorrow as the final application to my dream job in my dream place... yea, I was crying like a baby by the end of it x'D

Thank you for this!
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+6 304. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Never, Ever Give Up.

Who's that handsome looking guy at the end?!
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+1 305. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Want to be a sound engineer?

I was genuinely more impressed with how bed she was than by the corrected version.
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+4 306. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Chinese 30 story building in 15 days

I was more surprised with the fact that they started in the middle of nowhere and by the end it was in a street with lights and trees. Very Impressive.
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+4 307. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video iPhone Quick-Draw System

Assassin's Creed 4?
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+1 308. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Skydive (almost) goes bad

Had his main chute malfunctioned he would be in for a rough landing, assuming his secondary one would deploy without a hitch :|

Had the red guy's chute malfunctioned, he would probably panic and endup a pancake.
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+1 309. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video GoPro Camera On Trombone

Dafuc did I just watch? :|
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+4 310. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Flesh Slapping Drum Solo

This needs an HD version! :D
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+8 311. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Laser gun noises from frozen lake

That's how they came up with the sound effects.
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+6 312. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Luckiest people

I didn't expect this to be the emotional rollercoaster it turned out to be...
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+13 313. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video The World's Shortest Escalator

And its going down...
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+10 314. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Shark aquarium explodes in Shanghai

I saw this news the other day. Its not in a proper aquarium, just one in a mall. And it had three sharks, all dead now.
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+4 315. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Exploding engine blows fire rings

That's what happens when a wizard tries to get into mugged sports. There's always something peculiar under the hood.
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-3 316. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Burnout

And then the engine exploded...
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+44 317. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Truck accident

... poor cows :(
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+18 318. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video cat vs super mario sound effects

A late contender to the funniest video of the year! :D
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+10 319. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Beware of the dog

(i) We all benefit from strapping a megaphone to a small dog that barks a lot in a suburban area???
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+25 320. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Presidential Motorcade Bike Cop Owned By Speed Bump

That's no speed bump, that's a mountain range in the middle of the road!
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+24 321. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Hair on fire!

At the end he said "I knew this man would do something crazy"... how on earth didn't anyone pushed the guy away when the victim was on the ground and he went to touch his head again? I'm surprised how calm he was.
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+1 322. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Does The Universe Have A Purpose?

Well, I'm a christian and know the bible fairly well, and I can't say yes to that question nor can I think of a religion who can. How are we supposed to know the purpose behind the universe?
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+3 323. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Bouncing Drummer

I'm getting queasy just watching this :S
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+9 324. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Laughing in the subway

Young girl with the orange shirt - :|
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+29 325. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video A tour of the ISS orbital laboratory

All I could hear in my mind.
"Hair hair hair hair. Hair!"

Jk, super interesting!
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+34 326. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Russian whoopsie

Not faked - staged. The man still jumped off an old building. 8-)
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+21 327. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Girl Accidentally Gets Kicked In the Face

What a strange group of people.
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-16 328. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Impressive bicycle goal by Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


Do what you gotta do snort. -----> -100 : P
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+5 329. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Sing me a Lullaby, Mommy

Wii U? 8-)
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+24 330. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Paul Varghese - Indian Spelling Masters

Dis man verry funy. I lick him a lot.
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+10 331. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Satanic Toaster

Reporter- "So why have you kept this appliance that you believe to be possessed by satan, leaves evil messages on the burnt toast and spews fire wen you try to use it?"

Woman- "You know, when all is said and done... it makes the toast."

....pffffftHAHAHAHA ha oh man I just died :D
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+3 332. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Airplane Hits Car During Landing

All the instincts of a born cameraman. 8-)
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+8 333. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Terminator

That looks cool enough for me to half wish (but not really) I didn't have an arm xD
Which actually reminds me of the game Deus Ex Human Revolution where prosthetic got so advanced people started to augment themselves, which begged the question "where does humanity end?"
Cool stuff is cool :)
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+2 334. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video An Unexpected Briefing

It certainly got my attention! :)

Also, is it me, or has Peter Jackson's hair gotten A LOT more grey since the last time we saw him?
Could be dyed, but what would be the point in that?
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+8 335. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video iPad Mini Commercial

Whoa! That was harsh! I love it :x
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+41 336. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter pilots grab RC-plane from a tree

This has to be one of the coolest videos I've seen in a long time! <3
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+50 337. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 600lb Black Marlin Jumps in Boat and Lands on the Crew

How many cameras do these guys have?!
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+1 338. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Lucky Lada driver

It really does look like there are two people in the car. Ultimately it was her reaction after looking inside of the car (she seems to relax)that convinced me the most he was the only one there.
I kinda agree with #12 too. He shouldn't have tried to squeeze through the opening, but it seems like he wasn't inherently a menace on the road. Maybe the car o the side of the road as he overtook them spooked him as well? Anyway, yea, not having that dividing line on what is clearly a two lane road might have saved some money, but coupled with the lack of road etiquette (keep to the right unless overtaking) it makes for potential bad situations.
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+22 339. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Lucky Lada driver

Even Mr Death needs a bathroom break.
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+20 340. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Russian Plane Takeoff

#3 I'm a bit fed up with the russia jokes, but that one was genuinely funny xD
Kudos to you sir.
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+7 341. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Boxer Puppy Greeted By Cows

#3 One word - Bacon - your argument is invalid.
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+37 342. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Unbelievable Knife Skills

Reminds me of a scene in aliens. Maybe this guy's an android too.
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+18 343. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Urban Ninja

10% Funny
20% Criminal
70% Asshole
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+4 344. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Dirt Bike Entrance

I certainly did not see that coming. :|
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-2 345. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Ice Bomb

Aww.. looks like snotr doesn't have full character support :(
(this is how it should look like
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+3 346. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video How to Park your car at night.. :)

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+9 347. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Google Data Center

It always surprises me just how physical the internet actually is.
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+2 348. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Jetski backflip

Anyone fancy a jetski to the face?
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+57 349. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Tough Guy

What a lovely couple...
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+27 350. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Waterfall swing

Raise the stakes a little! Make it exciting! Use lava! >:)
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+20 351. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video High Bar Basejump Fail

Thanks #5. Glad to know this guy survived. At least for his four kids.
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+21 352. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Peacefull Rejection Of Riot Police in Madrid

#4 There is a distinction between being violent and being forceful. We absolutely need forcefulness. We need to stand and fight for what we believe in, especially if our lives are being destroyed so the few may make the extra buck and advance policies that only benefit special interests and corporations.
Violence, like throwing rocks to the police, however is just wrong, dumb and very much counterproductive.
This was aggressive. Not violent. And right now, we need this kind of forcefulness by the people so we don't get screwed even further.
And Iceland is a great example that it can work. No wonder you don't hear about that on the news.
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+4 353. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Rallye WRC France 2012

That ... was freaking epic :|
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+2 354. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video A great way to share a Coke

I don't know what those two guys are having, but I want none of it.
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+6 355. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Why is it Dark at Night?

Whoa! That was cool. Thanks!
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+7 356. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Playing Dodgeball Like a Boss

I like the guy who just collapses after watching such an awesome move :D
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+15 357. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Cheating in Middle School

Doing poorly in school and cheating is one thing.

Celebrating mediocrity is another...
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+4 358. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video She wanted to see how her husband works

I'm not sure whether understanding what she said made it better or worse. :S
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+16 359. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Too Fast to be Good

What is this!!!!????
A roundabout in america? :O
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+43 360. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video And then he saw my wife ...

I guess now we know who has the balls in this family xD
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+10 361. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Great. Now I have this music stuck in my head.
Congrats and many more to come!
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+7 362. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video TSA Agent Caught Stealing iPad

2# And here I was thinking it stood for Totally Sexual Assault.
Maybe after they install the molecular scanners we'll go back to only having to worry about radiation poisoning, having agents play with our dicks and frisking our daughters.
Ahh. Land of the free...
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+32 363. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Waiting for an iPhone 5...for no reason

Who needs a zombie apocalypse when we've got this.
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+22 364. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Son

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+15 365. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Boeing 787 Farnborough 2012 Display

Slow video. But decidedly NOT (inherently) boring. What a graceful and genius piece of design and engineering!
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+31 366. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Space Shuttle Endeavour's last flight

I wonder how much they charged for that "extra luggage". :D
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+6 367. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Out of his truck like a boss, pure luck.

I think the truck driver forgot he had the long back bit on. Still, what a freaking menace!
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+1 368. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Cat doesn't like glasses

Who owns who?
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+5 369. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Lightning Hits The Sea - Bay Of Kotor, Montenegro

I couldn't help but to read "knights of the old republic" in the title. 8-)
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+15 370. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Demi Lovato owned by x factor candidate

Britney - "I feel con uncomfortable with you even staring at me."

I feel uncomfortable even watching a clip of her dead eyes staring at someone else. :S
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+45 371. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Just another normal day on Russian roads

Damn it! Why do pilots insist in using the wrong lane?!
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+11 372. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Much respect for this guy

That last silver car seemed to be out of a movie set in a near future.
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+3 373. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Being smart in Russia

#2 He seems to have a real tendency for taking off.
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+30 374. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Being smart in Russia

Where's the Fighter Jet Police Patrol when you need it? :x
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+30 375. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 250kg WW2 Bomb found in Munich

How crazy it is to have a bomb detonated so many years after it was launched!

In a way like glimpsing the past. And a terrible one at that.
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+1 376. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Assassin's Creed LIVE

That was great! But I wish they had invested a little more on the outfit. The thin fabric waving around looks pretty poor.
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+3 377. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Slingshot slip'n slide

#2 What a sad life knowing the best is behind you : P
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+24 378. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Show-off Failed

I'm impressed with the green bikini girl's glasses. They go outside the boat to the right, inside to the left and right again! :O
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+23 379. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Amazing table tennis shot (Paralympics)

I'm impressed!
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+17 380. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 2 hamsters one wheel

One of the funniest things I've see in a while xD
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+3 381. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Worst attempt at an insurance scam ever

Is it just easy money? Or money they desperately need? Anyway, its f***ing stupid.
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+29 382. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Sleeping an the subway

Funny. But if the person filming is a stranger. Then its a bit creepy.
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+6 383. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Sepaktakraw

I thought it was just called feet-volley
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-2 384. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Van explosion

I wonder what happened.
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+7 385. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Lucky guy

What's up with the random sound? It had me going through my tabs wondering where it came from.
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-7 386. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Diver plays with lava

Lava diving = Dangerous?
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+41 387. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Whales play around and give rides to dolphins in the wild

I expected an actual video...
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+2 388. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Go, get it boy...

Weird knock-knock-joke
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+5 389. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video How English sounds to non-English speakers

WOW!!! It's like glimpsing another life where I only knew basic English words like "good".
Thanks uploader!
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+1 390. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Best Drag Race Ever

Yea, sorry, I had to stop watching when they pulled the gratuitous hot blond. (pretty hot, thought)

Besides, "Best drag race ever"?

or even
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+1 391. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Death Machines: The Brazen Bull

I need to go watch some "faith in humanity - restored" videos now. A ton of them...
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+2 392. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Yeah!

(that was me replicating my reaction through text)
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+6 393. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Shark Impossible Shot From Above

Why does everything on the discovery channel boils down to the eleventh hour of the last day?
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+1 394. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Driving

I'm familiar with this guy from videocopilot. But I'd never thought I'd see a video like this on snotr. Well, maybe the last bit.
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+2 395. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Size Matters!

I expected bigger.
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+2 397. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Pull-ups on a 110 metres high tower

Ah ha! Now I get the expression "Life is wasted on the youth."
What a dumbass
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+64 398. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Another Idiot on the road

:| ... didn't see that coming ...
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+16 399. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video It puts a hole in a Skull

Brilliant! Fell free do drill my skull now. Anytime. Really.
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+5 400. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Elephant crashes the pool party.

Good thing it wasn't in the mood for a swim.
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+3 401. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Strange Animal

There goes my appetite...
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+36 402. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Damn nature...You scary! :O

Almost expected to see a massive fiery round alien ship emerging from that cloud front. 8-)
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+28 403. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video A classic WTF

There's a good story behind this.
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+7 404. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Undersea Fibre Optic Cables

Blimey! :O
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-5 405. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

I see no reason to smile nor laugh...
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+6 406. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Faith in Humanity...

#9 Hardly. They're all around. Sometimes we just need to give them a chance.
I don't think we have a lack of good people. I think we have a lack of determination to really question things and stand up for our morals. I'd say about 90% of faith lost comes form being at the mercy of systems controlled by few who have no interest in the well being of the many. Get the apathy and the miscommunication out of the way and we'd be a lot further ahead towards a world where justice, kindness and thoughtfulness were celebrated on all levels of society.

We have no lack of good people in this world. Just a lack of a clear dream to do good and accept no evil to control us or subjugate us.

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+29 407. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video HBO first of a series called The Newsroom.

I need to watch this show now!
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+5 408. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 10 signs of alien life?

This video is on my Number 10 list for poorly edited videos ever.
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+6 409. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Faith in Humanity...

Thank you.
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+25 410. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Federer said 113 mph, Agassi Did 114!

The amount of skilz in that court IS TOO DAMN HIGH!
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+41 411. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Shocking Footage of a hit and run driver - chased and caught

Good men, the both of them.
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+14 412. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Line judge drops the ball

It was probably on that chair behind her.
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+24 413. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video How to build a Jet Engine - with Lego

I was expecting it to actually work. 8-)
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+1 414. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Ancient Chinese cure for ....WHAT???

After reading the comments first, I decided I'm going to skip this one. :)
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+34 415. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Andre Agassi Vs. Ball Girl

How cool is that! Made my day! :D
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+19 416. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Fire Tornado

That's one of the coolest things I've seen lately! They really nail it at the end!
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+42 417. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Russian wakeboarding and surfing

I was like:



"ahh, nice nice"


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+4 418. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Graphene: Strongest Material on Earth

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+44 419. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video One Unbelievably Lucky Ice Climber

Who on earth tries to climb on two inches of ice over a smooth slippery surface with water running along it?! :|
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-5 420. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Honesty is a choice.

How did this get on snotr? I remember when this website used to upload great videos, not this stuff!!!
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+3 421. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Most Awesome Dumb Americans

#7 This actually reminded me of that movie. And by the way, that movie is probably on top of my list of movies you can only watch if you're mature.

For everyone else, or those not interested in watching the whole thing:
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+33 422. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video T-Mobile Customer service....

Something tells me the refused refund was just the last drop for him...
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+76 423. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Crash at Summer X Games 18

My goodness that had to hurt!!!

Also, filming with an ipad looks ridiculous.
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+2 424. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Rich Forne Shows How to Wall Ride

#6 In the case of 2:27 practice makes you dead.

Insane! :|
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+21 425. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dive bombing Monkeys

Living the dream :(|)
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+5 426. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Close call !

#7 Good catch! Thanks. :)
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-2 427. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video The Use Of Punji Traps In The Vietnam War

And most of all F*ck the greedy old f*ckers who push for these useless, unwinnable, unethical conflicts. Throw THEM on a Punji pit.
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+34 428. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Landing On Mars

Holly sh*t that was EPIC 8-)
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+35 429. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Bear Cub

How on earth does That happen?! :|
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+6 430. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Gamera II - Human Power Helicopter

It's actually a quadcopter.
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+58 431. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Parking free

Look at the other lane! I'd say she's been here before. xD
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+8 432. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Throwing a Box of Garbage Into a Volcano Lake

That was a rock...
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+30 433. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dachshund Puppy vs. Ghost Crab

Not a bad music to go with it, but sometimes I wish people would just leave the audio alone.

Great final shot, btw. Poor guy lost his friend.
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+8 434. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video In Russia Police Obeys You

#3 It's a BMW. And I think that's a white iphone at the end. So he's certainly not poor... I Almost wish I hadn't read the comments. Not so epic any more.
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+43 435. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video How Not To Demonstrate Martial Arts

The guy's a snorer! xD
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+11 436. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Son Electrocutes Dad While Fixing Car

Fool me once - shame on you.
Fool me twice - shame on me.
Fool me trice - OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
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0 437. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Golf shot into a car doing 120mph

top gear test track
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+7 438. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video How To Get A 14 Ton Digger Off The Silage Pit

#2 Looks like a major idea to me. eh? eh? :x
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-13 439. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Australia's Got Talent 2011 - Freddy Mercury

Great voice! Although that was more hilarious than impressive. LOL
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+26 440. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Backyard Waterslide of DOOM

Dear God! :O
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+3 441. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Blonde and parking

I'm with #(removed comment) on this one.
And you can tell it's a "she" by her physic. (or an overweight guy who's been exposed to large quantities of estrogen)
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+5 442. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

sync this video

with this song
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+27 443. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dad riding with daughter on ride

Brave Man, going a second time for his daughter. :)
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+3 444. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Solution for global warming...


New plan on Earth Day! Instead of turning down the lights, Turn ON all your air conditioners and Open your windows!
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-4 445. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Little girl VS Beatbox Champion

.... okay then
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+2 446. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Earthbook - the Earth on Facebook?

Earth Status:
Getting hot in here. Better lose this atmosphere of mine.

Where's the dislike button???


Earth Status:
Ahh, much better. Gonna miss those "save the earth" groups though. lol
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+2 447. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video In Five Years

This is a pretty boring, annoying and fairly stupid video along the lines of hundreds already out there.
And it means absolutely ZERO

... however...

Do some of the things that just happened to be in this silly video. Actually make every day count. And you'll be surprised.
Not because of crap like this. Because of whatever the f you do on your terms.

If you don't identify with that... we'll there's always time. Maybe
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+5 448. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dude Implants Magnets Into His Wrist to Hold iPod

This is how the borg empire began.
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+2 449. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

#15 Thank you sux2bu :)
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-1 450. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

I'd love to see him getting out of there...
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+4 451. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video OHEA automatico bed

Actually its healthier not to make your bed because it cuts down on the amount of moisture, so the dust mites living inside it dehydrate and die.
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+43 452. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Touchscreen with real physical buttons

These forced movie-guy-like voices are just silly.
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+31 454. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Pipe Makes Laser Noise When Hit With A Rock

I wonder if this is how they got the original sound effects for star wars.
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+6 455. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Stupid Porsche Driver

AND he got the least damage. Dirtbag.
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+1 456. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Diver Saves Puffer Fish From Hook

H- Hey, that's my hook!
F- Bugger off, finders keepers.
H- Why come here you little...
F- Sod off a**hole its minAAAUCH THAT HURTS!
H- Give it to me!
F- NO! The ladies love it!
H- Grrrr
F- Fine, sick it up your ***. I'm out.
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+8 457. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video And A WTF To You Sir

He must keep all of his tricks in those pants. :D
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+64 458. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Big tornado close call

I don't have much of a problem with "strong language".
But why must he fu***** use the fu***** F word in every fu***** sentence that comes out of his fu***** mouth?!
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+3 459. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Improvisation!

I'm really glad the ball didn't burst!
Just imagine the combination of a strong forward momentum and a suddenly being stuck almost knee deep in a collapsing sand hole... yikes
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+10 460. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Robot Warns When Someone's About To Walk In On You Fapping

Yea, because a loud moving appliance with that single purpose patrolling your house isn't conspicuous at all.
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+55 461. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video $5,000 go kart stroll

Is the previous owner still alive? :|
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+8 462. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Extreme bagjump freedrop stunts tricks diving onto a air bag from 30m high

Jump - anybody seen my hat?
Jump - anybody seen my hat?
Jump - anybody seen my hat?
Jump - anybody seen my hat?
Jump - anybody seen my hat?
Jump - anybody seen my hat?
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+1 463. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Blackberry Actually Made Something Cool

Didn't expect time-travel to come from blackberry!
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+24 464. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Insane Cover

Shut up and take my money!
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+5 465. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video The Juggler

#7 That would mean Everything Sucks.
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+15 466. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video The Juggler

My mouth hurts.
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+7 467. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Watch out for the modern pickpocket

If this keeps going we're going to have to wrap ourselves in foil...
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+24 468. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video boy knows how to do it, with persistence

The advantage of wearing a diaper, clearly demonstrated here. :)
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+7 469. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dubai Airport Flash Mob

Felt more like a publicity show than a flash mob.
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+1 470. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video The Mini Bike Bmx

The word "adorable" comes to mind. Not sure if that was what they were going for. :D
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+12 471. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Enjoy!

Love this kind of stuff! Looks like something Improv Everywhere would come up with. :)
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+1 473. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Flipping With Guns

I would ALMOST consider the legitimacy of today's wars if everyone was obligated to move around like this. At least they would look as nonsensical as the reasons behind most of them.
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+20 474. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Google Ads, I mean Glasses

#1 No. You will run crysis.
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-18 475. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video The Most Annoyingly Cute Thing Ever

I'd punch it in the face.

... ;)
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+7 476. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Biker Watch Dog

Did not see the end coming. What an COOL dog!
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+42 478. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Plane pilot with ballz of steel

He wont be able to walk in a straight line for a while. :D That was insane!
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+1 479. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video How to talk to your wife

Frankly if you have a wife like that its your fault. Next time choose someone who you actually love to listen to.

Ps #9 Forgot something? :P
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+27 480. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Truck Explosion at McDonald's

That's what happens when you try to order a salad at McDonald's.
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0 481. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Bionic Robo Trunk

designgasm! 8-)
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+6 482. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Alpha Sphere

The end frame is quite freaky :|
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+9 483. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Just A School Bus Jumping 20 Motorcycles

That was one of the coolest looking landings I've ever seen!
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+8 484. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Male seahorse giving birth at The Deep Hull

Male before: :S

Male after :)

-followed by-

Female :*

Male :|
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+1 485. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Flying into the eye of a Hurricane

"I've flown through hurricane eyes about 300 times, but every one is different. You never know what you're gonna find."

UFOs, flying bananas, Thor? I'd say after flying through 300 hurricane eyes, you pretty much have a solid statistical number on what to expect. :P
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+45 486. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video My Movie Trailer Guy Impression

Even clearing his throat sounds awesome! :|
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+12 487. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Duo Maintenant

2:50 HOLLY F*CK!

... oups
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+24 488. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Plan B when one escalator is too crowed

Nice video, great song, awesome people! I hope I'm like them when I get to their age... but I'm gonna reach the top :D
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+4 489. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Quadrotor Machine Gun

What a brave way to slaughter people... not.
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+3 490. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Coolest dishwasher ever

... but, why?
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+5 491. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Street Racing

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+7 492. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Forklift Operator Puts Coin in Bottle

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+42 493. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Domino's pizza The Netherlands !

Whoever came up with this is a freggin GENIUS! :D
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+3 494. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Barrel Explosions Party

Awesome! I'd ask for a longer stick, though.

#6 Hehe nice ;)
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+3 495. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Beautiful performance on uni-cycles


...What am I doing with my life?...
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+3 496. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Ball Control

Football would be a lot more interesting if players would attempt to balance the ball on their nose and try to score like that.
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+24 497. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video TicTac

0:33 F*** this, I'm out of here!
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+8 498. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 7 Year Old Pizza Tosser

I like my pizza dizzy.
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+3 499. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Greek Newscaster Egged by Protesters on Live TV

They're not much for accuracy, but the singing is superb. I wonder how long they practiced that. Must have been a funny sight. xD
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+1 500. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Ship launch gone wrong...

Humans have planking.
Ships have tilting.
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+39 501. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dangerous Way to Feed Wolves

#2 Yea. In his head. Instead of a brain.
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+5 502. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Harvey's Electric Air Bike

BRILLIANT! He successfully attached a blender to the back of his bike.

Go ahead. Overtake him, I dare ya! :x
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+4 503. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video X-Games Event Is A Disaster

I'd watch it.

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+2 504. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Monster Truck Double Back Flip

I think the driver was as surprised as the rest of us. :D
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+5 505. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Charter Bus in Rock Tunnel

Not a good place to run out of gas.
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+59 506. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Stuck on the Road: Who Would You Help?

And from someone that young... Faith in the future - restored. :)
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+17 507. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Someone Like You Cover By Connie Talbot

Loved her expression when she almost made a mistake. Amazing performance!
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+6 508. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Gymnastic Dog

Yea... I'm sorry for my comment. It was useless and silly. O:)
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+3 509. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Eagle Goes For Swim

The Michael Phepls of eagles! :D
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-14 510. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Gymnastic Dog

#(removed comment) Nah, that's perfectly normal considering what you get to see in this video. :)
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+3 512. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Whipper snapper

Very impressive. And very silly looking too >:)
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+2 513. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation March 2012

Am I the only one who looks at these as educational? :D
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+8 514. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 15 meter python, world's record snake

Still a better leader than most of ours...
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+3 515. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Off Roading To A Whole New Level

LAND cruiser my ass xD
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+14 516. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Grizzly charges

A bear with ADHD!

"CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE **squirl?** ........ what was I doing?"
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+10 517. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Awesome chemistry professor

"Now lets see what happens when we split the atom and give it a good shake."
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+2 518. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Sand Flea Robot

A subsidiary of Massive Dynamics, perhaps? ;)
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0 519. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Kid sleeping while skiing

"Skiing - SOOO BORING!"
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+2 520. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Wheelchair Bungee Jumping

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+7 521. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dueling Banjos played on Tesla Coils

Wouldn't want to be the drummer in this band :x
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+8 522. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Bizarre Japanese Game Show

The only problem Bear Grylls would see in this would be sharing. :D
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+10 523. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Dog takes a dump on TV

#1 It was censored? Oh good! I turned the video off the moment it looked like they were going to do a close up of shit being squeezed out of a dog's anus.
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+5 524. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Thin Water Films in Space

Grown-up kids in space! :D
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+7 525. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Flying DeLorean Quadrotor

How cool is That!
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+6 526. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Deep Sleep

You're cool dad, but I'm dreaming I can fly! BUGGER OFF
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+23 527. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Man Terrified During Bobsled Ride

-Wanna go again?

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+4 528. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Awesome X

This song AGAIN! I love it, but really, I'm starting to get a sick of it now that's become the go-to-song for anything considered "cool", both on the web and on tv.

... regardless, great vid.
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+17 529. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Lets play Ping Pong

Super Cool! Reminded me of the Scott Pilgrim movie.
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+4 530. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Snooker World Open 2012

Why is he like - "ohhh nooo I'm sorry for that bit of luck! Don't be disgusted."

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+8 531. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Movie: The Movie

Poor Matt xD
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+13 532. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Talking Parrotlet plays peek-a-boo

That is freggin ADORABLE!
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+1 533. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Heart stop beating

Imagine being in an accident and being unconscious. He may be declared dead and buried or cremated alive! Yikers
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0 534. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy puppies

What kind of F*CKING ANIMALS keep these poor creatures on these conditions?

Absolutely revolting! I hope those animals die afraid and alone in a dark place.
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0 535. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Godfrey on potential presidents

Love it when he cracks himself up!

That's half the battle :D
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+4 536. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video street trial et dirt backflip vintage ladies bike

Never mind his riding skills. This man can bend steel!
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+31 537. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Swiss satellite being sent to clean up the mess in outer space

Gotta love the Swiss :)
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+34 538. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Best fight ever!!!!

Crouching Tiger, wobbly Dragon.
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+10 539. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Anonymous Having Fun During Interview

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+2 540. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video 2011 4x4 CRASH COMPILATION

Curiously I found the successes to be more visually entertaining than most of these crashes.
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+1 541. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Driving in Chechnya

effing lunatics!
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-4 542. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Tiger tank start up

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+8 543. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video A hiking trip I would not go on!

Glad to see they have the sense in using dual supports. So even if you're inexperienced, as long as you switch the connectors one at a time you should be totally safe.

Count me in! :)
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+25 544. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Girl can say any word backwards!

!Sdrawkcab drow yna yas nac lrig

I wonder if she can visualize the word in her mind and then read it backwards.
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+49 545. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Ball Boy at the Court

Like a boss
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0 546. MajorIdea commented 12 years ago on video Tax Dollars At War

Enough talk. Let's kick some butts and change this.
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+53 547. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video LADA: best brakes in the world

Nobody inside - Its a Decepticon! It goes from LADA to NADA (I wonder if any non Portuguese will get this one) :D
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+17 548. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Fire From The Sky?

... I'm so dead :|
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0 549. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video How NOT to get out of a mud hole

sh*it all over the place
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+3 550. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video 13-meter Axe Prank

Battle of the psychopaths.
Nice laugh at the end, btw
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+3 551. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Alien Super-Earth Goes Supercritical?

"Artist Impression"

No sh*t Sherlock.
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+8 552. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Weirdest dog scream you'll ever hear

"No one understands me! Let me go. I'm killing myself getting in front of that giant moving vehicle."
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+2 553. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Return to Pine Island Glacier

...Return to PIG?
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+27 554. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Address Is Approximate

One of the best videos in snort imo. Loved it! thanx
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-5 555. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Arrow to the knee

#1 Your idea of brilliant is not the same as mine...

Pretty funny, though.
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+10 556. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Amazing underwater fishing Upside-down

These guys have a real knack for the silent movie business.

Definitely a must see in HD.
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+2 557. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Used girlfriends for sale! Low milage.

Someone forgot to add the motion blur effect at the end...
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+9 558. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video How Not to drown your truck

#3 Okay then. Try having a guy with mad skillz and balls of steel do that in a mini.
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+7 559. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Killjoy - KITT (Knight Rider parody)

My fav part was the original soundtrack...
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+3 560. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Your New Favorite Model Helicopter

I beg to differ.
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+3 561. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Quantum Levitation on a Wipe'Out Track

Not only does it look like an average CG, but also they are using a fairly expensive 3D Mouse used almost exclusively with 3d applications.

But hey - according to Back to the Future, only 3 more years until we get floating skateboards.
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+3 562. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video How snakes move & 'run'

#2 "Play nice, nature!" hahaha
#4 Maybe. But you'd get a better time with a cheetah. That is, if you make it.
#6 I had the same thought when I went on a safari in south africa... then realized I'd be dinner for sure. :|
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+12 563. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Basketball Header

They should have a guy who's only job was to hang on to the basket with his head inside it. :D
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+13 564. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video How snakes move & 'run'

One of the reasons that I as a kid stop having nightmares with snakes was because I realized I could easily outrun them... good thing I don't live in africa. :S
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+15 565. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Watch the flight of a bumble bee

The laws of physics state that given the mass-to-wingspan ratio of a bumblebee, it is impossible for the creature to fly.

But it does.
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+23 566. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Estonian Army Party

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+6 567. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Grammar nazi

Reminds me of my old boss. Only nicer.
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+6 568. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video The Perfect Man Hug

The actors really made the video :D
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+3 569. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Head On Car Crash

God almighty! No human can survive that!


... now I'm afraid to drive... only a little line separating life from death :|
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+8 570. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Urban Flipper

Can you tilt it?
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0 571. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Unbelievable 15 yr. old guitarist

Talented... but not something I'd want to listen to a second time.
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0 572. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Salt Boarding

Doubt we'll see anyone letting go of that rope and sliding a bit for themselves.
Salt is so grippy! You'd probably have a full stop with your face the moment you let go. :|
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+13 573. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Kickflip with a Chevy Sonic better angle and all... O:)
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+5 574. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Dyson's DC29

O_O ... That has got to hurt!
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+10 575. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Cloud waves

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+6 576. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Russian motocross fail

The first guy did sound Russian. All others sounded Portuguese.
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+5 577. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Awesome footage taken from a F18

HD filmed with a GoPro!
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+10 578. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Sit Down and Shut Up

After a while all I hear is sharapasitown and sitownasharap :|

1:17 was the best!
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+33 579. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video The Human Slingshot

Angry people? :D
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+3 580. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Machine tries to take over the world!!

So simple! And yet, one of the best videos of late :D
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0 581. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Talking Rhino Babies

Reminds me of this guy from Jurassic Park :x
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+10 582. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Going Downstairs

Red Bull usually sponsors or creates the coolest events and feats. This one however, just felt overly staged and boring. :|
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+35 583. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Lil' Drac

Faith in humanity - restored :)
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+14 584. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video this is how you drive in the wet

The commentator gave me a startle the first time he spoke xD
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+3 585. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Capturing footage at the speed of light

I had several expectation after reading the title to this video.

It being boring wasn't one of them...
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-1 586. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Jogger sets a new world record in sprinting

At least one guy saw the subtitle for this video on collegehumour. xD
(#10 > -1)
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+13 587. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Citroen GT

It's gurgling...

I remember seing the concept for this car a few years ago. Looked like a cool spaceship-car. Now that they changed the proportions and applied a matte color it just looks like a weird spaceship(ish) car-toy.

And common. It can have a million horsepower and go from not to 1000 in minus 5 seconds. You'll still be in a bar saying "I drive a citroen. But its cool, trust me" ... mehh
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+10 588. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Jogger sets a new world record in sprinting

I thought exercising was supposed to make you live longer.
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+21 589. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - The Vet & The n00b

Am I the only one uneasy about the recurring line "There's a soldier in all of us"?

Cool trailer, though. Better than the game.
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+3 590. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video high tech bike

when I'm struggling to ride up a hill, I want to change to a lower gear with a small effortless hand gesture. Not be exhausted and still have to concentrate hard so I can do the same thing.

Its a publicity stunt. Not a clever design.
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-1 591. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Organic Food Myths

yeayeayea... but do you have to move your head so much?
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0 592. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video How to lose 2400$ in 24 seconds

Could have been a GoPro mounted on this tripod:

God I hope so >:)
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+10 593. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Hate E-mails with Richard Dawkins

I believe in God and I read the bible. And still laughed along, although part of me feeling a bit sad at the irony of all that hate mail.
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-5 594. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping problems?

I started playing the video but had to move to a different tab for a second.

I got back at 0:20 and thought I was looking at a picture of sheep on an ipad and mr bean was about to interact with it.

... yea, I need help :|
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0 595. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Modern Times

It's not supposed to foreshadow anything. It's just supposed to look cool.

Mission accomplished!
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+7 596. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING PRANK!

Toddler-size shark-cage was the best imo :D
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+16 597. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Bridgestone Karma

Seems legit
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+13 598. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Leaf Blower Rocket Chair

nice scream at the end :D
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+3 599. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Jetman versus Jet team

This has to be the coolest video in existence.
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0 600. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video And they were able to walk away from this one.

Whoa! ... And some people still think they're too cool to wear a helmet.
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+11 601. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Tri-Love

Get a room.
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+16 603. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video The Hamburglar

Yea, I'm completely clueless on just what those degrees mean. Is 5 the highest or do they go to 103?

In either case, sending this guy to jail for the next 5 years sounds like a stupid idea. Kinda like -

"Ya loser. Breaking into McD to eat that crappy food? Go to jail and learn to be a proper criminal. And don't you dare getting out before you kill a man (and spend 50.000 hours doing semi-slave work. We gotta compete with China somehow.)"
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+32 604. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Green is a really pretty color

I feel so cheated :(
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+14 605. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video The Pissing prank

#(removed comment) ...what?!
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+5 606. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Assembling a plane - Timelapse

I'd love to see an Ikea instruction manual on this thing.
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+1 607. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Abbas Farid 2011 Showreel

This guy has a real chance in professional soccer. He already spends half of his time on the ground.
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+9 608. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Hysterical laughter

00:30 Please tell me those are his keys or something like that.
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+4 609. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Guy Kicks His Way Out of ATM

#12 Thats what I assumed too, but for some reason my comment on that was erased leaving me with a correction that makes me look like an idiot. yey
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-1 610. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Guy Kicks His Way Out of ATM

oups, I meant "the latter" :x
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-4 611. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video People Are Awesome (Don's Version)

#2 Ditto

What I do with awesome videos such as these is be thankful for seeing them on snotr, and immediately copy the title and watch it on youtube instead.
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+2 612. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video The Universe

The genius of this vid is in the question "Are this guys for real?!" "ok maybe this guys are real but the guy editing has a great sense of humour"
And it throws you more and more ridiculous stuff until you know. Yea this can't be real.

The parody tag, although accurate, kinda spoiled the video for me, a bit.
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+6 613. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Static Dog

The other dog doesn't seem ecstatic by the lack of attention.
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+3 614. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Human slingshot

Turn it into a proper one way slingshot and put it in front of a lake!
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0 615. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline with GoPro

#10 Yep, same here. Definitely worth checking out the HD version instead.
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+8 616. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Dog invades the field and the crowd yells ole

Nice title
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0 617. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video rick perry lip sync

I don't see any differences from the original, except perhaps the original is funnier, and a lot scarier given he is running for "leader of the free world"
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+10 618. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Puzzle Box

DISCLAIMER - Don't keep any life saving pills on it.
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-5 619. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Dog and Cat Slap Fight

Oh! Comment deleted... now I sound like a lunatic.
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+2 620. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Earth temperature anomalies from 1800 to 2009

We are soooooo dead
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0 621. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Cuelight Pool Table

0:42 Ma ballz are on Fire tonight!
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+27 622. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Dirt biker saves a calf

#1 Sounds and looks like South Africa.
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+3 623. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Why do we dream ?

Loved it, thanx!

Hopefully my dreams will remember this video and allow me to realise I'm dreaming.
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+6 624. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video People are awesome 2011

I enjoy fail compilations... but these are 1003 times better.

They stimulate a completely different part of my brain and inspire me to do amazing things... which eventually lead to a fail. :x
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+3 625. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Batman - Getting rid of the bomb

~"EVERYONE! FLEE FOR YOUR LIVES!" Awesome crowd? control. Way to not cause a panic there, Batman.

Are you taking notes, Christopher Nolan?? :D
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+2 626. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Park Like a Boss

The music used, in case you're wondering -

Really made the video.
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+16 627. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Starting A Car With A Dead Battery In Russia

Cool. But imagine if the rope got tangled in a hand or leg... yikes
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+34 628. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Optical effects of travelling close to the speed of light

This video is relatively terrible.
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+15 629. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video 600lbs Sumo Vs 169lbs MMA Fighter

Largest Athlete? Judging by this fight I'm not sure I'd call him an athlete. The man looks like he has trouble just walking.
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+4 630. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Weird Bikes

#6 If that's a da Vinci sketch I will EAT my history of art diploma.
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+7 631. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Weird Bikes

0:21 Drinking? and driving?!
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+4 632. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Supercar Crashes

#11 Yep
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+21 633. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Michael Winslow - Whole Lotta Love

1:16 - guy on the right :D
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+27 634. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Supercar Crashes

"pretty sure that's a Lambo dude"

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+25 635. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Concrete Wallhack

"Rather than using visible light to look through walls, which is not very effective"


You can't see sh*t when you just look at them. 8-)
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+20 636. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video MMA Punch Out!

I was watching this with headphones when my girlfriend came and told me:


It took me a moment to figure out why she was so choked - I was grinning and laughing the whole way through this.

She couldn't hear the hilarious sound effects. :D

But yea. Without them - pretty gruesome :x
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0 637. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Windmill out of control

wooshwooshwooshWiichWiichWiichWiichWiichWiichWIICHWIICH LOOK AT ME GO! LOOK AT ME **CRUUASH** .. oh
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+4 638. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Just sneeze! - Makes you feel better

That is some thin fabric!
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+17 639. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Kid in Guitar Store

Pitch perfect! Good luck on your post-puberty voice.
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+17 640. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video CubeStormer II

"I'm not clever enough to solve the rubix cube. So I engineered the mathematics and the mechanics and built a machine to do it for me." 8-)
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+64 641. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Clever dog plays fetch with himself

Kudos for being clever and all, But WILL SOMEONE PLAY WITH THAT POOR DOG ALREADY!
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+3 642. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Kenneth Moen Hillclimb Drift Lillehammer

It looks both Awesome AND Ridiculous!

What a feat of incredible talent! :D
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+34 643. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video You'd Do What For Sex?

I'm not saying I agree with those (would you really "KEEELLL"?).

But cook and clean for sex?! We're from different planets alright. xD
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0 644. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Farting on Campus

The boy with the golden ass O:)
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+12 645. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Thunder Storm Timelapse

*Thor listening to ACDC's Thunderstruck*
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+16 646. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Duck and luck.

Someone's been playing a little too much frogger.
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+1 647. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Mountain biker taken out by buck

NOT Chuck Testa after all :x
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+24 648. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video The Feynman Series - Beauty

... You know what, Thank you for sharing this.

Quite beautiful indeed.
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0 649. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Painful looking bike faceplant


Not sure whether I'd like to see a close up of his face or not. :x
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0 650. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Heckling mom

He's so cool.
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+17 651. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Rocket Launch 35 km (22 mi) above earth

Full version for those with time to see the cool ascension or for those wondering what's the stuff in front of the camera. :)
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+3 652. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago on video Steve Jobs Prank Calls Starbucks

I never owned anything made by apple and I don't feel particularly compelled to drop the extra bucks.

But his 2005 Stanford speech made me respect and admire this man.

And btw - #7 Well done sir xD