Comments posted by MattiKattila


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-5 1. MattiKattila commented 11 years ago on video Loca, the Pug that cannot run

I never wote on this page, in fact i havent had the urge to do that.
But this, wow. really? I dont even now why i comment this video.
This was such a shitty video.
So shitty and bad that i needed to comment.
Have a good day btw!
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+18 2. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video Jogger sets a new world record in sprinting

daaamn nature! y u so scary!?
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+1 3. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video The Best Gun Fail Accidents - 2011

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+1 4. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video Hockey Player Pays Painful Price For Hug

Swedish hockey haha!
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0 5. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video Bubba Prank


U mad bro?
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+2 6. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video A Chimp is rude to a large owl

Smack that bich up, reeealy goood, right in the kisser...
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+7 7. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video huge underground explosion

Did u see the man in monkey suit!?
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+1 8. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video Damaged TV Prank

did someone die or what?
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+2 9. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video kitten vs a scary thing

cat on lsd, cat tripping his balls off!
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+4 10. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video How to rip a phonebook in half

who the hell haves a phonebook when u got the internetz these days!?
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+69 11. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video The Guiltiest Dog In Existence

HAHAHA Laughed my ass off!!..... seriously i cant find my ass!
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+3 12. MattiKattila commented 13 years ago on video No waves today..

What is the name of the song? cool video btw!
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+3 13. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Speeding Camera Lottery

Go sweden! :D
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+10 14. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Marcel the Shell

Im pretty stoned right now, and that was sick! haha : :(|)
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0 15. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Finding a Way To Escape the Crisis

Ahhh man! I looked at the kid in the slide all the time :(
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0 16. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Lizard Drinks Orange Juice

Looks like a turtel without its shell :O
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0 17. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video shooting test

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0 18. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Lioness offering her new born cub to Kevin Richardson

That is awesome!
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+1 19. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Sweden Helicopter Heist Footage Released

ahh, i live in sweden i thougt this was pretty epic haha =D
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+7 20. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Fishing tv show bloopers

Hahaha he got mad for every fail thing that happend xD
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+5 21. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

I dont belive in time traveling, we would seen some proof now in that case.
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+4 22. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Whales Blowing Bubble Rings

wtf! how do you learn them to do that :O
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+6 23. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Hole In One

nice one! That was a lucky shot!