Comments posted by MaxXL


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0 1. MaxXL commented 13 years ago on video guy gets a little too close to a shark..

Because of the music I kept hoping that the shark would jump up and get in the end. Okay hoping might be a strong word.. :D
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+1 2. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Head Injury

I'm glad we don't get to watch the terrifying minutes that follow.
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+3 3. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video How to make iced tea... like a boss!

That was awesome, i'm impressed.
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0 4. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Girl goes crazy with her cam's special effects

Haha, that WAS fucking funny. I might be stoned, but this girl can act :P
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+1 5. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video One evil hamster

They are taking turns, but that doesn't make it any less funny! hahahahah, love it!
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0 6. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Flips

I can imagine that they've done a few of those trust-exercises before all this.. :)
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+4 7. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Bikini bandits

Oh I wish it wasn't a joke.. :(
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-3 8. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Fishing with Spider Web and Kite

#12 Awesome comment! (Btw, nice video)
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-5 9. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Sports Commentator Faint

#11, c'mon, masterbate sounds cool! Had it only been masterbait, now that would have been ever more cool! :D
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-1 10. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video New SuperHero

This guy stars in so many indian flicks just like this one.. Just can't tell them apart. And yeah, he's a superstar over there :D
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0 11. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Sheepfilms GIF Compilation

GIF's have come a long way since the hyperactive techno-GIFS :)
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0 12. MaxXL commented 14 years ago on video Goose attacks guy in kayak

haha - ,,What did I do to you??"
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+3 13. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Blind kid playing piano

#23 - You can play as well as him? Then YOU are also awesome!
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+2 14. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video It really sucks

Now that is one tough window!
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+9 15. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video World's deepest bin

I love that the women at the beginning are deaf :D
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-1 16. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Epic Parking Woman Fail

#28 come on.. Dont be a dicktard.
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0 17. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video The difference between Viruses, Trojans & Worms

#(removed comment) .. Jealous!
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+1 18. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Cannibal Shark

Photoshopped! Yes.. A "Fake"-comment :)
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+2 19. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Girls Jumprope

#20 haha, nice one, didn't see that!

I surprised myself by enjoying this quite a lot! I just wish the girls were a bit older, and a bit less dressed. Does that make me a bad person? :D

Good job though!
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+17 20. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Turkish Ice Cream Man

#1 Woman? :)

It seems he's wasting a lot of food/ice doing this! Thumbs up for the speed though!
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+2 21. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Worst Fight Scene Ever?

#4 & #16 , I was gonna write that as well!

I thought this was great! Buy hey, I only comment on things I like anyway.. :P
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-2 22. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Shower cat

Chinese water torture?
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+9 23. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video John Cleese - How to Irritate People

Haha.. Never fail to amuse me :)
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+1 24. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Enicycle

Stable?? hehe.. I'd prefer the YikeBike :D
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-7 25. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Biggest man on earth?

When I grow up, I wanna be like him... Psych!
He's a scary officer though!
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+3 26. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Pakistani student puzzled about automatic door

Hahaha.. ! Maybe he's actually a bird, and can't see the door until hitting it? :D
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+3 27. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video What Virgin mean?

What MILF mean?
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+8 28. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Beekeeping

Hehe.. Oldschool indeed. Good to actually hear Rowan Atkinson without any wierd mr. Bean voice.. :) Quaak!
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+2 29. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Little Man

#14 what the hell man? It's at the end. You can actually stop the movie :O

#17 Well, you're not really on spot. You can spell several sentences and it would be the same in Danish (og du forstår hvad jeg skriver nu..) :)

Gal der er mange danskere herinde. Sweet!
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-19 30. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Are women born this way?

Sounds like arabic??
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+1 31. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Ninja Bear!

#5 RIGHT ON! hahah
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+2 32. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video High Five Escalator

I love Rob :)
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+7 33. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Car thief?

#6 the timestamp shows that he was in there for only 2 minutes.. :P

#8 damn right.. ! haha
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+1 34. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Human dominoes

Love the woman going over the photocopier.. :D
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0 35. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Freestyle Riding

#1 I was hoping somebody would comment on that.. :P
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-2 36. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Unbreakable skateboarder

#14 .. yeah! :D

Cool dude..
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+1 37. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video The Credit Crisis visualized

Aaaaaanyway... Thanks for this educational video!

- The monkey did it!
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-1 38. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Stupidity and humor

I just loved the music :D
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+2 39. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Stupidity and humor

I just loved the music :D
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+3 40. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Viral advertising at its best

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-2 41. MaxXL commented 15 years ago on video Big plane flying low

#10 Are you joking, or perhaps american? :O

#12 precisely! ;)
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+1 42. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video T-Mobile "flashmob" commercial

#12 I agree!

I would have gone absolutely mental in dance if I was there.. :P

,,Weeeell, you make me wanna shout!"
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+3 43. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Guy fails at jumping through basketball hoop

#13 - And if he did, why didn't he bring the other leg?? haha
Good thing he made sure that it was securely bolted to the ground ;)
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+3 44. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Redneck 911 call

Don't know any rednecks myself, but the strangely emergency-educated woman on the phone blew it for me :(
... :)
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0 45. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video The front fell off

hahaha.... good one!
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+4 46. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Wingsuit ski BASE jumping

I love love love love love love love it!
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+3 47. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Biting animals and hitting balls

Haha.. So many clips that i've never seen before. Great ! :D

But that is probably the worst swedish song.. geez
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+7 48. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Pinguin outsmarts orcas

#12 I thought the music was great for this vid.. :D
Penguin voice and everything.
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0 49. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Gamer's faces

02:00, Is he crying??
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+12 50. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Pilot girls without arms

Who would have known that everyone on snotter were pilots? :P

Anyway, inspirational!
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-1 51. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Chimp outsmarts tube (and you)

:(|) << This monkey has evolved.. ^^ that monkey was created. Feel the irony? ;)
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+2 52. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Would you dare to take a swing?

Haha, I was really excited watching this.. got me triggered! GoGOGO! :D Wish I could try it!
Oh the gravity!
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-5 53. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video The life of a bullet

I'm not a big fan of Nicolas Cage either, in fact, I try never to watch his movies. Lord of war could have been nice, but he ruined it. At least for me. Oh well, I should have just stayed away from it :)
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+1 54. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Chimp outsmarts tube (and you)

I like the music :D
And I like how the comment-part of Snotr is evolving. Except for the monkeys!
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+2 55. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Insane dog

I wanna comment on this video, but everything has been said. Everything could have happened/not happened with this psychotic/normal dog :)
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0 56. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Private car garage

#18 & #19: You don't know if he's out right now with one leg in its own Ferrari? :D He COULD be using them.. But then again..
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-1 57. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Tornado making a mess

Tornados are awesome! I wanna have one!
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+3 58. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Cannabis

#6, that goes in my commentbook :D
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0 59. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Indian tractor movie

#21 Who says that swinging your arms with the speed of sound is impossible!?

#19 Have you ever seen that movie "A thing called love" ?? You should try the other one; "A thing called irony"

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+2 60. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Sony Bravia "Domino City" ad

This is definately not fake! I remember playing with these so-called "Domino bricks" when I was little.
They were much smaller though, but I was also little at the time. Small people, small pleasures. There are big people, aka. adults, in the add, which calls for big bricks.
I don't think this a a commercial for Sony, though the beginning of a Sony commercial is shown in the end of this clip.

But I do agree with #3; This add if definately fake.
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0 61. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Extremely slippery road

Oh man I wanna be there when it happens :D
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0 62. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Grandpa illusionist

Heck, I Liked it! :D
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+7 63. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Highliner

Since there is a stabile line between the rocks, doesn't it mean that somebody has been there before? :(|)
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0 64. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Bad hiding spot

He must be very strong that husband of her's.. :P
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0 65. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Painful to watch

Everything you guys said! ...
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0 66. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Brightest flashlight in the world

Hehe, I don't think you'd be sorry for the waste of battery if you accidently left it on in a tight place :D
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0 67. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Weird reaction after crash

He's freakin' lucky, that's what he is! O:)
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+1 68. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video German candid camera

Why run out the door? :D
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+2 69. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Strapping firecrackers to a sleeping victim

Reaction must be the same for everyone! :D nice one though!
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+3 70. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video AGT - Yodeling

It's actually pretty hard to yodel.. I know I can't! 8-)
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0 71. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video How to dodge a parking ticket

Gotta get me one of those dolls.. just a naked female instead.. :P
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0 72. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Amazing bowling trick

uhm, well, okay.. Simply amazing.. nooot! :D
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+4 73. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Cellphones are evil

haha, yeah, nicely made!
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-2 74. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Stuck on an escalator

Roflcat? :I

Saw it with no sound, so can't comment.. but nice
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0 75. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Don't throw paperclips at your co-worker...

Ja de er nogle sataner.. :P
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+1 76. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Mentos + Diet Coke @ 1200 fps

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0 77. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Chaos in the print shop?

neat.. :D
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+5 78. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video High speed skateboarding

Well he's skating on a board.. doesn't that make it a skateboard? :)
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+3 79. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Kites and parachutes

Haha, I'm loving the last one! :D
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0 80. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Robot that reassembles itself when kicked apart

Nice.. I have a car that does this
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0 81. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Four kittens playing with a soda box

I was hoping they started building something from it.. :S
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+2 82. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Pointless car jump

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+1 83. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video A classic mother - daughter conversation

Haha, retarded brother... !

,,On myspace, in the butt, in the butt!"

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0 84. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Achievement whores

Yeah ,,Don't you wanna add me as a friend?!" haha, niceness.. :D
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0 85. MaxXL commented 16 years ago on video Nugget shoe polish

Oh, so you wouldn't call the other part with the UFO's and shoe polish "going to far"? :D
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+1 86. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video People in Order

Kindda hypnotic.. :|

Other than that, 73 sounds like something from a nazi regime.. :D
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-1 87. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video You Sucjk at Photoshop

I thought it was stupid... :(
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+7 88. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video A blonde and a 3rd grade geography question

I'm from Denmark, and apparently it's a common misconception in the states that Denmark is a city in Sweden. Jeeesus... ! 8-)
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+15 89. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video A blonde and a 3rd grade geography question

HAHA, very nice. It's OK that she couldn't guess it, but c'mon, don't Americans learn ANY geography?
But with another IQ, I'd sure take her home.. >:)
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+5 90. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Antarctica Condition 1 Weather

The penguins can take it! Haven't you seen happy feet? :D
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+7 91. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Over the top...

Hehe, gave me a good laugh! :-P
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+1 92. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Worlds greatest dunker

Hehehe.. Go anti-gravity bunny, go! He just loves the 360 dunk.. Very nice! :-)
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+3 93. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Police chasing Porsche GT3

What a lovely language.. :D
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+2 94. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Brazilian rally highlights

Haha, great race! With the right sponsors ($$) this must be the most exciting experience ever! :-D
I guess the video-editor liked the song a lot, since he plays it twice.. ;)
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+5 95. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Review of the worst video game ever

Wow! I don't get it. How could this game even be published? Write the code, sell it, try it.. clever!
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+13 96. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Parrot dance

:D Haha, I love it when it stomps its feets!
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+2 97. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Ellen DeGeneres begs agency to return dog

Wow, she's got issues... And even though my heart cries silently for this dog, this is lame, too lame for Snotr ;)

I've been traumatized now, i'll go hang myself.
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0 98. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Information R/evolution

Sweet, A+ for u :D
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0 99. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Grandma's speech

AHahah.. Brilliant! Wish I had a second grandmother like that! :D
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+2 100. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Coca Cola cares about you

Niiice.. :-P
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+3 101. MaxXL commented 17 years ago on video Nuclear explosions

Hard D'n'B yup.. :)

It's Pendulum - Slam, from the album "Show Your Color".
