Comments posted by MicoMaco


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+14 1. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Awesome guitar mod

Hahaha, awesome!
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+11 2. MicoMaco commented 8 years ago on video Hard work, awesome art....

He caved in. :D
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+10 3. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Man saves falling kid

Good lord, wow, speechless.
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+9 4. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video VW prank

Diesel fraud one was better :P
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+9 5. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video "SEAGULLS! (Stop It Now)" -- A Bad Lip Reading of The Empire Strikes Back

I don't see why this is called bad lip reading. Sounded perfect to me.
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+8 6. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Text-to-Speech chat in online game

ahhahahahahha, what an idea...
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+8 7. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Clock in the Amsterdam Airport

What a waste of resources! Couldn't they just bought an ordinary clock?! Now they need an employee 24/7/365 to do what... paint time?!
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+7 8. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Lifegaurd Fired for Saving a Man's Life

This is so USA.
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+5 9. MicoMaco commented 10 years ago on video Art of F1

great perspective
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+5 10. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Insane BMX run

suicidal :D
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+5 11. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Extreme Workout for Extreme Weight Loss

hahahahahha, awesome... "the device will often false trigger... hahahaha
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+5 12. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video What a world champion whistler sounds like.

I was expecting to be blown away, although the rating of the video wasn't what one could expect from the world champion. I have to say that I've experienced a much more artistic whistler who was whistling a hard classical masterpiece just out of boredom on a bus not trying to impress anyone. There was just few people on that bus, hot summer day. And than there was this old man with white hair whistling like I've never heard before nor after. I never even imagined that kind of whistling was even possible. The control and subtleness were just not from this world. The guy on the video looks like some whistling wannabe compared to the man I heard live.
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+5 13. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video lightest metal ever

Nothing to add to the basic idea of the video however I hate this audio cutting/editing so much... it almost makes me want to NOT believe about everything she said.
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+5 14. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Former banker in San Francisco confronts new reality

The dark side of the progress... What progress?!
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+4 15. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video How to save yourself if you're choking!

Thank you very much for the idea!
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+4 16. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Furze's Invention Show-Toasting Knife

Dude, you're insane!
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+4 17. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Why is it so Easy to be Thin in Japan?

Awesome. Now lets just all go to Japan!
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+4 18. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Cocky Porsche 911 messes with the wrong Sleeper Audi RS4

#1 Well judged Jake.
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+4 19. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Narcissists and #SOCIALMEDIA

no comment...
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+3 20. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Playtime with Ozzy the Weasel.

It's so small it doesn't even look real. I'd be scared as hell all the time watching not to step on it. Cute little bugger.
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+3 21. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video People Experience -220°F (-140°C) For The First Time

But...this is old news. NBA uses it for quite some time, even some handball clubs in Europe.
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+3 22. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Shanghai Police Releases Surveillance Footage of Dumbest Burglars Ever

I just hope he's ok now. Burglary or not.
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+3 23. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Comedy ...Key and Peele Substitute Teacher Pt. 2

Seen this years ago. Still makes me laugh. Fake announcement...:D
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+3 24. MicoMaco commented 5 years ago on video Palm tree on fire

So...did he make it? Hope so!
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+3 25. MicoMaco commented 5 years ago on video Grumpy Old Man in Wheelchair Knocks Painter off Ladder Blocking His Way

The title of this video is slightly wrong. There was no blocking of anyone's way; disabled (in the head mostly) man clearly had more than enough space to get pass the ladder. Manslaughter attempt, hope he does the time!
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+3 26. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Avalanche Triggered from Telluride, Colorado's Ajax Peak

#1 No, you're not.
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+2 27. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video And here comes a knife...

...what just happened?!
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+2 28. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Mad slackline skillz

just insane
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+2 29. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Improved Quadrocopter

Is this... video edited? Cause if it's not than... I'm speechless.
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+2 30. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Feisty Snake Slithers into Internet Cafe

...member of a delta force snake unit
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+2 31. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Arm Wrestle Goes Wrong

Maybe this doesn't belong on Snotr... Maybe it's just me but I don't find it very amusing watching other people getting hurt.
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+2 32. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Suicide Car Bomb Goes Off After Being Run Over By A Tank

There is no way the soldiers in the tank were harmed. These tanks are made to withstand such blasts, even direct hits sometimes. However a few civilians were killed. I still wonder why they didn't run away when they had the time...
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+2 33. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Somethings you just need cheering up a little

Disagree with #2, big thanks to the uploader.
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+2 34. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Beetham Tower in Manchester, UK 'humming' during high winds at around 1.30pm on Sunday 29th November

This building is going down. Maybe not in a year but the sound will shatter it; no doubt about it.
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+2 35. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food

I'm an atheist and last night God was trespassing my apartment. Called cops and they kicked him out, old bugger. Praise that law.

The problem is with little people trespassing term gets all the possible wicked meanings.
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+2 36. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Parkour gone mad

Oooo my gooood... Watching this felt so deja vu but I've experienced this through Mirror's edge. It looks the same. But playing a game that looks like this is completely... Wow, this is beyond insane.
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+2 37. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Facebook. An honest discussion and advert

Congrats to Judge-Jake! Used to use it for a short period of time, just enough to figure out it's bs. I thought I could delete the account but instead I found out I could only deactivate it. That's when I knew something very fishy is going on in the "background". Great video. Summarises the truth about it in just a couple of minutes. And adds its opinion. In your face!
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+2 38. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Unpaid contractor destroys hotel reception with digger

I can only admire the approach. Completely different culture from where I live. In the time of crisis big contractors were hiring smaller subcontractors knowing that they won't pay them. Which caused the dawnfall, economical collapse of the subcontractors. Some of them even committed suicide. If only they did this instead of taking their own lives...
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+2 39. MicoMaco commented 5 years ago on video Cyr Wheel of Fortune

First part more than cool, however the second one does not belong here.
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+2 40. MicoMaco commented 2 years ago on video Trashcan explosion caught on camera

#2 Don't you know?! For every trashcan there is a trashcam.
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+1 41. MicoMaco commented 10 years ago on video Ken Block's wild new ride

#9 you think? :)
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+1 42. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Custom painted guitar by artist Joe Fenton

that... is... just... SICK
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+1 43. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Raw Run: Zak Maytum

awesome comment #11 goes with awesome video
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+1 44. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Gus, I'm a Grenade!

This one really caught me unprepared... hahaha
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+1 45. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Pretending to Work at The Apple Store

hahahahahhahaa,awesome :D :D :D
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+1 46. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video little girl zumba

most adorable
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+1 47. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

For you who see the world so nice and dandy you realize suicides spike at those holidays?! Just a reminder. There are others too. Unhappy, pushed to the edge, sick in hundred different ways... Now be happy for them too. Can you? I know I can't be. And pushing happiness just increases the abyss between the two. So thumbs up #2 for a reminder we are not alone. At least I want to see it that way.
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+1 48. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

#7 , #8 , #16 :D

Actually it originates from a cartoon star from Looney Tunes which says: I thought I saw a pussy cat. In one of my languages pussy cat was translated into "MicaMaca" which is female. Cause I'm a male this translates into"MicoMaco". There you go, nothing to do with body parts nor size.
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+1 49. MicoMaco commented 8 years ago on video This is how Russian spetsnaz deals with terrorists

Way to go. Thumbs up.
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+1 50. MicoMaco commented 8 years ago on video 'Super polymer' can change shape with body heat, lift 1000x its own weight

This is hoax. It's not a polymer, it's alive and trying to hide/look smaller when close to body heat. Who are you kidding...
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+1 51. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Drone Diving

What if main parachute failed?
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+1 52. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Star in the car with DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV

So... the driver is a star? Who is she?
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+1 53. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video When tires attack

If the 2nd one was fatal... well I don't think these videos belong on snotr. Watching people getting killed? How sick can you be? Already hear someone: don't watch it than. Was there a warning in the title that I'm about to see someone getting killed?
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+1 54. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video The challenge ...

Woooooooooow, really didn't see that coming... But... is it real? If it's real... have no words.
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+1 55. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Lock Picking 101

#2 Does it work?
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+1 56. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Cutting humour

These pranks should be prosecuted.
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+1 57. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video NFL 2017 Bad Lip Reading

This just made me cry. For real. Laughing.
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+1 58. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Nobody Ever Buys Salt

Why "the big ugly" is a gonner?
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+1 59. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Kitchen Remodel: - Animated Demolition

Now... where's the new kitchen?
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+1 60. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Official Clip ft. Jason Spencer | Ep.2 | Who Is America?

This was NOT staged??? For me this was textbook staged.
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+1 61. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video My Pool Guy is Awesome

#2 That's the point. Nothing :)
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+1 62. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Tea

What was that???
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+1 63. MicoMaco commented 5 years ago on video Shark Tank demonstration goes wrong

Yeah, where's the shark?
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+1 64. MicoMaco commented 5 years ago on video Stephen Fry and Richard Dawkins in conversation

"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."

I get this message on the top of the video. Other videos play fine on this site.
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+1 65. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Oscilloscope Music Kickstarter (June 2015)

The girl crushed the party. From there all went down.
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+1 66. MicoMaco commented 2 years ago on video NPC in the middle of the road

wtf just happened???
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0 67. MicoMaco commented 10 years ago on video One of those days 2 - Candide Thovex


google lenses/he's not human, either of those :)
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0 68. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video A flying robot that can walk

Once I made a paper plane that could talk. Unfortunately it was made in pre-digital era so I have no recordings of it. Bummer.
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0 69. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Say no to bouncers

Awesome video, awesome idea, the guy is just awesome. Performs oscar-winning as well.
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0 70. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video HYT H3 Watch

With that watch... I'd be late on every appointment... How the hell you guess time from that??? Cause... you have to guess it, right?
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0 71. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Smartphone 3D Hologram Projector

Making this stuff looks soooo easy on the video. Tried that myself... O dear! This is so hard to make. And my "piramid" looks like it was involved in a car crash :S
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0 72. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Cool LED Cube

Woops, didn't see AstonMartin's comment.
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0 73. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video How a $300,000 Speaker is Made

WOW, just WOW. Speechless.
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0 74. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Reckless Mini Cooper Gets Served

Exactly, why did he stop???
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0 75. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Albatross

just made me cry
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0 76. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video How to Draw a Perfect Circle Freehand

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0 77. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Magic by Lee Mack

hahaha, awesome
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0 78. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Goalkeeper celebrates prematurely

For me one of the best clips on Snotr. Ever.
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0 79. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Subway Jazz

My vote was 12th, overkill but couldn't resist it :).

Now back to the topic... I don't see this playing as jazz but it was too short to be certain of it. Anyway the guy showed quite an amount of subtlety while dancing. What are these people doing in the subway...
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0 80. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Scientists at odds over Kenya's massive crack

Fake news, all staged!
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0 81. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Latvian firefighters catch mid-air flying person who attempted suicide

If I didn't see it in this video I'd thought it's not possible. Like Paperman said heavy weight, grown up person, high speed... all this generates tremendous force when trying to stop it in such a short distance. This reminds me more on some super hero action movie... Chuck Norris jokes are less jokes from now on.
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0 82. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video How I Upgraded My iPhone Memory 800% - in Shenzhen, China

Started watching this. No intention to see it through... Ended up watching the whole vid at once, couldn't stop.
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0 83. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video Official Clip ft. Jason Spencer | Ep.2 | Who Is America?


Now seriously what would it take for you to take off your pants and run backwards trying to hit a man with your buttocks? A man you really don't know. Being recorded while doing it. Not to mention your position in the society. Seriously what would it take? Is there anything you'd accept as a reward? Would you do it for free even?

I'm not kidding. What would it take?
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0 84. MicoMaco commented 5 years ago on video Catching a phone in rollercoaster

Not many things can top that, still can't remember any atm.
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0 85. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Puppet making made to make music

Just beautiful and peaceful as corona hoods...
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0 86. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Covid-19? Burn!

Why so serious?! It's a great rap song making fun of... just everything.
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0 87. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Home Office - Fabio Wibmer

Sick, sick, sick...

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0 88. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Dashcam accidents compilation

Cigarette passing clip FTW <3
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0 89. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video The Specious Present

The flash did not happen. Period! YouTube version is fake, not original! They are trying to manipulate you.
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-1 90. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Michael Jackson-Bad (Piano Cover)

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-1 91. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

#2 Thx Klemm for making me laugh in this video.
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-2 92. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video 1000 degree Potato masher

#1 I do................................
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-2 93. MicoMaco commented 6 years ago on video "Grande"

Hmm.. doesn't look like half of those guys make it... and than the song... won't feel a thing...
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-2 94. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video Cocky Porsche 911 messes with the wrong Sleeper Audi RS4

Men should tune their penises. Saving lives, making women happy...
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-2 95. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video World Freestyle Round-Up 2020

That's not a skill... it's a... it's a disease.
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-2 96. MicoMaco commented 4 years ago on video World Freestyle Round-Up 2020

That's not a skill... it's a... it's a disease.
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-3 97. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Mind-blowing Trick with Only Paper

impossible :O
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-3 98. MicoMaco commented 7 years ago on video Real Life Popeye

This is fake. No way. Adobe After Effects. Nice try though.
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-4 99. MicoMaco commented 9 years ago on video Alien Invasion

Well... situations like this can be very dangerous. An animal, being a human or a dog or an insect... doesn't matter, it might crumble in fear or attack to kill. Bad prank.
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-4 100. MicoMaco commented 8 years ago on video Knife making - making a folding coin knife

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-6 101. MicoMaco commented 10 years ago on video Ken Block's wild new ride

So many police cars but none is trying to stop this moron. Hollywood derailed.