Comments posted by MikeyD212


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+3 1. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video This is madness!

Makes perfect sense to me :P
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+3 2. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Racism in elevators

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-6 3. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video The black hole

And will never do it again! *runs ninjaminge through with a pointed wooden stick* HAHA!
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+4 4. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video The stupidest exercise machine you'll ever see

Whats wrong with just RUNNING?
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+1 5. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Weirdest music clip ever?

Why is this SO AMUSING!?!?
I think it's just the sheer ridiculousness! :D
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+2 6. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video NewMouse

Guinea Pig FTW!
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+6 7. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Old TV commercials

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+1 8. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Argument Clinic


If you don't find this funny you aren't human!
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+2 9. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Pedophile goes nuts at reporter on Australian News

What is a shithouse!?!? :S
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+3 10. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Nuclear explosions

It's from HOLD your colour, not show :P
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0 11. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Iraq party boy

Be that as it may....I like to party :D
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0 12. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video "Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot"

I just can't stop watching this!! :D
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+5 13. MikeyD212 commented 16 years ago on video Sarah Palin pranked

HAHA, the name of the song in french was 'you can't put lipstick on a pig'!! :D GENIUS!