Comments posted by Mix


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+4 1. Mix commented 14 years ago on video The Man Behind The Sound Effects

#8 @C0mmanderKeen; That's not true, almost everything is recorded afterwards. And then i'm talking about professional movies, and not about series like 'As the world turns' ;)
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+2 2. Mix commented 14 years ago on video The Man Behind The Sound Effects

Did you know all the dialogues in a movie are also recorded afterwards?
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+8 3. Mix commented 14 years ago on video Human pyramides

Childeren on the top? Ftw!
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+5 4. Mix commented 14 years ago on video Freestyle Football Mad Skills Chick

I think it's just a guy with long hair and shaved legs ;)
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+3 5. Mix commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

Haha it's easy, just pretend you're making a tv-show and you can steal any bike you want ;)
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0 6. Mix commented 14 years ago on video Easy goal...

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0 7. Mix commented 14 years ago on video The funniest Dj in the world.

Something with a midlife-crisis?
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+7 8. Mix commented 14 years ago on video How to ride a bike without really going anywhere.

And we thought we needed a BMX for that...
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0 9. Mix commented 14 years ago on video highway truck crash

Haha what was he thinking...
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+43 10. Mix commented 14 years ago on video The Attack of the Jumping Asian Carp

I think you can better hunt them with a baseball bat...
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+1 11. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Funny accidents Compilation

Haha the soundeffects are fking genius >:)
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+3 12. Mix commented 15 years ago on video What's in the Box?

@ 20: Which talkshow was that? :)
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+10 13. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Panama Canal time-lapse

They paid a lot of money for the same view :) >:)
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+3 14. Mix commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

We just found the new Gollem >:)
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+5 15. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Laziness is the mother of invention

Ghehe Pickey's >:)

BTW: I wonder what kind of engine he is using...
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-4 16. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Reporter being owned

BTW: Snotr, I love the new 'Per Page' option! :)
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+1 17. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Walters & Shieff episode 3

Would be better if they were woman >:)
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+5 18. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Parachute landing fail

He forgot his door opener > >:)
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+5 19. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Pygmy Jerboa

Where are the batteries? >:)
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+4 20. Mix commented 15 years ago on video I can't believe it's not cocaine!

Why they don't post vids what a iPhone can't do? >:)
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+4 21. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Idiot dancing in room

Paddo's? :(|)

Do that in the club and you're not welcome anymore...
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+4 22. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Jump fail

"I'm walking down the water with my Nikes on"
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+7 23. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Micheal Vick Experience

This is the future :)
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+3 24. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Possibly The World's Smallest Car

@4: No, Weeman should get one of those >:)
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0 25. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Google Chrome ad

I use Firefox :) And i like it, Internet Explorer sucks!
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0 26. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Flying instructor gives demo at indoor skydiving

Can you sleep in things like these :)?
I would like to sleep in that thing, that would be genius!
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+8 27. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Sneezing in slow motion

I actually didn't want to know what it looks like :S :|
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+6 28. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Pong shots

This is what the economic crisis do to people...
lose their jobs and wasting their time with throwing pingpong balls :'(
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+5 29. Mix commented 15 years ago on video HD building projection

A nice way 2 view Snotr videos >:)
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+2 30. Mix commented 15 years ago on video 8 million dollar car

Mmm...I don't like the design very much
You can buy a few nice cars for the same money ;)
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+3 31. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Who's scared of a little spider?

0:24 , He's the one who is going for her breasts :D
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+3 32. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Car swing

Was actually waiting for the roof coming down O:)
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+23 33. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Baptasia

Haha how mean >:)
Nice editing by the way:P LOL
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+4 34. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

Wow! He is 2 good :O His control and skills are amazing! And he is very original in his tricks :)
And I loved the 'tree-jump' @ 3:06 :D
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+2 35. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Guy jumps off building, superhero Bubbleboy

Yeah I'm also from Holland we use a lot of english words etc. :D ;)
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+5 36. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Train horn blasts

Ghehe I've seen this one a long time ago, I love the part with the 'gangsters' @1:28 >:)
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+13 37. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Duck and Cover

Haha seriously :D
Yeah, hide for atomic bombs, that will save you^^ >:)
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+3 38. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Pacman Trashes Supermarket etc.

Ghehe lol,Game over
Nice suits btw
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+4 39. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Engine failure

1: Hé I'm hungry, let's go to the MC-Fly...
2: Huh, a MC-Fly doesn't exist!
1: Oooh to bad, just take the MC-Drive then...
2: Oh oké
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+2 40. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Funniest Monty Python scene ever

Where is the "We are the knights who say Ni" scene? >:)
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-5 41. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Amazing accidents

Ghehe nice upload! >:)
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+60 42. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Amazing behavior from a hippo

Looks like a cam version, I think i'm gonna wait for the aXXo release >:)
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+6 43. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Fox catches mouse under snow

Yeah in this vid he is practising his dive >:)
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+7 44. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Why ice fishing sucks

#5 For sure?
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+2 45. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Pizza time-lapse

One call 2 the Pizza Hut or something is more then enough :)
In the same time you make a pizza like this, you can watch way 2 many videos on O:)
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-9 46. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Megalodon

1:51 I was just eating my breakfast :| I'm not hungry anymore...

Wow Man, That's one big monster :(|)
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+7 47. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Megalodon

1:51 I was just eating my breakfast :| I'm not hungry anymore...

Wow Man, That's one big monster :(|)
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+11 48. Mix commented 15 years ago on video That's gonna leave a mark

Dude, Where's you're helmet :S ?
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+22 49. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Another fainting on live TV

That's what I call Breaking News >:)
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-4 50. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Ken Block and the DC snowboard team

Looks cool :) , but pretty dangerous for the other snowboarders, no one is expecting a rally car there :S
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+6 51. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Hippies crying over dead trees

Is this what you get when you smoke 2 many joints? Mmm...hippies :|
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+3 52. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Crazy hockey goal

Sverige! :) Really nice goal! =]
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+3 53. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Inside the most expensive house in the U.S.

You need a navigation system just for going 2 the bathroom. :O
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+7 54. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Extreme uphill racing

#8: Because they think crashes with spectators are only on the TV?
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+6 55. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Jumping spider vs bee

I thought it was a pretty big spider, but it's just a small one.. :)
I love his eyes by the way:P How many eyes has he?
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-2 56. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Chad Vader After Dentist

"In my vent? Yeah in your vent" >:)
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-1 57. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Cat Shit One

Wow the first 30 seconds are great! :O

Ghehe lol, a war with rabbits, i'm gonna watch it one time! :)
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-1 58. Mix commented 15 years ago on video The idiots of Gary's Mod

The title isn't right^^
It says: "Some funny stuff..."
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-6 59. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Vintage Flintstones for Winston cigs

Metallic, where's your famous comment^^?
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+8 60. Mix commented 15 years ago on video The best of Just for Laughs

Plz stop with the 'p.s i'm a big fan of snotr blabla' Just watch the vids on Snotr, rate it and get a life :)
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+4 61. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Chicken police

@1 [Metallic]: Why you tell us everytime: "p.s. i'm a big fan of snotr O:) "
That's not the way 2 get credits or something...?! :|
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+3 62. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Ukrainian Polka band...

Nice cover >:)

Btw: Where's the Snotr logo ? ;)
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+1 63. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Adam & Eve

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+1 64. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Gimme the cash

Ghehe I haven't seen the movie but it's a genius scene :D
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+3 65. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Utter golf club fail

Haha so useless >:)
But a hole in one with your own *** would be genius ^^
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0 66. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Double headed turtle

I'm wondering how the turtle(s) looks like when it is big :) Must be a genius animal:P
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+18 67. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Ninja Bear!

You can't see it...but he has the black belt for sure!
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-3 68. Mix commented 15 years ago on video The most expensive BMW ad ever

Guy Ritchie + 1
Clive Owen + 1
Rockafella Skank + 1
BMW + 1
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+4 69. Mix commented 15 years ago on video 30 foot bike jumps

Wow, thats really like flying, I would do that 4 sure! :D :O Looks genius 2 me
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+2 70. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Indian Action thriller

Whaha It's so bad it is genius >:) ^^
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+2 71. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Wii Breakfast

Hehe nice one! >:)
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+2 72. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Crossing the river

What? He made it! >:)
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+4 73. Mix commented 15 years ago on video PGA Tour commercial

"Hole in one!"
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-3 74. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Backflip Guy

Is he trying something?
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-1 75. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Awesome motorcycle stunt

@5: Nice vid:) And he changed the wheel indeed ;) But not the front tire O:)
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+1 76. Mix commented 15 years ago on video High Five Escalator

It's nice that you can make so many people smile with a simple thing like this! :)
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0 77. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Forklift Driver Klaus

lol, 8.1 on IMDB >:)
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+2 78. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Jetboat crashes

Wow I didn't know there were watercourses like this! Nice :)
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+8 79. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Call of Duty vs The Real World

Nice idea! But I have 2 agree with #3 , they could make it a lot funnier :D
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+20 80. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Excessive Celebration Fail

The dance is better then his score, hehe the end is genius >:)
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-3 81. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Acting Live

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+7 82. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Crazy MBCgame Commentators

It isn't really hard 2 be a commentator, just yelling: Jaaaaaaaaa
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+3 84. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Amusing police dog chase

Ghehe love the Music >:)
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0 85. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Slow motion fish catch by bird

Timewarp? :)
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+2 86. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Funny Cats

Normally I hate cat vids, but this is a good one :) + 1
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+5 87. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Heineken - Macarena

Ghehe Genius :D
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+3 88. Mix commented 15 years ago on video The Pomegranate Phone

Ghehe LOL, the part of making coffee >:)
Yeah Right...
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+2 89. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Hang in there...

"A weird accident in Tunisia..." Yeah, they don't have yellow cars in Tunisia...^^
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+3 90. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Unbreakable skateboarder

I Hate long comments O:)
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+33 91. Mix commented 15 years ago on video World's deadliest spider

LOL, after one bite from the spider the woman turned into a man! >:)
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+7 92. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Giant 'Sea Serpent' caught on film

There are still some monsters in the world :O ^^
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-7 93. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Screaming frog

Yeah Right...
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-6 94. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Screaming frog

Yeah Right...
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-2 95. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Man-Powered Ferris Wheel

Ghehe Nice:P The 'people' look like :(|)
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+1 96. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Pole Position Commercial

MS-DOS & Atari, genius :) :P Love oldskool stuff
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+7 97. Mix commented 15 years ago on video How not to park your car

I think it is a woman... ;)
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+2 98. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Other side of sports

Nobody likes naked guys, but what's wrong with naked girls running on the field :D :P
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0 99. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Rubik's 360

Mmmm...what a weird invention...
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+3 100. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Tribute to Pippi Longstocking

Hehe Like this :)
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+7 101. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Nitro Circus Thrillbillies

Hehe What a Chaos, but nice 4 sure! :)
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+7 102. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Levitation fail

@ 2: I also want 2 no... :) I hope, for him, it was a joke
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0 103. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Yellow Pages

Hehe yeah classic indeed, but still nice...
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0 104. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Paper art

I hope he was paid in hours, then he is a rich guy now :)

Nice vid, well made!
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+4 105. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Stage Bloopers

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0 106. Mix commented 15 years ago on video CareerBuilder Super Bowl commercial

0:33 :D
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+27 107. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Incredible trike jump

Hahah Genius! :D
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+1 108. Mix commented 15 years ago on video How to cheat on any test

Yeah take another bottle of wodka... :|
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-1 109. Mix commented 15 years ago on video Painful compilation


Bad Quality indeed:(
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+2 110. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Tree trimming helicopter

Oops wrong tree...
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+3 111. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Got muscle?

Magician or just strong :)
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-2 112. Mix commented 16 years ago on video History of the Internet

What is Internet? Never heard about it...
Can you eat it?
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-3 113. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Foot 2008

Hehe Really nice! Saw another vid from this guy, but this vid is much better :)
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+25 114. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Police overreaction

A whole army for that poor man :(
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0 115. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Best goal celebrations

Hehe nice weirdos :D
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+3 116. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Tiddy Bear infomercial

Titty Beer, both nice
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+2 117. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Nike: Take It To The Next Level

First Person View: Robin Van Persie (correct me if im wrong 8-) )

Guy Ritchie's things are almost always genius:D
For example:
- Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
- Snatch
- RocknRolla
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+6 118. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Cat wanders in during live weather forecast

A Professional :D ;)
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+4 119. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Yoshimoto Cube

Really weird and genius :D
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+5 121. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Discovery Channel - I love the world

Nice vid indeed! :)
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+3 122. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Self leveling pool table

haha thats genius!! :D
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+5 123. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Monkey bar

:(|) :(|)
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+1 124. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Adidas Predator

@ #14 :Hehe indeed, Heard it on the news an hour ago!
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+3 125. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Adidas Predator

4 Sure...!
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+23 126. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Crazy bycicle rider

Just for only walking on that edge you need balls :|
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+1 127. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Bill & Hilary Clinton

Haha wtf...
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+5 128. Mix commented 16 years ago on video IFAW: Gorilla Remix

@Most_uniQue: Me 2 :| , I think i'll have 2 agree with comment #1
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+1 129. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Human Slinky (2)

There is serious a person in that thing :O Thats nice! :D
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+2 130. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Go around twice if you're happy

The 2000st Vid on :D
And nice idea indeed!
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+3 131. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Freestyle ski <3

Some crazy stuff :D
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+4 132. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Ferrari Shell Commercial

Thats what I call a expensive commercial...1:55 :O :)
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+2 133. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Drifting kid

He hit the dog xD
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0 134. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Clever chimpanzee

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0 135. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Ice hockey - empty net miss

EDMONTON OILERS! I've been there last summer! :D
Greets from a big Oilers fan from Holland!
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+1 136. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Football bloopers

@ the end: HENK, Thats genius 4 me ghehe O:)
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+9 137. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Metal Heart

Ghehe lol :P Looks like toys or something... :)
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+5 138. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Dans la tete (In the head)

Genius and brilliant! :)
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0 139. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Skype laughter chain

2:17 :|
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+13 140. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Ninja fails compilation

Ghehe, last one is best :D
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+5 141. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Genius dog

That dog is smarter then Ellen...
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+13 142. Mix commented 16 years ago on video The Simpsons - (M)Apple

Ghehe Simpsons is always genius :D
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+3 143. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Kung Fu Panda - Snow leopard esacpe

Snow leopard esacpe?

I Think they mean 'escape' 8-)
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+21 144. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Microwave man

Hehe a nice performence! :)
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0 145. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Insane scooter tricks

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+13 146. Mix commented 16 years ago on video SmartHayabusa

Hehe Nice :) And I love the stoppy :(|)
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+1 147. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Girl malfunction

Yeah... Take another joint
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+7 148. Mix commented 16 years ago on video The life of a bullet

Yes it's a good movie:) loved it...Think im gonna watch it again soon! i'm not a fan of Nicolas Cage movies, but this one is great!
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+2 149. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Motorcyclist and sheep

You mean: Image what would have happened if this sheep had reacted somewhat later ;)
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+2 150. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Brilliant thief

What is it? A few bottles or something?
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0 151. Mix commented 16 years ago on video How real men catch fish

What a Rambo's :(|)
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+5 152. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Drag race fail

Yes indeed, this vid is already on 8-) This was the first vid I saw on :) 316 days ago. And i've never missed one vid since then...
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+10 153. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Einstein bird

:O :D
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0 154. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Top 10 Super Bowl commercials

Only the last one was good 2 me :) hehe
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+1 155. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Bender's Anti-Piracy Warning

Hehe... aXXo stays our hero :D
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0 156. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Drugs make you ugly

:O 1:59
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0 157. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Speed boat does a wheelie

# 6 :D
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+1 158. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Minivan does a handstand

Saw it on Dumpert 2 day :)
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+2 159. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Indian tractor movie

What the .... :P
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+1 160. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Insane skateboarding skills

Another Rodney Mullen vid on Snotr... Nice ;)
I've seen them all but still inpressive.
This one is from the game Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, isnt it :)?
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+2 161. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Bunny show jumping

The must do this with The Playboy Bunnies
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-1 162. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Extreme breakdancing

Wow he is good :P :D
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+2 163. Mix commented 16 years ago on video World fastest clapper

He looks exactly like this: :(|)
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+1 164. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Scary banana

haha so genius! :) I want a Banana suit like that :(|)
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+1 165. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Skater vs security guard

Hit the Fking security Guard :) And indeed really useless argument
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+1 166. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Scare fail

A few months ago i uploaded this vid and i wasnt submitted, now it is...not fair :D
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+2 167. Mix commented 16 years ago on video World's first amphibian quadbike

What a Ugly Thing! If You Ask Me...
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+3 168. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Awesome downhill skateboarding

Wow Crazy! :D And Some Balls And Skills!
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+4 169. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Speed cooking

Haha Lol:P Gonna try that this evening
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+4 170. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Amazing guitarist

A Real Guitar Hero^^
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+1 171. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Snake without ending

hehe yeah the end was nice...
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+2 172. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Baseball tennis

@ # 12, it is not very hard 2 fake the sound 8-)
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+9 173. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Animator vs Animation 2

Really Nice Again:):D Knew the first one but this is even better:) :O
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0 174. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield Heroes - new video game

Play America's Army:) Thats Free 2, and much better;):)
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0 175. Mix commented 16 years ago on video How to make a cheap multitouch pad

Maybe i'm gonna use it for virtual scratching? :) :(|)
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+1 176. Mix commented 16 years ago on video It's butterfly fault

The Butterfly Effect:) A.K.A The Chaos Theory?! :)
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0 177. Mix commented 16 years ago on video French national football team bus...

O haha Yeah, I saw this on television, what a 8-) :)
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0 178. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Incredible wall-painted animation

Who Pays The Bill For The Cleaning? O:)
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+2 179. Mix commented 16 years ago on video How to torment telemarketers with one word

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0 180. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Whole Gecko eaten by ants

Thats interesting:)
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+2 181. Mix commented 16 years ago on video First!

He didn't paid his bill for the radiator, did he?
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0 182. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Neg's Urban Sports - Big EURO Stranger Rodeo

Always Funny:)
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-1 183. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Slamball dunk contest

Thats how you play Slamball, with trampolines. It's a pretty new sport for the most people.:) And i like it;)
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-2 184. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Best of Balls of Steel

Me 2:), But a bit lazy 2 upload all of them O:)
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+3 185. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Funny kid

they had taken a joint 10 min. before?
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+1 186. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Trial riding


Can't believe my eyes every time I watch this 8-) :D
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+3 187. Mix commented 16 years ago on video El Caminito del Rey

Don't want 2 walk there when i'm drunk:|
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+3 188. Mix commented 16 years ago on video AGT - Yodeling

little bit pointless skill O:) ?

And I agree with dave9191 ;) Finally...;)
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+5 189. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Strapping firecrackers to a sleeping victim

hahaha :D nice reaction! ;)
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+2 190. Mix commented 16 years ago on video German candid camera

Oh yeah knew this one:) still nice:)!
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+5 191. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Rodney Mullen skateboarding

He already did it in 1989;) but doesn't matter:) It's still impressive!
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+5 192. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Rodney Mullen skateboarding

He is one with his board:);)

And this wants to make me skate again :(|)
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+2 193. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Giant LEGO boulder

Hahah Nice:) 8-) Take some hours 2 build something like that^^
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+3 194. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Aries Spears' rap combination

Really nice:) Respect;)
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+3 195. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Don't pick a fight with a bus

haha nice:) I would do the same
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+1 196. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Centraal Beheer Achmea commercials - part 1

Geniaal die Hollanders:) O:)
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+3 197. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Sliding on water

Looks nice 2 me;)
Is it already on the market:P?
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0 198. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Huge Snake game

you need timing for that:|and communication ofcourse;) nice...
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+1 199. Mix commented 16 years ago on video The new Michael Jackson?

haha very nice:) Brilliant!;)
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0 200. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Awesome prank on telemarketer

haha yeah i already knew this vid:)
still nice! :)
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+3 201. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Americans are NOT stupid...

lol :) :(|)
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-2 202. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Human Slinky

nice creatures, why dont they live in the wild? O:) looks nice 2 me ;)
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+4 203. Mix commented 16 years ago on video KaBoom

just like my fireworks :)
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+2 204. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Monkey Suit

haha no one with a heartattack or something:P? i could imagine that;)
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+2 205. Mix commented 16 years ago on video The Wind Beasts

Dutch :) , And i'm proud of it ;)
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+2 206. Mix commented 16 years ago on video How the "Pavement Picasso" does it

saw something like this when i was on holiday :D
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+2 207. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Handicap breakdance competition

Like the 2:50:Plol
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+1 208. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Jumping in pants

dont try that with skinny jeans;)

nice vid
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+1 209. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Overcrowded train in India

is there someone who is checking for the tickets 8-) ?
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-3 210. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Transfer sound using light

i know a better way to get sound/music, just press play on your mediaplayer...^^ don't get the point of this...
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+2 211. Mix commented 16 years ago on video 7 years old kid steals car

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-1 212. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Pointless car jump

Hopeless live or something?
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+1 213. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Painful baseball shot

aaaiii...thats gotta hurt. :|
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0 214. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Make your own spy sunglasses for $40

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0 215. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Pole dance catfight

haha Belgium people...;)
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+3 216. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Pointless ownage - revenge on revenge

what a good relationship^^
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+3 217. Mix commented 16 years ago on video The dangers of being a TV news reporter

how many died(A)? Some vids dont look very healthy:) ;) :O
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+3 218. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Pointless ownage - revenge

haha i like that revenge XD haha O:)
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0 219. Mix commented 16 years ago on video Penguins can fly after all

How many days do you have to wait before youre Vid is online? Waiting for 2 days now... :O