Comments posted by Mourialaid


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+2 1. Mourialaid commented 9 years ago on video A Man and his Bicycle

Crazy stunts! :) Until now those riders impressed me only with techniques for slowing down traffic... But this guy, so hot, never thought some Danny Macaskill stunts could be done on those bikes!
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+1 2. Mourialaid commented 11 years ago on video Electrical fireball passing by in Montreal

Montreal corruption effects! >:)
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-1 3. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Experiment shows how warm and cold water interact.

Canadian scientists in Europe are lucky to work on The Large Hadron Collider. They all left to Europe because they realized, in Canada they will only test water mixes! >:)
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0 4. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Insane drive harasses cyclists

8-) A recent study has shown that squirrels have a better survival instinct than cyclists. Only one squirrel has been road killed last year, compared to hundred of cyclists.
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+1 5. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video SANDPLANT: The Ultimate Collection of Sand-Eating Faceplants

It's funny to see all the jackass babies! >:)
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+2 6. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Black market nuke

we are not safe anywhere! ANYWHERE! :(|)
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+1 7. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video TV Reporter Was Hit By A Drifting Car During Live News

Always test on reporters before doing it to people! >:)
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-2 8. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video One Unbelievably Lucky Ice Climber

#6 It's the bicyclist way of thinking: Always in the wrong place at the wrong time! >:)
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+1 9. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video 135 People Jump Off A Bridge In Russia

In Montréal our bridges aren't strong enough :'(
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+7 10. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Dive bombing Monkeys

This is city employees during working hours >:)
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+1 11. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video New York Subway Trolls Hard

One among many others joke from construction companies (i.e. mafia pranks) >:)
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+2 12. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Throwing a Box of Garbage Into a Volcano Lake

Would be funny to make believe the evolution's delayed people; if you jump into it you will have 70 virgins in paradise! >:)
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+1 13. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Son Electrocutes Dad While Fixing Car

Better trust an ex drug addict than a child 8-)
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+1 14. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video AWESOME KO

yesss! I'm the first music-camp-type-of-boring-person to say: "why people aren't always wearing any helmets?!?" :x
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-1 15. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Scooter Jump FAIL

I'm in a state of shock since the old people commented that he's not wearing any helmets! :x
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0 16. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video An Egg Underwater!

It's like... Underwater love!! >:)
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-1 17. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Watch out for the modern pickpocket

Everyone has a weird side, especially about wireless, like when thinking about sex, it makes brain stop working.

Never underestimate the power of the bad idea: "let's make it wireless"!! :x

Because, about wireless, everybody will always tend to go forward blindly, like sexually excited.

As an example, soon some monkeys will install wireless systems to control train railroad tracks switches! It will create new opportunities for making serious pranks! >:)
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0 18. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Bike Race Crash

They have the great power of slowing down traffic. But they have to learn that they must be careful with their powers because they can also hurt friends. >:)
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0 19. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Man Is Giant Kangaroo's Servant

This guy is 4 feet tall >:)
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0 20. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Quadrotor Machine Gun

#5 Filesize: 38 megabyte ??!!!!
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-1 21. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Truck pushes car down on highway

This is driving with a bicyclist attitude! >:)
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+1 22. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Stuck on the Road: Who Would You Help?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Doing such a pointless bad tv show, yes they can! >:)
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+1 23. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago on video Hit and run caught by bus

I'm a cyclist and I find it increasingly difficult to use bike paths, because there are too many pedestrians. That's why I take the highway, so I can keep a better top speed. The real problem with highways is that the speed limit is too high, one day maybe someone will understand the speed limits are far too much high, and everyone would be safe.
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+6 24. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Iraqi Orphan With No Hands Wows X Factor Australia Judges

So much positive comments. This confirm the ratio of the unthinking majority / thinking minority. :S
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0 25. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Barrel Roll!! (with Iced tea)

LoL :D

What a coincidence!

(i) When I opened this page showing an already re-re-posted video, the banner ad was advertising the book: [Server Administration for Dummies]

The ad content:
- «Stop annoying your users by presenting new videos that are in fact the same old ones you already shown too many times!
Just use Storage_Reports_Management! This feature will help you managing your server with easy reports like: Duplicate Files, files by Owner and yes: DUPLICATE FILES REPORT! Remember nothing is more terrible for your users than to see your incompetence in action.» 8-)
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+1 26. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Family Guy Coyote and Roadrunner

LoL :D

What a coincidence!

(i) When I opened this page showing an already re-re-posted video, the banner ad was advertising the book: [Server Administration for Dummies]

The ad content:
- «Stop annoying your users by presenting new videos that are in fact the same old ones you already shown too many times!
Just use Storage_Reports_Management! This feature will help you managing your server with easy reports like: Duplicate Files, files by Owner and yes: DUPLICATE FILES REPORT! Remember nothing is more terrible for your users than to see your incompetence in action.» 8-)
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+1 27. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Dramatic Cupcake Dog

LoL :D

What a coincidence!

(i) When I opened this page showing an already re-re-posted video, the banner ad was advertising the book: [Server Administration for Dummies]

The ad content:
- «Stop annoying your users by presenting new videos that are in fact the same old ones you already shown too many times!
Just use Storage_Reports_Management! This feature will help you managing your server with easy reports like: Duplicate Files, files by Owner and yes: DUPLICATE FILES REPORT! Remember nothing is more terrible for your users than to see your incompetence in action.» 8-)
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0 28. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

LoL :D

What a coincidence!

(i) When I opened this page showing an already re-re-posted video, the banner ad was advertising the book: [Server Administration for Dummies]

The ad content:
- «Stop annoying your users by presenting new videos that are in fact the same old ones you already shown too many times!
Just use Storage_Reports_Management! This feature will help you managing your server with easy reports like: Duplicate Files, files by Owner and yes: DUPLICATE FILES REPORT! Remember nothing is more terrible for your users than to see your incompetence in action.» 8-)
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+1 29. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Need 4 Speed: The Art of Flight

I think this stand above having sex even with the greatest porn star!
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+15 30. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Indian Driving Manners

Where are the sacred cows supposed to slow down traffic?!?
(ours have car and give fines)
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+4 31. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Awesome pilot skills

Niice, then instead of travelling with a car attached to your RV, you can go with a plane on it. Very usefull in vacation! Honey, I'm taking the plane to buy some beers, I'll be back in 30 min! :D
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0 32. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Ride along with a ZR1 at Nurburgring

grosse corvette, 'tite quéquette! >:)
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0 33. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video tv fail compilation

0:30 Finally a journalist who talk about their true feelings! (stupid)
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+2 34. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Solution to the Global Food Crisis?

I think it already begun: Sometimes at dinner time, coming from the places of foreign people, bad cooking smells making me thinking: What are they doing, cooking shit!? >:)
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+4 35. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Guy Loves Explosions

I like him, he make me think of the chief in Apocalypse Now!

-"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. The smell, you know that gasoline smell. Smelled like ... ....victory."
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0 36. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Have you ever had a dream like this?

By hala I Like Having Daywetdreams! O:)
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+2 37. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Mind Your Step

A bad joke for suicide jumpers?! >:)
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+3 38. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular ....

Maybe this is after death muscle and nerve reactions ? >:)
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+1 39. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Nothing to worry about...

I have the same dish towels!! the one he's wearing >:)
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+2 40. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Icy Road

This is the best time for drunk driving. You can go unnoticed! >:)
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-4 41. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Roast of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg - Person of the Year 2010 - TIME
(i) Awarded because of the outstanding level of security and privacy protecting Facebook users. :(|)
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+3 42. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Win compilation

7455. ok... thanks!
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+3 43. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video What an astronaut sees from space.

#4 In Russia the price to go in space is 20–35 million US$
:D Only in Russia
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+1 44. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Airplane crashing

#4 #10 It's more like 504 camel virgins...
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+2 45. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Ridiculous traffic intersection in Iran

:O They have cars!?!? I always thought camel was their only transportation...
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-3 47. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Airplane crashing

In the world some cases of spontaneous human combustion has been seen. But in those countries spontaneous human explosion seems to be common! >:)
This is what happened.
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0 48. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video You better don't dance in america...

#14 Yep, luckily they don't get shot
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+1 49. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video In soviet russia...

That's free trade!
Taps taking your water and giving it to someone else
and toilets bringing others' stuff!
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+7 50. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Low Pass

View from the cock pit:
(at 1min04 people go out of the way just in time!) :O
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0 51. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Young girl

I will never understand those #10LQoQK. Pro is a lot better than young! :D
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+1 52. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Otter chases boy at aquarium

At least parents did not test throwing the boy over the fence! >:)
(like in the next video with gorillas)
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0 53. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Toddler Falls in Gorilla Cage

O:) What we should learn from that:
Crying always scare the beast away.
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+11 54. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 600 metre water tornado

Tornado Sucks! :(|)
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0 55. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Rolling out of a Jeep

The two others Jeeps got around to avoid the hill. That means:
O:) Cut short your search for the shortcut: the long way is the short way and the right way.
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+2 56. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Danny MacAskill Plays Capetown

I agree with #6, those two songs sounds like just one
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-3 57. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Overcrowded train in India

Maybe Jackass is a bad influence? >:)
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+2 58. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Rolling out of a Jeep

I see that as a beautiful life message about the danger of shortcuts. O:)
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-8 59. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Bird Balancing Trick

(i) Animals do not voluntarily ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire. They don't perform these and other difficult tricks because they want to; they perform them because they're afraid of what will happen if they don't.

For animals, there is no such thing as "positive reinforcement"—only varying degrees of punishment and deprivation. To force them to perform these meaningless and physically uncomfortable tricks, trainers use whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, bullhooks, and other painful tools of the trade.
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+3 60. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Confuse a Security Guard

I hope we'll have a "confuse a cop" one day!
(this will add some risks for the comedians)
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+1 61. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Dudesons

(i) Jackass and them will be forever inspirational sources for the unthinking majority.
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0 62. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Mureen bites of divers thumb

Why using bread pieces that looks like a finger? (in shape and color)
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0 63. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Cliff Diving World Series event highlight

Make me thinking of commercial slogans:
-"Get injured with Red Bull"
-"Get sex with Baileys"
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0 64. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Boy rides his bicycle across America

Just wondering: How many times he got hit by cars? Maybe there's a blooper video? >:)
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0 65. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Ken Block's Dirt 3 Gymkhana

#2 Maybe graphics looks the same, but in Dirt 3 they included rally cars.

In Dirt 2 they put only Subaru Impreza & Mitsubishi Lancer and they forgot all others rally cars... :S
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+2 66. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Horse Kicks Cameraman In The Head

Lucky horse! I never had the chance to kick a cameraman >:)
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0 67. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Batman Gets The Shit Kicked Out Of Him

Poor Christian Bale... :S
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+6 68. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video how to stop cats urinating on your property

Replace water nozzle with a cat repellent spray; the cat will turn against himself! >:)
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+5 69. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video weirdest porn movie intro ever (SFW)

I agree with #(removed comment)"irishgek": What a shocking video!!
Admin please remove everything from that site that can make us think of sex. :|
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+1 70. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Biker

:O AHHHHH!! He's not wearing helmets!!! AHHHHH!!
I feel safe living in a country where helmet are mandatory for bikers and cyclists. At least, with helmets, if you crash at 120 km/h in a wall, your head will remain intact! ::(|)
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-1 71. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Eminem goes back to highschool

He's a lot better as an actor than a singer! >:)
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+1 72. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Trick To Beat Traffic Jams!

Thanks for the hint! I'll try it today! :D
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+5 73. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The real burnout

I would do that in traffic jams! >:)
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0 74. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Parkour fail compilation

(i) The key to succeed, is to try again in minutes after you failed. Otherwise, you may lose your interest for parkour.
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+1 75. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Now that's a naughty girl!

Hopefully no cops there: They would have put the girl back in the machine and give fines to the mother. :(|)
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+5 76. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Final Destination in real life

#7 Maybe this is someone who doesn't have a life. Like a journalist; filming anything, writing about it, then publishing it. >:)
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+1 77. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Epic fail

He should have done it on bicycle, this would have had more credibility. Bicycles hit by car is very common these days. :x
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+8 78. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation March 2011

We're part of the Jackass generation. The next generation, the jackass's children, will be amazing!! >:)
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+1 79. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Increasing Gas prices?

Russia is less corrupt than the city of Montréal... Here they would have run just 1 minute before the cops arrived and found a pretext to fine them! >:)
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+2 80. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Kuwait Sand Storm

Cool clip to watch, but with the sound muted
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+3 81. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Shotover Jet - 'The World's Most Exciting Jet Boat Ride'

:D The real me say: "F'in awesome! I wish I'll try it. I wish i had that guys job."

::(|) The old-aunt-scared-of-being-scared-of-everything-outside-her-room side of me say: "They should wear many helmets! This sad for the ecosystem! Imagine the risks if a plane fall on the boat! Why I cannot get a life like people allowing this??"
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+1 82. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Faceplant

For sure, this is the kind of stuff #(removed comment) chunfengyu007 is used to do! :(|)
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+2 83. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Tunnel of Death

By ala This Is A Hell Of A Tunnel.
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+2 84. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia

I believe one day an army of Natasha Henstridge Species will invade earth, and will try to reproduce by raping every men on the planet! I hope so... :D

8-) ... I also believe that aliens prevented the end of the world last 21 may, because we're part of their plan.
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0 85. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The last free people on this planet

I have to go there to trade mirrors and alcool against gold and diamonds! >:)
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+6 86. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video why burgers looks so good at the pictures

This can turn bad... Serving it to a client who really hope to have the same as on the picture. ...A guy totally exhausted and frustrated by the worst work day of his life, and armed... :x
At 3:50
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0 87. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Hula Hoop Dancer - Lisa Lottie

#7 I agree: I'm under her spell <3
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+9 88. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 1950's Commercial for Coca-Cola

#4 Maybe in times before 1903, effects were more than happiness? >:)
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+3 89. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Skilled Bartender

Later in the night, when the party is completely insane, I hope she go Coyote Ugly style! :P
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-5 90. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Guy in Audience offended by stereotypical joke

#5 (i) FYI, FunnyMan is a Professional Stand-up Comedian (I just googled his name)
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-3 91. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video It's impressive, isn't it?

#4 #7 #8 Thumbs up for you! ... Sorry if you're down rated by those jealous of blacks! >:)
... If only god made me black I could take part of the advantage of "Once you go Black, Never go Back", and get rich working with my precious on the internet ! :D
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0 92. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Tow truck towing a tow truck towing a ......

Gay Kebab? >:)
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+4 93. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 40mm riot grenade

#11 Not real brainwashing if you compare to the enemy!
... their dna irreversibly brainwashed since thousand centuries! >:)
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-3 94. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video meet the dance assassin

This was time for a new talent! Nobody was doing great pranks since the mailbox assassin has been killed... :S
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0 95. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Skull Face Tattoo

:S He looks more satanic than the Pokemon...
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+2 96. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video X-ray Plasma TV

Coool... but I still prefer watchin women doing fitness exercises with my X-Ray glasses! :D
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+10 97. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Staring At Breasts

Now I understand why going at strippers is so good for me! :D It's way better than relaxing with nature!
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0 98. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Upgrading through every version of Microsoft Windows

(i) Few people know that all Hospital Respiratory Equipment are controlled by Microsoft Windows. Because medecine cannot risk lives by using any other operating system, lack of reliability could cause deaths.
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-1 99. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Mysterious Flying UFO's

(i) #4mescaline: Laughter Is The Best Medicine, so please follow FuzzyMan posts! (it's good for your health)
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+3 100. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Upgrading through every version of Microsoft Windows

I think if Windows was a person, it would be the Louis Pasteur of modern days. 8-)
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-2 101. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 3000 HP Aussie hotrod

This Car has the Power of a Train! :D
It would be so cool, driving the roads with the Train Driver's attitude: Not braking for everything not supposed to be on the way! >:)
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+2 102. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Fail compilation February

Workin fine 4 me (I have a more-than-56k-dial-up connexion) >:)
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-2 103. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Duck Downhill Marathon

Those ducks have been trained by the government: They are too lazy to fly! >:)
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+3 104. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Releasing a truckload of pigeons in 15 seconds

New form of Bio-terrorism: Intentional spread of pigeons, seagulls, grey squirrels and other pest resulting in widespread disease. 8-)
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+1 105. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Coolest Bird In The Planet

(i) Those volcano birds appeared since the merge of Earthrealm with Outworld
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+2 106. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Pole Climber With Skills

Made in China pole will send him to the hospital! >:)
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+1 107. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Building Demolition - Vegas Style

V: -"Wait! Here comes the crescendo!"
[explosion and fireworks go off]
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+2 108. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The 1990 Nintendo World Championships

Back in the time when D-pad controller was responsive. :'(
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+20 109. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Life Cycles Stance Films OFFICIAL 2010 Mountain Bike Trailer

That is pure ART! <3
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+16 110. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 2 Year Old Drummer

I'm already thinking of this guy playing in an hardcore metal band. And for those who don't have any talent with any musical instruments, I recommend Hip Hop. >:)
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-5 111. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 7 billion: are you typical?

(i) -"Average woman in Afganistan lives 45 yrs."

If school shootings is because of Marilyn Manson. Maybe short longevity of Afganistan's women is because of Queen - We Will Rock You?
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+2 112. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Don't Talk On Your Phone In A Concert

Some comments reminds me of those famous quotes:

-"The difference between genius and Kuthub(#(removed comment)) is that genius has its limits."

-"If being like Ganjabus(#5) were a crime, half the human race would be hanged at every crossroads."
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+19 113. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Don't Talk On Your Phone In A Concert

(i) Because of the growing number of #(removed comment), the entertainment business have no choice but to do adaptations for the thinking impaired.
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+7 114. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Baby laughs at a torn up paper

This kid already know what to do with everything coming from postal mail box! >:)
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+3 115. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse 2010

My choice of music would have been:
MoonSpell - FullMoon Madness
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+24 116. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The 1950's 5th wheel parking

Some delayed slow countries invented it 60 years later:
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+18 117. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video INPUT

#1 Actually, only Leeloo and Neo can 8-)
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0 118. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Strange fish with legs

I'm sure it will taste good!
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+2 119. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Rubik Record From Spain

Someone please ship this guy to Aperture Science Laboratories for some tests. Will he be as good? 8-)
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+3 120. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Feeding Time At The Pond

Many animals act like that when you throw them food:
-McDonald food to seagulls
-Bread to pigeon
-Hypothetical scandals to journalists >:)
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+17 121. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Amphibious Car

This is cool, but he only caught a guy on a board... With the truck version you can catch up to four chicks! :D
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+2 122. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Police vs. drifter

#15 Because they don't do that in movies! >:)
Otherwise, movies would be too short...
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+3 123. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video World's widest slip and slide

Thank you #9 for your link! Same hobby but the hardcore version! :x
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+1 124. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Tornados and Lightning

Tornadoes bringing everything with them. It's still stronger than divorce. >:)
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+2 125. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video On the Pipe 6 - Andre Villa

Wow! Edgar Torronteras, the new better-than-superman super hero!
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-4 126. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The WTF moment for friday

:(|) Hi! I'm a kind of Forrest Gump guy, having the tourette syndrome. And I really need to say: "I think that the radiation is not going to affect them much"
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+1 127. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Human Mammal, Human Hunter

#23, LoL, I love you, you're so funny! So, naked faces, that's too much for you!?
I wish I could see through your eyes so it would be so cool to look at all those naked faces and being turned on like looking at a totally nude babe! Stay as you are, luckily for you, you need like nothing to get excited.

:'( I my case I need more than naked faces... I'm still waiting for those special X-ray glasses I've ordered to see through clothes. :P
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+4 128. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video School Band Cover Rage Against the Machine

#(removed comment) can't the music teacher become a political activist for this? i'm not saying he should be he could right? :(|)
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+2 129. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video One Epic Ride

Kia are the cheapest cars, in fact this is the best choice if you're short on money and willing to take some risks. Someone told me that KIA means:
Killed In Accident
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+4 130. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Door to Hell

I wish I could be there watching the fire, listening the song Entrance by Dimmu Borgir and drinking absinthe >:)
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+5 131. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Naughty Boy Scouts

#2 No in fact this is the opposite: Since the reform all scout leaders are specially chosen, criteria is girls with Sasha Grey's like charism but with braided hair and uniform. Actually this now more lucrative for them than being strippers. And that brings motivation to the scouts, helping them to grow stronger.
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+3 132. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video LOL - Fail on fail

Kids should always wear a helmet when they are not sleeping. Parents, Please Be Responsible!
(I hope I'll grow old enough to laugh at the helmet generation! >:) )
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0 133. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Groovy dancing girl!

(i) FYI, #4 "furopk", commented on: #(removed comment), which was about s3x assault on the performer. To put a face to a name I posted his pic on #13.
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-4 134. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Groovy dancing girl!

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+1 135. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Human Mammal, Human Hunter

If their women can keep their face visible, they're enough advanced and modern to me >:)
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+9 136. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Naughty dolphin

I hope eels are not naughty as dolphins!
Especially the electric ones :D
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+2 137. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Drunk man near miss with a train

Anyway drunk people less likely to get hurt in any kind of accidents 8-)
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-1 138. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Scary little girl in a hotel corridor

If I would be scared of everything, I would have been scared too. In fact, the only thing I fear is people with yellow raincoat >:)
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+1 139. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Lamborghni garage

My life's dream is to buy four old Camaro and install Lamborghini Body Kits on each! :D
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+1 140. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Geese jogging down the road

And he let all this free meat running away !?!?! :'(
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+1 141. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Glass Visions

Ok, everything's look perfect, but in counterpart will we be forced to use iTunes? :S
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+1 142. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Don't mess up with trains

Since the "Please Share The Train Track” advertising, trains only stop for cyclists >:)
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+4 143. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video One Lucky Dude

kamikaze stunt! :(|)
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-3 144. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Testing new personal Jetpack on skis

Interesting fact is: Some species will thumb down the first comment
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-1 145. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Ronaldo Vs Rémi Gaillard

#8 Looks like he failed and the guy let the bottle fall... > 0:52
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-1 146. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere

Luckily for him, he did not sat on a pervert Santa Claus!!
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+1 147. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Best fails of 2009

(i) No animal is as stupid as humans.

...until the day we see animals getting hurt trying stupid things. Damn Jackass crew, you started the end of human race!! ::(|)
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+3 149. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Demolition fail

Engineers at their best!
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+3 150. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Assisted Backflip Fail and Faceplant

THE 90s
You didn't need to tell kids
not to try this shit at home.
They weren't complete retards back then.
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+4 151. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video A house that always faces the sun

I'll put an anti-theft system triggering full speed spin mode >:)

#13: Maybe it turns in the opposite direction really quick to untwist the cable, then continue slowly in the original direction? :x

Another idea would be to make it float and rotate on a big underground hidden water tank?
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+2 152. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Traktor stuck?

Wire backing the tractor front; a good idea to avoid a wheelie crash
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-2 153. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video 5 year old needs a job before getting married

Videos montages by parents filming their kids: The proof that great entertainment doesn't always have to be the big hollywood-esque productions! 8-)
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0 154. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Crazy cats

0:38 He was fighting a chicken in the restaurant's kitchen backyard
0:45 Then he escaped just before being cooked >:)
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+2 155. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Synchronized Gymnastics

This is one performer with his five clones. His mind control the moves of all others. >:)
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-1 156. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Decent BBQ

I think this is EpicMealTime's influence :P
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+6 157. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Boat Vs. Crane

(i) This boat was carrying more than 50 obese refugees. Most of them were sick one minute after the incident.
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-3 158. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Three Men vs. Fifteen Hungry Lions.

I would rather eat a lion >:)
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0 159. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Landing blind

This is like driving a car in winter on highway with no windshield washer fluid and/or no wipers. And letting the autopilot take over control (cruise control). 8-)
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+8 160. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Teen Hunger Force present cinema's dont's

O:) Please have mercy on the not intellingent people, when you hear them during movies, the best thing to do is to ignore them, concentrate on the movie and just feel proud of your brain.
Please have some respect for those having a weak dna. Inbreeding: It Could Have Happened To You. ::(|)
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+1 161. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Lightning! Compilation...

2:45 Target missed! ...could have been real fun >:)
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+7 162. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Hanjobs

(i) The best handjobs are the one given using the "The revolutionary multigrip system: Handjob" :

... because an handjob without grip is not enough
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+9 163. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Curiosity (almost) killed the cameraman

8-) Nice proverb reverse! This time, no risk for the cat!
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+1 164. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Fighter jet compilation

I'm so stupid: I've moved near of an airport, then I started a petition asking for the planes to stop flying because I realized this is making noise! :(|)
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+3 165. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video That's a cool little remote control boat ...wait... :O

When will it be available as a vehicle? (in car size) 8-)
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0 166. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Reporter Close Call

I think this is a good practice to test on reporters before asking to someone to do it >:)
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0 167. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video GT-R vs Corvette

It's so easy to <3 the Skyline!
Corvette is a drag race car... not for those who like curves & g-force adrenaline
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+3 168. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Super Mate Fail

Not the kind of stunt that a girl like Linsey Dawn Mckenzie could do... :D
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0 169. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Toiletron

I agree with #1, this is the greatest artwork ever seen! ... another robot stealing Megan Fox's exposure 8-)
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0 170. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Train drives through Bangkok market

I hope one day it will be like that on the highways. Then in traffic jams, we'll be able to buy food, drinks & toys :D
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0 171. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Entrance/Exit Skills

#12, I 200% agree with you. Maybe it's not a bad thing to break something that is already ugly?
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+1 172. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Tricopter Hunting Hydrogen Ballons with Fireworks

Is it the famous flying drones used over Iraq and Afghanistan? This is kind of scaring me, if anybody can have one... :S
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+3 173. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Drunk driver sweeps away everything in its path!

I like this way of thinking: "just follow the signs, and you'll get home" :D
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0 174. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Unbelievable BMX Tricks

Compared with cyclists, they are gods! ...traditional cyclists :(|) are not even able to distinguish good or wrong places to practice! >:)
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+17 175. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Parking in Moscow

#5 LoL, good joke!
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+5 176. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Fukushima incident explained

Now I'm scared of flying poo :S
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-1 177. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video How not to use a potato gun

-“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and potato gun.”
Albert Einstein (1947)
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0 178. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Zooffice

Is it from the Montréal City Hall?
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0 179. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Symantec Guide to Scary Internet Stuff - Botnets

(i) All Google technologies are based on Symantec products, that's why it's operating so fast.
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+2 180. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video History of the Internet

:(|) Why everybody don't know that there is many internets?!
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+2 181. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Winter Fails 2011

No animal has so low instinct like human. As people intelligence decrease, government is lowering speed limits. At this rate, the highways speed limit in the province of Quebec will be 30 km/h.
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+1 182. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Backflip off a two story building

#5. Sorry I do not want to be indiscreet, may I ask you a question: Your nickname cretia, is it an abbreviation for the french word crètain?
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+3 183. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Protection doors made in China

I blessed the condoms manufactured in China. Otherwise I would not have my two lovely children... ::(|)
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0 184. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Don't Text While Driving

(i) If you wanna text & drive, please use an iPad. Because iPad is made for those who are looking for convenience, a light-weight design, and flexibility.
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+2 185. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Protection doors made in China

It's not nice to say that all Chinese products are not reliable. Helmets for biking, made in china, which I bought for my children are the same as those from big brands and priced 80% cheaper!
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+2 186. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Doggy Concert

He should go in Quebec's Star Academy! (the world most watched show)
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+1 187. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Icy Hill Makes For Great Bumper Cars

It is the fault of the Pt Cruiser driver! (my stupid ex boss was driving a Pt Cruiser >:) )
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+5 188. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Most Awesome Monkeys

Laugh now, but one day they'll be in charge
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+2 190. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Parrot singing Drowning Pool

Let the bodies hit the floor!! It reminds me of the StickDeath stick animation:
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+2 191. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Police control

(i) FAKE!! ...everybody knows that real cops are trained to be infallible
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0 192. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video The owl & the spider

... but it make more sense than the Social Experiment vids! :P
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+1 193. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video FireMan

100 years ago people were not smart like in our modern days
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+1 194. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Russian Car Crash Compilation

Just had a lot of zombie clyclists in each clips, then you have the province of Québec! :(|)
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+1 195. Mourialaid commented 13 years ago on video Why police officers train so hard......

#8 That was my first thought too, I beleive most of them are gay >:)
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+2 196. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Bonobo chimp plays Pac-Man

With the human intelligence declining, one day monkeys will be superior than us. The first sign: (i) Monkeys are already smarter than cyclists.
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+3 197. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Snow Kayak Speed World Record

this guy is my new inspiration! I decided to build skis with iPads. Then I'll establish the record of the fastest weirdo going down on slopes with Ipads! :(|) pfu-hahaha! pfu-hahaha! pfu-hahaha! ...
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-4 198. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Woman at the Car Wash FAIL

(i) Poor girl... I recognize this car, she's from Montréal. She's one of those who won her driving license by a local radio contest. This was few years ago, and the radio station gave a massive number of driving licenses. The contest was about analytical questions which test fluid intelligence, requiring contestants to solve equations or process information.
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+2 199. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video British Police Get Flooded Out

Poor cops... Most of them did`nt succeed at McDonald's then had no choice but to apply in police >:)
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+3 200. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video British Police Get Flooded Out

Poor cops... I will never understand people who don't like them. They live to help others, they have a programmed personality ready to help anyone, who is in need, in all possible ways. Sometimes they have to be brave, and puts themselfs in trouble helping others. And they always keeps smiling or willing to do so. So please have some respects for those protecting us, making the world a safest place to live.
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+1 201. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Parking Solution

>:) Maybe the person was listening to the song "I Touch Myself", and lost control, then lost control of the car.

*Song by industrial metal band, album Machine Love (2000)
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+3 202. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Danny MacAskill - Way Back Home

(i) Hey folks, sorry for my really old uncle CarCrash (#27), he's a good person despite what he says sometimes.

:S Please forgive me uncle CarCrash, but I have to give you a -1.
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+5 203. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Danny MacAskill - Way Back Home

Amazing! <3 Of all the videos I saw on the internet, definitely the greatest ones (to me) are from him. His vids are my motivational videos, always making me smile!

Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009:
Danny Macaskill Volkswagen Commercial:
Chamonix ride:
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+5 204. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Operation Payback Representative

I hope my beloved Shyla (my computer) is not involved in that attack :(|)
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+7 205. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Racoon Tearing Up The House

(i) I don't agree with #11, raccoons are'nt pests.
They are really good animals, very intelligent, a lot of dexterity with their "hands", and when you pet them they are purring like a cat.

*Raccoons are good animals:
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+5 206. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Swat Team Prank

#16 #17 :S I agree, doing this to childs is a bad idea.
They should have done it in an old people pension, that would be real fun! >:)
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+5 207. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Bystander effect #2

#23 :S ... there they will help, but only if it's a man.
In my reality, I will do the opposite
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+5 208. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Horse in a car

I think the horse could drive the car, like the others $"regulating"$ traffic! >:)
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+5 209. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Cat vs. Gator

Does it mean that alligators don't like Extra Crispy Fried Chicken? >:)
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+9 210. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation October

... for each vids there's always an old uncle posting his moral comment. So the old uncle side of me feel obligated to say:

:S Most of them not wearing helmet, I hope nobody got injured, they have balls but not brain, crazy people, most people just don't care, what would happen if a plane passing lost a part directly on them!?!?
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+14 211. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Train vs traffic jam

>:) Train driver, I would love this job! With a sticker on my train: "I don't brake for stupids"
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+8 212. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Crazy .50 caliber William Tell

He's better than Bruce Willis!

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+5 213. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video They See Me Rollin'

>:) Maybe the kitten is affraid of walking on that carpet!
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+5 214. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Delicious lunch

This is mouse tartare? He should try mice sushis! :(|)
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+5 215. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video The Greasiest Sandwich Ever

#16 Joking, LoL.
Btw you cannot be a religious person if you go on the internet, because internet is for p---! :D
If you eat it, you do not deserve heaven anymore because the sandwich looks too f-----g delicious, except I will not put the hot-dog bread, maybe just the sausage.
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+7 216. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video I Am Lightning Man

NASA as too much time to waste...
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+7 217. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Powerfull model speed boat

Just put a mouse inside, and it'll be the day of it's life!
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+6 218. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Redneck Bike Stunt Fail

(i) I saw a documentary about cyclists slowing down the evolution of all mankind.
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+5 219. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video mountainbike stunt FAIL

They should try with an Honda CBR1000RR :D
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+6 220. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Superbus First Ride - The fastest limo in the world

It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.
At 250 km/h, in comfort, with champagne. ...and Sasha Grey :D
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+5 221. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video World's First Human-Powered Ornithopter

#13 Two rockstar drinks to the pilots, and it will go up :(|)
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+6 222. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Climbing through Everest's Khumbu Glacier

(i) Each week I climb the Mount Royal in Montréal to train myself for Everest. Once Everest done, I'll post the video here.
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+6 223. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video 16 Building Demolitions at Same time

8-) Montréal is far more modern than China. Here everything is specially build to collapse by itself after some years. So we don't have to use those primitive explosives.
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Comment rated too low. Show this comment

-7 224. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video The Greasiest Sandwich Ever

(i) Just a reminder: If you eat it, you do not deserve heaven anymore.

Gluttony is one of the 7 Deadly Sins.

Consequence: In Hell you'll be forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes.

So please think before preparing it!
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+5 225. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Old windows commercial

(i) I'm trying to send a comment here... but I think I have a problem with my Internet Explorer 8... I'll be back after some reboots...
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+3 226. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Street Bullfighting

Maybe it's a cop? >:)
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+3 227. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video SeaPort "lanslide"

Prepare for 2012!! muhahaha!! >:)
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+5 228. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Showdown in a pub

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer is still an alcoholic, like me. Christmas is not like in the old days, at least when I'm drunk, I'm not thinking about it... :'(
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+4 229. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video World's youngest transexual

The future Khloe Hart?
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+7 230. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video astronaut demos drinking coffee in space

... I hope I live long enough to see adult movies in space with low gravity :D
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+6 231. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Lion Tries To Eat Kid at Zoo

#16 She'll be heterosexual for sure
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+7 232. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Boy Locked In Safe Rescued

Your kids are the most precious thing in the world. And what is the best place to store very precious things? >:)
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+3 233. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Bystander effect #2

-> Next week experiment:

A man takes his dog for a walk in the park. And the man is not picking up his dog poop.

!! What will you do ??? :O
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+4 234. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Bystander effect #2

One thing we should learn from this: TV is running out of ideas. O:)
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+5 235. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video FPV RC Plane Onboard Camera

I want one to hunt moose: I'll just fly until I see one, then I hit him kamikaze way! :D
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+3 236. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video concrete barriers

This wall is known as a capitalism symbol. The attack never been revandicated. >:)
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+4 237. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Hockey puck hits Breaks Camera

Pucks fear Brodeur!
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+3 238. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Baby Left in Car

Cat In A Tree
a social experiment

Next week, let's see if people will rescue the cat.
*We'll also include some funny bloopers with the big commentator.

Good vids made by :(|) for :(|)
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+3 239. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video When Deer Attack

They not act the same, depending on their religion >:)
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+3 240. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Responsibility of Strangers - Social Experiment

those "Social Experiment" vids...
Here's the best in the series:

monkey scratch n sniff - funny vid! ::(|)
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+4 241. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Moral Pharmacist - Social Experiment

Those "Social Experiment" vids are made to entertain those enjoying productions like "Slap Chop" ads >:)
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+3 242. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Shopping While Black - Social Experiment

Video credits:

A Monkey inc. - production - 2010
Screenplay - Monkey Chief, based on a story by Monkey King
Director - Monkey John
D.O.P - Monkey Marcel
Editing - Monkey Dad
Costume supervisor - Monkey Doe
Set design - Monkey Smith
Executive Producer - Monkey Noel
Senior Consultant Producer - Monkey Charles
Production Director - Monkey Georges
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+2 243. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video biker films crash

Trying to guess in which city it happened, I would say it's totally normal. In this country it's probably happening each days to every bikers >:)
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+3 244. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

200% agree with #30
When I hear donkeys saying things like black people commit more crimes, I always tell them:

Did you ever saw in the news a pedophil that was not a white man?

The test in this video failed. The test with the white guy should have been done in a city of black people. I hate when media do false tests to support false facts.
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+3 245. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Cheating Death-Near Misses With Trains

The canadian train company created a road sign to educate unthinking people about caution around tracks and trains:

“Be Smart. Look. Listen. Live.”

>:) There's a lot of those signs in Montreal city...
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+2 246. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video How potato Chips are made

Please god, in my next life, I don't want to be reincarnated into a potato... I want to reincarnate as a cop.
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+3 247. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video 3 year old solves rubik cube in 114 seconds!

In 3 years she'll do Telekinesis, Levitaion, Mind control... Lucky girl.
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+4 248. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video optical illusion to slow down drivers

They should have done it animated... Then set an illusion of Sasha Grey doing her cool tricks!
It would achieve the goal of slowing down the drivers, and make them very happy!
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+3 249. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video car almost kills skateboarder

That would not happen here in the Province of Québec, roads & streets belong to cyclists. Not to stupid cars. Even train tracks belong to us, if a train arrive, it just have to slow down and stay behind! ::(|)

-Cyclism is not just a sport, it's a way of life.
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+3 250. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Driving Test in India

Very common, this is the same process here in Montréal to get our driver license. ::(|)
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+5 251. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Thai Women Beating Up American Sex Tourist

(...I would say "Wazaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" to the guys sitting in background scene)

-Watching the game, having a Bud
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+5 252. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Thai Women Beating Up American Sex Tourist

That was the way to catch women in paleolithic days!! This homosapien is born in the wrong century. In modern days, homosapiens must have intelligent ways of approaching women (any women, prostitute or not).

Intelligence is what difference us from animals. But if someone have no intelligence, does make him an animal? ...But this guy have a lot of animal instinct. Take that beating! Bad! Bad beast! >:)

There's the two girls with white t-shirt, but I felt in love with the third one; I love the way she kick. I think she deserve 10000 gold points for efficient damage! :D
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+4 253. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Minivan gets hit twice by train

#9 But they should slow down for cyclists praticing on train tracks :(|)
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+11 254. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video guy fails jumping over car miserably

That's the way we cross the traffic here in Montréal. So we don't have to wait for the red light to turn on. >:)
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+4 255. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Man lights cigarette with AK-47

He's the father of Rachid Badouri. A long line of humorists since many generations. I hope Rachid is lighting cigarettes with a zippo when he's in the city >:)
Picture of Mourialaid23 achievements

+5 256. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video History of Greed

At 2:25 the expression of monkeys showed that they have seen the error commited by man. One day, monkeys will be in charge. Planet of apes movie is a prophecy.
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+6 257. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago on video Bike Rack Fail

:O Thanks god: During one second I thought he was stealing a bixi bike.