Comments posted by Muffinman


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+4 1. Muffinman commented 13 years ago on video Watch your step

How can he focus walking behind an ass like that?!?!
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+3 2. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Mackensi Emory 2010 Sampler

I used just as much energy exercising my right arm at that age.. >:)
Picture of Muffinman28 achievements

+2 3. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Snake Juice

Bet the police rattled his cage... :(|)
Picture of Muffinman28 achievements

+2 4. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Climb Attack Brazil

Damm i would love to see his tires after that run...
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+7 5. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video SeaPort "lanslide"

Mother nature won by a LandSlide ::(|)
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-3 6. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Spray-on clothing

Hmm can u get it in XXl :P
Picture of Muffinman28 achievements

-2 7. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Rainbow Cocktail

Meh i´d rather have a beer... Beer is liquid breed it is good for u. 8-)
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+23 8. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video The Indonesian Mimic Octopus

Wonder if it tastes like chicken 8-)
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0 9. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Piss Prank Fail

Just me or does the guy filmin this sound like Joe Swanson ::(|)
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+3 10. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette funny piano improv

Lagendary... Bloody Epic.. :)
Picture of Muffinman28 achievements

+1 11. Muffinman commented 14 years ago on video Supercars in Korea

Now i understand Richard Hammond for adoring the Zonda.... :D
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-6 12. Muffinman commented 15 years ago on video Horse Gets Revenge

Bet that he is a nice steak now :P