Comments posted by Mullemeck


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+2 1. Mullemeck commented 10 years ago on video Intense beach rescue.

Breaking the ribs creates the risk of puncturing the lunge which isn't optimal in a situation like that. Craking them is pretty much "fine" but you have to be alot more violent than they were to make them break enough to be able to puncture the lunge.
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-6 2. Mullemeck commented 12 years ago on video That Was Close

#6 stop being a bitch
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-2 3. Mullemeck commented 12 years ago on video Blind prodigy playing a song on the piano after hearing it for the first time

Dont you have to be autistic to do that? Dosnt matter if hes blind or not, as most pianists are playing with their eyes closed.
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-6 4. Mullemeck commented 12 years ago on video Incredible Whale Encounter - Mother Gray Whale Lifts Her Calf Out of the Water

Always nice to see that the retards gets to take classtrips
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+5 5. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Basketball Header

Why dont the defenders do that on every dunk attempt? Worth it if it didnt count.
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+10 6. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Bboy Lil crabe

#6 Its the door to Narnia
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+1 7. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Everything Is A Remix: THE MATRIX

I like the reference he did when Neo woke up after sleeping and then took for granted it was from that anime movie and not any other movie in the world where they have recorded someone waking up.
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+3 8. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video This is Europe

Its from Sweden, which lies on europe, but should be named "This is Sweden". #10 The driver is a professional MC-driver. His name is Patrik Fürstenhoff and his father owns Fürstenhoff-motor who provides racing-bikes and has a Subaru dealership.
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+3 9. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video F1 team helps boy get bionic hand.

She said she was technically retarded,#2, and the boy seems rather cocky. "He took his best pen and wrote to them" thats just BS, the boy saw a chance of getting a more normal life without much effort from his side. Would be more heartaching if he would try to get the sum himsef, which mercedes then heard about and decided to help out.
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+1 10. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Mykel Hawke's Jungle Survival Kit

#6 If one would be damaged which one do you trust?
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+5 11. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Phil Ivey Quads

#1 If he'd check they would just show their cards.
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+2 12. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Difference between Men & Women

#2 You just showed how little you know about tennis.
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+7 13. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Just look at his face!

Weak ass russian, get some fucking upper body strength to keep yourself still and fucking use the seatbelt, dont wobble around like a fucking rubber doll.
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+48 14. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video The Coolest Bird In The Planet

Does the bird live inside the planet? Otherwise it lives on the planet.
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+1 15. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Biggest Biceps In Latin America

Dosn't have to be fake, might just as well be steroid injections directly to the bicep/tricep.
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+2 16. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video INPUT

If you're only gonna use stupid smileyfaces as description dont have anything at all.
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+3 17. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video The Dog Who Knows 1,000 Words

Canine* not k-9
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+6 18. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Rallye Accident

0:24 he gets knocked out cold by the steeringwheel, at 0:32 he gets a rude awakening by the same steeringwheel. Amaxing crash since it usually 4-5 tumbles and a complete stop.
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0 19. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Winter Fails 2011

#10 they do got AWD, and its not a tractor that you're driving, the chains will do more damage to the car than it will be of use. Doubt that the cars with bigger engines will go with chains when they're not allowed dubs. And most of the vids are not fails, it's just ice being ice.
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+4 20. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Freerunning World Mix 2010

#12 Nowhere close, olypics is about perfect execution, they dont land perfectly etc etc.
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-8 21. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Freerunning World Mix 2010

Cool,yes. Usefull, no.
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+3 22. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Satellites

#19 Might be good to read what he says before trying to act smart, he allready mentioned the satellitephone.

#14 Many, many companies has a satellite up for whatever reason and how they get it up there is simply that they buy a slot on a spaceshuttle whos going up for exchanging astronauts in that dockcentral or are going on some mission. I'd like to think there's not a spaceshuttle whos going up just to place a satellite in orbit, maybe if they're placing many at the same time.
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0 23. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Ice Hotel

#22 quoted from Wikipedia.....

The Hôtel de Glace celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2010.

Existing each year between December and April, the Icehotel in the village of Jukkasjärvi, about 17 km from Kiruna, Sweden was the world's first ice hotel.
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0 24. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Ice Hotel

#18 Canada started 2000, Sweden in the late 80's, so 15-20 years before Canada started.
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+1 25. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Ice Hotel

#15 Its months of work constructing this huge piece of art and the designers does not take any chance if theres a possibility for it to crack, fall or place the visitors in any danger. There is a docementary about it made by discoverychannel which you can see all the work they put down into building it. And it will only be as cold as you dress. Those sleepingbags that are suited for -20 degrees are well stuffed, i got one myself and it made me sweat.
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+1 26. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Ice Hotel

Sweden has been doing it for ages.
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+4 27. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Samurai Sword Act on Britain's Got Talent 2010

Infra red gas sensor, much needed?
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0 28. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Utah Jazz's Mascot fight with Cleveland's fan

Bodyslam! It is funny indeed, silly of the fan to start fighting with him because they have some half-time entertainment. Stop being such moralbitches about that its not nice to call someone a loser.
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+3 29. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Rare Siberian Tiger walks public road in Russia

Starved, disoriented, looks like its about to die. And those damn russians manage to make modern cars look like they're from the 50's.
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+2 30. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

#31 VW
#36 ABS has been around since 1971 and chrysler where one of the first with the prototypes so dont come here and shit like "there are very old cars in the video, there is no car in the video prior to atleast 1985. The trucks are 4x4 and heavier but I know for a fact that Ford and Dodge equip their cars with ABS, Chevrolet takes extra for it.
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+1 31. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

What car did you drive? ABS has been around since 71.
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+4 32. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

#19 Do you even posess a driving licence? Have you ever driven a car with ABS and fully engaged the break pedal? If you have you would know the wheels still lock up, but are released as a pulse so you can steer the car. You can still lock the wheels, but thats not the problem in the video because they do not have wheels fitted for snow and ice, it does not matter if the wheels are locked or not you're still only going to slide on the ice. Don't be such an internethero.
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+5 33. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

#14 Clearly you do not know what ABS does and how it effects your car. All those cars prolly got ABS. ABS pulses the break instead of locking them, however it's not impossible to still lock the breaks. ABS makes it possible to steer somewhat when fully engaging the break-pedal. Im pretty amazed by your stupidity to not know such a basic fact.
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+1 34. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Bodybuilders fails

#5 and #11, its not the spotters fault, he is using a strict technique where he is not using his thumbs as a "lock" of the bar. The bar started rolling and as he used that technique instead of the normal one the bar managed to injure him. If he wouldnt have used that technique the bar would not have landed on his throat, as the thumbs would have stopped it.
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+3 35. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Superb Glass Harp

Having a hard time believing its real, he should prolly knock some of the glasses off if they're not stuck to the table which they seem not to be. Switching between them so often and fast would make the glasses unstable and fall.
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+5 36. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video How to fix a small dent in your car

The most logic reason for getting such a small dent is him being stupid enough to park his car so the kids can use it as a goal.
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+1 37. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video British Hockey Insane Brawl 04/12/2010

#16 Because you're so horrificly bad at it. Many enlgish games end like this because the game is so bad and boring. You're all Wayne Rooney on skates.
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+1 38. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Pizza Tosser With Skills

Incredible! Working for minimum wage and manages to look even more like a fool spinning flower mixed with water. He's a tosser allright.
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+12 39. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Police control

Yes its Reno 911.
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+8 40. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Pirates Of The Caribbean - Sungha Jung

This song allways reminds me of the old Battlefield 1942 intro song.
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-3 41. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Parking Carnage

Dumb kid, its allright if he were a beefcake, but his arms are like twigs.
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+4 42. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Military Multifunctional Shovel

You see them start something like sawing, then they cut to when they finnish it. I bet its so slow you'd be better off carrying around all the real tools with you.
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+2 43. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Pepper Spray!

Makes it easier to flip off those who think they are using too much violence and saying stuff like " pepperspray is too cruel" then they can go "ive been sprayed with pepper spray, its not that big of a deal" and keep spraying people in their faces.
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+16 44. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Curly

Who uses a towel that small? It would make more sense if she were in a hurry and just grabbed the first towel she sees but that one is clearly hanging for beeing used as a shower-towel.
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+1 45. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Crazy twins run out and get hit on motorway

They're from sweden. Yes, the beauty comes with the crazies. Atleast thats what i read first time i saw the video.
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-1 46. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Get off the brakes

#18 Do you even know what ABS does? Its not like its impossible to get locks on the wheels if your car has ABS. ABS pulses when you're breaking hard which makes it possible to steer the car somewhat instead of going in a straight lane to death. It does not remove the locking of the wheels, as #20 somewhat is saying.

And its pretty hilarious to see people stop in a steep uphill believing they'll get the car going. Nr 1 rule when driving uphill of an icy road: Do not stop. If you stop, you will never get the car to move forward again, go slow and never stop.
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+1 47. Mullemeck commented 13 years ago on video Color changing cop car!

#1 They need to be 400 degrees as they say in the video.
#2 The idea prolly is that isntead of having a cop-car and a unmarked cop-car you only need 1 car. You can still do the stealthy stuff as unmarked but are able to participate in the news-broadcasted carchases without reavealing that it's an unmarked car.
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+10 48. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video FAIL Compilation 2010

5:41 is not much of a fail, its actually prety tragic since he got a ruptured spleen and both his lungs collapsed. Was a faulty bungee-jump setup in Thailand.
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+19 49. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Russian Car Crash Compilation

#5 I bet my right nut there are just as many clips of car accidents in any other country.
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+15 50. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Navy SEAL Extraction

#5 It's not the army, it's the Navy SEAL. America does not have one "army" like most countries do. They got the United States Marine Corps (USMC) aka. Marines. United States Army (US Army, USA), aka Army. United States Navy aka Navy. The difference is that it's not all funded by the gouvernment. Then there are a couple of black-ops services which are employed by the gouvernment for protection and special ops, Blackwater used to be one of those but has officially said they're not doing that kind of things any more. They are into VIP-protection nowdays.
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-1 51. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Speeding Camera Lottery

#18 With early ages i mean like 4-6 year olds. In stockholm, where the footage is shot, there are many schools which lie by populated roads, hence the 30-limit. As it is a city there are playgrounds but usually not at the same place where the school is and the children must therefore travel by foot, often accompanied by an adult but you may oversee like 20 children and its not hard for one of them to get curious of something and run away. Everyone does not live in a suburb or in some village.
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+3 52. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Some things may drop... too fast

#3 is wrong and #10 is correct
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+1 53. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Never shoot a propane tank...

To be correct: They shoot a propane tank thats on fire. Shooting a propane tank will only make a hole in it. Need a flame or something to make it burst into flames, high power rifle has nothing to do with it.
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+4 54. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video One Hell of a Hockey Hit

#8 No he did not try to hook him before the hit and no its not an illegal hit. As #17 says if the glass would not break it would be a normal hit. The one recieving the hit has to blame himself. He knows hes about to get hit but he still turn around allowing the hitter to get him in the chest, stupid move and its noting illegal about it.
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+2 55. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Speeding Camera Lottery

#15 Speedcameras have always been about preveting people for speeding and in that way trying to stop an accident from happening. You couldn't be more wrong with your statement. I dont think you can say to the parents of whoms child just been run over by a car speeding on a 30-road "Atleast we got to fee the man who were speeding!". It's 30 because children cannot see the difference of fun and danger in early ages so they may run out into the streets and when youre traveling at a higher speed than 30 the stoping distance is beyond the child, that equals severe damage or death.
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-1 56. Mullemeck commented 14 years ago on video Supercharged Engine Blows

#9 If that's your car of your life it will be a highway. That car can only go fast in a straight line, so i hope you got plenty of straight motorways where you live when you get one. Im sure you'll afford one soon since they are not that expensive.