Comments posted by Namron7


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0 1. Namron7 commented 11 years ago on video Attempted hit & run goes from bad to worse

What a knobhead :-/
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0 2. Namron7 commented 11 years ago on video Sink hole swallows a dozen mature trees

How did they know ths was going to happen? I mean, why were they actually filming some trees in this area at all? :S
The result of fracking if you ask me.
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+29 3. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video How to Get Through Checkpoints Quickly

An old Jedi Mind Trick obviously >:)
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+5 4. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Michio Kaku: How to travel to other stars, so unimaginably far away.

Why not just base the nano bot on good old RNA and DNA molecules, after all they've been doing replication pretty well for nigh on 3 billion or so years up to now.
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+1 5. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Man Holding Baby Suicide Attempt

Needs must #3, needs must !
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+1 6. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Naughty Home Alone Dog

Just like a dude :D
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+1 7. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video The Getaway Streaker

It's only streaking, not as if he was fapping on the field >:)
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+9 8. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Army Ants

Ants are the creepiest of crawlies :S
Maybe in the future it won't be The Planet Of The Apes but Planet Of The Ants >:)
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+3 9. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Lucky guy

What about the lucky dude on the stairs? Cheated death by not doing a grind on the rail with his skateboard >:)
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+8 10. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Fake beggar bust.

And this is why I don't give !! :|
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+1 11. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Babysitter?

#7 doesn't deserve such negative score, he or she does have a valid point!!
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+1 12. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video The fastest F1 pit-stop EVER!!!!

You CAN get quicker than a Kwik Fit fitter >:)
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+1 13. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Snake venom vs human blood

F*** me !!
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0 14. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life

I think I will set my alarm clock to wake me up 7.68245837 minutes earlier each morning than my normal wake up time. >:)
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+2 15. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Ham sandwich

Sponsored by Subway? :P
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+8 16. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Handfeeding a Dragonfly

Now flip it around and wipe it's ass >:)
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+3 17. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video How to build a Jet Engine - with Lego

I bet you can't buy these Lego pieces in the shops, probably a bespoke special order :(
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+3 18. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Mardy Fish Hits Line Judge On Eye - Wimbledon 2012

#11, he could have at least shown a bit of concern by coming around the net to check if she was alright. #7 you have been vindicated. >:)
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0 19. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Most Awesome Dumb Americans

I had visions of dick number 3 losing his head, what were they thinking not fitting a seatbelt at least?
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0 20. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Crash at Summer X Games 18

That' was some crack, lucky guy!
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+2 21. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Rubber band vs Watermelon

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+2 22. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Russian Taxi Driver Threatens with Baseball Bat

Nice retort with the axe there >:)
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+4 23. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video How alkali metals react with water and air.

Wish we had this video in skool when I was a kid >:)
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0 24. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Close call !

Probably just pure luck because we couldn't see f***all either because of the shitty weather >:) but yes he did swerve the right way at the last second good move
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+3 25. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Best way to help drunk driver

He was only after his wallet so he could get a taxi home >:)
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+4 26. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Throwing a Box of Garbage Into a Volcano Lake

I wanna see a T-1000 thrown in and throwing some shapes while it dissolves >:)
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+2 27. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video In Russia Police Obeys You

Maybe he thought he was an undercover Cop, of a higher rank >:)
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+2 28. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Dachshund Puppy vs. Ghost Crab

Awwwww he lost his new best friend :( >:)
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0 29. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Golf shot into a car doing 120mph

Why bother? I'd rather have seen it hit the windshield. >:)
I once did a shit at 649 Miles per hour, maybe I should submit this in case people are interested (Granted I was sat in the toilet of a Boeing 747 at the time >:) )
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+4 30. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video How Not To Demonstrate Martial Arts

Did he die? :|
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-1 31. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Pee Prank - Arrested Edition

Bit strong from #3 saying he hopes they get run over by a bus. You're going to hell dude >:)
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+1 32. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Portal: Terminal Velocity

I want one >:)
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+1 33. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Teachers Dancing Behind Students

So they are human after all >:)
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+2 34. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Highly radioactive graphite crane claw

Hope the guys in the group had their zips on their trousers fastened up, otherwise Chernobyl fall out >:)
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+4 35. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Backing up fail

Can't believe that she actually had the car out of the garage on the first attempt, but decided to go back in just to screw the whole thing up. Use your damn mirrors lol. >:)
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+1 36. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Dog vs Skunk

The guy on camera sounds like the gay guy off of Family Guy >:) (Jeffrey , jeffrey, OH NOOooooooo......)
He'll regret not calling his dog off sooner coz that stink doesn't wash off easy......
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+5 37. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video From baby to 12 year old girl in 3 minutes

I agree with #2, She's gonna break some hearts, but if she's spent the first 12 years of her life jabbering on like the video shows that poor dudes gonna need some ear defenders :P
Wouldn't it be funny if he did one in parallel where it showed her doing nothing but whinging, just for a laugh.....
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0 38. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video New safety system, car windows break automatically after driving into water.

Maybe they could incorporate it with a unit that releases the seatbelt lock too, people might panic and forget to release themselves from their seat.......
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0 39. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Arthur Benjamin: Lightning calculation and other "Mathemagic"

#7, looks like the woman with the calculator also keyed in the wrong numbers lol >:)
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+11 40. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video close call...

What a stupid cow, she didn't even bother to turn her head to see what might be coming, sheshould get an honorary Darwin Award just for being too thick!! >:)
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+3 41. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Truck pushes car down on highway

Not the first time this has happened:
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+2 42. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Dolphins Show Off

The way that rod was bending I'll agree with number #4 :( , but it could just be the fisheye lens on he camera creating an illusion....
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+2 43. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video 8.429GHz overclocked

#3 It Looks like they broke another record as they managed to get the liquid nitrogen to freeze by pouring it onto a blisteringly hot processor (nitrogen is a liquid between -196 and -210 degrees C, it freezes to a solid at lower temp than -210 degrees C, they were registering -225 degrees C) >:)
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0 44. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Dead stick takeoff

Get a job instead of titting about all day >:)
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+3 45. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Red Bull Stratos

When is the big jump day? Looking forward to seeing this one now that the days of Shuttle launches have gone.... For now anyway. :)
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+1 46. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Heart stop beating

Awesome!! Hang on; that's probably how vampires have been doing it for years. No heartbeat but still walking the earth!!!
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+5 47. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Explosive Bubbles

Those kids made me laugh lol "That was Awesome" >:)
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+1 48. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video CERN: The Standard Model Of Particle Physics

#1 what's not to understand? :P
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0 49. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Grizly Bear Cub & Wolf Cub Playing

All together now:'And they called it, Puppy luh,huh huh huvv, well I guess they'll never know oooo,oooo,oooo,oooooo'.....
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+2 50. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Driving in Chechnya

WHY DON'T YOU SHUT THAT FUCKING HORN UP !!! Here you go, swim in that ditch bitch >:)
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+3 51. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Manhole Explosion

Lucky it didn't take his head off !!
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+2 52. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video A hiking trip I would not go on!

#2, those girls have balls, I have to admit I would love to take in those views but I am too chicken shit as well >:)

#11, if you want to know why all the padlocks check this link out:

It relates to a craze where people attach a padlock to a bridge,handrail etc and throw away the key to profess their undying love. This one is about padlocks in Benidorm but it applies anywhere in the world.
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+2 53. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

Really REALLY impressive, but when I saw the word 'Nano' I was under the impression we would be seeing wasp sized robots, not bird sized. So in actual fact what we saw was a swarm of miniature Quadrotors. I liked it anyway so big thumbs up :) :)
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0 54. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video A neat revenge

Did he eventually get it back then or did the cops wait another month?
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+9 55. Namron7 commented 12 years ago on video Ball Boy at the Court

Well deserved round of applause from the spectators there :)
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+2 56. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Polar Bears and Dogs playing

I feel sorry for that Husky having to be the Polar Bear's Bitch >:)
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+1 57. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Dawn of the Dead

They might think they are getting a bargain, but the stores increase the prices in the run up to a sale, then reduce them back to their original pice so pople think they are getting a bargain. And what's more, ALL the stores fix their sales prices with each other to fool the barain hunters.
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+3 58. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video X3 Eurocopter

Make the wings a bit bigger and put some flaps n ailerons on then and give it a rudder you could probably do away with the top rotor altogether >:)
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+2 59. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Alien Transmission Kepler 22b

Brian Cox:Cockney rhyming slang for BOTOX !! He has that constant rictus of a smirk that needs wiping of his gob >:)
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+2 60. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video How LN2 exploding and loud

What a tool, a chef lost both hands cocking around with this stuff.
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+1 61. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video StarWars theme on floppy drives

Some people have just TOO much time on their hands >:)
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+2 62. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video How to wash clothes on a washing machine without electricity

I can see it now, the local gyms giving women the option of washing their smalls while doing 5 kilometers (7 kilometers to remove skidmarks too >:) )
I wonder if they could hook up a rowing machine to a whirlygig to get them dry too?

#1 - Afterwards? Why not at the same time ?? :x
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+1 63. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Climbing Red Gates stalin's skyscraper in Moscow

Only in Russia !!!! Literally !!!! Because it's in Russia >:) Das Vagina >:)
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-2 64. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Juggling 5 balls with her feet

I wonder if she perform this feat with dishes? >:)
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+2 65. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The Spectacular T.T. IOM. TT (Isle of Man) Motorcycle Road Race

>:) The rider at 3:11 should have obeyed the 'SLOW' road marking >:) Oh and they like to be called 'Riders' not 'Drivers' because that's what they do, Ride !
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+1 66. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The Standoff

Pussy whipped!! Meeeeeoooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww >:)
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+1 67. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping Dog Falls From The Couch

And for his next trick: 'Roll over boy' >:)
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+2 68. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Highway robbery

Who's feeling violated now then hey, >:) knobheads >:)
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0 69. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Yet another ownage complilation

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, for morons anyway >:)
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-7 70. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Frankie the cat in mourning

Face it guys (and some gals), if we were all that flexible we would put our heads down there wouldn't we >:)
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+5 71. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video 50 Cal Machine Gun VS. 250 Watermelons

Thing about the Russians is they can make some weaponry.
Just look at the AKA 47 (Kalashnikov) gotta be the most successful one of all time with over 100 million units in circulation worldwide. :S
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0 72. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video GILF

29??? He must have had a hard life, Bless >:)
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+6 73. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Fire department examination

So thats how my 10th floor flat got burgled so fast when I only went for a pee >:)
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0 74. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Drunken russian falls from 5th floor

He landed on his head too!!! Oh well no damage done there then >:)

There was a puppeteer from Britain called Rod Hull who had for his act a puppet that was a bird, Emu (
One very stormy night, he went up onto his roof to fix his TV aerial and was killed falling off it.
I always thought it was ironic that he chose a FLIGHTLESS bird (Emu) for his gimick. Maybe he should have chosen an Albatross instead !! :(|)
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+1 75. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video In the fall

'31 years working in this sh**hole!! Oh well may as well go out on a high, kick back and light up a fat one on my way down !!!' >:)
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-1 76. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video How to Kill a Motorcycle

I agree with #4, at least it failed epically with him standing beside it instead of him stradling the fuel tank. Roast nuts anybody? >:)
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+31 77. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Do you smoke ?

I remember seeing similar dickheads cruising around town shooting passersby with paintball guns. The thing is the pedestrians thought they had been shot for real such was the power of the weapon. The judge didn't see the funny side of their little joke when he viewed their home made video. The punishment: 4 YEARS IN PRISON EACH!!!!
Bet they weren't laughing then >:)
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+1 78. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Fox News Shepards Smith Blooper

Bratton : Britain, Pop Corn : Cop Porn..................... >:)
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+4 79. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Insidious cat

Barking? Barking mad ^_*
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0 80. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Mega bass

Point the speakers backwards for some extra thrust >:)
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+6 81. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Gay Parents Bashed

If this happened in a restaurant for real I hope that I would have the guts to stand up and shout out loud: DON'T TIP THE BITCH!!!!
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+6 82. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The power of friction

I've just welded my cock to my hand with the power of friction. Maybe next time I'd better use some lube >:)
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0 83. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Bashing in the office

The scriptwriter's joined-up hand writing is abysmal. The actors thought he was writing 'wanking' when in fact he was writing 'working' >:) (try it yourself in cursive writing style ;) )
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0 84. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Russia Car Crash Compilation

Not taking my car to Russia what with the number of Hit-and-Runs (for example see 9:00)that take place over there, looks like no one gives a toss about their driving skills (probably don't have such a sceme as 'Car Insurance'.)
And how the hell did that woman at 6:15 miss getting killed by that car? The final scene was the camera pointing back and her looking at the car that nearly killed her... :(|)

And how come Police radios are always tuned to BBC Radio 2 or WKRP in Cincinnati? >:)
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+1 85. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Indian Dentist

What do they use to perform an apicoectomy? A rusty old penknife and some needle and cotton from the sweatshop over the road? >:)

I suppose in such poor areas needs must, after all what dentists do aint rocket science, it's just fixing teeth (like repairing bicycles really)
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0 86. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video America's first jet plane,1942

Let's get ONE thing straight right here, right now people: it was the UK's Sir Frank Whittle's design of the turbojet engine that made this possible, he took his design to you Americans !!!!

Oh and Werner Von Braun from Nazi Germany gave you the Rocket too!!
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0 87. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Guitar Baby!

Yeah I agree with #17, all this 'Fake' ' Not Fake ' shite. I thought my comment posted as #7 was inspired >:)
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+1 88. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

I hope these are filmed from a police car because that first twat who crossed the double lines deserves to have the arrogant shit kicked out of him back at the impound >:)
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-3 89. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Guitar Baby!

I'd prefer to see his mom's fingering technique >:)
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0 90. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory

Sounds like Tricia Takanawa is taking a break from Family Guy to narrate this documentary >:)
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0 91. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Hit by two cars

Jeez hitting that deer/moose/cow worked better than hitting the brakes in an emergency stop :S Hope no one died. Poor animal probably never made it though.
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+1 92. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Mountain Climber

I start to sweat on the 3rd rung of my ladder >:) , hats off to this athlete :D
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0 93. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video how to immobilize a cat

#4 A Pussy is a Pussy by any other name >:)
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+5 94. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Violent chimpanzee attack - Planet Earth - BBC wildlife

Don't know why people see chimps as 'cute'? Pretty scary fucking Animals if you ask me, I wouldn't want to get near one if I could help it. :S
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+2 95. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video 60 Watt Coherent Laser Diode Test

#5 the reason he only has 60 watts output and not 124 watts Laser output is due to the fact that the electronic circuits he has designed to create the Laser energy creates a huge amount of heat to be generated, which is why he has had to hook it up to the liquid cooling system, solid state systems are even less efficient, around 20 percent or less.
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-2 96. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video 60 Watt Coherent Laser Diode Test

I would love to have seen him let loose a whole bunch of ants and watch them crawling all over the brick only to be vaporized by the laser beam, now thats a use I can foresee >:)
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0 97. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche

Thankfully they didn't put it into service as it would have done me out of a job servicing those 30 year old 'Primitive and Maintainance Hot' systems >:) >:) >:) Still lets hope they didn't chuck away the documentation and tooling as we might yet see it in service in the future!!!
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-2 98. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Russian spiderman - Sergey Devliashov

Let's hope Isaac Newton doesn't turn up to take him from this world into the next one (He invented Gravity you know) >:)
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+2 99. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Humpback Whale Gives Show After Being Rescued

Very heartwarming, I almost shed a tear (men can cry too you know ;) )
Thank God the Japanese or Icelanders didn't come across it, then again it was probably their net!!!
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-2 100. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video angry cooker

Did I miss something? I had my eyes on the cooker expecting a door to open or flames to shoot out of the thing. I didn't know you meant the CHEF !!! :(|)
Definitely a set up, the boss woulda broke his hand >:)
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0 101. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Martin Jetpack 5000ft flight

I wonder if he lit a fart whether that could be counted as lighting up the After-Burners >:)
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+5 102. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video One lucky squirrel!

Check the nuts on your exhaust for you sir? >:)
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+10 103. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Trick or Treat

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0 104. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular ....

I Think his afro saved him from a serious head injury when he hit the top of the windsheild/Roof at 0:02 >:)

#4, I think he is whinging about totalling his scooter :P
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+2 105. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Win compilation

I love the smoking pussy at 2:37 >:) >:) >:)
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+1 106. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Dont mess with the wrong people

Did anybody else notice: The guy in drag didn't only knock out the bare-chested tit, he also socked it to his pal in the white t-shirt a split second afterwards....

2 for the price of 1
Rock on Dudes or Dude-esses
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+1 107. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video You better don't dance in america...

What a bunch of fucking Nazi Jobsworths :(|)

I better a dollar that they aren't even real Police Officers but Jumped Up Security Guards who failed to get into Police Academy >:) On second thoughts maybe they will be in the next movie of that name >:)
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+11 108. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video In soviet russia...

That's what happens if you don't pay your water bill, they repossess it >:)
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+2 109. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Low Pass

He could've shaved the hairs off an elephant with that manoeuvre >:)
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-3 110. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Rotating stars, not.

Hmmmmmm, its just as easy fixing your camera to a gimbal and rotating it 360 degrees to give the impression of the Earth rotating instead of resorting to time lapse photography, what did they use as a point of reference?
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0 111. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Bonehead challenge

Australians wouldn't give a XXXX for anything else >:)
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0 112. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Violent intervention

It wasn't so much the kick to the jaw that did him in but the double-whammy of hitting the pitch with his face at 1G that exacerbated his injury. Hope his career isn't affected too much :|
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+1 113. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Cat Beats Itself Up

Coming next, A Squirrel attacks it's nuts >:)
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+8 114. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video TED: Beware online "filter bubbles"

What an awesome speech, clear and precise AND informative.
He should have been George W Bush's speech writer, maybe then he wouldn't have been mocked so much.
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+1 115. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Planking Craze

Plank by name, Planks by nature !!! >:)
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+3 116. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video A hawk attacke a cockatoo at a bird show

Amazing birds Raptors. Beware of leaving your pet birds in their cages in your yards though, they will even try and grab themselves a meal through the bars !! :S
And #2: You don't need to learn any intricate moves to do the dishes except moving your arms, my wife taught me well >:)
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+2 117. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Street Dance in Paris

Looked like he was in 3D at some points, could almost see his head come out of my screen >:)
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+8 118. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Face Development in the Womb

#2 (i) All males also have what appears to be a scar on the underside of the penis too. The 'theory' goes that because human males don't have a bone in their penis like a lot of mammals in the animal kingdom do, this scar was what remained after the bone was removed, not sure who in the bible performed this radical surgery but the story is quite amusing to say the least!! >:)
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+2 119. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Biker

Is it a bird?.....Is it a plane?......NO It's a dickhead on a bike fancying his chances at being an organ donor!!! >:)
140 kph is 86 mph still it's a bit fast for riding your bike in this fashion.
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+1 120. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Karate Guys

Where these idiots auditioning for Bumfights 3: 1 on none? >:)
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+2 121. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Google Search Fail!

#1: Did the LIVEWIRE formerly known as Osama Bin Laden pose this question? >:)
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+18 122. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Top Gear - The Reliant Robin

Jeremy Clarkson is such a twat but I love Top Gear !!! >:)
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-2 123. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Good cop / Dumb cop ??

Amazing how the cop inuniform reels out his 'laundry list' of charges. All's the black cop needed to say was 'see you in court, so you'd better get your evidence together'. BTW, didn't you think the arresting officer on the right at the end looked like a twat in those spectacles, >:) #19: I'm with you on cheering the black cop on this one dude!! Never saw him reaching for his gun, the 1st white cop looked like a chicken shit.
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+6 124. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Herbal Essence Orgasm... for Men

I heard masturbation was punishable by death in Indonesia so #2 may just have a point >:)
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+2 125. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Predator: Camera that Learns

#11, I wonder how old this is because my Panasonic HD Camcorder has this technology installed already. I guess he will make most of his money from the military and police >:)
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-1 126. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The Real Battle: L.A

It was probably part of the broadcast of Orsen Welles' War of the Worlds. I bet a dime to a dollar that LA didn't even have Anti-aircraft batteries at the time.
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0 127. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The lungfish is no ordinary fish

Astounding!! I wonder what one would look like if it had a 40 a day cigarette habit :P
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+3 128. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Helicopter barrel rolls

5 is probably his maximum that he dares to do as he must lose some height with each roll, still pretty awesome as if he cocks up he can't exactly glide to a landing or even worse eject (eughh) - Top Guy !!! Oh and that 'tash..............
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+2 129. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Fire Illusion

It's not a Fire Illusion, It's just an optical illusion using tealight candles(There's gonna be loads of dissatisfied pyromaniacs out there who tuned in to this >:) )
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+1 130. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Messing up with a 'bully'

I love the way the girl steps in at the end to warn the taller lad off ("I think you need to back off and leave him" .) She might have just saved his knees from being cracked in half just like the short assed bully's >:) Sensible girl !!
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+1 131. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Police vs. drifter

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+3 132. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The Door to Hell

#8 - She is with me dude >:)
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-1 133. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video The Dog Who Knows 1,000 Words

Chaser - Do me breakfast bitch >:)
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+1 134. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Klepto Kitty

That cat deserves to do bird >:)
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+1 135. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Rallye Accident

Thank goodness for Roll Cages, any normal car and they would be scooping the bodies out!!!
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+3 136. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Mad aligator

Should nick name it the the Queen of Hearts - OFF WITH HIS HEAD :D
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+1 137. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Huge kick

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+3 138. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Bull Poker

OK, Which one of you guys has Aces & Eights? (Otherwise known as 'Dead Man's Hand) >:)
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+1 139. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 Pranks of 2010

Stupid Bitch @#2 should pay for her guys dental bill (Sure I saw teeth flying in slo-mo version) before serving a long prison sentence for ATTEMPTED MURDER, some people are just thick - and that goes for the guy in #10 too grrrr.....
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+1 140. Namron7 commented 13 years ago on video How to fix a small dent in your car

What they didn't show is the dent popping back in when the car metalwork warmed up, once it's stretched it's stretched forever >:)
#11, that would just be the gas propellent which comes out if you turn a can upside down, probably butane gas (you can buy freezer spray which would do the trick too.)
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+6 141. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Nasty Big Oil Tank Explosion!

It probably sucked all the oxygen out of that 200 meter zone judging by how big that 'cylinder' of flame got, never mind the heat surprised no one suffocated either
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+4 142. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Pitcher of Beer Down in 5 Seconds

Didn't Spill A Drop!! >:)
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+4 143. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Gary McKinnon - Hacker

Maybe the US and other governments should just get their check books out and hire guys like these to develop systems to stop others breaking into their data bases and snooping around top secret information.
In other words: Make the Poacher the Gamekeeper !!
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+1 144. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Reporter snowned

Little Bastards >:)
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+6 145. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Don't bully animals...

Serves the little c**t right >:) , and I hope the daddy gets his dick bitten too, chances are he won't be that lucky
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0 146. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Great White Shark Accident

Any need for the shit soundtrack?
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+3 147. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video X Factor Worst Audition EVER

Mariah better watch out - She's got some serious competition >:)
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0 148. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Guy Jumps Over a Bull

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+1 149. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video McLaren F1 engine test

#2: He's Deaf as well as Daft >:)
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0 150. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Dangerous downhill with camera onboard

I think I'd take my chances and skydive, mountaineering or free climbing as this is about as hairy as it gets!
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-2 151. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Raven taking a bath

These look pretty menacing in the wild coz they are the size of a small dog, but I'd love to have a tame one, very smart birds too.
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-1 152. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Woman needs help to change a tire

Typical s**t Ford Fiesta, I had a rust bucket just like this one grrrr
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-2 153. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Cute Owl Hunts Invisible Prey

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+3 154. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video How to make iced tea... like a boss!

I can make drool like that, it's just that when I spin everybody gets drenched too >:)
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+20 155. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Coachella Festival

#11 - Probably thinks that people have the time to make up shit using CGI instead of actually filming the real world and that The Matrix was based on a true story >:)
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+3 156. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Car Flips Several Times

#4 is Correct - It's the G-Force that kills you, as in 'G? Where did that tree come from??' >:)
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0 157. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Doberman Vs. Bird

Feisty little f*****s these birds are, and they only ever show favouritism to one person at a time so if you have one better make sure it likes you and not the wife (Have you seen what those beaks can do? Like a bolt cutter - can cut your finger right off yeeeouch!!)
Coming next - Charlie goes to a Bull Fight >:)
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0 158. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Near airplane crash caught on tape

#3 Better to attempt a landing even in high winds such as this than to nose-dive into the ground because you have ran out of fuel!! And as for the 'Touch-n-go' landing these things weigh considerably more than the F-14 Tomcat Tom Cruise was flying when he performed the same manoevre in Top-Gun (Which he really did, honest ;) )
And #10 - I see your mouth moving but all I hear is 'Blah-Blah-Blah!! And don't be so sexist!!
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-2 159. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Bad idea to park your Van behind an Airbus

#1: How else do you think they can zoom through the air at +600 miles per hour? Invisible tarmac?? >:)
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+1 160. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video TV Live Show

Everybody who doesn't know it: This was a piss take of all the Reality Pop shows that have plagued our screens for the last 10 years: The presenter Cat Deeley is a sweet little thing in 'Real Life': She's just Owned you all LOL >:)
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0 161. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Crazy fight breaks out on tv show

All together after 3: 1,2,3:
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+18 162. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Parachuting Into Michigan Stadium

Unbelievable Skill involved here to hit that 'X' from the height he dropped from. All Hail to this Chief!!! 8-)
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0 163. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video world burping champion

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-6 164. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Couch Gag

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0 165. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Automatic Led Stair Lighting

Don't know why people rave about LED lighting, it's actually quite shoit concerning QUALITY of light output, give me a tunsten lamp anytime of the day, preferably at night >:)
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+3 166. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Public Buses Cross Flooded Bridge in Nicaragua

You wait for one bus then 2 turn up >:)
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-2 167. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Spray-on clothing

I sprayed all over my wife's underwear last night. She wasn't too pleased with me >:)
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+2 168. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Stringless Digital Rock Guitar

You still need to be a guitarist of sorts to play this, so what's the point??? :(|)
No need to 'Fret' when buying one as the deals a goodun, with 'No Strings' attached >:)
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+1 169. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video talking parakeet

Apparently you have more chance of teaching a dog to talk than a chimp!!!!
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+8 170. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video paranoid prank

People don't know how to react when confronted with what could be a Plain Cothes Store Detective.
I thought the guy who was sat on the yellow bean bag was gonna go after him but he just grabbed his crotch and shit-out instead >:)
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+2 171. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Freezing to death, but surviving thanks to the cold

BBC 2 Horizon makes some of the best documentaries in the world. Nice to see this story has a happy ending instead of the doomy gloomy news we see everyday :D
Another thing is that it's becoming more common these days to cool the brain during extended neurosurgery to minimise brain damage and this is done by actually cooling the blood (passing it through a bypass machine), very similar to what happened to this gal before her heart stopped beating for those +2 hours.
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+4 172. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Tortoise Bullies Cats

Pair of PUSSIES >:)
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+1 173. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Bike Rack Fail

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0 174. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Predicting the future in 1964.

Hey, I invented GPS Satnav technology in 1982,ask my bro!! Shame I didn't have the means or the Satellite and the TomTom technology to make my vision a reality.Does this make me a visionary?? >:)
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+2 175. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video What you got there...

Gives a hole new meaning to the phrase 'Tuck in'..........Right in............ >:) Actually its normal for elephants to eat faeces as there are nutrients in it that can be absorbed on the 2nd pass!!
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+26 176. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Firefighters save dog's life.

#1: Clowns or as I like to call them, KNOBHEADS, here in the UK stone and bottle the firemen because they are lowlife scumbags (the 'Clowns' that is!!)and deserve to be stuck ina burning building themselves so they can get a real appreciation for what Firemen are here for.
This is a great video and although the dog probably doesn't or isn't able to appreciate the good deeds of these guys, the rest of us can, so take a bow guys and well done!!!
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0 177. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Ninja Bear!

Obviously the cousin of Kung-Fu Panda >:)
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-5 178. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Toy

Looks like the kind of toy the Nazi party would have loved with it's Nazi salute and propensity to Goose step, all's it needs is a Hitler tash >:)
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+5 179. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video "I can't feel my face"

I wouldn't mind her melons in my face instead, followed by a bit of num num num >:)

#20 As the famous quote goes: "A Slingshot tis a Catapult by any other name!" (Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.)
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+1 180. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Woman Survives Car Crash in Russia

Not very often people dodge 2 bullets, this is one lucky lady. Hope she bought a lottery ticket after that!!
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+5 181. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Snatch Wars

Brilliant! Nuff Said!!
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+13 182. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Two Idiots And A Sword

As the great philosopher Forrest Gump once said: "Stupid is as Stupid Does." >:)
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+13 183. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Watching The Sun Shoot Solar Flares

Imagine if that shot out from the Sun in our direction instead of to the side, we would be toast......set the timer to 8 minutes >:)
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+1 184. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Rachmaninoff's Big Hands

Bet Rachmaninoff was a big hit with the laydees, especially when he got those hands into their erm.....chorduroys >:)
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+1 185. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Whac-a-mole cat.

>:) Me? I'd have put my hand on the lid and trapped the little f****r, see how he liked being stuck in the box, but not forever of course LoL >:) I'm such a teaser >:)
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0 186. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Spitting Billy Goat

I love the 2nd spit the best, the way the 'goat' tries to get some distance with a combination of spitting and putting the head in (i.e. butting!!) >:)
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+3 187. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Looter Owned

Looks like he did the guy a favor by saving him being arrested for theft, and it not being in the spirit of what their demonstration was about.
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+3 188. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Tight Parking

Don't know why they just didn't park it forwards >:)
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+7 189. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Would You Intervene?

Why can they call people 'inactive' and failing to intervene in a violent situation when there is obviously nothing there to intervene with..... :|
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+3 190. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Insane Car Mod

Looks like he's gone over way too many speed humps and his springs are shot
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+3 191. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Starcraft 2 Beta Shit

Maybe she just didn't Cook his Sock as offen as he would have liked thats why he dumped her, or did he just take a dump in her trap, the potty mouth........... >:)
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-1 192. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Taiwanese Boy Sings Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'

Good thing about this song is there is no mention of a woman singing it to a man, or a man singing it to a woman, so he pulls it off perfectly, and anyway, the Bee Gees plus Frankie Valli got away with singing like a woman for a long time so hats off to him and hope he wins!! ;)
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+4 193. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Pilipinas Got Talent contestant sounding like a horse

Thought I'd seen this dude before :D >:)
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+6 194. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Drum Machine

Gives the finger to Phil Collins hey :D
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+2 195. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Robocop Rap

Inspired!! Rappers sound like Goldie Looking Chain. At least this Rap made sense, unlike some of the sh**e out there >:) Can't wait for the Star Wars version.
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+2 196. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Hidden Camera Bath Prank

The girl in the yellow 1 piece was probably the best bit, nice body. That's probably why they used her on the list of clips to view to draw us all in to what effectively was a pretty unfunny video.....
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+6 197. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Sports Bloopers

I shouldn't think that the woman in the last clip ever got to feel or use her legs ever again, and Superman on the skateboard invented the Face Brake >:)
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-1 198. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Polish car tuning

His Tappets could do with a tweak....
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+3 199. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Did Not See The Car !

What with the price of fuel at the moment this seems like a viable option >:) Nice to see the lady got out alright, apart from her traumatic experience, hope it doesn't put her off getting behind the wheel again.
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+3 200. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Worst Dirt Jump

At least his FACE BRAKES were working >:)
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+2 201. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Traffic in Russia

Don't F*** with the Russian Mafiosi !!! (Notice how no one was flinching at the sound of gun fire?)
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0 202. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video The Long Road Home

He didn't need to do a ton, 50 mph would have been enough, especially into that tree....
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-3 203. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

When MY fricken windscreen wipers broke on my way to work and rained ALL DAY I had to do a similar thing. I had 2 strings attached to my windscreen wipers 1 for the 'upstroke' and the other for the 'downstroke' Very naughty I know but it got me home, but boy you should have seen the blisters I got on my hands!! :D Thankfully no Police were around that day >:)
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-3 204. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Low Pass Flyby's of All Time

#14 It wasn't always that way after all without us Brits and Germans you wouldn't have the Jet engine or Rockets, and secondly Patuxent River Test Pilot School is based on our very own one at Boscombe Down that has been there since the 1940's, so Ner Ner .... :D
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+10 205. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video The real spiderman

Where would you find a power outlet on your travels? Thats gonna be one hell of an extension cord or you're gonna have to factor in some extra suction on those pads to take the weight of the numerous car batteries and inverter you will need to carry. I think I'll stick to the lift/elevator. :D
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+6 206. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Cat is shocked

I heard that the cat with the expression was told 'You're Next!!' >:)
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+4 207. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

If you look very closely you will see either the driver/passenger exiting the vehicle via the windscreen/windshield or the poor bugger manning the tollbooth taking the hit - Check it out!!
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+9 208. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Bikini bandits

That is going to cause some serious road deaths. Has April Fools day been and gone yet? Didi I miss it? >:)
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+2 209. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video 4 hands 1 guitar

Nice fingering techniques, especially from the lady................ >:)
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+2 210. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video The Grudge Girl

That last guy, what a twat...........
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+1 211. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Amazing vehicle recovery truck

You leave your handbrake on and the car parked in 1st gear, that way the wheels won't rotate the way the tower would like :D
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+1 212. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Smart Birds

Well stone the crows, who'd have thunk it :D
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+7 213. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Ed Alleyene-Johnson

I remember seeing this guy busking in Liverpool City Centre in the late 1980's - Early 1990's and I've never before or since seen anyone attract a ring of people around him so huge that it's awesome just watching the crowd mesmerized. I wanna see him win 'Britain's Got Talent' or at least perform with David Gilmour!!
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+9 214. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Curling

I've always be after a woman who could pump like that with both hands :D I have a few jobs for her down on my farm beginning with............. >:)
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0 215. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Samsung - Own The Angels

You goon u mis-spelled the title, it's ANGLES not ANGELS LOL >:)
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+4 216. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette funny piano improv

Nice to see real talent out there in chat world, should hire himself out for dinner engagements :) Wish I had his piano skills but even more so his improv' talents!!
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+2 217. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Good at maths

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-2 218. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Haiti Charity Match

Now I wanna see the tennis placers wear those mics in future tournaments so we can hear every mutter and every groan (shame that Monica Seles no longer competes >:) )
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+3 219. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Google: don't be evil?

Very interesting. I wonder if Mossad, MI6, The CIA And others underpin the Google enterprise?
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+1 220. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video This Too Shall Pass

Very Very impressive but as I am not feeling too good it made me wanna be sick/dizzy because of all that was going on. Hats off to the lads and their support team for a great video!!!!
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-3 221. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video This'n'That

Excellent palming my man!! Coming next: The Lesbian Guitarist shows us her outstanding fingering techniques >:)
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+16 222. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video First time in a vegetarian restaurant

She aint gonna be letting him eat her flower tonight now >:)
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-2 223. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Monkey using tools

David Attenborough should be given a Nobel prize for his services to education, except there isn't such a prize. Come on 'Nobel Committee' It's time to make a prize for this. Ifthey can give out a so called Peace Prize for a black guy becoming US President and a former Vice President for espounding the so-called 'Truth' about global warming then they can give a prize every year to the unsung heroes out there who inspire others!! First would be David (Unfortunately dead people don't count so sorry Carl (Sagan ;-( )
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+15 224. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Babies and fathers

Oh what bundles of Joy...............
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+2 225. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Beer launching fridge

All's he needs now is a commode and his local supermarket to come fill it up and he's in business :D I'm sure you can live off potato chips too
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+3 226. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Scooter Vs Garage Door

Must have had his helmet on back-to-front the goon!! >:)
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+1 227. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Motorist Hits Guy

Looks like that arsehole had a vendetta against the old guy: 3 times he tried to take him out and he crashed his own car after the 2nd occasion reversing into the old dude on the 3rd strike,His ass should be in jail!!!!!
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-2 228. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Pool table mod

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-8 229. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video You know, I...

It did happen, he gets his speeches relayed to his earpiece and it failed in the most epic way imaginable >:)
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+3 230. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video The Sandpit : tilt-shift timelapse

Makes everything look like a Lego project. You can probably achieve the same visual effect by putting a fine smearing of vaseline on the edges of the camera lens.
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0 231. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Trampoline fail

Where there's no sense there's no feeling hey!! :P Bet he didn't feel a thing :D
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+10 232. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video So you think that you can fly?

Hats off to the little dude piloting the plane, he's very talented. Should be in the Olympics 8-)
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+1 233. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Big balls trail ride

Only 2 things to say about this: "No way I'd walk it!!" and "Heff-in-Hell!!"
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+3 234. Namron7 commented 14 years ago on video Simple method to make fire

Not to be recommended on car batteries when the battery is still in the car!! (I found out when I decided to clean my +ve terminal with wire wool) Just make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy should your pyromania get the better of you >:) !!!!!!!!!!