Comments posted by Napper


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+24 1. Napper commented 14 years ago on video Heckler owned by comedian

#(removed comment) I think he said "Glad you remembered"
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+1 2. Napper commented 14 years ago on video Wipeout's Top 10 Moments!

Btw, one participant died from brain injury :/ And after this video, I don't wonder how it happened.
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+76 3. Napper commented 14 years ago on video Make a weird ball

I wish he hadn't paint the ball :(
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0 4. Napper commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

#16 Well I quess we'll find out whether you can or cannot create paradoxes once we get a working timemachine. Until then I still think it's only possible to travel to the future.
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+2 5. Napper commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

Traveling through time, imo, is possible to the future, but not to the past, due to paradoxes.
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+7 6. Napper commented 14 years ago on video Evolution of war

Prodigy - Voodoo people (Pendulum Remix)
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0 7. Napper commented 14 years ago on video Godly Tetris skills

damn repost.
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+14 8. Napper commented 14 years ago on video Godly Tetris skills

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+9 10. Napper commented 15 years ago on video Ever hear of the Viral Dance?

That's why I love big crowds, they turn out to be big disasters or full of awesomeness.
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+6 11. Napper commented 15 years ago on video Reporter being owned

Actually, it was the translator's bad. Because he wasn't challenging her.
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+16 12. Napper commented 15 years ago on video New Zealand: 100% ours

:D Good one, unexpected.
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+18 13. Napper commented 15 years ago on video Whack-A-Kitty

I bet that was on Hardcore.
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+4 14. Napper commented 15 years ago on video 1976 Swine Flu infomercial

"Man I'm too fast-- " :D
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+1 15. Napper commented 15 years ago on video Picture Zoom Sketch

Yeah, easily.
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-2 16. Napper commented 15 years ago on video The clumsy tennis player

Remi! :D
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+2 17. Napper commented 15 years ago on video Who's on first?

This is old,yet it still makes me laugh
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+2 18. Napper commented 15 years ago on video How traffic jams are caused

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-7 19. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Fifa Street 3 commercial

Yes, fake, but cool.
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+7 20. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Fastest gunman ever?

Naah, it's real.His skill and his mouth are probl as big.
Speed of Light ;D haha
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+2 21. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Magic Flashlights

#6 Yes, made by using Adobe After Effects
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+5 22. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Dans la tete (In the head)

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+3 23. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Skype laughter chain

Lol, last one shuold be in the Zoo.
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0 24. Napper commented 16 years ago on video What will your people do when the network goes down?

I'll give 4 :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) Monkey Meads
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+5 25. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Car chase + escape of passengers

20..21..22..23.. err..
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+4 26. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Oktapodi

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+2 27. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel vs Eminem

That's true.
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0 28. Napper commented 16 years ago on video How (not) to impress the crowd

Yes very cool. BUT it's from a MOVIE, Never Back Down.
So there you have it.
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0 29. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Real time tracking

Welcome to the Virtual World.
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-1 30. Napper commented 16 years ago on video PlayStation 9 in 2078

Hahaha, nice comment NucleoVega.
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+6 31. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Pretty cool experiment

So battery and a little magnet?
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0 32. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Interesting new video player

SpikeSilver, yep it's jsut going back and foward.
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+4 33. Napper commented 16 years ago on video F-22 maneuverability

You should know something about physics then you might understand the demonstration and why F-22 is so good.
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+4 34. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Incredible Machine

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+5 35. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Incredible Machine

Suprisinly it's done by japanse...
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0 36. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Dove Onslaught(er)

Well we all know the future isin't looking too bright if we continue like this.
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+1 37. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Laser Flashlight Hack / Kipkay ! He's the one who's done this video. He has many other cool videos ^^
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+2 38. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Playing with a truck

Well... OU SHIT!
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0 39. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Google Doodles

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+2 40. Napper commented 16 years ago on video The most spoiled girl in the world?

Well well, I guess she will learn something about life in future.
Do U think those parents realize what they're doing to her?
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+17 41. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Crystal glass concert

Oh my god that's great!
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+1 42. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Oops... sorry!


I meant, the marines cannot stop, because if they'd stop some suicide bomber might bomb. That's why they went nonstop. Not that the crash would have been planned.
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-8 43. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Oops... sorry!

They cannot stop, because of suicide bombers. That's why.
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0 44. Napper commented 16 years ago on video AA-12: world's deadliest shotgun

:f omg. Now I jsut hope I'll see those weapons from a 500 meter away, so I can shoot them with sniper rifle :I
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+4 45. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Working out

Hooly shite those guys are crazy!
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+8 46. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Frozen Grand Central

Damn cool! :D
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0 47. Napper commented 16 years ago on video Private war with stolen tank

With some buddies and some ammo... :|
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+2 48. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Cat with gloves

That's raelly funny, atleast to me! And that wasnt' even cruel yet, just a lil' prank. When cats are kicked/beated/throwed then it's cruel.
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+1 49. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Planets in scale and size

Biggest known star so far is VY Canish Majoris. And it is much more bigger than W Cephei.
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0 50. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Yamaha R1 in Austria

U'll understand when U've U r own motorbike.
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+2 51. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Planets in scale and size

Yes, there is bigger stars than W Cephei, BabyJLE.
And C Cephei might actually be a small star, if we just could look futher in the space.
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+1 52. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Cambridge Joy (parkour)

Few good ones.
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0 53. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Beer Tree: The Ultimate Christmas Project

U need a quite party to get so many bottles :P. kidding.
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-1 54. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Traveling through time

mm well I dunt think it's real but, it might be funn to travel like that :)
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+14 55. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Car wash rampage

Wtf is he trying to do??
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+2 56. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Playing with barrels

BombDiggady yep, Those physics are awesome !
Gotta buy a new computer so I can play that too :o.
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+2 57. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Insane battery hack

Lol, funny one ^^
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+2 58. Napper commented 17 years ago on video The archaeologist

omg Rjavc, I didn't realize that, how could U be so smart?
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+20 59. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Treadmill Bike

Why couldn't U just walk ?
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0 60. Napper commented 17 years ago on video The archaeologist

Yes dave9191, Let's leave those "1ST!!111" posts. Right Spook24?
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+7 61. Napper commented 17 years ago on video New ambulance

Those ambulance drivers were finnish. And very funny commericial :D
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0 62. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Weird sleeping cat

I actually sleep with 10 pillows and 2 blankets. And I can't sleep well with 1 pillow anymore :/.

And the video was really good, love cats. :D
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+1 63. Napper commented 17 years ago on video New robot capabilities

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+1 64. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Tay Zonday's new song: Cherry Chocolate Rain

From Youtube to commercial for Dr. Pepper, nice.
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+22 65. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Effortless

haha,if only everything would be that easy ^^
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0 66. Napper commented 17 years ago on video The lobby scene - Bollywood style

worst than the ordinary one ::/
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+2 67. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Don't drink from hotel room glasses

Well U mite give U r cola to U r friend but about stranger, U never know what kinda of disease they have :S and shiet, I've drunk from hotell glass
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+20 68. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Boemerang fake TV show

fake ... ? It was not fake tho.
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+6 69. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Translation of a cat conversation

hehe. Kinda well done.
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+4 70. Napper commented 17 years ago on video An elephant throwing darts at balloons

Africa's next special forces ?
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+2 71. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Vancouver time-lapse

Day after day

Just like ants :s
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+7 72. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Spiders on drugs

Really funny ^^
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+2 73. Napper commented 17 years ago on video The Simpsons 300 trailer

it's starting to get old.
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+1 74. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Base jumping or flying?

Damn that's just so wicked!
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+8 75. Napper commented 17 years ago on video New: The Internet

eheh ".. Oslo." and swedish flag.. :D

It would have been so much funn if U'd have a nowadays coputer that time, think about all that hacking ;P
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+6 76. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Bar or TV

lel :D
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+7 77. Napper commented 17 years ago on video The Skittle Touch

Kaworu, go somehwere else to advertise U r games. ty
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+3 78. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Dance Monkey, Dance!

"or maybe you want your wife to eat you for dessert after mating, like a praying mantis."

Actually, female praying mantis removes male praying mantsis head before mating.
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-1 79. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Mind experiment with Derren Brown

I thought about 7 daimond too :O
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+2 80. Napper commented 17 years ago on video How to balance two forks on a toothpick

Not it's not fake.
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+4 81. Napper commented 17 years ago on video Cat vs toilet paper

That's so cute :3