Comments posted by NoNameMcGee


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+4 1. NoNameMcGee commented 14 years ago on video The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I like the bit from #00:00 to #(removed comment):06
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0 2. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train

Attempted suicide.... fail. "oh crap forgot my limbs were supposed to be on the rail lines."

#5 a second train would help at 0:50 when he is crouching and his ass is sticking out. :D
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+1 3. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Popping a ballon inside of another balloon

#4 is right on how it works :D
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+2 4. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Balloon space flight

lol #26 AND #3
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0 5. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video 8 million dollar car

1:07 LOL!
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+5 6. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Fat woman helps cop

#4 LOL! :D

that would leave a mark :)

Shoot dude! SHOOT!
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+13 7. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Disappearing plant

think what u want to think - science and religion is connected.

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+2 8. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Pictures

smart and cool

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /5
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+3 9. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Nunchaku

What an ending 1:18 !

first the spin
then the hand - "bring it on!'
then the nose thing
then, finally, the small, cool-down dance

now that's style!
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+1 10. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video The Simpsons - NEW Main Title

#8/#9 No, cartoons can be rendered in HD but only if the program used to make the cartoon (in this case Toon Boom) can support High Definition rendering.

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+2 11. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Microsoft iPod

Microsoft loves confirming things. Like in Windows it confirms every single thing - "do you want to delete this?" or "are you sure you want to close this?" or even "are you sure you want to open this?".

Just think in the actual ipod from microsoft - "are you sure you want to play this?" or "are you sure you want to turn the volume up?" or even "are you sure you want to open the folder?"
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+1 12. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Unbreakable skateboarder

Man! what was he wearing under those clothes!?
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-1 13. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video How traffic jams are caused

how about putting thousands of REAL snails on the road and see their reaction....
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-2 14. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Amusing police dog chase

Did the dog just strip the clothes off him at 2:50!?

And that stupid criminal hiding behind that tree the cops were totally confused!

funny if the helicoptor could just shoot down on the criminal with those cross hairs.
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+10 15. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Weatherman with green tie

what about green eyes...

freaky. :D
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0 16. NoNameMcGee commented 15 years ago on video Interesting bridge

#16 great explanation. :D

By the time the bridge curls up the boat TRYING to get through can sail around the world and back.... 2 times, to still make it on the other side of the bridge.
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0 17. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Weird wrestling moves

#15 I think it is intended that the big dude is spinning the smaller one. And then at the end of the spinning the small dude somehow throws him out of the ring with his feet... :)
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-1 18. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Weird wrestling moves

On the wikipedia site it says it is illegal in this game to use the ropes for leverage, although that's exactly what he did... :S ???
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-2 19. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Folding gun

Perfect for annoying posters.... >:)
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+1 20. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Huge water ski jump

That 'WOAH' at the end sounds funny :D :D
Very nice posture, great jump, superb landing. :P
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0 21. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Family Guy - Wheel of Fortune

#2 which south park one?
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+1 22. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Luckiest kill ever in Halo 3

#6 keep it down wif the language dude
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+2 23. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Chicken head tracking

same question as #12...
just asking.

cool but random vid,
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+3 24. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Kid transports bricks

This is a video from Bangladesh's South
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+1 25. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Beetle drag race

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+1 26. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video One in a million chance

how did that happen....? I wanted a car hitting it and crashing! :) :) :)
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+4 27. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video How not to move a cable roll upstairs

you see the guy on the counter, he hardly looked suprised. he saw the cable in astonishment and went straight back to work... :D
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+1 28. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Lamborghni garage

the two Lamborghnis below were stolen from my garage...
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+1 29. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video High tech Japanese train

feel kinda dizzy dont ya?
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+2 30. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Wingsuit BASE jumping in Baffin Island

and #15 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D FUNNY that's goin into tha commentbook
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-8 31. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Atmospheric cloud wave

asinine fool...
who would bother filming some lame old clouds from 40 minutes...???
Don't u agree?
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-1 32. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Giant urban beach ball

Happened on my street..
I was the one that was crushed by the big ball...

suffered a broken neck and a fractured arm.
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+2 33. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video A new watersport

I should try that on my concrete footpath

Asinine fools...
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0 34. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Cannabis

probably drunk...
i am too
and #13... too much to read.

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+1 35. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Tornado making a mess

oh no my wallet was in that storm... dammit
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0 36. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Private car garage

what a waste... 'I wonder what I'll drive today... Nah I'll just take the bus.' :D
waste of his life, money and time
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-7 37. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Under water explosion (1958)

but i have to say this only happened because the world's fattest man wanted to take a swim. (he went for the dive) :O
:O :D :O :D :O :D :O :D

#10 - what a sad comment ;)
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0 38. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Dynamic Tower

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+1 39. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video How to remove your wall?

he deserved that... trying to break a fragile wall like that
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0 40. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

now that was fast yet it seemed quiet fake coz it dissappeared into the horizon in 3 seconds :O :O
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+1 41. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Another near train miss

LOL :D they were sooo freaked out! They should of seen it coming...
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-1 42. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video "Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot"

how funny :D :D yet sad :'( in the way he is shown on Snotr for the world to see!!!
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+1 43. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Laser Flashlight Hack

Add another laser inside it to turn into a death ray... mwahahahahaha >:) :D >:)
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0 44. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Bowling: spinning ball spare

Really good precision! :O
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0 45. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Landslide

Yeah sure............only the backround was moving and the foreground was motionless.... fake, but koool :D
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-2 46. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video Electronic beat machine

Fake... But if it's real please send me one to
123 INeedOne St

i'm willing to pay a price up to $2
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0 47. NoNameMcGee commented 16 years ago on video How to fold a railroad tank

LOL!... Post 5