Comments posted by OhMeOhMyDC


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+5 1. OhMeOhMyDC commented 15 years ago on video A blonde and a 3rd grade geography question

OK, I wasn't going to get in on this one, but I couldn't help myself. I am an American, and unfortunately, there are "dumb" people in the "Good ole' US of A", but to judge all of us, by someone who has learned to act ignorant, to make it to fame, is quite ridiculous.
Reading these posts, by people judging a whole Continent, by the "intelligence" of 1 person (ok, yes, there are more than 1), is a sign of complete ignorance in itself. But what makes me laugh, is not only all of your comments, but the signs you display of your own "ignorance". The majority of you don't even know how to spell. I'm no grammer, oops, "grammar" student, but I do know how to use a Dictionary. So, before you get so critical, look at how you are displaying your own intelligence, with your spelling.
More over, I would love to have her IQ, if it meant being as successful as she has become, and making a whole lot more money than I do, with the education that I unfortunately didn't take serious enough.

What also amazes me, is that not ONE of you, remarked on Jeff's response about her "listening, but only hearing what she wants to", and Jeff's comment of how "that is just about being a women". Well, as much as that is a "feminist" remark, I know he is just being funny, so there for, I am not insulted (considering I am a women), yet I laughed. I chose to laugh at the "humor" of this whole shenanigan, instead of getting so worked up about it.

Not all American are "stupid", just as much as not all Europeans are overly intelligent..