Comments posted by Olivier


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+3 1. Olivier commented 14 years ago on video An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle

To be honest guys, who wouldn't want to live like that? Have sex with a different woman every day, having 2 women cook for you everyday. Come home and your food is on the table, and the bath is warm...
He might be a prick, but alot of guys would want to live like that tbh. Better like that, then having a girlfriend getting mad 3 times a day for the stupidest things, being not able to do whatever you want, whenever you want... If you're with a girl long enough, they become that bitch. That guy on the show doesn't have that problem. Living the good life tbh... No anoying kids, annoying girlfriend what so ever.
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-3 2. Olivier commented 14 years ago on video The boxer

#8 Wrong comment on wrong video...
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0 3. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Bankrobber shopper

Hahahah, I'm going to try that out tomorrow
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-3 4. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Metal Heart

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+11 5. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Insane dog

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+1 6. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Brilliant thief

Damn, gotta try that out sometime
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0 7. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Bender's Anti-Piracy Warning

hahaha I found that so funny tbh :D
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-3 8. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Drugs make you ugly

FAKE! All photoshoped!!

No realy, stick with weed, u don't have all that shit with weed...
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+3 9. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Minivan does a handstand

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-1 10. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video When you do it... do it right!

#18 Yeah, but our weed (in belgium and holland) is stronger than any other weed in the world. We smoke the best shit, and the less healthiest ^^
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+2 11. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Titanic in 5 seconds

Lame :|
Don't understand why ppl make this stuff :'(
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+1 12. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video "Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot"

"The best 9 seconds clip ever? You can watch this 100 times and keep laughing :D"

So true :P
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+4 13. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Law enforcement dealing with the public

#5 it's america...
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+13 14. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Law enforcement dealing with the public

Only happens in the US...
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+2 15. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Elephant Handler Fail

Damn it must stink in there
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+3 16. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Funny Heineken Commercial

Haha great
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-1 17. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Icon Story

boring :|
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+2 18. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield: Bad Company - 'Totally Not' TV Ad

Hahhaa, funny as hell !
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-8 19. Olivier commented 16 years ago on video Sylvania Light Bulbs


Lol funny one :D