Comments posted by Pizzaface1951


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Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements
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-5 1. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video Omen

Thank you for sharing your closed minded opinion. I bet you would have liked it if he had played a Taylor Swift song with it.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+2 2. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video What is in McDonalds chicken nuggets?

With regards to the purpose of grinding the chicken up I would have to assume its to increase the volume of mcnuggets. The nugget is a lot less dense that whole chicken breast.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+3 3. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video Joaquin Phoenix Slams Walmart for Supporting Sickening Cruelty to Pigs

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ? Mahatma Gandhi.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+6 4. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video Ex-NFL star finds new passion in farming

How depressing this has turned into a religious debate. This is a good man doing a good thing.
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-5 5. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video Man saves bald eagle

The Eagle is lucky he wasn't born a fish otherwise he would have been murdered and possibly eaten.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+6 6. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video STEM System - Lightsaber Demo Using Oculus Rift

As many others have said before me --- Shut up and take my money!!!
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

-2 7. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video Minute Physics warns about YouTube phishing attacks

#4 and #5 It looks like you guys get 87% of your statistics from the same place I do. My ass.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

-3 8. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video Good Cop Pull Over Prank

Its shocking how many of the drivers had earphones in. Voluntarily deaf drivers. I'm surprised they heard the siren behind them.
At the end of the day I'm just bitter because I want free money too.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+7 9. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video The Fountain - Marcel Lucien Grandjany

#2 Yeah, they are rich.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

-1 10. Pizzaface1951 commented 10 years ago on video "The Asian Vitruvian Man"

Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+10 11. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Nunchaku Freestyle

He just turned something I once thought was manly into a twirly baton exercise. . . . .
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+13 12. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Ray Ban Illusion

The depth of Field is the only give away. It focus on the table at the same point as the objects where that normally wouldn't happen. Pretty cool none the less.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+6 13. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video 42 Consecutive Handsprings

Apples and oranges. I like apples better but that doesn't mean they are better than oranges. Its personal preference. Same goes for football.
And why is it do you think that you may like the one over the other. I would imagine it is most likely to do how and where you were raised. (complete chance)
Most likely if your nationalities were reversed you would be having an inverse argument. Similar situation when people fight over what team they like when really the reason they support that team is because (a) they liked the colour when they were 5 years old or (b) its who your daddy supports. Something to think about the next time you feel patriotic too.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+16 14. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

@3. that is what's wrong with our culture
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+24 15. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video World record attempt for the lowest standing back tuck ever

He ain't all that. Blanka from street fighter could do that since the 80s . . . . .
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+1 16. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Getting my dog out of bed in the morning

If Craig from Malcolm in the Middle existed this would be him. . . . .
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

-2 17. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

source of information - - - daily mail.
You might as well eat some alphabet soup and crap some statistics out.
It would likely be more acurate.
Have you looked at any other articles on there? lol
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+1 18. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Orchestra musicians perform on flight

They let you take the Cello on the flight if you pay for a seat for it.
For the amount of money it is probably worth i don't think you would want it thrown around the place.
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

-1 19. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Chaotically hypnotizing Sufi dance Zikr in Chechnya

Auditions for The Wicked Witch of the west's honour guard
Picture of Pizzaface195127 achievements

+30 20. Pizzaface1951 commented 11 years ago on video Most depressing cooking show...ever...

I don't know why but I watched all the way to the end.
In all fairness I do want to eat some of the rice now . . . . . and go back to a time before I watched this video. :(|)