Comments posted by Realdak1


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+5 1. Realdak1 commented 14 years ago on video Nature by numbers

Bravo for Cristobal!
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-2 2. Realdak1 commented 14 years ago on video Winter sports in russia

They speeking rusian language...
Picture of Realdak113 achievements

0 3. Realdak1 commented 15 years ago on video Robot walking like a human

Just like mine ex-girlfriend :(
Picture of Realdak113 achievements

+1 4. Realdak1 commented 15 years ago on video Demolition of Skyscraper

And where is the twin building?!
Picture of Realdak113 achievements

-2 5. Realdak1 commented 15 years ago on video Road Race Fail

10 years in the prison!!!