Comments posted by Robjeknor


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+1 1. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video A Normal Day 2

so, wathing the last 20 seconds was enough... :|
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+4 2. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Man stares death in the face, and then takes a picture of it

Ehm.. First take a picture and then helping??
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+1 4. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video How NOT to jump an ATV

That laugh.. :D
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+2 5. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Effective alarm clock

That thing might be usefull for waking me up..
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-4 6. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Planet Earth

And still people believe this is not created.
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+1 7. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Woman parallel parks car

common, I can't spot the difference between the way she has parked at 0:18 and in the end.
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0 8. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Base jumping

Is this the last base jump vid we're going to see? This already the 10th base jump video. They're pritty much the same. Becomes a bit boring. :(
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+3 9. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Cars - Tokyo Mater

I like this short but I'm happy I didn't watch the movie.. ;)
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0 10. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Sneezing in slow motion

Beautiful.. >:)
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+1 11. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Duck and Cover

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+2 12. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Really crazy acrobatics

That guy jumping with his head, looks like having a LEGO head.
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+16 13. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Fox catches mouse under snow

nice :O
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+3 14. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Megalodon

they make up a whole shark from one '10 million' years old teeth? :S
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+2 15. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video The Air car

in about one year the first cars will be on the market...
well, it is one year later! And where is it?
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+1 16. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Ninja Bear!

LOL 0:50
he is going to throw it in the crowd.. :D
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+1 17. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Designing the stop sign

People now start understanding the Microsoft iPod movie... :D
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+2 18. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Microsoft iPod

#(removed comment), keep on waiting... good luck.
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0 19. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Freestyle Riding

1:15 made me think hes was grinding on his forewheel on the fennc... :O
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+2 20. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Winter action

great music :D
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+2 21. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Airplane landing

It looks like it is a balloon :D
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+1 22. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Impossible?

mmmm, that would save me a lot of time.
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0 23. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video T-Mobile "flashmob" commercial

#1 seem to be first... I mean the first, to get a 'golden' comment box because of the good rating!
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+11 24. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video 360 days in 40 seconda

#(removed comment)
Please, can't you this one is different? The colors don't change every frame, but it's a smooth one! it seems a lot of work to me.
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-3 25. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video How not to drive

Irritating sound
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+8 26. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Genius dog

#1, did you see the water??
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+3 27. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Masterpiece of driving

that guy on the little vehicle.. :O
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0 28. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Shawshank 80's montage

Haha, the music
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+3 29. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Ringtone commercial

hahahahaha. Rofl. the last fart.. hahaha
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0 30. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Barclaycard water slide spoof

hahahaha great. thats the real thing.
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+4 31. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Barclaycard water slide

so great... love it. want it. :)
Picture of Robjeknor25 achievements

+1 32. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Crosswalk prank

great. didn't expect it.
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0 33. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Girl malfunction

oops. The camera was on :D
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-3 34. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Very complex Kung Fu move

9/10 :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+1 35. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Would you dare to take a swing?

#2 This swing doesn't have chains nor ropes but something much more firm. ;)
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+6 36. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Hi Jack!

what kind of movie would dat be?
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+4 37. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Japanese gas station service

#11 2009??
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+9 38. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Insane dog

helium?? hahaha
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+7 39. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Be kind to your local nazi

#2 it's heil not hail.
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-4 40. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Einstein bird

old but still great
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-2 41. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Private car garage

#2 Lol, it sais greenpeace a few times. Hahaha, i never trusted that organisation. Thats were they spend their money.
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0 42. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video He loves a fat girl

Worth one monkey for the black guy.
:(|) /10
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0 43. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Exotic car crashes - Before and After pictures

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
They actually did a burial at 1:23 :S
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+1 44. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Dance fail

I don't think it's fake. She's a blondy :D

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
Picture of Robjeknor25 achievements

-4 45. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Flying car - Moller Skycar M400

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-7 46. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Supercars in Korea

movie takes to long
:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-4 48. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Medieval soldier prank

very orignial prank.. ;)
:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-3 49. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Pretty good driver

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 50. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Out of luck

8 /10

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 51. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Drugs make you ugly

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
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-2 52. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Bender's Anti-Piracy Warning

6 monkeys:
:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
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-1 53. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Very angry cat

ouch.. The food I just putted into my mouth not their anymore.. :D
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0 54. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Freaky dancing robot

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
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0 55. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Hamster On A Piano (Eating Popcorn)

haha the hamster falls of the piano..
#3 not worth 4 monkeys: :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
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+1 56. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Loud B***h

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! :D
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+3 57. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Funny videos compilation

Is the category not supposed to be: 'animals'??
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+4 58. Robjeknor commented 15 years ago on video Minivan does a handstand

cool :O
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0 59. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Stupid people

I don't think the guys from 1:23 till 2:00 are so stupid, it's just fun!
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-2 60. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Time of my Life

no life.
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+1 61. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Hamster Ball 'swimming'

I did something like that! :)
I was inside a hasmtermill,so you can breath, it's realyy fun to do!
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+2 62. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Pants on fire

#21 The burning of the pants is fake..
Just spray some ligth flameble stuff on your pants, ligth it, and then you get this, not harmfull at all, if your fast enough
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+2 63. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Super Mario rescues the Princess

Why is their written: "Burger King" in the credits??
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+4 64. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video How not to use a potato gun

Build your own simple version:
Step 1.
Go to any supermarket and buy some pringles.
Step 2.
Eat the pringles. Or, if you're not hungry, give it to the dog. :D
Step 3.
Make a hole as large as your finger in the center of the bottem.
Step 4.
Put a tennis ball or potato in the pringels pipe.
Step 5.
Trough the small hole, put some deodorant or other high flammable stuff in it.
Step 6.
Put a lighter or match to the hole.
Step 7.
Enjoy the painfull effect. >:)
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+4 65. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Kittens discover the crack under the door

Those sounds on the floor :P
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+10 66. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video 11 years old girl assembles rifle in record time

right... :O
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+4 67. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Scary fish

Subtitle??? O:)
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0 68. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Supermarket domino

I hope for them that they get paid for the extra work :D
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+1 69. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Strange lions filmed on safari

I'm First :D
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+1 70. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video British aircraft marshalling

That 118 guy is realy in short of attantion.
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-1 71. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Window Cleaner Accident

lol. I saw them once "abseiling" a building. then one started to fool around and the troubles started.
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0 72. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Pregnancy + alcohol

what a irritating noise..
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0 73. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Snake without ending

whooo, I was scared
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+2 74. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Photorealistic speed-painting

mmm, he looks like a woman.. O:)
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0 75. Robjeknor commented 16 years ago on video Crazy driver nearly killed by train

Maybe, that car went into a street or so..
And in Holland we only close one side of the way. SO totaly no fake..
Just cool