Comments posted by Ronin_100


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-5 1. Ronin_100 commented 14 years ago on video Pool table mod

Would'nt like to tear the felt on this table XD
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+2 2. Ronin_100 commented 15 years ago on video Skeet shooting jumbo style

Tbh at those sort of ranges a thank shell would pass right through without detonation and probably take out some guys house 3 miles down the road :D
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-7 3. Ronin_100 commented 16 years ago on video Broccoli Kitten LOVES Broccoli!

Poor kittie will prolly end up with iron poisoning :(
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+1 4. Ronin_100 commented 16 years ago on video 3D sidewalk drawings

Awsome work!
Btw, anyone know the song at all?
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-1 5. Ronin_100 commented 16 years ago on video Amazing martial arts moves


Name of the song is 'No Brains' from the album 'Does This Look Infected' ;)