Comments posted by Salem


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+4 1. Salem commented 14 years ago on video The Germans are going crazy on advertising

haha it's pretty funny if you don't think it over that well :)
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+27 2. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Elephant sized tongue.

now gimme a french kiss :*
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+7 3. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Worst defender ever!

He actually defended it right.. But the ball changed direction because of the puddle of mudd. Watch again, when he kicks it away, it goes way beyond the goal. But half a second later, it changes direction :)
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+7 4. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Computerized Rim Design

No more than a gimmick sadly :(
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+31 5. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Brick in a washing machine

Hahaha gotta try that one with my old washing machine! >:)

But remember kids, safety first 8-)
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+6 6. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Shotgunning a beer FAIL

I think this was take #5432, from his reaction >:)
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+112 7. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Pilot pretends to faint

That's just cruel!
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+16 8. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Big Bang Big Boom

Very entertaining and yet so accurate!

Thumbs up for all the time they spent in this project! :O
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0 9. Salem commented 14 years ago on video gravité

I was just half watching this video but when those things smashed I lol'ed hard haha!

Just some rhythm and then BLAM! :D
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+36 10. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Nice Day for a Kickabout

Holy Shit! Those were some lucky guys! :O
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+7 11. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Honda U3-X a Sitting Segway

Here is some other footage:
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+24 12. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Need an upgrade!

"Clip from brand new show Al Murray's Multiple Personality Disorder - Friday nights, 9:30pm, ITV1. For more info log on to"

Youtube is your friend:)
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+8 13. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

Wow, just great camerawork! Now I want to do it too :D
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+23 14. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Monkey pulls Dog across the river

Well he HAD to jump... or get dragged into the water lol
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-20 15. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Best Cry Ever

Guess we HAVE evolved from primates... ;)
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+9 16. Salem commented 14 years ago on video What?

There's something smelling fishy around here... :S
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+2 17. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Garbage explosion

#11 nice observation:)
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+14 18. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Water - Whiskey experiment

The density of water is higher, so it sinks. It pushes the whiskey to the top glass, because the whiskey has nowhere else to go. It's a cool experiment, and you can do it yourself. Just like this one:

Try it, it's pretty cool.
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+23 19. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Axis Of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song(s)

#2 I'm not thumbing down the video because I already saw it so what's the problem?

I was just sharing my thoughts, it's what you do at a place like this.

And I really hate the way the voting system is abused here. It's meant for spam and/or flaming, but everybody who's post is not cool/funny/great enough just gets voted down..
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-14 20. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette Speed Painting

The last one was just posing :S
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-13 21. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Chubby cuppy cake boy

Haha, he is good though and having fun, so what's the problem?
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+12 22. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Pilipinas Got Talent contestant sounding like a horse

Yeah done some research:

It's a man, he is a homosexual, and he just wants to sing and doesn't care about others insulting him.

The song is "Banal Na Aso Santong Kabayo".

Don't know what that means though :|
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+39 23. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Pilipinas Got Talent contestant sounding like a horse

#4 yeah heard that too :P

The faces that he/she makes when making that sounds... priceless >:)
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+13 24. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Taiwanese Boy Sings Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'

Wow, just simply wow! +1 for Asian (non useless) talent!
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+4 25. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Nice prank from Heineken

Hahaha, priceless! :D

Very good prank indeed, and it shows that women still have control over the men nowadays ;)
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+22 26. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Animal Attraction

"This can't be right!" >:) Loved that one.
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-14 27. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Jim Playfair Loses His Composure!

Hmm, with a name like that, I think this is staged. I dunno why, just got a feeling.

What do you guys think about it?
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+1 28. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Bike Accident

Gotta agree with #(removed comment). It's funny when show-offs fail 8-)

@ #3

Quite the imagination huh :P Just behave out here on the lone, cold interwebs little brother :D
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-2 29. Salem commented 14 years ago on video This'n'That

Wow, even I can do this. Not too hard when you play enough cards!
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+16 30. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Accident at Pink tv

Wow, she just fainted and got the scenery on her head, and all the two other can think about is: I must look good on TV, so I won't help her. That's SAD! When somebody is in a situation like that, you don't care about your status. Especially that douchebag who stands up, and sits again. He should be a real gentleman and help her ASAP!
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+1 31. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Vacuums

#24 It does ! >:)
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+2 32. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Umbrella vs tornado simulator

That's awesome!
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+2 33. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Animal attack

Go get 'm Rudolph >:)
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-9 34. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Satellite Car Chase

This is somebody playing those old-school Grand Theft Auto games.. In real life! :D
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+12 35. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Surprise!!

Ahahaha, BUSTED! >:)
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+19 36. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Old man beats up thug

#9 On top of that, she took his bag. And got it on tape! >:)

So how would she press charges while she was breaking the law herself 8-)

Yep, very, very idiotic.
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+8 37. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Best Rugby Hits

Compared to these guys football (or soccer, whatever ;) ) players are total pussies!
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0 38. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Gigi D'Agostino played on church organ

It IS desync. Watch the first part when he's touching the first notes, music doesn't start but after 3 seconds it does..

Also in the beginning where you see him switching octafes (did I get that right? :) ), you'll hear the according sound later.

Indeed a shame, but nice anyway.
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+27 39. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Beaker's Ballad

"Let's keep digging until this thing is buried" >:)
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+5 40. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Serving Guinness

#9 just rate them down, but don't comment about it because that's what they want.

A form of silent assassination >:)
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-8 41. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Backyard Roller Coaster

It goes pretty fast too!

I can haz rollarcoastar? O:)
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+2 42. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Truck Crashes Into Pedestrian Bridge

What was he thinking? You'd see that in the side-view mirrors, right?

What an complete ASS! People like this should never be allowed to drive ANY vehicle at all.
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+8 43. Salem commented 14 years ago on video It pays to look good

This is wrong at so many levels >:)
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+20 44. Salem commented 14 years ago on video cebu dancing inmates

Did anyone drop the soap? :D
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+4 45. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Death Swing

If I were that monkey I would've barfed the whole suit under!

I'm just saying! :D
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-2 46. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Stewie kills a hooker

Looks like a PayBack kill from MW2!

The Big Question is: What did she do to him, then? :O
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+18 47. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Annoying sleep-over

Gotta love his persisting attitude!

One of the best pranks available, working on ppl nerves >:)
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+19 48. Salem commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

Hooray for Dutch Compilators! :D
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+2 49. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Narrow parking skills

#8 Holland = The Netherlands(where we speak "Dutch";). Just an other name for my country.
Belgium has Vlaanderen, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium (where people talk "vlaams";), and also Wallonië, the French speaking part of Belgium.
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0 50. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Porn Buddies!

That's because the title of the video is "porn buddies". The Ads are from google and they search revelantly to the page's name. So yeah, when there's a video about Polish Caravans, you'll get Ads ranging from vacation in Poland to caravan salesmen.
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+1 52. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Fixing the roof

At least a replacement won't be a problem!
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+5 53. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Girls can't fight

Guess someone saw her panties.. >:)
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+7 54. Salem commented 15 years ago on video We got that B-roll!!

Talk about energetic :D

"Maybe he's late for work? Nope, he's AT work. He's a B-ROLL ACTOR! " >:) >:)
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+6 55. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Guitar Hero - Christmas Light edition


I think that's an admin-only function, because I can't do it:P
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+6 56. Salem commented 15 years ago on video 'Sinterklaas' bloopers

"Sinterklaas" is the predecessor of Santa Claus. It was a tradition in Holland, and America wrote about it.

Few decennia / centuries later, Sinterklaas became Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) in America.

So in fact you're watching version 1.0 of your Santa Claus :D
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+7 57. Salem commented 15 years ago on video SNL - Digital Short - Shy Ronnie

Absolutely brilliant!
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-3 58. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Emo Vampire Song

Whats wrong with it? It's just a movie, like it or not. But don't say things you will regret like #3.
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+5 59. Salem commented 15 years ago on video What A Roadside Bomb Looks in Real Life!!

Genis: Stalagmite! >:)
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+3 60. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Optical Illusions


Your sixth and seventh point are already there. Just click above at "Search" or "Submit a video"
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+13 61. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Coupon Lady

what an amazing cheapskate!
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+2 62. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Hold that truck

Just out of boredom I clicked "random video" .

Guess where it landed me?

What a coincidence!
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+5 63. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Super spray painting

Wow that's amazing! At first I thought it would be just some colors on a piece of paper, but then...!

Strange he isn't worried about the fumes from the spray.. I'd wear a mouthpiece so I wouldn't inhale all those spray particles!
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+20 64. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Deepsea something... eeww

Only available in Japan. No batteries included.
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+17 65. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Bugs compilation

You're such a nerd :D
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+3 66. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Awesome slowmotion (1000fps) camera shots

While the first 30 seconds may seem boring, the rest is well worth watching :)

I want to EAT that jelly >:)
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+22 67. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Adam & Eve


As I said before, Dutch ads FTW :D
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+10 68. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Gimme the cash

Classic! :D
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+1 69. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Slow motion fish catch by bird

#5 It was sitting on the branch that you see in the background ;)

nice vid, but Slow Mo is very overrated. Sure, the bird is very fast but it would be much cooler if he was like *SNAP* and it's gone.
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+12 70. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Talking animals

But you DID have time to post a comment. Such a shame you missed the other scenes :(|)
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+6 71. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Funny Cats

#3 Cats have a mind of their own. If you hold a cat when it does not want to, you get clawed, it's simple as that.
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+5 72. Salem commented 15 years ago on video World's deadliest spider

I'm not afraid of spiders but after seeing this I sure as hell check them all! :O
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-4 73. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Huge dust storm in Australia

Oops, you beat me to it Most_uniQue :P
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+13 74. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Huge dust storm in Australia

put your lights on ye idiot :O

Indeed scary stuff 8-)
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-16 75. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Scientists find the first earth-like planet in a habitable zone

Why do they search for other planets when we don't even have discovered the full extent of our own planet? (the sea)
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+11 76. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Try to say the color of text

If you don't look at the text but "through" the text it isn't very hard, but when you lose your focus it becomes even harder! 8-)

Finally a new vid on SnotR, been waiting for almost a full day lol :O
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+1 77. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Jumping fox on trampoline

#(removed comment), #11

I really liked it too, that's my humour >:)

Well, the sarcasm part anyway ;)
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+8 78. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Thai Harder

Reminds me of that old Worms 2 video with the two worms competing and getting bigger and better stuff >:)
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0 79. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Dramatic Cupcake Dog

Thumbs down, just not funny.

However, the E=mc2 joke is a thumbs up, clever find.

So I'm not rating O:)
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0 80. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Near train misses

you* will be killed I meant, of course 8-)
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+6 81. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Near train misses

#(removed comment) yeah they're the same. same car, same train, same signs.

Bunch of morons indeed. Don't mess with such things.

In Holland we have a joke on that:

Riddle: "It's yellow, and when you get it in your eye your will be killed."

Answer: "A Train!" :P
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+7 82. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Weird goal scoring celebration

At least it is original. And pretty funny :P
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+15 83. Salem commented 15 years ago on video 9 Nine Shane Acker short animation

It's just called "9", Shane Acker was the guy who directed it ;)

But a nice short movie, weird setting and all but very well made.
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+2 84. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Post-it tricks

But the color effects were pretty neat, though.
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+3 85. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Pretty cool indeed, but I think it will be hard to understand for ppl who aren't very good in English.

And all those sound effects are very annoying :S

I lost it after the sixth dimension haha, lost interest all of a sudden.

It's just hard to imagine ;)
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0 86. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Speed riding the Eiger

@17 yeah that was a very close call! :O
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+8 87. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Data security - Harddisk shredder

And now try to solve the mega puzzle!

It IS hungry, and he keeps feeding and feeding it :O
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0 88. Salem commented 15 years ago on video Football is cruel

gotta love Stam, 3:16.

Twelve ppl holding him back, barely, and three for the other guy harhar >:)
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+2 89. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Inappropriate commercials

Dutch ads ftw :D
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-8 90. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Women bloopers

lawl @ "womans" ;)
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0 91. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Parkour master

This one really, really SUCKS. my grandma is better than that!! >:) #-3
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+3 92. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Another football accident

That's just foul..
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0 93. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Human pixels

lol @ 2:25 :P

and the one at 1:10 is the best :D
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-1 94. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Redneck fun

haha, lol @ last picture.

#4, agree :D
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+10 95. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Levitating water

#(removed comment), maybe you should listen to what they were saying ;)
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+6 96. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Cat compilation

Most of them are really old, but still make you laugh.

The animated cats in this vid are not funny at all, tho :S
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+10 97. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Be careful of what you wish

The music is very... popular with this kind of video's / sketches :S
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+21 98. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Flying cat

But still awesome! :D
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+1 99. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Melvin the Superhero

That guy is great! :D
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+5 100. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Centraal Beheer Achmea commercials - part 2

The police officer and the bank robbery is the best! :D
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+1 101. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Centraal Beheer Achmea commercials - part 3

Truly hilarious :D
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+7 102. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Ford Mustang vs cops

Nice ad, great car.
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0 103. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Centraal Beheer Achmea commercials - part 1

Inderdaad, Mix! :D
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+2 104. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Beer wave

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+2 105. Salem commented 16 years ago on video 35 headshots in 32 seconds

0:24 and the last are the best >:)
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+1 106. Salem commented 16 years ago on video Don't throw paperclips at your co-worker...

Probably fake, as his colleagues won't stand up or help him a bit.
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+5 107. Salem commented 16 years ago on video 34 painful hits in 31 seconds

lol, but the intro was 5 secs!

You do the math >:)