Comments posted by Scotsman50


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+2 1. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Deep Bore Into Antarctica Finds Freezing Ice, Not Melting as Expected

Total depth would have been nice to know :)
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0 2. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Girl's eye trick so awesome

She was Hot,,,until she opened her mouth then she turned into trash.
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+3 3. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video This Horrifying Ride In Japan Is Pedal-Powered

#3 Agrees :)
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0 4. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Bumblebee Camaro Crash

Ouch :|:|:|
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+4 5. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video How not to check if an electrical cable is live

WB SNOTR :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 6. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video How rope was made the old fashioned way

Yeah#13 lol and i am second, i came home from fishing for 18.00 as it was bloody cold.8-)8-)
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+1 7. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

#28 Yayyyyyy I am in the likeable bracket (just) :P:squirrel::squirrel:
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-1 8. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

# 22 thumbs up.

Only in Umerica. Nowhere else in the civilized modern 1st world

No where else in the world full stop, not even 2nd or 3rd world country's do this on such a scale but hell yeah as far as the NRA is concerned fuck the kids we want out guns.

Thoughts and prayers to all over there involved.<3
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+7 9. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

Non sequitur.,,,
Obfuscate. ,,,
Quid Pro Quo. ,,,,
Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness ,,,

Just thought i would throw some big words that no one cares about into the conversation as well.:'(:'(:'(
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0 10. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video People Experience -220°F (-140°C) For The First Time

#24 I put the tumble drier on to dry the air out and sat next to it, I was roasting :P :P
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0 11. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cows released after all winter locked

Milkshake Waldo Milkshake.

Seen this dozens of times on the farms, happy happy cow's :D
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+1 12. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cat Demands to Be Petted

#22 one is probably around 6 and a half the other around 35 :P
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0 13. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cat Demands to Be Petted

#21 YOU ROCK <3<3:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 14. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Why construction takes forever

Been there ,done that :)
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+1 15. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video A robot assembling an IKEA chair - Francisco Suárez-Ruiz, Science Robotics

Stoopid machines needed a human to unpack the box and give them the pieces :P
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+2 16. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Why Hawaii's volcano is so UNUSUAL

#3 Waldo is lying on a beach somewhere inconspicuous awaiting a new Classic :)
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+4 17. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

She is wearing wayyyy to many clothes :D:DO:)

Not objectifying here just saying it as it is .
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+1 18. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Try not to Laffe fishing

I had a day out fishing with my son yesterday.

Caught 3 lost another 2 one which came right out the water and straightened my bloody hook.

Good day all in all but will have to wait till next week to go again :(

Update, my son has a day off on Thursday so he is taking his Fiancee and Baby to Edinburgh to her Gran's and will meet me up the Loch we go to around 10 sooooo yayyyyyyy we are going Fishing again this week ....Happy days :D:D:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 19. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Ford Mustang eaten by lava in Hawaii

At least so far no one has lost their life and that is the important part.
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+7 20. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video The Obsolete Man

#1 you never hear it when you're in it :'(
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+1 21. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Police car gets totaled

No playing :(:(
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+1 22. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video The guide book that helped black Americans travel during segregation

All the freedom of the open roads,,,,until you run into a cop.
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+2 23. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Evanna Lynch Switches It Up With a Horrifying Makeup Tutorial

#3 #4 I have never heard of her but,,,,she can be one of mine as well :*:*
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+3 24. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Why Hawaii's volcano is so UNUSUAL

#1 Pretty girl, was there a video ???8-)8-)
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0 25. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Swarm robots cooperate with a flying drone.

Waldo's slept in today ??
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+2 26. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Oh Sheep!

Ah well, at least now they have plenty Lamb chops.:P:P:P
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0 27. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazing flip book animation

Hi #11 Waldo is my pet name for buckleg08 as you always see him here on the Classic videos but rarely on the recent ones :):'(:'(:'(

Hard to find chappie :squirrel::squirrel:

If you never played the game Thunders then there is a picture of usually hundreds of people all the same and Waldo is the one wearing the hat and is infuriating to spot.
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+1 28. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video How Countries are Building Designer Islands

lol #8 I even thumbed you up for that. :'(
Picture of Scotsman5045 achievements

+1 29. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video How Countries are Building Designer Islands

#6 Have you ever herd the saying...Go Suck An Egg !! ?

Religion has not caused all wars infact In their recently published book, “Encyclopedia of Wars,” authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod document the history of recorded warfare, and from their list of 1763 wars only 123 have been classified to involve a religious cause, accounting for less than 7 percent of all wars however most of the worlds fighting just now is about religion and for you to say " Intolerance is the problem and not religion." are you saying we should be tolerant of the beliefs of the religious beliefs of this worlds mass murders who in the belief of religion decapitate people and kill them in the most horrible ways in the belief there God told them to because we do not follow the same path?

Not all life can be based on personal experience, media has taught me that a nuclear bomb is a very destructive weapon however i have not sat next to one and watched what it can do the media shows us lots of things and we as an individual have the brain power to decipher what we choose to believe and what not to but when it is in black and white then usually it is correct.

There would still probably be wars over land,women,slaves etc but the religious stuff we could do without.
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0 30. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazing flip book animation

Yay,,,, Waldo's back

Better late than never
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+6 31. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video How Countries are Building Designer Islands

#1 As long as they leave religion back here on earth then all should be good :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 32. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazing flip book animation

Hey Waldo where be you ?
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+1 34. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Plebs etc, funny sceen

Hey #9 Instead of us all visiting sites why not just post us some of your home made videos here ? :'(:'(:'(:'(:squirrel::squirrel: and some Monkey Head's as well :(|):(|):(|)
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0 35. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

#24 The London killings look like they are gang related and if this is the case long may it continue, the world can do without them in my opinion.
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+3 36. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Immune Cell Migration in the Zebrafish Inner Ear

Uuummmmmm , yep totally agree and understood everything 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 38. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Insane Jump by a Buick La sabre

Pass,,,,so close to disaster but still a Pass :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 39. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

#16 The vast majority of murders committed in the US are committed by people who own guns illegally,

people have been shot and killed by police in 2018

people were fatally shot by police in 2017

Kinda guessing the cop's have Gun's Legally.

#19 London's murder rate has surpassed New York's murder rate.

Did you take into account the amount of people murdered by the Police? as other country's have shown including the UK that most of these killings could have been dealt with totally differently and no one dies.
But that is what your Gun culture has taught you absolute numptys,big men with bigger guns and tiny dick's.
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+1 40. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazon delivery driver caught stealing

#6 3 comments so far #5 spammer twat has left.>:)>:)
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+1 41. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazon delivery driver caught stealing

#3 Nah i posted around 8am this morning.

Not even SNOTR is worth staying up late for lol, my wife kicks me to bed around 11.30 each night :( but i am always back up again before 7.<3
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+1 42. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Honey I lost my job today...

Not quite 8-)8-)
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+5 43. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazon delivery driver caught stealing

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+1 44. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video DHL Fastest Pit Stop Award: 2016 FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX OF EUROPE

Where's waldo?
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0 45. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Plebs etc, funny sceen

Hey Hey Hey JJ once more we both agree, this is shite lol.:'(:'(

Up-voted your comment but will refrain from voting on the video 8-)
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0 46. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Collecting "percebes"

Don't matter what it is called,your life is worth more than 400 euro each.8-)
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+2 47. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

#13 It's not really a problem...... Go tell that to the parents of all the class shootings!
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+1 48. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video An unusual crash for two race bikes

Someone's pissed :D
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+4 49. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

Hell in Scotland you can not even own an Air Rifle without good cause and a thorough police check and i say great, we do not need them.
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0 50. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

#4 I kinda see your point but guns on their own do not!! you need someone to pull the trigger.

If like a recent shooting where a man was in a hotel room quite a few story's up and let loose on a crowd with automatic weapons, then he pulled the triggers, the guns sat dormant until he did.

Now if the same man in the same room had boxes of rubber dildo's as his tools to use as weapons and threw them at the crowd he would have been laughed at but that was not the tool he chose so it still boils down to the man/woman pulling the trigger and the millions of guns available and the millions of retards who have them.
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+8 51. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

This is not Comedy?

This is nearer to truth and should be in Documentary.

#2 It is not the Rifle that causes death it is the asshole holding it when he/she pulls the trigger, when you have millions of retards with millions of guns this is inevitable and your history clearly shows it.
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+2 52. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Exotic street race interrupted by surprise sleeper car

#2 Guess it is boosted to about 750bhp and with it's weight it can as shown blow them away.

Probably something similar to this one.
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+7 53. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Exotic street race interrupted by surprise sleeper car

Golf GTI win :D
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-1 54. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video The Manslater ! (Woman Language Translator)

I call this Fake!!!

They could never invent a machine with that capability, not even with Alien technology :'(8-):'(:squirrel::squirrel:

#1 will go down in SNOTR history as the man who told the world video 20,001 was a repeat.:(:(
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+2 55. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video 20 000 videos - Thank you!

Waits patiently on video 20,001:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 56. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Customer service in Japan

Computers take over,,,,until a human is needed :D
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+1 57. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Hypatia, The Most MYSTERIOUS Stone in the Solar System

#4 Agrees, this is 3 days now without new ones 8-)8-)
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0 58. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Girl joins the dark side at Disneyland

Wow !! Looks like we have a competition to see who comments first.

Well no competition relay as Buckleg and Thunders are hours in front of us, while they are commenting we are sleeping :|
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0 59. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Barn owl and cat play together

#15 How do you leave a cat in a situation where it can kill 15 Gerbils????
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0 60. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Drawing with hair

View the smaller version,,,,drawing with pubes 8-)8-)
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+2 61. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Ice Fishing in Russia

Fish,no movement=Fake

Probably stuck it in there then filmed it being pulled out.
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+1 62. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Hypatia, The Most MYSTERIOUS Stone in the Solar System

#1 Just because we think we know does not mean we actually know 8-) so it is back to mysterious object again status :D:squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 63. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Incredible "Toilet" plant | Attenborough 60 Years in the wild

No shit dude....oh wait, yes there was 8-)8-)
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+1 64. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Amazing spray paint art

#25 Only the last 3 names i recognized here. :(
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+2 65. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Baby Elephant and Red Toy Clarinet

Cute AF <3<3<3<3<3
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0 66. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video House explosion caught on dashcam

Just play the video in reverse,,,wallahhhhh , house rebuilt, no biggie.
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0 67. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Guts and Glory: Scotland’s Champion Haggis Maker

ye kanny beat a huge plate o tatties haggis n neeps.

#2 you have been going aboot it all wrong!!
The moors are no good , everyone knows haggis have 2 long legs and 2 short legs for running around the steep hill sides 8-)8-)8-)

#1 #4 Nice to see you back commenting :)
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0 68. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Rugby player scores a try while unconscious

How many times must you watch a replay? this could have been compressed into 15 seconds. :squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 69. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video The Forest Farmer That's Amazing

#1 I planted a tree today so it is now 3 000 000 000 001 :D
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0 70. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cross a Canyon on Peru’s Last Handwoven Bridge

Pppppffffftttt another,"Oh look it is already on snotr" sheezzzzzz get a life.>:)
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+2 71. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Stormlapses

Thought this was a good video.

Do not understand why people would down vote but hey ho each to there own.
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+1 72. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Russian landslide

Russian stealth mode, slow and creeping up on you to take over 8-)
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+8 73. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Dare to Eat the Philippines’ Delectable Woodworms

I do not care how good it tastes i aint eating worms :S:S
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0 74. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Deer gets hit by bus

Bambi got BUSted 8-)8-)
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+5 75. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video White Women's Workout

Loved it, Nice to see racism given a kick up the arse and humor prevail.
I take this the way it was intended, a funny piece of comedy and nothing else.:D:D
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0 76. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Portuguese dad gets tickets for AC/DC

#14 nothing about Justin is awesome except his bank account 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 77. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Car attempts to overtake in the rain

Absolutely deserved by a complete moron.

Straight road or not he tried to cut in to quick putting the other car in danger and lost his back end.
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+3 78. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Autocar fail

Nice "O Shit" moment 8-)8-)
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0 79. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Fox family playing

Now that's one Foxy mamma <3<3<3
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+2 80. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Bean Time-Lapse - 25 days | Soil cross section

#2 I do not know the strain of Bean shown however as a guide here is what the net says

"Kentucky Blue," produce tender green pods that mature in 65 to 75 days.

Hope this helps a bit :):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 81. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video 2019 Kia Stinger GT vs Porsche Panamera vs BMW 640i

365bhp GT-S model

Lower spec... The 2.0-litre turbocharged four-cylinder 'Theta' engine produces 250 bhp
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0 82. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Russian workplace safety

Anyone this stupid deserves to be hurt 8-)
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+1 83. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Man vs Windshield WTF

Ponders on the thought of what #14 would class as Drama 8-)8-)8-):'(
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+2 84. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Blind soldier learns to 'see' with his tongue

Media no longer plays :(
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+1 85. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Hard life of panda zookeeper

The whole thing was put on for the audience, but was well worth it for cuteness level <3<3<3
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0 86. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Deadlift Knockout!

That was not a knockout it was a pass-out 8-)8-)
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+6 87. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Skin trade: how minks live on Danish fur farms

If all the sick bastards that bought fur coats stopped then there would be no need for the farms and they would soon shut down.
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+1 88. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Baby Pygmy Jerboa

#12 ok i was possibly being hasty and you were possibly nit picking.

There is more chance of this meeting happening than ever before is what i should have maybe, possibly , said i do not know i only read news as i live thousands of miles away from there, but i guess none of us could 100% say.
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+1 89. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video What National Geographic doesn't show you

Bummer!! we can no longer see the Bear shit in the water :(:(
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-1 90. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Try not to laugh - Bird Edition

Nice video spoiled by a stupid Pigeon scene.<3
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+1 91. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Baby Pygmy Jerboa

I can never understand why America hates trump,well a big section of the them ? as #3 says also within his short time in office he has already got North Korea to the table,something other presidents failed to do with their mamsy pamsy politically correct approach. You Rock Trump:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 92. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video A good chase

#16 I would like a re-match with the biker on a more powerful bike 8-)8-)
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0 93. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video 600 metre water tornado

Don't know what she was spouting about 8-)8-)
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0 94. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video This actually might be useful

What if it is cloudy and raining ??
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0 95. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cant touch this...

#21 Here are some squirrels for your stew :squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 96. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video This is What Happens When Two Bamboo Trains Meet on the Bamboo Railway

This is What Happens When Two Bamboo Trains Meet on the Bamboo Railway

I counted 3 :'(8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 97. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Last Week Tonight - F*ck the European Union

#6 it's a shame that some people think voting for a massive change like leaving the EU will somehow fix their own depressing lives.

Let me assure you of a few things.
I voted out
You do not know me.
My life is anything but depressing.
I am nearly 60 years old and have served a very good and happy life with a wonderful wife and 6 amazing children.
Just because i have my views and you have your's and they both differ does not mean that because i disagree with you i have a depressing life and thus shows the mentality of the remoaners.
You my dear sir now fall firmly and squarely into my Muppet list on SNOTR.

In the words of the wise #9
This is my last word.
Kind Regards

Scotsman 50
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+4 98. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Last Week Tonight - F*ck the European Union

O ffs where do i start?
#5 don’t you find it a little ironic, given your support for Brexit, that Scotland actually voted to remain. This is not a majority sentiment in your country.

It is not the majority however neither was it the majority for us to have a Torry government however we are stuck with what the English want as being a smaller country with a smaller populous we will always have what the English want.

I identify as Scottish as i am not British i am Scottish the same as the Welsh identify as Welsh and the Irish that are from Northern Ireland identify as Irish and the English as English not Great Britainish, however they/we are all identified as British. kinda stupid but that is the way it works.

No doubt. So how did you vote on the independence referendum?

I voted out of the UE and out of the union as the EU vote was not on the table then and as for the EU the only reason i did was this island we call Great Britain is our Island , the Welsh,Irish Scottish and English and to be told what we can and can not do by a bunch of Un-elected no-marks in the EU who make our laws and keep us in check is not my idea of good. as previously said would you be happy with another country making your laws?
So i wanted our own power to run our own country but given the choice of having the English telling us what to do or the boy's club in the EU i would rather have the status quo, as at least we have a chance of electing some of them.
So there is the answer from me to two questions and how i voted both in the referendum and the in out vote.
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+7 99. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Last Week Tonight - F*ck the European Union

We did vote,and we are leaving, so remainers, get over it.

Best thing this shit hole country has done in a long time.

You think America is bad with Trump, you should try living here with the fucking Torry's in power.
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+1 100. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Homemade invention 2018

Necessity is the mother of all inventions.
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+2 101. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Paying $137 bill with origami pigs

Thumbs up Austin, good to have a difference in opinions, it is healthy :D
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-3 102. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Paying $137 bill with origami pigs

#5 Here is the UK etc part
If you’re thinking of ways to get some revenge (and by the way, we don’t endorse or recommend this) then you may be interested to know that £1 and £2 coins are legal tender for any amount – even if they are in a block of ice or a bucket of rice pudding.

What are the rules?

1 pence coins > upto 20 pence
2 pence coins > upto 20 pence
5 pence coins – upto £5
10 pence coins > upto £5
20 pence coins > upto £10
50 pence coins > upto £10
£1 pound coins > any amount
£2 pound coins > any amount
So in the uk you can legally pay any bills in £1.00 coins. (even a £40,000.00 Tax Bill)

American law is thus and his sign clearly says Cash.

Up until the late 19th century, pennies and nickels weren’t legal tender at all. The Coinage Acts of 1873 and 1879 made them legal tender for debts up to 25 cents only, while the other fractional coins (dimes, quarters, and half dollars) were legal tender for amounts up to $10. This remained the law until the Coinage Act of 1965 specified that all U.S. coins are legal tender in any amount. However, even in cases where legal tender has been agreed to as a form of payment, private businesses are still free to specify which forms of legal tender they will accept. If a shop doesn’t want to take any currency larger than $20 bills, or they don’t want to take pennies at all, or they want to be paid in nothing but dimes, they’re entitled to do so (but, as mentioned earlier, they should specify their payment policies before entering into transactions with buyers). Businesses are free to accept or reject pennies as they see fit; no law specifies that pennies cease to be considered legal tender when proffered in quantities over a particular amount.

He handed them Dollar Bills ,so legal.

We can both Google so i will leave it there and still say HE WAS AWESOME.:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 103. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Paying $137 bill with origami pigs

#3 Check out the videos on youtube of people paying in pennies and you will see video evidence is acceptable,it is legal tender as are the dollar piggies.

Video "is" evidence you paid and if they do not want to count/unfold legal tender then that is not your problem,you paid, end off.

He should have just walked away but unfortunately never had the guts to follow through.

Here is a link just for you so you can find the hundreds out there.
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0 104. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Paying $137 bill with origami pigs

The guy paying in Pig Bills is awesome.

He should have just said , I have video evidence i have paid so just send me out my receipt, then walked away and let them unfold them all.

Cash is cash and it is always nice to get one back.
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+1 105. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

Waits on fjwjr answering #17 ?

While on the subject i was merely giving a hypothetical question when i asked in # 15 and you responded with
"And we'll leave euthanizing people to your government."

We actually do not have that here in Scotland but i am guessing that the death penalty would be pretty close to it and Oh Yes you have that do you not??

Guessing all round the yanks just like killing people.

Just a little add on .....Today 10/03/18 yet another shooting with 3 hostages dead and the gunman.

More innocent lives taken to satisfy the urges of people who own guns, as it probably adds 3 inches onto their dick's.

No guns then the innocents would be alive today.
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+4 106. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video This Is the Oldest Restaurant in the World

Suckling pig should be banned as should Veal.

The animals are only days old and have been fed on nothing but the mothers milk.

While i am not against eating animals and love my steaks and will enjoy a days fishing for food i think slaughter of those so young is abhorrent.
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0 107. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Spicebush caterpillar defense

Ahemmmm , it no be a Worm 8-)8-):'(
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0 108. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video A 5 Year Old Girl Getting Protected By Her German Shepherd

4 years ago this was posted, methinks the dog will be getting near retirement age now :(
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+2 109. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food

Cocky smart arsed police woman, the type you hope gets a good hiding down a dark lane one night.
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+1 110. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

Here in Scotland you now even need a Licence to own a Air Rifle and it is based on the full firearms test and believe me if you apply you better have a bloody good reason for wanting one and you will be grilled by the police with every aspect of your life investigated and that is only for a .177 or .22 Air Rifle.

And quite rightly so, why would anyone need a gun of any form?
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0 111. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

#16 Facts,??? so how many shootings has there been in 2018 alone in schools, how many homicide by shooting in 2018 so far by gun, how many suicide by gun so far in 2018.

Post your facts to my questions here.

I can answer for my own country and say Zero to all.

Come on enlighten me and post your facts to the above questions.

And guess what?
We do not have free rein to guns thankfully so kinda guessing the figures speak for their self.

PS. I do not watch the left wing , right wing, or any other wing of your media as your whole country is ran by clowns and we have our own clowns running ours, but i can see and read and for that you do not require many brain cells to do so therefore i guess i am alright .
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0 112. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

#14 go suck an egg you complete Muppet,

I do not need to understand the American Laws.

it is simple, you let morons have free rule with guns and this is the result.

I understand enough to realize that innocent people are being murdered by people with mental illness or just pissed off at the world etc and easy access to guns and ammunition and the NRA want to keep supplying them to anyone who wants them and so the cycle will continue.

Yeah it is written into the constitution however if it was written into the constitution that all Americans who reach 30 years old must go to a hospital and be euthanized would you all do it or change the constitution?
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+1 113. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

All those NRA idiots should have their family put in a football field and let rip upon with those guns and see if they still support the law that anyone can get one.
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0 114. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video How animation was done in the 30s.

I remember well watching this type of animation as a child.<3<3
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+1 115. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Student's paper plane returns to window after 24 seconds of flight

#10 Upon close inspection the plane was released 1 second into the video and retrieved into his hand at 22 seconds so the flight time was 21 seconds.

Well spotted that man :squirrel::squirrel:
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+9 116. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Goalkeeper Mark Flekken with the most ridiculous blunder ever!!!

looks like the bribe paid off :P
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+1 117. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Student's paper plane returns to window after 24 seconds of flight

last frame,,,, Turns his plane back into a mask. 8-)8-)
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+1 119. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Man Finds 50,000 Bees In His Home And Decides To Rescue Them

Time to Buzzzzzzzz off :P
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0 120. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Guy walks into traffic...

#54 Dumb and Dumber rolled into one 8-)8-)
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0 121. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cracked Chiropractor Commercial

#18 all girls have nice tits :P:P
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+1 122. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video SpaceX Animation of Falcon Heavy flight and booster recovery

#8 Cheaper solution ,,,, just send prisoners to an Island and Nuke it .:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 123. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cat's epic fail

Wet pussy , what more can one say :'(:'(:x:*8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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0 124. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video AngelShark

Submarine designers should follow this cammo approach 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 125. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Simple shack's door leads to paradise

Waits for the after Tsunami pic's 8-)8-)
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+1 126. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Farming the ultimate get rich quick scheme

Wonders what #8 could possibly be talking about :'(:'(:'(
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+13 127. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video A car accident caused by three sheep

This is meant to be family friendly??? If we want to see death etc then there is other sites we can visit.

This is not Snotr material and should be removed. >:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)
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+3 128. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Elephant chasing Birds

#3 May be wrong but they look like Guinea Fowl ??
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+1 129. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Meteor caught on camera at a Modest Mouse show

Not so :P 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 130. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Home made dream car

I think if they took out the Massey Ferguson Tractor enging and replaced it with a John Deere then it may sound better.
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+1 131. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video If You Need To Make A Lot Of Popcorn In A Hurry

What??? No Buckleg???
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+1 132. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cows released after all winter locked

Milkshake was better :P
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+4 133. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Future Fire Truck Concept - Great Animation

Futuristic fire engine and not a futuristic car in sight.8-)8-)
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+2 134. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Cocky Tradesman

When i was in the Navy i was sent to the Bosun to get a long weight.

After 3 hours he asked why i was still there and i said i was sent for a long Weight and he said have you not had a long enough wait by now? to which i replied,,,, no not relay.

You see as you have had me standing here waiting for hours all the silly twats that sent me have been hard at work and it is now lunch time so i have just missed a full mornings graft,,, Thank you.

He was not to impressed and sent me on my way :) :) :)
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+1 135. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Great Recovery

I see 8 people
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+1 136. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Epic death match !

Wasp 1 Tarantula 0 :P
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-2 137. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video I hate smoke ...

She should have just pointed the exhaust towards him and sat there revving it >:)>:)
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+1 138. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Helping hands

Ffs, runs away with the camera right on the money shot.
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0 139. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Adorable moment baby hedgehog cheers up being fed a piece of an apple

Reminds me of my X wife when someone offered her Vodka :'(:'(
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0 140. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Nature is wild

What #5 said <3
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+6 141. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Russian arrested in Toronto for scary stunts.

No No No and NO
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+1 142. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Mudslide Close Call

Free firewood :P
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0 143. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video I caught my chicken sleeping on the job

#13 I wont even say the mental image i had there with a whole bunch of hypnotized women lying about rofl.O:)
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+3 144. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Somewhere in Italy

Fake as a Fake thing in a Fake place.
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+1 145. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago on video Shirley and Jenny: Two Elephants Reunited After More Than 20 Years

Absolutely beautiful <3<3<3<3
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+4 146. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 100 Years Of Indian Bridal Fashion

Do these fit the six year old brides ??8-)8-)8-)
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+2 147. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video What am I doing with my finger now ???

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+3 148. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Animal Crossing

That's a lorra lorra Steaks mmmmmmm:P:P
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+2 149. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Testing The World's Smartest Autonomous Car

Level Seven...... hover board :)
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+1 150. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video SU-30 uses "Hi there" maneuver

Peek Boo :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 151. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How to find true North without a Compass

Just switch on the Sat Nav 8-)
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+4 152. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The Differences Between Petrol and Diesel Engines

I have both and either is 100 times better than walking. :S
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0 153. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Honeybee Swarm With Bare Hands

Buzzzzzz off :D
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+1 154. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Self Driving Robot Attemps to Beat Valentino Rossi (MotoGP Champion)

#4I to think cars have to much now.

My M5 E60 is sitting doing nothing as it is amazing fun in the dry but as good as a warm ice cream in the wet and snow so it just has to sit there.

Give me an old Escort Mexico or RS 2000 any day for good old fashioned fun, handling and grip with an engine you could take out in an hour and a half, and fix anything yourself.
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+1 155. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Wild boar attacking a leopard

Boar'ing not8-)
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+1 156. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Duck Family Crossing Highway

Well that was Quackers :)
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+1 157. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Custom Puzzle Box

All good until the batteries run flat when it is locked , then wot ya gonna do???
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+1 158. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Alligators in ice!

#3 So sorry to hear that Thunders :(:( always sad when you loose a best friend.
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+2 159. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Small car lost the battle with gravity

What a moron,,, we watch judder'y rubbish then right on the money shot he puts the camera down >:)>:)>:)
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+2 160. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Alligators in ice!

Hey Thunders,,,, You said this a year ago

thundersnow commented 1 year ago
Had to take my dog to the vet today because of a persistent cough, was put on steroids and antibiotics, if no improvement in 2 weeks -> chest xray to see if he has fluid on his lungs

How did it go lol :)
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0 161. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Awesome Rally Simulator

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+1 162. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Cyclist frees the bicycle path from bad parking

No argument here 8-)
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0 163. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video THE BLUE ANGELS: Cockpit Footage

The amount of Ye-haas you would think the pilot was a Hillbilly :D
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+12 164. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Somewhere in Africa

They are all crashing so let me just park my motorcycle here to give them something nice and hard to run into. 8-)8-)8-)
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+3 165. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Stealth Dog

Think the dog more wanted to eat the cat, you can see she has a belly full of milk teats so probably a stray with puppies to feed.
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+1 166. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Oprah Winfrey Receives the Cecil B. DeMille Award - Golden Globes 2018

#9 Well said that man.
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+9 168. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video A squirrel jumping from tree to tree during a bike race in Bergen, Norway

Ahhhhh the amusements of life :D:D:D
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+7 169. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Ratting with terriers

Just a few quote from the net

A female rat can mate as many as 500 times with various males during a six-hour period of receptivity—a state she experiences about 15 times per year. Thus a pair of brown rats can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in a year if left to breed unchecked. (A rat matures sexually at age three to four months.

In theory, a fertile female rat could have a litter averaging 10–12 babies every 3 or 4 weeks. She could have up to 17 litters in a year, so you could have 170 to 204 rats in a year

Rats become sexually mature at age 6 weeks, but reach social maturity several months later at about 5 to 6 months of age

So just imagine if left unchecked how many can be produced from One breeding pair as their offspring can produce from 6 weeks onward and so can their offspring an so on and so on .
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0 170. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Space debris buildup from 1957 to 2015

Lets face it, there is plenty room up there for everything 8-)8-)
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+3 171. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video All that men know about women

I aint even going there on that topic !! O:)
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0 172. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Fire in Weld County field

#3 Back then it was not, Two furrow plough and a Ford 4000 without a cab and another tractor straight behind with another plough so we cut 4 rows in a one,<3
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+4 173. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Fire in Weld County field

Had to do this as a lad on the farms when someone set a field up but back then it was with a two furrow plough, still got the job done :squirrel::squirrel:
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+6 174. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Liqueur Chocolates (1965)

Sad,,, not enough profit now to do this and everything is automated :(
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+5 175. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Warning against upsetting the girlfriend

Well that was stupidly long to sell an Inhaler 8-)>:)8-)
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+5 176. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Why you should stay away from snow covered roofs

Common sense should prevail but you cant beat stupid :P
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+4 177. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Happy New Year dear Snotr Fans!

Happy New Year when it comes all :)
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+7 178. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Guess who is in charge

Balls of steel.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 179. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How to handle rejection like a BOSS!

Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho
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+4 180. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Merry Christmas dear Snot Fans!

Merry Christmas, Ho Ho Ho
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+1 181. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Russian Taurus 2x2

#4 nice one.
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+1 182. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Flawless jump!

That gotta hurt :D8-)
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0 183. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Bad luck, buddy

Guess he is in the shit . :P
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0 184. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Ridiculously fast training dog

Who a clever boy den and never came last :D
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0 185. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 2014 Big Crash Fail Compilation Nürburgring

O that poor M5 at the very start :(:(
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0 186. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Amazing sniper shot

Not so... he moved.
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+1 187. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Parrot Laughs Like Super-Villain

Laughs louder!!
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0 188. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Crane Operator's competence test in Germany.

360 Degree Excavator with a grab.
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0 189. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Cool-ing your computer

How technology has moved on since this was posted. The computer looks like it came out the stone age now.
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+1 190. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Instant justice

:S:S:S:S:S:S #18 the car had already overtaken a lorry and was about to overtake a car so did nothing wrong as the other driver showed it was unsafe to cross lanes.
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+2 191. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Santa saves woman after fall - Good Samaritan !

Santa saves her ??? looks like he tried to cripple her first :D:D:D
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+1 192. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Snooker Table Assembling 2017 World Snooker Championship

Very interesting, never realized how much actually goes into setting one of these up. Nice Vid manro.
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+3 193. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Male cat rejects female cat in heat ( Opposite World )

good job Humans do not do this lol:P
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+3 194. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video And some people doing impressively stupid things

Look guy's just skip to 2.42 :D:D
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+3 195. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video We are not professionals.

We are not professionals, however we are full blown Idiots.:(|):(|)
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0 196. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Lightning strike

#8 My point exactly cameramaster,,,,, you have been here over 9 years and forgot there were 2 on here already, now if someone with such a good standing in the Snotr community can forget why cant others and just let it be.
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+2 197. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video DUCK BOMB reversed

Well that was kinda freeky :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 198. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Lightning strike

#5 We agree yipppeeee :D nah i am chilled just those type of comments do me head in lol. Even when i know it is a repeat i still watch it as it is always nice to watch again even if i have seen it here or on you tube.

No disrespect to the people saying re-post but do we relay need to know?

O and Nicola i would prefer to wake up to opposed to May 8-)8-)
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+1 199. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Google Street View Guys

Nice find Thunders :)
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-3 200. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Lightning strike

I am going to get slated for this but who cares?????

Ok you are a snotr addict and you have seen the video here before.......Who cares if it is a duplicate?

Must everyone jump in and say "Oh it is already here" ?? So fucking what it is here already!!!!.

Do you spend your time checking every video and trying to find it again, ? yes we may have seen it but who gives a fuk?

Let others who have not seen it watch and put their own comments up without everyone saying, seen it , oh it's a repeat , this is on Snotr, come on guys get a life and stop saying this shit.... it is tedious......It is like those people we all hate that used to put up FIRST when they became first posters.....Rant over.
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+3 201. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video String of M80's

Every cop in the area now descending on that street lol.
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+5 202. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video baby deer rescued from gated community fence in Michigan

He seemed more scared of the baby than it did of him 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 203. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Telestack TC 1200 working at the sieving plant

Driven all these machines for a living and it gets tedious.
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0 204. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The Girl With 10 Lives

Well you can all slate me all you want however i believe in what they are saying.

Those that do not then i hope you never come back again.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+11 205. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Highest Jump Into a Pool Ever Filmed

Fuck that 8-)8-)8-)8-)8-)8-)8-)8-)
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+2 206. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The Nuclear Waste Problem

Bit long but well worth the viewing :)
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+1 207. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video American Beauty Cheating Scene

Well said #7
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0 208. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Somewhere in Michigan

#9 There is not always time for the rules, I witnessed an accident where a car ploughed into a works van and the driver about 22 was trapped, his foot was broken and stuck under the pedals, his brother was in shock and like a headless chicken, doors jammed, no fire extinguishers around and flames starting under the hood. I managed to smash the door glass and get him to hold on round my neck while another man managed to get his foot untangled then pulled him out the window screaming. It was either that or leave him to burn to death. Thankfully he made it ok and it took about a further 8 minutes for emergency services to get on scene as it was out in the country.
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0 209. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Starlings in the sky of Israel

#3 Use mute button and hummmmmmm
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+3 210. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 10,000 Snow Geese Taking Off

1.00 Mins... bet they got covered in Goose crap :).
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+1 211. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How to deliver sand to the 4th floor

Health and Safety right out the window lol.
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+1 212. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How snakes move & 'run'

Not faster than a discharging 12 bore :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 213. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Fairchild XC-120 Packplane

#2 my thoughts exactly
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+1 214. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video If NFL Refs Played Fantasy Football

If i could have understood a single word that may have been funny 8-)8-)8-)
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0 215. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Guy attempting to release a mouse into the wild.

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0 216. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Guard Commander Inspection - Arlington National Cemetery

See there is a lot of respect on here for people showing respect for the war dead.:(
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+1 217. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Racing Overtake in Style

Cool fluke'y move pity he lost it on the corner after doing so :)
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0 218. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Previously unseen March 2011 Tsunami footage

Scary as fuck for everyone there.
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+1 219. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Today 3 years ago flight MH17 came down in Ukraine. This video shows the hearses with bodies on the

Not being disrespectful , I wonder where they got all those Hearses from?
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+4 220. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Man uses homemade mower for his hard to cut lawn.

Better with this.

Go to 2minute 35 of the you tube video
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+2 221. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Scientist gets to close to lava

#3 You are correct.
I just looked and this was originally posted 6 years ago.
Sorry for not searching the whole site before submitting a video.:'(
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+8 222. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video I just gotta let this out

I felt more inspired to kick him in the nuts for being such an idiot 8-)8-)
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+3 223. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video That's a Lot of Birds

Migrating Starlings i do believe?
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0 224. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#16 looks like the downvoters are out for the weekend again 8-)
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-2 225. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

Should have just shot him.

that way no ones life would have been in danger except his own.
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+2 226. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video All 6 lanes of major highway I-85 in Atlanta just went up in flames and collapsed

More to the point why are the videos not showing who uploaded them or is it just my laptop???8-)8-)
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+2 227. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Wanna be tough guy gets what’s coming to him

No insurance here = Bike impounded and crushed.8-)
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+2 228. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Driving in Chechnya

I remember seeing this a while ago and i believe this was part of an armed convoy with some big wig drug person being escorted and the Lada would not get out the way.
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+2 229. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Goalkeeper celebrates prematurely

#2 Guess most of us men have been there at least once in our lives :'(:'(
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-1 230. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Nice motorbike sound

Sounds like a Bees arse heading downwind. 8-)
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+2 231. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video AirBerlin flying lap of honor over Düsseldorf on its last flight.

#7 Could you get someone to video that please and post it here :P:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 232. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Varese Construction Crane Collapse

P45 anyone ?
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+4 233. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 1000 degree Potato masher

#5 It's not interesting it's just not it's messy

Are we talking about the video here or the inside of your underpants???8-)
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+6 234. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Tractor out of control

#2 So they can scam you and get money to buy a tractor with a handbrake :):)
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+1 235. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The Jaw-Dropping Art of Bull-Leaping

Bull fighting is a cruel sport however when a country treat there animals in such a backward way Spain does then what can one expect ?
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+2 236. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 1000 degree Potato masher

#1 #2 I upvoted.

This is actually quite interesting to see what that temperature does to different things.

The down-voters are probably the ones who burn boiled eggs and facebook all there friends to show them. 8-)
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+1 237. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Oil on a race track

No one can be held accountable if there engine blows and drops oil all over the track.

One of those "Shit Happens" moments in racing anything with an engine.
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+3 238. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Rototiller Racing World Championships

Wow that looks an ultra safe sport 8-)

Wonders how many limbs have been destroyed doing this???
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+2 239. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Annoyed Dog Followed Everywhere by Baby Ducks

#9 My 11 dogs are lucky to have me :):):P
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+5 240. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Saving An Iguana Four Miles Offshore

You would think he /she would have at least waved bye bye 8-)
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0 241. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 16 Sorts - Color Circle

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+5 242. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Annoyed Dog Followed Everywhere by Baby Ducks

Brilliant, simply Brilliant :):)
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+1 243. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Coastguard rescue doomed dog.

The dog by the way was a little Cockapoo. :)
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+5 244. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Pet Cat Saves Boy from Two Vicious GATORS -Cat vs Gator

Parents should have there children taken from them.

If those Gators wanted to charge, grab someone and return to the water then there was nothing anyone there was going to do about it. !8-)
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+2 245. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Cheese

Patient guy, by half way through the first row of cheese i would have cracked him in the balls.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 246. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Santa Rosa fire escape

Glad they made it out .

That must have been terrifying.
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+10 247. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Lighting a mostly empty 100% isopropyl alcohol drum.

I claim my Darwin award.

As a kid i did this to an empty 50 gallon petrol drum from the farm on bonfire night only thing i did different was hold a lit piece of paper in my hand to light it with not a big stick.

Spent months with my right hand bandaged up and still have the scars to this day.8-)
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+4 248. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Scythe lawn mow

I remember doing this most summer weekends in our back garden as a kid back in the 60's and living in the country it was the norm.:)
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+3 249. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Motorcycle Fail

#1 I don't think he has been back since he took offence at the Muslim video 58 days ago.
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+1 250. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Guy in New Zealand playing guitar for cows

Cows were not stupid and stayed well away from that racket.

Video is 2.26 mins long, skip to 2.27 for the best bit.8-)

Methinks Thunders just seen a half naked man with a beard then posted this lol :P:P
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+1 251. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Gigantic Explosion at Chinese Chemical Plant

Wonders what happened to the people on the other end of the fire hoses (clearly seen at 20 seconds) spraying the tanks when they blew up???
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0 252. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Mongolian Throat Singing-Batzorig Vaanchig

That was weird however i sat completely focused on my screen and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thanks Thunders :)
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0 253. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Shotgun Wedding Ceremonies In Algeria

Just plain wrong on so many level;s8-)
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+2 254. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Gay Women Will Marry Your Boyfriends

Yeah,,, i could handle a gay girlfriend as long as she brought 4 or 5 of her gay friends to our bed each night and let me join in :P:P:P:P
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-1 255. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Glacier bridge collapses in Perito Moreno

That was actually quite sad.

And even sadder when you think the most powerful man in America says there is no such thing as global warming!
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+2 256. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Japanese man vs 450 horsepower fan!

Ok, so he goes into the baloon fully dressed and comes out with only his boxers on??? No clothes blown about.

Methinks magic and time travel is afoot !! 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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0 257. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video World's Master Carver

Hardware store £1.99 and you can use them on steel.8-)8-)
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+4 258. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video A river of non-stop plastic waste in Guatemala

The whole country is a shithole so why would there rivers be any different?
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+2 259. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Is the Moon a planet or a star?

#9 Phuq me lol, you actually said something interesting and very well put. Thumbs up that man. :squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 260. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Is the Moon a planet or a star?

For the confused people who do not know the right answer... here you go.

The moon is a natural satellite, as it is a celestial object orbiting a planet.

A natural satellite is most commonly refered to as a moon, so the moon obviously has a very tight connection.

It is not a planet, as it is lacking in mass, and orbiting Earth rather than the sun.
It is not a star, as it doesn’t consist of superheated gasses that undergo fusion.
Therefore, a satellite, but naturally constructed. Natural satellite.
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+6 261. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Rare White Giraffe Discovered

Not that bloody rare that there is 2 of them in the same spot. :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 262. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Crazy road rage in North Vancouver 2017-09-19

ffs , he drives away at the best bit gggrrrrr8-)
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0 263. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Thanks, Smokey !

#7 there is enough sheep to go around....fancy some hill walking lol
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+4 264. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

Short for "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN", which is the campaign slogan for 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump.

Version 2 Short for "Morons Are Governing America", which became undeniably true after Donald Trump was elected as US president. Derived from Trump's habit of accidentally telling the truth while trying to lie in defense of his indefensible actions.

Me i prefer to listen to version 2 as the whole country seems to fit the bill with the odd exception.

I am not country bashing however the amount of moronic video's that come out the states in unbelievable so yeah slag me, but for every 1 bad Scottish video i will give you a thousand back.
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+7 265. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Stand clear of the edge of the Platform...And here's why.

Musta been a ghost train as the roof was not loaded with extra passengers. :D
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+2 266. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Thanks, Smokey !

Wonders if #5 wants some of the same so he can go sheep shagging as well lol 8-)
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+5 267. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Thanks, Smokey !

That was weird as phuq but for some reason i could not keep my hands off the replay and pause buttons. 8-)8-)8-)
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+2 268. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video NASA at Saturn: Cassini's Grand Finale

Poor Cassini, what we just witnessed was Murder.:'(
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+3 269. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Nun using chainsaw after Hurricane Irma to clear debris from roads.

#1 now now Foxy Nun of that here please :P
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+2 270. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video GTA Slav Andreas

What type of a clown would try to cross over 4 smooth steel rails placed so close together in the first place ???8-)
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+6 271. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Melting permafrost flows like lava through Tibetan Plateau

Did the house survive ???:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 272. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Looking into the eye of the historic Hurricane Irma

Wayyyyyyyyyy to short 8-)
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+1 273. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Just two friends meeting on the beach and playing football

Just studied this real hard and after multiple replay's i can indeed confirm that there is a ball in the video
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+3 274. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Just two friends meeting on the beach and playing football

#4 Was there a ball there????:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 275. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video A human centipede race against the bull

Gathers a few mates and heads off to the local cow field

this looks like funnnnnn :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 276. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Giroboat Aka Giro Boat (1961)

Think links being disabled is a good idea and done to stop those spanners posting there shite on this site.
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0 277. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Atmospheric cloud wave

Might be nice if the video actually played...thumb down i'm afraid.
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0 278. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video This Will Destroy You: A Line Rider Feature Film

Hi #1 BalletBabe and welcome to SNOTR:)
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0 279. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Strong guy

Been there done that :D
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+3 280. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video SHAKE IT OFF Swimming & Diving - NAVY Style

Thunders what you doing?????????

You just burnt my eyeballs and i just know i will have nightmares tonight. 8-)8-)

Even i was in the Royal Navy but could not handle watching this.
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+7 281. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video MAN EBA - emergency braking system.

Not much more one can say except "Amazing":squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 282. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Lynx helicopter landing on ship in rough sea

Seen this done many times when the Lynx was doing it's original sea trials when i was in the Royal Navy.

Another snotr video of the Lynx is here.... Snotr video/13056/Army_Lynx_Helicopter_Doing_Back_Flips
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+2 283. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Bee Gees music over North Korean marching

#5#6 We do not have that problem in the UK as we do not allow a bunch of morons to walk about with elephant hunting guns.:'(:S
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+4 284. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Damien

Do not care what anyone says but i guess we would all love one of these ....until they grow up :)
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+2 285. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Riddle of the Sphinx sculpture

#2 Do you actually think anyone on this site is stupid enough to follow your link.
Why not just go away and bug someone else or even better why not just lie down in front of a speeding train.
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+2 286. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Tank drives over suicide bomber's car before deadly blast

What type of fool stays in there car (second car from the bomber) when they see this going on.
If they died in the blast they dammed well deserved it.
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+2 287. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Woodpecker vs snake

Pffftttt No end result as to who won!
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0 288. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Crazy Strenght Hardest Stuntwoman Monster! - Best Of Jessie Graff

#2 Tell us at least when she has made enough money to buy a new Audi R8 then you may impress us. (NOT)

Edit on the video.

Can i please give this 2 thumb's up :P
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+2 289. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#27 I like a fun video and like to give stupid and off the cuff comments and have a banter with the rest of them however on the other foot it is always nice to show a bit intelligence and have a meaningful discussion with other intelligent people as well and SNOTR gives you both these choices.

If i want to just talk shite with a bunch of morons all the time i would daily visit ebaumsworld where it is in abundance!!
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0 290. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

I agree with #25 and i hope SNOTR stays this was as well but this has been a healthy discussion about what was said in the video and yes some will take offence however admin seen fit to post the video as they do with all them and people then are free to give there honest opinion on that video.

Many people have taken offence at other videos and will again but that is the point of a healthy debate. ;):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 291. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Helping hands

Bet he felt a bit of a prick at the end :'(:'(
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+2 292. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#22 I totally agree with you Thunders but i think the point that is being made is no matter how many good Muslims are out there the video was about a Muslim talking about Muslim and what he said is spot on.

It is the bad element that has turned the world against the religion as a whole.

So on today's news even more want-less killings took place in Spain yesterday and guess what????

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) claimed responsibility for the Barcelona attack.

Now as these attacks continue everyone gets tarred with the same brush and as i have said time and time again ....There ARE many good Muslims out there but this world wide indiscriminate murder by some gives everyone of them a bad name and i can understand why they are hated so much.
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+32 293. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

So this afternoon 17/08/17 in Barcelona Spain a van was driven indiscriminately into a crowd of peaceful holidaymakers and locals, Men Women and Children.
2 men are hold up armed in a bar who committed this act.
Sooooooo do we want to even hazard a guess who did this????

Could it have been the Christians, the Protestants, the Jewish Community, the Amish or any other religion you care to choose.

Methinks it will turn out who we all know it will be and they ask the world why they are hated???????

Update.....32 injured....13 killed and this will no doubt rise.
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+2 294. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video White moose

Methinks it was his pet moose that he spray painted white allowing him to get so close :P8-):S
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+1 295. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Ferret mama wants to show her human her new pups.

I have owned many Ferrets and they are super intelligent.
They make great pets and are brilliant Rabbit hunters as well.
Just get them Neutered if keeping as pets or they stink :)
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+5 296. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#11 this is not a propaganda video , this is a video made by a Muslim talking about Muslim as a whole and whether you like it or not what he spoke was the truth about why there are so many Muslim haters in this world.
I am not disputing the fact there are many good Muslims however no matter what good they do it will and always has been outweighed by the evil a large percentage do.
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+4 297. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

Well said that man and well said #6
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+2 298. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video See a Sea Turtle Devour a Jellyfish Like Spaghetti | National Geographic

Yeah baby, way to go Turtle , fuck that Jellyfish up.
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+3 299. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Bus Driver Saves Woman From Jumping Off Bridge

Tip's hat to the bus driver.:)
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+3 300. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Daredevil somersaults over London's Somerset House gap

All good until the day he slips :x
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+10 301. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video It'll never take off!

I do not think this clown even has a dog licence let alone a pilot's one 8-)
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+1 302. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The most Scottish thing ever !

#4 Love or hate them the Bagpipes are our national instrument and recognised as such throughout the world and according to Wikipedia the English national instrument is a Fekkin Bell ROFL (must be because the country is full of Bell-ends!! )
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+1 303. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Impatient truck driver

P45 on it's way.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+8 304. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How to get out of parallel parking

#3 I once never got a Nissan GTR from my base unit however i never got a holiday to Spain either so i am not going back. Visit . www.getyourspammingarseoutahere.cunt
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+2 305. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The Giants' visit to Montréal

#0 Please send me your paypal email and password so i can check this out and see if this works.8-)8-)
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0 306. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Hilarious prank call

Shitty conversation.8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 307. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Redneck Wedding

What do they expect?
Pissed sitting on the back of a car, this was inevitable and they should think themselves lucky this happened at slow speed.8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+8 308. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Fox playing with dog

More like the fox is bait!

This is like foxy and Jake running about a field together :P:P:'(:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 309. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How Women Have Lived With Their Periods Since 1900

I pay my taxes and i do not mind in the least if some of that is used to give free products to women.
For all the morons out there , If it were not for a woman and her menstrual cycle YOU would not be here.
Juzzzzzzzus Chrrrrist it is not as if every woman in Scotland would use this system if it were in place but for those who would it would be a small well deserved lifeline to hygiene.
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0 310. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Angry sea compilation

Been there , done that.
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-1 311. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How Women Have Lived With Their Periods Since 1900

It looks like here in Scotland it will soon be free for all women to recieve sanitry products and so it should be.
rest of the world pay attention.
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+3 312. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video RAF Pilot Reunited With The Spitfire

Fekkin Ninja Onions :squirrel::squirrel:
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+9 313. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video You can't even text and walk

Texting and driving should be a 5 year ban first time and 3 years jail second time.
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+2 314. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Up, up and away!

#1 I checked and checked and seen no shoes on the Galago.:'(
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+1 315. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Runaway car

Spoiler alert... 35 seconds to long just stop watching when he holds his head.
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+1 316. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Rescue Dog Duke Saves Dying Baby

I done my bit, I have 9 rescue dogs and would never be without them. Also got a 8 day old Granddaughter ,son and his Fiance staying here with us for a month or so.
Bit crowded but loving it.:):):):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 317. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 68 diggers tearing down flyover

Wonder if the moron at 42 seconds survived when it came crashing down? :squirrel::squirrel:
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+10 318. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Instant Karma

Grumpy old git made himself look a fool!:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 319. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Surveillance video shows woman trying to stop car theft, Milwaukee

She is American, she should have a concealed gun and wasted them all >:)
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+1 320. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Furry pile of nope!

Simple answer....Petrol and a match without disturbing first.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 321. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video 100 People Seductively Eat a Banana

Some of those men gave the banana's better head than the women lol.:squirrel::squirrel: ( each to there own but i would like to point out i only eat pussy :P )
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+1 322. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video North Sea Big Wave

When i was in the Navy we often were in sea's like this and worse.
I remember being in a Hurricane force 11 on a Minesweeper looking for survivors of the fishing boat Celetry when it went down with all hands in the Pentland Firth and fuck was that rough, it makes this video look like a paddling pool.
So bad that on one wave it was about a hundred foot trough and my hand slipped from my hold point then off to Wick Hospital for 3 months absolutely Fu*ked lol.
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+2 323. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video The Kitty Hawk

Have to agree, shit add but amazing machine :squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 324. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video NOT in Russia

I have done this with a 45 ton excavator whilst sitting in a basket.
I screamed like a baby and about shat myself when the driver gave it full bore going round and round whilst the G force had me stretched out vertically attached to a set of 12 foot 4 leg chains doing about a 60 foot circle in 6 seconds.
Never ever do this unless you are a pure Adrenalin junky.
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+7 325. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Man Feeds His Kitties In Cat Mask

Wonders if he lives in Catmandoo :P :squirrel::squirrel:
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+9 326. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Horse like zipper

Stupid horse, You are meant to pull everything down with the zip.8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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0 327. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Litlle duck whisperer

Just a gamekeepers son bringing the ducks back to be fed before they get shot.
They rear them in barns and feed them everyday with the same call so when they put them to a pond they just call them, they fly back and walk back to the barn to be fed.
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+2 328. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Girl Gets Revenge on Construction Workers

Having worked on many building sites i agree it is unwanted attention for some women however on the other hand i have known women who shout at you if you do not give them attention and talking from first hand experience you would not believe half the things you see on a building site IE women intentionally standing topless or naked in there windows waving to you, people intentionally having sex knowing you are watching them and the amount of shall we say encounters i have had in my dinner breaks and after work hours with women i have met whilst on a building site lets just say it is not an easy number to recall.
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+2 329. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Gentle Pony Helps Girl Who Falls Off After Fence Jump

#1 Now that link is just fekkin freaky !!! 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 330. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Airport Worker Destroys Jet After Getting Fired

#14 Well said that man.
I found myself in an argument on here and spilling my life out in my own defense to a 28 year old who started on me just because i do not like pizza.
I then sat back and thought what the fuck am i doing explaining my life to someone in an argument who was trying to tell me how wonderful he was and since then a few months have passed and this is my 4th or 3rd post since.
I come on every day but now no longer or rarely comment.
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+3 331. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Amtrak Snow-mo Collision

#3 In the UK if you do that now the police will charge you and it is a hefty fine and penalty points 8-)
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+3 332. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video A Rabbi, a Priest and an Atheist Smoke Weed Together

Totally Dope :):)
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+3 333. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Thousands of Birds Flying Out of Truck

#10 Many of them would have been transported hundreds of miles so they fly about in a circle for 5 minutes to get their bearings then ta ta away home they go.
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+6 334. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Thousands of Birds Flying Out of Truck

#3 They are racing pigeons transported to wherever then released to race there way back home. They would have been picked up from different destinations then transported to wherever in the lorry.
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+1 335. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Amazing avalanche in Austria

pffftttt server glitch so we have been watching the same video for a week now frightened not to view in case we loose our days in a row of watching classic videos.:'(
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0 336. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Touch and eject

If you look at the landing gear before impact you will see only the left wheels are down. There's your reason for the crash.
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+4 337. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Fat Bike caught on an Electric Fence!

I remember as a 15 year old on the farm the dairy herd broke the fence one morning and i had to run and grab both ends to keep it live whilst the farmer ran to the energizer, switched it off briefly , payed out some slack to allow me to tie it back together again before tightening it back up and powering it back on.
Shocking experience to say the least.>:):squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 338. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Near death experiences captured by GoPros

Chase Adrenalin, sometimes shit happens!8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 339. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Construction Disasters 2016: Heavy Equipment Accidents And Other Questionable Decisions...

#3 Never showed the back end passing safely tho 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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0 341. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Girl Vs Men Eating Pizza

#12 OOOO blow trumpet time lol

By 28 i had done the back end of the Cod war, 2 tours of Northern Ireland and numerous gun and drug smuggling patrols of the Irish coast as it was at the height of the conflict in Ireland, 2 anti terrorist patrols on the Belize Guatemala borders living in the jungle, fought in the Falklands start to finish and been promoted to Petty Officer.

Among my friends i have 2 professors a few doctors some mp's and other high ranking political figures, chief commissioner of the Saudi police force,have drank with Royalty on quite a few occasions and have many business owner friends. but to name a few.

Just because i act the dumb Scotsman do not think i have had a sheltered life with nothing achieved

I never retired at 28 as life is for living not sitting on your arse playing video games.

I to know nutritionist's dietitians,fitness instructors, and to finalize....Pizza sucks!

I would have liked to insult you further, but with your intelligence you wouldn't get offended.
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+2 342. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Honda Riding Assist

#6 You obviously never parked your motorbike in Manchester lol :P
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-1 343. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Girl Vs Men Eating Pizza

#10 I have based my knowledge of pizza on my own life experiences to some of which i have tried to explain to you.
Ordinarily people live and learn.It appears "You just live".

I was born on a farm and hunting and eating what you killed 50 years ago was the norm for my lifestyle from the age of 8 so at the grand oll age of 58 i have based my opinion of a pizza on my own experience.

I would like to know what life experience you have that makes you so knowledgeable on the wonderful benefits of pizza.

I can assure you i have tried "real" pizza not just the pizza made in Italy and a whole load of country's throughout the world, so is there a part of that you do not understand? not just the pizza hut stuff you are probably used to.

Just a useless little fact for you ... On average, a large slice of pepperoni pizza contains 311 calories, 13.5 grams of total fat (5.5 grams saturated), and 720 milligrams of sodium. And that's just one slice, which almost never happens.

Now i do not like pizza and i stand by the fact it is greasy gooy junk food

I have a very fitting quote back at you..

At least you are not obnoxious like so many other people - you are obnoxious in a different and worse way and clearly live by the law of "What you don't know can't hurt you," and you my dear clown are practically indestructible.
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+1 344. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Girl Vs Men Eating Pizza

#7 I have eaten pizza in many parts of Italy and other country's and never enjoyed it.

I spent 10 years in the Royal Navy and have been round the world 3 times forgetting more country's i have been to than i can remember so my judgement is not based on the USA even though i have been to both coasts and many parts of that country as well.

As a little list of country's i have been to of the top of my head : both sides of the states, Argentina, many European country's, Gibraltar (13 times), all over Australia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore,,All over Egypt with being the first British Warship allowed to pass through the Suez Canal since the end of the second world war , Jamaica ,Rome, and oh yeah about 5 different places in Italy and probably about another 40 ports in different country's so i do speak from a world wide experience and i don't like it.

It is fattening and greasy:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 345. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Honda Riding Assist

Nice to see you back Foxy:squirrel::squirrel:
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-2 346. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Girl Vs Men Eating Pizza

#5 Never liked pizza,
10 years travelling the world and many years hunting for my own food in my younger days I will eat just about anything and am a firm believer in trying anything and i mean anything (edible) before saying " I don't like that "

Pizza is just gooy dogh with loads of cheese that the body takes an age to digest yukkk 8-):squirrel::squirrel:

Protien and fresh veg is my chosen foods ( loves a nice bit of fresh cow) :P
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0 347. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Girl Vs Men Eating Pizza

Scotsman does not eat pizza:(:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 348. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How hormones influence our emotions

#11 I have a degree in mind reading and body language,
Got it from the college of life to which i dedicated many years mastering my chosen subject <3:*:*:squirrel::squirrel:
"Mind Read :P"

#9 #10 go suck an egg !!
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+1 349. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How hormones influence our emotions

#7 Well it is the most important part, the heart pumps blood to it, all common sense goes out the window, blood pressure rises on excitement, and if used correctly can give extreme pleasure, it is the brain of course:D now what were you thinking :*:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 350. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How hormones influence our emotions

I was going to try and have an intellectual conversation, then i thought as long as 1 part of me functions well then i don't care about any other emotions :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 351. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video All new and rare! Tree Fails and Idiots with Chainsaws 2017

Before using these type of tools people should be made to sit a test first to ensure they are capable of using them just like a car test before you go drive on your own.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 353. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video I caught my chicken sleeping on the job

#8 I agree, also if you half clasp your hand and move it back and forth a few times about 1 to 5 inches from the face it will hypmotise them and they will not come out it until you shout or poke them.

I have done this to about 40 hens at a time :):):squirrel::squirrel:
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+6 354. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Dog injured and stuck on frozen train tracks saved by furry friend

#1 for two days the male dog would not let anyone near them so i am guessing that it was not an instant turn up and pick the dogs up.

They were used to trains passing over them so again only a guess that when rescuers turned up and trains passing every 30 mins they decided to record 1 going over them like anyone would probably do until they gained enough trust to remove the injured one from the rails.:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 355. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video This guy deserves an award

#4 Maybe in the digger world this is just normal useage? And for the rest of us it seems unreal.

Hit it on the nail.

Drove these and excavators for many years and what you see them do on this site is just normal operation to machine men.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 356. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video How a sewing machine works?

I learnt how to sew in the Royal Navy and whenever a sewing job is needing done the wife will just tell me then like a good little robot off i toddle and sew whatever back together again, i find it quite therapeutic.

Watching the video i can now scratch off one of life's mystery's from my "find out list" :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 357. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Brain storming

#3 seen that but it would be a fun game to play for real :squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 358. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Brain storming

Seems a fun game.

Reminder to self when with mates to say let's play a game i just invented :P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 359. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video What's Under My Kilt

#11 Welcome Ma'am :squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 360. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Biggest Waves Ever Surfed - Nazare

#2 Your first love gave you big balls??8-)8-) if he/she floats your boat then good on ya :squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 361. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video Biggest Waves Ever Surfed - Nazare

Scary poop8-)

Gotta have balls to ride those waves :squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 362. Scotsman50 commented 7 years ago on video What's Under My Kilt

#9 Do not know if you ever looked at this site on FB but if not have a little peek :):):squirrel::squirrel:
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+7 363. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Romania

Simple ideas are always best :)

Looks like an old International 474 tractor.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 364. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What's Under My Kilt

#2 I love being Scottish

You may well be the lowest of the lowlife scum on earth.(by your own admission)

Please do not categorize me my family or anyone i know with your own shitty existence.

If this nation is so bad why the hell are you still in this country?
And if your own life sucks so much we have quite a few very high nice bridges nationwide you may wish to visit one of them then take a very quick look at what the underside of your chosen bridge looks like.

However there is no other country in the world i would rather have been born in or would move to and i have visited just about every country in the world.

Off topic slightly...I am not an English hater and i voted to leave at the last independence and if there ever is another vote then i would vote to stay as only morons would vote to leave as there was no leave the EU on the table last time so if we left we would still be ruled by the EU so how the fuck is that Independence??

So to quickly sum up #2 Why not piss of to another country and change citizenship or is your record that bad no other country would accept you?

I fucking hate people who claim to be Scottish and slag of there own country and especially to the extreme thatcunt has.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 365. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Cat get caught stealing from drawer

#14 you been waiting 114 days for this to load lol :P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 366. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Obama goes 2 out of 22 on the White House basketball court

#4 Yeah but he never built a wall!!:D:P8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+8 367. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Wife Recorded Husband Giggling in his Sleep

Methinks JJ speaks from experience8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 368. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Toddler walks away after stroller is hit by truck

Thinks, with a $20 fine it was the driver who was extremely lucky.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 369. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video ‘The UGLIEST Woman’ Has A POWERFUL Message For Bullies & Whiners

Thumbs up #4

Her name is Lizzie Velasquez if admin wish to change the title. :):squirrel::squirrel:
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+9 370. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video ‘The UGLIEST Woman’ Has A POWERFUL Message For Bullies & Whiners

That woman has more beauty than most of these wannabe so called A list women who spend a fortune trying to look different.

You are what you are born so be proud, there is only one of you on this planet so why would you want to change you?:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 371. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Golfing on Ice Fail

#8 Yes he had a messy end and it was at the hands of greedy blood thirsty English who tried to rule the world including us.

No grudges held. 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 372. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Bull vs Lion

#12 Well i aint telling you today so you will have to wait har de har harrrrr :*:*:P8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 373. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Bull vs Lion

#10 i love baby :squirrel::squirrel: running around inside my boxers but that's a story for another day :squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 374. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Golfing on Ice Fail

#5 lol took longer to type it than to say it 8-)8-)

Scotsman is impolite as he is not British he is Scottish :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 375. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Coil's Holiday Tunes

#3 I upvoted you lol, gotta be bad before i hit downvote ,that said i have a few times :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+8 376. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Coil's Holiday Tunes

#1 deer are humping gettin it on, making bambi's fyi :x I never downvoted you btw.

Love this guy and his stupid fakeness is what makes him so funny :squirrel::squirrel:
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+6 377. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Thunderstruck by Steve'n'Seagulls (LIVE)

Rock on Hillbilly dudes i actually enjoyed that :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 378. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Bull vs Lion

#8 and #7 I agree with everything even things i disagree with.:squirrel::squirrel:

I always put 2 squirrels at the end as i like squirrel's i do :squirrel::squirrel:
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+7 379. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Bull vs Lion

Sadistic Bastards that filmed this should be put in the pen with the Lion and the Bull and see who comes of best.
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+4 380. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Golfing on Ice Fail

How to drown in pursuit of sport8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 381. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video STUNG by a BULLET ANT!

Yeppers Balls of steel :squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 382. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Mr Bean - Nativity Scene -- Krippenspiel

Love Mr Bean :):):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 383. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video This is Your Period in 2 Minutes

Ppppffffttttt get over it, you will reach the menopause soon enough :P:P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 384. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia......

That instant second on making the decision to jump or stay,8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 385. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Kid In 350z Shows Off Too Much - CRASHES Into Fence!

#10 . just found this :) it is the actual track and cars i used to race.

not as fast as some race tracks as it is small but the cars still run at 70 mph and if you hit the wall at that speed believe me you feel it.

Amazing adrenalin rush without killing or injuring anyone or damaging property.

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+4 386. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Kid In 350z Shows Off Too Much - CRASHES Into Fence!

Never understood these Idiots.

I have had powerful cars all my life including the zx300 and zx 300 twin turbo and would never do anything stupid like this as inevitably this is the outcome and it is expensive enough to buy them without having stupid repair bills as well.

I done Salloon Stock Car racing for many years and got my kicks on the track where the cars were built to take the impact so for a few grand i built my own car and after a weekend racing fixed anything it needed so my good cars built for the road drove on the roads and never had any repairs .

38 years accident free driving :):):P
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+17 387. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Migrants in Sweden viciously attack CBS Camera Team

#3 The evidence was there for all to see.

Don't blame the Migrants !!!

Was it locals doing the attacking , threatening , covering there faces in gangs as they are to cowardly to act alone ? NO

Some people just cant see it even when it is hiding in plain sight right in front of your eyes.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 388. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Legend of Lopez

ChuckMaurice you upload a lot of nice stuff however in this case i must say, That was a load of shite.:squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 389. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video This Car Charger will SAVE YOUR LIFE!! (Really!)

Car thieves and smack heads after your radio and personal belongings on show will love this as if stopped by the police it could not be classed as carrying with intent and gives them instant quiet access.8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 390. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Taking down the Christmas tree Swedish style

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0 391. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Short Film Find my Phone - Subtitled

With the first piece of definitive information who he was and where he was i would have got a few hand chosen mates and pick shafts and gave him a visit at 4 in the morning to retrieve my phone.

Had this happen to me before with 2 phones stolen from my sons van but never able to trace them.
Dirty thieving Bastards, you loose everything you have taken a year to build up on a phone and the perps deserve nothing better than a long stay in a hospital bed.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 392. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Exploding Guts Prank!

Yeah brilliant prank for the kids in the audience to watch and have nightmares for years:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 393. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Opening a beer with a sheet of paper

#5 I fell today and have a part of me throbbing:D Any chance of massaging my sore bit 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 394. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Driver leaves boat behind on Suburban Street

#1 I would happily chip in but i do not think there is enough regulars who would do so ????:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 395. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Baby Elephant Surprises Caretaker with a Hug

#6 So many ways to answer that however i shall refrain.

To early in the morning to be witty as i have only had 2 cups of tea and 2 ciggies.
Run's for a shower now to wake up, bbs refreshed and ready to start the day..

#7 I think i am falling into your bracket as i have just read the days news before having a quick look here 8-)
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+4 396. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Baby Elephant Surprises Caretaker with a Hug

#3 No answer to that lol.:squirrel::squirrel:

Keep's it family friendly :P
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+6 397. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Baby Elephant Surprises Caretaker with a Hug

She could cuddle me and get my trunk 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+8 398. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video 10 Ways You’re Secretly Tricked By Companies

So the big boys are deceptively stealing from us by doing what they are doing!

Now i no longer feel shop lifters are scum and wish them well in there trade :P :squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 399. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What would happen if you didn’t sleep?

#13 Keeping it family friendly:O my auto immune system is totally busted however i assure you everything else is 100% as it should be.

Thinks of taking a walk today and looking for a nettle bed (Hmmmmm tingly thoughts) 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 400. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What would happen if you didn’t sleep?

#10 I am lucky that way
I could lie down on a nettle bed naked and i would still sleep but dont be anywhere near me as the Glotis in my throat is nearly closed and pulsates so i snore like nothing ever heard.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 401. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What is snowkiting? This is snowkiting!

#10 ,,,5 days apart lol i am 1958 as well <3:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 402. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What would happen if you didn’t sleep?

#5 I hear exactly what you are saying my only downside is i am allergic to all known medication and even an asprin will kill me so migraines are an absolute bummer as i have to just sit through it and wait for it to pass.
Any pain at all i just have to grin and bear it and god forbid if i ever need a operation as they cant lol.
Gotta look on the bright side as the other side was to dark. (been there done that not good)
I have had this for 5 years and you eventually learn to live with it
Condition is severe Idiopathic Anaphylaxis and my one is classed as extremely life threatning but hey ho as the song says..."Always look on the bright side of life" still here, so far :D:D:D:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 403. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What is snowkiting? This is snowkiting!

#7 13th April here. How close are you ???:squirrel::squirrel:

#8 Gonna beat ya to 60 and possibly Thunders as well :):):)
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+2 404. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What is snowkiting? This is snowkiting!

#5 April for me and i seriously do not care a single iota about getting older, when you look this good age does not bother me :P:P:D:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 405. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What is snowkiting? This is snowkiting!

#1 Happyyyyyyyy Birthday to Youuuuuuuu <3:squirrel::squirrel:

Is now confused if it is Thunders birthday or not lol.8-)8-)

Well i may not be beating you on accomplishments but i am on age (59) :P:P:P
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0 406. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Boxing Kangaroo

Fuck you bitches !!! I told you i never wanted to appear on TV:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 407. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Grelka Festival 2015

What was this about again???
I could not watch it all at once for continuous hitting of the pause button 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 408. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video More Amazing robot animals

Nice vid JJ :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 409. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Rat games

#4 Having been raised on the Farm's and having killed thousands of wild ones i know where you are coming from, however as pets they are amazing animals with millions of years of survival learning built into them which makes it so hard to eradicate the wild ones but so amazing to train the pet ones.
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0 410. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Evan - A powerful advert

A little update from 09/01/2017
And a lot of Americans bury there head in the sand and say we do not have a Gun problem!!!
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+1 411. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Slide down from the top of the world

Why????? Just Why!!!:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 412. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Canada over Christmas ( apparently it gets a bit icy there )

As a man even i know not to wear UGG Boots in the snow or ice. ( seen the wife and daughter try that):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 413. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police brutality

#15 Strictly no women allowed as they put you off the fishing :P:P also if there would be poachers around no way would i be getting out of bed to catch them so it is a golden rule, (unless i am not fishing 8-)):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 414. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police brutality

#13 You would love the Ballo then as i have a residential caravan up there for winter time or if i decide to spend a night/weekend there , it is right at the side of the fishing lodge. and away from anyoneeeeee:*:*:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 415. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police brutality

#11 in the town it is ok as the hills do not affect us even with snow on them.
On the lomond hill it can get chilly.
I was the fishing bailiff on the Ballo Reservoir which is a large Reservoir near the top and last two winters there was no access to it as the roads were blocked for 3 months with 8 foot snowdrifts but lovely sunshine where we are.
The drifts were so bad you could walk down about a mile to get to the fishery however the fences,gates and walls that separate the fields were buried in snow and you just walked over the top of them without seeing them.
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+1 416. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police brutality

#9 We do not get a lot of snow except just 3 miles at the back of us is the Lomond and Falkland hills where there is always a lot of snow in the winter. :P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 417. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police brutality

#6 here is a place called Glenrothes in Fife Scotland (google maps it)

Refrains from taking this conversation any further :P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 418. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police brutality

#1 offers to get Thunders all wet:P:P Ya just gotta wait till it snows here :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 419. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Rat games

Very misunderstood animals as people only see them as vermin.

They make great pets and as the video shows are super intelligent and easy to train.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 421. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video fun at work

Been there done that and the Adrenalin rush is amazing :P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 422. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Fails of the month - November 2016

#3 6.25 PAUSE, No fail there either :P :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 423. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Very accurate rifle

Pity it did not kill him !!!!
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0 424. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video How to operate a digger

Any machine operator with a bit of knowledge would have reversed his bucket and dug into this with the bucket facing forward.
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+2 425. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Evan - A powerful advert

#9 Between November 1, 1991 and July 16, 2013, there were 55 school shootings in America with at least one fatality and more than one intended victim. In the same time period, no other country had more than three such shootings.

Tell what you say to the victims family's
I am not going into representatives, population, ethnic groups or any other fact i am merely saying .

Shame that due to American gun laws they have this problem in the first place.

I do not know the facts and figures however i would hazard a guess that this is the worst place in the world for school shootings.

Gotta be a message there somewhere!! :squirrel::squirrel:

Lotta facts to find out there if you look.
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+3 426. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Evan - A powerful advert

#5 #6 Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook—these memories are seared into the mind of this American generation. Most, however, fail to remember Hillside Elementary School, Santa Monica College, Northwest High School, and the dozens of other schools attacked in this country since the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012. Frighteningly, school shootings have become so commonplace in America that our country has grown numb to them. Instead of searching for solutions and proposing a national plan of action, we have accepted school shootings as a tragic norm.

School shootings occur all over the globe, but they happen far more frequently in America than anywhere else. Between November 1, 1991 and July 16, 2013, there were 55 school shootings in America with at least one fatality and more than one intended victim. In the same time period, no other country had more than three such shootings.

Why are school shootings so much more common in America? More puzzlingly, why are they happening so frequently even when overall gun violence in the United States has plummeted nearly 50 percent from 1993 to 2011? Common arguments point to a lack of gun control, mental health issues, and the media’s glorification of shooters. But none of these explanations tell the full story. The underlying reason appears to be a combination of these factors and others that form a unique American culture that perpetuates mass school violence.

More can be read here.
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+6 427. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Colin ( Furze ) at it again!

No end product !!! WTF.:squirrel::squirrel:
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-2 428. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Evan - A powerful advert

Shame that due to American gun laws they have this problem in the first place.

I do not know the facts and figures however i would hazard a guess that this is the worst place in the world for school shootings.

Gotta be a message there somewhere!! :squirrel::squirrel:
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+6 429. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Auto Pilot Predicts Other Cars Wreck Before It Happens!

Yep, now that's one smart system.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 430. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video New way of fishing

Scotsman packs away all his fishing gear and pop's out to buy an old banger and a crane :P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 432. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dan Atherton Sends It Down the Hardline MTB Track | Red Bull Hardline: GoPro View

Awesome skills, balls of steel and a fekkin great rider.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 433. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What a great art to cut hair and create a unique hairstyle.... Amazing Person...!

No way would i let anyone anywhere near my head with a meat cleaver and hammer no matter how skilled they are.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 435. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

#18 Yes i could handle more than 3 and have on many occasions 8-) but gone are the days of more than 3 at a time :D

Merry Christmas everyone :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 436. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

#15 I try to keep it under 3 now as i am getting older :'(8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 437. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

#5 (but must be from another girlfriend)8-) You are implying JJ has a Harem and you form part of this?? No wonder the poor chap got confused trying to keep track of his women and getting the dates all wrong :squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 438. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Germany. Interesting Facts about Germany

#2 Takes one to know one. Seeing as how you are now part of the SNOTR crowd guess you are letting us all know in advance your sexuality.

If being Gay floats your boat then that is ok we do not judge here.

Guess it was a nice way to come out.letting us know first :squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 439. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile At An Airport In Russia...

Most other airports in the world would have quite rightly shot him multiple time for doing this as a suspected terrorist attack.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 440. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Awesome dog vs Walrus

Nasty little dog spoiling there sun bathing.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 441. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

#4 O,O Major Boob lol 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+9 442. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Biker chases driver who 'cut him up' to hand back dropped wallet but doesn't get reaction he expecte

Should have just kept the fanny's wallet as well.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 443. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Truck Commercial - FUNNY GIRLS

#3 4 I don't care about anyone's views i would so give her a piece of Scotsman :P:P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 445. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Earth's History Plays Out On A Football Field

14 hours 218 views, 0 comments???

I actually found this quite interesting and a very clever way of explaining the evolution of the world.

Thanks for posting ChuckMaurice:squirrel::squirrel:
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+7 446. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Bitten by a bug

#1 #2 when it freezes just manually move it forward 2 seconds then it plays :)

Many a vain woman and the odd (very odd) man would pay big bucks for this look lol.
Do not let on which bug bit him or they will be selling them in beauty shops.:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 447. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Army Lynx Helicopter Doing Back Flips

I remember being in the Royal Navy when this Helicopter came out and it was doing sea trials out the Mediterranean.

We were being shadowed by the Russian Navy and during the trials the Lynx was being shadowed by 2 Russian Helicopters and as all 3 done a fly by past the fleet that was there, the Lynx in the middle and the 2 Russian's 1 each side. the Lynx pilot suddenly carried out this backward upside down maneuver and it was funny as fuck as the Russians never expected it or knew what was happening as all the sudden the Lynx was the one in the take out position had it been a battle situation.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 448. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Freezing soapbubble

12 yeeehhhaaaaa rock on Thunder :):):P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 449. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Volvo Trucks – The Flying Passenger (Live Test)

I do not care how many Thunder has had up in a row it still beats some of the crap we had to endure from other posters.. (nothing implied in that statement has anything to do with anything except video's :P:P:P):squirrel::squirrel:
Picture of Scotsman5045 achievements

+5 450. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Tin mine excavated too close to the ocean causes massive landslide - Indonesia 1993

Lesson is , Do not hire Indonesian engineers :P:P:squirrel::squirrel:
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+7 451. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Why Socrates Hated Democracy

#4 So as a thick Scotsman, i fail to understand how your system worked when the best 2 candidates out of millions of people were Clinton and Trump??????:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 452. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Pod of 60 Humpback Whales in Cape Town

Beautifull video, Tips hat to Thunder.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+6 453. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video At the TOP of Toronto.Canada

Never watched it all. Only a complete and utter arsehole would do this.8-)
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+2 454. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Story of Fahrenheit

#8 it is fine , honest i do not mind.
i know if i post a derogatory comment then i am going to be voted down however i am not into this type of science and neither am i into men so i found it quite boring.
That said, if the video was hosted by some extra large munter would you still have the same thoughts :)

#9If you let the grass grow under your feet you get caught up with weeds :P
Here is one back at you :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 455. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Yuja Wang going off the rails with Mozart

#14 No matter what some people say the haters gotta hate and will down-vote for no other reason than they can. SNOTR can be a good site but it will never get rid of the morons as the world is full of them.:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 456. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Story of Fahrenheit

#3 Nice to see you seen what i seen lol. Now i may have been on Thunders side if it was a hot woman instead of a man but hey ho you cant please everyone all the time :squirrel::squirrel: PS I do not mind being down-voted as people are taking the time to do it :D:D:D
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-2 457. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Story of Fahrenheit

Sorry, Yaawwwnnnnnnnnn8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+7 458. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russian Gas Station

I would call that being inventive, only if the other pumps were not working tho :):squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 459. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Yuja Wang going off the rails with Mozart

#1 and #2 I totally agree with you about the dress, it is just a pity she is actually wearing it :*:*:squirrel::squirrel:
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+10 460. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Who needs electricity?

#5 In answer to the question would i let my children ride on these "Yes" Our children face hazards everyday, would you let your children ride a bike? What if they got hit with a bus? Would you let them play on roller skates? what if they fell over and broke an ankle? would you let them do anything ? as there is always an element of danger to be considered even playing on a trampoline they could fall wrongly and break there neck. As a parent you have to make a judgement on how safe things look/are and from what i see in this video plenty parents trust the way this has been built and it appears it has ran a long time without being shut down which i would conclude no serious accidents have happened here. The accident may be waiting to happen however we have had some recent disasters here in the UK even with all the health and safety involvement but on the basis of what you say you would be happy letting your children on rides that have been h&s verified even though many deaths and amputations have happened recently on our fair grounds. Every parent makes an informed decision and lives by that decision, we can only wrap kids up in cotton wool sometimes.
I still stand by H&S have gone to far and we need more things like this in the UK.
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+2 461. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Who needs electricity?

health and safety in the UK would never allow this to happen here, do gooders suck!! :squirrel::squirrel:
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+7 462. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Huge rocks come loose as cliff jumper leaps from 92 Feet! (Azure Window - GoT location)

Yaaaaaaahhhhhh a video that is not crappy :squirrel::squirrel: tips hat to Thunder 8-)
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-1 463. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Make a whistle out of .... THE AMERICAN WAY

Wonders if that is the Bullet Cartridge from where The Fox tried suicide ????:squirrel::squirrel: (get a life down-voters it is banter from the last vidoe)
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+2 464. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Cellphone to rocket 20000ft

#2 A little copy and paste fron JJ'S previous comments on another post about life hacks a few videos back :)

as a social experiment I went to one page on Youtube and submitted ten video's in a row randomly without actually looking at them. DEW stands for Didn't Even Watch and DEL stands for Didn't Even Listen.l::squirrel:
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+3 465. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Planting machine

#5 I paid nothing for mine as i am not putting one up. Bah Humbug to what has turned into a large scale commercial rip off.

Christmas in no longer about the Bible but about how much you get or how much you give. NO Tree or anything for me.:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 466. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Christmas hacks

#5 see you on the other side. I tried to electrocute myself but the meter ran out:'( , jumped in front of a bus but it turned left and all i got was a sore head and laughed at by passer by's so i will await the arsenic. :squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 467. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Christmas hacks

#1 Just watched them all also. Can you please take a double barreled shotgun so i may have the second cartridge ?:squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 468. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video How to open a coconut without any tools

@ 3.02 looks like he is holding a baby monkeys head :) #1 My thoughts exactly.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 469. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meet 'the tallest cow in the world' weighing in at 164st and standing at 6ft 4inches tall Mirror

#14 Oooo Yeahhhhh, I could tell story's that would make your hair stand on end, and ones that cant be put on SNOTR, the mild ones was things like hacking away at the bedroom door with a steak knife and meat cleaver trying to get through to get to me lol and that was only the mild side of her.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 470. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meet 'the tallest cow in the world' weighing in at 164st and standing at 6ft 4inches tall Mirror

#12 "Karma is a Bitch" so her nick name was Karma.:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 471. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meet 'the tallest cow in the world' weighing in at 164st and standing at 6ft 4inches tall Mirror

#9, lol believe it or not but my nickname for her was "Karma" ( the dozy cow never worked out why) easy now to work out :D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 473. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meet 'the tallest cow in the world' weighing in at 164st and standing at 6ft 4inches tall Mirror

I wish to nominate my X wife as the worlds biggest cow 8-):squirrel::squirrel::D
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+2 474. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Narrow margins

Aint enough money in anyone's: bank account to get me to drive there even in a car let alone an Artic :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 475. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video A Guide to Worrying

I never worry about anything. I refuse to live my life worrying about something that may or may not happen. When you know it is time to worry then worry but why waste your life worrying about something that may not happen?:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 476. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dog sneezes

#1 Your dog may be allergic to Alcohol. Looks like he is a Harvey Floorbanger , the famous cousin of a Wallbanger.:'(:squirrel::squirrel:<3
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0 477. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Hamburglar

#20 Points out he aint been screwed by any politician :*:*:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 478. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Real team work

#8 Been there done that , next :D
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+2 479. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Real team work

#6 In that case Thunder i shall have both leggies myself and can anyone lend me a Go-Pro helmet please. Vid will follow.:D:D:squirrel::squirrel:<3
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+4 480. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Real team work

#3 Scotsman Offers to take a leg...But... only if you wear a skirt :D:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 481. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Mini Robots - Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces

The new way to play chess.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 482. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Real team work

This is the Kerb Log they are building where the road will be built and tarred between both sides. I have in my day built many many miles of Log and i wish we had this set up instead of back breaking work polishing it up for the Kerb's to sit on. Only slight difference is they seem to build the Kerb onto the log instead of what we in the UK see at each side of a road, Brilliant idea.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 483. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Home made mouse traps

Only downside is if you leave them half an hour they will gnaw through the plastic and get out anyway. Glass is better #4 the last one also works lethal if you half fill the bucket with water and drown them. .:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 484. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Little BIG

#7 My male Chihuahua is the boss here and i have a Huge male German Shepherd and a Huge Chow Chow male in amongst all my other dogs but wee Romeo rules the roost.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 485. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Animal Attack

#9 Is it wrong on so many levels to think of JJ catching his prey and committing Necrophilia before eating it lol :'(:squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 486. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Animal Attack

Nature is a Bitch , If you are on the wrong end of it.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+5 487. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Little BIG

The Lion's are thinking, Try that when we are all grown up you little shit !! :squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 488. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Old School Andrew Dice Clay at his Offensive Best

#3 Well put that woman :squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 489. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Chris Rock on Black people

#11 Whilst in total agreement with you there is still no explanation as to why it is perfectly ok under any circumstance for a Black man to use the word any time he/she wants to and no offence is taken.
I have said this before and will say it again.
Now i do not hate any race but for this explanation, I can for instance say i hate the French, I hate the Aussies, I hate the Polish, I hate Canadians and that is acceptable and the only reason it is acceptable is because i am White and people perceive those races to be white but holy shit if i say i hate the Turkish or Pakistanis then everyone calls me a Racist as i can hate any perceived White race but not a colored.
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+2 490. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video FUNNIEST Notes Written by Smartass Kids

A few tummy tickling moments there :):squirrel::squirrel:
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+6 491. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Old School Andrew Dice Clay at his Offensive Best

lol , a distinct lack of comments here . Guess no one wants to actually see the comedy side of this. Hell i have friends and family members who are gay and lesbian, live as you choose to live. Just because i love women i can still say without causing offence.... That was funny. Probably more than half the viewers thought so as well.:squirrel::squirrel:
PC brigade go take a hike and inject some humor into yourself.
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+5 492. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Ravers 'dancing'.

#9 Another one of life mystery's you appear to be stuck with :) :squirrel::squirrel:
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0 493. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Blaupunkt Speaker Sexy Commerical

Stumbled on this, Brilliant :squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 494. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video 'Land of the Strays' Territorio de Zaguates - Costa Rica

#4 Could not have put it better, Well said. I now have a total of 9 dog's i have rescued from Spain and Romania (plus my own ones) and i prefer there company to Human company. How people can be cruel to animals is beyond me and i could quite happily be cruel to the extremes to people who do this.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 495. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Finns using their roads as airstrips

Cool Vid :squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 496. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video How to entertain a dog

How to give your dog OCD !!:squirrel::squirrel:
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-1 497. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dog teaching baby to jump

#11 so i got it wrong !! and there is always someone trying to put others down, go suck dog sh*t 8-)
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+2 498. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Adobe voco

Never again can recorded conversations be used in evidence from the FBI or any other organisation with this in circuit.:squirrel::squirrel:
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-1 499. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dog teaching baby to jump

#7 Yes Tom is plus 2 just now and when i put comment on he was minus 2 ...If you put your mouse over the votes cast it will show how many votes have been cast and so far he has 6 votes with a plus 2 that makes 4 people now voting down.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 500. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Potato cannon

Should have had the title.....How to give people ideas in a crowded place filled with nails and ball bearings.8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 501. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dog teaching baby to jump

#3 #4 I concur. #1 I thought that was a brilliant comment however it appears the haters are in disagreement :) :squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 502. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Bosnia

No seat belt Tut Tut :squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 503. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video When you are overqualified!!!

We used to have silly competitions like that when i worked in construction. I have carried some knee buckling loads and it is only now years later it tells on the old back and makes you realize how silly it was.And yes i hold the title of never beaten :):squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 504. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Fishing in Russia

lol, I never expected that. Good one :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 505. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Idiot crashing his freshly restored oldtimer

#10 he just played a MindTrick on you :D:D8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 506. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Idiot crashing his freshly restored oldtimer

Think this should have been added to the last video,Unsatisfying !!:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 507. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Unsatisfying

Been there done that :):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 508. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Japanese log house building process.

#8 WOW Thunder, you timing the men now ??? rofl :D:D:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 509. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video One scene sixteen takes

Yep, 1 minute was enough of that .:squirrel::squirrel:
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-2 510. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Wooden bowl

What a waste of a lump of wood 8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 511. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Fireman Struggle to Remove Metal Nut from Chinese boy's Finger

#9 do not listen to the story's JJ, I get mine from the surplus supply at the new Forth road Bridge they are building just down the road . Google, Queensferry Crossing :):x:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 512. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Pod of 1000 dolphins swimming beside a BC ferry in the gulf islands

Tell everyone there are Dolphins on the Starboard side then speed up and leave them all behind so when people come to the upper deck to see there is nothing left.... What a Muppet.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 513. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Smart Dog Helps Change Baby’s Diaper

The dog is looking at that bucket thinking... Bitch, as soon as her back it turned i am opening this back up and eating the nappy :squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 514. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Fireman Struggle to Remove Metal Nut from Chinese boy's Finger

#6 So you telling us you wear a willy ring JJ ? guess you get your's from 6mm nuts from a DIY shop 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 515. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

Pppppffffttttt i am a newbie here lol i have only spent 13 hours and 35 minutes on 1,177 video views.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 516. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Mission Impossible Squirrel

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+8 517. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video What happens when Mario dies ?

Very cleverly filmed:squirrel::squirrel:
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0 518. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Police raid (Policeman vs Muscle Man)

Take the uniform off him and take his mates away ....Now let us see if he want's to try that.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+4 519. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

#3 Some people have such a large belly that even looking into there pant's they would not see what is down there for blubber :O:O:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 520. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video World War II - Loss of Life Visualized

#9 Well said that woman :D<3:squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 521. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video World War II - Loss of Life Visualized

#3 I am not into politics, personally it bores the crap out of me .
That said i believe in democracy and i do believe that as in every election there has to be a winner and a loser.

Correct me if i am wrong but Trump won by a large majority as voted by the American people.

Now the ones that voted the other team are in the Minority and just like us in Scotland who will always be governed by what the English want as purely by numbers of people in each country regardless of who we want in power in a general election if it differs from England then tough we get what they want.

So sorry to say to all the Hillary supporters...Suck it up , stop whining , and move on.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 522. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video You're on a roll!

#1 I am in total agreement with you and also took flak for saying so lol (thick skinned and water off a ducks back spring to mind) haters gotta hate. I do not have anything against JJ and thought his videos were good and thumbed up them. JJ was merely pointing out something and so did I.

I have an old saying i stand by and it has served me well all my life. I will meet a lot of people as i pass through life and some i will like and some i will not, so if you do not like me , that is ok as i do not give a f*ck.
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-4 523. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

Looks like a lot of people on here have the humor of an Undertaker or they actually did find it funny and just like to whine at there rather sad own lives.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 524. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Skydiver loses shoe during dive

He never lost his shoe !!! In other longer videos you see him throw his shoe out the plane so he can retrieve it mid air :squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 525. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Football player gets booked for twerking

#(removed comment) Thought spam was not allowed lol
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-1 526. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Football player gets booked for twerking

#1 Now you know how i hate to agree with you and whilst i think any up loader is doing a good job giving up there time i feel there is favoritism afoot.
Start a new account and tell everyone you have big T*ts then you can post what you want :):) (no offence meant to any Female people on the site):squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:<3
Here are the stats on the last 10 days.

Geekster = 1 Video

Commentator = 1 Video

Cameramaster = 1 Video

Niek = 3 Video's

Chuckmorice = 4 Video's

Burmi = 8 Videos

Thundersnow = 17 Video's

35 Video's in 10 day's...... Come on Admin give others a break and let us see there stuff as well
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+4 527. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Creepy critters living under your front porch

#2 Obviously never has a sharp set of nails ripping down your back at the right moment 8-)8-):squirrel::squirrel:
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0 528. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The chase

#8 The zoo took the Pelican back once it ate it's Fish lol. ended up going back to his nest alone :'(
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+1 529. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The History of the EU with David Mitchell

#5 Well said that man :)
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+6 530. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The History of the EU with David Mitchell

The EU with there un-elected nomarks making our laws and telling us what to do sucks donkey nuts. Ask yourself this question wherever you are in the world. Would you put up with un-elected people in another country telling you what you can and can not do and abide by every stupid law they want to impose on you?. Stupid EU laws of which they made thousands... EU ban on ‘bendy bananas’ and crooked cucumbers...Incandescent bulbs have been phased out in stages in the UK since 2009 following European regulations....The European Commission triggered an outcry by banning powerful vacuum cleaners two years ago....EU authorities passed a law which claimed scientists had found no evidence to suggest drinking water stopped dehydration. ...European laws introduced in 2011 meant that drivers who treat their diabetes with insulin who have had one or more episodes of severe hypoglycaemia, known as ‘hypos’, could face losing their licences. In 2009 a law set out it was illegal to eat ‘pet’ horses after figures revealed that around two million pet horses were eaten across the EU each year.
According to the guidelines, all horses, ponies, donkeys and related animals (including zoo species like zebras) must have a horse passport....In 2010, a directive was made relating to fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut puree intended for human consumption.
EU rules stated that a preserve must contain at least 60 per cent sugar to be called a jam. Three years ago, the European Union planned to ban the glass jar which is filled, and refilled, with olive oil and served on restaurant tables across the EU, stating that only non-refillable bottles with proper labeling on the contents would be accepted. ... Only some of the stupid laws they have made that can be found on the internet.
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+4 531. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video A Day in the Life of Changi Airport

#3 get up off your ass and go do some housework, gardening, shopping , go for a drive anything . Just get off the couch and get the blood flowing.:)
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+8 532. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video A bag full of surprises

A lot of belts there :)
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0 533. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video EXTREME 258 KM/H SUR LA GLACE : MATCH PORSCHE GT3 RS FACE A YAMAHA YZF 1000 R1

#8 The wife drives the M5 more than me lol i am happy plodding about day to day in my Jeep and often i take the 330ci sport out as it is a lot better on fuel.:)
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-2 534. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Amazing goal

#2 I used to play Rugby when I was in the Royal Navy and have never played a game of football in my life (or watched one) Some sports are just boring ie Golf, Cricket,Tennis,football but to name a few and i have always viewed football as 22 highly paid morons kicking a pigs bladder around a grass field. Now what would make football interesting is if 5 minutes before kick off someone planted a single land mine somewhere on the park, now that would be worth watching and as for Rangers and Celtic #4 we here in Scotland have what i would say is probably 2 of the most bigoted football teams in the world with those crews causing endless mindless bigoted ars*holes to grow through the generations and breed there hate into the next one.
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+1 535. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video EXTREME 258 KM/H SUR LA GLACE : MATCH PORSCHE GT3 RS FACE A YAMAHA YZF 1000 R1

Woohoooo garage just called, M5 passed it's MOT with flying colors:squirrel::squirrel::squirrel: say i have 3 cars when actually one is the wife's ,got my M5 my 330ci and my Pajero Jeep and none of them are going ,forever :)
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+8 536. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Amazing goal

lol, I hate football but that was funny :):):)
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0 537. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video EXTREME 258 KM/H SUR LA GLACE : MATCH PORSCHE GT3 RS FACE A YAMAHA YZF 1000 R1

#2 Yeah Thunder i do rip her open every now and then but only if there is nothing about or one or two of my mates in there cars. If there is an accident then the only person i will injure or kill will be myself. It is nice to rip her up to 70mph from a standing start at roundabouts with Motorway slip roads but you are still in second gear lol. Amazing feeling when you ahhheeemmmmm put the foot down to the speed limit of course:P:squirrel::squirrel: Check out this link at 2min 57 seconds ...
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-4 538. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video EXTREME 258 KM/H SUR LA GLACE : MATCH PORSCHE GT3 RS FACE A YAMAHA YZF 1000 R1

Nice video. I constantly get young idiots trying to race me and it is annoying. I just sit at the speed limit and it annoys them. I have 3 cars and my BMW M5 is re-mapped, de-restricetd 560 BHP 0-100 in 7.5 seconds and will do 220 mph so i get more pleasure annoying them by not racing as when you know you will blow them away there is no point putting your licence at risk to show them.
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+3 539. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Swiss skier Jeremie Heitz

#3 "The ultimate skiing experience!" Sitting in a log cabin with crates of beer and some women :squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+2 540. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher (Soft-boiled egg shell cracker)

Gimme a good old fashioned table spoon to whack the egg with anyday:squirrel::squirrel:
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+1 541. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video King of Saudi Arabia weird allegiance ceremony

#5 Glad we all helped to cheer you up Thunder :D
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+7 542. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video King of Saudi Arabia weird allegiance ceremony

So if someone stuck a picture of the King's wife on a woman's back, could they claim the had sex with the king's wife,,,,Just a thought 8-)8-)8-)8-)
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+1 543. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Vote Trump. Please ?

# Ummmmmmmm Yeh lol ok ::(|)8-):squirrel:
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+7 544. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Vote Trump. Please ?

I feel sorry for the American voters who only have the two clowns they have up for election to pick from considering they have a population of 324,227,000
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+4 545. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video That Moment You Learn The Difference Between What You Wanted and Reality

#3 tell you what is worse is when Military Jets come from nowhere over land and drop bombs on you trying to blow you up and the Geneva Convention says that once they are past you, you can not blow them out the sky as they are no longer a threat.8-)8-)
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+3 546. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Modern heavy equipment, new modern wood cutting machine compilation in the world

Collectively thousand of years nature just to make log's Ppppffffttttt Bad enough to make something constructive but just to burn !!! >:)>:)>:)
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+1 547. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Scandinavia: Landscapes of Sweden

#4 The only people that look at you when wearing your kilt is tourists. Wearing a Kilt in Scotland is as natural as wearing Trunks in a swimming pool .:) Ohh and yes.....No Boxers.
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0 548. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video mass of crabs VS. a stingray

Stalking Thunder lol :P
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+2 549. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Scandinavia: Landscapes of Sweden

#2 I have been to just about every country in the world from Australia to Argentina, and would never settle anywhere except Scotland :)
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+1 550. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Scandinavia: Landscapes of Sweden

Beautiful country ...But Scotland is better :D<3
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+2 551. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy Singing His Heart Out Hydroplanes and Flips His Car

#19 Well put that woman :):):):P As a little edit... the same as in the video accidents by there very nature happen more often in a fraction of a second and good or bad it is a instant decision on what to do rightly or wrongly you do not have 5 minutes to think about it. "If there was no such thing as an accident then the word would never have been invented"!!
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0 552. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy Singing His Heart Out Hydroplanes and Flips His Car

#12 Thanks for your nice comment Thunder :)

#13 Yes he learned his lesson however i am not condoning his speed but it was 3 in the morning on his way home from his girlfriend's house in Edinburgh, a few miles from home on a straight dual carriageway with not another car in sight and a Stag jumped out, so swerving or potentially having half a ton of deer and massive antlers hurtling at you at 80mph, i think i would have swerved as well also as #14 says we should not drive that speed but i think if anyone on here who drives was honest then they would all agree at sometime they have went 10mph over the speed limit.

#15 read above reply to #13 and still think it would be a good idea to hit the deer !!

#16 spot on :)
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+6 553. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy Singing His Heart Out Hydroplanes and Flips His Car

A few months ago my son swerved to miss a Deer at 80mph. Hit the central barrier ,side impact, rolled the car 3 times, decimated the car and no Air bags deployed as it was not frontal. Thankfully he walked out with a small scratch on his face. O:) Someone was watching him that night.O:)
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+4 554. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Amazing Tractor Stunt - Slide Down A Steep Hill

@#7 I was not wanting to sound harsh however he is very lucky he never tipped it on it's ribs. He should have cleared a track way on his right track to equal the left track going downhill. Sandy ground and he got away with it but very lucky to do so, plus his boom was out to high and he never lowered it to compensate the machine weight ratio and decline. Like i said he got away with it but i would not say skill i would say foolish luck.
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+1 555. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video $300 EpiPen filled with $1 of Epinephrine

#22 Now we all know that you are waffling about the Haggis Hunt as the Haggis are intelligent wee beasties and they all had the sense to sneak back to Scotland as they knew the English were going to do to them what the Welsh done to Sheep. You want Haggis hunting with no special license required, then the only place in the world to find live wild ones are in Bonny Scotland as when removed from Scottish soil the will starve to death rather than stay alive removed from there home.:squirrel::squirrel:
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+9 556. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Amazing Tractor Stunt - Slide Down A Steep Hill

Ahheemmmmm, this is a 360 degree excavator , not a tractor lol. Drove them for years and this is just about a every week occurrence. It is amazing how stable they are and the places/positions you can put them into.
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+4 557. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video $300 EpiPen filled with $1 of Epinephrine

Puts the Kettle on for Thunders arrival :):) :P
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+5 558. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video $300 EpiPen filled with $1 of Epinephrine

Thankfully here in Scotland our prescriptions are free. I carry 4 Epipens. 1 in each motor and one in the house as i wont go into things however enough to say i have what is classed as en extremely life threatening condition and the only thing that get's me out of shock is this little beauty. Good oll Scottish NHS :)
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+3 559. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Animated History of Scotland

#5 In Scotland we are not English, we do not speak English , we speak and are Scottish. I have many English friends and proudly served in the Royal Navy for many years BUT I am Scottish.<<< Full Stop ,As a little side note Nicola Sturgeon is a Fanny. Hey i even agreed with JJ and gave him a thumbs up 8-)
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-1 560. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video How a differential gear works

When stock car racing you remove the Diff and weld steel plates into it to make the wheels turn at the same speed for oval circuits etc. Just thought i would add that :)
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+3 561. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Animated History of Scotland

Nice little video Thunder :) The independence thing is a joke lol. I voted to leave and form our own nation last time however IF there was another vote i would vote to stay as better to be with the devil you know than to stay as part of the EU. Quick question for anyone that want's to vote yes IF there is another vote. How the hell can we be independent if we are still being run by un-elected nomarks in the EU who will make our laws and we have to abide by everything they say ???? Where is the Independence in that ?
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+1 562. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Mike Rayburn sings "Cat's In The Cradle" to his dying Dad

#10 You are only surmising that it was only the son who put it up. He could have shown this to 20 family members who all agreed to post it or any number of people or yes he may have just done of his own back but it is his dad,his choice. Someone felt comfortable to post it so ultimately ...It is none of our business.
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0 563. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Mike Rayburn sings "Cat's In The Cradle" to his dying Dad

#8 O:) Agrees wholehearted<3
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-4 564. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy shoots deer, then something strange happens...

#16 Well said that man :)
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+2 565. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Looks Like An Accident, But This Is How They Unload Timber In Canada (HD)

Simple's Flood one side of the ship (inner skin) to put it in a tilt and off she slides :)
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-3 566. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy shoots deer, then something strange happens...

#13 I do not know where you stay however here in Scotland the animals are not penned in there hundreds and are well looked after as the RSPCA, DEFRA , SEPA and every other person is constantly monitoring there well being. Farmers do not kill them, they are transported in adequate transport to slaughterhouses which have more rules and regulations than a hospital has where they are humanely killed. Let me assure you i have worked since i was 9 years old ploughing fields and and joined the Military at 17 and have never claimed a day of unemployment in my life and at 59 still work 14 hour days then come home and take care of anything i need to before i get a seat so if i am a Lazy person because i eat this type of meat then you my dear sir must be a superhuman god as you are a Hunter. (yes that was meant to be sarcastic) Whichever way you want to hunt it still has the same outcome, some poor animal dies for your enjoyment. I have yet to meet a hunter who will spend more than 5 minutes looking for a wounded animal so your argument that you and your friends would look for days is inho a load of shite. Hunters are just a bunch of sadistic macho men who think carrying a gun actually gives them a large penis to compensate for the small one they have. As a little finishing note i do not spend 5 mins looking for a cut of meat as i use a local butcher who gets supplied from a local farm and i can choose my meat in 10 seconds and nothing is left wounded.
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+1 567. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Morning chores

Not Meeeeeeeeeee , i never mentioned sex once .uh uh not taking the blame on this one. rooster gotta do wot a rooster gotta do :P
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+1 568. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Mike Rayburn sings "Cat's In The Cradle" to his dying Dad

Whilst agreeing a lot with JJ and Thunder i also think our opinions matter not as the original uploader thought it was ok and they are the ones that matter in this video not us. Moving Video.
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+1 569. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Morning chores

#4 Cooking them is not what JJ has in mind lol, after all he is the King Rooster :S
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-2 570. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy shoots deer, then something strange happens...

#9 that is why there should be organised kills not just any joe soap going out shooting anything he/she wants whenever they want. I understand the over population of some species need controlled but just indiscriminate hunting and shooting anything you come across i am dead against.
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+1 571. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The English Language In 24 Accents

Good all round however his Scottish was way of the mark > my own accent is broad Scotch and i speak in the typical Scottish accent that if i was not happy with something you would know it and you would be better walking away. btw I also have A and O levels blah blah blah and consider myself quite intelligent however i hate to show it and would rather just smack you in the mouth than get into an argument with you. Now that is Scottish.:D>:)>:)
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+10 572. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Perfect welding

Impressed :) I have done stick,mig,tig and gas welding through the years and i am fully impressed by this.
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0 573. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Guy shoots deer, then something strange happens...

#6 Yes but the power is on and the shelves are full !! Bast*rds killing animals for what they call sport. If they want to shoot things put them on the front line in the Military and see how they feel when the target can actually shoot back and kill them. I was born and brought up on Farms and know the need to kill when killing is needed but if an Animal has a life who the hell do you think you are that you can just indiscriminately take it away? Vote me down all you want but those so called Hunters should be thrown into a woods without a weapon and people should go hunt them and see how they feel if by some miracle they survive. And NO i am not a Veggie or anything like it , I like my Meat but it is bought out a supermarket and humanely reared and killed not just wounded to die in agony in some Forrest.
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+10 574. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The most EPIC tree removal

When trees need to go they need to go. So big thumbs up for a very interesting video on exactly how it is done.
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-1 575. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Planet Earth II: Trailer - BBC One

End was Penguins 8-)
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0 576. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video How to Talk Minnesotan: The Power of the Negative

Why not just call a spade a spade and say it like it actually is?
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+1 577. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video New Five Pound Note Plays Vinyl Records.

Note numbers start with AK and are some of the new £5.00 notes going for silly money to collectors on Ebay. AK 47 being more expensive by thousands
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+7 578. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Complete Engine Maintenance

Loved the video, well done :)
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+1 579. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Synchronized crossroad

:DNeed two hands then #10 O:)
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+4 580. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Hurricane Matthew uproot the tree

Good job the wind was not blowing the other way8-)
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+2 581. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Synchronized crossroad

LOL@ #8 i could say a lot on that ,however in the face of decency i shall refrain :D:D:D
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+1 582. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Synchronized crossroad

Wonders how many people are killed there each year?:O
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+2 583. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video We love Russia

lol @ #8 he best to lol that is a big ahemmmm Cockerel . wrecked many a good hen :D
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+3 584. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video We love Russia

#4 it was not a Fail to start with but sure as hell ended up one lol. been there done that and just turned ,smiled and carried on. :D
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-2 585. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Pi (π) unrolled

glad i watched this, I will sleep better tonight now. Shhheeeessshhhhhh.
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0 586. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The funniest snore ever

High five's #7 Could not have said better myself.
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+1 587. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Interview with a 13 year old physicist

Now i can understand chasing girls but i deeply wonder what #3 done to the Frogs ?:O
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+2 588. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Stereographic projection

lol @ Thunder, You are #4 :D:D:P
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+2 589. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Landing with wicked crosswinds at Birmingham airport

Waits for JJ to say he was piloting the plane lol :'(
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+9 590. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Turbo Flush Activated

No need for the toilet brush at the side of the pan.:x
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0 591. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video A few minutes to just chill with a cup of coffee..or tea

#5 I loose interest in videos very quickly if they are more than 2 minutes long, as much as i enjoy Snotr i have a lot more important things to do with my life than spend to much time looking at gumph.8-)
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0 592. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video A few minutes to just chill with a cup of coffee..or tea

Yep interesting but 10 mins to long , i had to keep skipping forward .8-)
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+1 593. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Philosophers Football

#11 just sent 2 bottles by cyber post, you will need to disconnect your wireless and drink through the phone line ;)
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0 594. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Philosophers Football

Hi Thunder, i do not recommend you get wind lol, however a good wine to try is Oddero Barolo. Yeppers i am 100% Scottish but sadly Scotch Whiskey stinks of rancid sewers and gives me the gut wrench so as much as it is our other national drink i prefer Irn Bru :)
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+1 595. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Philosophers Football

Recommends a hot bath for Thunder to get rid of the dust and dirt from outside followed by a chilled glass of wine to chillax for the evening :) .
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+1 596. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Philosophers Football

Hi Judge, I remember the Monty Python sketches well, being nearly 59, I also remember this one and my opinion has never changed. Some of the sketches were splitting sides hilarious but sadly not this one. Thunder uploads a lot of brilliant videos and i loved the :squirrel: one posted after this. My opinion for what it was worth was not a slate on her and we all see things different however Snotr being what it is allows us our opinion to which some agree and some will not but we do not need to hold back on our individual opinion to suck up to someone.:S
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-2 597. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Philosophers Football

What a load of shite.
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-2 598. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Pythagoras Cup (Greedy Cup) filled with Mercury

Informative however useless as end result would be death !!!
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-1 599. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The HyperAdapt

Only the rich will be able to afford these as i bet the price is astronomical ,wait 10 years and the average joe Soap will be able to purchase. >:)
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+2 600. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Kids and Zoo Animals

Little Kunt's !!! Blame the parents for allowing them to annoy animals like this. Bad enough they are caged up without these Muppet's being cruel to them.:'(
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0 601. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Barrel Tiled Shed

Should have gone to a good DIY shop.:D:D
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+2 602. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Windy in Taipei

Muppet for being out in those conditions anyway !!
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+7 603. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Perfect hunter

Just like the last video (Grandmother Cleaning) and filmed with a Potato !!
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+6 604. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Grandmother cleaning

Filmed with a Potato :D
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+2 605. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Historic Flight

Wonder how it fairs at 3000ft ????
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-4 606. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video A Hole in a Hole in a Hole

Hands up if like me you are thick as shit and never understood a word that he said or implied, think i will stick to watching porn and drinking beer !:O:O
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+4 607. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dude runs over table on danish live tv

100% Fanny !!
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+9 608. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Cruise Ships In Storm - Inside Ship Compilation

Stupidity personified !! after 10 years in the Royal Navy i have been in every storm condition imaginable.
Every thing on war ships is bolted down and the things that move are secured in advance of going into a storm. Exceptionally bad planning especially when you see human's and furniture moving freely at high speed. Never good. Simple planning and high speed pumps to dump pool water as lets face it the Captain should know at least a day in advance what he is heading into and if not at least 6 hours.
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+2 609. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Hillary supporters agree with Trump quotes

Speaking as a Scotsman, I guess the good oll USof A is just as fukked if any of the 2 of them get in.:S
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+3 610. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Driving back home

Suspension is set all wrong with the amount of time the wheels were off the ground.
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+1 611. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Cat Demands to Be Petted

Was there a cat in the clip ??????
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+2 612. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

Most pro drivers would drive like this with a helicopter above them giving directions, traffic flow and any signs of police. Not impressive at all.:(
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+3 613. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Food Serving Sizes Are Ridiculous

#6 If someone served myself a cup of Haggis, I would throw it back at them and ask for the other 5 cupfull. Can't beat a good oll plate of Tatties, Haggis, and Neep's. ( for our friends on the other side of the pond , that is potatoes , haggis and turnip. :) yum Yummmm
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+1 614. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Bus Replacement Rail Service (yes, that's the right way round)

Nice to see them use the British word lol, I have many English, Welsh and Irish friends but i am NOT British !!! I am Scottish, born and bread and proud to be so. I have served in the British Royal Navy, I have fought in wars for Britain but i am bloody well Scottish. Always the same when something nice happens in the UK by a Scotsman or Scots woman they are British but something bad happens then they are Scottish. Rant over .8-)8-)>:)
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+1 615. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Dogs playing Linkin' Park - Numb

Well that was painful on the ears !!!!
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-1 616. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Demon 2016 leger

Well that is 2min15 seconds i will never get back of my life watching that sh*te!!
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0 617. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The Most Chilled Accident Ever

I watched the full length video a week ago, with slow mo and you can clearly see if he did not swerve he was heading into a head on with the white BMW. Wrecked his car but probably saved his and other peoples live's.
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+1 618. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video How to clear your sinuses

That's just the sea blowing a nostril !!
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+7 619. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video It's Morning...time to bogey on down.

Dude got Rhythm:D
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+15 620. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video The best instant relief for tremors my epileptic wife has ever found

We all know about the medical benefits of this drug but the Governments of this planet are to stuck up there upper class ars*s to allow the small people to have this type of medical assistance.
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0 621. Scotsman50 commented 8 years ago on video Maine State Trooper Helps Save Driver from Heroin Overdose

Good on them for giving him cpr, but why was no one giving him Oxygen?? ie the kiss of life to keep him going????
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+1 622. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Would you ???

Never even used a Potato to film with i think this was filmed on a out of date leek.
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-1 623. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Bad Dog!

@#7 Thanks, at least i poop diamonds ...You my dear sir just talk/type shite.
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-2 624. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Toddler has epic debate with mom about nap time

This should be in a new category called C.R.A.P
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-3 625. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Bad Dog!

Yep, make the dog suffer while you make a video pppffffttttt
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+5 626. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Typical BMW driver in Warsaw, Poland

I have a BMW M5 and a M3 and would never do this with any of them, to bloody expensive to repair.
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+3 627. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video How to prank your dog

#8 I have not logged in for 264 days But had to ...just to say Fukkin brilliant comment lol. ( i have 13 dogs and most rescued from Spain and Romania)
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+4 628. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Dude Vs. Taser

How come white people can not use the N word or they are Racist, but black people use it all the time and it is perfectly acceptable ????? internet is full of Coloured people using this word now. :S
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0 629. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Whoopi Goldberg: If you hit a man don't be surprised if he hits you back

#17 You are a Joke.....AND not even a good one...Go suck your mummy's teats. :S
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+8 630. Scotsman50 commented 9 years ago on video Whoopi Goldberg: If you hit a man don't be surprised if he hits you back

If any woman thinks she has the right to hit a man just because she is a woman then I say : Deck Her: why on earth should she feel entitled to hit a man just because they will not hit back ? Seen this so many times on the nightclub doors and believe me if a woman wants to act like a man, then she should be treated the same as a man.
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+3 631. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Christmas Surprise Traffic Stop

#14 We can all use big words and can even look them up in google, however this does not defer from the fact that an asshole is an asshole is an asshole.:)
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+8 633. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Billy Connolly - Fuck Off

You tell em Billy....Ur the man :)
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+27 634. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Peel jet car, filmed by Paradise Road at Flame & Thunder '14

Pfftttt left unimpressed :(
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+11 635. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Roadblock Fail

Never mind any broken bones or spinal damage, lets throw him about like a sack of spuds it was just a graze lol
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+3 636. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Lynx Helicopter landing in rough seas

#4 Probably because the Pilot put his Load right in the centre of that cute little rear :P
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-3 637. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Small electronics massively overloaded

Not enough Bang's or Explosions to be interesting :(
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+4 638. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Why Britain uses separate hot and cold taps

#5 What a load of crap!!! I have built houses for 30 years and the Mains cold water comes into the house always in the Kitchen (1 pipe with shut off valve) and it is then sent to the Boiler where it is heated to required temp on a mixer tap system. Cold water on a twin system goes straight to the tap with a separate feed to the boiler for hot with a non return valve. Many new houses are built with twin taps infact, more than with mixer ones, and I personally would never drink out a tap that has passed hot water. My Kitchen has a mixer and if I want a drink I will go to the bathroom and take water from the cold tap on the bath and chill it in the fridge.
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-1 639. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video

Glad I skipped to the last 20 seconds
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+18 640. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Spectacular car chase

#2 The rocks smashed his windscreen to impair his view.
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+1 641. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Biker makes a FAST U-turn..

#6 Very well done my friend, that is possibly a police speed trap ahead ... There you go if you cant work it out :P
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+6 642. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Ants Work in Harmony

Stupid lazy ants hitching a ride on there lunches back. Every work place has office shirkers :)
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+9 643. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Ultimate Close Call Compilation

#3 what a silly Mother Fu*king Moronic Turd >:)
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+3 644. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Pussy vs. Balls

Now that was funny as fuck lol
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+4 645. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video The bamboo homes of Bali

Building with Bamboo???? That will get you Bamboozled :)
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-2 646. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Only in Russia

#6 must be a bit more than chance. I am 56 past my test a1 18 always had cars and it has been correct for everyone..Thumb that down assholes.
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-5 647. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Only in Russia

Here is an easy way to remember folks which side your tank is on ..... Look at your fuel gauge and if the small fuel pump on the gauge is on the right then the tank opening is on the right ...same if it is on the left then the tank filler is on the left. ..Simplessssss :)
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+20 648. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Celebration goes wrong!!!

Yep...That will fuk your tv lol >:)
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-4 649. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video CHALK

7 - 1 ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa come on the Germans
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+10 650. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Meet Sam, Rescued From Dogfighting

Bastards that do dog fighting should be thrown into a cage of hungry lion's and see how they like it.
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0 651. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video How An Argentine Celebrates A Goal

Guess that was not the Falklands he was screaming about then >:)
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+7 652. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video How To Make Pancakes Like A Druggie

#1 ...Weird??? No, that was fucked up !!!!
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+23 653. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Heckler Getting Destroyed By Joe Klocek

Better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you are an idiot,rather than open it and let everyone know your an Idiot :)
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-3 654. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Morgan Freeman on helium

And this is different to anyone else on Helium ???? Why ?? :|
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+10 655. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Sewer Diver Loves His Job

Kinda Shitty job :)
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+26 656. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video henri's boogie

What a shit crowd to play to... Awesome skills
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+1 657. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Concerned Rescue Swimmer Dog

#1 ...#(removed comment) Probably never knew his mother...Just a sad jealous inbred hermaphrodite ....And I am Scottish.
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+21 658. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Dog Wants a Kitty

Would have been so much better had we actually seen the Kittens and the dog's reaction :)
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+20 659. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Out of gas ...

Beats paying UK white diesel prices :)
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+23 660. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Waiter For The Homeless

At the end a Homeless guy shares food with another yet all those who walk by and have give nothing!!!! What does that say about society?
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+1 662. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Les Beaux Frères - Serviette

#4 yeah but you still watched it ...OH yes you did so what doe's that say har de harrrrrrrrr :D
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+1 663. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video A hoarding house full of roaches cleansed by fire

Little fukkers may well stand a nuke but I bet they cant stand those flames :D
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+12 664. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Voice impersonator sings "Total eclipse of the heart" with the voices of many famous divas

Yep i'd give her one or two or possibly even 3 >:)
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+3 665. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Suicide Coffin Drop In at Burnside

Ok so the guy at 33 seconds was holding a big knife Why??? Methinks he never committed suicide during the drop so he will help him finish of the job!!! Only solution I can come up with . >:)
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+21 666. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Jeff Gordon strikes again

Yeah deffo fake I do not believe it ... Me next, me next pick me up anytime for your fake adds :) :)
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+8 667. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Children see. Children do

#4 Could not have put it better myself ...Well said that man.
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+6 668. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Just a Man Ironing a Shirt

WTF....This is in Awesome............ Someone is having a joke and it is not even 1st of April.
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+11 669. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Schumos Coffee

Just pull the Tea String for Strawberry colouring >:)
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+3 670. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Making the most of UK flooding

Those look like puddles compared to some of the flooding going on down south.
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+11 671. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Parking Skills

#1 Title says Moscow Girl lol not He :D
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+6 672. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Slip and slide in Australia

Call that fun Pppffftttt all I seen was a load of fat bellied blokes...Where are the Bikini clad babes???
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+2 673. Scotsman50 commented 10 years ago on video Safety first

#12 lol that sounded like the Irishman went to the kitchen joke :)
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+11 674. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Instant justice

B8tch got owned >:)
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+6 675. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Dog daycare

That just made my morning :)
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+2 676. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Insane paragliding

Awesome just Awesome
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+5 677. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video ExFEARiential

All good fun until someone pulls a Magnum and shoots some twat
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+4 678. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video AMAZING TRAIN SNOW PLOW - MONSTER coming through deep snow

We get 2 inches of snow in the UK and the whole rail network grinds to a halt..Ppppffffftttttt >:)
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+20 679. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Vicious Skunk Attack

How cute was that :)
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-9 680. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Mike Ratchuk Shootout goal

Exciting if you like the sport....waste of 17 seconds if you do not...I choose the second option :)
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+4 681. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video NYC Subway Sax Battle

#5 I wish I could give you two thumbs up....Thanks for the link that was amazing :) :) :)
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+8 682. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Training of goalkeepers in Slovenia

Good job that second shot missed his head....Word Moron's springs to mind.
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+17 683. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video NYC Subway Sax Battle

Wish this was about 5 mins longer :)
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+14 684. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Christmas gifts for the homeless

That sure put a smile on my face so I could only imagine how they felt...kudos to these chaps.
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+6 685. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Coke mixed with Milk Experiment

Glad I do not drink Coke but Milk is nice and Natural
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+6 686. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Amazing sheep herding and demonstration of a smart dog

#3 Most sheepdogs live out on the farm and are never allowed into the house ...they are working dogs and although this may look all nice they have the life of a dog and are given some beatings during there training....I have worked them many times.
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+14 687. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Is this the Closest a Wingsuit Pilot Has Ever Flown to the Ground?

First thought ...Shit

Second thought ...Fuck That
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-1 688. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video What would you do?

#6 I am 55 and the last time I was in a barbers I was 16....Cut my own :)
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+11 689. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Jaguar ad

I see the pun intended #1 however without being pedantic he is actually holding a female Hen ie a Chicken and not a Cock :)
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+30 690. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video What would you do?

458 views so far and No comments ????I am white and don't give a shit what colour you are we are all the same to a blind man...Racists GET A LIFE!!
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+6 691. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Van Driver Learns Lesson The Hard Way

#2 I hear what you are saying and totally agree but the winds were high everywhere that day and no doubt he would have been blown around as he was approaching the bridge and the signs are on every major road for a 50 mile radius and every entry slip road to the bridge.
Good job this was not half a mile up the bridge as it is nearly 300ft to the water.
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+21 692. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Longboard Girl Hits Cow

#2 That was purposely left for the individual to interoperate :D
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+25 693. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Longboard Girl Hits Cow

What a silly Cow lol
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+9 694. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Parkour, Cops, and Donuts

They were doing parkour were they ???? Thought it was just a lot of wannabe gymnasts doing flips !!!
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+4 695. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video CCTV of trip ups on escalators in railway stations

Better still ...Take the Bus
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+2 696. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video ATV rolls 5 times

Did the sunglasses survivededed >>
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+6 697. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Helicopter cockpit view of loading Christmas trees in Oregon

dude got Skilzzzzzz
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-2 698. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Doctors Take A Long Shot And Inject HIV Into Dying Girl

Does anyone actually care how and why or with which virus this works ????It works and lives are being saved so who gives a dam what they use as long as it works.
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0 699. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Shredding Computer Parts

Seen a few videos of the larger scale one of those machines and they use it for shredding dead animals...Horses Cows Pigs etc and they are every bit as efficient as this one is....
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+1 700. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Its REALLY an Alien !

Reminder to self...Stop eating Squid !!
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+2 701. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Baby dolphin rescued from plastic bag

Faith in Humanity restored pity it was humans that caused this in the first place just goes to show no where is safe from the blight of this race on the planet.
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+16 702. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Indy Lights Best Finish Ever

Nice Nice Nice piece of racing :)
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+3 703. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Kid accidentally steals cup from restaurant...

10 years time he will be a carjacker looking back on this laughing :)
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0 704. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video A hidden camera prank

You could see them shitting themselves waiting for it to kick off...Pity it was in Spanish...Great prank
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+14 705. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Caltrans testing Barrier-Transfer Machines on I-15

Nice Rack Kimberley :)
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0 706. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video The full video of Felix Baumgartner's jump from space

Why was his Altitude still 4470 when he landed ????
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+16 707. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Over-crowded trains and ferrys

Insane absolouley Insane
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+2 708. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video SeaPort "lanslide"

Well it is now 23/10/2013 and we are still here mourialaid
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+24 709. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Kitchen is a safer place for you, sweetheart!

So dannodon it is not ok to be a tad sexist in a humorous way but it is ok to call the woman an Idiot??? Take it for the humour intended or get back in the Kitchen !!!
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+1 710. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Massive Hailstorm

Yep No7 Ice balls got inside her top somehow at 2.45 lol
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+18 711. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Friday 13th Prank

Not so funny when someone runs straight into him killing him as they think he is a Psycho or someone pulling out a gun and shooting him...What a wanker !!
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+3 712. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Greyp G12 - Future Bike

It is an Electric Moped...Full Stop
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+28 713. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Mom Hummingbird Feeds Her Baby in Guy’s Hand

See there are good people in the world :)
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+7 714. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Mirror's Edge parkour

I nearly shit myself just watching this...All you moaners Could you do it ????
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-1 715. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Drinking water in India

If there Government was not so corrupt they would have the money to fix there own problems as aid money go to the selected few and the masses do without.
The aid money would be better spent in our own country's fixing our own problems.
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+8 716. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Crab Eating Frozen Gas

Lesson learned ...Keep your crabs warm :P
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+1 717. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Dog vs. blower....round one

#7 As for getting a clue I have shown dogs and had them for over 35 years and amazingly have learned a little bit... I never said that this dog was attacking anyone I merely pointed out how the jaws of a dog can do so much damage.
I have 7 dogs and love them more than humans but the video did show how a dog in a frenzy could do so much damage.
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-10 718. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Dog vs. blower....round one

And now we see why these Jaws do so much damage to children :(
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+7 719. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Tommy Franklin - Australia's Got Talent

Dude that was Banging :)
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+7 720. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Crazy Motorcycle Stunter

Mean tricks but a bit big headed at the end kinda spoilt it... :P
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+3 721. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Extreme downhill trail

Never mind Balls of Steel you need titanium ones to do this !!!!
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-3 722. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Cockatiel Sings My Neighbor Totoro

How many peeps were disappointed they could not check out the chick playing the piano ??? >:)
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+2 723. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video What Happens Inside You When a Mosquito Bites

A bit of commentary :( would have been nice
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+3 724. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Possibly worst taekwondo martial arts demo ever

Now that kinda makes me ashamed to say I am Scottish I just hope he was from somewhere else wearing a Scottish track suit :(
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+11 725. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Assassin's creed meets real life

That was rather well done :)
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+7 726. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Inside a running engine

No 3 that's what I said the inlet and Outlet they are called where I come from
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+10 727. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Inside a running engine

For those that do not know the* Right* valve is the inlet and the mist you see is fuel then it gets ignited as the piston comes up and on the down stroke the exhaust valve on the left opens to let the gasses out :D :P
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+34 728. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Norwegian Bachelor Party

Yep now that was funny :D
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+24 729. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Achmed the Dead Terrorist Has a Son

No 1,2,3,4 Get a life that was funny and the world cant help you lot being morons and not seeing the funny side !!! >:)
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+15 730. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Don't let this guy embarrass you in a street fight

How to win a Street Fight...Pull out a Magnum 44 :D
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+2 731. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Boxer vs. Cows

Stupid fucking city dwellers have no idea and you can thumb me down all you want. No 11 you are right I have seen dogs stampede a herd of Bullocks more than once and each one of them will weigh about 3/4 of a ton and not only if they stampede they will turn the dog into mush they will come straight through that gate and nail the muppets at the other side. Country code people says keep your dog on a lead and now we see why...
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+1 732. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Boxer vs. Cows

Yeah hilarious ...until the Farmer quite rightly shoots your dog.
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+12 733. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Wedding Speech

FFS I bet they all were wishing he wrote a speech
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-13 734. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Funny Rude Magician

Well that was boring :S
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+7 735. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Pissed off Russian breaks up road rage

No kind words were used in the making of this video it was more like get in your fuc*ing car or I am gonna pop a Bullet into your ass now f*ck of to which they swiftly done :)
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+2 736. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Recent mayhem at Uttarkand, India

Well that looks like it will clean some of the rubbish lying around.
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+3 737. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Woman being chased by a Giraffe.

Way to go in an open top motor where wild animals live...Morons spring to mind
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+2 738. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Karen Marie sings "Fever" in 12 different styles

Someone removed my comment for saying this was a load of shite well it is lol
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+2 739. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Korean artist Kim Jung Gi demonstrates his skill

The Independence movement ??? Here it is :)
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+14 740. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video What usually inaudible creatures sound like

The snail eating was kinda cool :D
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+11 741. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video 10 new bets that you will always win

55 and gonna try them on my son :)
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+6 742. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Deaf 3 year old hears his father's voice for the first time

Science was never invented to bring a lump to your throat :)
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0 743. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video German shepherds having fun at the park and lake

I used to have 18 shepherds and it was amazing walking them all together in the country :D
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+1 744. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Inside a 1st Class Flight

I would rather fly pauper class save a few thousand have a nice chat with people and get away from that background noise AND still arrive at the same place at the same time as those who paid Thousands...
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0 745. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Dog helps owner during floods

And AssieChris sucks cats tongues :S
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+8 746. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Just your average fishing trip... or is it?

Now he really can talk about the one that got away !!
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-3 747. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video A desk like no other....

Perfect for hiding the spare mobile from the wifey :D
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0 748. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Sea lion climbs on a boat and gets comfortable

Freeze at 5.57...Cuteness overload ;)
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+28 749. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Best Things About Being Blind

I have had quite a few "10" women in my life but I have been Blind Drunk at the time :D
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+4 750. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video A duck crying for ducklings and cops helps them out

@BarraMacAnna ...I fully understand where you are coming from but take anyone who knows of Wallace and ask them to shout freedom in a Scottish accent they will know what you mean and ask them to shout Freedom in a Wallace accent and they will also know what you mean :P
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+6 751. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Why you don't touch high power electricity lines

Balls of steel
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+2 752. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video A duck crying for ducklings and cops helps them out

@ BarraMacAnna Anyone who knows of Wallace knows he does not speak Hindu or Spanish or Portuguese etc etc but he did speak French and latin so forgive my ignorance in not making it clear to net morons that knew Wallace was Scottish but never seen the humour.And to the rest of the world who never knew ...He was Scottish!!
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+11 753. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video A duck crying for ducklings and cops helps them out

Freeeeeeexdddddddddddoooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm (in a Wallace accent)
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+3 754. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Honey Badger ignores it, again and again

You aint sticking your prick in me ...your the wrong species :)
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+1 755. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Black bears are just cute and cuddly

Is that bear looking for Acorns by any chance?
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+1 756. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Guy with cerebral palsy can't talk, can barely walk or move his arms...

Kudos to this man who shows all those lazy ass dole scroungers who wont do a thing how to do it.
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+7 757. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video 2 guys go through a labor simulation

Whilst not taking the pain factor away from women in childbirth I wish they would invent a kick in the nuts simulator so women can see the real pain men go through when it happens to them THEN they will know what pain is :D
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+9 758. Scotsman50 commented 11 years ago on video Locomotive breath ...

Just letting off some steam choooooooo chooooooo :|
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+4 759. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Guys gets slapped then slaps back.

Just for my tuppence worth i do not agree with hitting women however any woman who thinks it is ok to hit a man or hit me needs there lights put out and if that was me she hit the bit*h would have just hit the deck.......What gives women the right to think they can hit a man just because they wont hit back? Good shot dude i say ;)
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0 760. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Contact Juggler

No dirty blue movies have ever been watched on my computer and that is one thing i am sure of :D
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-4 761. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Contact Juggler

Nice vid but going off the subject mabe it is me but this site does not allow adult vids but advertises for shagaholic on there home page is that not a case of classic double standards :|
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+6 762. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Dog does backflip

Like my X wife when you threw her the wage packet :D
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-1 763. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video 2 camels in a tiny car

Thats just a couple of b8tches they picked up for a stag night :D
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+2 764. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Cruise ship

The ships have built in stabelisers which stick out the side under the water like aeroplane wings and this helps them stop rolling over.
After 10 years in the Royal Navy this is a mild sea compared to some i have encountered.
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+8 765. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Dude Fights Giant Bird...

Sorry badboy007 look how many times i have been in that position and have never resulted in doing that so thumbs down Moron!!
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+8 766. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Quadrotors

Guess it would be interesting if it never went over my head
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+3 767. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Awsome Dog Skills

Just checked her pic and yeppers she is hot so i will pluss her to :D
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-4 768. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video 81-year-old sweethearts

Wonder if he managed to get it up or her incontinance pads got in the way!!!!!!!!1 :P
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+15 769. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Metallica cover band loses only fan

Looks like the kinda girl you wanna take home and show off to the parents.NOT :S
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+1 770. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Soccer Training Camp

reminds me why i HATE football
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+9 771. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Sprint - HTC EVO™ 4G Firsts

#1I so wanted on many occasions to go ...Second minus one.... so hats off to you and those who cant see the funny side from an admin.get a life :D
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-3 772. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Ever seen country hip hop dancing?

Id give her one or two :P
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+1 773. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Optical Illusion

We have a road like that a few miles away.
Looks like you are driving uphill but you freewheel
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+18 774. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video An Elvis Presley painting

kinda cheesy :D
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+3 775. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Diffusion cloud chamber.

Looks like glass breaking!!
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+39 776. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Realistic mask

Pity it was not a better looking mask lol :D
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-1 777. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video TanDEM-X launch

Well that was a waste of nearly 5 mins of my life :(
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+16 778. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Alphajet and Mirage Aircraft

Awsome to have that power at your fingertips ;)
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+10 779. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Never ending sneezing bear.

Neverending??? That BEARLY lasted 19 seconds :P
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+6 780. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Duck dance

No 15 What were you feeding those dicks with???Your ass!!! :|
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-11 781. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Guess what that commercial is about

I got millions of sperm i have ...just looking for mums for them all :D :D :P
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+10 782. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video How To Cold Wire A Car

Guess they dont have steering locks then!!!!!!! he only opened the door and never touched the igniyion barrel.
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+13 783. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Cute Baby Sloths

Those remind me of my X wife :D
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+2 784. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Jay's Tiny House Tour

good job he aint got a cat to swing about :D .......And Hiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaaaaa Zoomy :*
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+1 785. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Excited puppy plays with baby.

Great the dog licks the babys face then goes likcs it butt Hmmmmmm but i do like the vid :P
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+1 786. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Failed Arson Attempt

I B Scottish and do not want painted with the same brush as that dumb englishman :D
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-4 787. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video I am Maru - funniest cat ever

#11Gotta agree i could spend hours playing with pussy also :*
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-2 788. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video I shot your ex-girlfriend

Was there a point to this?????beats me!
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+60 789. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Another baby falls on train tracks!

How many Moronic adults are in this world ?????
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-10 790. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Mike Song Tutting on Wii song

5 seconds of that crap was enough for me :'(
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+3 791. Scotsman50 commented 14 years ago on video Fareed Zakaria blasts media.

Shit happens :D
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+3 792. Scotsman50 commented 15 years ago on video How they say "12 months" in Estonian

Offers to spank Zoomy untill she cant take no more :D
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0 793. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Little Tortilla Boy

Dont like tortias anyway lol
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+1 794. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Heineken walk-in fridge

lol big tima @ #10 8-)
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+9 795. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Magic Flashlights

Simply Magic................hope i stopped some nice person posting you know what >:)
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0 796. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Love Hurts

Hmmmmmmm Cupid aint so cupid lol :D
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-15 797. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Fat Woman Falls

Happy new year missy zoom zoom :* and the video i only watched once........Not quite what we want to see!!! if that was racist would it be funny however it is ok to laugh at fat people portrain as a dead pig hmmmmmmmmm thumb down me all you want
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+7 798. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Stickman trapped in phone

Poor stickman the woman who drew him never gave him a "deck" to play with no wonder he is going crazy 8-)
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+3 799. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Jeff Foxworthy and friends - Deck talk

Glad to see the men not getting dragged into the size of there d"e"ck :*
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+8 800. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Pitcher up!

Was completley sober Chucky however when someone blatantly tries to make you look a moron for not quite understanding something then how do you expect people to react.................For every action there is a reaction....Happy New Year Everybody 8-)
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+12 801. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Pitcher up!

#8 Well ram my back passage with a large pointed stick it really is true that in America they have Television in each house and also a retard hell that must mean half the population is retarded!!! Now we know why the rest of the world has it in for you.
Here in liddle oll Scotland we still live in caves and power our computers on Methane gas we get from cow shit.
I wish i was a Retarded American just like you then i could throw balls at the telivision voodoo box thing then jump on one of those flying thingys and hell i might even land on your house!
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+4 802. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Pitcher up!

#4 Awwwwwwwwwww Ta sweety makes perfect sence now ....suppose it is like my sons Nintendo Wii.Your efforts are very appreciated and a huge :* to you xx
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-2 803. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Star Wars kid Drunken Jedi

Ummmmmmmm yep lol dont quite see him playing a lead role tho but funny anyway :D
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+4 804. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Pitcher up!

I am Scottish so have no idea what this is about :(
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+14 805. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video What's this right here?

Usual police harresment lol >:)
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+2 806. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Producer Flips Out

Got the room ready but dammmmmm it is Scotland sheeeezzzz just ma luck :'(
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+1 807. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Adidas Predator

Hmmmmmm...runs rappidly at zoomy speed to collect his spanking...keeps kilt on just,,, o o behave :P
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+3 808. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Never judge a book by its cover...

Man o man i just loved the mental immages that popped up to those smilies ............laffs loads Ta ,.. :*
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+4 809. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Scary Mary

Thats the children hidden!!!!Is it ok to forget where i hid them? :* :*
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+2 810. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Adidas Predator

Not beating up anyone but a slight spanking does good lol yeah spank the footballers well ya know wot i mean 8-)
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+1 811. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Producer Flips Out

Whoopsieeeeeeee :* O and the vid was cool to lol 8-) Sheeeeeezzzzzzzz i could get in so much trouble but hell i likes zoom zoom >:)
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+4 812. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Never judge a book by its cover...

Sends Zoomy a windy day kilt pic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wheeeeeeeeeeeee there ya go >:)
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+1 813. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Never judge a book by its cover...

Heyyyyyyyyyyy thanks missy zoom.......thats me lol......well not realy 8-)
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+2 814. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Pinguin outsmarts orcas

Good oll penguins lol :D
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+3 815. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video How to use scary movies for your advantage

Got dozens of movies lined up for missy zoom zoom and you can play them i will hide under my kilt lol :D
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-17 816. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Roomba driver cat

#1 Clever way of saying First i guess still the video was unusual :D
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+7 817. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video The coin shoe

Keep the shoe gimme the money >:)
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+4 818. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video How to use scary movies for your advantage

#7 Puts his Kilt on for Mszoomy lol >:)
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+9 819. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Shawshank 80's montage

Brilliant movie
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+12 820. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Bush ignored by the other world leaders at the G20 meeting

Do you realy blame anyone for not loving him!!! :P
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+6 821. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Austin Powers - Pee sample

Someone taking the piss 8-)
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+6 822. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Cannabis

I Tatally agree with the post of #3.Whils some may have seen this before and if it is old shit what the hell are you looking at it again for and leaving stoopid old shit comments.First time i have seen this and thought it was quite funny like #1 never seen that coming either :D
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-2 823. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Dance fail

lol what a dork >:)
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-8 824. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Medieval soldier prank

>:) >:) >:) >:) Hell i just wanted to be different instead of being a sheep and following the leader lol Muppets aint got Zoomys heads worked out yet
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0 825. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Drugs make you ugly

Thats Sympathy lol sheezzzzzz typos :D
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-2 826. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Drugs make you ugly

My long winded statment is this...Agree or disagree with me my views on drugs are so..The goverments of this world when making drug seizures should fattaly contaminate the drugs and put them back on the streets...This would serve two purposes(1)Any druggie with some brain cells left would come off the stuff as they would never know if there next fix would be there last..(2)It would help rid society of the low life scum bags who rob and murder for there next hit....NO Sypathy here for druggies. 8-)
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0 827. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Cat eats with fork and chopsticks

Think Bill should put the cat in a cattery so it can get a real owner and then stick a 12bore in his wifes mouth und pull the trigger 8-) Not only is she goofy she must be able to talk to cats to know who the moggie wants to meet.
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+5 828. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video 7-up commercial

Now if that was a man head butting some B8tch do you think this would have been shown............Hmmmmmmmm talk about double standards...Never seen that coming either 8-)
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-1 829. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Two women and one parking spot

Typical Uk lol
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0 830. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Bathroom accidents

Good job 51 seconds was not boiling water ....Stoopid parents :(
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-2 831. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video MythBusters slow motion bitch slap

B8tch Slapped >:)
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+2 832. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Dog drinking in slow motion

So they use there tongue for more than licking there balls hmmmm interesting :O
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+2 833. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Men In Black Bloopers

ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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0 834. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Addicted to work

LOL@#2 that is why i quickly put that in to stop the first posters doing just that 8-)
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+1 835. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Addicted to work

Hmmmmmmmmm stupid commercial >:)
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+17 836. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Deep sea footage

Super cool
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+1 837. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Chimp rides Segway

#1 If you look at the time clock on the vid you will see you wasted 4 min 46 seconds and if you read this then you came back for a second look...No pleasing some dickheads sometime!!!!!
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+2 838. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Beat machine

#12 Why do you not sell all your worldly goods including your computer and put the proceeds to helping world hunger that way you will feed some people and do everyone on snotr a favour by fukkin off into oblivion 8-)
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+1 839. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video The Matrix in 5 seconds

#10 So going by your reconing we must all like all the videos on snotr and must all say nice things even tho we think it is a crap video.....Ummmm freedom of speach ring a bell and snotr kindly allow us to have within reason this freedom so have tonights top prize for being in your words King Noob
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+1 840. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video The Matrix in 5 seconds

#9Absolutley correct and i selected this one to view and also to leave a comment on giving my views and seems four others so far agree....It is Sh*t :D .......By the way nice job the mod who keeps deleting those wankers who keep saying First.
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+1 841. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video The Matrix in 5 seconds

How the fuk did this crap ever get viewing time????????snotr should dump this one sheeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz
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+1 842. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Men are stupid

Hmmmmmmm wonder who usanumber uno is ranting at lol bit double standard there!!!
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+3 843. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Men are stupid

Women only insuerance should be banned"!! If i opened a pub and said Men only every Dyke woman activist on the planet would be screaming at my door claiming equal rights for women but it is ok for them have women only insuerance methinks everyone of them should be bent over and rogered from behind........well mabe not the ugly ones >:) hmmmm or the fat ones >:) >:)
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+5 844. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

I read it and decided it was a crock of shit :D
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+1 845. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Sweet tired cat

Yeah nowt wrong with stroking a nice warm pussy :* :*
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+2 846. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video How to talk like a pirate

Think the both of them need a large pointed stick rammed up there Arrrrrrrrr,s
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0 847. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

Mega Cool :D
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+4 848. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Riccardo Patrese drives wife crazy in Civic Type-R

Think it is worthwhile watching just to see those nipples poking through her blouse :D :D >:)
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+2 849. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video How stupid...

Man o man what a complete dickwad.......O how i felt his pain there....
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+2 850. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video Pedophile goes nuts at reporter on Australian News

Just wondered if everyone that is saying he should only be punished then set free to commit his crime again would say the same if it was there 5 year old kid that was analy raped then had there throat slit by some pedo .Hang the bast*rds shoot them kill them anyway just save some other poor kid going through the same they do not deserve to live.
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-1 851. Scotsman50 commented 16 years ago on video WipeOut - Big Balls

The mother of four is obviousley used to jumping on Big Balls!!!