Comments posted by Segeer


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+6 1. Segeer commented 12 years ago on video Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review

+1 Just WOW! Google ad -whatever.. Nice! And overly attached girlfriend... it got me :D
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+8 2. Segeer commented 12 years ago on video A good chase

Yep :) Czech police & capital city Prague...
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+16 3. Segeer commented 12 years ago on video Cats with CH

Anesthesed by vodka.
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+13 4. Segeer commented 12 years ago on video Pine-Sol® Pranked

Multiple heart attact <3 >:)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+25 5. Segeer commented 12 years ago on video Sit down for a free hand lotion test..

Toilet humor +1 >:)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+3 6. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video The Creepiest Guy In The World

Wanna nail!!!!!! >:) >:) >:)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

0 8. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Teamplay

YEAH !! Now we can join to the circus!
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

0 9. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Bird Balancing Trick

Advanced gyro :D
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+5 10. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video A throne fit for a king....

Are you just kidding me, right? ;)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+5 11. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Giant Lego Machine

That reminds me "Incredible machines" (PC game). Great job!! That wasn't cheap.. :D
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+15 12. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video The Best the world

Stig included >:)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 13. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Papua New Guinean man on escalator

Devil's Machine
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+3 14. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video One year in 2 minutes

Unbelievable changes of view 8-)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+27 15. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Talking Dog

Of course it's fake, but brilliant!!!!! <3
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 16. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Punching bag 1 - Chinese 0

Drunk ninja :D
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+6 17. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Goshawk ability

Like escaping from alien mother ship in Independence Day.
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+7 18. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Playful dog gets rejected by statue

Poor dog <3 <3 <3 <3
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+3 19. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video The Saga of Biorn

I had to play it again today (2nd time). Nice one!!!
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 20. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Floating fire ant raft pushed down on the surface of water

Impregnated ants! Hey :D that was amazing!!!
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 21. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Scary walk

Huh o_O NEVER!!!
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 22. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Subwoofer Cat

Epilepsy ;D
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 23. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video No more skinned knees!

The future is now ;))
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+3 24. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Nikki Stanley - Skills on fire

Killing spree ;)
Picture of Segeer20 achievements

+2 25. Segeer commented 13 years ago on video Just look at his face!

Time to change pants ;))