Comments posted by Shelfen


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+1 1. Shelfen commented 9 years ago on video Concrete Absorbs Gallons of Water

Floods that dig away asphalt roads usually dig under the asphalt and the asphalt just gives away after the support is taken.

A lot of rain would likely move the rock grain underneath the asphalt and make the ground unstable.

This is an parking lot Asphalt that could be used on city roads with an drain system built underneath it.

Like #5 fixes 1 problem creates 10 more.

Though its a really god asphalt for removing the surface water when its raining and increases sight and awareness for drivers.
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+6 2. Shelfen commented 10 years ago on video Cutting through metal like butter

#2 A Showpiece item from the producers.

Wonder how long we have to wait for the next unbeleavable video with an higher tech machining unit. :D
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+1 3. Shelfen commented 10 years ago on video Do you know what sound a Sloth makes?

This video was Meh..
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0 4. Shelfen commented 10 years ago on video Just wait for it

At the end of the video:
"This is not youtube now is it?"
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+5 5. Shelfen commented 11 years ago on video Guy rolls his car 7 times and walks away

#6 You nailed it, you can see the water coming from the left vehicle at 0:30 when he hits the waterflow on the highway. exact same place the Car slides off to the right.
I would guess that the slight turn he did (since the road curves to the right) when he got his car Hydroplaned it accelerated him to the right.

Worn down tires + a bit (un)luck = Slide + (Roll*7)

Next time kids, remember to check your tires before entering wet and rainy roads.
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+1 6. Shelfen commented 11 years ago on video Pretty cool project

#9 At 0:16 you can see one of the guys using an knight to jump over the starting pieces and the second board use the edges of the squares to move forward. :)
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+3 7. Shelfen commented 12 years ago on video Amazing 3D illusions on paper

I would guess he uses a paper with a barcode/stripes across it and edited it white, he then layed another movie file on top of the first one, freezed it and played it back in the end. You see his hand moves outside of the video every time he would interact with the objects.

(You could call it Augmented reality)

There is loads of good editing involved so I give him credit for that!
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+2 8. Shelfen commented 12 years ago on video Hexaflexagon Safety Guide

What in the hex a flex did i just see?
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+5 9. Shelfen commented 12 years ago on video The Laser Sword

#(removed comment) With you, the failure is.
Atleast thats what my father said.
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+2 10. Shelfen commented 13 years ago on video Inception Filming the Corridor & Zero Gravity Sequences

#11 I already said that "they would have to pay extra for the CG."
But they would still need everything else to make it real enough.

I also should say that I wanted to quote #(removed comment) on the 4th comment, but made an mistake.
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-5 11. Shelfen commented 13 years ago on video Inception Filming the Corridor & Zero Gravity Sequences

They could have made everything green though....
But they would still need the lights and the whole cage to roll them arnound, witch means they would also have to pay extra for the Computer graphics i presume.
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-4 12. Shelfen commented 15 years ago on video Quad hits cliff

Wont you turn in the air if you hold the gas pedal the whole time while jumping?...
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-7 13. Shelfen commented 15 years ago on video Nahtzee - The n00b effect

here is the original creator of "Zero Punctuation" witch this clip is clearly an ripoff and an bad ripoff.
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0 14. Shelfen commented 15 years ago on video Baby Born With 2 Faces

American mythology? uh...
Maybe you wanted to say Native American Religion?

I wonder how you can talk about that, any child is sacred for their mother (most humans consider that).

He was talking about how people around would see it?
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+2 15. Shelfen commented 15 years ago on video How to ruin $250,000 worth of vodka

This would never have heppend if they didn't stack the "Water" on top of the shelves to begin with. you can see the light steel structure collapse upon itself just a few seconds after bending the first steel beam.
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0 16. Shelfen commented 15 years ago on video 365 Days Of Exercise

The video may be correct on how he gained some muscles and lost weight, but he had to be lazy taking pictures from 0:0 too 0:10 ...
Also if you count each picture in the video he had taken an picture every 9-10th day, but it seems for me that in the beginning he was taking a picture every 20-30 days at minimum. Then somehow he gained muscles and bought a new camera at 0:9 and took pictures every 4-5 days for the showoff 8-)