Comments posted by SixaxisDualshock


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+7 1. SixaxisDualshock commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

#(removed comment) No offense, but you are a homophobic asshole.
Why would you say you're not a racist? Sexual orientation has nothing to do with race!
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+10 2. SixaxisDualshock commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

People who have never shown affection in public has never been in love (or even had a date in their life).

#(removed comment) Homosexuality isn't natural? You think that Homo Sapiens are the only species on Earth that has homosexual individuals?
Do some reading so you won't make an ass out of yourself in the future
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+12 3. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Canadian, Please...

Rare species those Canadians..
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+62 4. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video What National Geographic doesn't show you

Who gave the polar bear Mexican food? :O
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+25 5. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Smart boys

#4 as PownMeister pointed out, this is in Norway, we're not that trigger happy as.. lets say.. Americans? And we're not that stuck up about nudity (ever heard of the European stereotype?) either..
The dad would probably high five his kid, and the mom would probably just spread rumours of the slutty topless neighbour around town..
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+29 6. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Misheard Lyrics

Fish hat.. XD
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-2 7. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Large Hadron Collider - How does it work?

#18 Add to that: #16 even tries to compare speed to acceleration. Obviously not the brightest chap around..
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+49 8. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video She won

A reaction like that actually makes her a loser..
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+8 9. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Nahtzee - The n00b effect

#10 Did you even finish the video? Here's a link (if that's easy enough for you) 03:47 where it clearly says this is a parody. It's not meant to be a ripoff, it's a parody. Do I need to look that word up for you? PARODY.
How stupid do you have to be to call a parody for a bad ripoff?

Gawd I miss the days when you had to have a brain to surf the web..
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+5 10. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Time Warp - Hummingbird

They flap their wings at 90 hertz? Good gawd.. :O
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+22 11. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Air Penquins can fly!

It's cheating when you give the penguins helium to suck on..
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+10 12. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video BMW Parking Fail

Isn't the X5 meant to go offroad?
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+3 13. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Skydiving from one plane to the next...

I think someone has seen way to many James Bond movies.. :O
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+4 14. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video ARES I X Test Flight

#13 Why are you in a hurry? Btw, I call shotgun..
I just hope we kick everyone who has the tendency to say "Are we there yet?"
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0 15. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video How to scare your girlfriend

He was just defending himself.. >:)
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+2 16. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video President Obama calls Kanye West a jackass

#(removed comment) Embarrasing the president? How stupid do you have to be to not appreciate a honest President?
He said what he felt, and we love him for that.
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-18 17. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Beyoncé giving her moment away

Taylor, will you marry me? :D
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+4 18. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Running 100m in 9.58 seconds

From Wikipedia: "His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname 'Lightning Bolt'" :D
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+15 19. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Terminator 3 Sergent Candy Scene

"We can fix it.." :D
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+6 20. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Funny accidents Compilation

I love when they shout "Meeedic.." >:)
Great video! Keep'em coming!
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+5 21. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

Never charged? Ehem..


"On December 18, 2003, Jackson was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent, in order to commit that felony, in February and March 2003; all regarding the same boy under 14."

"He was charged with "lewd or lascivious acts" with a child younger than 14 under section 288(a) of the California Penal Code."

Never charged my ass!
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+5 22. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

You've been bitter ever since wts and Aliquantulus (and since then even the newbie MzZoomy) became Admins and you didn't.

Grow up and then maybe you'll amount to something. Even though that's a huge maybe seeing how you as a mod are able to call everyone pathetic. How the hell did you even go through the screening process?

Nice video though. :D
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+24 23. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video What's in the Box?

Totally worth nine minutes of my life. That guy deserves a Ph.D. in movie editing.. Gawd.. :O
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-2 24. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Whale Wars - Give'em hell

Kinda surprised. Doesn't the average Internet-subscriber know that the Internet as a whole exists today because of advertisement?
Do you think it's free to host videos like this and that they do it only because it's "fun"?

Would you rather pay per video you watch, or should them be allowed to make money through ads?

Shut up and go somewhere else where you don't find any advertisement.. Good luck ungrateful bastards.. You'll need it..
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-20 25. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Reporter being owned

A pussy being owned by a bitch.. Nothing new to see here.. Move along.. :D
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+4 26. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Whale Wars

1. They are throwing Butyric acid. It makes you throw up because of the smell and it makes it impossible to prosess whale meat (no one would buy that meat). It's as dangerous as orange juice, but it smells like you wanna throw yourself off the boat.

2. Everyone onboard is a volunteer that is willing to give their life to save whales. Big deal, whales are endangered (but the Japanese are still allowed to hunt them in a fucking sanctuary), there's over 7 billion people.

3. Of course you didn't hear a gun shot, it was at sea where you didn't ever hear yourself think.

4. The captain wasn't saved by a badge, he had a bulletproof vest on (you actually see it in this video if you had paid attention). He also had a badge underneath (like most captains) which were fractured and made the captain bleed without giving him a big bruise like you normally get from a gun shoot to a bulletproof vest.

5. If the captain 'faked' it, why would't he/they have done a better job at it? Come on, if they really faked it, would they have made it look like the bullet hit the vest AND the badge?

6. The Japanese are allowed to kill whales due to research. But they decide they own quota. How the hell do the explain the need to kill 900 whales each year for fucking research?

7. Season 2 has already begun: (You need a American IP-adress or a proxy).
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+11 27. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video HD building projection

So that's why people from San Francisco has trouble sleeping at night.. :D
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+18 28. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video 8 million dollar car

0-60 in four seconds? If you put nitrous in a VW Beetle it will do 0-60 in 3.x seconds. And probably still look better than this 'monster'..

Yeah, I would be happy if someone gave it to me, and I would be happy as fuck when sold it on eBay a couple of hours later.. :D
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+24 29. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video "Puke In My Mouth"

#1 Your mum is named Lisa?
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+1 30. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Smart Bird

#15 Illustrert Vitenskap rocks my socks.. Do you have the number on the magazine edition (would love to read that article, but don't want the hassle of looking through my twelve year subscriptions).
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+4 31. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video A new sport has arrived!

Or install Linux (Ubuntu as an example).
My Asus Eee 900 (0,9GHz Celeron CPU) and HP Mini 1000 MIE (1,6GHz Atom CPU) both run Ubuntu and I have no problem viewing videos (with only the integrated video card). When I had XP installed I couldn't even watch HQ (don't misunderstand, I mean HQ, not HD) or HD in YouTube with Asus and HP's own drivers installed.

Linux rocks.. Stop blaming everyone else when the world evolves. Survival of the fittest, and if you don't fit in, don't blame everyone else.
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+18 32. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Smart Bird

I just have to ask. How do you (#5) know that it (assume you mean monkey, ape, tarsier or other stereotypical treeclimbing bananalovers) didn't pick that up (read. bending the stick) it self?

Anyways, if I were a primate (Homo Sapiens is actually a primate, but lets say I were a primate that climbs trees ever day) why wouldn't I just climb the tree and eat the banana while enjoying the view? 8-)
Only stupid primates would allow themselves looking silly bashing their bananas..
Mexican primates might like the pinjata experience, but I would rather climb the tree for the banana. That is, if I was able to climb the tree (which most primates, including homo sapiens, are able to)..
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0 33. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Pizza box of the future

#7 And I can't watch videos on my 20 year old calculator..
Don't blame technological development when you bought something that won't stream flv files in HD.
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0 34. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago on video Time Warp - Tazer

Well,#6 does have a point, I can't find a single reference the ">5 seconds you will get harmed" statement that #5 claims. So he's correct when it comes to the point of #5 trying to put words in their mouth.

#5 obviously thinks by creating a Faraday cage around his body that it would prevent the pulse from going through him, which is probably correct, while at the same time he almost makes it sound like a short-circuiting would completely ruin the tazer itself, which it won't (like #6 tries to tell him). Basicly #6 thought that number #5 said it would ruin the tazer, and stood up about it. I actually thought that #5 meant the same thing, but reading the other comments made me aware of the fact that he didn't mean "broken tazer" when he said "ineffective".

#11, didn't CSI have an episode where a guy that had been maced also got tazed and then went up in flames because they used the wrong kind of mace/pepper spray? >:)

Remember, Winston Churchill once said:
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." :D
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0 35. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video NewsWrapUp

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see your nick.. I didn't mean to insult you.. It's not your fault that your IQ isn't as high as it is on average in Asia..
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0 36. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video NewsWrapUp

#(removed comment) In what country is it not obvious that 'she' obviously isn't a girl?!
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+2 37. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#(removed comment) USAnumber1 /Oldfart
Isn't it funny how the tables have turned on you?
I've seen dozens of people showing you articles about how fucked up your own goverment/country is, but you just blow it off with "that's just because you believe everything you read in the liberal media".
Are we supposed to believe articles when you deliver them, but still allow you to discard them as rubbish when we show them to you?

You obviously believe in articles that fits in with your view of every other country, but you fail to believe the articles when they shit on your own country.

Keep living your way like that.. Ignore everything bad around yourself and believe everything else that reflects bad on others (and thereby making yourself feel better about yourself and your country)..
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+2 38. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video McCain vs Obama dance off

She can see the dance floor from her house.. :D
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+3 39. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#(removed comment)
"These random killings are the work of disturbed minds,not accepted behavior."
How do you know for a fact that killing girl babies isn't an old practice which every "non-disturbed" person in China finds horrible?
Americans had an old practice of killing Native Americans.. But that stopped (to some degree) some point in history as well didn't it?

My point: You seem to believe that killing girl babies is something that everyone in China does without thinking twice about it. When I know for a fact that such a thing is a thing of the past (yes, unlike you I've actually been to China.. And lived there for over 10 months).
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+2 40. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#37 You said it! :D

#(removed comment) The US trying to take the moral highground is just as ridicoulus as the statement in #(removed comment).
Do you honestly believe that percentages has nothing to say? Isn't it better that a small number of girls are killed than every single girl?
America has a tradition of school shootings.. But you don't see me claiming that it's common practice in every High School!
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+2 41. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Addicted to work

Someone needs to tell him that her mouse is located elsewhere.. :D
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+10 42. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Deep sea footage

There really is a need for a new agency with the name iNasa (Inverted National Aeronautics and Space Administration)... :D
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+1 43. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Chimp rides Segway

#1 Obviously you have wasted a lot of time by not going to school and learning to write properly.. :D
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0 44. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video US Navy crash

They should have ejected.. :(|)
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+1 45. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Weird water accident

Does anyone really know how to link in the comments? (since I on a daily basis see some lame BB-code attemt)
<a href="">LINK!</a>

Hopefully some of these worked...
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+1 46. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Peace dove fail

Hey, fail is written "PHAIL!!"... :D
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+11 47. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Extreme Biking

"My brakes! My brakes! Oh noooooooooooo..." :D
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+4 48. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama

#5 If the creator of The Simpsons (Matt Groening) were 100% like Homer he would be fat and yellow..
Thinking never occured to you?
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+5 49. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

#15 I would imagine you would feel very, very lonesome..

"Shit, I just became the only living creature left in the world, and I'm not even 'in' the world."

"And where am I supposed to land my frickin space shuttle?!"

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+7 50. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

#13 Only a female could cause such destruction..
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-8 51. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

1. The crust is peeled off but threes and some buildings are still there? :O
2. Oh my god! Could the music in this video be worse?

Meh.. A new beginning wouldn't be such a terrible thing would it?
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+2 52. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama

Published: 25 minutes in the future

It must be further in the future than only 25 min eh? :D
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+5 53. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Super fast stamp lady

7Hz.. Holy crap.. :O
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+3 54. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Skater vs security guard

Why do grown men fight like bitches on coffeine?:O
"He hit me.."
"He hit me first.."

No one got fucking punched, at worst they both got bitchslapped some few times.. :D
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+1 55. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Fasten your seat belt

Luckily I have an air-bag that will snap my neck right off.. :D
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+3 56. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Rotating Wall in Liverpool

Yes, this is waste of money, but so is "pimpin' your computer.. Oh.. Them flashy neon lights..
Every design that isn't functional is a waste of money. Deal with it.
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+3 57. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Studio on fire

Does anyone know what he's actually saying? It must be something frickin' important since he's not stopping when the fire starts.. :O
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+2 58. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Air traffic worldwide

Holy shit.. Europe looks busy..
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+1 59. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel vs Eminem

#12 I'm Norwegian, so I understand Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic withouth including education.
If you include education I also speak English, a little German and a little Dutch.

Who should be proud?
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+2 60. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel vs Eminem

#10 Normal is so extremely cliché.. Instead of normal, why don't you call yourself 'average'?
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0 61. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel Live

If Matt wasn't in on the joke (and on good terms with Kimmel), how the hell did they force Matt Damon into doing this skit?
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+1 62. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel Live

#17, What the hell does that have to do with anything? Are we just random linking to every god damn piece of shit video on YouTube or what? At least the links before your have been related to the original video on Snotr. Yours is just... NOTHING! :|
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+1 63. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Hamster Ball 'swimming'

For some reason I feel like jumping out of a plane while I'm inside one of those balls.. :D
Wonder what would happen when I hit the ocean.. Would the ball help me survive the dreaded surface tension? :S
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+4 64. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Greatmoments in U.S. presidential speeches

I want to believe.. Ring a bell?
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+5 65. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video World's first amphibian quadbike

This is a NTNV!
(ATV = All Terrain Vehicle, this however is a No Terrain Necessary Vehicle!) :D
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+8 66. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Racism in elevators

Hehehehehehehe.. XD
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+10 67. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Urban Ninja

A Ninja wouldn't be such a camerawhore... >:)
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+7 68. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Hovis ad

*hoping people are able to notice the small details in this video*
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+2 69. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Weird commercial

The guys (and girl) from The Big Bang Theory! :D
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+2 70. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Pressure point knockout

ok, both sides of the neck and then a kick to the right leg.. Now, any volunteers? >:)

#6, since when did pressure points become something mystical? Since when did Homo Sapiens evolve into something without weak points?
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+1 71. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Women in cars

1. video with the woman hitting the barrier:
2. video with the woman hitting the barrier: (this one)

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+5 72. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Ejection tests

Single greatest video in Snotr history.. Hoooooly crap... :O
(Is is possible to try this is you have a bank account in say, Cayman Islands?)
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+1 73. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Domain name dollar store

I agree.. This is one of the funnies videos on Snotr.. My favourite is at 01:03 :D
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+2 74. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video A few crazy people and some heavy machinery

#25 Another thing, isn't the US in Afghanistan and Iraq killing people every single day? Andre haven't you butchered the original British English language? The truth hurts? :(|)
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+2 75. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video A few crazy people and some heavy machinery

#25 Take a joke.. Please?
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+3 76. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Don LaFontaine - The legendary voice has died

#4 It's called humour.. Download it to a usb-stick and stick that usb-stick as far into your ear as you possible can. If nothing happens, just press press harder. Blood just means it works.
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+4 77. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video How to scare the sh*t out of someone

Pay attention.. He's referring to the title of this video (How to scare the sh*t out of someone)..
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+5 78. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video 11 years old girl assembles rifle in record time

Apparently you have to be leet to have pink comments.. :|
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+3 79. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video 11 years old girl assembles rifle in record time

They're not native anywhere anymore, so we should probably pity them instead of arguing with them.. :|
It's not like they have money, oil or intelligence to brag about..
They are number one when it comes to inbreeding though.. :(|)
(I'm not saying that's a bad thing, who doesn't think midgets are funny?)
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+3 80. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video For 9 bucks you can do whatever you want to a rental car

#13 Isn't it funny how ignorant people think they know everything, while Bam almost (maybe he has already) ends up on Forbes list of richest assholes of the western hemisphere? >:)

Everyone screams and shouts about these guys not succeeding in life.. If they just knew how much money Bam Margera acutally has.. >:)
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+3 81. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video 11 years old girl assembles rifle in record time

Again with the 'you-have-spoken-german-if-we-didn't-help-you-guys-out'?
Haven't we had that discussion like thirteen times already here on Snotr?

Remember, American isn't exactly the oldest of countries..
The vikings discovered America long before Chris 'stupid-as-a-fart' Columbus ever came that far, so actually you should be glad that the vikings didn't sell your country to Egypt or sumthin'.

And besides, America isn't exactly the most original language.. Ever heard of English? (fuck, why didn't you British patent your own language, then we wouldn't have to deal with these live-in-a-bubble-type-of-ignorants?)

So in fact, the world shouldn't be grateful to you Americans at all, but you Americans should be grateful that the rest of the world actually even bothered discovering your little bubble.

Anyone know if the native Americans have some sort of Donate button?
I would like to sponsor them in an attemt to sue every god damn 'real American' for ever trespassing into North America. But if the Indians actually manage to kick out the 'real Americans', where the hell would the go? It's not like they're welcome back in their old countries..

And here we go.. Another week of discussing something that won't lead anywhere.. >:)
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+7 82. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video MythBusters draw a Mona Lisa in 80 ms

Why the Mona Lisa? :|
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-7 83. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Messing with Chuck Norris

Linus Torvalds can run kill -9 and kill Chuck Norris. :D
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+6 84. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Guy with helmet vs. goat

Would be funnier if it was a mad bull.. :D
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-5 85. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Catch and chug

How did the glass not fracture? :O
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+5 86. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Dog high five

Scientific? :D
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+2 87. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Monkeys on ice

Impressive.. :D
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0 88. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Take a seat

So the US is designing UAV's because they don't have enough patriotic soldiers that are willing to fly above taking photos?
The US is like the laziest country ever, if you don't believe me just watch some Future Weapons episodes, you guys want to make everything automatic or controlled from home so you can sit at McDonalds (gettin' more fat) while killing innocent Iraqies..
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+2 89. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video the real Pikachu

My little brother bought Counter Strike: Source (developed for XP and older win versions) and installed it in Vista, but it wouldn't play out of the box.. Hmm.. How the hell can a XP game not work out-of-the-box in Vista when it works out-of-the-box in Wine (running Ubuntu) ? That's just fucked up..
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+2 90. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Photorealistic speed-painting

Any bets on when we're gonna see 3D versions of this "speedpainting" thingee in the future? I'm betting 5-6 years, tops!
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+1 91. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Flying boat

America will keep them busy long after my death of old age, so actually I'm not that worried..
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+1 92. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Elephant Handler Fail

Now there's a proper reason for committing suicide.. >:)
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+1 93. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Flying boat

I give it three years before the Al Qaeda has used this somewhere in the US..
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-1 94. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Ball girl video was fake

Not a big deal..
Instead of calling ass on a ball girl you call ass on the stunt woman.. >:)
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+5 95. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Animator vs Animation 2

It's not rocket science.. >:)
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0 96. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Broken skateboard takes revenge

He will be working at your local McDonalds soon enough.. >:)
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+1 97. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Where the Hell is Matt?

Following his example you could almost dance in one town in some country, go to another city in the same country and dance there, and then just keep doing the same thing until you would have danced in have 42 'countries'.. :(
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+17 98. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Christian the Lion

Now that's just the single cutest thing I have ever seen.. :)
Snotr Hall of Fame? :D
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+2 99. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

"With a population of over 300,000,000 there are plenty of new births to sustain our supply of Patriotic men well into the future."
So you're ok with the fact that America looses good men every single day because of a war that the general population now wants out of? :O

Just because Tony Blair sucked long and hard on Bush in the oval office, doens't mean Europe is a 'friend'.
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+1 100. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Hiroshima

Of course you ain't seeing free oil.. Do you think the running war 24/7 x 365 is free?
Isn't the US debt increasing by like 1 million dollars every minute? Which country isn't America owing money too?
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+3 101. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video First Person Shooter

Yes, let us all run out in the backyard and throw stones at each others! Thats safer than sitting inside all day right? >:)
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0 102. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video A classic mother - daughter conversation

poobaire said:
@ Aliquantulus - how dare you come in here using Mensa to give yourself credit. By saying something like that, you're simply saying that you don't deserve it, because the Institution is for people who can do *GOOD* for society. A mind like yours can only do harm to contribute to the harm that America inflicts on the rest of the world. Fuck you.

Where the fuck did you came up with me being from America? Ever seen a Mensa-member from America? They don't exist!
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0 103. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Worst rap battle ever

They fucking put it on the internet! That's not compassion you fool! That's embarrasing as hell! >:)
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0 104. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video The stupidest game ever invented?

What the.. How the.. Why?! :O

This is to ridiculous to be true.. Come on!
If this is true he sure as hell killed himself after this! :|
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+1 105. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Jackie Chan at the The Olympics

Both the beach and Beijing is highly overrated.. I beg you, keep in front of you computer like you've done since you were 14.. Anything else would upset the world.. >:)
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+1 106. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Lion and Tiger hybrid (Liger)

From Wikipedia:

"Because only female ligers and tigons are fertile, a liger cannot reproduce with another liger or with a tigon. The sterility in males is caused by the fact that because of the unstable genes, male ligers never reach puberty. While they continue to age and grow they do not become sexually mature."

Is that why they seem so nice? Because the never reach the agressive puberty?
I mean, he can touch the Liger on the nose without it ripping him to shredds. Even if I try that with my little cat at home, it will make some sort of action to prevent me from ever touching him on the nose again. :D
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-1 107. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Transfer sound using light

I get the point of this, but [url=]Hak5[/url] did this like over a year ago or something.
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+2 108. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Painful baseball shot

I almost feels he deserved it for not using A FUCKIN' HELMET! :|
I don't give a shit if the sport regulations doesn't require it or some shit like that, use a fucking helmet if there even a chance for being killed.. Ok?
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0 109. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Knockout in 18 seconds

Did the dude in this video actually die? :O
No pain, no gain? >:)
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-2 110. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Science machine

"And how the fuck would you know?"

Hmm.. I don't know? Eh.. Maybe I and the rest of the world have had problems with Vista? Thank god I'm not forced to use Vista at home. 98% of my time at work goes to help people fiksing problems in Vista.. :(|)
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-5 111. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video She has a boyfriend

This one gets booring after the first girl tells him she has a girlfriend.. :(
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-2 112. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video Science machine

"My Vista install hasn't been the kindest thing to the process, to be honest."

No shit Sherlock.. >:)
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-1 113. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago on video A classic mother - daughter conversation

"in the butt.." XD

how can anyone not find this funny? She crying because she's embarrased that she was stupid enough to meet someone in rl that she meet on MySpace ffs!
If you don't find this funny I'm sure you were abused as a kid or something. Or maybe you got raped by MySpace-Tom yourself yourself? >:)

I would absolutely buy a "I got raped by a dude I meet on MySpace." t-shirt. Get them out on eBay today! :)
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+2 114. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video MacBook Air parody

Come on!
"The worlds smallest laptop!"
Bullshit.. Both HP's Mitsubishi Pedion and Toshiba Portege 2000 are smaller. And much older! :O
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0 115. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Cat with gloves

You're right, someone should at least seriously injure this fuckers!
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+2 116. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video How not to exit a parking garage

Luckily for him that gate gave after, or else he would be seriously screwed.. >:)
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+1 117. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Worst Weight Throw Attempt Ever

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+1 118. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video "I have three PS3s"

OK, I try to stay objective everywhere I surf, but dude.. :O

I maybe only have one PS3, but at least I have a fiancée, a god job and a nice car. :)
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-6 119. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Bored flight attendant

You don't need to speak English to understand English..
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+1 120. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video 17000 watt car audio system

What's even the point of reaching such effects?
You'll probably need that kind of sound when your 90 and have no hearing left.. :p
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+4 121. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video This is why they invented the handbrake

He doesn't even notice that his car is missing! :D
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+4 122. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video How to survive a zombie attack

Ok, I'm officially scared..
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+1 123. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Luckiest kill ever in Halo 3

Boondock Saints was a good movie.. So was this little clip.. :p
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0 124. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Urban football

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+9 125. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video How to make water burn

When will people learn?
Water almost doesn't lead electricity at all. Saltwater does fine, but not tap water as he's using in this video.
Besides, two AA batteries gives out enormously small DC current, which won't make enough H2 (Hydrogen2) and O (Oxygen) separate for such a flame.
Consider the fact that batteries has material (both liquid and hard) that does burn?
And that they maybe leaked out into the water, surfaced and caught on fire?

Why not just mix water and alcohol and then claim that the "water" burns?
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+2 126. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Woosh!

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-1 127. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Cat uses MacBook

I bet this cat is smarter than you were when you were born..
You probably just sat there crying while the cat got up and started walking around..
Intelligens is also relative stupid..
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+3 128. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video IntelMac

A PC works just fine if you use Ubuntu or other Linux OS'!
Don't hate the playa, hate the game!
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0 129. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Even cops can be funny

Are you kidding me?!
How can they do that?
I would quit or moved if someone did that to me, thats for sure!
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+5 130. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Simpsons evolution intro

I'm also from Norway, and can't believe that everyone in the so called "west" doesn't believe in Darwin's Evolution theory.. Does America still believe that the earth is flat like a pizza as well?

I guess I just have to believe the fact that most Americans can't point out their own country on a world map, and I didn't want to believe that either, but some Hak5 friends told me that it's actually true.. Is America just a big hype?

For gods sake! Bush Jr can't even pronounce the word "nuclear" that stupid bastard..
I almost hope that Hillary wins the election, cause then people will see the inbreeding more clearly:
Bush, then Clinton, then Bush (again, but not the same generation) and then Clinton (again, but female).

Is the inbreeding over there so bad that you don't have more people to pick to be President? :o
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+6 131. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Talking cats

I don't have the stomach muscles to laugh like this.. :D
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+10 132. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Curious

I remember when this commercial was sent in Norway.. :p
The Chips was good too, but now they don't sell it.. :(

Yes, Kims is a Norwegian brand but the text was still in English because of Norwegian lack of imagination.
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+3 133. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Nuclear explosions

Why haven't we all turned green from the radiation yet? >:)
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+2 134. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Gravity-defying gel cushion

Discovery tested the same material.
They tested it as a part in how to make a perfect running shoe. Cause the rubber inside is just that fantastic.. :p
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+1 135. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Best scene from the Office (US)

I'm so going to try that at work! :D
Think I'll change to change it a little bit since my closes colleague is a beautiful blond lady.
And thats something I just have to take advantage of.. :p
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+1 136. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago on video Hyperactive

His name is Lasse Gjertsen.
Actually he's soon to be a celebrity in Norway. He's working on some new TV-shows for NRK (One of the biggest channels in Norway), and he has actually said no thanks to MTV when they approached him. As a geek he's one of those that therefore knows that MTV no longer is "the coolest channel ever" like it was a couple of years ago. Therefore I don't think he has a problem getting a girlfriend or sumthin'.

PS, in the interview below he tell us how this video came to be. And for you that don't understand Norwegian I'll tell you how it came to be, he was studying film-making in London at this time and had a assignment to do, he waited until he didn't have much time left and made this video en turned it in. Then it "leaked" from his buddies on to a forum site and then onto Youtube where he's now close to 20 mill views in total on all his small videos.
(as you can see he has now colored his hair blond)