Comments posted by SjN


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+4 1. SjN commented 11 years ago on video A new imaging technique to see through a brain

1:40 it looks like a skull!
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+34 2. SjN commented 12 years ago on video Much respect for this guy

See, not only bad things happen in Russia :P
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+24 3. SjN commented 12 years ago on video The Reason Why You Need A Dash Camera (2)

The guy thought to himself "Maybe he's bluffing, I'll call the cops, let's see if he's going to stop me" ......................... "dammit!"
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-18 4. SjN commented 13 years ago on video WAR IS COSTLY......... PEACE IS PRICELESS.

too long, didn't listen!
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+7 5. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Independence Day Riots in Warsaw (Poland) filmed with an RC helicopter

I would love to see what this helicopter looks like!
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-2 6. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Hockey Player Pays Painful Price For Hug

#1 & #5 C'mon, it's hockey, where fighting each other is part of the game. If you get hit in a face like that and you are indeed a pussy.

If it was soccer then it's a different story and I'd agree with you two.

Huh? The guy who punched him didn't end up being more confused from his lack of reaction. He was very satisfied, after all, he got to punch the guy responsible for the goal without getting punched back. It's a win :)
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+9 7. SjN commented 13 years ago on video According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

Neo: Windows 8?
Morpheus: Do you know what it is?

Windows 8 is everywhere. It's all around us, even in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you pay your taxes.Windows 8 is the world that has been pulled over your eyes,to blind you from the truth.
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+8 8. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Puzzle Box

I want one for XMAS!
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+4 9. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Dog and Cat Slap Fight

the dog has gone soft.
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+31 10. SjN commented 13 years ago on video CubeStormer II

#1 google it, it's a real deal!
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-3 11. SjN commented 13 years ago on video The Evolution Of Laughs

#1 this video made me cry actually...
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+21 12. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Monster Truck Tug Of War

Should have been posted under Ownage, not Accidents :P
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+22 13. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Painting Gorilla Prank

#1 pervert
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-20 14. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Village timelapse

I totally missed the point of this video, I will pretend like I didn't and vote it up!
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+5 15. SjN commented 13 years ago on video "The plan "

don't attack my favorite porn website pleaaaase
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+4 16. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Before and After Joplin Tornado

at least the road is still there
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+5 17. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Iron man laser glove

??? I guess this is somewhat better than a water gun.
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+31 18. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Acrobatic car refueling

I don't think she was stealing, she paid the man, figured he was finished fueling her car and sped off, probably she was running late for her manicure appointment.
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+43 19. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Nearly glued to the ground

this prank is mean. poor woman with the eggs :(
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0 20. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Tai Chi - Amazing Chi energy explained

I guess it would have been more convincing if he got hit with a baseball bat in a face by somebody strong.
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+2 21. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Woman Teases Wild Cheetahs

#5 So you could understand better!
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+28 22. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Weird moves ...

#2 In Russia, the guy would probably take a shit.
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+10 23. SjN commented 13 years ago on video The military funny moments compilation

#6 Am I the only one waiting for them to explode?
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+18 24. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Work Accident

that's one beautiful accident.
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-8 25. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Mayday! Mayday!

this is a Re-post!
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+15 26. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Mad aligator

Where is the rest of the video?
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+50 27. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Fake Bouncer Checking Women's IDs

#2 He was collecting their home addresses... even better!
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+3 28. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Freaky the scary snowman

"Oh my god It's ARIVE!"
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0 29. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Accident In the Amusement Park

Only in Russia
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+1 30. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Microwaving An Egg

Um...... Slowmotion please?
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0 31. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Monkey performs handstand on tightrope walking goat

Time travel
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+1 32. SjN commented 13 years ago on video The Skin Gun

Where are the BEFORE and AFTER shots of this specific person?? All they showed us were pictures of how his arm "would have probably looked".

Was this video released on 1st of April? makes me wonder....
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+3 33. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Super Mate Fail

Did he get two points??
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-8 34. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Wash Machine Kitty

Could have been a good video if the person powered up the dryer with the kitten inside!
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+17 35. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Rare Siberian Tiger walks public road in Russia

Hangover movie in real life?
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+9 36. SjN commented 13 years ago on video Insane crane accident New Zealand

In such situations people say "ooops"
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+1 37. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Ladybug plays with sprinkles

They make an amazing pet!
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+4 38. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Grandmas discover photo booth

These two old ladies used to be super hot in College, they had super amazing bodies and all guys were drooling at their sight.

Look what time does to us!! :O
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+65 39. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Coldplay steals from Super Mario bro's

Riiiiiight...................... I don't think so.
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+3 40. SjN commented 14 years ago on video MMA Fighter Doesn't Feel Well

He's just nervous....
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+17 41. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Don't cross the tape

that's called quick bath. refreshing, now he can continue with his busy day.
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+7 42. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Reporter snowned

as long as it's not yellow snow!
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+18 43. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Love Bird enjoying life

OMG She's sooo cute! I want one!
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0 44. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Not Scared Of Heights

Crazy Russian kids...
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+2 45. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Bullet Time Marriage Proposal

I was kinda hoping she'd say no....

these things are so predictable... bleh
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+4 46. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Piano Falls Off Truck

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+1 47. SjN commented 14 years ago on video SNES - 100 Super Nintendo games in 10 minutes!

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+3 48. SjN commented 14 years ago on video world coolest teacher

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+1 49. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Rapping The History Of Video Game Systems

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+1 50. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Car Flips Several Times

I bet the drive puked all over the car
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-7 51. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Boy Mirrors Swedish Guard

I thought the guard is gonna shoot the boy with the cannon...
"We're under attack!!"
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+14 52. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Hockey puck hits Breaks Camera

Good thing it was only a lens and not somebody's eye :P
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+22 53. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Girl Gets hit with a Pinata Stick

#3 He was gonna drop on his knees and ask her for forgiveness, but she won't accept it, she will grab the stick and start beating him up with it until there's blood everywhere, then the cops arrive, she resists arrests, jumps into a vehicle and drives away, there's a 1 hour chase on the highway, then she drives into another car, flips over and dies...

It's always better that they leave the ending open like that, it leaves room for imagination ^_^
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+63 54. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Old windows commercial

What an annoying human being!!!!
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+3 55. SjN commented 14 years ago on video a contortionist squeezes herself into a plexiglas bottle

Dammit Dazzz69!
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+6 56. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Squirrels Fight For Carrot

poor F#!@ing squirrels :'(
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-1 57. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Skydiving in a car

This reminds me of Back to the Future 2.
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+67 58. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Tiny Owl Gets Tiny Snacks

So, I am guessing someone already used the butterfly net+mouse catching method posted on snotr earlier.
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+5 59. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Newsday iPad Application

Ipad is amazing! It has a birthday cake APP. I save so much money on birthdays now!
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+8 60. SjN commented 14 years ago on video How To Catch An Owl

#4 eat it. what else?
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+53 61. SjN commented 14 years ago on video How To Catch An Owl

*Off to buy mice + butterfly net*
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+25 62. SjN commented 14 years ago on video 134 tons of pot burns in Mexico

Omg, standing next to a huge pile of burning pot will get you hiiiiiiigh!
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+39 63. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Bad Boys 2 - Reggie

"Ever made love to a man?"
"- No..."
"You want to?"

He was totally hitting on him...
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+1 64. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Time Warp - SawStop

#10 Seeing your hand fly across the room in a slow motion would be cool though!
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+67 65. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Women Can Park

Only in a commercial!
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-6 66. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Cat Slaps Dog

Cats... can't with them, can't kill em. Wait.. cats or women?
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+4 67. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Flexible Dude

One of these things was stuck in my water pipe...
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+1 68. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Bestman screws up

Nice, we traveled back in time. This is 1955. Now how do we get back?
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+2 69. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Invasions, the Animated Short Film

he's probably gonna cheat with a hot blonde female human thing.
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+3 70. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Responsibility of Strangers - Social Experiment

After watching the video posted yesterday on snotr called "Bystander Effect", I went on youtube and searched for more "Bystander Effect" videos, and this video came up.

It looks like I wasn't the only one. :P
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-6 71. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Incredible accrobatics

Wow. Chinese can be trained? I am getting myself one.
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+29 72. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Bystander Effect - people watch girl being abducted

Humans are pathetic.
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+1 73. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Dude loses head

notice how his shoulders are higher than they're supposed to be.
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+30 74. SjN commented 14 years ago on video The nations of the world.

I wish I had a geography teacher like that.
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+9 75. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Crazy fight breaks out on tv show

This is a common behavior in Russia after a few bottles of vodka. Now that's good TV.
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+13 76. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Guy Has Different Way of Doing Tequila Shots

After knocking his head against the table, he should have thrown himself out of the window.
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+7 77. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Tech Support

Guess I am too old for college humor.
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+49 78. SjN commented 14 years ago on video The iPad - The Peter Serafinowicz Show

Ipad can be useful. It's just, many people who don't really need it buy it anyway.
What can I say? Good marketing.
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+8 79. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Bumblebee Camaro Crash

Why did they cover it? DOA?
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+9 80. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Introducing Google Translate for Animals

Hey! Maybe it will help us understand women now. You know when they say one thing but mean another?
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+7 81. SjN commented 14 years ago on video PMS Survival Tip

To be on the safe side, you should keep the woman in the cage for that period. She will thank you for that later.
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+62 82. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Amazing iPad Animations

I don't think you need an Ipad to make this little experiment work.

But I guess everything these days has to be done using an Ipad, or else you're not cool.
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+46 83. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Will it blend? Old Spice

no no no, this guy is too much of a wimp comparing to the man from the real commercial. he just can't pull it off.
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-19 84. SjN commented 14 years ago on video TED Talk: Self-Teaching

Ok, I think the media is trying to convince me that an Indian person invented computers and the internet.
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+4 85. SjN commented 14 years ago on video First NES commercial

"Batteries not included" lol
Did he really have to mention that part?
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-1 86. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Getting Excited

This is the best cat video ever.
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-2 87. SjN commented 14 years ago on video superman escalator slide

next month they will post another video of him doing something stupid, but that time he won't be this lucky. :P
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+28 88. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Body Music

it's one of these people who sit down for 20 years and think "Everybody should have a special gift. What's mine???" And there you go!
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+7 89. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Sleeper Car

#12 & #15

#(removed comment) was obviously kidding... everybody is so serious here.
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+8 90. SjN commented 14 years ago on video You passed the test!

So did he get hired???
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+59 91. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Guy Screams For Mum On Slingshot

Now we all know who's the girl in their relationship. ;)
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-5 92. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Australia's Next Top Model - Final Fail

I don't understand why people keep on voting down this video...
I think what happened there was pretty funny and awkward and very entertaining to watch :)
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+78 93. SjN commented 14 years ago on video worlds fastest talking female..

I want a girlfriend like that. She will be done bitching before any other girlfriend.
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+9 94. SjN commented 14 years ago on video The Whiz Biz

They need to make it bendable. So they can pull it out easily.
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-2 95. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Custom Foam Bubbles


my comment isn't too short.
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+10 96. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Giant Octopus

This thing must be delicious.
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+9 97. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Russian Transformers

the guy is running like a girl.
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+9 98. SjN commented 14 years ago on video shooting test

I am quite sure the first guy said "Just hand me the C4" ^_^
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+24 99. SjN commented 14 years ago on video This is how to use a GT Snow Racer

This looks fun, I am gonna do it and I don't care how I land.
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+21 100. SjN commented 14 years ago on video My Nuts Itch

The cop should have used the Taser on his nuts. that would have worked.
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+11 101. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Touch and eject

Hot Shots! 3
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+12 102. SjN commented 14 years ago on video The TV show Medley

I guess they can start a band.
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+1 103. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Most Insane Football Play In History

Did the tigers win?
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+3 104. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Unique multiplication style

It only works good with small numbers. for example: 98 x 79 will be hard to do using this method.
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+22 105. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Female Moped Crash

0:18 - Hi five!!
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+84 106. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Leaf Blower Man

now he's ready to date a horse!
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+5 107. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Careless Reporter Knocks down Ice Sculpture

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+8 108. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Guy has a camera for his eye - he is eyeborg for real

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+75 109. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Duck dance

He obviously just wants to pee and he's holding it in.
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+25 110. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Scratch My Back

the last guy is very brave. and made it to this day.
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+8 111. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Music Clock In Shibuya, Tokyo (Japan)

and what we don't know is that thing can also fly. so next time you see a UFO, you know where it came from. :)
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-16 112. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Lucky Bike Rider

His wife left him for another man and his company went bankrupt and he gets to stay alive! Lucky?
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+10 113. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Employment

This is exactly the way things are today. Perhaps you have a more pleasant job, but the animation was able to show the way world/employment works.
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+6 114. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Never kiss a monkey!

This monkey is smart. It's recreating a fountain.
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+2 115. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Smart Birds

Made in Japan.
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+4 116. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Borat High Five...

letterman had his way with borat after the show.
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+4 117. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Boy gets a special Pokemon card

I'd bitchslap him really hard to snap him out of his misery.
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+23 118. SjN commented 14 years ago on video The Matrix Pill

"Take the red pill, and we'll go watch Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp, in IMAX theater"
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+24 119. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Earthquake panic fail

The cameraman is really committed to his job.
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+10 120. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Reckless driving in UAE

I was really hoping he's gonna fall on the side. bah!
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+8 121. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Who Are You?

only 15 Wiis available.. the rest will go home :P

or wait in the line for 3 months...
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+2 122. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Crash and Eddie

#11 no shit.
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-4 123. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Crash and Eddie

the first scene is the bestest
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-7 124. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Fed-ex Commercial

I'd quit my job right then!
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+12 125. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Google: don't be evil?

Google Condoms
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-10 126. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Out of time

too long for me!!
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+3 127. SjN commented 14 years ago on video First time in a vegetarian restaurant

lucky for him it wasn't a cactus.
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+2 128. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Vacuums

interesting mental disorder the kid has...
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+6 129. SjN commented 14 years ago on video Scooter Vs Garage Door

he intended this to happen. he just wanted to keep the garage door open for the guy behind him. >:)
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-4 130. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Wedding Girl Out Of Control!

looks staged.
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+9 131. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Human Pixels Perform

I wonder what porn would look like on one of those...
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0 132. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Epic Parking Woman Fail

Ok that woman gave up too fast comparing to other bad women driver videos on snotr.
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-20 133. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Halloween Class Video

this video made me cry.. it made me so sad
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+1 134. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Jennifer Jones Best Curling Shot!

This kinda reminds me of snooker on ice.
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+2 135. SjN commented 15 years ago on video The Perfect Drift

they scream "continuously" because they just saw something amazing. Just because they got very excited over this cool drift doesn't make them weird.
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0 136. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Kittens Playing on a Slide

Gym for cats
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-2 137. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Very good language recognition

Google Voice's Voice Recognition
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+9 138. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Very good language recognition

Hey, so that device in Pixar's UP animation that the dog was wearing wasn't fake. Even google is using it.

I can finally speak to my dog!!
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+1 139. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Flexible OLED Display

In the near future you'll be able to roll or fold your 100 inch TV and bring it over to your friend.

No longer you'll hear people say "Hey buddy, help me carry my new TV from the store?"

"Oh what's that in your bag? is that a 60 inch TV?"
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+1 140. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Lucie Jones on X-Factor

and from this point on her life will never be the same...
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-5 141. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Driver soaks kids at bus stop

Life is like a black penis. it's long and painful.
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+17 142. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Chimp likes magic tricks

I thought George Bush retired...
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-11 143. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Don't provoke your neighbour!

the owner of the house definitely doesn't have premature ejaculation...
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-4 144. SjN commented 15 years ago on video The Incredible Cocktail Machine

what the...?
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+6 145. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Gas station explosion

#2 and #6

Watching videos all day long and having no other hobbies besides snotr is a bad idea. It can get boring. I agree.
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+3 146. SjN commented 15 years ago on video High five in New York city

this is borat!! HI FIVE!
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-2 147. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Bunny letter opener

I use my bunny to open doors from distance
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+4 148. SjN commented 15 years ago on video A moment of clarity


Yea right. That's what we all do and somehow end up getting married. Not me yet but hey, I am sure this is pretty much how it starts.. with fucking.

Yea I am getting this water asap!
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+13 149. SjN commented 15 years ago on video President Obama calls Kanye West a jackass

Kanye West: "I am a freaking Genius and the most important person on the planet. Even the president talks about me!"
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+7 150. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Schwarzenegger the dumbbell finder

at least he didn't take his shirt off and started working out.
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-3 151. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Federer vs Djokovic

FAKE! I see this man holding Gatorade...
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+8 152. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Kanye West - Famous douchebag

give him a break, he's just upset because he didn't get any fishsticks in awhile.
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+2 153. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Charlie bit my finger - again!

#6 That was very funny!!
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+9 154. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Clean Kitty

I don't know about you guys but to me it looks like the cat is having a very good time. Look at it jump from excitement.
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+17 155. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Rocket Butt

I love how it exploded while it was stuck up his ass :D
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-4 156. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Stupid is as stupid does

This video can be seen in at least 10 different videos on snotr. it's so over used..
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+1 157. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Men in Film

Great Perfect Video
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+1 158. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Optical Illusions

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+2 159. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Optical Illusions

snotr should have a message board.
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+3 160. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Hold that truck

Did SNOTR ran out of videos? they didn't upload in awhile...
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+6 161. SjN commented 15 years ago on video How not to launch a yacht

what's wrong with the way he did it? now it's a submarine...
he just needs to paint it yellow
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-4 162. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Giant Shark found dead

Why noone went to check if it's really dead???
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-5 163. SjN commented 15 years ago on video One Man Flash Mob

I bet he got kicked out of school
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+16 164. SjN commented 15 years ago on video -ALARM- (short animation)

the guy probably spent all night playing counter strike
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+1 165. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Pool Domination

If they could get some chicks, they wouldn't be making this video. they would be hanging out with the chicks instead.
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-2 166. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Pool Domination

double-u tee ef
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+7 167. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Super spray painting

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-1 168. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Cell phone Karma

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+23 169. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Open a banana like a monkey

monkeys are smarter than humans when it comes to bananas
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0 170. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Rush hour 3

this is the only good part in the movie.
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+1 171. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Banned commercial: bad eyes

anal probe
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+5 172. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Fat kid squeezed in amusement ride

give him a cookie to calm him down
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+4 174. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

what a waste of 4 minutes :(
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-2 175. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Carlos Mencia on Michael Jackson

yap. Now i understand why they made fun of him.
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+4 176. SjN commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

media sucks!