Comments posted by Sramos


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+1 1. Sramos commented 8 years ago on video Koenigsegg One:1 heavy highspeed crash at Nürburgring Nordschleife

Green hell has teeth :) that wreck is still five times the cost of my car
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+2 2. Sramos commented 9 years ago on video 100 Years of Beauty: Aging

no sex at 90s? come ooon.... :D
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+1 3. Sramos commented 11 years ago on video Greyp G12 - Future Bike

that acceleration race is riddiculous... great for big cities but it cant give me that feel of 100 horses between my legs ready to rip the road apart 8-)
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+4 4. Sramos commented 11 years ago on video Caught a spambot in action in Singapore

Robots are integrating into society :|
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+2 5. Sramos commented 11 years ago on video Paintball Sniping, shot with a scope-cam.

1:20 oooooh i can feel the pain,fingers and neck shots are biatches
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0 6. Sramos commented 11 years ago on video Dad Catches Foul Ball While Holding Daughter

now he has three balls :P
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+27 7. Sramos commented 11 years ago on video How to wake up an Irishman

how to wake up any non-deaf person
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+2 8. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013

this is the slowest chase i ever saw...anyway, what a stupid driver, u cant get away from cops nowadays
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+9 9. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video What it feels like being drunk

whats the show name?
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+28 10. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Elevator prank

this shows how people are fu#ked up by tv and horror movies
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+8 11. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Unprofessionalism

seriously,they should ban him from racing ever again... this is not a game,its racing motherf..... in a dry race he could put himself and others in real danger,as a motorcyclist this just made me really pissed. What next? He puts a stick into ur front wheel as u pass him? Indiana Jones style? You cant lose,you cant compete.
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+11 12. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Lightning Hits The Sea - Bay Of Kotor, Montenegro

I think all regular Snotr people are well trained headphone users, who can predict earripping videos :)
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-9 13. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video One Line Art

!viral alert?!
!asian skill!
!awesome imagination!
!great music!
I like
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+4 14. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Wild bunch :D

Let him free! Fuck zoo's! The animal can't be happy there, he must feel he doesn't belong there. It's just money-maker. :'(
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+1 15. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video O Fortuna Misheard Lyrics

cake is a lie!
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+6 16. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Perverse Woman In TV

:D the face when she gets it is priceless... but did she win some money for a new kitchen to stay in?
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+8 17. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video The Voice Australia Rachael Leahcar sings La Vie En Rose

why are people screaming throughout the performance?????? that spoils every great song, fckin teen girls...why dont they start to clap to the rythm? another retarded thing :| i will never understand this
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+1 18. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Dog takes a dump on TV

detail close up on shitting dogs ass? really? what is this world??
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+10 19. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video How To Extract Your Own DNA

#4 yeah but you cant show that to anyone :P
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+4 20. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Why It's Good To Have A Dash Camera

#3 he has their faces and licence plate,if they think its over,owned angain hehe :) cant they be charged for hit-and-run? or insurance trick attempt? there cant be much damage so maybe not...
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+6 21. Sramos commented 12 years ago on video Human Speed Camera

well, i think there is nothing illegal, why hes got busted??
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-3 22. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video X3 Eurocopter

ok,sooo..what is this good for? it couuld be medicopter because its speed but its really big, landing on the highway would not be easy... another awesome but useles machine, am i wrong?
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0 23. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video "Indian Snake Girl" Eight year old loves her pet Cobras

at her age she has more interesting life than anyone i know, me too...who are we to judge her father?? at least he knows some medicine, Christians would let you die, just praying for God to save you himself lol...... its the way they live... you can get killed by car,while skateboarding,on roundabout,fckin pedophils that any less stupid? she loves it thats important... WAKE UP PEOPLE

#10 i dont think snotr needs racist comments
#8 i believe their medicine is better than our chemical sh/t we eat even for a stupid cold, so big companies CEO can buy a boat... my experience: after 3 years of buying expensive meds for my psoriasis, my aunt brought me some herbal medicine from her travel to India. 8 months later, a bit of money, and im cured. 8-)
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+3 24. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video She's a witch!

Give me a shrubbery and cut the biggest tree in your town with a herring.... Or I shall say "Ni" to u all >:)
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+3 25. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Truck driver

nice, now he can buy a new set of tires lol. lets hope his employer doesnt know Snotr :)
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+4 26. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Bullfrog playing Ant Crusher

so be bitten cause him an orgasm???
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+1 27. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video The Roast of Charlie Sheen - Charlie's Speech

i really don't understand this insulting type of humour, this is too he said, they know him on the Mars...what dickhead he is :P still great actor :)
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0 28. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Kawada's Nextage robot: one step closer to replacing humans

people cant get a job and these robots are not going to help...big companies gets more money, ordinary people gets hungry... i would like to ask them how they see the future living with robots everywhere. Besides i think they should research how to upgrade the human body with robotics,like new hands and legs for crippled people, that is the future.
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+2 29. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Jogger sets a new world record in sprinting

if the bear really wanted....
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+9 30. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video What happens when two corvettes line up?

#4 i believe they are not friends :) not after this
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+4 31. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video David Beckham tries out blind football with Paralympic GB hopefuls

wow, i would never think they can be so good...1:03 that action is fantastic, i'm amazed.
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-1 32. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Shot by Police

#22 illegal yes, but ppl are teasing them (police) just because they "can" and it's not illegal to do that, but it's simply dumb. U hear "Go away or u get shot":
1: continue thinking they can't do anything...and get shot
2: move your ass a few feet back and film from there, let them cool down, and be safe
It's your choice :)

U are walking down the street, some idiot stops you and slaps you four times...yes he can, but you kick him in the nuts and then in the face..that's illegal, but it's normal reaction (kind of :D ) you know it, he knows it so why do that anyway??
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-1 33. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Shot by Police

ok this one is bad, but he was warned twice... and comeon, it just hurts, no big deal being shot with this... i just hate when someone is throwing rocks and stuff (even molotov's) on policemen, crushing many faces, and then cry and call them pigs when gets caught and beaten up. Be responsible of your acts and handle the consequences....what would YOU do when there is a huge crowd throwing sh/t on you all day??? They just do their job... that's my point of view
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+1 34. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Two Perfect Dates

#2 i've seen many such couples.... beauty is not everything
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+2 35. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Rhinoceros vs. Warthog

i love how they immediately starting the engine :D LEG IT!!!! :D (i would do it too, can imagine what he can do with a car full of people)
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0 36. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video A Rather Fast Bike

add one or two gears and head to the Bonneville ;)
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0 37. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video See Saw Stars

#9 Hitler is your idol isn't he :| i hope you were kidding...otherwise it's people like you we should get rid of...
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+23 38. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video The Standoff

when he grow up i'm sure he can handle any pussy
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+6 39. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video See Saw Stars

#3,#5 what is your problem? why people hate red hair?? it's kind of racism you know? why don't you hate blonde or brown hair? besides, girls in my country like red hair :P
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+3 40. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video South Korean Mudslide Caught On Dashcam

it's scary, it has so much power to destroy anything... nature rules
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+4 41. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Bird... like a boss

#9 he would be more scared inside the car...birds dont die when its rainy and cold,they are able to fly in heavy rain and wind. i think he just enjoys it, otherwise he'd flown away
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-4 42. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video BIGGEST EXPLOSIONS

Another fun fact about the Tzar bomba:
It's actually the Tsar bomba :P Lawyered!
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+3 43. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Giant Building Collapse

i think there is no way he survived this. there was so many people,and they just let him do that and die. stupidity at its worst. another life wasted for nothing.
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+32 44. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Fisherman Vs Birds

my solution would be SHOTGUN. mo-mo-mo-monsterkill!! >:)
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+1 45. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time

why??? does mankind really have to destroy everything and everyone?? i feel soooo sad...
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+36 46. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video The battery man

he's the real superhero.. but from 220V socket to one million volt transformer?? good luck..
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+7 47. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Girl joins the dark side at Disneyland

does the trooper on the left want to shoot her as she kneels?? well how can she fight without the lightsabre...slap him?
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+4 48. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video President of Czech Republic steals pen

#16 It's "just" a very valuable pen, full of precious stones, made just for that occasion....

how can he think noone will notice??? I'm czech and i'm really ashamed of him...
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+1 49. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video The last free people on this planet

yes they are free, but what is more, they live in harmony with the nature. thats something what our "civilized" society can never get back to. We evolved to something like cancer for this planet. And we will destroy every single planet on which we will live.
#23 i thought Amazon isnt owned by any1,or is it? idk
#15 they are much more healthy than u think. Many of todays diseases were made by human.
I wish they stay that way forever. Not possible tho...
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-4 50. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Awesome street performer

he's not better than Beardyman, who has found out this kind of music.......not bad tho...
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-1 51. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video The Goldfish Whisperer

what is this? Japan's got tallent?
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-2 52. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Naughty Boy Scouts

I wanna play a game: nudity or life? Make your choice...
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+6 53. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Snoop Dogg on Weed(s)

#13 i agree it's mentally addictive. and i like what #10 said. i think it's a matter of will. only stupid people smokes too much, because nothing is pushing you to do that. twice a week is enough for me. and i can live among heavy smokers with no problem.(some of them had problems too) It came up with age for me. no offense tho...hope your friends are ok :)
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+39 54. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Snoop Dogg on Weed(s)

WEED is not addictive. WEED is for open minded peple. WEED is not a first step to the hard drugs. You don´t agree??? Your problem. I´ve to know...... :P peace
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+8 55. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Best Street Party Ever

i want you to do a party 4 me...and invite that hot chick :P
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+1 56. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Ugandan Movie Masterpiece

Chuck Norris' brother :) 1:23 that is soooooooooooooo gay shirt
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+85 57. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Boat Vs. Crane

wow...but job is done, boat is ok :P
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+3 58. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Snow Bomb

#15 i think i would,there are many people who would. i doubt anyone would even think about that bridge can blow it off,unless it happens (me neither)... and you have to overtake him anyway....imagine that there are more cars behind him...and then there goes the bridge...oh f###...brakes on the behind you:wtf? BANG!!!!! it's just dangerous and the driver is idiot...
good point #14,you never know if it's just fresh snow
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+9 59. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Snow Bomb

a lot of deaths are caused by careless drivers like this trucker. i would follow him and kick his ass as he stops somewhere. is it so hard to remove snow off your vehicle?? :|
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+23 60. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video German soccer fans

try to get onboard with Manchester scarf :P "sorry, wrong train" :D
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-2 61. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Twingo crash

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-2 62. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Smart police officer nearly kills himself

WTF??? USA police is...idk the suitable word. "entertaining"??? :O whats wrong with them? This vid makes me very angry :| I'm happy that i can go for a walk in my town without being stopped by police. (Czech republic)
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+2 63. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Andres Cantor

how would he comment stare competition?
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+9 64. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Red Bull BC ONE First Round

years of hard work,very good! :(|)
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+3 65. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video ShapeShifter

wow....totally got me..i found myself with mouth open at the end :O more like this!!
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+3 66. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Funny or Annoying Beatboxer

I love this guy,hes absolutely genius...wish to see him live
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0 67. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Incredible dunk

anyone knows that song??? that womens voice singing at the beginning and the end of vid reminds me somethink, but idk what :/
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0 68. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Bollywood Action Film

Chuck would kick his (their) ass!!
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+2 69. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Rock on Gramps!

hes MUCH better than those SuperStar stupid kids.... I HATE SUPERSTAR!!
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-2 70. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Super Energetic Puppy

lot of work to get him tired, right? i love how he stops and looks at 0:04 its like "who the hell are you....................nevermind"
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+1 71. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Malaria caught on camera breaking and entering cell

"Hey,you hear that? sounds like party,lets go in. Partyyyyyyyyyy" :D
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+2 72. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Women In Film

#6 they did have 10 layers of make up,well maybe just 5 but im sure they had
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-1 73. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Self-Driving Road Train

TOTALLY USELESS!! and s1nn0cence is right!! the world is in a hurry, this is maybe for retired
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+2 74. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Sitting On Top Of The Burj Khalifa In Dubai the pool :P
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+3 75. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Utah Jazz's Mascot fight with Cleveland's fan

don't mess with grizzly :P
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-1 76. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Fred Syversen 107 meters (351 feet) cliff drop world record

now he can stand anything :) RESPECT
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-1 77. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Explaining Canada to Americans

"economic opportunity"??? idk but how many immigrants are making big money?? 0,5% ?? my opinion is that America has the worst economic and politic system in the world. Canada is much better,not only because of the nature,which i love... my opinion is based on Capitalism:A Love Story with Michael Moore :)
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+3 78. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video Rally Crash Compilation 2010

2:38 did they realize that every1 could die?? but the window is nice souvenir tho :)
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+4 79. Sramos commented 13 years ago on video You need to get off facebook

just GREAT vid. I don't want to survive,i want to live! Outside,where things happens, where you meet people,feel people...if you have friends 1000 miles away,use skype or icq,who cares about your mood,or what you just ate or how big was your sh#t...Well,I dont care.. 'cos im happy without facebook... You know what?? Right now im going to visit my friend on the other side of town and i'll give him a hug! :) FUCK FCB!
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+6 80. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Holographic 3d map

yeah,its not holographic,that time is still far away...
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+21 81. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Og de Souza (Skates only with his hands)

! RESPECT ! from czech republic.....doesn't matter what you do or don't have,life is GREAT
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+3 82. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video MMA Fighter Doesn't Feel Well

:D:D COCA COLA ZERO............
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+8 83. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Lion Tries To Eat Kid at Zoo

Looks like he suffers from food,dont he? ZOO's are prison for animals, just because they want money from bilions of curious visitors...Everything is about money nowadays...just my opinion though
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+1 84. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video McLaren F1 engine test

WOW...I want this for sunday-night rides through my quiet little village :D Good night neighbours >:)
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+1 85. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Bumblebee Camaro Crash

"OK, he's dead,put him in the bag and send to his family." :P
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+2 86. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Security Guard Takes Himself Out

chicken!!! he should make sure that everyone is outside, not just run away like rocket :/
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+3 87. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video The "Ninja" and the ball

wow,i dont EVER want to have some problem with these people, its suicide !
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+2 88. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Chameleon in super slo-mo

i thought hes goin for mans eyeball :D
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+1 89. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Jollibee the dancing mascot

hot like hell.......inside the suit must bee :)
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0 90. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Metallica cover band loses only fan

some ultimate blackout :P
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0 91. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Cool robot snake

its too noisy :|
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0 92. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video How To Break Your Neck

didnt know its fyzicaly possible :O
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+1 93. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video An Elvis Presley painting

just awesome, i wish i had that skill,lunch would be quite fun :)
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+1 94. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Tight Parking

OMG go to kitchen pronto!!!!!!!!!! which IDIOT gave her driving license!!!!!
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+2 95. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Woman sings "Flight of the Bumblebee".

:D 0:30 i never saw more retarded face :S
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0 96. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Never ending sneezing bear.

never saw cutest sneezing :D
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+2 97. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Vancouver Demo Fail

lololololololol :D they should use some TNT :D
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0 98. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Alphajet and Mirage Aircraft

best aircraft vid i ever seen 8-)
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+2 99. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Skit Show

....and those boobs are greeat... :)
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+1 100. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Camera Man Hit At Le Mans 2010

hmmm dangerous place it can be.... :)
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+1 101. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Latvian girl...

Why girls makes videos like this anyway? :P
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+2 102. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Shark Bites Fisherman's Hand

thats for that gentle gettin out hook
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+2 103. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Duck dance

I like to move it move it,he like to move it move it,SHE like to move it move it,we like to........EAT HER yum :D
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-3 104. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Shark Bites Fisherman's Hand

change your pants kid :D this puppy cant hurt much i think but i dont fishing.....
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+5 105. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Raven Attacks RC Plane

I would give him some payback another day >:)
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+1 106. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video February Fail Compilation

2:40 he is ready for real war!! :D
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+2 107. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video I shot your ex-girlfriend

just smash her brain all over the wall >:)
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+2 108. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Wake up prank

i dont get it, they !!turn the light on!! and do some freaky noise......they looks like some nazi retards, the naked guy is making the face before he can see the one with flashlight (light is turned on so whats scary?!) wtf? ..sry for my english..
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+3 109. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video How not to make a turn

if her son was driving at the same speed he was idiot like this sorry for the tire is weird
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0 110. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Banterdude and Chat Roulette

3:20 hmmmm HOT :)
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+15 111. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Mystery solved!

nasty >:) thank god im boy :)
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-3 112. Sramos commented 14 years ago on video Pizza Guy Pranks

pls can any1 write and explain that one at 1:50?? i didnt understand,im not english :) TNX
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+1 113. Sramos commented 15 years ago on video THE Epic faceplant compilation

4:17 yeeehaaa :D omg what stupid idea :D
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+1 114. Sramos commented 15 years ago on video Best fails of 2009

poor buggati :'(
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+2 115. Sramos commented 15 years ago on video Europe from point of view of estonians.

Im czech and we HAVE the best beer in the universe :D thats right :P no im kiddin but who ever tasted .......