Comments posted by Team42


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+1 1. Team42 commented 15 years ago on video Ronald Jenkees

#5 You obviously haven't heard of Nick Rhodes, Richard Barbieri, Herbie Hancock and Ryuichi Sakamoto et al. 80s keyboard players were innovative in extremis.
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+6 2. Team42 commented 15 years ago on video The Pomegranate Phone

Hmmm, not so sure about this. Only 72" screen size projection? Sounds a bit lame. I'll just stick with my SE c702... ;)
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+2 3. Team42 commented 15 years ago on video You Don't Mess with the Goose

Now there's a way to cut defence budgets: more geese. :D :D :D
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+4 4. Team42 commented 15 years ago on video Weirdo sticks 2222 toothpicks in his beard

He missed a spot. He could have had 2223 easily... :D
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0 5. Team42 commented 15 years ago on video Ownage compilation

I hate to rain on all your parades (and now firmly expecting a huge minus rating) but most of these are not "painful", not all of them are "accidents" and they are far from "fresh" (@ #5).

A good compilation, nonetheless.

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+1 6. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Airplane landing

It is City of London Airport, and as far as I can remember, it has a steeper glide slope than most civil airports due to the close proximity of the buildings around it. COnsequently, only certain aircraft with STOL capabilities can use it. And that's a BAE 146 the pilot is attempting to bury into the tarmac...

That was one hell of a dodgy landing. Seems that the pilot left it a bit late to flare out at the end. At 0:07, when he's directly over the threshhold, he appears to be (a) very close to the ground and (b) almost parallel to the runway surface.

Still, he could have been in a hurry to get home for tea... ;)
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+3 7. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Funny McDonalds ad

I don't thing the Muslims need to worry about McDonalds and Halal. It's not as if there's any real meat in the burgers... :D
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0 8. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Why you should/shouldn't blend lighters

Finally, a genuine use for blenders! :D :D :D

#(removed comment) -76 and counting. ;)
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+15 9. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Pole dancing

@ #10 What? You mean people don't really have full camera crews in their lounges for the sole purpose of recording random and totally unplanned mishaps? I'm shocked! Genuinely shocked!!!* :O :O :O

*shock may not be genuine.

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+1 10. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Eyebrows raising

That's class! :D :D :D
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+2 11. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Indian teacher explains the word "fuck"

@ #11 Who the "fuck" cares? :D :D :D

A very versatile Anglo Saxon word. ;)
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-9 12. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video James Bond - Visa commercial

Pierce Brosnan. Worst James Bond. Ever.

And a crappy commercial to boot.
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+2 13. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Japanese sushi etiquette

@ #29 Have you tried it? It's really nice (the bits I've tried anyway).

But then, I'm wierd: I can't stand sweetcorn, but love corn on the cob.
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+5 14. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Gun making in Pakistan

@ #14 I'd be surprised if any of those guns reached the Pakistani Army. This "cottage industry" exists to fulfill the needs of the local populace and has been, to a degree, hijacked by the terrorists. Gun and ammunition manufacturing are only two of many trades prevalent in the North West Frontier Province. Need a water pump for your truck? Second shop on your right. Plough broken? Come round tomorrow and I'll have a new one for you.

Guns are a way of life there, having been introduced by "Western Civilisations" approximately 200 years ago. Not all the locals are terrorists. And not all the terrorists are locals. More importantly, to the Pashtuns, the definition of a "terrorist" in the context of their homeland may be entirely different to the commonly accepted western view.
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+3 15. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Impossible?

Check out the sequence around 0:51 - 0:57. Where do the shoulder straps of the lilac dress come from?

Whatever the technique, this is mighty impressive.
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-8 16. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video How a rock band chart sounds on real drums

Elementary grade drumming. Let's see him try something by Steve Jansen from Japan.
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+6 17. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video A rally car in your room

Car? What car? Oh, that? Ah, that's nothing. Third time this week, mate. I'm expecting an EVO VIII around 6:30..."
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+3 18. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Twins

I liked it too. Very original. Made me smile. :D
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0 19. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Eating the world's hottest pepper

@ #28 My initial thought exactly.

Secondly, as a fan of hot peppers, I'm surprised he was able to talk as clearly. I've had some reasonably hot ones (usually by mistake, and nothing as severe as he's talking about) and I couldn't speak intelligible English if my life depended on it. There's usually a lot of "Oh, s**t, ow, ow ow, f**k, ah! ah! that's hhhhhhhhhhooooottttttttt!!!!!!" etc, etc instead of reminiscing about the birth of your first child.
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+1 20. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Strange fish with legs

I found the subtitles for this vid:

"La la laa, la la laa, another day on the ocean floor. La la Laa, la la laa. Is that a camera over there? La la laa, la la laa... Yup, it's a camera. La la laa, la la... Shit! A shark........ Phew! That was bloody close. Time to mosey on. Think I'll turn right here. La la la, la la laa. Ooh, look. A submarine. I wonder what's under here. La la laa, la la laa..."
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-6 21. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Jizz in my pants

Sorry, but anything that mentions anything like Justin Timberlake gets a thumbs down from me (is that a monkey's arse instead of a monkey's head?)

Good parody vid though. If only JT wasn't alluded to in the title *shudder*
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+2 22. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video T-Mobile "flashmob" commercial

I saw this on tv tonight for the first time. Knowing the train stations in London as I do, I thought "Excellent!"

Don't know what it has to do with T-Mobile, but what a great advert! Kudos to the players, organisers and the travelling public!
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+4 23. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Begging cat

There's a tv on top of the fridge, and Wayne's World is on.

"We're not worthy...." cat-style ;)
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+4 24. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Man falls from tower, but never hits the ground

I'm voting "fake".

It wasn't a real man.

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0 25. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The Sling Shot Man

@ #21 Where he lives is probably quiet for a good reason. A boy racer (or US equivalent) would only have to pass his house once for them all to learn to leave him alone.

Top man! I like his pest control skills. :)
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+5 26. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Tetris with lyrics

It explains so many things...possibly... :P

Funny vid! :D
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+10 27. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video How Dinosaurs Really Died

That's scientific enough for me. I'm convinced! :D
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+1 28. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Santa after party

@ #4 Fake? Really?

"Mike Romeo Four?"
"Go ahead Mike Four."
"We have a hoof."

"Oh shit..."

>:) >:) >:)
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+2 29. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Baybe cake

@ #3 Vegetarian Cannibals at a Christening Party..? :S

It's weird.

Well done, but weird...
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+6 30. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Self leveling pool table

20 inch waves? In a storm?? O! M!! G!!! :D :D :D

You'd get worse than that on a good day here.

Still, doesn't take away from the coolness of the pool table. I'm not sure how practical it is though. How do you line up a shot when your body's moving all over the place and the table's staying still? It would be like trying to play after drinking beer for 3 days... :D
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0 31. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video 40 inspirational speeches in 2 minutes

Good ol' Charlie Brown :)
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-1 32. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video IFAW: Gorilla Remix

Don't worry. If you haven't seen the original commercial, you really aren't missing much. There's two of them (for Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate): Phil Collins' In The Air Tonight, and Bonnie Tylers' Total Eclipse Of The Heart. They use the same footage for both commercials, but shown at slightly differnt speeds to make it look as if the "gorilla" is playing the drums. Neither of them worked. And in ths, the "gorilla" is missing. No big loss, to be honest.

Anyway, what the hell have gorillas and Cadbury's Dairy Milk got in common? The chocolate isn't even that good...

Oh, hang on. I've just got it! Endangered species. Crap songs. Awful chocolate. Could it be true that they are all disappearing off the face of the earth? It works on so many different levels... :)
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0 33. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The Best viral videos of 2008: A retrospective

Sorry for appearing dumb, but what does the "viral" bit in the title refer to? :S
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+8 34. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Triumph The Dog - Weather forecast

I have no idea what that was, but it was funny in my book. I think I got the joke (being from Northern Ireland, we have weather alerts when there are no clouds...) :D
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-1 35. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The boy with the incredible brain

@ #(removed comment) Why would #16 be offended by me correcting someone else's "error"? The subject of the documentary, Mr Tammet, is open about his sexuality. Are you suggesting it was offensive for me to mention this in response to the #4 post?
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+20 36. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The boy with the incredible brain

@ #4 Oh no he isn't. And he wouldn't be interested in the ladies anyway...

@ #3 The documentary is called "The Boy With The Incredible Brain" first shown in May 2005.
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+1 37. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Redneck fun

@ #8 It's a Dacia. A Renault 12 built under licence in Romania by Automobile Dacia.
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+2 38. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Brilliant thief

Obviously fake, for the following (somewhat sexist) reason:

The driver of the car is female.

Did you see how quickly she was able to get in to the car, put her handbag on the passenger seat, adjust the rearview mirror (even though she was the last person to drive the car), adjust the seat (even though she was the last person to drive the car), pull down the vanity mirror, check her lipstick, search her bag for her lipstick, do her lipstick, check her lipstick again, redo her lipstick, adjust her hair, check that her hair adjustment is ok, re-adjust her hair, plug in her seatbelt, search her handbag for her keys (even though she had them in her hand when she opened the car), realise that she'd put the keys in her lap when she was checking her lipstick, find the ignition, switch the engine on, stall, switch it on again, check that lipstick/hair is still ok, look both ways, stall, check lipstick, etc, etc...?

It's a deliberate set up... :P
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-5 39. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Atmospheric cloud wave

While I hate to use the word "fake", this is complete shite in terms of the description. There is no "stable structure" moving through the clouds. Do a google search for the title and see what you come up with. Exactly the same video, the same description and yet nothing from a meteorologist. Because there is nothing to explain. It's time-lapse photography depicting normal atmospheric and meteorological conditions. Did you notice how many times the sun appeared to pass across the landscape, but the clock appeared to count only 39 mins? Watch it again. Go on....

Yeah, riiiiiight.

If you don't understand it, go back to school and do O level geography again.

Still a cool video though. And as #12 says, Mother Nature Rulez!
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+3 40. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video He loves a fat girl

Sorry, haven't watched all of this so I can't really comment, but one thing I can say, this is not food friendly. I was sitting down to a very pleasant chilli chicken shish kebab with naan, chilli sauce and garlic, and I got to the part where the woman did her (c)rap intro and then her "boyfriend" came on...

There are some things that should NOT be allowed on the internet and, from what I've seen thus far, this vid is the epitome of THINGS THAT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE INTERNET!!!
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+3 41. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

That bit at 2:20 about the number of text messages sent and recieved every day exceeding the entire population of the planet... Whoops! That was me! :D
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+2 42. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Bad day at the office!

Despite the fact that most of these seem staged, I have to say, there are times when we probably all feel like throwing a monitor against the wall/our boss/the annoying twat at the next desk.

The skill is... not to get caught on cctv... :D
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0 43. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Restaurant prank

#11 No kidding? You mean it's not real? Shit... :O
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-2 44. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Budweiser: aliens

I don't think I've ever said this before on Snotr, but that is definitely FAKE!

There is no way that a lifeform intelligent enough to devise a method of space travel so sophisticated they could make a journey from beyond our known universe to earth and end up drinking f**king Budweiser! If they're that smart, at least they'd go for Carlsberg Export!
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+1 45. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The breakup

#16 You old romantic you...!
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+2 46. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Bad hangover

That's the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Will have to start watching this programme.

As for those who didn't get it...

Vote McCain! You know it makes no sense.
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+2 47. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Titanic in 5 seconds

Even at 5 seconds, it's still far too long a film...

#10 It' You mean... some movies aren't real? :O
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+2 48. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Beat machine

#22 It may not be high tech, but the "art" in "state of the art" is definitely there. The person who put this together made music. Not good music, from my purely personal point of view, but music nonetheless. But please: post your own "music by programmed mechanical device" video and let's see how it should be done.
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+2 49. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Sony Bravia "Domino City" ad

#5 don't hold your breath for the explanation, pal! That said, I'd love to know what "fake" means in the context of this ad.

As for this clip, I liked it. Colourful. It wouldn't make me want to run out and buy a new tv though...
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+2 50. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Cyanide and Happiness - The Sign

#15 Get yourself a 64bit OS, a 3.0 GHz processor, 4GB of RAM and a large bottle of vodka... I've got it down to less than 4 secs. "It all happened so quickly, officer, and I can't remember a bloody thing. Honest!" :D :D :D
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+2 51. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Something went wrong

#3 I agree. It was funny when it first happened, but after 1,000 times, it loses its humour.
#4 Totally agree.
#5 Go back to bed.

Re. the video: who forgot to put the brake on the overturned rig? Anybody? Come on! You... running away on the left... Come back here...
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0 52. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Drink Milk

It was a television advertisement over here, where parody, irony, humour (and a lot of other words that are generally misunderstood, misspelt or totally ignored by the colonies) actually have meaning.

Please don't ask for an explanation of the joke: it would be very embarassing. Not for me, though.

#3 Er... soda? How utterly American. And very generic. And totally avoiding any copyright infringements! Well done! I'm very impressed. Heaven forfend that anyone on Snotr should have derided the world's biggest "soda" companies by actually naming them in a cartoon which indicates that "soda" may not be "the best thing". Kudos.
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+2 53. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Roommate alien prank goes bad

Er... that was not at all scary/funny/realistic/believeable/worth watching.

That's actually the worst clip I've seen on Snotr.

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+1 54. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Polar friday and monday

#5 and #7 Very subtle. I like it. Reminds me of the old joke: why don't Polar Bears eat Penguins? They can't get the wrappers off! (one for the UK market...)

As for the video: The polar bear actually sums me up for both occasions: long weekends followed by long working weeks. That penguin looks as if it's on speed!
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+2 55. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Extreme Biking

#22 I've watched this again several times and I am willing to admit that, on the first occasion, the cameraman says "Merci". However, the next two times, he says something that sounds very diferent.

While I am not French or French-Canadian, I do have reasonably good hearing. However, I will respectively bow to your natively superior knowledge of the French language. May I ask you the following questions? I have some doubt that the cameraman was as polite (by saying "thank you";) as you have indicated.

How do you say in French:

1. "Excuse me, I'd like to pass."
2. "I'm passing!"
3. "PASSING!!!"

My questions are derived from the apparent activities of the two cyclists. They seem intent on passing all other cyclists in front of them. Almost at any cost. I don't think the "Merci" response fits everything the cameraman says on the downhill section of the videoclip.
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+2 56. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Extreme Biking

#16 it's not "merci"; it's "passez" from the french verb "to pass". The cameraman is warning the rider in front he's coming though. Pity his mate didn't extend the same courtesy to the unsuspecting bikers he nearly forced off the track on numerous occasions (he seemed quite intent on passing everyone in front of him, regardless of the threat to the other bikers).
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+1 57. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video BASE jump point of view

#21 :D :D :D My thoughts exactly.

parachuting, hang-gliding, rock-climbing... They are all in my "big book of things that look far to dangerous to do, and probably are".
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+1 58. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Highlight Reel

bloody hell. can you lot not enjoy a video without getting into the mechanics of everything?

#10 Fakes? Where? What are "fakes". I can't wait to hear....
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-2 59. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Catch of the year

#3 Very funny! :) :) :)

American "Football" is the most inaccurately descriptive*, and insular, game on the face of the earth.

Despite this, good catch! Kudos!

*except for tiddlywinks...
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0 60. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Catch of the year

#3 Very funny! :) :) :)

American "Football" is the most inaccurately descriptive*, and insular, game on the face of the earth.

Despite this, good catch! Kudos!

*except for tiddlywinks...
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+1 61. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Air traffic worldwide

#24 To quote you "there is only at MAX 3 flights going to New Zealand from Australia per day...".

It's not very ambiguous, but I'm prepared to accept that you meant something else.

For your information, there are 7 international airports in New Zealand (quite high, considering the population of less than 4.5 million, excluding sheep...) and tomorrow (29 September 2008) there are 12 scheduled flights from Brisbane alone to New Zealand.

The more you look at it, the image in the video looks like a depiction of the number of flights (passenger, cargo, whatever) per day, but I strongly suspect that the image is, at best, representative rather than actual. Unless someone can point a link to the source of the image and then we can see what it really means. You kinda wish the person that posted the clip got involved here and put us out of our misery...

PS Patriotaus: Does the "aus" in your moniker mean you're an Aussie? :)
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+1 62. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Air traffic worldwide

#24 To quote you "there is only at MAX 3 flights going to New Zealand from Australia per day...".

It's not very ambiguous, but I'm prepared to accept that you meant something else.

For your information, there are 7 international airports in New Zealand (quite high, considering the population of less than 4.5 million, excluding sheep...) and tomorrow (29 September 2008) there are 12 scheduled flights from Brisbane alone to New Zealand.

The more you look at it, the image in the video looks like a depiction of the number of flights (passenger, cargo, whatever) per day, but I strongly suspect that the image is, at best, representative rather than actual. Unless someone can point a link to the source of the image and then we can see what it really means. You kinda wish the person that posted the clip got involved here and put us out of our misery...

PS Patriotaus: Does the "aus" in your moniker mean you're an Aussie? :)
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+1 63. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Air traffic worldwide

#19 And again, fake what? Without a key, it is impossible to tell what the image really represents, but to call it a fake is rather meaningless. Hence my question: a fake what?

Even if the composite is a year's worth, as you suggest, rather than a day's worth, the volume of traffic would be proportionally represented.

As to why there appear to be so many movements... perhaps you have little appreciation as to the volume of air traffic. Perhaps you should try looking at the flight arrivals for Auckland Airport that come from Australia. There are rather more than 3 scheduled landings for 27 September 2008. There are at least 7 from Sydney alone (if you generously consider that the 25 flight numbers may be shared carriages). But on the eta's alone, there's at least 7 arrivals from Sydney. And then there's the flights from Melbourne and Brisbane to consider.

And New Zealand has more than one international airport...

If you're going to speculate, at least do a little bit of research first. You'll come across slightly more credible that way.
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+12 64. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video World's largest shotgun

I wonder if that gun's an option on Counter Strike? :D :D :D
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+1 65. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Air traffic worldwide

#12 #16 and #17 - fake what? It's not a live radar trace (radar doesn't extend the whole way across the Atlantic, let alone the Pacific). And it's not GPS, as GPS doesn't record positions of objects. Additionally, even an SR-71 wouldn't cross the Atlantic in such a short space of time (meaning that whatever it is, it isn't "live";).

As for what it is, I suspect that it is a synthesised representation of air traffic over a 24 hour period, based on the tidal flow of the North Atlantic Tracks (eastbound in the morning, westbound in the evening, relative to GMT) and the passage of the shadow from east to west.
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0 66. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video 100,000 pounds of TNT

#8 And very VERY different from the normal measure of nuclear weapons, kilotons or even megatons! Well, I suppose they had to start somewhere...
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+4 67. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Bringing down the house

What on earth was that pick-up towing? The Space Shuttle? :O
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+1 68. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel Live

#18 The link is, if you'd read my post, a much better similar prank: celebrity brought on to show under false pretences. Hence my phrase "A very crude version of a (staged) prank..." Of course, this is simply my opinion. You'll notice the comments above debating whether Damon being "stood-up" by Kimmel is real or an act. Similarly, Previn being brought on to conduct Morecambe is portrayed as real, but was, in fact, arranged.

As for the link being a "god damn piece of shit" and "nothing"... perhaps your appreciation of comedy is somewhat different to mine.
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+1 69. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel Live

A very crude version of a (staged) prank pulled by Morecambe and Wise in the 70's with Elton John, whose appearance on the show was frustrated over a number of weeks.

Better still, the famous Andrew Preview (Andre Previn) sketch (1971): Previn finally appeared on the show to conduct Yehudi Menuhin playing Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto. Instead, he got to conduct Eric Morecambe playing Grieg's Piano Concerto.

Much to Previn's horror, Morecambe proceeded to play something entirely different.

Previn stated: "You're playing all the wrong notes!"

Eric Morecambe replied: "I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order..."
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+2 70. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video A dog attacks a shark

#9 Funniest thing I've heard all day! :D :D :D
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+2 71. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The best Guinness world records in the world

#10 The past participle of the verb 'spell' is 'spelt'. There's your grammar and spelling lesson for the day.

As for the video: there are some truely strange people in the world.
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+5 72. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Kittens discover the crack under the door

3 things I can't believe:

1. Someone recorded that.
2. Someone posted it on Snotr.
3. I watched it.
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+1 73. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The Magic Lamp

hee hee hee. Turned from blonde to bland. :D
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+4 74. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Scary fish

#(removed comment) Oh dear. Jokes lose their meaning when you have to explain them. Please don't make me do it...
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+1 75. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Scary fish

#1 and #3 You're both wrong.

It's a Weaver Fish.

A Sigourney Weaver Fish... :D
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+4 76. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Beijing Olympic Village as card house

#3 Why would he be in Japan? Did you read the title of the video? Do you know where Beijing is? And earthquakes only ever happen in Japan, right? Hello?
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+2 77. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The Office - Pepper spray

Not a patch on the original series. By a long, long, long, long, LONG way.
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+5 78. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Cops vs. gate

#(removed comment) Exactly! Well said, Sir/Madam. The joke is now stale. Let is pass into oblivion.

As for the vid... Obviously the chappy who got hit by the door was off on the day they taught "Where Not To Stand" in "Raids 101" at Police Academy.
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+1 79. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video 747 landing at St. Martin

#6 No, you can't.

The perimeter fence is uniform in its height. These runways are typically in excess of 60 metres wide, and for 747-400s, are usually in excess of 80 mtrs wide. I doubt you saw anything resembling a significant variance in height over this distance in that video clip.
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+2 80. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video 747 landing at St. Martin

While I don't doubt the credentials of the airport, I find it very hard to believe that vehicles are allowed to cross the flightpath so close to touchdown, given the possibility of interference with the Instrument Landing System used on Cat II and Cat III runways. From experience, cross-runway thoroughfares, including those beyond the runway threshold, are closed when aircraft are on final approach.

That said, that video clip looks genuine and, more importantly, genuinely scary!!!

I'll take the boat, thanks...
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0 81. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Guy does perfect backflip... with his 4x4 Jeep

Ye cannae change the laws o' physics, Cap'n!
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+1 82. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Down the stairs

That was just too stupid for words!
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-2 83. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Sarcasm


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+13 84. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Guiness Good Times

That's disgusting behaviour! :O

You shouldn't shake Guinness like that! >:)
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0 85. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Barack Roll

He gets my vote! :D Except I'm not American, so I'm not sure that counts... :(
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+3 86. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The worlds happiest street cleaner

#3, What can I say...? You just didn't get that at all now, did you?
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+2 87. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Neg's Urban Sports - Skittles

The last cafe had an amazing number of CCTV cameras in it for such a small establishment. This, coupled with the fact that the idiot in the hat hasn't been beaten to a pulp yet leads me to think there's a certain amount of setting up involved in this so-called "prank".
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+2 88. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Guns don't kill people

#5: So do dangerous majorities.
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+3 89. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Olympic Fail

As the saying goes, to finish first, first you must finish. He finished by staying on his feet. Excellent! :)
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+1 90. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Mr. T says: It's time to run like a REAL man!

#9 That sounds suspiciously like the Curly Wurly, a childhood favourite of mine. What's up with re-naming sweets? To whom should I complain? ;)
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+1 91. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Bunny letter opener

Cool. :)

Now, if the bunny can be trained to read the letter and write a stiffly-worded reply, I'd be most impressed.
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+1 92. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Mr. T says: It's time to run like a REAL man!

Mr T: is there anything he can't do? :D

BTW: I prefer the original name, Marathon. I never use the S word.
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-2 93. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Not the Most Graceful Back Flip Video

And the Nearly Darwin Award for Outstanding Fail goes to....... That Idiot! :D
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-1 94. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Referee Shows Up Drunk For Soccer Game

Raining? :O RAINING? :O :O :O

FFS, yes it was wet. You can see that on the athletics track as the ref was being led off the pitch. But seriously: a bad back? He was pissed, steaming, stotious, plastered, three sheets to the wind...

What the hell has rain got to do with it?
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0 95. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL

At # 15: It's Hardcore Muppets. The song is SHITE! :D
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0 96. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL

Do people really listen to that sort of stuff? :O Yikes! Still, gotta admire Ernie's style... :D
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0 97. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video heineken

An F40 and a pint of Guinness for me, please... :)
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0 98. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video The costs of war

#(removed comment)... What did/does 9/11 have to do with the War in Iraq? Surely it was just an excuse for Baby Bush to try to finish what Daddy Bush couldn't.

There are bigger problems in the world to be addressed: of course, not all of those problems have such lucrative side-issues.

As an aside: for all it's spending, the US war machine is, on the whole, pretty lame against these so-called insurgents. How many years do you think you'll stay in Afghanistan before someone realises that the Russians were there before you and they couldn't get anywhere either?
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-3 99. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video "Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot"

#11 lol. My thoughts exactly. :) :) :)
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-16 100. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Star Wars floppy disk

I must have seen a different Star Wars... :(

Funny stuff all the same. :)
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-3 101. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Think twice before going on a bus driven by a woman






Oops. >:)

I'm with wanna (Poster #1): not her fault. Therefore, it's irrelevant as to whether the driver is male or female.

However, in terms of being a good example of a real-life action video clip, this is it! Public transport, eh? :D :D :D
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+10 102. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Car wash - women style

Silly cow! She forgot to stick the hose up the exhaust and give the inside of the engine a good clean too!

Women, eh?

PS. My first first. I think....
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0 103. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Aircraft and explosions


The 2 helicopters' rotors touched. You can just make out where they touch and then fracture. The rotational forces probably just tore the airframes apart in the air.

As for the gun-loader - he obviously didn't read the manual "Danger: Firing this gun can damage your groin!" I don't think it's an AA gun, unless they're shooting at a very VERY low-flying aircraft...

Some nice footage, especially the C-130. :)

But I suppose there were a few fatalities too. :(
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+2 104. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Amateur

Quite good? :O It's fantasticly clever. That vid has been on Youtube for over a year, but I never tire of seeing it or his original work, Hyperactive. Gjertsen is one very talented person. :) :) :)
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+2 105. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Wallsplash

Now THAT'S funny! :D :D :D :D :D
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+2 106. Team42 commented 16 years ago on video Iraqi debate about the shape of the earth

While the debator is obviously a religious zealot (and, according to modern scientific understanding of planetary bodies, seemingly wrong), some of the argumentative posts here are ludicrous. The arguments against what he believes would be much stronger if (a) they were properly spelt; (b) properly punctuated; and, (c) demonstrated some knowledge of the Koran (Qur'an) to repudiate what he believes (realbone would benefit from this advice no end...).

Additionally, it's not that long ago that Western establishment disavowed certain tenets that are now held as being "gospel"...

Try reading this...

For Cheeseburger (Post 12)... There are Christians who believe and act the same way (see the link above).

For Chaimss (Post 13)...Sane...(not a believer myself though).

For Noobeater (Post 14)...And your qualifications on theology come from which internet university...?

As for mamlo7 (Post 15)... Could you say that again in a way some of us could understand what you mean?