Comments posted by Tehrasha


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+17 1. Tehrasha commented 9 years ago on video Volvo Pedestrian Avoidance Test Fail

They later determined that the car only had the auto-parking system installed.
The 'Pedestrian Avoidance' package (an extra $$$$ option) was not installed.
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+13 2. Tehrasha commented 9 years ago on video Bus Stop Sniper With A Laser Sight Prank

This goes a bit above pranking. In many places this illegal and considered assault.
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+1 3. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video This cat is crazy!

Not a domestic cat. Thats a wild bobcat or lynx making its escape.
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+4 4. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video What would you do if you saw this in person?

Looks to be terrestrial in origin, light reflected off clouds.
See these other angles....

Note the very bright light and fireball erupting from the ground below the glowing cloud.

Meteors dont give you several glowing flashes ahead of time to get your camera ready for the big one...
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+4 5. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Ever wondered how massive a termite queen really is?

I've seen this before, I know how it all ends...

Somebody call Sigourney Weaver, and hand me a flame thrower.
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+5 6. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Mighty Mug Won't Tip Over

Works perfectly.... on hard smooth surfaces.
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+23 7. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Fail Compilation July / August 2014 || TNL

I believe that is the new 'Darwin Award Challenge' that is going viral....
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+6 8. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Awesome Childrens Orchestra

This (the audio) is NOT a children's orchestra, this is the Portsmouth Sinfonia. I recognized it immediately.. The still image in the video is entirely unrelated.
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+10 9. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Deathinger

#2 wants only 'valid viral video' ?
Personally, I find it refreshing to see videos that havent already been flogged to death on every other video aggregator. Kudos snotr.
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+3 10. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video I've never wanted a trailer more than right now

#11 From the Brochure PDF, found here .....

Recommended Retail Price (RRP) excludes dealer delivery, prices are subject to change. Standard $49,990.00 AU Full Options $66,990.00 AU
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+11 11. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video I've never wanted a trailer more than right now

But what does its robot form look like? :)
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+13 12. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Training for the championship

Impressive that it can develop that much thrust, for as little time as it spends in the water.
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+13 13. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Baltimore radio show host provides possible Malaysian Flight 370 possibilities in 1 min.

He is only repeating everything that the media has been spewing out in their attempt to 'first on the scene' and hold onto an audience with nothing to go on but speculation.

This guy isnt the problem, he is pointing out the problem by ridiculing it.
And this must be early on in the timeline since there was no mention of CNN's black hole.
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+4 14. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Desert breath!

Finished in 1997

Admin, pls remove previous broken link.
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+16 15. Tehrasha commented 10 years ago on video Monster Lake Trout On Clear Ice

#5, I do not know if applies to lake trout, but many fish have a 'sweet spot' in their life cycle that make for the best eating. Too small/young aren't worth the trouble, and too big/old do not taste as good. Also, the truely large fish which survive make for a better gene pool.

Many places also have minimum and maximum size laws.

I would mush rather see a big fish like that caught, photographed, and released rather then hanging on somebody's wall.
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+2 16. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Cannonball in mercury

#8 Well, you definitely wouldnt sink, but walking on it would be difficult.
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+1 17. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video This guy's microwave has annoying beeps

I like that he has a clock on top of the microwave, so he can tell what time it is while it is cooking food. :)
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0 18. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Dyslexia font

Update :: Dyslexie no longer costs €69 home / €445 schools....

They now use an expiring license scheme.... €10/yr home and €89/yr school.

You know... because dyslexia goes away after a while...
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+6 19. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video The Copenhagen Wheel

#4 Point 2) it claimns to go into a regenerative mode like electric cars do when braking. Adding braking resistance by turning the motor into a generator to recharge the batteries.

Point 3) Easy to steal, but unless they also steal the smart phone, they have succeeded in stealing a brick. 'Smart Locking'
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+1 21. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Joe Rogan on the experience of a Sensory Deprivation Chamber

I agree that everyone really should try it once, just to experience it.
The hard part is finding one which is open for public use.
They too expensive for the avg. person to plunk one down in their house.

I was able to try one in college twice. The first time was one of the most relaxing experiences of my life. The second was one of the most terrifying. Sensory dep + sleep dep + caffeine was NOT a good time. :O
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+3 22. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Chinese toungtwisters..

#1, yeah, I was expecting that this video was going to be that particular one.
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+21 23. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Magician hides a bandana

He would be even bigger in Sweden if they got the aspect ratio correct.
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-1 24. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video New World Trade Center in NYC Time Lapse

#5, "how many civilians haven't the US army killed since then in their war for oil....I mean "democracy" ?"

Approximately 7.1 billion and counting...
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+4 25. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Just another cog in the machine

#14 What I saw was a lot of workers who did the same 'job' as I did, getting paid more money, while at the same time doing considerably less and/or poorer quality work. Any additional effort on my part in performing my job meant nothing, and if layoffs came around, I would be the first out the door. All thanks to union work ethic and the seniority ladder.
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+27 26. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Just another cog in the machine

Ummm... yeah. Good luck with that.
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+17 27. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Run Forrest, run ...

I was amazed the players didnt immediately fall to the ground and hold their head after being bitten.
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+5 28. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Underwater sharks

Song is cut from "At the end of the day" by Amon Tobin
One of my favorite pieces. Video is very well matched to the music.
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+8 29. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Geiger counter going off the charts in an antique shop

Looks like someones private collection of radioactive oddities rather than an antique shop. Old watches and displays with radium dials. Not that uncommon.
And some uranium ore samples..

None of it really dangerous unless you swallow it.

#3 micro is 3 orders of magnitude below milli.

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+5 30. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Unknown Force Changing Cloud's Shape

Sunlight reflecting off of ice crystals, which are changing their orientation due to static charges in the nearby thunderstorm. Not a new video, but recently started making the rounds again.
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+6 31. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video How Google Search Works

#3 [citation required]

For those few that get through, add them manually. *poof* Gone.
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+7 32. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Attempt at landing at Wellington Airport

Out of all of the possible ways to NOT land a plane, this is probably the best and safest option.
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+2 33. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

#26, I was simply using #12s poor logic, and taking it to an extreme as an example.

Potassium Bromate causes cancer in rats? Yes.
Bread made with flour containing Potassium Bromate causes cancer? No.
Because the end product no longer contains Potassium Bromate.

Being around pure Sodium and pure Chlorine, dangerous? Yes.
Being around table salt, dangerous? No.

I agree, with the bleaching though. Mostly cosmetic.
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+4 34. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

#12 Since the chemical composition changes in the baking process... why not?

Sodium (Na) is a reactive metal which explodes violently in water.
Chlorine (Cl) gas is very toxic and was used as a chemical warfare agent in WWII.

.... Enjoy your table salt much?
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+15 35. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

Potassium Bromate and 7 other food chemicals NOT banned in the US.

Chemistry.... its not rocket surgery.
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+3 36. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Australian National Anthem Fail

...or when NBC mixed up Austria and Australia during the 2012 Olympics...
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+22 37. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video German Engineering versus American Technology

Even if the truck had been 4WD, it would have been over the moment the idiot revved the engine and spun its wheels. Moron should have put it in low gear and just crawled away slowly.
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+4 38. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video The Voice of the Trees

So I guess we can add 'To see what they sound like' to the list of reasons to cut down trees?
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+5 39. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Craziest Train Ride Ever in Cambodia

Looks safe, provided the trains run on time reliably.
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+24 40. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Shelby GT500 destroy dyno...

#3 Lend me your time machine! That event only happened 2 weeks ago.
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+3 41. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Biker cuts sidemirror with portable grinder

#6, I agree. Most bikers would just use their foot, and not bother lugging around a grinder (which really didnt do anything to help remove the mirror anyway).
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+2 42. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video How do you make intersections safer?

It is definitely a subject that would need to be looked at on a case by case basis. It is nice to see it worked in this location, but it definitely would not work everywhere.

Attitudes would need to change as well. At the end of the video, you see a large group of pedestrians pause half way across the road waiting for a car. The car then stops and allows the people to continue across. I see very little of that kind of mutual courtesy being exercised anywhere I have been.
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+6 43. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Pentatonix - Evolution of Music

What? No dubstep!?

Oh..wait. I forgot, this was about -music-. >:)
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+12 44. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Lazy Brass Players & One Amazing Multi-Tasker

The Mnozil Brass.... they are awesome.
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0 45. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video FAK -Voice Actors

The game is Berserk. (1980)
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+6 46. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Minigun Slingshot

He needs to make a slingshot that shoots slingshots.
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+29 47. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video There are good guys on Russian roads too

#1 The guy getting beat up... Modern highwayman trying to shake down a truck driver, learns the hard way how CB radio works, and that truck drivers are rather protective of each other.
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+32 48. Tehrasha commented 11 years ago on video Namaqua rainfrog

Sounds like it has one of those rubber-ducky squeakers.
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-1 49. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Shooting the Biggest Guns Money Can Buy

I was surprised that these professional gun owners were placing a high powered weapon in the hands of a quiet, nerdy kid.

Recent history has shown that this is a very risky thing to do. >:)
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+10 50. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Silo demolition

Horrible camera work, and they took off too many of the steel bands.
Gave the silo too much vertical drop, very dangerous.
Done correctly, they almost lay over in slow motion.

#12 Not asbestos. Concrete/morter dust, and what ever dust left over from what the silo was holding. (grain/silage/etc.)
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+12 51. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video How To Listen To The Radio Using Plants

Look at the bright side... unless they are wearing lead underwear, those guys will likely never have children now.
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+7 52. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Airplane Hits Car During Landing

#8, Pilot flying too low? Reminds me of "Airplane".

Ted: "We're gonna have to come in pretty low on this approach."
Elaine: "Is that difficult?"
Ted: "Well sure it's difficult. It's part of every textbook approach. It's just something you have to do ... when you land."
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+21 53. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Flame Gulping Engine

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+18 54. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Too late to run now

If I remember correctly, this was the result of an intentionally triggered avalanche. Yup.. found it. Longer different angle here...

You can see the guy who shot the video above backing up at 1:14 . :)
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+30 55. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video This is what samurai can do

At the end, I was expecting a huge explosion when he split the atom...
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+19 56. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Fishtank filled with robotfishes

World's most expensive aquarium screensaver.
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+5 57. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video 2 hamsters one wheel

Did it make anyone else think of NASCAR ?
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+51 58. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video That is a LOT of water

#1, Jump in from the top!

#2, Fish.
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+3 59. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video wheel flow forming-spinning machine

Its a pottery wheel for aluminum.
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+17 60. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video How alkali metals react with water and air.

#1 He did not drop very much. It is heavy enough that it sank, then ignited the resulting hydrogen gas while underwater. The pressure wave from the explosion broke the glass.
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0 61. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video NettleBox 2. Virtual reality surface

Too bad it only works for one person at a time.
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+34 62. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Cats with CH

Except that these cats are not under the effects of anesthesia. They have cerebellar hypoplasia (CH). They are this way all of the time. It is quite sad, actually. :(

See original video from 2007..
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+5 63. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Honda Civic Under Egg Sized Hail Attack

At a certain point, it just became funny to me that the wipers were still going.
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+4 64. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Strongest Magnet on Earth

The 45T is no longer the largest.
Now there is 100T
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+9 65. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video How to Deal with Noisy Neighbors

"But yeah, it works, so that s cool."

Umm.. it doesnt work. They didnt stop playing their music.
Chances are, the neighbors cannot even hear his attempts at revenge.
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+8 66. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Goal Celebrations FX

0:26 Wilhelm Scream. :)
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+2 67. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Catching The Big One

If I had just watched multiple sharks fighting over the fish on the end of my line, I would not be so quick to reach over the side with my hand to retrieve the piece of 'bait' that remained...
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+8 68. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video A glitch in a matrix!

I call fake, only because at todays prices, nobody ditches a cigarette with half an inch left to smoke on it..
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+29 69. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Flying Horse

Purrr-petual energy.
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+5 70. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Bulletproof Clothing

He aims low for the demonstration, because the armor is not tight against the body. If he had shot him in the upper chest, it likely would have broken a few ribs.
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+17 71. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Predator Pike Fish Snatches a Duckling

"Crikey, see the size of that?"
Yeah, I see it... Its not a very big pike.
1.5 - 2 kg max...
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+5 72. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Alaska Bush Pilots Are The Best At What They Do

#10, With an extremely high power to weight ratio. :)
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+2 73. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video The Most Annoying Cat

#6, or just put the twanger on the WALL.
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+5 74. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Sony Xperia Active

In the far future, these will be the only thing found at the bottom of landfills.
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+9 75. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Snake Prank

I liked the guy who first stomped on it, then very deliberately pinned it down and picked it up by the back of the head. :D
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0 76. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Underwater Missile Launch

#6, I believe this is testing for submarine launched missiles. Submarines are typically do not like to give away their locations for anything, even for testing.
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+3 77. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video James Cameron attempts deep-dive record

#8, it was also the ONLY other time this was done.
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+1 78. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Giant Rubik's Cube Mosaic, ArtPrize 2010, Pete Fecteau

For maximum bonus points, they should have made it so there was a different image on the back side.
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+5 79. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Giant Rubik's Cube Mosaic, ArtPrize 2010, Pete Fecteau

...and then one night, a bored security guard solved them all.
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+5 80. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video RUIN

#3, #5, .... "The animated short “Ruin” by Wes Ball and Oddball Animation is merely a sample segment from a full length feature they’d like to produce, but it works just as well in this abbreviated yet action packed form, so strap your eyes on and enjoy the ride."
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+14 81. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Vytautas Mineral Water

#1, an attempt to mimic Powerthirst.
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+7 82. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video 8.429GHz overclocked

#8, the -225 reading was after they switched to Helium for cooling. they were getting -184 using Nitrogen.
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+33 83. Tehrasha commented 12 years ago on video Dyslexia font
69,- Euro for home use
445,- Euro for school/business

How very altruistic of them... Ouch.
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+2 84. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Little Tombstone

"You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig.... You dig."
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+1 85. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video X3 Eurocopter

#13, You see it hovering at the very beginning of the video. And it only has two engines. The props on the wingstubs and the main rotor are all driven by a pair of turbo-shaft engines. If one should fail, the 2nd has enough power to keep it from just falling out of the sky.

#12 Yeah, not so much a documentary as a corporate commercial.

#10, #11, It is a prototype, proof of concept model to find ways to solve the problems that happen to helicopter rotors at high speed.
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+6 86. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video The Creepiest Guy In The World

Suddenly makes furries refreshingly normal... doesnt it?
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+10 87. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Yamaha R1 - skill or luck?

#4, "another classic example of a car driver driving straight out infront of a biker"

A biker who probably would have been seen if he had been moving at a normal highway speed.
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0 88. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Return to Pine Island Glacier

2:37 "We just know we are going to discover something."

...thus insuring our government grant money for years to come...
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+5 89. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Drifting Arab Style

The do this, but they wont let women drive??!?!
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+5 90. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Daytime Fireworks Display

This is a very impressive display of precision timing. Launching them all on schedule is easy, getting them to all explode simultaneously after the launch on the other hand... Nice.
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+3 91. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video how a microwave works

#2, Early microwave ovens were very sensitive to reflected power and would burn-out the magnetron. The easiest way to do that was operate the oven while it was empty. However most modern microwave ovens, even the cheap ones, have no problem with reflected power and can handle operating empty without damage for long periods of time. (usually the amount of time that you realized you forgot to put the food in) :)
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+14 92. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Clearing minefield in Afghanistan

The title is a bit misleading. This is not clearing a minefield, it is only clearing a safe path to drive through a suspected area. Explosives may still be sitting, waiting to go off only few feet away on either side of that path.
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+2 93. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Half-Life: Origins

#23, The visitors badge at 0:28.
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+2 94. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Half-Life: Origins

Bonus points for the Portal 2 reference. :)
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-2 95. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Painting Timelapse

My art teaches were always yelling at me... "Turning your canvas to work on it is unprofessional and WRONG." So I gave up art and became an engineer... :/
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+7 96. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video And they were able to walk away from this one.

#8 Yes, he used the 'h' word... It existed long before WWII.

hol·o·caust (hl-kôst, hl-)
1. Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire.
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+52 97. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video My daughter has chosen the Dark Side.

There are definitely sharks and lasers in her future.
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+29 98. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Epic dubstep

#(removed comment), Funny, 1950 just called and said same thing about Rock and Roll.
Beatboxing is one thing, but mimicing dubstep sound takes it to a new level.
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+7 99. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Dog and Cat Slap Fight

"Pussy!" *slap* "Bitch!" *slap* [repeat]
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+2 100. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video 1 beer in 1 second

Nobody remembers 'chugging'? It was a fad in the 80s where people would literally pour a pitcher of beer down their throat. Its all a matter of throat muscle control, and relatively flat beer or ale.
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+4 101. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Supercar Crashes

#1, Bugatti Veyron isnt it?
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+36 102. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Parachute fail , wingsuit saves him

Yes, he did survive.... with serious life threatening injuries.

"Brewer is in hospital in a stable condition, however he has suffered a fractured pelvis, lung injuries and spinal injuries."
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+3 103. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video 29 years old deaf girl hears for the first time

#10 Not a Cochlear implant in this case. It is an Esteem.

"Hello, I was born deaf and 8 weeks ago I received a hearing implant. This is the video of them turning it on and me hearing myself for the first time :) Edit: For those of you who have asked the implant I received was Esteem offered by Envoy Medical." - sloanchurman

How the Esteem works -->

Not an inner-ear stimluator, but a bridge for missing or deformed bones in the ear.
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+2 104. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Russia Car Crash Compilation 4

#17, #24 Search for 'dash cam' on ebay. They are dirt cheap.
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+10 105. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 Worst Movie Cliches

#1, you nailed it. One of the best lines in that movie. :)
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+2 106. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Norwegian blonde with chainsaw

I was waiting for her to swing the chainsaw and cut the cord in two...
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+50 107. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video The power of friction

Friction welding. Looks like a wheel rim.
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+4 108. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Lousy bobcat driver

Driver was screwing around, attempting front-wheel balance.... and failing.
I have seen similar, though instead of a bucket of dirt ending up on the driver, it was a bucket of sludgy pig manure.
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+8 109. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Cat boxes dog face

The dog is lucky that the cat is declawed, and the cat is lucky that the dog is just having fun.
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+18 110. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Cliff Diving World Series event highlight

Not so much 'cliff' diving, and 'heavily sponsored platform' diving.
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+11 111. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video A throne fit for a king....

I guess some people really take their shit seriously.
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+4 112. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video LG Optimus Hyper Facade in Berlin

Love these displays, even when they are commercial advertisements.
Too bad the 3D only looks good when viewed from specific angle.
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+10 113. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Extremely Tired Seal

#5, Just fix the car, and leave my private life out of it.
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+5 114. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Mureen bites of divers thumb

Had to watch this, just to find out wtf a Mureen was.... ohhh... Moray
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-1 115. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video A Lesson in Forgiveness

She was 3yrs old when she got shot, and is 6yrs old when she forgave the shooter... She has no memory of what it was like before, or concept of what has been taken away from her. She only knows life in the condition she is in now. Tragic doesnt cover it.
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+41 116. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Kitten with cigarette addiction

"I can quit any time I want to... and I dont want to!!"
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+27 117. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Biker

Extreme Planking!
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+1 118. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Walking Backwards

#3 Not too obscure for me!
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+8 119. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Making money ...

Its charging him for the time he stood there, not pumping gas, while the next car was waiting to use the pump.
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0 120. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video 320,000 Firecracker Salute

There must be a more efficient way to cremate a body...
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+2 121. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Funny Bicycle Antics

Watching bicycle wrecks always makes my knee and ankle joints ache.
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-8 122. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Double fail

Learning that AWD != 4WD. Sport Utility Vehicle != Off Road Vehicle
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0 123. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Lightning! Compilation...

I would like to thank whoever did the audio mixing on this video. Fantastic job ducking the music so it didnt overpower the rest of the audio. *hats off*
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+27 124. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Tricopter Hunting Hydrogen Ballons with Fireworks

This video was found amidst the ashes, of several hundred acres of burnt forest.
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+2 125. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Life on the Wire!

The lines are brand-new and are not energized. The man sitting on the lines has no gear to protect him from coronal discharge. See also: at the 1 minute mark.
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+6 126. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Epic touchdown turns ugly

#7 The amount of armor they have now is responsible for many of the injuries you see today. Player slam into each other harder, because they know they are padded. The offensive player can ready himself for a hit he is about to make, but the person on the receiving end often cannot control how, where or when he is hit.

It would be better to reduce the padding and armor. (ie: Australian Football or Rugby) Sure you get bloody noses, and the occasional bone fracture, but players tend to not slam into each other as hard when they know that they will likely hurt themselves in the process.
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+1 127. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video The Secret Life of Cats

Cat-Cam Trivia -- The first cat-cam showed up on the internet a few years ago. Geeky guy wondered where his cat, Mr.Lee, went during the day, so rigged a small camera to take pix every few seconds and hung it around his cats neck. Lasted about 2 months, and then he was threatened with an invasion of privacy lawsuit becasue the cat was taking pictures on private property without permission. Site went offline for quite some time. But now, he's back!
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+1 128. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Gimme a hug

You will notice that he is wearing full body aluminum chainmaile armor...
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+3 129. Tehrasha commented 13 years ago on video Star Trek door at home

Button press? Why not an IR motion sensor? Its not like they are hard to find....
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+2 130. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Vanessa Mae plays Toccata & Fugue

Sorry. T&F in Dm should -only- be played on a pipe organ.
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+48 131. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Boomerang Trick

If he had stood perfectly still after throwing it, and then hit the target... THAT would have been awesome.
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+3 132. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Electric Power Line Explosion

The lower line is arcing acorss a switch. Eventually the hot plasma rises high enough to arc across to the upper line. Nice flash, I'll bet they felt the heat from that one.
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+2 133. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Fun with an old hard drive

I want to see him do that with a modern 15,000 rpm drive. :)
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+2 134. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Nutrigrain ad.

Background music by The Future Sound of London
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+1 135. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

#8 Ironically, the narrator is arguably the greatest Time Lord of all time, Tom Baker.
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-1 136. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Jozin z bazin

#17 Yes, and it tells how to get rid of him. :)
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0 137. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Awareness test!

I at least caught the Butler changing from a rolling pin to the candle-stick....
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-1 138. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Pixels invasion

Im glad Snotr greenlighted this version of the video. Most of the other versions all have a blaring music soundtrack which covers up all the video game sound effects.
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0 139. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Incendiary Burnout

You will note at the end when the tires catch fire, that it is not due to friction.
Look carefully, you will see that it is the result of shortened exhaust pipes blowing onto the tires from underneath. Regardless, it makes for a good show. :)
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+12 140. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video That is how you win a game

Fire extinguisher at the end was a nice touch. :)
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-1 141. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Wassup!

It was 8 years ago.... 2yrs ago. This was an actual commercial for Obama back in 2008, with the original actors from the beer commercial. Maybe they shouldnt have bought so much beer...
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-1 142. Tehrasha commented 14 years ago on video Propane Explosions

Third from the last is not propane. It is a power transformer overheating and bursting.
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+1 143. Tehrasha commented 15 years ago on video Porn Buddies!

Jeff was so awesome, and Coupling was an overall brilliant show. TO top this off, the guy who created/wrote this show, is the one in command of Doctor Who now! :D
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+2 144. Tehrasha commented 15 years ago on video Cool-ing your computer

#5, #11, Cooking oil will break down and go rancid over time, mineral oil will not.

What I never hear about with these immersed computers is how well are they running 6 months later? Electrolytic capacitors need to 'breathe' under normal operation. Sinking them in oil is probably not listed in their design specs.
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+2 145. Tehrasha commented 15 years ago on video FLIP - the ship that can operate horizontally and vertically

Popular Science Magazine, circa 1982.
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0 146. Tehrasha commented 15 years ago on video Utah Refinery Explosion

What part of this is Utah? RIANOVOSTI is "Russian Information Agency Novosti".
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0 147. Tehrasha commented 15 years ago on video The Crawl - 1997

If they had not exercised themselves into a state of anorexia, during all their 'training', they would have made it.
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+2 148. Tehrasha commented 15 years ago on video Chester The Dog

He won $100,000 and only had to spend a penny!
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+12 149. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Deep sea footage

#(removed comment) Do they change color to match your socks?
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+5 150. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Not the right time To die...

One of my favorite commercials of all time.
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+3 151. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Police car vs. deer

I dont know which video you watched, but he was running with the strobes on. You can see the side to side flickering on the roadway in front of the vehicle before the impact, and much more pronounced immediately afterward. Also, it looks like this probably wasnt a car, but a truck/bronco. Note the grill guard (which gets crumpled) along the front edge of the hood. As for the exploding deer... Im fairly certain that the majority of the deer ended up being knocked off to the right. Ever heard the term 'knocking the sh*t' out of someone?
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+2 152. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Intelligent dog

A cat would never admit to having been trained, let alone allow itself to be filmed doing something as humiliating as that.
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0 153. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Strange lions filmed on safari

How is a dancing, half-eaten, gazelle carcass supposed to make me want to buy Samsung products? :|
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+2 154. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Funniest golf home videos

Admit it... you wanted to see him crack that cat in the head. >:)
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0 155. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

I share my life and my home with three wonderful cats. I would never wish harm upon them, or any cat. That said, I still think this is one of the most hilarious commercials I have ever seen!!
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0 156. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video The costs of war

You dont hear alot of news out of Iraq now that soldiers arent dying so often. It just isnt news unless they can click the death toll counter another digit.
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+1 157. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Man almost hit by train

Faked. You can see the masking in the gravel precede him along the track.
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+2 158. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Twin-tornados chasing boat

Apparently 'chasing a boat' refers to anything that a boat is moving away from.
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-2 159. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video The Kamov Ka-50

Love the accent. I kept waiting for the announcer to call it a 'Fargin sneaky bastige!'
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+3 160. Tehrasha commented 16 years ago on video Crazy motorcycle journey at 175mph

More practicing for the Darwin Awards, I see....
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+9 161. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Skilled Midget

Dutch this time? Ive seen this attributed to about 6 diff countries so far. This is part of show by a comedy duo called 'Men in Coats' and they are Canadian.
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+4 162. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Yamaha R1 in Austria

Darwin Award Nominee.
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+1 163. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Planets in scale and size

Ok, so they skipped poor little demoted Pluto, but where was Uranus? Come on, I want to see the size of Uranus! >:)
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+7 164. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Police officer versus Porsche

Ya cant out-run radio.
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0 165. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Melody road

Argh! Having to listen to that every day on your commute.
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+1 166. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Pelican eats duck

Was not a duck, it was a pigeon. Pelican will probably die now. *bleah*
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-7 167. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video US tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car

Amazing how this video keeps cropping up as if it was happening NOW. This video is from the first couple months of the Iraq war. OLD OLD OLD.
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+7 168. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Ghost Rider wannabe crashes

Shows off how he can drive between opposing traffic, and the idiot runs square into the back of a car. LMAO!
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+14 169. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Shithead

There before the end, I thought it was going to be one to -those- horse videos.
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+3 170. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago on video Sewer Explosion

Ummm, guys... -STORM- sewer.