Comments posted by TenoriTaiga


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+13 1. TenoriTaiga commented 10 years ago on video Never trust your colleagues

I bet whoever he was on the phone to thought he had been shot lol.

Evil evil prank. >:)
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+56 2. TenoriTaiga commented 11 years ago on video Monstrous whirlpool eats everything

Well that sucks. ;)
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+44 3. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video A golf shot you rarely see


I have to admit I was expecting this to be a hole in one...but certainly not with that sort of accuracy.

Give that man a Mortar in a warzone!! >:)
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+53 4. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Rollin'

All I can say is Thank God for Rollcages...wouldn't have had a chance otherwise.
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+27 5. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Strongest Girl In The World Prank

They got a good actress for this one. Too many kids in the same position would burst out laughing at the fails. Probably enough to make people suspect it's a prank.

So hats off to her. She sold it well =)
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+6 6. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video I don't care how big you are...

0:43 I have to admit I was half expecting to hear a squeaking noise when that happened lol. >:)
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+4 7. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video 10 signs of alien life?

It's life Jim, but not as we know it! O:)
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+6 8. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Nice Car Accessory

That's actually quite a clever idea. Much less chance of bending the framework of your car with that than a proper jack. :)
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+12 9. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Freaky Cat Eyes

0:07 Big brother is watching you!! :O
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-2 10. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Nutshot

0:04 Do a Barrel Roll!! >:)
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+22 11. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Dachshund Puppy vs. Ghost Crab

1:48 Until next time my friend! <3
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+16 12. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Son Electrocutes Dad While Fixing Car

This video is truly shocking!
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+50 13. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Gas Station Design Fail

Not sure if standing next to what is clearly an unstable gas station is the smartest of ideas. :S
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+22 14. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Perverse Woman In TV

I dont think I'd mind too much. >:)
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+4 15. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Gamarjobat - Japanese comedians

I love these guys. Their tricks are hilarious in the regard that it's the sort of stuff that your dad used to do to trick you when you were a kid. When your dad did it though, he just thought he was doing them as good as these guys do! :D
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+8 16. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Monkey Vs. Cat

Is it just me or did the monkey seem to think the cat was it's new substitute for the frog it had been using? >:)

People who have seen that video will know what I mean, it certainly looked like that's what the monkey was trying to force the cat into at least.
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+46 17. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Kid sleeping while skiing

The kid has better balance on skis sleeping then I do when I'm awake!!

Much respect to the little guy O:)
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+10 18. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Andrew Myers - Painting Screws

Wow! That's "Screwed" up!

Quite literally :P
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+21 19. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Snooker World Open 2012

From T.Tirapongpaiboon's perspective:

0:32 "Wait What?"

0:41 "Yeah yeah, totally meant that!"
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+46 20. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Best Gift Ever

0:59 Reality hits you hard bro! >:)
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+18 21. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video Kitten Jump Fail

It's amazing how much less impact this has without the awesomely fitting music to back it up.

Case and point! ^ :(
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+8 22. TenoriTaiga commented 12 years ago on video How hard for girls to wear jeans...

First ten seconds: Best part of the video >:)
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+4 23. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Women Volleyball TianJin vs Army (16 swithes rally)

Wow, simply amazing. The reflexes of this level of player will never cease to amaze me. Asian or not, that would take a hell of a lot of work.

Also have to love the tone of the commentators changing as I'm sure they were thinking "What the's still going!?" :D
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+31 24. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video The Pissing prank

Silly people didnt seem to realise the guy was just taking the piss!
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+14 25. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Dallas wildest police chase

3:44 Reality hits you hard bro!
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+2 26. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video on a dime 3000

Now there's a constructive use of beer money =P
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+10 27. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video James bond on battlefield 3

It's things like this that make me resent the fact that my computer can't handle Battefield 3! :'(
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+16 28. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Batman - Getting rid of the bomb

"Holy Heart Failure!!" >:)

Classic =)
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+26 29. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Waterfall of fire

I love the smell of alcoholic Napalm in the evening! >:)
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+7 30. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Heckling mom

Wow I was as surprised as the actual singer was. He certainly didnt look like he had a voice quite like that.

I was expecting someone who's voice had barely broken when his mum said he was just 15. :O
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+3 31. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video StarWars theme on floppy drives

I suppose it beats using them as a paperweight...bout the only thing people are using Floppy Drives for these days!
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+20 32. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Kid Attempts to Punch Through Board

I can answer his question...

Epic Fail!! >:)
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+6 33. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video How to annoy seaguls

Hate seagulls, the seaside variant of the pigeon.

I'd do something similar to this but I don't think I'd be a fan of the birdcrap they'd leave all over my car. :(
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+1 34. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video A Rather Fast Bike

I bet you the highway code has no idea what the stopping distance is for 311MPH :P
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+33 35. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Bully cat stuffs cat in box


Lion Cat: Have you seen my buddy

Grey Cat: No, I have no idea what you are talking about! >:)
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+35 36. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Blonde in a giant inflatable ball

She was probably confused as to why she wasn't getting wet! >:)
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+12 37. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video 1 Old man 1 bottle

That is some pro planking right there!! :O
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+7 38. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Bashing in the office

lol the last guy was certainly "beating about the bush!"
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+1 39. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Russia Car Crash Compilation

I'm beginning to think with all these infamous Russian car crashes that to pass your driving test. All you have to do is be able to drive a dodgem really well.

It certainly seems that what most of these examples seem to think they are driving instead of a lethal object. :(
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+16 40. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video President Obama's payback speech at the White House correspondents' dinner

It's nice to see a President who can actually have a joke and amuse his peers.

George Bush Jr did the same but more were laughing at him than with him.

I dont think his past should matter, it's what he does NOW that matters and will influence the world more.
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+8 41. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Saudi

Formula 1 Pit crew could learn things from this lot, think of the time they would save on Pit stops :P
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+4 42. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Korean Grocery Store Uses Clever Marketing Campaign

The is probably only one problem with that. If Korea is even slightly like the UK, what happens if the boards get graffiti'd up so that you cant see the code with the phone?

Other than that though, it's a genius idea, especially for the people that have to wait a while on their trains coming in. I know Japan would use a similar system as well if they incorporated it.

They are a hardworking people out on the Far East so why SHOULDNT companies be pandering to make their lives that little bit easier? I certainly salute the company in question for their creativity. :)
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+1 43. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation June 2011

2:27 I didnt notice the fail straight away, I was too captivated by that fabulous set of breasts on the chick on the right!! >:)
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+2 44. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Line 62 is still running

Says alot for the reliability of the buses being able to handle that.

Props to the bus driver for simply saying "Ah F*ck it!" and barreling through it.
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+2 45. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Dudes on kisscam

He really really wanted that pretzel :O
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+2 46. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Watch your step

I always think when I see videos like this that I wonder how they get know without merely falling off.

It must be nerve wracking having to guess where to put your feet when you are looking for footholds on the way back. Admittedly that doesn't make for such a good video as the uphill climb does though :P
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+8 47. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video This is why we love Poland

If this Polish girls put as much effort into their driving as they have with their hair, they would put the driving instructor out of business!! :|
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-5 48. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Cliff Diving World Series event highlight

Was anyone else waiting/wanting to see the biggest belly flop on snotr when they saw the first dive!? >:)
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+9 49. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Paul Zerdin

I bet the guy was so relieved when he didn't have to do the Irish Dance like the other guy did O:)
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+8 50. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Café allongé

And this is what we get if the French made anime!! :O
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+8 51. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Dangerous job done very unemotional

I suspect whatever they are paying him...IT'S NOT ENOUGH! :D
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+13 52. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video The Screwed Hand

That's pretty awesome...those guys got totally "screwed" over if you catch my drift! >:)
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+3 53. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video The World's Deepest Indoor Swimming Pool

It's amusing that the restaurant could end by someone wanting to crack a window if it's too warm! =P
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+13 54. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Kitten with cigarette addiction

The kitty seems to be a firm believer that no one loves a quitter!!
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+15 55. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Planking Craze

The last planker was the winner!!

Actually had a little laugh out of that =P
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+8 56. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Scary walk

Have the funny feeling that if you didn't have vertigo going up there, you probably would when you got to the other end. :'(
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+8 57. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Just look at his face!

0:35 is the moment where he realised he was never going to carpool with his friend again.
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+32 58. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Biker

Crazy, one pothole and he would have been a dead idiot...instead of just a regular one.
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+4 59. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Pocket Rocket

They obviously didn't show the little 10 year old off camera with the remote control :P
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+8 60. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video weirdest porn movie intro ever (SFW)

And the Oscar goes to....the Lemon tree for it's lemony lemon goodness!! :D
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+5 61. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video This Penguin loves being tickled

Sounds and almost looks like the penguin is motorboating at one point lol >:)
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+2 62. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video Back Flip Penalty

I was half expecting his boot to come off and clock the goalie XD;
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+4 63. TenoriTaiga commented 13 years ago on video what Pi sounds like

I wasn't sure how this was going to sound at first but as they added more instruments I was reminded immensely of Mike Oldfield.

I was seriously half expecting a voice to say "Tubular Bells!" near the end lol.