Comments posted by Thanatos


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+2 1. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Playing with barrels

It seems like the gravity effect is inconsistent. Some things collapse very realistically, while others seem to hang in the air too long before falling. Maybe that's also the reason for the strange vortex patterns that kept appearing: if a lateral impact from another barrel is stronger than the gravity, it might fly around too much instead of adding the sideways movement to the falling motion. If there was supposed to be a virtual hurricane blowing them around like that, there certainly wasn't any other sign of it's being there.
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+1 2. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Amazing new 3D technology from Japan

passwonastyboyuk - You may think I spent about 3 hours writing all of those words and spelling them all correctly, but it actually took as long for me to type it as it did for you to read it all (presuming you did).

Sadly, you're probably right. The twit can't spell "you" properly, so I doubt he could read and comprehend all of what you wrote. He just saw what was, to him, a lot of text and assumed it must have taken an effort equivalent to writing a novel.
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+8 3. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Guiness World Record for most T-Shirts worn at one time.

If you dress up in a bunch of t-shirts and have people fire guns at you, the only award you deserve is a Darwin.
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+10 4. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video 100 Person Flashmob

Strange, I think I like the unflappable old guy in the first scene the best.
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0 5. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Techno Viking

He's not a real viking.
Real vikings like metal, not crappy techno.
Also, real vikings don't have hairless chests.
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+1 6. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Weirdest stop motion video ever?

The three figures are loosely representative of a Rock-Paper-Scissors game, and each time one defeats the other it refines it. I guess that it's a comment about how human ideas are refined by coming into contact with and being challenged by the ideas and perspectives of others.
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+4 7. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Fire extinguisher + plastic bag = ???

What a dumbass. Too bad he didn't Darwin himself.
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+1 8. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Grandma's speech

It's kind of weird how long it took the rest of the family to shut the hell up and let the lady speak her peace.
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+2 9. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video This is madness!

Nice... reminiscent of the little cut-out bits Monty Python did.
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0 10. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Attack of the Beast Creatures

The Creatures would later go on to play the part of Flayers in the Diablo II computer game, and the undead pygmies in The Mummy Returns.
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+2 11. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Right Place

This vid is so like me!
i do this cind a things 2 :)

I don't believe you.
If you had OCD, you would put more effort into your spelling and grammar.
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+1 12. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Girl 'sings' in front of webcam

Asian girls are metal.
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0 13. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Iraqi wedding: fire a mortar

I feel sorry for people born into a culture so fucked up that the launching of military ordnance (crappy as it may be) is a ritual of marriage.
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0 14. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video I have a bad case of diarrhea

Hiro Nakamura has a bad case of constipation.
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+2 15. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Man fires a gas station

The guy is wearing the same type of jacket as the men who came out to stop him. Maybe he was an employee that just got fired and decided to return the favor. Either way, it's too bad the moron didn't fall into the flames and Darwin himself.
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+1 16. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Melody road

Creative idea, but it sounds like a very bad tuba player.
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+9 17. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Dumbest cop ever

How did some moron pothead get on the police force? That's the scary part.
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+7 18. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Heavy metal Shrek

It's better that the crappy rap parody videos, at least.
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+2 19. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video James Blunt parody

James Blunt is rhyming slang.
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0 20. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Harry "HP" Potter in the Hood

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+1 21. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Insane battery hack

With the world population working on it's seventh billion by now, we can afford to lose the few idiots that would actually believe the video and try it. If a kid is old enough to manage to get a car battery and attempt to open it, but dim enough to believe a unicorn is going to pop out, then by all means, let them earn their Darwin Award.
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+3 22. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Superconductivity

Punkomar: Any space ship created today is modern, because it's being created in the present. Also, we cannot create UFOs, because that's an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. If we know who made it, then it would hardly be unidentified.

Teacher-FromHell: It's nice to know that Perdition has such a great chemistry program. It's nearly as good as your infernal English curriculum.
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0 23. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video How not to be seen in Halo

Still funnier in it's original form.
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+4 24. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Guild Wars Meaning Of The Word...

The moron that did the text managed to misspell just about everything but the word "fuck". Thankfully, we have Vidmaster fuckin' up the spelling for that too, so it all balances out.
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+8 25. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Coke machine hack

Maybe it worked on that particular machine, but different vendors will likely set their own codes.
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+5 26. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Room illusion

A room like that might be useful for illustrating the theory of Relativity.
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0 27. Thanatos commented 17 years ago on video Man turns dark blue

One last set of question. Could this skin condition be passed on genetically? I mean if Mr. Karasan and his girlfriend decide to have kids, would the blueish tint be hereditary but at lower levels?

Not at all. It's not a genetic change, but an environmental/dietary one. Just like iron oxide embedded in the skin makes a basic tattoo, he has a form of silver deposited in his skin, effectively tattooing it from the inside. It would no more pass on to children than a standard tattoo would.

Other metals may produce different colors, but many metals would poison the person too, like mercury, lead, and arsenic. Copper might be safer. It may produce green, like it does when oxidized or burned, but I still wouldn't recommend experimenting with it.

If I met the guy, the Papa Smurf comment would pass through my mind, if not my mouth. As long as he's good-humored enough to laugh that off, I wouldn't treat him any differently beyond the surprise of that first meeting.

As to the body modification subject, I suppose it's an option. If you want to be blue just because you like blue, then go for it. If you're considering it just for the sake of standing out, then that's pathetically desperate for attention. If being blue is the only thing unique about you, then you wouldn't be more interesting, you'd just be a boring or stupid blue person. The same goes for tattoos and piercings; wear one if you think it's a pretty decoration, not as a substitute for personality or intellect.