Comments posted by TitvsCaivs


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+8 1. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video It's hot in Saudi Arabia

#5 just saying, when it's that horribly hot outside, it is recommended not to open windows, as they isolate and maintain a cooler temperature outside. open them up by night and close them during daytime.
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-2 2. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video Hangglider collapses during high speed dive

off topic, this has to be the worst player yet on snotr.
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+5 3. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video How to Wash Airsoft BBs

this was stupid
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+8 4. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Man Jumps Into Lion Enclosure In Hyderabad Zoo

someone should have shot that idiot
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+10 5. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video Motorcyclist Running From The Cop's Creates His Own Karma

I'm glad he found his GoPro
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-1 6. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video London at Night ~ A timelapse

#16 six hours of shoot for what? That only is possible if you shoot video and then speed it up until it becomes a usefull timelapse.
here's what you need. a camera, a programmable release for the shutter (intervalometer), and time. To have a 30fps time lapse, you would usually shoot 0.5 fps, or 1 frame every two seconds. so for a final 10 sec timelapse that's 10seconds *30fps= 300 frames. that works out to be 10 minutes.
also, to spare your memory card, remember this. a time lapse is a video, so your video resolution is going to be let's say full hd, that's still only 2.1megapixels. that said, you don't have to shoot no 12/16 or so megapixel photos for that.
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0 7. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video London at Night ~ A timelapse

#12 as I previously said, I'm sorry for hurting anybody's feelings or pride. If you base your categorisation off of wiki, I'm again sorry.
A time-lapse, whether you like it or not, should be very fluid, something your video definitely isn't. Your fps rate seems to be around 3, when it should be at 24 and upwards...
this here is a true London Time Lapse:
enjoy and take notes...
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+4 8. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video Timelapse Cluj-Napoca

I did comment on cameraman's London time-lapse video, so I give my 2 cents on this too. The watch clip, even if nicely done, became a cliche in time-lapse photography a long time ago. Everyone does it as it is so simple to do. The parts I actually enjoyed were the Iulius Mall ones. The entry and the lake have been done well. The opening, closing and city center ones have just been a disappointment. Also, when you roll your credits and use that stock footage, it is miles better quality which just underlines the lack of quality in the video itself.
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-3 9. TitvsCaivs commented 8 years ago on video London at Night ~ A timelapse

this sadly is no time-lapse. Sorry for being blunt, but this suits much more the stop-motion style. Also, for 2016, using these type of transitions is not only stupid, but childish and unprofessional. I agree with #2 on this. If you really started your photography career at 13 years old, this should be much better.
I'm not a professional photographer neither a videographer but could do this way better on my phone. Sorry if I hurt your pride or something..
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+9 10. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video All conditions are perfect...

the commercial is brilliant, your comment however falls in your described category.... stupid
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+9 11. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video KIDS ARE AWESOME

off topic. Is Snotr dying? none of the videos in the past 4days passed 100 views!? how come?
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-5 12. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Pretending to Work at The Apple Store

These guys fucked up so bad...
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0 13. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video WSHH Presents "Questions" (Season 2 Episode 2: Los Angeles)

i love these
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+8 14. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Porsche balances on other Porsche after crash

Mythbusters would bust this :))
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+3 15. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video The Sewer People of Bucharest, Romania

#11 Nothing wrong with me... Fact is, also less known, that these guys have a pretty great life down there, as they all are involved in illegal drug trafficking operations.
So, I couldn't give a f*ck about them because they chose to live there, noy that they couldn't afford anything better. Earlier this year, the police searched and arrested many of them. The place was searched and thousands of euros worth of TV-s, jewelries, AC and HiFi systems have been seized. Also thousand of euros have been wound hidden in the walls of one of his 'homes'!
Now knowing all of that, should I pity them? I think no.
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+1 17. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video A close of motorcycle chain on drag race

#5 No shit Sherlock
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+4 18. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

buy a Tassimo. Works every time, has great coffee selection..
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-6 19. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

#7 Yes I did! the difference is I don't brag about it by making a fucking movie
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-6 20. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

No mister, it is nothing random about selecting a shop and handing out money to the buyers of a shop in order to make a viral clip... it would have been random acts of kindness if it were not made to be viral. This clip is made the way it is, so they can make a huge amount of money from ads, and that dwarfs any money given out in the clip. Now you understand why it isn't as random anymore as you thought.
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-9 21. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

There's nothing random about this...
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-16 22. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Samsung "The Safety Truck"

so this 6 trucks will save the people from accidents... nevermind the rest of the hundreds of thousands of trucks on the road. Also, none of these has doors on the back?! yeah, stupid marketing campaign!!
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+16 23. TitvsCaivs commented 9 years ago on video Revolutionizing the way to make boxes and drawers

i think its pure genius
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+5 24. TitvsCaivs commented 10 years ago on video Garbage truck hits tow truck

That's not a phone !!
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+11 25. TitvsCaivs commented 10 years ago on video Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Kit

I'm amazed how much time it took him to assemble that shit! His biggest puzzle achievement must be something around 28 pieces!
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+4 26. TitvsCaivs commented 10 years ago on video Elevators too boring?

It clearly was made in a time when people were not such dumb asses as nowadays! Only in our times can you see stupid labels as "fits one" on a shower cap!
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+3 27. TitvsCaivs commented 10 years ago on video Pontiac Stinger

This was ment to sell via TeleShop marketing???
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+9 28. TitvsCaivs commented 10 years ago on video Photoshopping

#2 It isnt Photoshop, it is said so that people understand it's about transformation, what for Photoshop is synonimous. The clip was done in Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. The tools on display are not actual but for better selling worth of this clip. Hope you understand my gibberish :)
btw. Hungarian (original) version of the song is more delightfull to my ears.
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+4 29. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Pi is Beautiful

to the admins..
Have you ever thought about making the ios snotr app actually usable or will this never change? beside the fact it's only iphone and ipod friendly, it looks like shit and it makes the clip smaller in full screen mode than it's size in non-fullscreen landscape.
you won't bother to answer, are you?
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+7 30. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video CPR lesson from Vinnie Jones

The British are yet again trying to be smarter with their 999 number when the rest of Europe uses 112?
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0 31. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Young

the girl at 1:35 looks great :)
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0 32. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Stephen Hawking's big ideas ... made simple

#(removed comment) Shoot yourself, you won't be missed!!
Hawkins isn't a great mind of our lifetimes, he's one of the greatest minds ever on Earth. His contributions to quantum physics, big bang theory and so on, are PRICELESS.
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+9 33. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Spray Painting

every city has one of these artists
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+24 34. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Why glasses are so expensive

F*ck you Luxottica!!!
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+9 35. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Scientifically Accurate DuckTales

#(removed comment) Chaplin had a way better sense of humor, your jokes are pretty shitty
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+3 36. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Scientifically Accurate DuckTales

you mean like your comment?
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0 37. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video RC Helicopter Skills

wizard, definitely!
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+8 38. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Who knew 3D Printing Could be So Easy?

and that thing costs only 1749 bucks :)
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+8 39. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video With A Piece Of Chalk

why so many downvotes? inspiring and very well made shortfilm in my pov
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+9 40. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video German Engineering versus American Technology

The Touareg pulled a fuckin jumbo jet, don't blame it on tires or awd/rwd, the Touareg just rules the world..
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+2 41. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Chilling 911 Call of a young man with amputated leg asking for help

hats down..............
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+8 42. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video If

If snotr badge would cover a bit more of the video, would it be called censorship?
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+22 43. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video Electric Supercar

range: 30 miles
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-14 44. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video One Shot

it has to be edited, coz the bottle "flies" very unnaturally
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+3 45. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video A rather extraordinary play in Basketball

#6 you should be ashamed. It is one thing making a point and another bullying someone.
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+52 46. TitvsCaivs commented 11 years ago on video A rather extraordinary play in Basketball

#(removed comment) yes, he's black, as I'm white, as asians are yellow and indians are red. No one should be offended, call it by what it is. Next we will not say about nationalities, not to offend someone, come on. I'm Romanian, wil you call me next "the guy from the northern part of the balkans, next to the Black Sea?
The statement doesn't involve superiority of a race over the other. We are equal, we are mankind, and "kind" should be the most important here.
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+34 47. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Calligraphy penmanship like you've never seen before

that's just wow
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+9 48. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Firefighter action POV

#5 You can't be too old at 23 and can't be fat living in Japan..
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-8 49. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Firefighter action POV

No house was saved, just destroyed in another way rather than fire. Water, Hammer, etc
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+6 50. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Chinese Farmer Builds His Own Wind-powered E-car

#2 You are very right, this video shouldn't be a news report, it just shows that news sucks.
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-15 51. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Terminator

That's fuckin awesome, please someone cut my both hands off. That will make an appearance :)
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+48 52. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Please Move The Deer Crossing Sign

Oy my god, how fuckin' stupid can people get?
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+8 53. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video And the Gold Medal goes to ...

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+4 54. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video TED: Tristram Stuart - The global food waste scandal

It's because you and me, who are not willing to take the lightly blackened banana nor the dented apple off the shelf. Because you don't buy a bar of butter when it is close to its expiration date. @ McDonalds they are throwing it away because it is not "safe" to reheat coldwent burgers, and people working there aren't allowed to eat it because they would produce surplus just to eat it, and then blame that it went cold and had to been thrown out.
So don't blame so much corporations or supermarkets, blame yourselves, and next time when you go out for groceries, don't search through two boxes of potatoes to have five in your bin which suit your fucked up lifestyle.
As MJ said it, start with the man in the mirror. Cheers
#3 btw. this thinking about Africa kinda makes me sick. It's not because I don't like them or anything alike, nut what could you do? Send your half a bread and 3/4 liters of milk via post??
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-1 55. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video iPhone5 - Taller display

how, and mostly why did everyone become such an anti Apple person. Why is everyone against them?
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+20 56. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video The Popinator

this is so stupid, it almost hurts
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+25 57. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video iPhone 4s Versus iPhone 5

I'd bet they had also people who recognized the phone as the 4S but had not been shown.
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+1 59. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation August 2012

For a 2 second video this seemed pretty long :P
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+26 60. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Go, get it boy...

@4 , the sound you hear is the rifle of the guy with the hammer hitting the wall.
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0 61. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Jyoti Amge Becomes The World's Smallest Woman

she's like a chipmunk :))
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+7 62. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video That Was Close

No ESP :)
p.s. my comment is too short
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+1 63. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Introducing Word Lens

#1 the app is out since early 2011
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0 64. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Fireworks at Ultra Low Speed

For being ultra high speed, they went off pretty slow. If a mod doesn't mind, change the title please, it is Fireworks at Ultra Slow Speed
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+17 65. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Massive Concrete Construction Fail

Also the camera is always pointed towards the bus rather than the kid who should be the centerpiece of this filming...
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+3 66. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Money and imagination makes for a cool garage

mostly money ::(|)
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+16 67. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Thumbtack Art

Oh man, this guy is soooo in love :) awwwee
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+36 68. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Ukrainian Drunk Master vs Glass Bottle

#5 It's actually "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." by Albert Einstein.
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+20 69. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Too Shy

This was a big WOW for me. Awesome and flawless as a story, gorgeus girl and a real nice guy. Loved it.
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+12 70. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Girls are evil

#(removed comment) girl, right?
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+13 71. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Girls are evil

True, true.
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+2 72. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Evolution Of The Cell Phone

this vid is at least 3 years old, glad we moved forward from that HTC
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+17 73. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Heart stop beating

comment too short
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-1 74. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Little Man

it's still brilliant
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-18 75. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video Awesome way to order your fast food at the drive-thru

I would say it's a very original way of ordering, but not an awesome one.
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+79 76. TitvsCaivs commented 12 years ago on video How hard for girls to wear jeans...

Undressing goes much faster, and thats the only thing we men are interested in :D >:)
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+5 77. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Parallel parking fail

I can't laugh at that, i get fuckin MAD, I would beat her up so bad.. Just how can any driver be so stupid, it seems she has no clue how the steering on a car works, or what to do to put the car in a different position.
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-1 78. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Nuit Blanche

#3 this is from 2009 (MMIX), so not quite 6 years. Maybe the one who did this is not a friend of yours.

On topic. Nice to see a combo of old, b/w, and modern slow-mo. Quite a nice and interesting mix-up. <3
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-3 79. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Guiness stout thieve

Looks to be a gipsy, most probably from Romania. We breed pieces of shit like that, I mean like her. :S
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+9 80. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Flying rhinos.

#6 & #7 don't be so f**cking smart asses, or are both of you vets?? I'm pretty sure they thought about every aspect before moving them. These guys are trying to save those animals, not killing them in mid-air.
Commenting on videos isn't a must, if you have nothing better to say, just shut up.
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+27 81. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Hero

The picture "drawn" looks to be made on a copy mashine
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+68 82. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video would he survive the electric chair?

#2 He discharges :)))
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0 83. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video How the Irish Dance came to be

#4 just like as of your comment, 5 seconds was enough.
Nice video by the way
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+11 84. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Ukulele Weeps

Best ukulele song I've ever heard and saw!
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+32 85. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video World's Funniest Salesman

Totaly agree with #1, this dude got talent.
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-5 86. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Drop test

it's just like to compare a crystal glass with a disposeable plastic cup.
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+3 87. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Can anyone decipher WTF she is trying to say?

I feel she's like a normal American, not that fat but as stupid... She just goes with the masses, protesting about whatever there is.
My question for her is, what should change if the protest achives its goal?
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0 88. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Compilation of reporter fails

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-2 89. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Compilation of reporter fails

Amazing how the "Protective Dog" clip disappeared along with my comment, our oppinions.. Snotr does become dictatorial, it seems like it does not matter who and what he says, as long as admins have the power to delete anything they don't like.
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+15 90. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Watercone

Maybe the uploader knows, but we, mere mortals don't know who prevented it to come out big...
So, who was it???
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-1 91. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Back to the Start

I agree with #4
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-7 92. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dirt biker saves a calf

Dear Snotr,
I'm a very concerned "watcher" and/or "enjoyer" of your stuff. Lately there are more and more vid's uploaded from and this is bullshit... They upload a fix number of 5 videos daily, sorry but a find it bullshit to watch 1 or 2 every day being uploaded here, from the same vid. I do believe in coincidences, but this is going towards a freakin one in a billion in this rate...
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+28 93. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Meanwhile in Romania

I'm from Romania myself, and when I saw this for the first time, a couple of weeks ago, couldn't believe it. After all, it was said it was a parody, the BBG being something like the ONN (Onion News Network). Well made, that's our country.
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-2 94. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Trouble with SIRI

You can't fix stupid :)
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-4 95. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video 600lbs Sumo Vs 169lbs MMA Fighter

For me, the big guy won!!!
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+1 96. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Concrete Wallhack

#1 Not long my friend, not long, but I wouldn't be so hungry for seeing some crosses or squares behind those clothes.
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+12 97. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Guy Makes Crazy Dive Off Hotel Roof

thats called BALLS
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+38 98. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Are you the manager?

#1 You are disgusting :S
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-1 99. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dinosaur at school

Jacqueline is gorgeous !!!! <3
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+8 100. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Summer feelings

For whoever made it, nicely done, loved it watchin'.
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+3 101. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Origami - Real World Applications

#3 look also to the beginning of the TED talk and find out yourself...
If you're to lazy, it was shared by Nokia, in other words, they did the sponsorship on this one.

#4 You may like or don't, but I've seen most of the TED talks, but none of them have I found to be boring. Maybe the subject does not relate to you...
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+2 102. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Incredible Mini Golf shots

@#5 heyhey, you mean 90 degree !
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+3 103. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Day vs Night

Fabulous. Loved it very much :)
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-9 104. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Internet is made of cats !

I so hate cat videos and cats. I don't see how some can love them. Just think, if you die, your kit will eat you, but a dog will guard and die with you.
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+4 105. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Legend of Zelda Main Theme on Marimba

OK, have to admit it being one of the best covers, but than again, really, I'm getting tired of all these Zelda/ Mario covers.

@abbahh In your profile it states you have 15 years, which old imes do you mean??? When you were born, Legend of Zelda already was history.
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+21 106. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Body Slamming Cops

Not my type of snotr movie :S
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+6 107. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video August Fail Compilation

Not the best month, could have been more fails :(
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+2 108. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Very deep hole ...

I would call this fake, just because they never put the camera over the hole to be seen.
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+7 109. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video 10 Things I have learned about Mountainbiking

True. Amazing.
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+4 110. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Gulp

#2 by the simplest of resources if you meen volunteers, than you're right.
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+5 111. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Girls Summer Fail Compilation

Vids cut too short :(
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0 112. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Radio Controlled Tiger Tank 1/4 Scale

This is notof the scale of 1/4. It Would be at least 2 meters long, and this isn't.
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+3 113. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 4

i could watch these every day, it's 100 times better than other fail compilations :)))
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+45 114. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video clever animals compilation

To short, could watch this 10 minutes without getting bored.
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+33 115. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Gas Pump Attendant Dance

why would some asume he's a gas pump attendant? cool dance btw
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+20 116. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Goshawk ability

Amazing skills :O
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+15 118. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video How to really erase a CD..

#(removed comment) if you don't get the idea, don't comment.
Awesome "erasing" btw.
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+7 119. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Almost lethal fail

if she had internal bleeding, don't be surprised :|
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+16 120. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Good cop / Dumb cop ??

I'd say it's racism which triggered this behaviour of the cop on duty.
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-7 121. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video How many ...

#(removed comment) I got used to it :) I'm amazed when I see some american who actually knows the answer ::(|)
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+7 122. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Six girls you'll date in college

Some of the types are true, maybe all, but haven't met them all :) Go for the "hoodie" one...
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+55 123. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video japanese invention picks up messy spills

#1 another believer :S

now to the topic. Amazing device, but my question is, does it perform as well also on other surfaces beside glass? I mean like floor, wooden table, etc...
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+25 124. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Russian soldiers create avalanche by firing artillery

yessssssss, they did :P
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+24 125. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Impressive Dog Controls the Volume of Its Bark on Command

#(removed comment) not funny if your first comment is shit ;)
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+13 127. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Smart Dog

That's just slavery. Or is that playing master and commander?
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+14 128. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video how to draw an anatomic face in 2.5 minutes

I bet we can't, but many thanks for the tutorial :D
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+4 129. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Toccata and fugue played on "glass harp"

#8 You see, 8 is right, those "glasses" are actualy made of crystal, and in no way do they use only the word to describe glass.
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+8 130. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Guy falls from top of mountain

#3 It seems he has used a GoProHD cam, that thing can survive anything...
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+12 131. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Guy falls from top of mountain

that was scaryyyy!!!
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-4 132. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Did You Know?

#8 not quite, not quite, but might be older than you :(|)
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+5 133. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Did You Know?

Great info material. Saw this in 2009, this one is a re-edit of the same stuff. Now we know what became a reality since we are 1 year past of most predictions.
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-3 134. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video World's Fastest Zip Line

Video Quality: 4/10
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-18 135. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Do penguins fly?

just answering the title, they can't. Proof? because of their wings narrowness and small wing surface they are unable to get's physicly impossible
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+12 136. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Love song on Chatroulette

#6 mine after 4 an a half years :S
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+3 137. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Artificial organ regrowth.

I can't await the day they announce this to be a reality everywhere. It's not about living forever, but to live a great 80 or 90 years, without dying of stupid diseases..
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+4 138. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video 1950's Commercial for Coca-Cola

...and ever since it stood and stays to be the most asked for soft drink...

btw. you should try the 125 year anniversary coke (old styled bottles), it's the best coke I've ever had, trust me
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+5 139. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Guy in Audience offended by stereotypical joke

just great :) loved that bloke
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+25 140. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Staring At Breasts

Yeehaa, I'm IMMORTAL :D
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+3 141. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video The Never Ending Line Of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Cars

#7 Wrong, I counted 103
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+2 142. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video On the Pipe 6 - Andre Villa

Hey guys, I have the place, just need a big digger and someone to make this... after that, free entry for all snotr fans :)
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+55 143. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video One Epic Ride

What the adverb really says is : If you buy this car, it definitely gets stolen the first day !!!
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-12 144. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Testing new personal Jetpack on skis

#4 absolutely agree with you. BTW, there should be some flares/smoke or anything be visible behind him, and I really doubt anyone would make a real vid of this kin without showing a closeup look of that "jetpack".

But than again, it already fooled the first three. :(|)
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0 145. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Snow Causes Roof Collapse At Commercial Building

#4 my thumbs down man definitely hasn't heard of the word irony
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+10 146. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Snow Causes Roof Collapse At Commercial Building

Yeah, it will be way easier to rebuild the building as it would have been to clear the snow off it :(|)
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+8 147. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Naked Man With AK-47 Fires At SWAT Robot

#9 you must be american, the only nation who thinks that weapons can solve all the problems. By my opinion, no one in the entire world should be allowed to have a gun. I think guns just make any situation worse.
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+12 148. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Indoor tractor pulling...

That engine literally exploded :) Awesome how you can see the pistons in there :D
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0 149. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

ohhh yeah, good that we have the usa, otherwise no ones dream could be achieved. and we all live in oppression, only freedom we have is handed to us from the us. :O
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-2 150. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

#31 First of all, I'm from Romania, so you have an idea.
I drove in these order.
Dacia Nova 1.6 GLI 101HP 2004-2005
Dacia Solenza 1.4 MPI 85HP 2005-2007
VW Golf MK4 1.9TDI 105HP 2007-2009
VW Golf MK5 1.9TDI 140HP 2009-

...only the last two where/are equipped with both ABS and ESP.]

What model/make is the car at 0.12, looks pretty new to me...
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-2 151. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

#29 I do posess a driving license for the last 7 years and drove around 500thousand km's. Don't tell me that you can lock down the wheels with ABS, because you can't (of course not considering the milisecond locks between the releases). And I truly believe that being able to steer the car even by a downhill "slide" would have made a big difference in the outcome.
BTW In my past driving career I have had both cars with and without ABS ESP and so forth. A have had not one full ABS braking situations. And as last but not least, I'm not trying to be an internet hero of any kind. My 2 cents.

p.s. the only steering you have without ABS on full lock is gravity and the angle of the hill.
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-3 152. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

#17 All of those cars sliding downhill have locked down wheels? How do you think they should safely slide down, when car control is reduces to 0??? I am amazed about your stupidity btw, writing a comment like that.
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-1 153. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Dozens Crash On Icy Colorado Roads

Is there ONE american car fitted with ABS?
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+45 154. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video The UNO

I wish this guy all the best, I find he really deserves it 8-)
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+27 155. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video A new paradigm on human evolution

#(removed comment) There you go, God made us. Good to know. Now.... fuck off.
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+5 156. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video BMW Bike vs. BMW Bob Stunt

#1 Some BMW's
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+3 157. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video In Soviet Russia, Bear Hunts You

This looks to be a viral for the Mitsubishi.
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+33 158. TitvsCaivs commented 13 years ago on video Green Lake, Austria!

No words, or maybe one. Unbelievable !!
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-8 159. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Diving Infinity

Japanese robo-human. Pretty boriiiinnggg :S
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+9 160. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video TAC Campaign

Actually, everyone has the only fear to get caught when drunkdriving. Noone ever thinks on all the things that could happen.
Many thumbs up for this vid.

p.s. it happened that I drank and drove, but never more than a beer.
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-1 161. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Laser Eye Surgery

Com'on guys, your such pussies. If you find this gross, look up the strabismus eye surgery, that's what i've done. No pain at all, but really gross.
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+10 162. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Car vs Icy Hill

Ice skating in a car, cooool. Well, the driver is just a f'in idiot. if he had let go on the brakes when skiding downwards, he easily could have controlled the run. I love this kind of retards. At least we have somethin' to watch. ;)
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+4 163. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Gymkhana! ( on a motorcyle )

I think remembering the course is as hard as making it done. Impressive. :O
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+17 164. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video 3 plasma screens stolen in less than 30 sec

#8 I make 8.5Euro\Day, isn't that great? So they just made more money than I receive in more than 1,5 months. :(
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-14 165. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video six drummers one apartment

This is Shit. Waste of 9 an a half good minutes of life :(
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+3 166. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video European Outdoor Film Tour (E.O.F.T. )

#1 Just europeans... this is who we are and we can be damn proud of it. :D
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-1 167. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Cut your carbon emissions by 10%

Shit, I know there's no pressure, but I feel I have to do something right now before it's late :O
I'm out.
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+16 168. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Gource

I also have no idea what's this all about ::(|)
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+8 169. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video World's Biggest Yacht

#8 Have you somehow missed out the first 5 seconds of this vid???
I must say, I waited for a way bigger pricetag, easily over 1 bil considering the equipment level and size of this.
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+6 170. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Nothing Stops, Everything Happens

I thinks that all the vids which make up this, let's say compilation, sucked. But all together and with that great background music, I somehow find it absolutely beautiful.
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+18 171. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video The Simpsons Intro Lego Style

Lego dominates the world.
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+18 172. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Swiss Top Secret Drum Corps

This is the most awesome from the awesome category. Brilliant syncronization.
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+8 173. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Sideways bike

Honestly, it's just plain stupid. You'll never have the driveability of an ordinary bike nor the balance.
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-1 174. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Red Arrows

#1 You're only sin is, you posted first. Now look what you've done :P

Great skills, nice performance.
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+9 175. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Lion got mad...

#11 #12 eu inteleg ca zice ca nu se joaca.
Se pare ca romani gasesti oriunde pe lume :)) si in Las Vegas ::(|)
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+13 176. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video MIT's Seaswarm

#3 #4 #5
You have questions which doesn't even matter considering what they tell in the end :
"A calculation suggests that 5000 SeaSwarm Vehicules operating continuously for a month, will be able to clean up an area of the size of the Gulf oil spill."

So, I don't give a shit about how it get's rid of the oil collected or where does these process the crude oil as long as they clean up the mess BP made.
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+6 177. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Vocal cords.

Answering the subtitle question:
Actually yes, I've already seen this, like almost any other video submitted by trancetunes, cause they are all taken from But what freaks me out is that I submitted many vids but they never got posted, and after a week or so, the same vid is posted cause it's submitted by Mr trancetunes.

p.s. the human body is truly amazing, just like human ignorrance or human stupidity.
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-6 178. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Fire tornado hits Brazil

#12 but as long as snotr works at your side, everythings fine
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-13 179. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Fire tornado hits Brazil

#2 You must be American, you can find a horror story in everything.
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+2 180. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Seabreacher X - "Shark Boat"

it's cool, but for 65k USD i could find many more attractive activities...
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+10 181. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Thru Religion

That's the only "box" which brings togetheral religions. Cool
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-9 182. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Worlds First Double Backflip in a Wheelchair

well, worst case scenario is that he will brake his back. >:)
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+19 183. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Another Double Front Faceplant Fail

Yeah yeah, the girls looked mighty impressed >:)
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+7 184. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Welcome back!

Absolutely awesome. Now that's made my day. Thanks
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+18 185. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video The Stubborn Donk

Not quite a Pixar shortmovie, but definitely worth watching, this won't be 4 min 30 sec of wasted time. thumb up
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+1 186. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Park helper ... For women I guess ;)

This system can already be found on a bunch of VW model cars such as the Jetta, Golf, Touran, etc. and it only costs about 600 Euro with the new car...
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+7 187. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Japanese gameshow

I love this guys, it takes a whole bunch of stupidity to do this, but it's fun you remember.
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+15 188. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Incendiary Burnout

Awesome :D
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+7 189. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Starcraft 2 Beta Shit

@ #4 two women in rage :P
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-11 190. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Dragging a tree

What else could someone expect from a bunch of policeman. Epic.
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-2 191. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Guy vs. stop sign

niceee blabla
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-3 192. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Dinner for RR

And now put it back on the table :P
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+3 193. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video How not to make a turn

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-3 194. TitvsCaivs commented 14 years ago on video Killjoy - Dead Frog (Estonian comedy sketch)

What make and model was that car?
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-1 195. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Honda CBR 1000RR Fireblade

Riding like this comes with the great benefit of never getting old. Awesome
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+8 196. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Woman Pushes Fire Button By Mistake

#1 it's actually a dry chemical mixture of potassium bicarbonate or potassium chloride, not foam as you can see... Pretty awesome though.
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+27 197. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video One more faints

#1 no, i don't.
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-18 198. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Parrot imitates baby

Well, this vid is obviously faked. You can hear how the man shot off the player with the sound just before the end of this vid. Good try through.
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+50 199. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria

This should be in the awesome category, because this just is Absolutely Awesome.
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+12 200. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Super Go-Cart

One thing's sure, the man can drive.
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+13 201. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Police motor fail

It's a girl, this explains everything. :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+8 202. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video The Old City of Dubrovnik

#5 The "strange cubes" represent actual camera positions, from where all the pics were taken.
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-3 203. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Running 100m in 9.58 seconds

#12 White man can't run.
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+20 204. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

Totally agree with #1 and #2, the girl is really cute and tries hard to get the job(probably), and that dumbass idiot tries to intimidate her with that freakin' hurricane story. " Oh no, Jessica, you can't asume that anything is a..." Fuck YOU.
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+10 205. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Three Atheists

If God exists, he must have been invented snotr. :(|) :(|) :(|) ...and monkeys.
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+6 206. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video How not to take off with a floatplane

That plane is absolutely low on power.
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-12 207. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Dancing Fountain

The vid is just not playing, it goes full screen, but remains black screen, and it doesn't even load. Has anyone else got this problem? That's the first time it happens i can't watch a vid on snotr. The HD ones played nice and smooth.
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-20 208. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Greater Egyptian Jerboa

I hate this fucked up animal. It looks like it were the result of some scientific experiment went wrong.
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-1 209. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video 8 million dollar car

It is way slower than the Veyron, and it's also ugly. And with that pricetag you can buy up to 5 Veyrons.
Oh, and yes, I am a big Veyron fan.
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+44 210. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Millionaire

#4 Com'on, he was absolutely sure he was going to answer right, you really can't see a bit of guessing there. Nice way to win, my respects.
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+7 211. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Train horn blasts

Cool, but also somehow lame.
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-3 212. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Chinese Factory Workers

I must tell, they don't look chinese to me. Pretty fucked up job.
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+14 213. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Quick and dangerous way to inflate a tire

This is used by any car with that tiresize. The problem with such big tires is, that no compressor on earth is capable of pressing that much air in that short period of time, to make the tire "stick" to the rim, so, from obvious reasons, they use this kind of explosion. #6 you are right, but you can see they are puting the compressor on, the explosion just helpes the tire to stick to the rim. I hope i managed to make you understand.
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-1 214. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video How to be the perfect girlfriend

this almost tells it all, we have to admit, if we get a little space, we'll be more flexible and understanding with her.
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-8 215. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Footy superstar

OMG how retarded can someone be? :'(
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+2 216. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Turtle gets a little lost

the first 10 seconds looked funny but the rest.. :S
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-1 217. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Loewe sound

Fantastic commercial.
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+14 218. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Who's on first?

that's how it went every day for 8 years >:)
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0 219. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Why you shouldnt get married at old age..

It's all about a woman behaving like any woman. :S
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+7 220. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Crossing the river

He tried to turn left before that tree, but if you had a ride with a snowmobil, you'll know that it turns worse than anything else. He should have breaked instead.
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-2 221. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Women's anger management

It's obviously fake, first of all security cameras have not that refresh rate and absolutely NO SOUND!!!
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+10 222. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Dancing Grizzly

Pole dancing at it's best.
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+68 223. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Helmet camera view of motorcycle crash

#1 with a video camera mounted on it. lol
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-11 224. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Confusing prank call

I think some of these "prank calls" are very stupid and fraky. This is one of those, I can't see the fun part.
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+4 225. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Beatboxing flute

I find it amazing when somebody got such skills. Mindblowing.
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-2 226. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Interesting magic trick ever

Whatsoever number you chose, going than backwards the same number you will definitely be on the "buildings" at 3'a clock. Now, when he removes some of the places, the moon will be 4 steps away in either direction. Really not that hard to understand, i find it a pretty lame trick.
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+1 227. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video The Pomegranate Phone

After surfing around the Pomegranate website, i feel felt in love with the place this campaign comes from. Enter the website and check out the release date link. pretty nice.
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+2 228. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Impressive Motorbike Display

Not the communist era was bad, the developing dictatorship was bad. This vid is just awesome.
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-2 229. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video The Credit Crisis visualized

Well, not the hole truth, but still a nice demo...
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-4 230. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Huge dust storm in Australia

I didn't know aussies had right hand drive. ;)
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+2 231. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video What song is this?

This is just awesome, why shouldn't we credit him? Try to say a word backwards, pretty hard hmm, and now try to sing backwards, aha, now you get it. It is a realy cool talent to know to speak or sing backwards. Just amazing.
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+14 232. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Manu Delago Hang solo

This is absolutely awesome. Can anyone pls say, from what part of world this instrument is from? Thanks
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+1 233. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Post-it tricks

Pretty impressive, I'm sure they did this on several days to get it all right
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+1 234. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Bud Light - Fighting Cockatoo

0:14 is the best, ay ay ay.
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-5 235. TitvsCaivs commented 15 years ago on video Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Sincerely I think all this is much to repetitive, after the 4th dimension everything seems to repeat itself but with another explanation. This could go on to hundreds of dimensions. Just bullshit.