Comments posted by Unit


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+10 1. Unit commented 17 years ago on video Talking cats

I hate the "idoidoidoido" part but the Long Johnson part is hilarious
Picture of Unit4 achievements

+9 2. Unit commented 17 years ago on video Dice stacking

This really belongs in "Awesome"
Picture of Unit4 achievements

+8 3. Unit commented 17 years ago on video Slight miscalculation

:D Nice landing..
Picture of Unit4 achievements

+6 4. Unit commented 17 years ago on video Why men like beer

They don't show us the part where the walls melt and he has to get his stomach pumped
Picture of Unit4 achievements

+5 5. Unit commented 17 years ago on video Beer bottle opening

Cheap bottles :P
Picture of Unit4 achievements

+1 6. Unit commented 17 years ago on video Evolution of Dance

What's the track called that begins at 4:40? I know it's cotton eyed joe, but what remix is it?