Comments posted by UofMichFan


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+1 1. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Plane loses an engine during the filming of a TV show

On Wed I was flying into Atlanta Int. Airport. I was trying to remember if I had ever been to the Atlanta airport. Then it dawned on me when I was 8 yrs old we were flying from Florida to Kansas City when our plane had an engine failure and we had to make an emergency landing in Atlanta. Needless to say the rest of the flight I was just a wee bit nervous. LOL!!
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+4 2. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Cruise ship being beached at full speed

#2 is absolutely correct. I saw this video earlier this year on another site that had a better description and that is what was happening.
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0 3. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Building Demolition

#22 If by "real world" you mean your world it appears Stupidville already has plenty of residents. Plus I don't think I could dumb myself down enough to qualify. Thank you for the invite though.
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0 4. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Building Demolition

#21 I don't care what you said. I wasn't talking to you in the first place. You just decided to interject your demands and have offered absolutely nothing to the conversation. So run along Baby Huey, you are irrelevant to the conversation.

#20 I didn't intend for this to be a long drawn out conversation. I just wanted to hear your theory since you were so smug in your original reply and called someone ignorant. I really don't care how or what caused it to collapse. I just enjoy antagonize smug douchebags. So you have a nice day and thanks for playing along.
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0 5. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Building Demolition

#16 I said share YOUR vast knowledge, not the government report that is meant to hide the truth.

Far too many demolition experts have said the way that building fell it was pure 100% demolition charges. The governments account is completely false because they know 99% of people don't understand demolition. That entire building collapsed, completely around the base, at the exact same time. The odds of that coming from the governments explanation are nil.

I bet you believe a plane really hit the Pentagon don't you?

#15 No, but you are a head up your backside, unable to think for yourself, government controlled idiot which is why the government gets away with lying to us. Too many people like you.
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+3 6. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Building Demolition

#11 Here is an idea for you...Instead of making mocking type comments why don't you share your vast knowledge and understanding of physics and demolition and explain to us how tower #7 came down the way it did? The two towers crumbled from the top down as you would expect under those circumstances. #7 was not hit and nothing from the towers hit the base of building #7 to cause it to come down. It came down exactly like this building here did. What caused it emulate a building being demolished and why did only #7 do that? I will be waiting for your expert theory on this.
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+1 7. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Worlds fastest firing gun

I think I just got turned on.
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-1 8. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video The Woman Who Can't Smile

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show....ok never mind!
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+10 9. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Dog expresses his happiness and gratitude after being rescued

#6 It was more for safety for the rescuer. The dog was scared and unknown to him. He carried it that way to make sure it didn't bite him. It didn't hurt the dog. Obviously the dog was very friendly and grateful afterwards but he had no real way of knowing how the dog would act towards him during the rescue.

Anyway, saw this video on another site earlier this week. It was as heartwarming now as it was then.
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-1 10. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Would you help a child in need?

Very cool.

The blonde girl was pretty hot too.
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+1 11. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Hope this makes anyone's day better

Afterwards they wrapped him in rice and seaweed and dipped him wasabi sauce.

Edit....I can't believe people are so serious they can't laugh at jokes and have to rate you down just for being silly. Lighten up and learn to laugh.
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+4 12. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Happy Cows

Look like a big field of T-Bone Steaks and Prime Rib running around. I love cows! Especially the yummy ones.

Support PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals!!
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+4 13. UofMichFan commented 10 years ago on video Seals have fun

#1 They are alive so apparently not. LOL!
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+1 14. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Polar bear cub first steps at Toronto Zoo

Hard to look at that cute little guy and imagine in a couple of years he will be a 1200 pound killer.
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+4 15. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video 11yr old kid challenges Steel Panther guitarist to a duel

#6 That's Satchel the lead guitarist. Michael jokingly told him he was fired. So he left. It was all in good fun.

I was at this show. It was a blast. But, as a parent of a 10 year old I would never take him to a Steel Panther concert before he is at least 16 at a bare minimum. Definitely not age appropriate. But that's not my kid so it's not my business to say how others should raise their kid.

Kid has a great future if he sticks with it. Michael was absolutely floored as we all were. Nobody expected him to play that good.
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+4 16. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Merry Christmas !!!

What you all didn't realize is Chuck was flying both planes and shooting the video.
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+8 17. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Flying Lion

That's what you call 'good lookin' out!!!'

If you stop it at the :12 mark you get a pretty amazing picture.
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+7 18. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Probably The Coolest Cop Ever

Not all cops are jerks. I've been pulled over 6 times for speeding in 26 years of driving. Got two tickets, one of them he reduced from 14 over to 5 over. The other 4 let me go. I think it was cause I was cool with them and made them laugh. It's all in how you treat them. They have a job to do. If they pull you over because you were speeding (or whatever) don't give them an attitude like they are doing something wrong. Just be cool, try to make them laugh, and from my experience they will be cool in return.
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+3 19. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video A-10 Warthog Gatling Gun Test

I'm happy knowing this is what is in the sky protecting my son.
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+17 20. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Last minutes in the columbia spaceship

I can't even begin to imagine the horror of what those last few seconds must have been like.
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+18 21. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Volcano expedition

Nature can be truly amazing!!
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+23 22. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Kitten bullies a tiny puppy

They will grow up being the best of friends.
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+1 23. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Victorian Era footage

Interesting how the men all wore hats and most of the women as well. The women that didn't still had their hair tied up in something.
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+7 24. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video RC car with camera meets a group of lions

Funny how that one snuck in from the side and made off with it like a thief. I'm curious how they got it back from the lions. Pretty amazing shots. Great idea!
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+10 25. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Sir Nicholas Winton - BBC Programme "That's Life" aired in 1988

As a WWII avid history buff who has studied not only what the Nazis did in depth but what these people went through I have nothing but the utmost respect for this man. I actually had to hold back the tears when I thought about what he must have felt.

#3 Never heard of her before. Thanks for link. She too was a hero.
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+10 26. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Massive Unidentified Creature

Relax, it was just Kim Kardashian skinny dipping. Or in her case, chunky dunking.
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+4 27. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Planes land at ridiculous angles

These pilots have both serious skills and nerves of steel. Much respect.
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+17 28. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Mountain bike backflip over a 72-foot gap

See the part before the video starts, that's me never going anywhere near that place.
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+7 29. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Amazing hula hoop dance

One....that was pretty neat to watch.

Two...she's got a great ass. If doing this gives women nice asses it should be required for them to learn. (kidding, relax)

Three....@4 Not impressed with your wannabe judge act.
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+14 30. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Guilty as Charged

Notice how the male dogs roll over and show their "area"? That is their way of saying. "Hey, you cut off my balls, I destroy your stuff!!!"
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+1 31. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Sick baby sloth gets shaved, BUTTERED, and swaddled

@6 Hey now, sloth is good eating. It goes down slow.
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+3 32. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Man with an unexpected voice

He has an awesome voice, but how come on all these talent shows the surprising ones always are the opera singers? Have we got to the point where nobody expects anyone to be able to sing opera? it to the end...unexpected surprise at the end. He did the right thing at the right moment.
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+43 33. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video I figured out how to stop my baby from crying

Duct tape works 100% of the time.
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+7 34. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video 911 what's your emergency?

#9 Like I said, it is a good thing we have people like you who can tell the experts how to do their jobs. Just think how perfect this world would be if you could go around sharing your expertise with the professionals instead of sitting in your chair at your computer.
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-8 35. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video 911 what's your emergency?

#(removed comment) LOL!! You beat me to it. I've seen several videos on here over the past couple of years that were taken from LiveLeak with the exact same title. does the same thing.

#8 You armchair quarterbacks crack me up. You can never can just enjoy something. You always got to act like you are en expert and say what they did wrong and how you would do it better.
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+14 36. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Pitchers quick reaction prevents serious injuries

That's called the "OH SHIT!!!" catch. Followed by the "OH SHIT I JUST ABOUT GOT F'ED UP" lay down. Ended with the "Ya, I'm a stud" stand up and look cool move.
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0 37. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Cat attacked by puppies

Someone call Eric Holder, there is clearly a hate crime involved here.
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+3 38. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video A Water Bomber cools off a traffic accident.

I'm wondering if he did that voluntarily or if they called him in since he was probably in the area spraying wildfires? Either way, still impressive to see.
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+1 39. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Kitten meets Hedgehog

#6 LOL!! Excellent point.
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+9 40. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Tornado vs House

#14 I hear ya. Apparently telling them the truth upsets them. It is funny to watch them ramble on about something they know nothing about. I chase storms as a hobby. Been doing it since 1995. I have seen several tornado's. A few closer then I would have liked. It's a rush. Their homes couldn't withstand and F3 or higher then anyone else's. But of course, they are keyboard experts and know all about all.
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+2 41. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Tornado vs House

OMG Reading the posts of the non Americans who think they can build indestructible houses that will stand up to a major tornado is hysterical. I live outside of Kansas City, MO, in the heart of tornado alley. I can assure you an F4-F5 will destroy any home you build. Unless you are building it underground or out of 10ft thick concrete and steel. Obviously none of you have ever actually seen one nor do you have the slightest clue what 200+ MPH winds will do to any building it touches. But keep being keyboard experts. It does provide for some good laughs.
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+10 42. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Scared ?

Wait for it....its worth it at the end.
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+1 43. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video The Best Overtake Ever?

Like a boss!
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0 44. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Guy in a jetsuit flies next to a B17 bomber

#4 Head in the sand?

No, sorry, not paranoid. Either you don't watch the news or you are so brain dead you refuse to see the truth. I wont judge which you are, other then to say you are part of the problem not the solution. Enough said.
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+12 45. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Guy in a jetsuit flies next to a B17 bomber

Just wait until we figure out to weaponize it. The you will really see the evolution of the jetsuit. Heck the Obama Admin has probably already figured out how to use this to spy on us.
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+4 46. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Great Hacky Sack Routine

#(removed comment) Perhaps next time you could loan him one of your diapers.
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-4 47. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Unknown Force Changing Cloud's Shape

It's HAARP. Unless of course you have your head buried in the sand and refuse to see what is right in front of you.
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-6 48. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Beatbox Brilliance

People actually pay to see this?

I guess what they say about a fool and their money being parted is true.
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+3 49. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Rain Room

Ya but have you ever done the rain room........on weeeeeed man??????
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+7 50. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true

So many things to say about this video, don't know where to begin. As a father of a 10 year old son I find it disturbing that a 10 yr old kid would want to kill himself over a video game. These guys were trying to do a nice thing and I will give them that, but they have no common sense to know how not to talk to a 10 yr old. Also this game seems to be a tad to violent for a kid that age.
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+6 51. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video AC/DC on Bagpipes

Bon Scott would have been proud!!

Bon playing bagpipes to "It's a Long Way to the Top if You Wanna Rock & Roll"
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+5 52. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Iron Chin

Do that against Mike Tyson and I will be impressed.
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+2 53. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Dropping hot charcoal into liquid oxygen

Now we know what happened to Albert Einstein's illegitimate son.
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+6 54. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video A hunter in a tree-stand gets an unexpected visit.

WOW! Some of you are way to over sensitive and need to learn to laugh.
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-6 55. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video A hunter in a tree-stand gets an unexpected visit.

If a hunter shits his pants in the woods does it make a smell?
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+9 56. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Supercell Caught on Film near Booker, Texas

Nature in its true beauty. I love living in the Midwest and seeing storms roll in and out.
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-12 57. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Puma vs. Sloth

#5 Because evolution is a myth.
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+36 58. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video 128,000 Firecrackers

Nothing but liars. I counted the bangs and there was only 124,362. They ripped us off!
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+2 59. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom

For a minute there I thought he was talking about what Obama and his stooge Geithner are doing with our Treasury Department.
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+2 60. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Railroad bridge collapsing like dominos in Texas fire

That was pretty cool.
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+1 61. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Car Goes Flying 20ft In The Air

This was just a scene from the Russian version of The Dukes of Hazzard.
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+2 62. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Cheetahs Meow like Cats

At :19 they show they know how to bitch smack.
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-6 63. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Pitbull really wants that stick...

#8 The hell they do. We had a neighbor about 10 years or so ago that had one. He was nice to it, he didn't train it to be vicious, and he raised it from a pup. It was always nice until one day, that one fateful day, when it snapped and mauled a 5 year old. All dogs have the ability to snap and attack. The problem with these dogs is how powerful they are. These dogs are horrible. They should all be put down and wiped off the face of the earth.


California authorities use helicopter in search for 4 pit bulls suspected of killing jogger
Read more:
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+3 64. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Puppies Vs Stairs

Haha too funny. 1:56 owned them stairs.
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+1 65. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

Now that was a heckuva lot of snow. Nature can really put on a beautiful show whens he wants to.
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+1 66. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Chris Hadfield demonstrates what happens when you ring out a washcloth in space

Got to admit that was not what I expected. I thought it was going to be hundreds of tiny water droplets that start floating everywhere. Pretty cool though.
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-2 67. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Nice wedding message

#2 Look at my rating and look at yours...enough said!
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+32 68. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Nice wedding message

@ #(removed comment) You're a moron. I bet you look for something to hate every minute of your life. They were not wasting money. They were on patrol, not just out wasting money, and he took a couple of minutes to send a message home to a loved one he couldn't be there to see. As a taxpayer I got no problem with one of our servicemen taking a moment to send a message home.
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0 69. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Big Cats + Mirrors = Funny!

Canyon is a cool looking critter.
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+5 70. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Wombat wants to play

Persistent little fella isn't he.
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-9 71. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Hole in one water skip

A little slow putting this one up Snotr. This is from like 3 or 4 years ago.
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+2 72. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Tiger Cub's First Prey

Damn nature, you scary!! Seeing them fight is incredible.
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+2 73. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Inside the world's quietest room

I wonder what sex would be like in it?
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+3 74. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Collision between two cargos in Singapore detroit

Where is Singapore Detroit? Is it anywhere close to Hong Kong Ann Arbor?
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+1 75. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Japan develops a new method of demolishing buildings-by shrinking it

Got to have a lot of trust in those lifts to be doing that. Very creative idea.
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+2 76. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Amazing timelapse of Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

WOW!! It's really a colorful city isn't it. Makes you want to visit there.
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+5 77. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Friendly Deer.

No you get it from ticks.
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+1 78. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Skier creating avalanche

Deleted because the forum is acting weird.
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+1 79. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Skier creating avalanche

Nerves, and balls, of steel. Very impressive.
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+1 80. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Don't Celebrate Too Soon

The coachs next lesson should be it's not over until it's over. Or it's not over until Rosie O'Donnell sings.
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0 81. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video Bigger Red Hot Nickel Ball In Hot Water

Bigger Ball....still just as boring as the first time.
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-4 82. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

@25 Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. You show just how brainwashed you are when you can't intelligently debate something without attempting (and failing) to insult someones mind. It's typical of people like you that can't handle a difference of opinion. You try to bully through use of personal attacks to make your point seem more viable. It also fails. In short, you are a failure.

I hear Wal Mart has a sale on Kool-Aid in aisle 9.
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-4 83. UofMichFan commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

I get a kick out of you bleeding heart people and your "oh poor planet earth, look at what we are doing to it". This planet has survived asteroid hits, plate techtonics, ice ages, volcanoes, hurricanes, typhoons, fire, and lots of other things. But we as people have this arrogance that we are somehow a threat to it. Get over yourselves. It's like on them shark shows when they say "Someday we will figure out why sharks attack humans...because we as humans are superior to all and they should know better". It's cause we are food to them in their enviroment and despite our arrogance we are not at the top of the food chain.

We are not a threat to the earth in any way, shape, or form. When she gets sick of us she will figure out a way to get rid of us.
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+8 84. UofMichFan commented 12 years ago on video This is one happy fox

@4ubZer0 Are you high? There was nothing fearful about that, it was just happy.
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+1 85. UofMichFan commented 12 years ago on video Surreal Airplane Crash

Seen this video Lord knows how many times and every time I am stunned at how how quickly that plane just disappeared into the ground. Some say the co pilot tried to eject but I'm not sure how you can tell since there wasn't anything left of the pilot or the plane.
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0 86. UofMichFan commented 12 years ago on video Giraffes Fight To The Death - Kalahari desert

@ #12 I was wondering if it was just me but I see others are having the same issue with this site. This is the only site I have slow loading videos on.