Comments posted by Walter_Mitty


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+1 1. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Heroes superbowl commercial

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+14 2. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video A new sport has arrived!

I suppose he's shooting blanks. Hey, why don't some of you foreign viewers come visit the Good old US of A sometime? We'd love to host you. (Insert maniacal laughter here)
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0 3. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Clever dog

#4 I think you're onto something there. That would be pretty easy to do. Also, the handler could be using signals that are so quiet they'd be inaudible to humans, but within the dog's range of hearing.
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+4 4. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Inside the most expensive house in the U.S.

"This mural hides a fire escape." What a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?
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+2 5. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Guy dumps bucket with ashes on girlfriend

They deserve each other.
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+2 6. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Damon Hill makes test drive with journalist

"I shouldn't laugh." No, really Damon, you should.
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+3 7. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video The funeral of Lucky the fish

Well, at least Lucky gets 72 cute little angelfish.
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+2 8. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video 30 foot bike jumps

#10 I made it -21 Ha.
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+3 9. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Microphone

Funny vid. Just remember, there are an awful lot of things he CAN do that a younger person couldn't.
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0 10. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Underwater Creature Camouflage

#16 Mutations never result in new information. Mutations may in some cases prove beneficial; but are always the result of damaged or missing genetic information.
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-1 11. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Backflip Guy

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+9 12. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Time Warp - SawStop

#3 If you go to the saw stop web site. You can see customer testomonials. These guys did not do it on purpose. I work around table saws every day; and there's just no substitute for common sense. Most table saw accidents are simply the result of stupidity. Still, it's an amazing invention.
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-1 13. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Underwater Creature Camouflage

#11 Give me one example of a mutation that resulted in new genetic information.
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-7 14. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Underwater Creature Camouflage

Let's see a show of hands here. How many of you really believe all these creatures are the result of random mutations?
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+1 15. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Talking animals

#5 it is daft. I've actually read that it's unhealthy for cats to be washed. But the cat was actually saying "I'd rip your face off, if you were'nt the only person who cares for me."
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+2 16. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Nitro Circus Thrillbillies

Darwin would love this.
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+5 17. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Tribute to Pippi Longstocking

And where does Pippi Longstocking come into this?
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+1 18. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Lots of crashes

#11 Watch the end of the video.
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-6 19. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video How to open a bottle of wine without an opener

Okay, exactly what happened there? I thought the cork would be knocked inside the bottle. How did hitting it on the wall push it out?
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0 20. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Crisis songs

#3 Where's your sense of humor? I loved this. #7 I'm sure he took some artistic liberties to make it sound right. Still, it's impressive.
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+1 21. Walter_Mitty commented 15 years ago on video Bowling fail

What's coming from the ceiling? did she hit a sprinkler?
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0 22. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Eating the world's hottest pepper

#37 Thanks, but I'll take the hotness.
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+6 23. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video F-16 low passes

#3 I think #2 was referring to a quote I've heard. "Eagles can soar; but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."
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+2 24. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Best pickup line ever

That lady got it right. She has a brain injury.
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-4 25. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Why you should/shouldn't blend lighters

#(removed comment) Learn to count. Then take your stupidity to some other web site.
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0 26. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Magnetic liquid

Would the moderators please remove #(removed comment) comments, and ban him from the site?
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+3 27. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Ad placement fail

Fake. Who advertises soda crackers?
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0 28. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Eating the world's hottest pepper

"I'm having a contraction right now"...It's a boy! Hope he's smarter than his dad. BTW did he eat the whole thing? You only see him bite off part of it.
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+4 29. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Master Prankers

super-lame. The comments are funnier than the video.
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-3 30. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video 360 days in 40 seconda

I think it's fake. Look closely at the trees. They never move
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+2 31. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Dangerous pet

#5 the world is full of idiots.
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+3 32. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Bollocks

would someone translate bollocks for me?
Picture of Walter_Mitty17 achievements

+2 33. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video 25 of the most annoying music voices

Andrea Bocelli is the only one I'm really familiar with; and I have to say, it was an amazingly good imitation.
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+5 34. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Quitting is not an option

I've heard that when they latch onto a fish, they can't release their talons. Can anyone confirm this? ( of course I'm too lazy to look it up myself.)
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+5 35. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Brilliant thief

Definitely fake.

1. I don't think she would have heard the cans
2. The car bounced when he jumped in. She would have seen that.
3. This was taken from a security cam? Security cameras are up higher, and cover a wider field of view. Of course, I guess the video could have been cropped.

But I still think it's fake.
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+1 36. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Polar friday and monday

#9 Maybe I'm just a little slow. Could you explain the penguin joke?
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+1 37. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video How to fake out the catcher

Hey proffesor; How much time did you spend learning to spell?
Picture of Walter_Mitty17 achievements

+3 38. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video A few crazy people and some heavy machinery

Another viral video advertisement; for Caterpillar.
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0 39. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Surprise, surprise!

I think it's another viral marketing stunt. Made by some place that sells german shepherds.
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+2 40. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Blooper compilation

The baby at the end almost looked like it seizured. It just froze.
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+1 41. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Oversized R/C plane

What? No spectacular crash?
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+5 42. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Super jump

Did you see how his spine was bent when he landed? Ouch!
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0 43. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Headshot!

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+7 44. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Surprise, surprise!

Great video. I think it looks genuine.
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+6 45. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Guy with helmet vs. goat

I wanted to see him get a horn up his nose.
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+2 46. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Catch and chug

I'll bet this is fake. Another one of those stupid viral advertising stunts.
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+5 47. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Lightning in super-slow-motion

extremely cool. I'd like to know how much time this clip covers.
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+2 48. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Amazing sniper shot

#6 They've got to consider their YouTube legacy. Got to make it as dramatic as possible.
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+7 49. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Gun prank

I suspect it's fake. Her reaction certainly looked realistic though.
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+2 50. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Bush or Batman

I loved this. I would like to know what percentage of the quotes were actually guessed correctly. I wonder about that quote addressed to "Mr. Gore" can someone confirm that was really batman?
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+2 51. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Insane wave pool in Tokyo

I don't think there is water. The people are just moving up and down in sync.
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+1 52. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Wipeout - Funny new game show

Stupid americans? Good thing they had a british person on here to show how it's really done
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0 53. Walter_Mitty commented 16 years ago on video Genius tries to rob store with a palm tree

I think he may have been trying to use the palm to disguise himself from the cameras. He isn't using it like a weapon.