Comments posted by XiQ


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0 1. XiQ commented 9 years ago on video Meet Wally the Rabbit

I want one!
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+19 2. XiQ commented 9 years ago on video Why people hate cats...

Video bombing like a boss >:)
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+4 3. XiQ commented 9 years ago on video Isn't this Octopus Adorabilis?

Aaawwww! :)
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+3 4. XiQ commented 9 years ago on video Restoration of a General Electric 1936 antique radio

What is the name of the song? :O
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+6 5. XiQ commented 9 years ago on video Herd of Elephants Help an Elephant Calf After Collapsing in the Road

That's how you look the day after a party, and it looks to have been a good party!
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+4 6. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Cops in Quebec run over cyclist for riding the wrong way on a one way street

I wonder if he has noticed the bird on his shoulder :) 0:55
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+4 7. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Simonster - Strength Workout

3:27 WTF!!!???
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+1 8. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Serenading the cattle with trombone

So that is why that song was made!! I knew it!!! :)
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+17 9. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Just a man playing with a fish

Why are not all the fish like that!? :D
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+8 10. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Best Shift Ever

I was so close to tears :) beautiful!
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+31 11. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Dave Brubeck plays piano, when suddenly

These are real musicians, no fake like nowadays
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+22 12. XiQ commented 10 years ago on video Set up a fake cult for a pizza delivery

We have some questions for you..... :D
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+11 13. XiQ commented 11 years ago on video Do not underestimate an NBA referee

Aaaaaaaand he´s gone! :D
Picture of XiQ44 achievements

+1 14. XiQ commented 11 years ago on video A Water Bomber cools off a traffic accident.

I still prefer water balloons :D
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+3 15. XiQ commented 11 years ago on video Go home Crow, You're drunk.

And they say "being a rooster isn't a choice"....
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+1 16. XiQ commented 11 years ago on video Namaqua rainfrog

AAwwwww! I whant one!
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+6 17. XiQ commented 13 years ago on video Planet Green

Even tho the chick got most of my attentione, the asian security guard made me smile :)
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+22 18. XiQ commented 14 years ago on video Car vs Icy Hill

What goes up! Must come down! :D >:)
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+6 19. XiQ commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette funny piano improv

Made me lol so much! :D
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+9 20. XiQ commented 14 years ago on video Good at maths

Thats my kind of math! :)
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+115 21. XiQ commented 14 years ago on video How to pronounce Snotr

Remember! you have to say it like Steven Hawking does! :)
Picture of XiQ44 achievements

+14 22. XiQ commented 14 years ago on video Silly Birds

Did Jimi Hendrix get reincarnated? :) Maybe because he just heard about the word.
Oh, have you not heard? Because the bird is the word! Awella bird bird bird, bird is the word!!
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-1 23. XiQ commented 14 years ago on video Who needs snow!

Cool :)
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-3 24. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Amazing soccer juggling skills

I can't do that...
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+5 25. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video The Most Useless Machine Ever

I seriously NEED one right now! GIVE IT TO ME! :)
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+3 26. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Awesome Rube Goldberg Machine

This result can only be achieved with six guys..... with no girlfriends ;)
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-3 27. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Football fail

UL :)
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+12 28. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Drive Thru Freestyle

Fucking hilarious!!!!! :D
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+2 29. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Turkish Ice Cream Man

So Fucking funny!!! :D Best iv seen in a long time! I never got tired of see that guy never getting his ice cream!!
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-7 30. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Ten things

I don´t speak german!!!!! ;( ffs
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+16 31. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria

Cool :(|)
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-2 32. XiQ commented 15 years ago on video Max as Batman

Twisted kid! one :(|) tho!