Comments posted by Yellowdie12


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+2 1. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Awesome piloting

Okay, for all of those out there that say this is not hard: the maneuvers may not be hard, but doing those maneuvers at that height and NOT DIEING is. If you have ever flown before, you would know that putting yourself in a near-death situation and coming out unscathed is not easy. True, there are a lot of amazing pilots that can doing it, but most cannot; that is why they are called 'the best.'

And #10, I would rather be rescued by someone like this that knows what they are doing, than some douche that takes his sweet little time and 'plays it safe.'
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+3 2. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Canadian, Please...

Funny and well made, but you lost me at "Lose the gun and buy a canoe."
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+6 3. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Ikea lamp

LOL! That ending was so funny!! Completely unexpected!
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+4 4. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Maru's magic show

I love Snotr, I do; but I Snotr has been a real pussy lately...
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+2 5. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Worlds Smallest Personal Helicopter

Bloody hell, that is awesome! Can you imagine the amount of time he would save in avoiding traffic to work?! I want one!
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-1 6. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Surprised kitty

I hate cats.
I hate cat videos.
This was pretty cute, I have to admit...
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+1 7. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Sarah Palin book jokes

#(removed comment) and #(removed comment) are right.

Still waiting to see if Obama is gonna actually do anything. Hopefully not--I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)
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-3 8. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Ditchboarding

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+18 9. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video How to blow a deer out of a frozen lake

That was cool. I'm not an animal person, but I don't mind helping them if we can--and using a helicopter like that is brilliant!
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+7 10. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video How is babby formed?

Guys, you totally missed the point! The video is mocking the freakin' retards that talk and spell like that. They were reading from some forum on yahoo where the douches like that hang out.

I thought it was funny because it annoys the crap out of me when people make so freakin' little spelling errors. And lolcats just pisses me off in general--it is SO STUPID!
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+3 11. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Kris Holm unicycle mountainbiker

Nice skills! For sure. But that music was SO annoying! Seriously?! Way to nearly ruin an awesome vid.
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+5 12. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Good Cop, Baby Cop

LOL. Snotr hasn't made me cry laughing in a while! Very funny!
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+2 13. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video No Blinking World Record

lol, I blinked like 30-40 times just watching this vid! :) Very nice.
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+8 14. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video President Obama calls Kanye West a jackass

Good category choice!
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-1 15. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Steel frame building demolish

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+2 16. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Horse beating pikey makes my day

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0 17. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Girl scared by 'alien'

The glare at 2:50 is what scares me! Aliens can attack, but its the glaring angry women that I run from! Gotta admit, she's really hot when she's mad (and when she laughs). And I agree with #18, she'll get them back soon enough.
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+11 18. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Cool sport moments

#4, because racing is only cool if their are crashes! No one actually sits and watches them spin in circles, they just watch the recaps of the explosions! :)
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+11 19. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Cool sport moments

Dang! The goalie at 1:13-1:24 OWNED!!!
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+5 20. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video How not to launch a yacht

That poor crane operator...
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+2 21. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video -ALARM- (short animation)

#5, that's not nearly as cool! Duh!
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+7 22. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Oxygen

Well thought out and put together. I enjoyed it! Agreed, #1, we needed that as kids. Just think what this next gen will have!
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-1 23. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Airbag in couch prank

very nice, very nice! haha I watched 0:56 over and over again! :D
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+3 24. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Swimming Lesson for Car

As the water seeps into the car, "Dang, I think I got my pants a little wet."
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+6 25. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Man stares death in the face, and then takes a picture of it

Sure it looks the pansies that run out of the way! I would do the same thing; I mean, come on, he's standing behind a concrete wall!! He knows he's safe, that is why he didn't flinch--he picked that spot for a reason.

Well done, dude. Not only ballsy, but smart!
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0 26. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

Wow. Haven't seen that many comments in a while!

Yes, that guy's retarded;
yes, I feel bad for the girl;
yes, I was laughing when I thought it was going to end funny;
and yes, I think #45 has some issues.
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-2 27. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Cop sends innocent guy into a coma

I totally agree with the cop and think he did the right thing.
1) You are told that is the man and you run after him.
2) He runs away from you, you run faster.
3) You have been told he is armed and dangerous; so when you get to him, you do not walk up and politely ask him to show his hands. You body check the guy to the ground and cuff him the hard way.
4) Moral of the story, if you do not play nice with the cops, they will not place nice with you.

#5 and #10, seriously? Your natural instinct is to run from the cops? Wow. The correct natural instinct is to STOP. Kinda the exact opposite...
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+3 28. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video How NOT to jump an ATV

Ouch. :'(
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+5 29. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Funny accidents Compilation

lol! One of the funniest accident vids I've seen! The sounds were fun (annoying at first, but enjoyable by the end). The last line was perfect (I would quote it, but that would ruin it). Good stuff and well done!
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+6 30. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Schwartz on a big piano

Nice choice of music. :)
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+6 31. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video How NOT to catch Mexicans

Yeah, 14. Wow. That is crazy. And I thought my family of 6 had hard road trips!
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+4 32. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Backflip

#5. The only way you would have seen this 100 times, is if you played the video over and over. Like #8 said, I also wrestled and have never seen a reversal that good.

Straight up OWNED!!
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+2 33. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Baseball bat spin trick

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+36 34. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Vengeful driver

Yes, because jail time is obviously better than a ticket. :S
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+2 35. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

Wow... :P
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-15 36. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Awesome Post-it stop motion

It's cool but it's such a waste of time!! Seriously, there is nothing more productive for you to be doing?
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+1 37. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Ninja skillz

Did he mean for this to end up on the web? :)
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+9 38. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video How not to take off with a floatplane

Yeah, I think I would have been running at 0:38 and not wait until it hits me. That's just me...
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+1 39. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Little Man

I enjoyed it, but it would have been better without the nudity.
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+1 40. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Pool shark in diapers

#11 lol, I know. My thought exactly! I thought the video was great!
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+14 41. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Parachute landing fail

or if he opened it himself!
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+1 42. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video GYMKHANA TWO - The Infomercial

And the point of the paintball gun was...?
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+4 43. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video MacBook Air parody

Mac is retarded. Since switching to all Intel hardware, they now have the same physical insides as a PC...and yet they charge %150-%200 of the price!! For what?! Their biggest claim is the lack of viruses therefore it's stability. Yes it's true. Apple has less than 22% of the market-share. So when making a virus, do you make it for the 78% or the 22%? Duh! They don't have viruses because it's not worth it.

There is no difference, but one charges twice the price. Which one are you gonna buy?!

btw, the video was really funny and well done! haha
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+2 44. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Compilation of awesome tricks

lol. I must say, the pen spinning at 0:58 is my favorite!
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+1 45. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video 1964 modem demo

lol, that's pretty cool!
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0 46. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Hitler plays Bill Gates

"I never liked that freaking penguin." lol

#(removed comment) Vista is just fine. When it first came out, it had a lot of bugs and a lot of errors, when they released Service Pack 1 a while ago, they fixed all those bugs and errors and now it funs just fine. It is a slower program, but if you have the hardware to run it, it's nice. I used it for a while until I switched to the beta of Windows 7--which is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! It looks and feels like Vista (but better) but runs faster than XP! It's excellent. My laptop boots Windows 7 (all the way to the desktop) in 25 seconds!

Win7 is basically Vista SP2, but they changed the name so they could start with a fresh image of it. I love Windows 7!! This fall it will be released!! It's going to dominate the market!
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+45 47. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Do you get the message NOW?

Wow! lol. Slightly unexpected.
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+9 48. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Jump fail


#6, laughing at someone's expense IS a bad thing IF it's undeserved or an accident. But it is completely acceptable to laugh at absolutely retarded people!
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+5 49. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Micheal Vick Experience

That would be fun!
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+2 50. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Hidden camera prank

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+1 51. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Whack-A-Kitty

#7 So true, so true.
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+5 52. Yellowdie12 commented 15 years ago on video Ronald Jenkees

Oh whatever! This guy is amazing!! His music rocks! This song is called "Throwing Fire." Nobody in the '80s could do anything this good!