Comments posted by air


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-3 1. air commented 8 years ago on video Drone Fishing For Tuna

Let them use tech to get unfair advantage and more tuna then they can eat >:)
Mercury poisoning, congenital disorders for their offspring etc etc.. eat up guys, non of that tuna goes to waste :D
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+1 2. air commented 9 years ago on video Can People Explain Intangible Concepts To A Blind Person?

Close your eyes at 1:06 and hear Jeff Goldblum describing a rainbow :D
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+5 3. air commented 10 years ago on video Bear Grylls

"It has that familiar tint" rofl!
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+6 4. air commented 11 years ago on video Accident at a Russian steel plant

Who's gonna clean that mess?
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+14 5. air commented 11 years ago on video ATV rolls 5 times

I was just curious if their sunglasses hold on or not :D
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+33 6. air commented 11 years ago on video Surprise camera

I swear I saw Goblin King from Hobbit at 2:20
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+8 7. air commented 11 years ago on video Making ancient and Byzantine mosaics

I was hypnotized for 3 minutes, this guy has such a calm voice, as if no trouble in the world...I need to get that hammer/chisel combo and start making them teserrae :)
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+8 8. air commented 11 years ago on video Unbelievable Wingsuit Cave Flight!

Balls of Unobtainium O_o
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+2 9. air commented 11 years ago on video Close encounter with a shark

His reaction is priceless
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+1 10. air commented 11 years ago on video Nice wedding message

#1 If you perceived my comment as a hateful one hats of to you kid. Calling anyone a moron and judging a person over a sentence sounds like hateful human being to me.. And, point is that the army is waste of money and valuable resources globally. We could utilize these same resources for far better things. I've got no problem with the pilot sending the message to his brother, it is the army concept in general that I just dont like, I dont hate it :) Life is far to short to spend it hating.
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-3 11. air commented 11 years ago on video South Korean Seesaw looks so much more fun than American Seesaw

Would you look at that...mehehheh...Just look at it!
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-6 12. air commented 11 years ago on video Stunt man jumps over speeding Lamborghini

If you look at the shadows, he is standing wee bit to the left of the car. So even if he misjudge the timing, he would not be hit. Just matter of perspective and speed. Great magic trick, nothing more :)
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+8 13. air commented 12 years ago on video Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank

#5 That Guy at 2:40 reminds me of Reese from "Malcolm in the Middle". And the lady at 2:32 looks just like the Lavernia, bossy tavern owner from "Malcolm in the Middle". And yeah, the prank is sweet :)
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+2 14. air commented 12 years ago on video I'm singing in the rain

Thx Snotr! I needed this :D, but I'm out of tissues now
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+32 15. air commented 12 years ago on video Spacedrum

This is not a spacedrum, it can't be! It's called Hang. Amazing piece of instrument engineering.
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0 16. air commented 12 years ago on video The wittiest X-factor audition ever

At #7, Jim Jarmusch once said: “Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to.” ......So, your remark on this sweet little song being a ripoff and what not is quite lame. And that ranting about media influence on masses and all other borderline conspiracy theories are telling me you are just one disappointed angry spoiled teen that will probably spend most of her/his best years of life hating everything and everyone around. Without ever realizing life is to short and to precious to be lived like that. There are actually so many nice things in this shitty world you could try to contemplate. Change your dull glasses and try to look at the world from some other POV's.
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+5 17. air commented 12 years ago on video Driver ejected from car

#7 Yeah, seat belts are not always the best solution
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+6 18. air commented 12 years ago on video Pipe Makes Laser Noise When Hit With A Rock

#1 It really brings back some childhood memories :)
#(removed comment) Boredom is a bitch, right?
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+39 19. air commented 12 years ago on video Stray dog runs to Tibet with Chinese cyclists

Dogs are amazing beings
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+31 20. air commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter crashes, very lucky pilot

#4 Propeller did not suck the cable, the dumb worker below 0:34 jumped and pulled it down causing the cable to hit blades...
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+8 21. air commented 12 years ago on video Treadmill Fails Compilation

#4 I think 0:17 doesn't agree :I
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+3 22. air commented 12 years ago on video TicTac

This cool! Why this flash mob live add stuff never happens to me? And I've been around :I
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+29 23. air commented 12 years ago on video Chinese build record breaking bridge

We're all in for some nice base jump and bungee vid's if you ask me!
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+38 24. air commented 12 years ago on video Catch me if you can!

Last couple of!! :)
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+61 25. air commented 12 years ago on video Making of a Shade

Imagine if every single household had one of these?
I prefer my forests
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-2 27. air commented 13 years ago on video Painting Timelapse

I think the final result turned out into real nice piece!
She successfully blended two rather different environments into one using bold choice of color and this pretty hard to control technique..I'd hang something like this on my wall anytime
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+5 28. air commented 13 years ago on video Playing guitar with a spoon

Sweet sounds
Love how he looks trough cam lens, at us at 0:38 xD
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+27 29. air commented 13 years ago on video Mountain Coaster

This is how you suppose to ride it:
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+5 30. air commented 13 years ago on video Seagull riding in front of a race car

It's not a bird, it's part of a nose cone you guys, just strongly resembles bird.
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+29 31. air commented 13 years ago on video Ride the bowl with a Vespa

Kind a got impression the "film and editing" skillz is the point of this vid which were kind of cool, not the boring guy on a scooter doing tricks my grandma could pull of :/
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+9 32. air commented 13 years ago on video The Good The Bad and The Ugly

One word: Awesome!
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+2 33. air commented 13 years ago on video Last real gentleman

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+28 34. air commented 13 years ago on video Triumph The Insult Comic Dog - Star Wars

spoiler: "You will die alone" xD epic, If I was as half as witty as the dog/puppet dude
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+23 35. air commented 13 years ago on video Lego-style apartment transforms into infinite spaces

"Im burning fat by moving thingz with my boyfriend Diesel, then watching my body in z mirror" XD
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-8 36. air commented 13 years ago on video How to Photograph Wolves at Wolf Park

It's all fun unIt's all fun until someone looses his face :Itil someone looses his face :I
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+1 37. air commented 13 years ago on video huge motorcycle crash

#3, the guy in the "black car" actually rode the bike xD.
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+22 38. air commented 13 years ago on video Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

I bet #1, #(removed comment) and #(removed comment) never had a dog for a pet/friend in their lives :I
Dog is your best friend people, and anyone who had/has dog knows what Im talking abut.
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+22 39. air commented 13 years ago on video Tidying up art

I'm hyperventilating :I
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+2 40. air commented 14 years ago on video Aung Zaw Oo Showreeel 2010

He is extremely skillful but he desperately needs a haircut, right now he looks kinda dorky, and dorkiness and coolness dont go hand in hand
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+37 41. air commented 14 years ago on video Snow Kayak Speed World Record

I'm sorry but this guys laugh makes me wanna see him fall of a cliff
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+1 42. air commented 14 years ago on video Awesome milk trick!

Now I know how Kubrick filmed that trippy Space oddissey sequence
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+7 43. air commented 14 years ago on video A Unicycle?

Somehow reminded me of South Park episode The Entity: xD
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+14 44. air commented 14 years ago on video Head Injury

#9 What makes you so sure he didn't
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+11 45. air commented 14 years ago on video Touch and eject

@ Vintage4life_ I love the educational side of Snotr when posters lay down some raw fact, thx bro, and keep the tradition going guys ;)
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+15 46. air commented 14 years ago on video Skater Saved By Backpack

If you look closely at frames between 12 and 13 sec of the vid, the cut will become obvious, it's a montage, in French, putting it together :D
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+10 47. air commented 14 years ago on video Biker Collides Head-On With Old Man

Pedestrian fault, he's lucky it was bike that hit him.
I was crossing crosswalk to school 10 years ago, and crossed that place like gazzilion times during my education days, and one day, they changed the traffic direction in this street, cos of the road works, and if I haven't stopped and looked left and right as I always do, crosswalk or no crosswalk, I wouldn't be here enjoying snotr vids, I'd be run over by speeding bus.

So, always >Stop< and check before you cross streets guys!!
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+2 48. air commented 14 years ago on video Engine Swapping

tyler durden in background laughing :D just let go man!!
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+23 49. air commented 14 years ago on video The Intimidator

In your face James Bond XD
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+27 50. air commented 14 years ago on video One way to wake your buddy

At least learn how to properly stabilize your cam before causing your best friend a concussion
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+21 51. air commented 14 years ago on video Pro Mexican Wrestler Punches Fan In The Face

ay caramba XXD
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+18 52. air commented 14 years ago on video Failed Arson Attempt

dumbass :D
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+30 53. air commented 14 years ago on video Kinetic paper craft sculpture.

Origami 5.0.. love it
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+11 54. air commented 14 years ago on video Gummy Bear vs Potassium Chlorate

Felt like watching "Blade" with Wesley Snipes :D