Comments posted by alienperfection


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-3 1. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video Man gets owned by his cat

look at that blob
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

-2 2. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video Online gamer looks for a new girlfriend

that guy is sucks sooooo much !
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

+1 3. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video That's one way to come down the stairs

:* so cute!!
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

-2 4. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video Let's wait for the train to cross

holy s**t
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

+2 5. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video Rooster says "hello"

he's got more lungs than me... :P
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

-1 6. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video How to wrap a cat

isn't that so cute??!!!!
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

+1 7. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video Bird Hates Other Bird

gosh ... after that he probably is left with a milkshake brain
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

+2 8. alienperfection commented 15 years ago on video Extreme Scare Prank

she scared to death then stops and says "oh no I broke a nail"......... -_-' come on...