Comments posted by antifolklore


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+1 1. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Land Rover "Pathological Liar"

What use is a 4x4 car or sports car when nearly all roads are less then 10 degrees and max speed limits hit 120 km at most. Men who drive in these cars had other reasons for those cars.

Insecure people who want to drive. Get your ass inside a big ass car so at least you'll have something big down there.
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+3 2. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video F1 team helps boy get bionic hand.

#3 the christian god hates amputees and never cures them.
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+10 3. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Validation

yeah a sad thinkg you cannot smile on your passport anymore.
Stupid gouverment wants to keep us content but not happy I guess.
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+21 4. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Barn owl and cat play together

They probably grew up together. It's awesome how natural enemies can get along once they grow up together. Does this owl deliver mail :P
:(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 5. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Dance Monkey, Dance!

#4 Let me guess you are religious? It shows through your morals.
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-5 6. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Hard drive teardown

Our lifestandard without electricity would go down by miles.
Most of us. Yes even in the first world countries would starve to death.
I don't think money will be important in the end. Just weapons and manpower.
The most cruel will rule.

We cannot produce as much food as we do now without electics.
Maybe 10-15% of what we produce now. Life acoustic guitar??? the only guitar you'll be using is to smash some1s skull in for a scrap of food. Or maybe even to eat the person in question.

When you are hungry you will eat anything even tree bark and other people.
Concentration camps in North Korea are a great example of that. A country with hardly any electricity.
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+1 7. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Who defends the rights of animals?

Agree americas cow/super E-coli factories are way worse. Talking about cruelty in some other country look at your own first.

@cripplecog Feeding a cow only corn and letting it live in 0.5 a meter of shit, yes including sleeping in its own shit and then mass shipping it for days to a big scary butchery. YES 35000 cows a day in a single buchery.
Not even to mention to cruelty to the mexicans who work/are exploited there.

In most countries there are thousands of butcheries while america only has 13.
I've been to south Korea and they protested by the thousands against american beef. Shame they couldn't stop it from entering I think every person has to do the same and stop the shit farms.
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-1 8. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Duck Downhill Marathon

Duck tales :D This brings back memories
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-2 9. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles

#7 Ineed :S 30 degrees...... why the hell are people not inside the water? I would go there. Looking at the sky and the clothes the kids are wearing the air temperature would be about 10 degrees. I would warm up in the nice hot ocean/sea. I've never experienced an ocean hotter the the air temperature though.
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0 10. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Top 5 Super Organisms

We have so many organisms on and arround our body that you could say we are only 10% human.
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+12 11. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Bizarre Circus Act

looks very cosy. A bit too cosy for me though
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+2 12. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video About Conformity

#3 Bjorn borg used to be the same. Everybody showed their underpants. In my opinion it was crazy, but you wouldn't see many girls here not showing their underpants. Showing your underpants was taboo before, but due to group presure it became almost mandatory.
You are saying that only a few people didn't chose to wear their underwear like that? Bulshit. Everybody copies to conform themselves with others. Or in this case these few cool girls who incited the fasion.

Only a very few have grown up not to conform with others and they are stigmatised for being different.
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+6 13. antifolklore commented 13 years ago on video Birth of A Botfly Maggot: with "Doctor Bugs"

I always loved insects. This is a bit too far for me, though nothing to be grossed about. to each it's own
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+2 14. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Snow Kayak Speed World Record

snow kayaking? is it even recognised as an actual sport? anyways good find.
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+6 15. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video bubble bath

#10 They are Koreans. Sadly they have the same bias towards us. :( Every english speaking person is considered an American. It really sucks having to carry my passport at night because of Americans are banned in clubs in seoul. I have to confirm my nationality.
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+4 16. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Sideways bike

theft prevention. In amsterdam quite useful. No one can ride that bike appart from him
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+5 17. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Line Drive Homer Nails Fan in the Head

Actually getting hit on the glasses might weaken the blow and safe your life. I've been hit on my glasses once with a ball really hard and appart from getting minor cuts from the supports on my nose I didn't get as much damage as I could have had.
My glasses have been run over stepped on rolled over and thrown and still only minor scratches.
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0 18. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Walking Table

Finally I can have a wlaking buffet. This is the solution for fat people. Since they have to run down their food.
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+21 19. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video The Snazzy Napper

looks like a burka, not something I would wear on an airport either :P
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-3 20. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Spanish bullfighter gored

#(removed comment) You are generalising humans greatly.

I'm a nurse and I don't think my life is worth less then that of just any animal. But there are people who are near worthless. I respect animals and the suffering they go through to feed us. (docementary: food inc.)

You are a man so have no right to talk about abortion. It's not a right that concerns you very much. It's womens right to choose for their own body. And if you say all life is sacred and that kind of crap. Some women could die because of their pregnancy.

If you say that that is worth the life of the child I dare you to donate all your organs because it is deffinatly worth it saving so many lives in your own opinion

Bullfighters fight an uneven battle.
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0 21. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video The surprising science of motivation.

This is from TED. I've seen this one (the real podcast) a year ago on www.TED/com. There was also an interesting one about wikipedia. how it started and everything. Wish they did more videos like this. And put it in public schools worldwide. This is key information IMO for any person who wants to start a company in the future.
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+7 22. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Remarkable space saving furniture.

First you have yards, then foot, then inch.
It just doesn't make any sense. Same like farenhait and celcius.
When it's above zero it's like 85 farenheit. When it's cold it's -2 degrees celcius. WTF.

Just use the metric and celcius all the time. Saves everybody trouble.
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+4 23. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Purse Snatchers on a Motorcycle Beaten by Angry Crowd

This is the reason we should all have anti gun laws. Much more fun and less crime.
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0 24. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video 10 Craziest Child Preachers

Lol how come no 1 is defending this shite. Ridiculing religion is the only aproach able to cure these people. If enough people ridicule them then they will turn because most of them are sheep, following other peoples ideas.

Don't boil a kid in its mothers milk. (1 of the 10 commandments)

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+1 25. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Kill streak of a Darwin's Beetle

is there like 1 female for every 5 males or something?? Why are there so many males and why didn't they mate before the others got there. Or are they her overprotective brothers.

I guess its a beetle tournament and the winner gets the chick.
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-1 26. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video The Ichneumon Wasp

#17 you seem to know nothing about evolution. Only the bias things your preachers might have told you. God is dead and the sooner you realise that the sooner you can get on with your one and only life.

This sure is one of the most awesome parasites. I wish there were more insect videos on snotr
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-6 27. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video 10 Million Birds

@imagic When two planes hit eachother they call it a near miss. When they fly hundreds of meters appart they call it a miss...... or near hit
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+5 28. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Hitler reacts to the Hitler parodies being removed from YouTube

It's funny when you don't know german. This actor puts hitler down perfectly though. At least how we want to see him.
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+1 29. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Rotifers - Just add water!

@Thanny #18

Lack of reproduction would be true for many larger species.
Most species on earth evolved from Asexual RNA strings and thus gained sex rather then losing it.
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0 30. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Ricky Gervais - The Bible

The bible is the greatest joke ever created. It wont be easy to top that on april fools. I mean it's been played on so many people brilliantly.
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+4 31. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Baby Goat vs Fox

and only a week old. If human children could run like that from predators. Chris Hanson would be out of a job. :P
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+2 32. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Crossing the road

survival of the best drivers :P if you cannot drive you will die in a traffic accident early in life. Thats why China has such a lack of women :P >:)
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+6 33. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video Pilipinas Got Talent contestant sounding like a horse

I agree amazing performance. who knew this song could be sang like this. I doubt anyone could do it any better. did anyone else here on snotr listen to the original before commenting??? I doubt it.

for those who didn't, you people are the surface of the skin you are wearing. Superficial.
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+8 34. antifolklore commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

I'm a browser!! Or are they talking about webbrowsers?? I can understand why people are confused. I use firefox and safari.
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-1 35. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Neil Tyson about UFOs

Love it, agree with #4 and #5 keep up the interesting videos.
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-1 36. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Guy Balances Chair Over Precipice

It's great he still does stunts I hope he keeps doing him until he can't. ever heard about a 97 year old man doing surgeries :D
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+14 37. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Terje Håkonsen - norwegian snowboarder

Looked like a free fall with a snowboard. Great balls ::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
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-5 38. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video I Gotta Feeling

wait.... this was not the original clip ?? :P :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+2 39. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Prank Call Gone HORRIBLY Wrong

damn thats sick. To say that to your boyfriend or husband.
Even more sick that hes sleeping with her sister. Dude why would you sleep with your sisters husband thats really sick.
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0 40. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Toyota Yaris

The young guy kinda reminds me about the young Jim Carrey. I don't know, the face the way he moves and talks. Kinda reminds me of cabelguy.
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-3 41. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus

this is an awesome vid. posted arround the right time too :D
Takes him all year to deliver packages :S I thought he did it in a single day.
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+1 42. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video FLIP - the ship that can operate horizontally and vertically

awesome piece of science.
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-15 43. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The tetris god

tetris is all about strategy and insight. Wich is not womens best trait. This is a mens game!
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+7 44. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Panda Kindergarten

panda's don't breed well anywhere. it's a miracle they made it this far. Panda's lack a great deal of anatomic knowledge of their reproductive organs. Bassically the men don't know how to fuck.
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-2 45. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Top Gear - Bugatti Veyron vs McLaren F1 (Drag Race)

#14 so bassically you create even more traction. Making the car even less efficient. I'd rather see them make even lighter cars and efficient cars like mclaren that have a more then 2% fuel efficiency to actually push the car forward.

so much is lost due to air and friction why create even more friction. Thats why they need a ton of extra horse power to match the mclaren.

Mclaren wins for me both fuel efficiency and smartness. The first carbon based car. THEY made the real progress. Going back to metals is going back a century to steam powered cars.
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+2 46. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video What's wrong with this?

Some states it's again the law to fill your tank yourself, so you always get helped. If you live in one of those states and go to somewhere where you have to refill yourself I can imagine this happens sometimes.
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+2 47. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Near hit

#19 brilliant
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+4 48. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The Year of 2009 in Auto-Tune

#4 I've seen enough cat and baby videos for several lifetimes.
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-3 49. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Lucky Dog Rescued

I don't think the USA is evil. Just the gouverment is flawed in many ways since it it run by corporations.

The are only two parties in the USA.
So they bassically have a monopoly on the gouverment.

Have you guys ever heard about a one party democrazy.
Lol the US democrazy is just twice that.
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-3 50. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video 'Sinterklaas' bloopers

funny as hell, but then I'm dutch :D :(|) :(|) :(|)
Yeah americans think santa claus is real but in fact he is fake while our sinterklaas is the only real original one.

Shame helping orphins changed into spoiling bratzzz.

Same goes for sint maarten (similar to halloween) wich was created as a day when rich would give a good meal to poor children.
Nowadays children come begging at the doors asking for candy.
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-5 51. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Will Smith

#12 agree. +1

Scientology might be weird but did you look at the bible??

Science brought us comfort.
Religion brought us.... churches and mosque and witch hunts.

If you want to worship something, worship the sea, the sun and the earth. They are the main parts that created life.
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0 52. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video You won 100k!

he can sue them probably. This case would be fair to sue these bastards.
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-19 53. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Saturday Night Live - Tiger Woods

Lame, though I don't know much about tiger woods. Since I'm not a proffesional golf fan.
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+1 54. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Mimicking bird - unseen footage!

Too funny. Put a smile on my face :(|) :(|)
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+1 56. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Red Trapdoor Spider

no exo-skeleton being can grow over 4~ kilo on land. I saw a documentary about the biggest land crabs. Biggers then that they just break appart.
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+2 57. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The IT Crowd - I'm Disabled

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+3 58. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Misheard Lyrics

Pretty lung "with the picture". :(|) :(|) :(|) He mumbles when he talks normally so I guess singing like this is not far away for sean paul
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+4 59. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Where's Rob?

I just love their projects. Getting everyone exited over some1 missing.
this should be in awesome section but who cares.

Congratz on finding rob
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+1 60. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Russian Merry-Go-Round

That was smart
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+2 61. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

@LightAng3l If you want to know how and why things are invented watch a stroke of genius. war has nothing to do with it.

Hiroshima didn't safe any lives and the bomb after that on Nagasaki also didn't safe any lives. The first was uncalled for and the second was even worse. All to prevent russia to enter Japan. The only reason to nuke innocents in a country that has lost already.

radioactive cancer and deformities were also invented by war.

The bomb was invented AFTER they invented nuclear power as a new power source.
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-3 62. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Marriage Proposal FAIL

Even a monkey could have thought of a better way to propose still :(|) :(|) :(|) For her slap in his face. She had a lot more courage then him. He needed an entire audience to try make her say yes. She slapped him in front of that many people and that takes guts.
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+3 63. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Slalom Free-style Rollerblade

#9 You could never accomplish something on her level and based on your comment I bet you cannot compete with asian men on a certain level as well. I hope you have not matured yet. If you are mature I bet you drive a really big car.

text on the wall on the back is Korean hangul.
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+12 64. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Modern Warfare 2 - The Knife Throw..

some people are just too good for their own good :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+6 65. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Turn that "toot" into a tune!

#5 because it's an actual invention you can buy. :(|) >:) :(|)
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-1 66. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Memes remixed by two old ladies

:(|) :(|) :(|) love these girls.
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-2 67. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video ARES I X Test Flight

#11 Dream on. Even IF we discover light speed travel the nearest place will still be thousands of years away.
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+10 68. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Wine Glass Music

A few years of playing like that and he wont have any back left. Awesome playstyle and skill. :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+3 69. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video I Am Canadian!

I've met some americans with canadian flags on their backpacks.
I'm dutch and most of the young americans I've met were pretty nice, though they were backpackers and I haven't met any young religious americans as of yet so my perception is a bit biased.
Americans are banned from most clubs in Seoul and in Okinawa base Japan they are (were?) grounded due to their behaviour (sexual assault violence and rape).

#8 I also could never understand that.

I have one question
What's with the converting talks when I meet american christians.
"Oh, your not christian you will burn in hell for all eternity if you accept jesus in my heart all my sins would be forgiven :S.
What the ....!!!!

I'm not a believer, but didn't jesus die for all our sins. I really cannot believe how uber christians can know so little about their own believes.
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0 70. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Your business card is #$@!

biggest douche in the universe!
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0 71. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Human LCD

South Korea is awesome :D I've been there several times. If these are high school students then RESPECT. My girlfriend used to go to school from 7 AM - 10 PM during her high school years and even saturday and sundays. I can't imagine practicing for this between studies :S.

I think it had been done really well. They are all in sync and many different performances. Awesome indeed
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-4 72. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Feed The World

I'm not even gonna comment on this
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+5 73. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video VideoGioco

Without paper we'd still be writing on rocks and tree bark. This guy shows paper still pwns :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+4 74. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Are we the baddies?

#4 Yes and the papacy had over 150 million christians burned at the stake during the dark ages. And some of the popes who lived during that era were declared saints later on.

Oh dude don't forget on the other side of the planet the Japanese etc. were fighting their war too. It's not Hitlers WWII we all kinda had our share in it.
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-5 75. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video How to blow a deer out of a frozen lake

#2 I've seen OCC (orange county choppers) on discovery channel build a lot of weird custum choppers. By the looks of it though I have to dissapoint you. It's just a deer.
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+49 76. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Red Green Show

as a carpenter I can apreciate this. Very inventive. But prefer a chainsaw. :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-3 77. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Leg work

Since you have to be pretty fast on your feet to catch criminals as a cop you need good leg work. That's what this is about. It's not that funny, but still it is a nice exageration. Today however being a cop is mostly donuts.
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-9 78. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Pantyhose Tug of War!

#(removed comment) not really the one guy just let it slip from his head.
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-4 79. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Spider man faceplant

he lost his powers :P he's becoming the man spider again.
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+3 80. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Awesome football shooter

yeah why does he walk away without looking back. Is he expecting an explosion??
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+2 81. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The Red Sparrows

lol the end is tasty
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0 82. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Free skateboard running

lol the rubix cube at 2:01. Trying to reach a lot of people with this vid.
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-4 83. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Arcing powerlines cause tree fire & explosion

Underground powerlines for the win :D.
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+2 84. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video One Man Band

awesome clip
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0 85. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video School answering machine

Got to love automated answering machines.
I hate it that school can't punish kids anymore because they are afraid of the parents.

This video is the right response

If you realise that this is the real world. :D best sentence
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+2 86. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Do-Re-Mi at the train station

Lol they just continue their travels right after dancing like nothing happened :P.
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+4 87. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video SNL Digital Short - On The Ground

'This aint my dad' is the best.
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0 88. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The Incredible Cocktail Machine

don't forget the ice cubes :D
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+6 89. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Small jumping cat

it's always badboy who complains about cruelty :P
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-3 90. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Gas station explosion

#(removed comment) well if you had the right stocks you'd be filling your pockets.
Weapons and oil.

Everyone knows how much the bush family profited fomr the war.

#12 Yes WAY LESS then 1%, I saw the statistics in a TED video ( Don't know wich one anymore I searched in vain. USA the best country please enlighten me
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+1 91. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Peace day in Afghanistan

#2 as in bush killed the peace in afghanistan??? Dunno about that.
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-6 92. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Gas station explosion

This may seem odd now but one day, I fear this may become reality. Resources more valuable then lives. Oh wait they already are!

The 10% richest people have 75% of all wealth.
The 10% poorest people have less then 1% of the world wealth.
the other 24% is in hands of the middle man 80% of the people.

Resources is everything in this world. It does not matter for the top 10% how many people die to fill their wallets. Look at Iraque for example.
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+3 93. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video High five in New York city

#7 exactly lmao.
Great video, he sure had a lot of patience. You can see sometimes he missed as well. Anyways great vid. I would smile if he did that with me :D.
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+10 94. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Where shooting stars come from

My wishes are usually shitty too to doesn't matter
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+4 95. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video A moment of clarity

Wait until 50 years later when we'll have a world war because of lack of fresh water supplies. We are already running shorter every single year.
The next war will deffinatly be about resources, it's only a matter of WICH resource will run out first.
Will it be oil, water, metals, food, or plutonium needed to keep our energy plants going.

The 21st century is the century where we have to fix all the problems our ancestors made in the past. Global birthlimitations, Recycling, subterranian housings and workspaces, reforestation.

Anti-grav weaponry :(|) :(|) :(|) Anti-matter missiles that travel mach 20+. From one side of the earth to the other in mere seconds.
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+4 96. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Hammer and feather drop on moon

We did this test during science class way back. A vacuum pipe with a feather a small lead ball and a piece of paper. And they went at equal speeds through the pipe.
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-3 97. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Sea lion stealing a fish

They were stealing his prey. Serves them right. Shame he didn't pull the guy in.
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-2 98. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Bunny letter opener

#2 I know the vid but sorry don't know how to find it. I think it was about 4 months ago.
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0 99. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Motorbike Vs Pole

Could give him a darwin award if he lost reproductive ability :D ??? Did his nuts hit the pole straight on or what. Damn that has got to hurt after 2 minutes when the pain kicks in. Can't say I feel sorry for him but I'm happy he didn't hit some innocent bystanders.
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-3 100. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video President Obama calls Kanye West a jackass

#6 respect!!
BTW on kanye. Why is he a genius??
Seems to me he is delirious. Perhaps he suffers from some variant on the Napoleon complex. They should have him checked if he really thinks he's a genius.
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+5 101. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Kanye West - Famous douchebag

Most of the audience are aplauding for what he says. IMO he is not the only douche there. But deffinatly the worst.
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-4 102. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Grand Theft Dog

#(removed comment) I agree. I think she needs emotional help instead of some cop telling her he should have shot her. This cop has a hell of a trigger finger. If he doesn't want to do this job in the middle of the night then maybe he should look for another job or shoot himself instead. Good way for america to take care of confused citizens though.
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+4 103. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Worst Fight Scene Ever?

dude this is the shit. I wish all movies were like this.
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-6 104. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Lucky the turtle gets new legs

Wheels would be better if they where sphere wheel perhaps. I think other wheels would make steering more difficult or would make him tip over all the time.
Poor turtle for having such owners that mock him with losing his legs like that. The cynism when she says "he does his very best." And then her evil laugh. Hehe just kidding. They did great but the least she could have done was give him a paint job or use a perma marker on the white parts. Damn they are ugly!!
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+24 105. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Optimus Prime top 10 list

And television
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-3 106. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Drinking with hair on fire

Yeah it's a shame wasting tax payers money on these guys. Lmao.
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-3 107. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Magic wedding proposal

agree with #12 Now how am I going to propose.
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+4 108. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video The Old City of Dubrovnik

Neatly done. The things science can accomplish. What with the strange cubes on the street though. No one else noticed???
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+2 109. antifolklore commented 15 years ago on video Synchronised swimming on a Michael Jackson song

Woh that my first post can be on this vid :D I just came from Seoul.
Great vid, although the world is getting MJ overdose ATM. Great watching Korean girls swim for a change.