Comments posted by antrax13


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+10 1. antrax13 commented 11 years ago on video Operation PLUTO in WW2

#3 same in Scotland, UK
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-5 2. antrax13 commented 11 years ago on video Operation PLUTO in WW2

imagine where would we be without WWs, we would probably just developed wooden wheel
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-5 3. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Beware of the dog

cant see the point
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-4 4. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Understanding Barman - Fry & Laurie

I can see over pouring there. Thats the way it should be pour 8-)
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+32 5. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Kid get slapped while sleeping in class.

didnt expect to kick the guy behind him who sit there like a boss with pokerface
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-10 6. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Stuntmans Brutal Parkour Crash!

00:31 you are welcome
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-4 7. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video 4yr old Mountain Biking

#7 and you are also dyslectic
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+9 8. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Rallye WRC France 2012

00:19 evil laugh
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+30 9. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video iPhone 4s Versus iPhone 5

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-2 10. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Volvo's new Pedestrian Airbag

money > human life unfortunately... for increasing profit they will implement anything if they can get their moneyyyyyyyy back
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+3 11. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video How the internet can read your mind

#2 trust me they are no irrelevant, computing algorithms work on predefined path, if they are irrelevant it means you enterred wrong details somewhere. If you (person A) like milk and eggs and another person B likes milk and butter then person C who has in basket eggs is more likely like person A and with increment data inputs from user you get more accurate results. And also there is many more reason why facebook shows you irrelevant stuff (lack of ads, missing values, lack of data or wrong data)

I am currently working on suggestion system that should increase sells by collecting user data but you have a point that facebook has millions of users and their suggestion(ads) system should work very well as they have a lot of information to use for data mining not like me
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+4 12. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video How It's Made - Vinyl Records

my friend who is dj still using vinyl and it looks awesome when he changing tracks and vinyls. he is mixing dnb but said it so bloody expensive to buy them or make them produce
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+10 13. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Super Angry Birds

wish I was so engineering oriented :|
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+39 14. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Fake beggar bust.

dream job, no taxes :D
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+1 16. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video AWESOME KO

call the funeral service please
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0 17. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Home made drums

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+49 18. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Mom Fail of the Day

I would slap that mom if he would hit her child trolley.
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+2 19. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Flying Horse

is that sutin ;) :x
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+6 20. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation - April 2012

6:54 evil :D the last one think he won but he missed in between area :D >:) :x
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+1 21. antrax13 commented 12 years ago on video Man Is Giant Kangaroo's Servant

make sure you keep eating the big one :D
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+1 22. antrax13 commented 13 years ago on video Millionare Fails

millionaire in my country is always like are you sure are you sure is it your final answer and the first girl just said slam dunk and they mark it as a final answer half second when she said final answer. In my country it would be are you sure and fucking 10 minutes asking are you sure
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+1 23. antrax13 commented 13 years ago on video what happens to your bag when it goes behind the rubber flaps at check-in.

#3 if u do it everyday and pick up like 1000 of luggages, would love to see you how nicely you are manipulating with every luggage. Just saying I am flying quite often and never had broken something inside if u know how to pack your luggage.
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-14 24. antrax13 commented 13 years ago on video If classic games had DLC

I know this is OT comment but one of my new year resolutions is not to watch all videos and focus on business and uni. Happy hogmanay snotr community
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+5 25. antrax13 commented 13 years ago on video Acrobatics on the Empire State Building

#2 0:23 to make you feel how they feel
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+16 26. antrax13 commented 13 years ago on video Bird Balancing Trick

portugal26 and his zoo
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+10 27. antrax13 commented 13 years ago on video Animation of the future construction of the arch that will encase Chernobyl.

#3 its on rail so no problem
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+6 28. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video 200 beers, please !

Thats in czech and there most of the people love foam not like in UK where you have beer without foam
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+8 29. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video British Police Get Flooded Out

#if there would be lonely blond girl all of those laughing guys would be there asap to help her :P
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-2 30. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Cyanide & Happiness - Ted Bear

You need to find source of food because food means couple hydrate, hydrate means energy, energy means movement, movement means survival :) Bacon tree there are some of these quite on ready, you need to climb highet to find crispy one >:) like in ultimate :D
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+10 31. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Sleeping Puppy Dreaming

portugal26 and his animal ::(|)
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+1 32. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Airbus A319 & Car

jackass 3D engine starts :D
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-5 33. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Girl Gets hit with a Pinata Stick

#5 for me it was just gets hit and then saw that long stick
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-2 34. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Squirrels Fight For Carrot

Am I the only one that these two animals are hamsters
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+2 35. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video 134 tons of pot burns in Mexico

each of these fellas has full pocket of weed for sure
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+35 36. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Guy thrown out of truck

imagine that he has power steering on right side
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+13 37. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video optical illusion to slow down drivers

3 Drivers make drift there and optical illusion will be over
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+15 38. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Cruel Japanese Prank Show

I love japanese SHOWS. Give monkey for this one :(|)
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+4 39. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Boomerang Skateboard Hits Kid In Head

he is crying like baby boy
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+2 40. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Sweden Helicopter Heist Footage Released

haha group for sex keep money behind the window
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+2 41. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video A true old-style craftsman

I forgot to wear seatbells
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+37 42. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Welcome Back Pt. 2

I am man but had a tear during watching
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+1 43. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Online Gamer 3

I feel embarrassed while watching ...
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+24 44. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Shaolin Kung Fu

shaolin kung fu is based on that he knows exactly where to hit him to make him feel pain
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+3 45. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video The more oil spills change, the more they stay the same.

Nature has always final word!
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+6 46. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Submixpro Studio - The Future Of Electronic Music

amazing Ive never known that something like this exists, I am big fan of trance music and this table is mixing exactly music for my ears, otherwise I can not imagine how tiesto or bureem dyck are using this table would be definetely funny
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-15 47. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Hello ladies, here's the new Old Spice commercial.

Chuck Norris can look like you anytime and smells twice better
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+8 48. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Sweet POV: Downhill bike race in Brazilian slum.

portugal26 where are your animals videos that we love??
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-4 49. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video cutting a face

agree with #11 CNC its not a machine but its man who stand behing it and programmed that machine
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+6 50. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Videogame Racing Chair

guy who is riding that shit was looking for investors in Dragons Den in Czech republic. He did not get money...
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+9 51. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video The Balancing Robot

in google they travel by using this robots from office to office
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+3 52. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Jozin z bazin

its czech language nad he is singing about person called Jozin from basin but actually I dont understand what the singer want to say by this song :D translatio into polish more funnier than this one actually its parody for original one
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+29 53. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Polish car tuning

lol quite good transformer
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-5 54. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video African waterman

fake, he is still holding one of his hand in back ... and also when he is drinking that water from bottle you canNOT see if he is really drinking
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+8 55. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

Ha Ha rofl :D it is car from Slovakia and car has ID of Hlohovec :D
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+6 56. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Umbrella vs tornado simulator

this umbrella should be tested in scotland
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0 57. antrax13 commented 14 years ago on video Trampoline fail

two monkeys :(|) :(|)