Comments posted by asemanden


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+34 1. asemanden commented 13 years ago on video 13-meter Axe Prank

Not so much a prank as an viral ad
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+12 2. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Chewing Gum Picasso

Wow, I really like it when you get your view of simple every day objects turned upside down, makes you think a bit.
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+5 3. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video The Greasiest Sandwich Ever

#12 Are you serious? Stop bullying others with your religious puke on Snotr, it's not the right forum for that.
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+12 4. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Old windows commercial

#6 Actually he's still like this:
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+5 5. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Crowded Japanese train

Every time I see this I think it must be some kind of elaborate joke, but then they fit them in somehow, and then I realise they are japanese. I wouldn't put it past the japanese to do anything, they are after alle these internet years now my favorite people.
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+7 6. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video 32m (107ft) handmade bungee jumping and rope swing

#5 ppl are perfectly capable performing outrageously stupid acts without being on crack. I know because I did and never was on crack, woulden't have the nerve to do this though.

I lol'ed
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+2 7. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video lightning

#22 Try and read my comment at #13 as well, and while you read it ask yourself the question: "Did I just confirm what he wrote with my unfounded derogatory remarks?"
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-8 8. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video lightning

#12 I dont care about thumbs up, if I did I wouldent speak my mind as I do. I speak my mind about subjects instead of resorting to attacking ppl if someone doesen't agree with my viewpoints, sadly thats what religious ppl tend to do a lot, I guess they can't defend their subject in a rationel manner...
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+21 9. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video lightning

#7 Religions dont deserve our respect, religions deserve our ridicule for the fairytales they are.
Fairytales that are portrayed as reality and, in many cases, makes people supend suspend their belief in science.
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+4 10. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video George Carlin - american dream


No, this VIDEO is not "anti-U.S.".

Let me put it to you as simply as I can. A video by itself is just a dumb media, and isen't actually capable of expressing its "own" opinions, it can only be used to express someone elses opionins.
So youre saying the video has an anti-american message, well I don't see anyone else in the video other than George Carlin, so please, enlighten me, whose opion does it express other than George Carlin's then?

BTW. George Carlin was a patriot. Doesn't mean you can't think, express your opinions and observations. Don't hate the First Amendment man, protect it.
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+17 11. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video George Carlin - american dream

#(removed comment) Calling George Carlin anti-american is certainly something of a long stretch, and even though you don't find him funny dosen't mean the rest of us don't.

Resorting to calling the smartest comedian that ever lived bad names, because you can't look beyound your own small political agenda, well that just says a awful lot about you.

R.I.P. George Carlin
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+11 12. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Floating Plastic Bottle Island

It's a houseboat made of recycled materials, what he really is proposing is that we should grow plants while living on the sea, and recycle more.
The materials he used for the houseboat are materials that are already being recycled, it should just be recycled more, and more efficiently.
All the things he is doing, is already being done on a larger scale, but he succeded on combining these efforts in a novel way. And it looks like a fantasy island.
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+2 13. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video kick his ask!

Her answer diden't surprise me since the title gave it away so blatantly, very funny and cute though
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+7 14. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video The Attack of the Jumping Asian Carp

I think they have a better chance of hitting each other, or people in other boats, rather than the carps.
But it's a great way to dump a shitloads of arrows in a river, should you feel the need...
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+46 15. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Danish Championships 2010 in Rabbit Hopping

Thousands of years of animal domestication and training them for our purposes have lead to... this?
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+1 16. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video The humble stove.

It's a good idea, but i have to agree with #(removed comment), it's cool to wow your friends with but would never stand a chance in a professional kitchen, and it's not really superior to other modern stove tops for the home kitchen
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+1 17. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Walking Table

#3 I'd agree with you except for the vertical part, you need rocket boosters for that, imagine that on a table :P
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+2 18. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Cell Phone Reunion

My feelings about iphone exactly until i get one myself of course :P
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+33 19. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Boomerang Skateboard Hits Kid In Head

I thought skateboarders were supposed to be tough. I woulden't call him a kid though.
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+55 20. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video start the future now

Thank god for Japan, they belive anything can be done and then they do it.
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+30 21. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Thru Religion

#6 As an atheist you are part of the box, not of the shadows made by the box
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+5 22. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Pea Plant Grows In Man's Lung

I was enjoying the video until his wife, bending forwards, and saying rather enthusiastically "God has such a sense of humor". Then I puked mentally.
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+35 23. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Funny football Fight

Luckily noone was hurt
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+2 24. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video bionic legs

Good to see good things coming to good people.
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+3 25. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Goverment Brawl In India

#12 You made your comment in a public forum making it everyones business, you have some extremist views you should expect some extreme responses. USA has definitely changed its attitude to immigrants, foreign politics etc. to a more extremist viewpoint (such as your own) since 9/11. Besides who cares what people state as their country of origion, you come out as nationalistic and paranoid when you set yourself out to be the watchdog over other peoples profile settings.
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+3 26. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Goverment Brawl In India

#9 Judging by the aggresive, nationalistic comments you usually always make I find it hard to belive that you are from USA, a nation that (used to) pride itself on tolerance for other cultures, and standing as an example for other countries on how to act as an democracy.
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+34 27. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Spider crab sheds it's shell

#1 All kinds of animals(reptiles mostly) and insects shed their skin/shells
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+1 28. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Bmx fall

I feel bad for the guy that he diden't wear a helmet, I hope he is okay, it could be nice if the poster wrote some more background info in videos like this.
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+2 29. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Woman sings "Flight of the Bumblebee".

I don't care if she has "awesome skills" if she uses them like this
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+3 30. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Ramon Dekkers

Where is Frank Dux when you need him
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+8 31. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Prehistoric Frilled Shark

#17 emo meets hippie, gets child, name him smar
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+4 32. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Music Clock In Shibuya, Tokyo (Japan)

I fail to see the point since an atomic clock is far superior to any mechanical clock you can make, in short its a big waste of resources
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+7 33. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Working Lego Sniper Rifle

What an amazing display of skill that isen't on a skateboard or a motorbike
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+4 34. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Cold lava :D

cooler than lava
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-7 35. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video First flight teething problems

wooooow it must be sloooow times for snotr since they post this piece of utter garbage, so fucking meaningless and #9 you must have a brain the size of a peanut if this is entertainment for you, either that or youre just an average american
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-4 36. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Crazy paper thing

#7 Yeah it's really not that hard to follow, you ONLY needed to watch it TWICE and PAUSE it...
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-2 37. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video You Can't Trust Science!

The world is in a poor state, when in a time where so many remarkable discoveries are made, man turn to religion, satisfied with what they already know.
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+8 38. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video You Can't Trust Science!

#4 Yes and some scientists even belive in a god, gasp!
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+49 39. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Walk on water.

tired of all this viral shit
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-12 40. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Drifting around the cops

REEEEDNEEECK Entertainment, it's either this or catching wild boar, lol stoopid rednecks
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-2 41. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Doggy Beatboxing

lol stupid americans, have to resort to mistreating everything, movies, comedy and now animals in order to be entertained
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+2 42. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Fish or tadpole? Five miles deep.

#9 Could be they used weak light and very light sensitive cameras, and/or modified the images afterwards, besides the hadal snailfish doesen't have so light sensitive eyes
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+38 43. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video This woman can crush your head

Hmm.. I'm gonna have a talk with my gf after this, she keeps saying they're so sensitive
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+7 44. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Concrete Breaking

Thats sick! Think he would have made more money as a rock n' roll drummer though..
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-6 45. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Incredible parcours skills

#(removed comment) Yes I agree, I can't wait either til this dumb buttfuck snaps his thick neck, I'll be the first to be around to rip the rest of his tiny head off and shit down his throat.
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+1 46. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Skin Keyboard

#7 zoidberg you're an idiot, what kind of selfcentered nationalistic idiot would have a flag as their profile image.
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+34 47. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Mosaic cubes

those guys are good, real good
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-7 48. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Granny DJ

Wish this was my granny
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+12 49. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Ghost Car

Would be useful to see the full clip I think, probably the explanation comes a few seconds after the end of the one posted here, like the driver swerved left where there is a hole in the fence and the cops dident.
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+43 50. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Still Face Experiment

Try to do this to an adult you will see some pretty extreme responses with them as well
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+7 51. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Ed Alleyene-Johnson

Youth is wasted on the young 4:35
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+4 52. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

What is a browser?
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+22 53. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Rumsfeld gets cute at the podium

Well at least he is good at origami
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0 54. asemanden commented 14 years ago on video Monkey using tools

#37 "darwinism" as a word is being massively misused by creationists in the US to say that evolution is a religion, please use "evolution" instead
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+66 55. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video The Most Useless Machine Ever

OMG this is the first ever machine I ever seen on the web that I *must* have, fantastic!
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+4 56. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Look At My Horse

#5 I think you'll find that the video repeats itself every 50 seconds
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+12 57. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Afghan soldier learning English

Fantastic smile and attitude, and he seems like a quick learner.
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+1 58. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Excellent Amateur Video Shot Backwards

Hard to put into words how stunning this is.
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+2 59. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Awesome Rube Goldberg Machine

So inventive and clever. It's beautifull in it's own right.
On another note, please don't tell the ending in the first comment.
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-5 60. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Myanmar Chinlone Mystic Ball

fugitivegoose I call your vote botting bluff... how sad to waste your time like that
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-2 61. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Myanmar Chinlone Mystic Ball

#3, #1
Only american's call football for soccer.
The brazilian's play street football, the myanmar's in this case play a variant of hackey sack.
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+8 62. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Myanmar Chinlone Mystic Ball

What your watching is Myanmar Chinlone Mystic Ball and not what you call "soccer", though since you are most likely american and thus probably confused you have my sympathy.
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+8 63. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Escort takes-out bike riders

#4 OMG even you!?
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-6 64. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video 4 Year-Old Hip Hop Dancer

To be honest I think that if I really set my mind to it I could do some of the moves, so from that perspective no wow-effect I was simply not wowed, espically not if you compare him to someone like Usher.

So to summ up, my mouth dident form a WOW!
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+3 65. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video First spiderman

Pretty cool video, you can also watch it here in a sligthly longer version: ... Hmmm....
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-4 66. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Armed Tank

Man that's like driving a mobile bomb :O
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+1 67. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Birds swarming


Give me a break, as if birds only swarm in Denmark..
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+5 68. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Audio Illusion

Cute little video, although it has nothing to do with ownage, get your categories straight!
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+1 69. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Baby buffalo attacked

This is known as "the battle at kruger" and is a really amazing video, too bad that the intro gives all the surprises away.
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+14 70. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Chinese kid singing ‘Loving You’

This is beyond bad, can anyone answer #4?
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+3 71. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Your business card is #$@!

The uploader must be in family with this guy to put the video in the awesome category...
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0 72. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train

#22 Yo dude there are also plenty of hits if you google Michael Jackson is alive, but that dosen't really mean it's true, it just means those word occur on the same page. Your argumentation is seriously flawed.
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0 73. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video A grande wedding

Dont people worry about getting hit by the bullets on the way back from getting shot straight up? The force from a free falling bullet is enough to penetrate the skull.
And man they're driving fast from what seems like a populated area.
Russia civilized? Bah...
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+2 74. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Shower cat

This cat is totally fresh, looks a bit skinny though without the hair and skin there woulden't be too much meat left. But of course still a very nice treat
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+3 75. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Lucky the turtle gets new legs

Those arms he had was probably very nice, but there is still a lot of him left
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-5 76. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Clean Kitty

Uhhmm.. that's a nice cat
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+1 77. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Parrot massaging a cat

These look absolutely yummy
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+1 78. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Catwalk girl

They are nice and happy people, but there were no cats on the menu as I had hoped
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-2 79. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Puppy can't roll back over

This little puppy looks delicous, very tender at such an young age
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+41 80. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Kid dancing in Apple Store

Can someone explain why this is in the awesome category, or better yet eplain why the fuck this shit is worth spending 5 minutes on?
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+2 81. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video A short compilation of mob pranks, courtesy of the Japanese

To be honest i fail to see the point of posting videos on Snotr that are already extremely well-known and as old as this one.
To me Snotr is about either fresh and innovative videos or older but less known videos that deserve to be known by a broader audience.

With videos such as this one there's simply too much noise on Snotr, and it's even a repost.
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+5 82. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Rocket Butt

#10 Yeah to bad he diden't rid remove himself from the genepool on that attempt, hopefully he and his mates will succeed together the next time.
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-14 83. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Super spray painting

To be honest, this isen't art, this is a technique that everyone can learn.

It's not that it isen't pretty to someone who either is or still thinks like a teenager with all it's vivid colors but it's definitely not art.

If you guys really are so fasicinated by this technique then you can easily make these yourselves, it really is as easy at it seems, you just need a pan, some paper and some spraycans.
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+3 84. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video The Helpful Bus

Oh come on guys this is really funny, and I don't think the ending is scripted :D
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+2 85. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video An engineer's guide to cat yodeling

lol anyone who has a cat can appreciate the humour in this...i love it!
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+9 86. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Lego Arcade

I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but when I was much younger, and my NES was till a summer's worth of lawnmowing money? away, I used to take my Legos and move them around on the floor, sometimes using Lego men, sometimes using the 2x4 blocks, and pretend I was playing video games.
Sometimes it was Mario Bros. ("Super? What's That?";) Sometimes it would be games I just made up.
For some reason, this reminds me of those days I had once forgotten. Surf Wisely!
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-9 87. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Banned commercial: bad eyes

/jaw drop
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+2 88. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Ken Block vs. Ricky Carmichael

top gear at its best!!?

This is one of the first times ive seen James May? this exited!
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-11 89. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video The PEN Story

This video should really give credit to the stop motion wolf pig video created by dokugyunyu. its identical in terms of concept but? i still prefer the wolf pig one
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-2 90. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Tattoo Fight

When ink argues - it's permanent. >:)
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-1 91. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Bird Moonwalk

Even? the birds love MJ!! RIP O:)
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+2 92. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Explosive inc.

You know for a couple of CS hostages they sure could raise a few levels of destructive hell on each other. >:)
Bastards should save themselves for once.? :'(
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+7 93. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Terminator 3 Sergent Candy Scene

lol. I can see why they cut this. It's more like the kind of thing you'd expect to see? in Robocop. >:)

it's good, though O:)

St Candy was lucky that he wasn't arrested for all the cop murders from the first Terminator. But If this was in the cut I saw in the cinema I may have walked out.
Just let? the Zucker Brothers direct it. 8-)
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-13 94. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Explosive inc.

It seems to be based on the unreal engine making it one of the thounds of userbased videos hitting the web like a freighttrain based on this very same core of computer technology. 8-)
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0 95. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Parkour Kids!

OK! Now i watched it and now I Know! It does not seem to two of the real parkour kids, this is why the people on snotr are a little bit on the angry "side!" :( The title says it is parkour! but this i think is another sport? 8-)
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0 96. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Don't get hurt Healthcare

I agree with #3 but I would never dream of living in The US of A since it seems to very dangerous due to very bad health care and poor education system. But I like USA. No offense.
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-3 97. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Rush hour 3

This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a modern movie.
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-2 98. asemanden commented 15 years ago on video Bird Moonwalk

#7 I find it highly likely that this clip is for real due to it's sudden clipping forth and back between bird and chick