Comments posted by atomikpt


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+6 1. atomikpt commented 10 years ago on video Lifeboat Launch, Win Or Fail?

Broken teeth smile indeed :x
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+10 2. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Gator Feeding Frenzy

I ain't never seen so many gators in my life.. you got to love the accent!

Was this a Nascar gator race? :D
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+20 3. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Amazing heel goal by an accident

forget messi and ronaldo.. this is the guy you want!! :P
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+3 4. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Shotover Jet - 'The World's Most Exciting Jet Boat Ride'

They forgot to say:

Some fish were killed on the making of this clip :P
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+2 5. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Special Greg - Special Flip

in a world full of fails.. this is a clear win :D
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+2 6. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Family Feud - A part of your body..."

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0 7. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Wall Ride

CRAZZZZZYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x
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+8 8. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Has this ever happened to you in the morning?

#1 copied comment from youtube.. wtf :)
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+6 9. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video prank failed

6:5 why so serious man?! it is supposed to be a joke.. for sure you got your psycopath diagnosis right there.. damn..
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+4 10. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Artificial organ regrowth.

Long video but worth seeing it. Major breakthroughs in medicine/health future. As a future doctor, I see this along with genetics going to be in our lives soon. #1 It can raise some ethical dilemmas, but even those are out of question at the moment.
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+5 11. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Still Life

Snotr should think about submiting HD videos..
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+8 12. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video Gobble Gobble 2010

adrenaline addicts :D
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-8 13. atomikpt commented 13 years ago on video wipeout

I don't like the sounds they add to this clip.

Those obstacles are made of sponge/soft material and it doesn't hurt at all neither produces that sounds. All for the fun or the viewer.
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-8 14. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Lego AK-47

too much free time. :S if he wasted on studying teleportation <3 or other invention he would have credit!
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+3 15. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Using proper english

thumbs up if you think the voice of the narrator is mesmerizing!
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+10 16. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

can't understand 1 word that is said! but still is fun as hell >:) specially the corner at 2:1
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+2 17. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video ATV Backflip Fail

gravity sucks.
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+45 18. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Skateboarders Get Attacked By Crazy Lady

she isn't getting laid, easy explaination >:)
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+9 19. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video First NES commercial

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+5 20. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video 3 Brasilians and 1 ball

Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos and Robinho, these are the football players there.

All of them very skilled =)
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+3 21. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video We no speak Americano

guys try to PAUSE several times during the video.. u can see their position of hands are almost allways the same!
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+4 22. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video We no speak Americano

the girl has some hand skills.. think what she could... :P
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+7 23. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Top gear - Bolivia

been in similar situation once.. u got to have some nuts! never again :'(
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+12 24. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video All a matter of balance

all he needs is a rest. then get back and drink again! >:)
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+5 25. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Motorbike Skills

i mean.. isn't that against the law doing that in main streets?!
anyway.. only good about this vid is the girls.. mainly 2:45
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-3 26. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Crash carnage

Can someone say what is the song playing? PLEASE!
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+1 27. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Phoenix-Fly -The Need 4 Speed

kinda reminds me of wipeout game somehow..
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+21 28. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video The Levytator

increase of sedentarism ftw.. heart diseases, etc. theme park? can't people just enjoy a walk in the park? ..
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+36 29. atomikpt commented 14 years ago on video Leopard Kills Baboon Protects Baby

I wanted to see more :| baboon needs feeding!! But remaining thought is that pareting is present in all animals.