Comments posted by bergos


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+7 1. bergos commented 16 years ago on video America's history by Michael Moore

Well, he might over exaggerate a bit, but in general this is what happened. People from Europe (English, French, Spanish, Italians, Greeks etc) immigrated to the US, killed all the Indians, and just kept a few to entertain the tourists, stole their land, then brought slaves from Africa to work on that land and now 300 years later call themselves “True Americans” and some of them (not all for sure) are racists against immigrants. How ironic, since their ancestors were exactly that: immigrants….
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0 2. bergos commented 16 years ago on video America's history by Michael Moore

I don’t consider being an American-basher and I take this as an insult. I do know the American culture as I have lived in the US more many years as my father is an American. But I consider myself to be realistic enough to understand that all this aggression and war-creation has nothing to do with the war on terrorism and freeing the downtrodden. After all, there are worst dictators in the world than Saddam, for example in various countries in Africa but I don’t see the US army going there to “liberate” them simply because there is no oil in those countries.

It’s all about financial interests and I hate seeing US soldiers dying in order for Bush, Chainy and Condoleezza to get the multi-million weapons and oil contracts. Being ignorant and un-educated (and I surely don’t mean all the US people) does not mean that someone is stupid. The Government only allows you to learn in school only what they want you to learn. Same with the newspapers, and TV. It’s clearly propaganda and brain-washing. Politicians (all over the world) make a living by lying.

I agree that US has some of the best Universities in the World but creating great scientists has nothing to do with really knowing the reasons you are forced to fight a war thousands of miles away and who your real enemy is. Understanding and accepting the truth doesn’t make you an anti-American. America and Americans are great, but US foreign Policy really sucks, and it is sad to see how many enemies the US have made the last 15 years…

As for Michael Moore I’ve only seen one of his films, and I think he is not reliable in telling the complete truth. He is over exaggerating; he takes a small fish and turns it into a shark.
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-1 3. bergos commented 16 years ago on video America's history by Michael Moore

We shouldn’t be so cruel to the American people, and when I say people I mean the average middle or low class Americans. After all ignorance and being un-educated is not a crime. All the people are brain washed by their Government that they are the planet’s saviors, have God on their side and their job is to protect the weak and helpless countries (as long as they have oil of course or other territorial interests like in Serbia) and that if they don’t attack the Islamic people first then the Arab world will invade America, and the people believes that. And if they don’t teach them history in schools it becomes even worse. Americans are only interested in sports, cars, movies and most of them don’t even know the place on the map of the countries that they have invaded and the US soldiers are fighting and dying for.
Remember this: The biggest exporting product the US has to offer is guns and weapons, if there is no war on the earth they will create it. If by a miracle we suddenly had world peace, then the US economy would collapse and they would be the poorest country in the world.